Beginner Level Advanced Level



to break, burst, rush in ập

OXF3000N thu hút hấp thu lôi cuốn absorb
OXF3000N chấp nhận chấp thuận accept
OXF3000N có thể chấp nhận chấp thuận acceptable
OXF3000N không thể chấp nhận không tán thành không thể tha thứ unacceptable
OXF3000N không thể chấp nhận không tán thành không thể tha thứ unacceptable
OXF3000N tra lắp vào adapt
OXF3000N tiên tiến tiến bộ cấp cao advanced
OXF3000N sự nhắm (bắn) mục tiêu ý định nhắm tập trung hướng vào aim
OXF3000N xe cứu thương xe cấp cứu ambulance
OXF3000N gắn vào ghép vào áp dụng vào apply
OXF3000N sự tán thành đồng ý sự chấp thuận approval
OXF3000N tán thành đồng ý chấp thuận approve of
OXF3000N tán thành đồng ý chấp thuận approving
OXF3000N sắp xếp sắp đặt sửa soạn arrange
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sắp đặt sự sửa soạn arrangement
OXF3000N hút thu hút hấp dẫn attract
OXF3000N bao túi cặp xách bag
OXF3000N tiếng đập sự đập đánh đập đấm beat
OXF3000N ở dưới dưới thấp phía dưới below
OXF3000N ở dưới dưới thấp beneath
OXF3000N xe đạp bicycle
OXF3000N phần dưới cùng thấp nhất cuối cuối cùng bottom
OXF3000N bẻ gãy đập vỡ sự gãy sự vỡ break
OXF3000N sự hô hấp sự thở breathing
OXF3000N tung ra khắp nơi truyền rộng rãi phát thanh quảng bá broadcast
OXF3000N đốt đốt cháy thắp nung thiêu burn
OXF3000N dây cáp cable
OXF3000N đồ thị biểu đồ vẽ đồ thị lập biểu đồ chart
OXF3000N làm thành tiếng lách cách tiếng lách cách cú nhắp (chuột) click
OXF3000N sưu tập tập trung lại collect
OXF3000N sự sưu tập sự tụ họp collection
OXF3000N phức tạp rắc rối complex
OXF3000N làm phức tạp rắc rối complicate
OXF3000N phức tạp rắc rối complicated
OXF3000N tập trung concentrate
OXF3000N sự tập trung nơi tập trung concentration
OXF3000N đôi cặp couple
OXF3000N một cặp một đôi a couple
OXF3000N màn (cửa rạp hát khói sương) curtain
OXF3000N phong tục tục lệ thói quen tập quán custom
OXF3000N thuế nhập khẩu hải quan customs
OXF3000N chu kỳ chu trình vòng quay vòng theo chu kỳ đi xe đạp cycle
OXF3000N sự đi xe đạp cycling
OXF3000N ẩm ẩm ướt ẩm thấp damp
OXF3000N thập kỷ bộ mười nhóm mười decade
OXF3000N tháng mười hai tháng Chạp december
OXF3000N mức độ trình độ bằng cấp degree
OXF3000N mặc dù bất chấp despite
OXF3000N phân bổ phân phối sắp xếp phân loại distribute
OXF3000N sự phân bổ sự phân phối phân phát sự sắp xếp distribution
OXF3000N đôi hai kép cái gấp đôi lượng gấp đôi double
OXF3000N người thu thập và xuất bản chủ bút editor
OXF3000N tình trạng khẩn cấp emergency
OXF3000N chạm chán bắt gặp sự chạm trán sự bắt gặp encounter
OXF3000N đi vào gia nhập enter
OXF3000N sự ghi vào sổ sách sự đi vào sự tiếp nhận (pháp lý) entry
OXF3000N lập thành lập establish
OXF3000N sự thi hành chấp hành (thuộc) sự thi hành chấp hành executive
OXF3000N bài tập sự thi hành sự thực hiện làm thi hành thực hiện exercise
OXF3000N đập tan (hy vọng...) làm nổ nổ explode
OXF3000N làm đấy lấp kín fill
OXF3000N tài chính tài trợ cấp vốn finance
OXF3000N đóng gắn lắp sửa chữa sửa sang fix
OXF3000N lụt lũ lụt tràn đầy tràn ngập flood
OXF3000N tập trung trung tâm trọng tâm focus
OXF3000N gấp vén xắn nếp gấp fold
OXF3000N gấp lại được folding
OXF3000N sự thành lập sự sáng lập tổ chức foundation
OXF3000N tập hợp hái lượm thu thập gather
OXF3000N sắp sửa có ý định be going to
OXF3000N ngữ pháp văn phạm grammar
OXF3000N cho ban cấp sự cho sự ban sự cấp grant
OXF3000N cửa hàng tạp phẩm grocery
OXF3000N thói quen tập quán habit
OXF3000N ngập ngừng do dự hesitate
OXF3000N trốn ẩn nấp che giấu hide
OXF3000N sự vội vàng sự gấp rút hurry
OXF3000N vội vàng hối hả gấp rút in a hurry
OXF3000N trái luật bất hợp pháp illegal
OXF3000N trái luật bất hợp pháp illegally
OXF3000N lập tức tức thì immediate
OXF3000N ngay lập tức immediately
OXF3000N sự nhập sự nhập khẩu nhập nhập khẩu import
OXF3000N lợi tức thu nhập income
OXF3000N sự độc lập nền độc lập independence
OXF3000N độc lập independent
OXF3000N (adv)độc lập independently
OXF3000N báo cho biết cung cấp tin tức inform
OXF3000N sự thành lập lập cơ quan trụ sở institution
OXF3000N sự dạy tài liệu cung cấp instruction
OXF3000N cuộc phỏng vấn sự gặp mặt phỏng vấn nói chuyện riêng interview
OXF3000N gia nhập tham gia nối chắp ghép join
OXF3000N đánh đập cú đánh knock
OXF3000N hợp pháp legal
OXF3000N hợp pháp legally
OXF3000N trình độ cấp vị trí bằng ngang bằng level
OXF3000N cấp chứng chỉ cấp bằng cho phép license
OXF3000N nắp vung (xoong nồi..) mi mắt (eyelid) lid
OXF3000N thấp lùn low
OXF3000N gặp may gặp may mắn hạnh phúc lucky
OXF3000N không gặp may bất hạnh unlucky
OXF3000N không gặp may bất hạnh unlucky
OXF3000N tạp chí magazine
OXF3000N gặp gặp gỡ meet
OXF3000N kể ra nói đến đề cập mention
OXF3000N phương pháp cách thức method
OXF3000N rạp chiếu phim movie theater
OXF3000N bắp thịt muscle
OXF3000N gần sắp suýt nearly
OXF3000N sạch ngăn nắp rành mạch neat
OXF3000N gọn gàng ngăn nắp neatly
OXF3000N đối kháng đối chọi đối lập chống đối phản đối oppose
OXF3000N sự đối lập sự đối nhau sự chống lại sự phản đối opposition
OXF3000N tổ chức thiết lập organize
OXF3000N có trật tự ngăn nắp được sắp xếp được tổ chức organized
OXF3000N đôi cặp pair
OXF3000N tiền trợ cấp lương hưu pension
OXF3000N bản đồ kế hoạch vẽ bản đồ lập kế hoạch dự kiến plan
OXF3000N sự lập kế hoạch sự quy hoạch planning
OXF3000N có lẽ có thể có thể chấp nhận được possibly
OXF3000N thực hành tập luyện practise
OXF3000N sức ép áp lực áp suất pressure
OXF3000N vội vàng hấp tấp trước (vd. ngày hôm trước) ưu tiên previous
OXF3000N thăng chức thăng cấp promote
OXF3000N sự thăng chức sự thăng cấp promotion
OXF3000N mau lẹ ngay lập tức promptly
OXF3000N chuẩn bị đầy đủ dự phòng cung cấp chu cấp provide
OXF3000N tắt dập tắt put sth out
OXF3000N hàng dãy sắp xếp thành hàng dãy rank
OXF3000N không chấp nhận loại bỏ bác bỏ reject
OXF3000N nhắc lại lặp lại repeat
OXF3000N được nhắc lại được lặp lại repeated
OXF3000N lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần repeatedly
OXF3000N sự trả lời câu trả lời sự hưởng ứng sự đáp lại response
OXF3000N môn thể thao cưỡi ngựa sự đi xe (bus điện xe đạp) riding
OXF3000N người cưỡi ngựa người đi xe đạp rider
OXF3000N sự lên sự tăng lương thăng cấp dậy đứng lên mọc (mặt trời) thành đạt rise
OXF3000N dây cáp dây thừng xâu chuỗi rope
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sự phối hợp kế hoạch thực hiện scheme
OXF3000N chậm chậm chạp slow
OXF3000N một cách chậm chạp chậm dần slowly
OXF3000N đập vỡ tan thành mảnh sự đập vỡ tàn thành mảnh smash
OXF3000N sự giải quyết giải pháp solution
OXF3000N thứ hạng loại lựa chọn sắp xếp phân loại sort
OXF3000N mặc dù bất chấp in spite of
OXF3000N ăn cắp ăn trộm steal
OXF3000N đánh đập bãi công đình công cuộc bãi công cuộc đình công strike
OXF3000N sự học tập sự nghiên cứu học tập nghiên cứu study
OXF3000N hút hấp thụ tiếp thu suck
OXF3000N cao hơn mạnh hơn người cấp trên thượng cấp superior
OXF3000N sự cung cấp nguồn cung cấp cung cấp đáp ứng tiếp tế supply
OXF3000N nhiệm vụ nghĩa vụ bài tập công tác công việc task
OXF3000N kỹ sảo kỹ thuật phương pháp kỹ thuật technique
OXF3000N lều rạp tent
OXF3000N rạp hát nhà hát theatre
OXF3000N kẻ trộm kẻ cắp thief
OXF3000N khắp nơi từ đầu đến cuối suốt throughout
OXF3000N sạch sẽ ngăn nắp gọn gàng tidy
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N đầu mút đỉnh chóp bịt đầu lắp đầu vào tip
OXF3000N tháp tower
OXF3000N sinh đôi tạo thành cặp cặp song sinh twin
OXF3000N không thể chấp nhận unacceptable
OXF3000N không thể chấp nhận unacceptable
OXF3000N không gặp may bất hạnh unlucky
OXF3000N không gặp may bất hạnh unlucky
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N gấp khẩn cấp urgent
OXF3000N thế tích quyển tập volume
OXF3000N ấm ấm áp làm cho nóng hâm nóng warm
OXF3000N trạng thái ấm sự ấm áp hơi ấm warmth
OXF3000N há miệng cử chỉ ngáp yawn

We practice reading. Chúng tôi tập đọc. Basics 2
They practice Vietnamese. Họ luyện tập tiếng Việt. Verbs 1
We practice speaking English. Chúng tôi luyện tập nói tiếng Anh. Verbs 1
You practice cooking rice. Bạn luyện tập nấu cơm. Verbs 1
He is not independent. Anh ấy không độc lập. Adjectives 1
independent độc lập Adjectives 1
decade Thập niên Dates and Time
His relatives do not like to practice swimming. Họ hàng của anh ấy không thích luyện tập bơi. Family
An independent country Một quốc gia độc lập Countries 1
When do singers practice singing? Các ca sĩ luyện tập hát khi nào? Jobs 1
The concentration (focus) Sự tập trung Attributes
I think I need to practice more. Tôi nghĩ tôi cần luyện tập nhiều hơn. Verbs 2.5
practice luyện tập Verbs 2.5
My elder brother practices singing on Fridays. Anh tôi luyện tập hát vào những ngày thứ sáu. Verbs 2.5
You will see it immediately. Bạn sẽ thấy nó ngay lập tức. Adverbs
immediately ngay lập tức Adverbs
I go to the office immediately. Tôi đi đến văn phòng ngay lập tức. Places
You must return to the headquarters immediately. Bạn phải trở lại trụ sở chính ngay lập tức! Places
She comes from Egypt. Cô ấy đến từ Ai Cập. Countries 2
Egypt ai cập Countries 2
They start to import fish. Họ bắt đầu nhập khẩu cá. Verbs 3
import nhập khẩu Verbs 3
Come here immediately! Đến đây ngay lập tức! Verbs 3
It was done almost immediately. Nó đã được làm gần như ngay lập tức. Passive
District three will join district one. Quận ba sẽ gia nhập vào quận một. Verbs 4
join gia nhập Verbs 4
What are they taking from the shark? Họ đang lấy cái gì từ con cá mập? Animals 2
shark cá mập Animals 2
Please sign in to write comments or feedback. Làm ơn đăng nhập để viết bình luận hoặc phản hồi. Communication
sign in đăng nhập Communication
She does not have the duty to join the army. Cô ấy không có nghĩa vụ gia nhập quân đội. Politics
What is the value of this collection? Giá trị của bộ sưu tập này là gì? Arts
collection bộ sưu tập Arts
How many teeth does a shark have? Một con cá mập có bao nhiêu cái răng? Medical
Will they buy this corporation? Họ sẽ mua tập đoàn này? Economics
I have an interview to participate in this corporation. Tôi có một cuộc phỏng vấn để tham gia tập đoàn này. Economics
corporation tập đoàn Economics
His coporation has a big investment fund. Tập đoàn của anh ấy có một quỹ đầu tư lớn. Economics
That corporation goes bankrupt because of too uch corruption. Tập đoàn đó phá sản vì quá nhiều tham nhũng. Economics
We declare independence. Chúng tôi tuyên bố độc lập. Verbs 5
The mirror was broken. Tấm gương đã bị đập vỡ. Verbs 5
being broken bị đập vỡ Verbs 5
break đập vỡ Verbs 5
The ancient Egyptians used to worship cats. Người Ai Cập cổ đã từng thờ những con mèo. History
The elephant shivers. Con voi run lập cập. Informal Expressions

like: ập
treffen gặp, gặp gì 见面 jiànmiàn
griechisch hi lạp 希腊的 Xīlà de
ein Paar một đôi, một cặp 一对 yí duì
fett béo, mập 肥的 féi de
planen lập kế hoạch 计划 jìhuà
dick werden mập lên (miền nam việt nam), béo lên (miền bắc việt nam) 变胖 biàn pàng
französisch thuộc về nước Pháp 法国的 Fǎguó de
Frankreich nước Pháp 法国 Fǎguó
Griechenland nước Hi Lạp 希腊 Xīlà
sofort ngay lập tức 立刻 lìkè
ein paar một đôi, một cặp 几个 jǐ gè
unheimlich ghê gớm, nguy ngập 可怕的 kěpà de
einschlagen đập vỡ, theo hướng, theo đường (hướng) 打入 dǎrù
einrichten sắp xếp 布置 bù zhì
etwas hinstellen sắp đặt cái gì 摆放 bǎi fàng
planen lập kế hoạch 计划 jì huà
geschmackvoll Đầy hấp dẫn 有品位的 yǒu pǐn wèi de
bauen xây, lắp jiàn
sammeln tập hợp 收集 shōu jí
intensiv cường độ lớn, cấp tốc 紧凑的 jǐn còu de
verdoppeln gấp đôi 使 ... 加倍 shǐ ..... jiā bèi
geschmackvoll Đầy hấp dẫn 有品位的 yǒu pǐn wèi de
paarweise từng đôi, từng cặp 一对的 yí duì de
trainieren tập 训练 xùn liàn
doppelt gấp đôi 翻倍的 fāng bèi de
sich beeilen gấp 抓紧时间 zhuā jǐn shí jiān
begrenzen giáp với 限制 xiàn zhì
kompliziert phức tạp 复杂的 fù zá de
unabhängig Độc lập 独立 dú lì
vergelten trả đũa, đáp lại 报答 bào dá
stehlen Ăn cắp 偷窃 tōu qiè
hinken Đi khập khiễng 跛行 bǒ xíng
übertreffen lập thành tích, vượt xa 超过 chāo guò
herunter stürzen sập xuống 跌下 diē xià
Treffen gặp, gặp gì 见面 jiàn miàn
begegnen gặp gỡ 相遇 xiāng yù
beinahe sát, sắp 几乎 jī hū
einführen nhập, đưa ...vào, áp dụng 引入 yǐn rù
falten gấp zhé
dringend cấp bách 紧急的 jǐn jí de
überall khắp nơi 到处 dào chù
anzünden thắp, đốt 点燃 diǎn rán
üben diễn tập 练习 liàn xí
wiederholen tập lại 复习 fù xí
Skorpion bọ cạp 蝎子座 xiē zi zuò
neutral trung lập 中立的 zhōng lì de
Widerstand leisten dẫn dắt sự đối lập 抵抗 dǐ kàng
gegründet thành lập 建立起来 jiàn lì qǐ lái
lagern xếp, sắp đặt 存放 cún fàng
erwähnenswert đáng kể đến, đáng đề cập đến 值得一提的 zhídé yī tí de
abwertend có tính hạ thấp, xem thường 贬低的, 轻蔑的 biǎndī de, qīngmìe de
etwas erwähnen nói đến, đề cập đến điều gì đó 提及某事, 提到某事 tíjí mǒushì, tídào mǒushì
stottern nói lắp, nói ấp úng 结巴, 口吃 jiéba, kǒuchī
einen Satz formulieren thành lập câu, tạo câu 起草一个句子 qǐcǎo yī gè jùzi
attraktiv hấp dẫn 有魅力的, 吸引人的 yǒu mèilì de, xīyǐn rén de
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó 被某人迷住 bèi mǒurén mízhù
etwas einüben luyện tập cái gì đó 练习某事 liànxí mǒushì
eine Aufgabe stellen giao bài tập, giao nhiệm vụ 布置一个作业 bùzhì yī gè zuòyè
Pläne schmieden lập kế hoạch 制定计划 zhìdìng jìhuà
liefern cấp, cung cấp, giao 交付, 送交 jiāofù, sòngjiāo
beschaffen cung cấp, mua 采办 cǎibàn
jemanden unterschätzen đánh giá thấp ai đó 低估某人 dīgū mǒurén
übertrumpfen vượt trội, áp đảo 胜过 shèngguò
etwas bewilligen cấp phép cho việc gì đó 批准某事 pīzhǔn mǒushì
gerichtlich pháp lý, theo pháp luật 法院的 fǎyuàn de
sich einloggen đăng nhập 登录 dēnglù
Daten eingeben nhập dữ liệu 输入数据 shūrù shùjù
einen Plan entwerfen lập kế hoạch 拟定一个计划 nǐdìng yī gè jìhuà
straffällig werden vi phạm pháp luật 违法 wéifǎ
manipulieren dàn xếp, sắp xếp gian lận 操纵, 摆布 cāozòng, bàibù
versteckt sein giấu mình, ẩn nấp 藏匿 cángnì
zuklappen gập lại, đậy lại 合上 héshàng
etwas anzünden đốt gì đó, thắp (nến) 点燃某物 diǎnrán mǒuwù
etwas geht zur Neige thứ gì đó sắp hết, sắp cạn 某物快用完了 mǒuwù kuài yòng wán le
notlanden hạ cánh khẩn cấp 紧急迫降 jǐnjí pòjiàng
brüten ấp trứng
stolpern vấp, trượt 踉踉跄跄地走 liàngliàng-qiàngqiàng de zǒu
hastig vội vàng, hấp tấp 匆忙地 cōngmáng de
glitzern lấp lánh, long lanh 闪闪发光 shǎnshǎn fāguāng
eine Zeitschrift abonnieren đặt tạp chí dài hạn 订阅一份杂志 dìngyuè yī fèn zázhì
eine Stadt gründen lập nên một thành phố 建立一座城市 jiànlì yī zuò chéngshì
zerschmettern đập vỡ 击碎 jīsuì
humpeln đi tập tễnh 一瘸一拐 yīqué-yīguǎi
gähnen ngáp 打哈欠 dǎhāqiàn
jemandem auflauern rình rập, nhìn trộm ai đó 伏击某人 fújī mǒurén
jemanden demütigen xỉ nhục, hạ thấp ai đó 侮辱某人 wūrǔ mǒurén
klauen ăn trộm, ăn cắp tōu
eine Familie gründen lập gia đình 建立一个家庭 jiànlì yī gè jiātíng
flackern nhấp nháy, lập lòe, bập bùng 闪耀 shǎnyào
Ägypten Ai Cập 埃及 Āijí
Lappland Lapland 拉普兰 Lāpǔlán
arabisch thuộc Ả rập 阿拉伯的 Ālābó de
auspeitschen quất, vụt, đánh, đập 鞭打 biāndǎ
jemanden verprügeln đánh đập ai đó 毒打某人 dúdǎ mǒurén
treffen gặp, gặp gì
die Brieftasche cặp táp
das Plakat áp phích
der Turm cái tháp
das Satellitenfernsehen truyền hình cáp
griechisch hi lạp
das Paar đôi, cặp
ein Paar một đôi, một cặp
der Kohl bắp cải
fett béo, mập
das Wohnheim khu tập thế, ký túc xá
dick werden mập lên (miền nam việt nam), béo lên (miền bắc việt nam)
die Illustrierte tạp chí tranh ảnh
französisch thuộc về nước Pháp
Frankreich nước Pháp
Griechenland nước Hi Lạp
sofort ngay lập tức
das Praktikum thực tập
unheimlich ghê gớm, nguy ngập
einschlagen đập vỡ, theo hướng, theo đường (hướng)
das Fieberthermometer cặp nhiệt độ
das Kino rạp chiếu bóng
die Fernsehserie phim truyền hình nhiều tập
die Begegnung sự gặp gỡ, sù giao lưn
das Gehalt lương, thu nhập
die Sozialhilfe trợ cấp xã hội
einrichten sắp xếp
etwas hinstellen sắp đặt cái gì
planen lập kế hoạch
der Aufbau, die Montage lắp ráp, lắp ráp
der Schlag Đập
bauen xây, lắp
sammeln tập hợp
intensiv cường độ lớn, cấp tốc
die Grammatik ngữ pháp
die Antwort trả lời, đối đáp
das Doppelte gấp đôi
verdoppeln gấp đôi
geschmackvoll Đầy hấp dẫn
paarweise từng đôi, từng cặp
trainieren tập
doppelt gấp đôi
das Fahrrad xe đạp
der Radweg Đường dành cho xe đạp
die Radtour tua xe đạp
der Notruf Điện thoại cấp cứu
sich beeilen gấp
begrenzen giáp với
der Anbieter nhà cung cấp
die Unabhängigkeit Độc lập
kompliziert phức tạp
unabhängig Độc lập
vergelten trả đũa, đáp lại
die vorbeugende Maßnahme biện pháp phòng ngừa
der Verbrecher kẻ đột nhập
der Diebstahl trộm cắp
stehlen Ăn cắp
der Muskel cơ bắp
hinken Đi khập khiễng
die Not khẩn cấp
übertreffen lập thành tích, vượt xa
der Zirkus rạp xiếc
die Not khẩn cấp
die Überschwemmung ngập lụt, lũ lụt
herunter stürzen sập xuống
das Treffen gặp gỡ, hội họp
begegnen gặp gỡ
beinahe sát, sắp
der Hochzeitsplaner người lập kế hoạch cho lễ cưới
einführen nhập, đưa ...vào, áp dụng
falten gấp
das Papier falten gấp giấy
dringend cấp bách
überall khắp nơi
die Haarspange cặp tóc
anzünden thắp, đốt
die Ordnung sự sắp xếp
das Heft tập nốt nhạc
üben diễn tập
wiederholen tập lại
Skorpion bọ cạp
die Verfassung hiến pháp
neutral trung lập
Widerstand leisten dẫn dắt sự đối lập
das Stellenangebot cung cấp việc
gegründet thành lập
das Gehalt lương, thu nhập
lagern xếp, sắp đặt
erwähnenswert đáng kể đến, đáng đề cập đến
abwertend có tính hạ thấp, xem thường
etwas erwähnen nói đến, đề cập đến điều gì đó
stottern nói lắp, nói ấp úng
der Blocksatz cách sắp chữ theo khối
einen Satz formulieren thành lập câu, tạo câu
attraktiv hấp dẫn
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó
die Schultasche cặp sách
etwas einüben luyện tập cái gì đó
eine Aufgabe stellen giao bài tập, giao nhiệm vụ
die Hausaufgaben abschreiben chép lại, sao chép bài tập
der Lehrling học viên, người học việc, người mới tập sự
der Anfänger người mới bắt đầu, người mới học, người mới gia nhập
Pläne schmieden lập kế hoạch
die finanzielle Zuwendung tiền trợ cấp
liefern cấp, cung cấp, giao
beschaffen cung cấp, mua
jemanden unterschätzen đánh giá thấp ai đó
übertrumpfen vượt trội, áp đảo
etwas bewilligen cấp phép cho việc gì đó
der Rechtsstreit sự kiện tụng, sự tranh chấp
gerichtlich pháp lý, theo pháp luật
der Gehorsam sự chấp hành
der Würfel khối, hình lập phương
der Zugang sự truy cập
sich einloggen đăng nhập
Daten eingeben nhập dữ liệu
einen Plan entwerfen lập kế hoạch
straffällig werden vi phạm pháp luật
manipulieren dàn xếp, sắp xếp gian lận
der Hehler người buôn bán đồ trộm cắp
versteckt sein giấu mình, ẩn nấp
zuklappen gập lại, đậy lại
die Klappe nắp đậy
das Wachs sáp ong
etwas anzünden đốt gì đó, thắp (nến)
der Deckel cái nắp
etwas geht zur Neige thứ gì đó sắp hết, sắp cạn
die Mondlandung đáp xuống mặt trăng
notlanden hạ cánh khẩn cấp
die Notlandung sự hạ cánh khẩn cấp
der Kilometerzähler bảng táp lô, bảng tính kilomét
die Schleuse đập
die Notbremse phanh khẩn cấp
der Hai cá mập
die Haifischflosse vây cá mập
brüten ấp trứng
der Mähdrescher máy gặt đập, máy liên hợp
der Skilift cáp treo cho người trượt tuyết
das Seil dây cáp
stolpern vấp, trượt
hastig vội vàng, hấp tấp
glitzern lấp lánh, long lanh
die Luke cửa sập, cửa hầm
die Gestaltung sự sắp xếp, sự sắp đặt
die Wohngemeinschaft khu nhà tập thể
eine Zeitschrift abonnieren đặt tạp chí dài hạn
das Kabel dây cáp
eine Stadt gründen lập nên một thành phố
zerschmettern đập vỡ
der Herzstillstand chết lâm sàng, tình trạng tim ngừng đập
humpeln đi tập tễnh
der Notdienst dịch vụ cấp cứu
der Ringfinger ngón đeo nhẫn, áp út
die Kontaktlinsen (Plural) kính áp tròng
gähnen ngáp
die Stärke des Muskels sức mạnh cơ bắp
jemandem auflauern rình rập, nhìn trộm ai đó
jemanden demütigen xỉ nhục, hạ thấp ai đó
klauen ăn trộm, ăn cắp
eine Familie gründen lập gia đình
der Deich con đê, con đập
das Hochdruckgebiet khu vực khí áp cao
das Tiefdruckgebiet khu vực khí áp thấp
der Luftdruck áp suất, khí quyển
flackern nhấp nháy, lập lòe, bập bùng
das Ghetto khu biệt lập, xóm biệt lập
der Brauch tập quán, phong tục, thói quen
Ägypten Ai Cập
Lappland Lapland
arabisch thuộc Ả rập
die Unterjochung, die Unterdrückung sự đàn áp
das Völkerrecht luật pháp quốc tế
auspeitschen quất, vụt, đánh, đập
jemanden verprügeln đánh đập ai đó

Es gibt ein großes Plakat in der Stadt mit der folgenden Schlagzeile: Có một tấm áp phích ở trong thành phố với dòng chữ sau: (Lektion 7, Nr. 62)
Ja, wir haben sogar Satellitenfernsehen. Dạ có, chúng tôi còn có cả truyền hình cáp. (Lektion 8, Nr. 75)
Tri ist zurück und trifft Trang im Esszimmer des Gasthauses. Tri quay lại và gặp Trang trong phòng ăn của nhà nghỉ. (Lektion 12, Nr. 112)
Lass uns zum Salatbuffet gehen, ich bin sehr hungrig und ich liebe den griechischen Salat. Chúng ta đi ăn búp phê salat đi. Anh đói và anh thích món salat Hy Lạp. (Lektion 12, Nr. 117)
Tri liebt es, Sport zu treiben. Er könnte ohne sportliche Aktivitäten nicht leben. Tri thích luyện tập thế thao. Anh ấy không thế sống nếu thiếu những hoạt động thế thao. (Lektion 13, Nr. 126)
Leute brauchen Sport, um gesund zu bleiben und sich fit zu fühlen. Mọi người cần luyện tập thế thao đế giữ gìn sức khoẻ và luôn khoẻ mạnh. (Lektion 13, Nr. 129)
Zuerst wollte er Fisch und Pommes Frites machen, aber nun plant er, eine griechische Spezialität zu kochen. Lúc đầu, anh ấy muốn làm món cá và khoai tây chiên, nhưng bây giờ anh ấy lại lên kế hoạch nấu món đặc sản Hy Lạp. (Lektion 14, Nr. 141)
Für den griechischen Salat: Olivenöl, Salat, Salatdressing, Essig, Käse. Cho món salat Hy Lạp: dầu ô-liu, rau salat, nước trộn salat, dấm, pho-mát. (Lektion 14, Nr. 143)
Dieser Abend ist für beide so nett gewesen, dass sie sich entscheiden, dieses Treffen jede Woche zu wiederholen. Buối tối hôm nay thật tuyệt vời đến nỗi họ quyết định gặp nhau hàng tuần. (Lektion 15, Nr. 161)
Deine Wohnung ist toll, alles ist darin so freundlich, nicht wie in dem grauen Wohnheim, in dem ich lebe. Nhà của anh thật tuyệt. Mọi thứ trông rất gần gũi, không như ở khu tập thế tối thui nơi em đang ở. (Lektion 16, Nr. 172)
Ich hasse die kleine schmutzige Küche und den grauen Keller des Wohnheims, aber das macht nichts. Em không thích cái bếp nhỏ bẩn thỉu và cái hầm tối của khu tập thế, nhưng không sao. (Lektion 16, Nr. 175)
Ich habe dich jetzt seit so langer Zeit nicht gesehen. Đã lâu em không gặp anh. (Lektion 18, Nr. 200)
Wenn Sie nach rechts fahren müssen, kommen Sie in einen Stau. Nếu anh phải rẽ phải thì anh sẽ gặp một vụ kẹt xe. (Lektion 19, Nr. 220)
Und du benötigst eine neue Brille, dann siehst du, dass dieses Hemd nichts für dich ist. Và anh cần một cặp kiếng mới. Anh xem đấy, cái áo này không hợp với anh. (Lektion 22, Nr. 262)
Um einige Zeitschriften und einen Reiseführer zu kaufen. Đế mua vài tờ tạp chí và quyến sách hướng dẫn. (Lektion 24, Nr. 304)
Diese Person stahl den Ring von Trangs Großmutter. Người này đánh cắp chiếc nhẫn của bà Trang. (Lektion 27, Nr. 344)
Tri schrie sofort: Geben Sie den Ring zurück oder ich rufe die Polizei! Tri ngay lập tức la lên: Trả lại tôi chiếc nhẫn hoặc là tôi gọi cảnh sát. (Lektion 27, Nr. 345)
Tri entscheidet sich, ein Praktikum im Sportzentrum zu machen. Tri quyết định thực tập tại trung tâm thế thao. (Lektion 29, Nr. 385)
Sie möchten sich eine Stunde, bevor die Party beginnt, in einem Restaurant treffen. Họ muốn gặp nhau ở nhà hàng một tiếng trước khi bữa tiệc bắt đầu. (Lektion 31, Nr. 395)
Sie verteilten sich im ganzen Haus, im Wohnzimmer, im Erdgeschoss, überall. Họ chạy toán loạn ở trong nhà, ở phòng khách, ở tầng trệt, khắp mọi nơi. (Lektion 32, Nr. 428)
Jeder rannte und schrie und schlug die Fenster ein. Mọi người chạy và kêu cứu và đập bể cửa số. (Lektion 32, Nr. 429)
Wenn deine Backen rot und dein Kopf warm wären, würde ich dir ein Thermometer geben. Nếu má anh đỏ và đầu sốt thì em cặp nhiệt kế cho anh. (Lektion 33, Nr. 447)
Wenn du diesbezüglich interessiert bist, solltest du ein Praktikum im Krankenhaus machen. Nếu anh quan tâm đến những điều này, thì anh nên thực tập ở bệnh viện. (Lektion 33, Nr. 455)
Kino Rạp chiếu bóng (Lektion 34, Nr. 456)
Ich freue mich, dich zu sehen. Hẹn gặp lại anh nhé. (Lektion 37, Nr. 535)
Er hat seine Familie so lange nicht gesehen. Đã lâu anh ấy không gặp lại gia đình. (Lektion 40, Nr. 570)
Weihnachten ist bald und dann wird er seine Mutter und seinen Vater wiedersehen. Lễ giáng sinh sắp đến và khi đó anh sẽ gặp lại bố mẹ. (Lektion 40, Nr. 581)
Ich bin nicht so dick! Anh đâu có mập lắm đâu! (Lektion 42, Nr. 604)
Wenn dein Gehalt hoch genug ist, kannst du auch eine kostenlose Kreditkarte beantragen. Nếu thu nhập của anh đủ cao, thì anh có thể đệ đơn cho một thẻ tín dụng miễn phí. (Lektion 44, Nr. 635)
Jetzt wird eingerichtet! Bây giờ bắt đầu sắp xếp! (Lektion 45, Nr. 641)
Trang und Tri ziehen in ihr neues Apartment und möchten die Räume nun geschmackvoll einrichten. Trang và Trí dọn vào căn hộ mới của họ, và giờ đây họ muốn sắp xếp các phòng thật đẹp. (Lektion 45, Nr. 642)
Vor dem Umzug planen sie die Ausstattung der Zimmer und renovieren das Bad. Trước khi chuyển nhà họ lập kế hoạch cho việc trang hoàng những căn phòng và sữa chữa nhà tắm. (Lektion 45, Nr. 643)
Er ist erleichtert, dass Trang ihm bei der Montage hilft. Anh thấy thật dễ chịu, khi Trang giúp anh trong việc lắp ráp. (Lektion 46, Nr. 654)
Okay, dann hebe ich alle Nägel vom Boden auf, sammle sie in einer Schachtel und klebe ein Schild darauf. Tốt thôi, vậy anh nhặt những cái đinh dưới nền nhà lên, tập hợp chúng lại trong một cái hộp và dán tấm biển lên trên. (Lektion 46, Nr. 663)
Die Begegnung ist eine Herausforderung für beide Mannschaften. Lần gặp gỡ này là một sự thách thức dành cho cả hai đội. (Lektion 49, Nr. 693)
Sie haben viel trainiert, um einen Misserfolg zu verhindern. Trước khi bắt đầu họ đã tập rất nhiều để tránh sự thất bại. (Lektion 49, Nr. 694)
Ich bin jetzt schon fast heiser. Giờ giọng em sắp khàn rồi đây. (Lektion 49, Nr. 701)
Dann werden wir mit dem Auto dort hinfahren und die Fahrräder mitnehmen. Thế thì chúng ta đi tới đó bằng xe hơi và sẽ mang theo xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 708)
So können wir uns selbst versorgen und uns für unsere Radtouren Brote streichen. Vậy chúng ta nên tự chuẩn bị và quết bánh mỳ cho tua xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 709)
Ich glaube, in der Gegend gibt es eine Ruine, zu der wir mit den Fahrrädern hinfahren können. Em nghĩ, ở khu vực đó có một điểm tàn tích mà chúng ta có thể đi xe đạp tới đó. (Lektion 50, Nr. 711)
Die Radtour Tua xe đạp (Lektion 52, Nr. 726)
Am nächsten Morgen brechen sie zu einer Radtour auf. Sáng hôm sau họ xuất phát cho một tua xe đạp. (Lektion 52, Nr. 729)
Ich bin schon unterwegs! Ich beeile mich! Em đang trên đường rồi! Em đang đi gấp đây. (Lektion 53, Nr. 748)
Wir aber waren mit dem Rad unterwegs. Nhưng chúng con du lịch bằng xe đạp. (Lektion 55, Nr. 786)
Wir freuen uns, euch bald wiederzusehen. Chúng con rất mong gặp lại bố mẹ sớm. (Lektion 55, Nr. 787)
Gleichzeitig möchte Tri den Anbieter wechseln und einen neuen Vertrag abschließen. Trí muốn đổi nhà cung cấp mới ngay và ký một hợp đồng mới. (Lektion 59, Nr. 833)
Zusätzlich muss er sich einer Therapie als vorbeugende Maßnahme unterziehen. Thêm nữa anh ta phải trải qua điều trị với biện pháp phòng ngừa. (Lektion 63, Nr. 897)
Heute Nacht sind Diebe in das Büro eingebrochen und haben systematisch alles durchsucht. Đêm hôm nay những kẻ trộm đã đột nhập vào văn phòng và lục lọi toàn bộ hệ thống. (Lektion 64, Nr. 905)
Alle Computer und Laptops wurden gestohlen. Tất cả máy tính và máy tính xách tay đều bị ăn cắp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 909)
Doch. Er hat die Verbrecher überrascht. Có. Anh ta đột kích những kẻ đột nhập. (Lektion 64, Nr. 912)
Um Tri abzulenken, deutet Trang auf ein Plakat an der Wand. Trang chỉ vào tấm áp phích trên tường để làm Trí sao lãng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 944)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Selbst im Inneren des Landes wurden noch viele Dörfer überschwemmt. Ngay cả trong đất liền còn nhiều làng bị ngập lụt. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1033)
So lange liegt das letzte Treffen schon zurück. Lần gặp gỡ cuối cùng cách đây cũng đã rất lâu rồi. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1048)
Du hast mir sofort gefallen und wir haben uns ja dann auch auf Anhieb verstanden! Em thích anh ngay và chúng ta đã hiểu nhau ngay lập tức! (Lektion 74, Nr. 1061)
Trang und Tri entwerfen die Einladungen zu ihrer anstehenden Hochzeit. Trang và Trí thiết kế thiệp mời cho lễ cưới sắp tới của họ. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1067)
Die Unterkunft wird zur Verfügung gestellt. Nơi cư trú đã được sắp đặt. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1076)
Kreative Darbietungen während der abendlichen Feier sollten mit dem Hochzeitsplaner abgesprochen werden. Những tiết mục sáng tạo trong bữa tiệc tối, các bạn nên thông báo với người lập kế hoạch cho lễ cưới. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1077)
Parfum, eine Kette, eine Haarspange für meine Haare und einen Gürtel für dich. Nước hoa, dây chuyền, cặp tóc cho tóc của em và dây lưng cho anh. (Lektion 76, Nr. 1086)
Der Skorpion ist eine leidenschaftliche Kämpfernatur und verfolgt sein Ziel bis zum Ende. Bọ cạp là một người có bản tính chiến đấu mãnh liệt và theo đuổi mục đích đến cuối cùng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1142)
Du meldest uns bei einem Portal mit Stellenangeboten im Internet an. Anh đăng ký tại cửa chính với trang cung cấp việc làm trên mạng. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1176)
Begeistert zeigt sie Tri eine Zeitschrift. Cô phấn khởi đưa cho Trí một cuốn tạp chí. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1179)
Es gibt ein Magazin, das Berufe vorstellt und Möglichkeiten zur Fortbildung aufzeigt. Có một tạp chí giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và có thể nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1181)
Spannend! Was steht denn hier? Hấp dẫn! Vậy còn cái gì đây? (Lektion 83, Nr. 1182)
Bitte verbinden Sie mich mit der Personalabteilung. Anh / Chị làm ơn cho tôi gặp phòng nhân sự? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1225)
Bis bald. Hẹn sớm gặp lại. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1235)
Es ist dringend. Việc này gấp rút. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1241)
Es ist sehr dringend. Việc này rất gấp. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1242)
Der Abteilungsleiter möchte Sie sprechen. Trưởng phòng cần gặp anh / chị có chút việc. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1266)
Dringende Nachrichten senden Sie bitte an meine E-Mail-Adresse. Nếu có việc khẩn cấp xin hãy gửi đến hòm Email của tôi. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1312)
Ich freue mich bald von dir zu hören. Mong sớm gặp lại bạn. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1337)
Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir momentan Lieferschwierigkeiten haben. Chúng tôi rất tiếc phải thông báo với anh / chị rằng hiện tại chúng tôi gặp một số trục trặc với việc vận chuyển. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1353)
Für Fragen stehen wir jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu anh / chị cần hỏi gì thêm nữa chúng tôi luôn luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1359)
In dringenden Fällen, wenden Sie sich bitte an meinen Kollegen. Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp xin vui lòng liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1389)
Für weitere Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Nếu có câu hỏi gì thêm tôi sẵn sàng để giải đáp. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1392)
Leider ist unser Faxgerät zur Zeit außer Betrieb. Rất tiếc thiết bị nhận fax của chúng tôi hiện đang gặp trục trặc. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1423)
Leider haben wir heute Pech mit dem Wetter. Hôm nay chúng ta gặp xui xẻo với thời tiết. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1506)
Es wird bald anfangen zu regnen. Trời sắp mưa. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1511)
Ich gehe zwei Mal die Woche ins Fitnessstudio. Tôi đi tập thể hình hai lần một tuần. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1520)
Sind Sie verheiratet? Anh / Chị đã lập gia đình / kết hôn chưa? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1522)
Letzte Woche war ich im Theater und habe Romeo und Julia gesehen. Tuần trước tôi đến rạp hát và xem vở kịch „Romeo và Juliet“. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1535)
Wo wollen wir uns treffen? Chúng ta có thể gặp nhau ở đâu? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1544)
Bitte schreiben Sie mir, wann Sie Zeit für ein Treffen haben. Xin cho tôi biết khi nào anh / chị có thời gian cho một buổi gặp mặt. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1549)
Ich freue mich, Sie am Montag zu treffen. Rất vui được gặp anh / chị vào thứ hai. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1553)
Gerne komme ich am Mittwoch um 13 Uhr zu Ihnen. Tôi rất vui được đến gặp anh / chị vào thứ tư lúc 13 giờ. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1555)
Wäre es möglich, dass wir uns eine Stunde früher treffen? Chúng ta có thể gặp nhau sớm hơn một tiếng được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1560)
Leider muss ich unser Treffen am Freitag absagen. Rất tiếc tôi phải hủy cuộc gặp của chúng ta vào thứ sáu. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1561)
Wenn Sie die doppelte Menge bestellen, erhalten Sie 30% Rabatt auf den Gesamtpreis. Nếu quý khách đặt hàng với số lượng gấp đôi, quý khách sẽ nhận được khuyến mại 30% cho tổng giá trị của đơn đặt hàng. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1572)
Können wir die doppelte Menge zu besseren Konditionen bekommen? Chúng tôi có thể mua số lượng gấp đôi với giá ưu đãi chứ? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1586)
Leider sind diese Bauteile zur Zeit nicht lieferbar. Rất tiếc chi tiết / bộ phận này hiện tại không được cung cấp nữa. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1593)
Ich brauche mehr Informationen über die Finanzkrise in Frankreich. Tôi cần thêm thông tin về cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính tại Pháp. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1615)
Wurde in dieser Fachzeitschrift schon etwas zu unserem Thema veröffentlicht? Trong tạp chí chuyên ngành này có bài viết nào về đề tài của chúng ta không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1628)
Leider ist dieses Buch vergriffen und nicht mehr lieferbar. Rất tiếc cuốn sách trên đã được mua hết và cũng không được cung cấp thêm nữa. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1637)
Ich habe euch zu dieser Besprechung eingeladen, weil wir ein dringendes Problem lösen müssen. Tôi mời quý vị tới dự buổi họp này vì chúng ta cần phải giải quyết một vấn đề cấp bách. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1648)
In meinem heutigen Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen die Probleme, die bei der Qualitätssicherung auftreten können, näher beschreiben. Trong bài phát biểu của tôi hôm nay, tôi muốn miêu tả kỹ hơn về những vấn đề có thể gặp phải trong quá trình quản lí chất lượng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1654)
Wir haben ein Problem. Chúng ta gặp một vấn đề. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1699)
Uns ist ein Fehler passiert. Chúng ta gặp một sự cố / sai sót. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1700)
Wir müssen dringend über diesen Fall sprechen. Chúng ta phải thảo luận gấp về trường hợp này. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1705)
Haben Sie einen Vorschlag, wie wir dieses Problem lösen könnten? Anh / Chị có đề xuất giải pháp gì cho vấn đề này không? (Lektion 102, Nr. 1710)
Wir sollten das Angebot des Gegners annehmen. Chúng ta nên chấp thuận đề nghị mà phía bên kia đưa ra. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1715)
Können wir dieses Problem nicht anders lösen? Liệu chúng ta có giải pháp khác cho vấn đề này không? (Lektion 102, Nr. 1724)
Neben meinem Studium möchte ich praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. Bên cạnh việc học đại học tôi cũng muốn thu thập thêm kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1731)
Ein Praktikum bietet die Gelegenheit einen Beruf näher kennenzulernen. Khóa thực tập đem đến cơ hội làm quen với nghiệp vụ chuyên môn. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1732)
Ich möchte Praxiserfahrung sammeln. Tôi muốn thu thập kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1734)
Ich möchte mein Praktikum im Ausland machen. Tôi muốn làm thực tập ở nước ngoài. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1737)
Mein Pflichtpraktikum würde ich gerne in Ihrem Unternehmen machen. Tôi rất muốn làm khóa thực tập bắt buộc ở công ty của ông / bà. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1739)
Ich möchte mich über meine beruflichen Möglichkeiten informieren. Tôi muốn được thu thập thông tin về các cơ hội nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1740)
Ein Praktikum gibt mir Einblick in das Berufsfeld meines Studiums. Khóa thực tập cho tôi một cái nhìn về các nghề nghiệp trong ngành học của tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1741)
Ich hoffe, dass ich mein bisher theoretisch gelerntes Wissen in die Praxis umsetzen kann. Hy vọng tôi có thể áp dụng các kiến thức lý thuyết đã được học vào thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1742)
Wir erwarten von Ihnen Teamfähigkeit und eigenständiges Arbeiten. Chúng tôi mong đợi vào khả năng hợp tác và làm việc độc lập của anh / chị. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1743)
Wenn Sie sich für die Kultur und die Sprache Chinas interessieren, bieten wir Ihnen die Gelegenheit das anzuwenden, was Sie während Ihres Studiums gelernt haben. Nếu anh / chị có quan tâm đến văn hóa và tiếng Trung Quốc, thì chúng tôi tạo cơ hội cho anh / chị áp dụng các kiến thức mà anh / chị đã học. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1745)
Wir bieten Ihnen einen interessanten Praktikumsplatz. Chúng tôi đưa ra một vị trí thực tập hấp dẫn cho anh / chị. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1750)
Das Praktikum ermöglicht Ihnen Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche unseres Unternehmens. Khóa thực tập tạo điều kiện cho anh / chị có cái nhìn tổng quát về tất cả các lĩnh vực của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1752)
Wir begleiten Ihr Praktikum mit einem Sprachkurs, der von uns organisiert wird. Chúng tôi có một khóa học tiếng kèm theo khóa thực tập, khóa học tiếng này do chúng tôi tổ chức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1753)
Wir bieten Ihnen die Mitarbeit bei spannenden Projekten in einer der größten Beratungsfirmen Europas an. Chúng tôi tạo cơ hội cho anh / chị tham gia các dự án hấp dẫn của một trong những công ty tư vấn lớn nhất Châu Âu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1754)
Während des Praktikums habe ich viel Neues gelernt. Trong thời gian thực tập tôi đã học được nhiều điều mới. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1755)
Ich habe gelernt, wie man einen Vortrag sinnvoll strukturiert und interessant gestaltet. Tôi đã học được cách cấu trúc hợp lý và trình bày hấp dẫn một bài thuyết trình. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1757)
Nach dem Praktikum hat man mir eine feste Stelle angeboten. Sau khóa thực tập người ta đã mời tôi vào làm việc lâu dài. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1759)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Mein Praktikum war leider ein Misserfolg: Ich habe zwei Monate lang nur Kaffee gekocht und Akten kopiert. Khóa thực tập của tôi đáng tiếc đã không thành công: Trong suốt hai tháng tôi chỉ pha cà phê và copy tài liệu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1761)
Das Praktikum war eine tolle Erfahrung. Khóa thực tập là một kinh nghiệm tuyệt vời. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1766)
Dieses Praktikum war sehr lehrreich und nützlich für mein Studium und meine persönliche Entwicklung. Khóa thực tập rất giàu kiến thức và hữu ích cho việc học đại học và sự phát triển cá nhân của tôi . (Lektion 103, Nr. 1768)
Ich habe mich problemlos in den Betrieb im Ausland integrieren können. Tôi đã có thể hòa nhập một cách nhanh chóng vào các hoạt động của công ty ở nước ngoài. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1769)
Sie haben mehrjährige Erfahrungen in einem großen Unternehmen gesammelt. Anh / Chị đã thu thập được kinh nghiệm làm việc lâu năm trong một công ty lớn. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1790)
Wir bieten Ihnen eine interessante und anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit. Chúng tôi hứa hẹn một công việc hấp dẫn và nhiều thách thức. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1797)
Ich erfülle alle Anforderungen, die Sie in der Stellenbeschreibung an die Bewerber richten. Tôi đáp ứng các yêu cầu mà ông / bà đang cần tuyển. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1810)
Ich möchte in die Praxis umsetzen, was ich bisher in der Theorie gelernt habe. Tôi muốn áp dụng các kiến thức lý thuyết đã học vào thực tế. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1816)
Ich bin engagiert und belastungsfähig. Tôi là người có trách nhiệm và có khả năng chịu áp lực. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1823)
Ich bin verheiratet. Tôi đã lập gia đình. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1839)
Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir die Gelegenheit zu diesem persönlichen Gespräch geben. Tôi cám ơn đã có dịp được gặp trực tiếp ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1862)
Was haben Sie während dieses Praktikums gelernt? Anh / Chị đã học được gì trong khóa thực tập? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1871)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Während des Praktikums habe ich gelernt meine Arbeit gut zu strukturieren und selbständig zu Ende zu bringen. Trong khóa thực tập tôi đã học được cách tổ chức công việc hiệu quả và tự kết thúc công việc độc lập. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1879)
Was war die schwierigste Entscheidung, die Sie bisher treffen mussten? Quyết định khó khăn nhất mà anh / chị từng gặp phải là gì? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1894)
Wie schätzen Sie Ihre interkulturelle Kompetenz ein? Khả năng hội nhập văn hóa của anh / chị thế nào? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1908)
Französisch habe ich während meines Studiums in Paris gelernt. Tôi đã học tiếng Pháp trong thời gian học đại học ở Paris. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1914)
Wie planen Sie Ihr Privatleben in den kommenden Jahren? Anh / Chị lập kế hoạch cho cuộc sống riêng trong những năm tới thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1933)
Ich habe eine Firma gegründet. Tôi đã thành lập một công ty. (Lektion 110, Nr. 1997)
Diese beiden Unternehmen fusionieren. Hai công ty sát nhập với nhau. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2019)
Kannst du bitte diese Unterlagen alphabetisch sortieren? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp tài liệu theo thứ tự chữ cái được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2020)
Bitte vernichten Sie die alten Akten. Xin hãy hủy tập hồ sơ cũ. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2021)
Ich suche den Ordner mit den Quittungen, aber ich kann ihn nicht finden. Tôi tìm cặp tài liệu có hóa đơn, nhưng không thấy nó ở đâu. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2025)
Bitte sortiere alle Kundenanfragen, die du schon erledigt hast, aus und lege mir den Rest auf den Schreibtisch. Xin hãy sắp xếp tất cả các yêu cầu của khách hàng mà anh / chị đã xử lý ra và để lên bàn cho tôi phần còn lại. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2026)
Die Lieferscheine sammeln wir in diesem Fach. Giấy giao hàng chúng tôi thu thập để ở trong ngăn này. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2027)
Kannst du die Lieferscheine bitte dem Datum nach ordnen und abheften? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp giấy giao hàng theo ngày tháng và kẹp lại? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2028)
Ich habe ein neues Notebook. Tôi có một cái laptop mới. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2036)
Um dieses Programm installieren zu können, müssen Sie zunächst unseren Lizenzbedingungen zustimmen. Để cài đặt chương trình này, anh / chị phải chấp thuận các điều kiện về bản quyền. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2041)
Wo finde ich eine Steckdose um meinen Laptop anzuschließen? Tôi tìm ổ cắm điện ở đâu để cắm laptop? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2046)
Wer kann die neue Grafikkarte einbauen? Ai có thể lắp card đồ họa mới? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2054)
Ich kann mich nicht einloggen. Tôi không thể đăng nhập. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2062)
Unsere Entwickler arbeiten an einer Lösung dieses Problems. Người lập trình của chúng tôi đang làm việc để giải quyết vấn đề này. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2071)
Sind alle Kabel richtig eingesteckt? Tất cả các cáp được cắm đúng chứ? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2075)
Du musst das System neu aufsetzen. Anh / Chị phải thiết lập mới hệ thống. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2076)
Bitte ändern Sie die Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihres Rechners. Xin hãy thay đổi việc thiết lập an toàn cho máy tính của anh / chị. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2078)
Das Thema meines Vortrags lautet "10 Schritte zur erfolgreichen Existenzgründung". Chủ đề bài diễn thuyết của tôi là „ 10 bước để thành lập doanh nghiệp thành công“. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2086)
Ehe ich Ihnen die Details vorstelle, möchte ich Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über die wesentlichen Punkte geben. Trước khi đi vào nội dung chi tiết, tôi muốn cung cấp cho quy vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những điểm chính. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2096)
Diesen Zahlen können Sie ganz deutlich den Trend zum Kauf hochwertiger Produkte ablesen. Với những con số này quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ xu hướng mua các sản phẩm cao cấp. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2108)
Meine Aufgabe ist es einen Teil der Software zu programmieren. Nhiệm vụ của tôi là lập trình một phần của phần mềm. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2171)
Mit diesem Projekt gehen wir ein großes Risiko ein. Với dự án này chúng ta chấp nhận một rủi ro lớn. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2181)
Das werde ich sofort erledigen. Tôi sẽ hoàn thành việc đó ngay lập tức. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2199)
Das ist eine ungenaue Arbeit - das kann ich nicht akzeptieren. Đây là một công việc không chuẩn xác, tôi không thể chấp nhận điều này được. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2232)
Diese Messe richtet sich an Experten aus der ganzen Welt. Hội chợ này hướng đến các chuyên gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2298)
Hier müssen noch Kabel verlegt werden. Ở đây cần phải được lắp dây. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2309)
Bei dieser Konferenz treffen sich Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt und tauschen sich über ihre Forschungsergebnisse aus. Tại hội thảo này, các nhà khoa học đến từ khắp nơi trên thế giới gặp gỡ và trao đổi với nhau về các thành quả nghiên cứu. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2362)
Treffen wir uns auf der Konferenz im Mai? Chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau tại cuộc hội thảo vào tháng năm phải không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2363)
Schön, Sie wiederzusehen. Rất vui được gặp lại anh / chị / ông / bà /quý vị. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2372)
Unsere Firma feiert 20jähriges Jubiläum und wir möchten Sie als gute Kunden gerne dazu einladen. Công ty chúng tôi kỷ niệm 20 năm thành lập và chúng tôi rất muốn mời quý vị với tư cách là một khách hàng quan trọng tới cùng tham gia. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2412)
Unsere Firma lädt Sie und Ihre Begleitung zu einem Abendessen ein. Công ty chúng tôi xin mời quý vị và người tháp tùng tới dùng bữa ăn tối. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2413)
Wir werden rechtliche Schritte einleiten. Chúng tôi sẽ nhờ đến sự can thiệp của pháp luật. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2495)
Wenn Sie den Rechnungsbetrag nicht innerhalb der nächsten 10 Tage an uns überweisen, müssen wir unsere Forderung gerichtlich geltend machen. Nếu ông / bà / quý vị không chuyển khoản cho chúng tôi số tiền trong vòng 10 ngày tới, chúng tôi buộc phải nhờ đến sự can thiệp của luật pháp. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2542)
Wir werden diesen Fall unserer Rechtsabteilung übergeben. Chúng tôi sẽ chuyển trường hợp này cho phòng pháp lý của chúng tôi (Lektion 126, Nr. 2544)

1259 in Dubai. Next week she'll be in Singapore. Yuko đi rất nhiều. Hôm nay cô ấy ở Frankfurt. Mai cô ấy ở Dubai. Tuần sau cô ấy ở Singapore.
2725 They drive on the left in Britain, Japan, and Singapore. Người ta lái xe bên trái đường ở Anh, Nhật Bản và Singapore.

accept sb: It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community. accept
accept sb into sth: She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world. accept
accept sb as sth: He never really accepted her as his own child. accept
accept sth: You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich. accept
Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions. accept
accept sth as sth: They accept the risks as part of the job. accept
accept that...: He just refused to accept that his father was no longer there. accept
accept sth: I don't accept his version of events. accept
accept sth as sth: Can we accept his account as the true version? accept
accept that...: I accept that this will not be popular. accept
I am not prepared to accept that this decision is final. accept
it is accepted that...: It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success. accept
it is accepted to be, have, etc. sth: The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. accept
He accepts full responsibility for what happened. accept
You have to accept the consequences of your actions. accept
accept sth: They accepted the court's decision. accept
He accepted all the changes we proposed. accept
Everything about the child's adoption was against accepted practice. accept
accept sth from sb: She won't accept advice from anyone. accept
accept sth: This machine only accepts coins. accept
Will you accept a cheque? accept
accept sth for sth: My article has been accepted for publication. accept
He asked me to marry him and I accepted. accept
accept sth: Please accept our sincere apologies. accept
It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift. accept
She's decided not to accept the job. accept
Please accept this small token of my appreciation. accept
accept sth from sb: He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. accept
accept sth for sth: She said she'd accept $15 for it. accept
Children must learn socially acceptable behaviour. acceptable
For this course a pass in English at grade B is acceptable. acceptable
Air pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels. acceptable
acceptable to sb: We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties. acceptable
The food was acceptable, but no more. acceptable
The police gained access through a broken window. access
access to sth: The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. access
Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. access
Students must have access to good resources. access
You need a password to get access to the computer system. access
access to confidential information access
Journalists were denied access to the President. access
Many divorced fathers only have access to their children at weekends (= they are allowed by law to see them only at weekends). access
We met by accident at the airport. by accident
to keep the accounts up to date account
to accuse sb of murder/theft accuse
the greatest scientific achievement of the decade achievement
A grin spread across her face. across
A Committee on Safety of Medicines was set up under the Act. act
A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article. action
He is considering taking legal action against the hospital. action
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
Muscles contract and relax during physical activity. activity
The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash. activity
illegal/criminal activities activity
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. in addition (to sb/sth)
The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service. additional
I'll give you my address and phone number. address
an adequate supply of hot water adequate
There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students. adequate
adequate to do sth: training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry adequate
admit sb/sth: Each ticket admits one adult. admit
admit sb/sth to/into sth: You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started. admit
admit to doing sth: She admitted to having stolen the car. admit
admit sth: She admitted theft. admit
admit to sth: Don't be afraid to admit to your mistakes. admit
a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt adopt
adopt sb: to adopt a child adopt
an advanced student of English advanced
She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. take advantage of sth/sb
We were advised to seek legal advice. advice
Let's meet the day after tomorrow/the week after next. after
Several years after they'd split up they met again by chance in Paris. after
Shortly afterwards he met her again. afterwards
That's against the law. against
Young people of all ages go there to meet. age
They're getting married? It's not that long ago (= it's only a short time ago) that they met! ago
agree sth: They met at the agreed time. agree
agree to do sth: We agreed to meet on Thursday. agree
economic/humanitarian/emergency aid aid
aid agencies (= organizations that provide help) aid
These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime. aim
Spicy smells wafted through the air. air
Music filled the night air. air
By the time the alarm was raised the intruders had escaped. alarm
The food and drink industry has responded to the demand for low- and no-alcohol drinks. alcohol
She had to steal food just to stay alive. alive
The coffee went all over my skirt. all
Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915. allied
I'm not allowed visitors. allow
She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. leave/let sb alone
The book's coming along nicely. along
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. alphabet
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
The books should be ordered alphabetically by subject. alphabetically
She's fluent in French and German. She also speaks a little Italian. also
an alternative method of doing sth alternative
Do you have an alternative solution? alternative
The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. alternatively
amazed at sb/sth: I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature. amazed
amazed (that)...: I was banging so loudly I'm amazed (that) they didn't hear me. amazed
His earnings are said to amount to £300 000 per annum. amount to sth
amuse sb: She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins. amuse
analyse sth: The job involves gathering and analysing data. analyse
ancient Greece ancient
I'll come and see you soon. and
The tower of Pisa leans at an angle. angle
The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story. angle
Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square. angry
an annual income/subscription/budget annual
As if in answer to our prayers, she offered to lend us £10 000. answer
Write your answers on the sheet provided. answer
I repeated the question, but she didn't answer. answer
anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. anticipate
acute/intense/deep anxiety anxiety
anxious that...: She was anxious that he should meet her father. anxious
Please let me know how many people are coming, if any. any
He wasn't any good at French. any
The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them. anyone
Anyway, I'd better go now—I'll see you tomorrow. anyway
She works in a bank. She did when I last saw her, anyway. anyway
I can't tell the twins apart (= see the difference between them). apart
It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems. apart from
Apparently they are getting divorced soon. apparently
The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity appeal
The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. appeal
The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal. appeal
appeal to sb: The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. appeal
Posters for the gig appeared all over town. appear
Special conditions apply if you are under 18. apply
apply to sb/sth: What I am saying applies only to some of you. apply
apply sth to sb/sth: The word 'unexciting' could never be applied to her novels. apply
The glue should be applied to both surfaces. apply
apply sth: to apply economic sanctions/political pressure apply
apply sth to sth: The new technology was applied to farming. apply
apply for sth: to apply for a job/passport/grant apply
apply to sb/sth (for sth): to apply to a company/university apply
apply to do sth: He has applied to join the army. apply
appoint sb + noun: appoint sb as sth: They appointed him (as) captain of the English team. appoint
Viewing is by appointment only (= only at a time that has been arranged in advance). appointment
She hadn't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened. approach
approach to sth: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. approach
an appropriate response/measure/method appropriate
Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card (delete as appropriate) (= cross out the options that do not apply). appropriate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
She desperately wanted to win her father's approval. approval
Do the plans meet with your approval? approval
Senior management have given their seal of approval (= formal approval) to the plans. approval
I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval. approval
The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders (= they need to agree to it). approval
I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. approve
approve of sb/sth: Do you approve of my idea? approve
approve of sb doing sth: She doesn't approve of me leaving school this year. approve
approve of sb's doing sth: She doesn't approve of my leaving school this year. approve
The course is approved by the Department for Education. approve
The auditors approved the company's accounts. approve
approximate sth: The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible. approximate
approximate to sth: His story approximates to the facts that we already know. approximate
a formula for approximating the weight of a horse approximate
The two buildings were approximately equal in size. approximately
There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight. area
Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area. area
The farm and surrounding area were flooded. area
argue for/against sth/doing sth: They argued for the right to strike. argue
argue sth: She argued the case for bringing back the death penalty. argue
argue that...: He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. argue
It could be argued that laws are made by and for men. argue
Her main argument was a moral one. argument
argument for/against sth: There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia. argument
argument that...: His argument was that public spending must be reduced. argument
He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body). arm
arrange sth: The party was arranged quickly. arrange
She arranged a loan with the bank. arrange
Can I arrange an appointment for Monday? arrange
We met at six, as arranged. arrange
arrange how, where, etc...: We've still got to arrange how to get to the airport. arrange
arrange to do sth: Have you arranged to meet him? arrange
arrange that...: I've arranged that we can borrow their car. arrange
arrange for sth (to do sth): We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport. arrange
arrange with sb (about sth): I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away. arrange
The books are arranged alphabetically by author. arrange
I must arrange my financial affairs and make a will. arrange
She arranged the flowers in a vase. arrange
travel arrangements arrangement
arrangement for sth: I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport. arrangement
She's happy with her unusual living arrangements. arrangement
new security arrangements arrangement
There are special arrangements for people working overseas. arrangement
We can come to an arrangement over the price. arrangement
arrangement between A and B: an arrangement between the school and the parents arrangement
arrangement with sb (to do sth): You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank. arrangement
arrangement that...: They had an arrangement that the children would spend two weeks with each parent. arrangement
plans of the possible seating arrangements arrangement
the art of flower arrangement arrangement
Opposition leaders were put under house arrest (= not allowed to leave their houses). arrest
to arrive early/late for a meeting arrive
stolen works of art art
a collection of art and antiques art
the artificial barriers of race, class and gender artificial
artificially low prices artificially
In Paris she met a group of young artists: poets, film-makers and painters. artist
an artistic arrangement of dried flowers artistic
I asked to see the manager. ask
financial assistance for people on low incomes assistance
assistance with sth: She offered me practical assistance with my research. assistance
assistance in doing sth/to do sth: The company provides advice and assistance in finding work. assistance
a senior research assistant assistant
Assistant Attorney General William Weld assistant
Most people immediately associate addictions with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. associate
I met her at the hospital. at
I'm good at French. at
The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service. atmosphere
an acute attack of food poisoning attack
I have some urgent business to attend to. attend to sb/sth
I tried not to draw attention to (= make people notice) the weak points in my argument. attention
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention. attention
He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing. attention
A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem (= they do not behave in a way that is acceptable to other people). attitude
She felt an immediate attraction for him. attraction
I can't see the attraction of sitting on a beach all day. attraction
an attractive woman attractive
I like John but I don't find him attractive physically. attractive
a big house with an attractive garden attractive
Your new glasses are very attractive. attractive
Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting. attractive
That's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality. attractive
an attractive offer/proposition attractive
They are able to offer attractive career opportunities to graduates. attractive
TV/cinema/movie audiences audience
the immigration authorities authority
When will the information be made available? available
Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum. average
If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average (= average mark/grade) up to a B+. average
You should avoid mentioning his divorce. avoid
Have I come at an awkward time? awkward
In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends. background
She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. balance
ban sb from doing sth: She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. ban
to impose/lift a ban ban
She wore a simple band of gold = a ring on her finger. band
a band of outlaws band
He smashed the window with an iron bar. bar
We met at a bar called the Flamingo. bar
Cost should not be a barrier to the use of legal services. barrier
His arguments have a sound economic base. base
the basic principles of law basic
The campsite provided only basic facilities. basic
My knowledge of French is pretty basic. basic
The two approaches are basically very similar. basically
a legal battle for compensation battle
It's strange how she never comes to see us any more. be
I'll be seeing him soon. be
beat sth (up): Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. beat
Hailstones beat against the window. beat
beat sth + adv./prep.: She was beating dust out of the carpet (= removing dust from the carpet by beating it). beat
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
The prisoners were beaten into submission (= they were beaten until they did what was wanted). beat
Nothing beats home cooking. beat
What beats me is how it was done so quickly (= I don't understand how). beat
The piece has four beats to the bar. beat
Pause for two beats and then repeat the chorus. beat
His heart missed a beat when he saw her. beat
to make the bed (= arrange the covers in a tidy way) bed
I think we've met before. before
begin sth at/with sth: He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. begin
begin doing sth: Everyone began talking at once. begin
What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot. begin
begin sth: He began a new magazine on post-war architecture. begin
Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. on behalf of sb, on sb's behalf
We collected money in behalf of the homeless. in behalf of sb, in sb's behalf
to study learned behaviours behaviour
it is believed (that)...: It is believed that the couple have left the country. believe
a bicycle bell bell
a bell tower bell
The temperatures remained below freezing all day. below
The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck ). below
Don't go to any trouble for my benefit! for sb's benefit
Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight). bent
He was bent double with laughter. bent
The town looks its best (= is most attractive) in the spring. best
Fifty pounds is the best I can offer you. best
If you can only exercise once a week, that's better than nothing (= better than taking no exercise at all). better
Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy. between
The bicycle was beyond repair (= is too badly damaged to repair). beyond
The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class. beyond
The immediate future is clear, but it's hard to tell what lies beyond. beyond
He got on his bicycle and rode off. bicycle
We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday. bicycle
bid (against sb): We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us. bid
A French firm will be bidding for the contract. bid
She got on her bike and rode off. bike
I usually go to work by bike. bike
a degree in biology biology
More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection. bird
Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy. birth
'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!' I don't blame you/her, etc. (for doing sth)
a tower block block
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
the blood supply to the brain blood
The tyres on my bike need blowing up. blow sth up
The new cuts will be seen as a crippling blow for people on low incomes. blow
discussions at board level board
'How are you going to France?' 'We're going by boat (= by ferry ).' boat
An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair. body
boil sth: boiled carrots/cabbage boil
an exercise book book
a border dispute/incident border
Both women were French. both
Both the women were French. both
Both of the women were French. both
I talked to the women. Both of them were French/They were both French. both
Put a cross in the appropriate box. box
He was breaking the speed limit (= travelling faster than the law allows). break
Burglars had broken in while we were away. break in
a big/hearty/light breakfast breakfast
He was breathing heavily after his exertions. breathe
Deep breathing exercises will help you relax. breathing
She met John briefly on Friday night. briefly
Briefly, the argument is as follows... briefly
Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income. bring
He is tall, broad and muscular. broad
Apply the paint with a fine brush. brush
The gallery has built up a fine collection of contemporary art. build sth up
All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress. build up (to sth)
Fires were burning all over the city. burn
The smell of burning rubber filled the air. burn
The dam burst under the weight of water. burst
The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns. burst
He burst into the room without knocking. burst
bury sb/sth + adj.: The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed. bury
She has set up in business as a hairdresser. business
busy with sth/sb: Kate's busy with her homework. busy
James is busy practising for the school concert. busy
Choose 'printer' from the menu and click with the right mouse button. button
They met by chance. by
By law, you are a child until you are 18. by
Bye! See you next week. bye
the shadow Cabinet (= the most important members of the opposition party) cabinet
overhead/underground cables cable
a 10 000 volt cable cable
fibre-optic cable cable
Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings. calculate
The doctor has been called to an urgent case. call
+ speech: 'See you later!' she called. call
They called for the immediate release of the hostages. call for sth
The opposition have called for him to resign. call for sth
It is important to keep calm in an emergency. calm
They go camping in France every year. camp
Don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away. cancel
a school cap cap
The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full). capacity
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000 capital
Cairo is the capital of Egypt. capital
Captain Lance Price captain
capture sb: Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers. capture
data capture capture
Don't worry about the travel arrangements. They're all being taken care of. take care of sb/sth/yourself
I don't care (= I will not be upset) if I never see him again! care
She has been concentrating on her career. career
a careers adviser/officer (= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs) career
After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job. careful
We have fitted carpets (= carpets from wall to wall) in our house. carpet
Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had enough good arguments to win in a court of law). case
We caught the 12.15 from Oxford. catch
Mark walked in and caught them at it (= in the act of doing sth wrong). catch
Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job. cease
cease sth: They voted to cease strike action immediately. cease
They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met. certain
She was certainly attractive but you couldn't call her beautiful. certainly
a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (= a British qualification for teachers) certificate
to set in motion a chain of events chain
a bicycle chain chain
chain sb/sth to sb/sth: She chained her bicycle to the gate. chain
Schools must meet the challenge of new technology (= deal with it successfully). challenge
to accept/take up a challenge challenge
Their legal challenge was unsuccessful. challenge
challenge sb to do sth: The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election. challenge
When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances. A mistake could kill. chance
I met her by chance (= without planning to) at the airport. chance
We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance. chance
I didn't have any small change (= coins of low value) to leave as a tip. change
Have you read the chapter on the legal system? chapter
The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character. character
The police pointed out the illegal character of the protest action. character
a charge of theft/rape/attempted murder charge
admission charges charge
charge for sth: Do you think museums should charge for admission? charge
His job was to chart the progress of the spacecraft. chart
Cycling is a cheap way to get around. cheap
immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) cheap
We found a cheap and cheerful cafe (= one that is simple and charges low prices but is pleasant). cheap
Was any check made on Mr Morris when he applied for the post? check
a selection of French cheeses cheese
a degree in chemistry chemistry
a church tower church
Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. circumstance
the citizens of Budapest citizen
claim sth: He's not entitled to claim unemployment benefit. claim
to put in a claim for an allowance claim
The singer has denied the magazine's claim that she is leaving the band. claim
clap sb/sth: Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize. clap
As a jazz singer she's in a class of her own (= better than most others). class
the working/middle/upper class class
differences of class, race or gender class
Are you still doing your French evening class? class
On a clear day you can see France. clear
clear about/on sth: Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow? clear
(+ adv./prep.): The cameras clicked away. click
The bolt clicked into place. click
click sth: He clicked his fingers at the waiter. click
The corporal clicked his heels. click
click sth: Click the OK button to start. click
click (on sth): I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. click
To run a window, just double-click on the icon. click
Click here to add your opinion to the survey. click
The door closed with a click. click
She has no clothes sense (= she does not know what clothes look attractive). clothes
She took her feet off the pedals and coasted downhill. coast
animals in their winter coats (= grown long for extra warmth) coat
the collapse of law and order in the area collapse
The peace talks were on the verge of collapse. collapse
collect (for sth): We're collecting for local charities. collect
collect sth (for sth): We collected over £300 for the appeal. collect
collect sth (from...): What day do they collect the rubbish/garbage? collect
The package is waiting to be collected. collect
collect sb (from...): She's gone to collect her son from school. collect
Dirt had collected in the corners of the room. collect
collect sth: We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes (= without intending to). collect
That guitar's been sitting collecting dust (= not being used) for years now. collect
It's amazing how she collects friends. collect
collect sth: to collect data/evidence/information collect
We're collecting signatures for a petition. collect
collect sth from sb/sth: Samples were collected from over 200 patients. collect
The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15. collection
The first stage in research is data collection. collection
a stamp/coin, etc. collection collection
The painting comes from his private collection. collection
Their divorce filled a lot of column inches in the national papers (= got a lot of attention). column
My son is coming home soon. come
Come and see us soon! come
There's a storm coming. come
Your breakfast is coming soon. come
Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations. come up to sth
I'm afraid something urgent has come up. come up
News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France. come in
Do come around and see us some time. come around/round (to...)
If she spent five years in Paris, how come her French is so bad? how come (...)?
The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service. comfort
a warm comfortable house comfortable
You should be able to live comfortably on your allowance. comfortably
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commission
commission sth: Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book. commission
commit sb/yourself to do sth: Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. commit
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone). common
This is one of the most commonly used methods. commonly
Speech is the fastest method of communication between people. communication
Company profits were 5% lower than last year. company
For Durkheim, comparison was the most important method of analysis in sociology. comparison
comparison of A and B: a comparison of the rail systems in Britain and France comparison
Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports. compete
compete to do sth: There are too many magazines competing to attract readers. compete
to enter/win/lose a competition competition
a shop selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other shop) competitive
I've collected the complete set. complete
complex machinery complex
the complex structure of the human brain complex
a complex road system complex
a complex argument/problem/subject complex
I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary. complicate
To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock. complicate
The issue is complicated by the fact that a vital document is missing. complicate
a complicated system complicated
The instructions look very complicated. complicated
The story is extremely complicated. complicated
It's all very complicated—but I'll try and explain. complicated
concentrate (on sth/on doing sth): I can't concentrate with all that noise going on. concentrate
concentrate sth: Nothing concentrates the mind better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow (= it makes you think very clearly). concentrate
concentrate sth (on sth/on doing sth): I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. concentrate
In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign. concentrate on sth
She gave up German in order to concentrate on her French. concentrate on sth
This book requires a great deal of concentration. concentration
Tiredness affects your powers of concentration. concentration
Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable. concern
it is concluded that...: It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low. conclude
If we took this argument to its logical conclusion ... conclusion
Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank. condition
They have agreed to the ceasefire provided their conditions are met. condition
She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career. conflict
A conflict between the two countries could easily spread across the whole region. conflict
This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber. confront
to offer/send your congratulations to sb congratulation
Click 'Continue' to connect to the Internet. connect
Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days. connection
I'm having problems with my Internet connection. connection
connection (between A and B): Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease. connection
Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger. consequence
consider how/what, etc...: We need to consider how the law might be reformed. consider
consider sb/sth + noun: consider sb/sth (to be) sth: consider sb/sth (as) sth: He considers himself an expert on the subject. consider
Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. considerable
a consideration of the legal issues involved consideration
consult with sb (about/on sth): Consult with your physician about possible treatments. consult
providers and consumers of public services consumer
In her job she often comes into contact with (= meets) lawyers. contact
I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in Paris. contact
I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). contact
to enter/win/lose a contest contest
This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s. context
This quotation has been taken out of context (= repeated without giving the circumstances in which it was said). context
He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990. continuously
contract with sb: to enter into/make/sign a contract with the supplier contract
contract for sth: a contract for the supply of vehicles contract
The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not official until the contract is signed). contract
contract sth: The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles. contract
It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one. contrast
contribute (to/towards sth): Would you like to contribute to our collection? contribute
contribute to sth: Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. contribute
contribute sth (to sth): She contributed a number of articles to the magazine. contribute
contribute (to sth): He contributes regularly to the magazine 'New Scientist'. contribute
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents. contribution
control sth: government attempts to control immigration control
A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. convenient
conventional methods/approaches conventional
I've been trying to convince him to see a doctor. convince
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm). cool
He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). cool
They copied the designs from those on Greek vases. copy
The standards of housing and education are often lower in the older urban cores (= the centres of towns or cities). core
The wind hit him as he turned the corner. corner
the high/low cost of housing cost
They could have let me know they were going to be late! could
count sb/sth doing sth: We can't count on this warm weather lasting. count on sb/sth
It's good to meet people from different parts of the country. country
There are a couple more files to read first. couple
married couples couple
Several couples were on the dance floor. couple
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. a couple
a French/chemistry, etc. course course
Do the rules cover (= do they apply to) a case like this? cover
Her face was on the cover (= the front cover) of every magazine. cover
a plastic waterproof cover for the stroller cover
A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. crash
Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. crash
Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday. crash
The company crashed with debts of £50 million. crash
Marie says he went crazy, and smashed the room up. crazy
I've been crazy about him since the first time I saw him. crazy
They've painted it red to create a feeling of warmth. create
Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar. credit
to offer interest-free credit (= allow sb to pay later, without any extra charge) credit
All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels. credit card
to commit a crime (= do sth illegal) crime
In his mind he was about to commit the perfect crime. crime
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
People in public life must always be open to criticism (= willing to accept being criticized). criticism
criticisms levelled at (= aimed at) journalists criticism
I've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is. cross
Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong. cross
Those who could not write signed with a cross. cross
to cross France by train cross
A small crowd had gathered outside the church. crowd
the search for a cure for cancer cure
There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. cure
Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. current
a pair of curtains curtain
the unemployment-income curve (= a line on a graph showing the relationship between the number of unemployed people and national income) curve
It is the custom in that country for women to marry young. custom
The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. customs
Our water supply has been cut off. cut sb/sth off
I usually cycle home through the park. cycle
to go cycling cycling
Cycling is Europe's second most popular sport. cycling
cycling shorts cycling
Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road. danger
This data was collected from 69 countries. data
We're meeting the day after tomorrow (= in two days). day
He's good at dealing with pressure. deal with sth
Her poems often deal with the subject of death. deal with sth
Police are trying to establish the cause of death. death
decide against sth: They decided against taking legal action. decide
decide (that)...: She decided (that) she wanted to live in France. decide
The editor's decision is final. decision
declare sth: The government has declared a state of emergency. declare
Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914. declare
declare that...: The court declared that strike action was illegal. declare
All income must be declared. declare
The decorative touches have made this house a warm and welcoming home. decorative
decrease (of sth): a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors to the museum decrease
He's in deep trouble. deep
I heard his deep warm voice filling the room. deep
Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise! defeat
What points can be raised in defence of this argument? defence
Humour is a more effective defence than violence. defence
Report it to the police without delay (= immediately). delay
She's suffering a delayed reaction (= a reaction that did not happen immediately) to the shock. delay
a delicate child/constitution delicate
deliver sth: Do you have your milk delivered? deliver
the delivery of public services delivery
firms attempting to meet/satisfy their customers' demands (= to give them what they are asking for) demand
She shouldn't always give in to his demands. demand
to meet the demand for a product demand
demand sth: She demanded an immediate explanation. demand
I shouldn't be too late. But it depends if the traffic's bad. that depends, it (all) depends
The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'. derive from sth, be derived from sth
to give a detailed/full description of the procedure description
'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment. description
The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. design
design sth (for sth): The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. design
design sb sth: Could you design us a poster? design
He has expressed a desire to see you. desire
His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. desperate
Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it. despite
Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. despite
The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction (= creates the forces that destroy it). destruction
Please supply the following details: name, age and sex. detail
determine sth: An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident. determine
The site is being developed by a French company. develop
I'm dying to know what happened. be dying for sth/to do sth
He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals. difference
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
the difficulties of English syntax difficulty
children with severe learning difficulties difficulty
We've run into difficulties/difficulty with the new project. difficulty
He got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued. difficulty
The bank is in difficulty/difficulties. difficulty
I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave. difficulty
I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood. difficulty
We found the house without difficulty. difficulty
school dinners (= meals provided at school in the middle of the day) dinner
a direct hit (= a hit that is accurate and does not touch sth else first) direct
Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box. direction
The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work. direction
Does the theatre have disabled access? disabled
I was at a disadvantage compared to the younger members of the team. disadvantage
The fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage. disadvantage
Some people disagree with this argument. disagree
disagreement on the method to be used disagreement
disapproval of his methods disapproval
to show/express disapproval disapproval
She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove. disapprove
disapprove of sb/sth: He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made. disapprove
disapprove sth: A solid majority disapproves the way the president is handling the controversy. disapprove
Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits. discipline
Do you give any discount? discount
Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS. discover
They met to discuss the possibility of working together. discuss
After considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer. discussion
Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research. discussion
health measures to prevent the spread of disease disease
the problem of controlling pests and disease with organic gardening methods disease
English law clearly distinguishes between murder and manslaughter. distinguish
distinguish A from B: It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other. distinguish
Cases of the disease are widely distributed through Europe. distribute
Divorce proceedings (= the legal process of divorce) started today. divorce
Does this pub do (= provide) lunches? do
I do aerobics once a week. do
'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do with that letter you sent me.' be/have to do with sb/sth
Does she speak French? do
You'd better see a doctor about that cough. doctor
Doctor Staples (= as a title/form of address) doctor
legal documents document
a double meaning/purpose/aim double
It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap. double
My extension is two four double 0 (2400). double
His income is double hers. double
He earns double what she does. double
We need double the amount we already have. double
Fold the blanket double. double
I had to bend double to get under the table. double
He gets paid double for doing the same job I do. double
Membership almost doubled in two years. double
The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying. beyond (any) doubt
I've had my doubts about his work since he joined the firm. have your doubts (about sth)
The legislation is still in draft form. draft
a draft constitution/treaty/agreement draft
to draft a constitution/contract/bill draft
set against the dramatic backcloth of Mont Blanc dramatic
He drew the cork out of the bottle. draw
a collection of children's drawings drawing
drive sb to do sth: Hunger drove her to steal. drive
The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. drive off
drop sth (+ adv./prep.): Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. drop
When the paint is completely dry, apply another coat. dry
Due to staff shortages, we are unable to offer a full buffet service on this train. due
That guitar's been sitting gathering dust (= not being used) for years now. dust
Your duties will include setting up a new computer system. duty
customs/excise/import duties duty
We meet the hero quite early in the film. early
As I mentioned earlier... early
The pain immediately eased. ease
The museum is easily accessible by car. easily
She collects first editions of Victorian novels. edition
the editor of the Washington Post editor
the sports/financial/fashion, etc. editor editor
the beneficial effects of exercise effect
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. effect
Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects. effect
The overall effect of the painting is overwhelming. effect
New controls come into effect next month. come into effect
We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service. efficient
The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. effort
There are two types of qualification—either is acceptable. either
an elderly couple elderly
The prime minister is about to call (= announce) an election. election
it embarrasses sb to do sth: It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night. embarrass
After the elections opposition groups began to emerge. emerge
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. emergency
This door should only be used in an emergency. emergency
the emergency exit (= to be used in an emergency) emergency
The government had to take emergency action. emergency
The pilot made an emergency landing in a field. emergency
I always have some extra cash with me for emergencies. emergency
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). emergency
Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the family. emotional
We provide all types of information, with an emphasis on legal advice. emphasis
He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government. employ
Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area. employment
He emptied his glass and asked for a refill. empty
enable sth: a new train line to enable easier access to the stadium enable
We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week. encounter
I had never encountered such resistance before. encounter
She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered. encounter
encounter (with sb/sth): Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police. encounter
encounter (between A and B): The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin. encounter
a chance encounter encounter
I've had a number of close encounters (= situations that could have been dangerous) with bad drivers. encounter
Flaubert was her first encounter with French literature. encounter
The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources. energy
I can't come to dinner on Tuesday—I'm otherwise engaged (= I have already arranged to do something else). engaged
an engaged couple engaged
a degree in engineering engineering
enter sth: 1 000 children entered the competition. enter
enter sb/sth in sth: Irish trainers have entered several horses in the race. enter
enter sb/sth for sth: How many students have been entered for the exam? enter
enter (for sth): Only four British players have entered for the championship. enter
to enter a school/college/university enter
Knock before you enter. enter
Enter Hamlet (= for example as stage directions in the text of a play). enter
enter sth: Someone entered the room behind me. enter
The entertainment was provided by a folk band. entertainment
I'll meet you at the main entrance. entrance
an encyclopedia entry entry
The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a weekend for two in Venice. entry
countries seeking entry into the European Union entry
The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher. entry
entry (into sth): How did the thieves gain entry into the building? entry
entry (to/into sth): Entry to the museum is free. entry
to be granted/refused entry into the country entry
a pleasant working/learning environment environment
measures to protect the environment environment
Diet and exercise are equally important. equally
The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children. equally
Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word 'home'? equivalent
The German 'Gymnasium' is the closest equivalent to the grammar school in England. equivalent
escape (from sth): She managed to escape from the burning car. escape
escape (into sth): As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. escape
escape sth: She was lucky to escape punishment. escape
the essentials of English grammar essential
The committee was established in 1912. establish
The new treaty establishes a free trade zone. establish
Let's establish some ground rules. establish
The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. establish
By then she was established as a star. establish
He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established. establish
Traditions get established over time. establish
establish sth: Police are still trying to establish the cause of the accident. establish
establish that...: They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall. establish
establish where, what, etc...: We need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting. establish
it is established that...: It has since been established that the horse was drugged. establish
She lives in a tower block on an estate in London. estate
official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade estimate
We got estimates from three firms and accepted the lowest. estimate
I'll see you tomorrow evening. evening
I've looked everywhere. everywhere
He follows me everywhere. everywhere
We'll have to eat here—everywhere else is full. everywhere
I was asked to give evidence (= to say what I knew, describe what I had seen, etc.) at the trial. evidence
It was a warm day, if not exactly hot. exactly
Where exactly did you stay in France? exactly
It is important to cite examples to support your argument. example
There is a similar word in many languages, for example in French and Italian. for example
The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. for example
At $300 the bike is excellent value. excellent
She speaks excellent French. excellent
There are always a lot of exceptions to grammar rules. exception
Our school does an exchange with a school in France. exchange
Nick went on the French exchange. exchange
I'll type your report if you'll babysit in exchange. exchange
An excited crowd of people gathered around her. excited
a chief/senior/top executive in a computer firm executive
grammar exercises exercise
Do exercise one for homework. exercise
Swimming is good exercise. exercise
I don't get much exercise sitting in the office all day. exercise
The mind needs exercise as well as the body. exercise
vigorous/gentle exercise exercise
to take exercise exercise
breathing/relaxation/stretching exercises exercise
exercises for the piano exercise
Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg. exercise
an hour's class of exercising to music exercise
How often do you exercise? exercise
exercise sth: Horses need to be exercised regularly. exercise
Pakistan came into existence as an independent country in 1947. existence
They eke out a precarious existence (= they have hardly enough money to live on). existence
The emergency exit is at the back of the bus. exit
He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her. exit
I looked back, half expecting to see someone following me. expect
Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations. expectation
Double the expected number of people came to the meeting. expected
this year's expected earnings expected
He's arranged everything, no expense spared. expense
living/household/medical/legal, etc. expenses expense
financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency expense
Facts can be established by observation and experiment. experiment
explain to sb who, how, etc...: She explained to them what to do in an emergency. explain
'I had to see you,' he said, by way of explanation. explanation
Bombs were exploding all around the city. explode
export earnings export
Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. expose
express yourself: Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves. express
Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country. expression
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. to... extent
Breakfast is provided at no extra charge. extra
We don't charge extra for the activities—everything is included in the admission fee. extra
We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. extreme
I'm having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her. extreme
extremely important/useful/complicated extremely
How many faces does a cube have? face
It's nice to see some new faces here this evening. face
At that time, her face was on the covers of all the magazines. face
The two have never met face to face before. face to face (with sb)
I know for a fact (= I am certain) that she's involved in something illegal. fact
It's about time you learnt to face (the) facts (= accepted the truth about the situation). fact
I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going. in (actual) fact
His confession followed repeated failures to appear in court. failure
The day was set fair with the spring sun shining down. fair
I give you fair warning, I'm not always this generous. fair
He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure. faith
The house looked as if it was about to fall down. fall
a false argument/assumption/belief FALSE
He's always using fancy legal words. fancy
We've got as far as collecting our data but we haven't analysed it yet. far
She always gives us far too much homework. far
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
She's doing fine as far as French is concerned, it's her German I'm worried about. as/so far as sb/sth is concerned, as/so far as sb/sth goes
modern farming methods farming
a fashion designer/magazine/show fashion
a fast response time fast
Her heart beat faster. fast
Do yourself a favour (= help yourself) and wear a helmet on the bike. favour
He argued in favour of a strike. in favour (of sb/sth)
Everyone feared the coming war. fear
Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. feature
state and federal income taxes federal
legal fees fee
Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account? fee
The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere. feel
We all felt the force of her arguments. feel
feel sth: I could feel the warm sun on my back. feel
I enjoy meeting people in other fields of business. field
They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army. fight
a box file file
A stack of files awaited me on my desk. file
to access/copy/create/delete/download/save a file file
file on sb: to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb file
Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl. file
We were all filled with admiration for his achievements. fill
The product has filled a gap in the market. fill
to fill a vacuum/void fill
The wind filled the sails. fill
A Disney film can always fill cinemas (= attract a lot of people to see it). fill
The ditches had filled up with mud. fill up (with sth), fill sth up (with sth)
The film was shot on location in France. film
film sb/sth doing sth: Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video. film
I'll give you $500 for it, and that's my final offer! final
The players met in last year's final. final
It's about time you sorted out your finances. finance
to be in financial difficulties financial
an independent financial adviser financial
find sth + adj.: You may find your illness hard to accept. find
You may find it hard to accept your illness. find
find sth + noun: She finds it a strain to meet new people. find
I'm having trouble finding anything new to say on this subject. find
the finest collection of paintings in Europe fine
He was about to speak but she raised a finger to her lips. finger
finish (sth): Haven't you finished your homework yet? finish
to apply extra coats of finish finish
Fires were breaking out everywhere. fire
It took two hours to put out the fire (= stop it burning). fire
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time. firm
It is now firmly established as one of the leading brands in the country. firmly
It was the first time they had ever met. first
When did you first meet him? first
This method has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker. first
fit sth + adv./prep.: They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. fit
fit + adv./prep.: The glass fits on top of the jug to form a lid. fit
fit sth + adv./prep.: We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle. fit
I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. fit sb/sth in, fit sb/sth in/into sth
We can't fit in any more chairs. fit sb/sth in, fit sb/sth in/into sth
Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? fit in (with sb/sth)
He's so angry he's in no fit state to see anyone. fit
The government aims to make British industry leaner and fitter (= employing fewer people and with lower costs). fit
people living on fixed incomes fixed
flash sth (at sb): Red lights flashed a warning at them. flash
Why is that driver flashing his lights at us? flash
flash at sb: Why is that driver flashing at us? flash
Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash. flash
a camera with a built-in flash flash
Chapattis are a kind of flat Indian bread. flat
flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones) flat
low buildings with flat roofs flat
Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby. flat
a smooth/comfortable/bumpy flight flight
We met on a flight from London to Paris. flight
The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood). flood
flood sth: She looked away as the colour flooded her cheeks. flood
be flooded with sth: The room was flooded with evening light. flood
Memories of her childhood came flooding back. flood
flood sb with sth: The words flooded him with self-pity. flood
Telephone calls came flooding in from all over the country. flood
flood sth: The river flooded the valley. flood
flood sth: If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house. flood
flooded fields flooded
the electric currents flowing through the cables flow
a flower arrangement flower
focus (on/upon sb/sth): The discussion focused on three main problems. focus
Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point. focus
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark. focus
focus on sb/sth: Let your eyes focus on objects that are further away from you. focus
In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor's face. focus
focus sth (on sb/sth): He focused his blue eyes on her. focus
I quickly focused the camera on the children. focus
focus for sth: His comments provided a focus for debate. focus
focus on sth: We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer. focus
The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus. focus
What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way). focus
The children's faces are badly out of focus (= not clearly shown) in the photograph. focus
The binoculars were not in focus (= were not showing things clearly). focus
fold sth (up): He folded the map up and put it in his pocket. fold
First, fold the paper in half/in two. fold
a pile of neatly folded clothes fold
The bird folded its wings. fold
fold (away/up): The table folds up when not in use. fold
When she heard the news, her legs just folded under her (= she fell). fold
the folds of her dress fold
loose folds of skin fold
a folding chair folding
a foldaway bed folding
Her eyes followed him everywhere (= she was looking at him all the time). follow
He has trouble following simple instructions. follow
They voted for independence in a referendum. for
The weather was warm for the time of year. for
the force of gravity force
They realized the force of her argument. force
to force an entry (= to enter a building using force) force
force sth: Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position. force
it is forgotten that...: It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. forget
an application/entry/order form form
They hope to form the new government. form
He formed a band with some friends from school. form
a newly-formed political party form
The band formed in 2007. form
Rearrange the letters to form a new word. form
formal legal processes formal
Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. formal
It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. formal
John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now living in France formerly
They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. formula
By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately. fortune
Her family founded the college in 1895. found
The town was founded by English settlers in 1790. found
Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage. foundation
The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. foundation
the frame of an aircraft/a car/a bicycle frame
tax-free earnings free
Admission is free. free
They gave me free access to all the files. free
These exercises help free the body of tension. free
a threat to press/academic, etc. freedom freedom
rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution freedom
Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake. freely
We met in a local bar much frequented by students. frequent
some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet frequently
a collection of summer dresses in fresh colours fresh
Fresh towels are provided every day. fresh
a warm and friendly person friendly
We soon became friendly with the couple next door. friendly
environmentally-friendly farming methods friendly
He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off. frighten sb/sth away/off, frighten sb/sth away from sth
From what I heard the company's in deep trouble. from
measures to achieve full employment full
The country applied for full membership of the European Union. full
She was full of admiration for the care she had received. full
It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer. make fun of sb/sth
The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions. function
My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours. further
We need to plan for the future. future
The movie is set in the future. future
He met his future wife at law school. future
gain sth: to gain entrance/entry/access to sth gain
The country gained its independence ten years ago. gain
Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain. gain
They met again after a gap of twenty years. gap
A crowd gathered at the factory gates. gate
Detectives have spent months gathering evidence. gather
to gather wild flowers gather
A crowd soon gathered. gather
Can you all gather round? I've got something to tell you. gather
The whole family gathered together at Ray's home. gather
be gathered + adv.prep.: They were all gathered round the TV. gather
A large crowd was gathered outside the studio. gather
gather sth: People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall. gather
gather sth together/up: I waited while he gathered up his papers. gather
low/high gear gear
It is now generally accepted that... generally
to generate income/profit generate
a little gentle exercise gentle
a degree in geography geography
I can't get the lid off. get
He got his sister to help him with his homework. get
My car got (= was) stolen at the weekend. get
He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
Three people were rescued from a yacht which got into difficulties. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
a giant step towards achieving independence giant
She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift. gift
She looked up from her work and gave a yawn (= yawned). give
We'll give you all the help we can (= help you in every way we can). give
glad to do sth: I'm glad to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. glad
a pair of glasses glass
She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. glass
His dog goes everywhere with him. go
The weeks went slowly by. go by
Greek gods god
It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer. good
It's good to see you again. good
Goodbye! It was great to meet you. goodbye
stolen goods goods
He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern. govern
grade sth/sb (by/according to sth): The containers are graded according to size. grade
grade sth (as) sth: Ten beaches were graded as acceptable. grade
Recovery from the disease is very gradual. gradual
the basic rules of grammar grammar
English grammar grammar
His grammar is appalling. grammar
bad grammar grammar
a French grammar grammar
grant sth: My request was granted. grant
He was granted a licence to mine in the area. grant
grant sth to sb/sth: The bank finally granted a £500 loan to me. grant
These lands had been granted to the family in perpetuity. grant
She seemed to take it for granted that I would go with her to New York. take it for granted (that...)
Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted. take sb/sth for granted
We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted. take sb/sth for granted
student grants (= to pay for their education) grant
He has been awarded a research grant. grant
We would be grateful for any information you can give us. grateful
It's great to see you again. great
A great crowd had gathered. great
Try to adopt a greener lifestyle. green
Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground (= completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left). ground
The residents formed a community action group. group
The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups. group
grow sth: I didn't know they grew rice in France. grow
We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust. guarantee
guarantee sb sth: The ticket will guarantee you free entry. guarantee
guarantee to do sth: We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. guarantee
guarantee sb sth: These days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job. guarantee
One of the men kept guard, while the other broke into the house. guard
I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing (= brushing, arranging, etc.) my hair. hair
Couples strolled past holding hands. hand
At that time you could hang for stealing. hang
happy (with sb/sth): Are you happy with that arrangement? happy
happy (about sb/sth): If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask. happy
I find his attitude very hard to take (= difficult to accept). hard
At the time, I hardly spoke any French. hardly
He hated it in France (= did not like the life there). hate
We have orders coming in from all over the world. have
I was having difficulty in staying awake. have
She'll have an accident one day. have
have sth: I've got a lot of homework tonight. have
Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. healthy
hear it said (that)...: I've heard it said (that) they met in Italy. hear
The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds. heart
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement, etc.). heart
Set the oven to a low/high/moderate heat. heat
shoes with a low/high heel heel
The money raised will help towards (= partly provide) the cost of organizing the championships. help
We need new measures to help (to) fight terrorism. help
It couldn't be helped (= there was no way of avoiding it and we must accept it). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Was the information I gave you any help? help
to seek financial/legal/medical, etc. help help
help in doing sth: The organization offers practical help in dealing with paperwork. help
a help key/screen (= a function on a computer that provides information on how to use the computer) help
His eyes met hers. hers
They claim that they have nothing to hide (= there was nothing wrong or illegal about what they did). hide
I could not hide my joy at seeing him again. hide
It's only a low wall—about a metre high. high
When did you see him? him
bicycles for hire, £2 an hour hire
The local history of the area is fascinating. history
a degree in History history
He hit his head on the low ceiling. hit
They are about to release an album of their greatest hits. hit
Give it a good hit. hit
The aircraft suffered seven hits in the raid. hit
We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses. hit
I had to hold my stomach in (= pull the muscles flat) to zip up my jeans. hold
The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. hold sb/sth back
Water had collected in the holes in the road. hole
They met while on holiday in Greece. holiday
Jane left England and made Greece her home. home
He left home (= left his parents and began an independent life) at sixteen. home
I still haven't done my geography homework. homework
How much homework do you get? homework
I have to write up the notes for homework. homework
to be admitted to (the) hospital hospital
There is an urgent need for more hospital beds. hospital
a TV game show host host
We're four hours ahead of New York (= referring to the time difference). hour
low-income/one-parent, etc. households household
He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. however
Firefighters formed a human chain (= a line of people) to carry the children to safety. human
The film is only funny if you appreciate French humour (= things that cause French people to laugh). humour
I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it. hunt
hunt for sb: Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday. hunt
Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal. hunting
The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. idea
The trip to Paris will be an ideal opportunity to practise my French. ideal
It was not the ideal solution to the problem. ideal
They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train. if
illegal immigrants/aliens illegal
an illegally parked car illegally
He entered the country illegally. illegally
to take immediate action immediate
RAM stores information for immediate access. immediate
The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic. immediate
The hospital says she's out of immediate danger. immediate
The report focuses on some of the more immediate problems facing us. immediate
She answered almost immediately. immediately
The point of my question may not be immediately apparent. immediately
Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy. immediately
It's immoral to steal. immoral
an immoral act/life/person immoral
They were charged with living off immoral earnings (= money earned by working as a prostitute ). immoral
The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation. implication
food imports from abroad import
The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste. import
import controls import
an import licence import
imports of oil import
import sth: The country has to import most of its raw materials. import
import sth (from...) (into...): goods imported from Japan into the US import
customs imported from the West import
one of the most important collections of American art important
A new tax was imposed on fuel. impose
to impose limitations/restrictions/constraints on sth impose
The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control. impose
She didn't want to impose her values on her family. impose
It was noticeable how a few people managed to impose their will on the others. impose
an impressive building with a huge tower impressive
all the paintings in the collection in
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident. incident
people on high/low incomes income
a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.) of £200 income
a rise in national income income
They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services. income
Tourism is a major source of income for the area. income
higher/middle/lower income groups income
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
an increase of 2p in the pound on income tax increase
Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898. independence
independence celebrations independence
the first elections since independence independence
He values his independence. independence
a woman's financial independence independence
Going away to college has made me much more independent. independent
She's a very independent-minded young woman. independent
Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers. independent
It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. independent
a man of independent means (= with an income that he does not earn by working) independent
independent television/schools independent
the independent sector independent
an independent inquiry/witness independent
She went to a lawyer for some independent advice. independent
The police force should be independent of direct government control. independent
Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions. independent
Mozambique became independent in 1975. independent
independent (of sb/sth): The two departments work independently of each other. independently
It was the first time that she had lived independently. independently
indicate how, what etc...: Our results indicate how misleading it could be to rely on this method. indicate
indication (of doing sth): He shows every indication (= clear signs) of wanting to accept the post. indication
to find something out by indirect methods indirect
Inform me at once if there are any changes in her condition. inform
to collect/gather/obtain/receive information information
to provide/give/pass on information information
Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest. information
This leaflet is produced for the information of (= to inform) our customers. information
She injured herself during training. injure
The group has just inked a $10 million deal. ink
What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing? for instance
She felt insulted by the low offer. insult
insurance (against sth): to take out insurance against fire and theft insurance
a person of high/average/low intelligence intelligence
intelligence sources (= people who give this information) intelligence
interested (in doing sth): Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below. interested
international trade/law/sport international
the France-Scotland rugby international international
All the rooms have access to the Internet/Internet access. Internet
an Internet service provider (= a company that provides you with an Internet connection and services such as email, etc.) Internet
interpret sth as sth: I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. interpret
A slow theme introduces the first movement. introduce
introduce A to B (as sth): He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party. introduce
It's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject. introduction
the introduction of new manufacturing methods introduction
investment income investment
to accept/turn down/decline an invitation invitation
Admission is by invitation only. invitation
involve sb/sth doing sth: The job involves me travelling all over the country. involve
The job involves my travelling all over the country. involve
We spent a week on the Greek island of Kos. island
issue sth: to issue passports/visas/tickets issue
issue sb with sth: New members will be issued with a temporary identity card. issue
issue sth to sb: Work permits were issued to only 5% of those who applied for them. issue
Start a new file and put this letter in it. it
This clock is a collector's item (= because it is rare and valuable). item
The company has got itself into difficulties. itself
Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job. job
Did they offer you the job? job
to join the ranks of the unemployed join
Draw a line joining (up) all the crosses. join
They went on a long train journey across India. journey
To his great joy, she accepted. joy
She has coached many of our leading juniors. junior
There is just one method that might work. just
Come and see me later—I'm busy just now. just now
I've met just about everyone. just about
laws based on the principles of justice justice
The European Court of Justice justice
She had trouble keeping her balance. keep
We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments. keep sth up
Press the return key to enter the information. key
Key (in) your password. key
She played a key role in the dispute. key
As well as his salary, he gets benefits in kind. in kind
She insulted him and he responded in kind. in kind
It would be kinder if we didn't mention his wife. kind
Do people in Britain kiss when they meet? kiss
knock sth (against/on sth): Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam. knock
knock against/on sth: Her hand knocked against the glass. knock
Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? know
'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). know
Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour. labour
He was with an attractive young lady. lady
a table/desk/bicycle, etc. lamp lamp
a programming language language
a qualification in language teaching language
a large and complex issue large
When did you see him last? last
I saw him last/I last saw him in New York two years ago. last
See you later. later
I met her again three years later. later
He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better. latter
The town has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter were both built in the 1950s. latter
The lifeboat was launched immediately. launch
the law of gravity law
Jim is always getting into trouble with the law. law
She was well known for her brushes with the law. law
law (against sth): the 1996 law against the hiring of illegal immigrants law
law (on sth): The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene. law
to pass a law (= officially make it part of the system of laws) law
In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child. law
Do not think you are above the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law). law
the need for better law enforcement law
The government struggled to maintain law and order. law and order
After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order. law and order
They claim to be the party of law and order. law and order
to lay a carpet/cable/pipe lay
A reward was offered for information leading to an arrest. lead
lettuce/cabbage/oak leaves leaf
The tower is leaning dangerously. lean
Can I lean my bike against the wall? lean
Leave it with me—I'm sure I can sort it out. leave
the legal profession/system legal
to take/seek legal advice legal
a legal adviser legal
legal costs legal
They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts. legal
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
Should euthanasia be made legal? legal
a legally binding agreement legally
to be legally responsible for sb/sth legally
You are legally entitled to a full refund. legally
Legally, there is not a lot we can do. legally
It's an important case both legally and politically. legally
This room is twice the length of the kitchen. length
She found the job less and less attractive. less and less
Our first lesson on Tuesdays is French. lesson
lesson to sb: Let that be a lesson to you (= so that you do not make the same mistake again). lesson
They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents. let
The library is all on one level. level
Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site. level
a multi-level parking lot level
The cables are buried one metre below ground level. level
Fables can be understood on various levels. level
a decision taken at board level level
Discussions are currently being held at national level. level
a computer game with 15 levels level
He studied French to degree level. level
Both players are on a level (= of the same standard). level
a relatively low/high level of crime level
low/high pollution levels level
a licence holder (= a person who has been given a licence) licence
license sth: The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. license
licensing hours (= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) license
license sb/sth to do sth: They had licensed the firm to produce the drug. license
a license holder (= a person who has been given a license) license
a dustbin lid lid
I can't get the lid off this jar. lid
We first met in 2006, no, I tell a lie, it was 2007. I tell a lie
In real life (= when she met him) he wasn't how she had imagined him at all. life
Her daily life involved meeting lots of people. life
He met a lot of interesting people during his life as a student. life
I lifted the lid of the box and peered in. lift
The knife gleamed as it caught the light (= as the light shone on it). light
You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise. light
You only need to apply light pressure. light
The stage was lit by bright spotlights. light
She lit a candle. light
The candles were lit. light
Steve took out a cigarette and lit it. light
The candles are arranged like so (= in this way). like
They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit. limit
You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). limit
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
measures to limit carbon dioxide emissions from cars limit
He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. line
link (with sth): to establish trade links with Asia link
To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page. link
to draw up a list list
French literature literature
load sth (into sth): She loaded film into the camera. load
load sth (with sth): She loaded the camera with film. load
load (sth): Is the gun loaded? load
load sth: We loaded the car in ten minutes. load
They loaded her with gifts. load
bank loans with low interest rates loan
an exhibition of paintings on loan (= borrowed) from private collections loan
decisions made at local rather than national level local
The mechanic located the fault immediately. locate
a bicycle lock lock
I fail to see the logic behind his argument. logic
Each of them having their own room was the logical solution. logical
Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind. logical
We were married for ten long years. long
It looks like rain (= it looks as if it's going to rain). look
I can't find my book—I've looked everywhere. look
look doing sth: We're really looking forward to seeing you again. look forward to sth
A working party has been set up to look into the problem. look into sth
He lost his looks (= became less attractive) in later life. look
Emergency food supplies were brought in by lorry. lorry
loss of earnings (= the money you do not earn because you are prevented from working) loss
If he isn't prepared to accept this money, then that's his loss. loss
I'm still looking for that lost file. lost
I saw a lot of her (= I saw her often) last summer. lot
a love of learning love
It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). love
She has a very low opinion of her own abilities. low
low forms of life (= creatures with a very simple structure) low
jobs with low status low
Training was given a very low priority. low
the lower classes of society low
students with low marks/grades in their exams low
a low standard of living low
The cello is lower than the violin. low
They were speaking in low voices. low
low prices low
low-income families low
the lowest temperature ever recorded low
a low level of unemployment low
low-tar cigarettes low
The reservoir was low after the long drought. low
Our supplies are running low (= we only have a little left). low
low back pain low
the lower slopes of the mountain low
temperatures in the low 20s (= no higher than 21-23°) low
a low wall/building/table low
a low range of hills low
low clouds low
flying at low altitude low
The sun was low in the sky. low
Can you turn the music lower—you'll wake the baby. low
a very low-scoring game low
a window set low in the wall low
to crouch/bend low low
a plane flying low over the town low
low-flying aircraft low
The sun sank lower towards the horizon. low
Finally my luck ran out and they caught me trying to climb the outer wall. luck
a weekly/monthly magazine magazine
an online magazine magazine
Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. magazine
mail sb sth: Can you mail me that document you mentioned? mail
The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains. main
Plug the transformer into the mains (= the place on a wall where electricity is brought into a room). main
'Where do you export to?' 'France, mainly.' mainly
The population almost doubles in summer, mainly because of the jazz festival. mainly
Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three. maintain
We have encountered major problems. major
make sb do sth: They made me repeat the whole story. make
made in France (= on a label) make
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. make up for sth
A warm and sunny September made up for a miserable wet August. make up for sth
How can I make up for the way I've treated you? make up (to sb) for sth
Let's meet up again—can you manage next week sometime? manage
junior/middle/senior management management
The company has established its first manufacturing base in Europe. manufacturing
Many people feel that the law should be changed. many
an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped map
scientific discoveries which help to map our distant past map
Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. map sth on/onto sth
to give sb a high/low mark mark
an arranged marriage (= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) marriage
a married man/woman married
He never married. marry
I guess I'm not the marrying kind (= the kind of person who wants to get married). marry
He took all her letters into the yard and put a match to them. match
As a couple they are not very well matched (= they are not very suitable for each other). match
None of these glasses match (= they are all different). match
She's collecting material for her latest novel. material
Planning a project is just a matter of working out the right order to do things in. matter
The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency. matter
'What did you say?' 'Oh, it doesn't matter' (= it is not important enough to repeat).' matter
For maximum effect do the exercises every day. maximum
Maybe we can meet for lunch next week sometime. maybe
mean (that)...: The flashing light means (that) you must stop. mean
The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible. meanwhile
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
liquid/dry measure measure
safety/security/austerity measures measure
a temporary/an emergency measure measure
measure (to do sth): We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area. measure
The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. measure
measures against racism measure
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
Where did you first meet your husband? meet
Pleased to meet you. meet
Nice meeting you. meet
There's someone I want you to meet. meet
I don't think we've met. meet
meet sb: The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks. meet
meet with sb: The President met with senior White House aides. meet
meet (for sth): Let's meet for a drink after work. meet
meet sb (for sth): We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7. meet
Will you meet me at the airport? meet
The hotel bus meets all incoming flights. meet
I met him off the plane. meet
Maybe we'll meet again some time. meet
meet sb: Did you meet anyone in town? meet
They met up again later for a drink. meet up (with sb)
The President met with senior White House aides. meet with sb
The meeting of father and son after so long was a joyous occasion. meeting
a founder member of the conservation group member
Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association? membership
He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. in memory of sb, to the memory of sb
'Thanks for all your help.' 'Don't mention it.' don't mention it
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
Let's try to sort out the mess. mess
We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill. message
message (from sb) (to sb): Messages of support have been arriving from all over the country message
method (of sth): a reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis method
method (of doing sth): a new method of solving the problem method
traditional/alternative methods method
method (for sth/for doing sth): the best method for arriving at an accurate prediction of the costs method
mild irritation/amusement/disapproval mild
We did about 30 miles a day on our cycling trip. mile
The military was/were called in to deal with the riot. military
He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day. mind
When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind. come/spring to mind
Mind your head! (= for example, be careful you don't hit it on a low ceiling) mind
mind sb doing sth: Are you married, if you don't mind me asking? mind
senior ministers in the Cabinet minister
What did you miss most when you were in France? miss
The town offers a fascinating mix of old and new. mix
a pair of wool mix socks (= made of wool and other materials) mix
The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed. model
modern Greek modern
modern methods of farming modern
Have I caught you at a bad moment? moment
On Monday(s) (= Every Monday) I do yoga. Monday
I always do yoga on a Monday. Monday
We'll meet on Monday. Monday
We'll meet Monday. Monday
We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it) next year. money
morally right/wrong/justified/unacceptable morally
a course for more advanced students more
Could you repeat that once more (= one more time)? more
See you tomorrow morning. morning
Our group meets on Friday mornings. morning
She's the mother of twins. mother
Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law. mount
The stores were overrun with rats and mice. mouse
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program. mouse
laws to allow free movement of goods and services movement
The documentary opens tomorrow in movie theaters nationwide. movie theater
a calf/neck/thigh muscle muscle
This exercise will work the muscles of the lower back. muscle
Every week they get together to make music (= to play music or sing). music
an independent nation nation
The clothes are available in warm natural colours. natural
He's joined the navy/the Navy. navy
They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen. neat
It doesn't seem necessary for us to meet. necessary
I'll make the necessary arrangements. necessary
Food aid is urgently needed. need
to satisfy/meet/identify a need need
need (for sth): There is an urgent need for qualified teachers. need
to fulfil an emotional need need
to meet children's special educational needs need
Britain's nearest neighbour is France. neighbour
The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer. network
Someone might find out, and that would never do (= that is not acceptable). never
There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. nevertheless
a newly independent republic newly
Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. next
nice (to do sth): Nice to meet you! (= a friendly greeting when you meet sb for the first time) nice
nice (doing sth): It's been nice meeting you. nice
It was nice and warm yesterday. nice
They are a small but noisy pressure group (= they try to attract attention to their ideas by frequent discussion and argument). noisy
Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse. normal
Her heart is beating normally. normally
high/low notes note
it is noted that...: It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted. note
Now, the next point is quite complex. now
A peace settlement is nowhere in sight (= is not likely in the near future). nowhere to be found/seen, nowhere in sight
The course will have to be repeated owing to pressure of numbers (= too many students). number
a high/low number number
to obey a command/an order/rules/the law obey
If you're late, you'll defeat the whole object of the exercise. object
to meet/achieve your objectives objective
The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. objective
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour. observation
an observation post/tower (= a place from where sb, especially an enemy, can be watched) observation
The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious. obvious
There's no obvious solution to the problem. obvious
Diet and exercise are obviously important. obviously
I've met him on several occasions. occasion
We occasionally meet for a drink after work. occasionally
People were swimming in the ocean despite the hurricane warning. ocean
Can't you throw out that old bike of Tommy's? of
the lid of the box of
It was kind of you to offer. of
A solution is still some way off. off
New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns. offence
offer (sth): Josie had offered her services as a guide offer
I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway. offer
offer sth (to sb) (for sth): He offered $4 000 for the car. offer
offer to do sth: The kids offered to do the dishes. offer
The hotel offers excellent facilities for families. offer
The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion. offer
offer (of sth): Thank you for your kind offer of help. offer
to accept/refuse/decline an offer offer
I took him up on his offer of a loan. offer
You can't just turn down offers of work like that. offer
offer to do sth: I accepted her offer to pay. offer
They've decided to accept our original offer. offer
The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. office
a senior official in the State Department official
I see her quite often. often
Try to exercise as often as possible. often
We should meet for lunch more often. often
You can't come tonight? Oh well, see you next week then. oh
old-fashioned clothes/styles/methods/equipment old-fashioned
I came on my bike. on
We meet on Tuesdays. on
On their advice I applied for the job. on
to live on a pension/a student grant on
to be on a low wage on
Make sure the lid is on. on
I once met your mother. once
I don't know her well, I've only met her once or twice. once or twice
I'll see you at one (= one o'clock). one
One gets the impression that they disapprove. one
French onion soup onion
She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (= because she was very tired). open
to operate for suspected acute appendicitis operate
The regulation operates in favour of married couples. operate
France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers. operate
Some people can only operate well under pressure. operate
The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. operation
operation (on sb/sth) (for sth): Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night. operation
If you want my opinion, I think you'd be crazy not to accept. opinion
legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) opinion
They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion. opinion
oppose (sb/sth) doing sth: I would oppose changing the law. oppose
This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to (= rather than) strength. as opposed to
a player from the opposing side opposing
This behaviour is based on a conflict between two opposing forces within the individual. opposing
The army met with fierce opposition in every town. opposition
opposition forces (= people who are arguing, fighting, etc. with another group) opposition
He's gone to work for the opposition. opposition
The opposition is/are mounting a strong challenge to our business. opposition
the leader of the Opposition opposition
the Opposition spokesman on education opposition
We found ourselves in opposition to several colleagues on this issue. in opposition to sb/sth
option (to do sth): A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments. option
The course offers options in design and computing. option
At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. keep/leave your options open
There was a warm orange glow in the sky. orange
arranged in order of priority/importance/size order
The results, ranked in descending/ascending order, are as follows: order
I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order. out of order
Only original documents (= not photocopies) will be accepted as proof of status. original
Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. originally
I don't know any French people other than you. other than
You're out of luck—she left ten minutes ago. out
You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. outline
They have gone over to France. over
He repeated it several times over until he could remember it. over
He's gone over to the enemy (= joined them). over
Snow is falling all over the country. over
They've travelled all over the world. over
There were papers lying around all over the place. over
She has editorial control over what is included. over
In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. overcome
owe sb sth for sth: How much do I owe you for the groceries? owe
Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace. pace
Rumours of corruption and scandal gathered pace (= increased in number). pace
pack sth (with sth): Fans packed the hall to see the band. pack
Attractive packaging can help to sell products. packaging
patients suffering from acute back pain pain
The booklet contains information on pain relief during labour. pain
a collection of paintings by American artists painting
Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class. pair
Get the students to do the exercise as pair work (= two students work together). pair
a pair of glasses/binoculars/scissors, etc. pair
The vase is one of a matching pair. pair
a pair of aces/kings (= two playing cards that have the same value) pair
Students worked in pairs on the project. in pairs
Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). paper
This journal is available in paper and electronic form. paper
a junior/senior partner partner
a junior member of the partnership partnership
the ruling/opposition party party
The school is taking a party of 40 children to France. party
the passing of a resolution/law passing
She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views. patience
What method of payment do you prefer? payment
They are finding it difficult to meet the payments on their car. payment
We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for your kindness. payment
a peaceful protest/demonstration/solution peaceful
They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. peaceful
to receive an old-age/a retirement pension pension
a disability/widow's pension pension
to take out a personal/private pension pension
the French people people
Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food. per cent
It was an impressive performance by the French team. performance
Her academic performance has been inconsistent. performance
The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods. period
The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection. permanent
She had decided to settle permanently in France. permanently
permit sb/yourself to do sth: Visitors are not permitted to take photographs. permit
permit sth: The password permits access to all files on the hard disk. permit
He's a fascinating person. person
We offer a personal service to all our customers. personal
a personal pension plan (= a pension organized by a private company for one particular person) personal
persuade sb: No one was persuaded by his arguments. persuade
to fill a car up with petrol petrol
a degree in philosophy philosophy
photograph sb/sth: He has photographed some of the world's most beautiful women. photograph
photograph sb/sth + adj.: She refused to be photographed nude. photograph
photograph sb/sth doing sth: They were photographed playing with their children. photograph
The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or physical condition. physical
I don't find him physically attractive. physically
a degree in physics physics
Alison Evans provided piano accompaniment. piano
The picture shows the couple together on their yacht. picture
The boat had been smashed to pieces on the rocks. piece
He arranged the documents in neat piles. pile
pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs) pill
This is one of the few places in his work where he mentions his childhood. place
a meeting place place
The receiver had already clicked into place. in place
All the arrangements are now in place for their visit. in place
How long has the import ban been in place? in place
Great emphasis is placed on education. place
We need to make plans for the future. plan
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
plant sth with sth: The field had been ploughed and planted with corn. plant
play sb: France are playing Wales tomorrow. play
play against sb: France are playing against Wales on Saturday. play
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted. pleased
Aren't you pleased to see me? pleased
Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to sb). pleased
Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept. pleased
It's a pleasure to meet you. pleasure
I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall. point
The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor. point
I take your point (= understand and accept what you are saying). point
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting. policy
We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality. policy
wax polish polish
'I have stacks of homework to do.' 'Oh, you poor thing.' poor
The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. pop
I'll pop over and see you this evening. pop
The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer. popular
port of entry (= a place where people or goods can enter a country) port
He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera. pose
He held a senior position in a large company. position
This is proof positive that he stole the money. positive
The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. possession
You cannot legally take possession of the property (= start using it after buying it) until three weeks after the contract is signed. possession
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that we'll all meet again one day. possibility
The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills. possibility
Payment should be sent by return of post (= immediately). post
the potential benefits of European integration potential
potential (for doing sth): The European marketplace offers excellent potential for increasing sales. potential
He has the potential to become a world-class musician. potential
Their efforts to exercise collective bargaining power against multinational companies have failed. power
The drug may affect your powers of concentration. power
There is a powerful argument for changing the law. powerful
It was difficult to find a practical solution to the problem. practical
I meet famous people practically every day. practically
conversation practice practice
There's a basketball practice every Friday evening. practice
She does an hour's piano practice every day. practice
Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected. in practice
to practice the piano every day practice
The team is practicing for their big game on Friday. practice
They practiced the dance until it was perfect. practice
She's practicing medicine in Philadelphia. practice
You need to practise every day. practise
practise for sth: She's practising for her piano exam. practise
practise (sth) on sb/sth: He usually wants to practise his English on me. practise
There are over 50 000 solicitors practising in England and Wales. practise
practise as sth: She practised as a barrister for many years. practise
They were praised by police for reporting the theft. praise
He arrived at that very moment, as if in answer to her prayer. prayer
predict sth: a reliable method of predicting earthquakes predict
prefer that...: I would prefer that you did not mention my name. prefer
The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. preparation
We are not prepared to accept these conditions. prepared
present sth/sb/yourself as sth: He likes to present himself as a radical politician. present
The banks will begin to present their arguments today. present
I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments. presentation
The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. preserve
the music/sporting press (= newspapers and magazines about music/sport) press
According to French press reports, three people have been killed. press
press against sth: His body was pressing against hers. press
press sth + adj.: He pressed the lid firmly shut. press
She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. press
She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work. pressure
You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. pressure
How can anyone enjoy the pressures of city life? pressure
pressure (for sth): The pressure for change continued to mount. pressure
pressure (on sb) (to do sth): There is a great deal of pressure on young people to conform. pressure
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure. pressure
A band of high/low pressure is moving across the country. pressure
air/water pressure pressure
Check the tyre pressure (= the amount of air in a tyre) regularly. pressure
a pressure gauge (= an instrument used for measuring the pressure of a liquid or a gas) pressure
The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. pressure
The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd. pressure
Draught beer is pumped out of the barrel under pressure. under pressure
The director is under increasing pressure to resign. under pressure
The pound came under pressure from foreign currencies today, increasing the chances of a rise in interest rates. under pressure
The team performs well under pressure. under pressure
I couldn't concentrate, presumably because I was so tired. presumably
I'm going to have to find a new apartment pretty soon. pretty
prevent sb/sth from doing sth: He is prevented by law from holding a licence. prevent
We had met on two previous occasions. previous
to charge a high/reasonable/low price for sth price
price (for sth/for doing sth): Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age. price
Pride would not allow him to accept the money. pride
pride (in doing sth): We take great pride in offering the best service in town. pride
The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family. print
Click on the icon when you want to print. print
Visits are by prior arrangement. prior
a high/low priority priority
Senior defence officials held private talks. private
the magazine's problem page (= containing letters about readers' problems and advice about how to solve them) problem
emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures procedure
to follow normal/standard/accepted procedure procedure
The procedure for logging on to the network usually involves a password. procedure
It's a normal part of the learning process. process
French wine producers producer
the medical/legal/teaching, etc. profession profession
to enter/go into/join a profession profession
If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. professional
to be appointed Professor of French at Cambridge professor
In this class, students will learn how to program. program
program sth (to do sth): The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted. program
Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language. programme
The final section of road is programmed for completion next month. programme
to set up a project to computerize the library system project
promise (of sth): The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. promise
promote sb (from sth) (to sth): He has been promoted to sergeant. promote
She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently. promptly
proof of sth: Can you provide any proof of identity? proof
to submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal proposal
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): There is no immediate prospect of peace. prospect
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
They were a proud and independent people. proud
It was proving extremely difficult to establish the truth. prove
provide sth: The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care. provide
The report was not expected to provide any answers. provide
Please answer questions in the space provided. provide
provide sth for sb: We are here to provide a service for the public. provide
provide sb with sth: We are here to provide the public with a service. provide
We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right. provided
The government had to bow to public pressure. public
The editors published a full apology in the following edition. publish
University teachers are under pressure to publish. publish
the earth's gravitational pull pull
to inflict/impose/mete out punishment punishment
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. purchase
They met by pure chance. pure
The drapes are purely decorative. purely
The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university. purpose
These gifts count as income for tax purposes. purpose
to pursue legal action pursue
push sth: He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike. push
Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt. put
They put pressure on her to resign. put
Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate. put sb off
We've had to put off our wedding until September. put sth off
to acquire/gain/get/obtain/have/hold qualifications qualification
Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job. qualification
Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France. quality
We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices. quality
It's (a) quarter to four now—I'll meet you at (a) quarter past. quarter
It's quarter of four now—I'll meet you at quarter after. quarter
Over half of those questioned said they rarely took any exercise. question
question sth: I just accepted what he told me. I never thought to question it. question
It quickly became clear that she was dying. quickly
quite big/good/cold/warm/interesting quite
The figures quoted in this article refer only to Britain. quote
She'll be racing for the senior team next year. race
It's pouring with rain (= raining very hard). rain
It looks like rain (= as if it is going to rain). rain
I'm glad you raised the subject of money. raise
He set about raising an army. raise
The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. range
Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank. rank
Promotion will mean that I'm immediately above him in rank. rank
He was soon promoted to the rank of captain. rank
officers of junior/senior rank rank
officers, and other ranks (= people who are not officers) rank
The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment). rank
rank sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty. rank
a rare disease/occurrence/sight rare
On the rare occasions when they met he hardly even dared speak to her. rare
a high/low/rising rate of unemployment rate
The instructions were rather complicated. rather
The patient has responded to the treatment rather better than expected. rather
reach sth: Is the cable long enough to reach the socket? reach
The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades. reaction
read sth: to read a book/a magazine/the newspaper read
further reading (= at the end of a book, a list of other books that give more information about the same subject) reading
ready to do sth: The contract will be ready to sign in two weeks. ready
I couldn't resist the opportunity to meet a real live celebrity. real
In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life. real
The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized. realize
I can't believe I am really going to meet the princess. really
She complained, with reason (= rightly), that she had been underpaid. reason
to be open to reason (= to be willing to accept sensible advice) reason
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct. reasonable
He couldn't reasonably be expected to pay back the loan all at once. reasonably
receive sth: Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately. receive
We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30. reception
Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans. reception
There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform. recognition
recognize how, what, etc...: Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was. recognize
it is recognized that...: It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary. recognize
recognize sb/sth (as sth): recognized qualifications recognize
I recommend (that) he should see a lawyer. recommend
to set a new record record
a record collection record
record sb/sth doing sth: He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance. record
recover sth: The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. recover
He is unlikely to ever recover his legal costs. recover
He stammered something and went very red in the face. red
The star refers to items which are intended for the advanced learner. refer to sb/sth
This paragraph refers to the events of last year. refer to sb/sth
The term 'accent' refers to pronunciation. The term 'dialect' refers to vocabulary and grammar. refer to sb/sth
You know who I'm referring to. refer to sb/sth (as sth)
the President's passing reference to (= brief mention of) the end of the war reference
This material absorbs the sound, and doesn't reflect it. reflect
economic/electoral/constitutional, etc. reform reform
She refused to accept that there was a problem. refuse
The job offer was simply too good to refuse. refuse
regret that...: I regret that I never got to meet him in person. regret
regret that...: I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. regret
it is regretted that...: It is to be regretted that so many young people leave school without qualifications. regret
It is with great regret that I accept your resignation. regret
a regular income regular
I couldn't see my regular doctor today. regular
Do you take regular exercise? regular
regular offenders (= against the law) regular
A light flashed at regular intervals. regular
We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project. regularly
The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved. relation
I have established a good working relationship with my boss. relationship
Relatively speaking, these jobs provide good salaries. relatively speaking
Allow your muscles to relax completely. relax
The movie goes on general release (= will be widely shown in cinemas/movie theaters) next week. release
modern methods of pain relief relief
Volunteers provide regular help to give relief to carers. relief
rely doing sth: The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low. rely on/upon sb/sth
remember sth: Did you remember your homework (= to bring it)? remember
As far as I can remember, this is the third time we've met. remember
That smell reminds me of France. remind sb of sb/sth
remove sth/sb: Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. remove
a high/low/fair rent rent
The claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded. repeat
Nor, to repeat, can these changes be avoided. repeat
repeat sth: I am not, repeat not, travelling in the same car as him! repeat
repeat sth to sb: I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone. repeat
repeat sth: The rumour has been widely repeated in the press. repeat
repeat sth (after sb): Listen and repeat each sentence after me. repeat
repeat what...: Can you repeat what I've just said word for word? repeat
+ speech: 'Are you really sure?' she repeated. repeat
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
This phrase is repeated at intervals throughout the song. repeat
a repeating pattern/design repeat
to repeat a mistake/a process/an exercise repeat
The treatment should be repeated every two to three hours. repeat
They are hoping to repeat last year's victory. repeat
These offers are unlikely to be repeated. repeat
The programmes will be repeated next year. repeat
to repeat the class/year/grade (= in a school, to take the class/year/grade again) repeat
Lift and lower the right leg 20 times. Repeat with the left leg. repeat
repeat sth: to repeat a question repeat
I'm sorry—could you repeat that? repeat
She kept repeating his name softly over and over again. repeat
The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation. repeat
Are you prepared to repeat these allegations in court? repeat
repeat yourself: Do say if I'm repeating myself (= if I have already said this). repeat
repeat that...: He's fond of repeating that the company's success is all down to him. repeat
repeated absences from work repeated
The marriage failed despite repeated attempts to save it. repeated
These measures in no way replace the need for regular safety checks. replace
Call me urgently if you have anything to report. report
The Egyptian goddess is represented as a woman with cow's horns. represent
The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists. represent
She's our representative in France. representative
The paper-thin models in magazines are not representative of most women. representative
to earn/establish/build a reputation reputation
My request was granted. request
request sb to do sth: We were requested to assemble in the lobby. request
This condition requires urgent treatment. require
require sth: The wearing of seat belts is required by law. require
a software package to meet your requirements requirement
to meet/fulfil/satisfy the requirements requirement
a research project/grant/student research
They support the measures without reservation (= completely). reservation
They are determined to resist pressure to change the law. resist
As with all new ideas it met with resistance. resistance
to resolve an issue/a dispute/a conflict/a crisis resolve
Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences. resolve
We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software. resource
The new leader has promised to respect the constitution. respect
I asked him his name, but he didn't respond. respond
respond that...: When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic. respond
You can rely on him to respond to a challenge. respond
response to sb/sth: In response to your enquiry... response
response (to sb/sth): The product was developed in response to customer demand. response
We sent out over 1 000 letters but the response rate has been low (= few people replied). response
The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake. responsibility
Their bikes were resting against the wall. rest
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
Access to the club is restricted to members only. restrict
to allow children only restricted access to the Internet restricted
a restricted area (= controlled by laws about speed or parking) restricted
import/speed/travel, etc. restrictions restriction
restriction on sth: to impose/place a restriction on sth restriction
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. result
result sb/sth doing sth: These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. result in sth
to retain your independence retain
retire to sth: My dream is to retire to a villa in France. retire
retire as sth: He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine. retire
This year we have seen the retirements of several senior personnel. retirement
to provide for retirement retirement
He was met by his brother on his return from Italy. return
it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. reveal
The Court of Appeal reversed the decision. reverse
In the south, the reverse applies. reverse
The winners were announced in reverse order (= the person in the lowest place was announced first). reverse
The case is subject to judicial review. review
the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 revolution
boiled/steamed/fried rice rice
Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there. get rid of sb/sth
ride sth (+ adv./prep.): The boys were riding their bikes around the streets. ride
We went for a ride on our bikes. ride
a bike ride ride
a smooth/comfortable/bumpy, etc. ride ride
The new legislation faces a bumpy ride (= will meet with opposition and difficulties). ride
right (in doing sth): Am I right in thinking we've met before? right
Education is provided by the state as of right (= everyone has a right to it). right
A diamond glittered on her ring finger (= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand). ring
The wind is rising—I think there's a storm coming. rise
He rose to the rank of general. rise
Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level. rise
A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory. rob sb/sth of sth
Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music. root
a rough draft of a speech rough
They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out. round
A large crowd had gathered round to watch. round
a cycle route (= a path that is only for cyclists ) route
Make exercise a part of your daily routine. routine
routine enquiries/questions/tests routine
by royal appointment (= a sign used by companies that supply goods to the royal family) royal
a rubbish dump/heap/tip rubbish
The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster. rule
the rules of grammar rule
There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals. rule
Normal competition rules apply. rule
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive. rule sb/sth out
Supplies are running low. run
Water was running all over the bathroom floor. run
run sth + adv./prep.: We ran a cable from the lights to the stage. run
She came running to meet us. run
Catching sight of her he broke into a run (= started running). run
She was trampled in the rush to get out. rush
two sacks of groceries sack
It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. safe
As the boat moved down the river the wind began to fill the sails. sail
The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force. sale
an increase in the number of stolen vehicles being offered for sale for sale
The education system must satisfy the needs of all children. satisfy
We cannot satisfy demand for the product. satisfy
satisfy sb: Her explanation did not satisfy the teacher. satisfy
satisfy sb of sth: People need to be satisfied of the need for a new system. satisfy
It's satisfying to play a game really well. satisfying
save (up) (for sth): I'm saving for a new bike. save
say to do sth: He said to meet him here. say
The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country. scene
Firefighters were on the scene immediately. scene
Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. schedule
Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. scheme
an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes scheme
Shall I meet you after school today? school
a high/low score score
score sth: She scored 98% in the French test. score
scratch sth/yourself: John yawned and scratched his chin. scratch
a cinema/movie screen screen
an eight-screen cinema screen
Now screw down the lid. screw
The lid simply screws on. screw
a jar with a rubber seal in the lid seal
The search for a cure goes on. search
I've searched high and low for those files. search
search sb: Visitors are regularly searched as they enter the building. search
The light flashes every 5 seconds. second
secondary to sth: Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming. secondary
a secondary colour (= made from mixing two primary colours) secondary
the secondary curriculum secondary
a legal/medical secretary secretary
The building is secure against intruders. secure
a secure job/income secure
She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). security
You ought to see a doctor about that cough. see
What is it you want to see me about? see
Come and see us again soon. see
see sb/sth + adj.: I hate to see you unhappy. see
Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? see to sth
Highly qualified secretary seeks employment. (= in an advertisement) seek
seek sth: I think it's time we sought legal advice. seek
All our hotels have been carefully selected for the excellent value they provide. select
sell (sth): The magazine sells 300 000 copies a week. sell
We offered them a good price but they wouldn't sell. sell
I'm sending the files off to my boss tomorrow. send sth off
to take part in senior competitions senior
He won the senior men's 400 metres. senior
a senior officer/manager/lecturer senior
a senior partner in a law firm senior
a senior post/position senior
I have ten years' experience at senior management level. senior
Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses. senior
My brother is my senior by two years. senior
Alex doesn't have any dress sense (= does not know which clothes look attractive). sense
You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered. sense
Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security. sense
It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version. make sense
separate sth into sth: Make a list of points and separate them into 'desirable' and 'essential'. separate
a legal separation separation
The first episode of the new series is on Saturday. series
Our main concern is to provide quality customer service. service
Essential services (= the supply of water, gas, electricity) will be maintained. service
Smith's Catering Services (= a company) offers the best value. service
a photo/recording/training, etc. session session
an emergency session of Congress session
set sth: Who will be setting (= writing the questions for) the French exam? set
set sth for sth: What books have been set (= are to be studied) for the English course? set
This could set a new fashion. set
She set a new world record for the high jump. set
set sb/sth + adv./prep.: Her manner immediately set everyone at their ease. set
The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. set sth up
I've set up a meeting for Friday. set sth up
to set up a business set sth up
A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. set sth up
He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home. settle
to settle a dispute/an argument/a matter settle
There is pressure on the unions to settle. settle
severe learning difficulties severe
Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished. severely
a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby sex
single-sex schools sex
It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16. sex
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
She finds him sexually attractive. sexually
The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer. shade
Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet? shake
Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand. shake
It would be a crying shame (= a great shame) not to take them up on the offer. shame
The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. shape
shape sth: This tool is used for shaping wood. shape
share of sth: Everyone must accept their share of the blame. share
We collected shells on the beach. shell
When the ship docked at Southampton he was rushed to hospital. ship
The bumper absorbs shock on impact. shock
She still hadn't got over the shock of seeing him again. shock
I'm going to France for a short break. short
Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net. shot
'She doesn't think she'll get a job.' 'She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry).' should
The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters. show
She had a warm woollen hat and scarf on that left only her eyes and nose showing. show
show sb sth: She showed her students the technique. show
show sth to sb: If there's a letter from France please show it to me. show
show sb that...: Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices. show
show how, what, etc...: He likes to show off how well he speaks French. show sb/sth off
She shut her eyes and fell asleep immediately. shut
We have finally reached an agreement acceptable to all sides. side
A cube has six sides. side
He has been moved sideways (= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower). sideways
They stole everything in sight. sight
A bicycle came into sight on the main road. sight
It was love at first sight (= we fell in love the first time we saw each other). at first sight
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
The fact that he didn't say 'no' immediately is a good sign. sign
Sign here, please. sign
hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) signal
They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition. signature
Food prices are significantly lower in the US. significantly
a simple solution simple
Give the necessary information but keep it simple. simple
The book explains grammar simply and clearly. simply
It was the first time I'd had visitors since I'd moved to London. since
sing sth to sb: We all sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. sing
All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately. site
You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. situation
What are our sleeping arrangements here (= where shall we sleep)? sleep
Collecting data is a painfully slow process. slow
a slow, lingering death slow
Average earnings are rising at their slowest rate for 20 years. slow
The car smashed into a tree. smash
smash sth + adv./prep.: Mark smashed his fist down on the desk. smash
smash sth + adv./prep.: They had to smash holes in the ice. smash
The elephant smashed its way through the trees. smash
smash sth + adj.: We had to smash the door open. smash
He smashed the radio to pieces. smash
The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces. smash
The cup hit the floor with a smash. smash
The smells from the kitchen filled the room. smell
They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business. smooth
It's been snowing heavily all day. snow
Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff. social
This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable. socially
a socially disadvantaged family (= one that is poor and from a low social class) socially
We meet at work, but never socially. socially
Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals. socially
Can Britain ever be a classless society? society
The room was softly lit by a lamp. softly
Attempts to find a solution have failed. solution
There's no simple solution to this problem. solution
Do you have a better solution? solution
The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81. solution
He's in some kind of trouble. some
I'll see you again some time, I'm sure. some
The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. somewhat
Maine & Sons, Grocers (= the name of a company on a sign) son
She taught us the words of a French song. song
See you soon! soon
Next Monday is the soonest we can deliver. soon
Sorry? Could you repeat the question? sorry
sort sth: sorting the mail sort
sort sth into sth: The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order. sort
Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper. sort
sort sth from sth: Women and children sorted the ore from the rock. sort
I'm really busy—can you sort it? sort
If you can wait a moment, I'll sort it all out for you. sort sth/sb/yourself out
You load up the car and I'll sort the kids out. sort sth/sb/yourself out
He believed his immortal soul was in peril. soul
a high/low sound sound
a clicking/buzzing/scratching, etc. sound sound
He doesn't sound French—and he doesn't look it. sound
What is their main source of income? source
warmer weather coming from the south south
They bought a villa in the South of France. south
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak
The brochure speaks of beautiful secluded grounds. speak
You need to see a specialist. specialist
We came specially to see you. specially
The money was collected for a specific purpose. specific
children with specific learning difficulties (= in one area only) specific
a magazine aimed specifically at working women specifically
The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. specifically
The car was gathering speed. speed
at high/low/full/top speed speed
a spell of warm weather spell
spend (sth doing sth): The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems. spend
spend sth on sth: How long did you spend on your homework? spend
to be in high/low spirits spirit
They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs. in spite of sth
split (sth) open: The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere. split
The committee split over government subsidies. split
Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime. split sb up, split up
Champagne sprayed everywhere. spray
We have 10 000 members spread all over the country. spread
Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team. spread
She was a popular star of stage and screen (= theatre and cinema/movies). stage
He has been collecting stamps since he was eight. stamp
I tried stamping my feet to keep warm. stamp
Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. stand
a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand stand
a fall in academic standards standard
The standard of this year's applications is very low. standard
Who sets the standard for water quality? standard
In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards. standard
You'd better lower your standards if you want to find somewhere cheap to live. standard
He fixed the interviewer with a penetrating stare. stare
It's time you started on your homework. start
She started out on her legal career in 2001. start out
Let's start off with some gentle exercises. start off
We've had problems (right) from the start. start
a statue of Apollo statue
They were granted refugee status. status
The party was denied legal status. status
low status jobs status
The job brings with it status and a high income. status
a steady job/income steady
I met his steady gaze. steady
steal (from sb/sth): We found out he'd been stealing from us for years. steal
I'll report you to the police if I catch you stealing again. steal
steal sth (from sb/sth): My wallet was stolen. steal
I had my wallet stolen. steal
Thieves stole jewellery worth over £10 000. steal
It's a crime to handle stolen goods. steal
to steal sb's ideas steal
It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world. step
We are taking steps to prevent pollution. step
'Shall we meet on Friday this week?' 'No, let's stick to Saturday.' stick to sth
We collected dry sticks to start a fire. stick
I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday. stiff
We searched everywhere but we still couldn't find it. still
The scorpion has a sting in its tail. sting
Food stocks are running low. stock
I can't stomach violent films. stomach
stop sb/sth from doing sth: There's nothing to stop you from accepting the offer. stop
stop what...: Mike immediately stopped what he was doing. stop
The rope broke under the strain. strain
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long. strain
Never accept lifts from strange men. strange
They got on well together although they were total strangers. stranger
I've had a steady stream of visitors. stream
The agency provided me with a steady stream of work. stream
My office is at street level (= on the ground floor). street
street culture/dance/law street
This view has recently gathered strength (= become stronger or more widely held). strength
primary/secondary stress stress
a stress fracture of the foot (= one caused by such pressure) stress
She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life. stress
He stretched and yawned lazily. stretch
stretch sth: The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles. stretch
The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. stretch
She's very strict about things like homework. strict
it strikes sb how, what, etc...: It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. strike
He was under strong pressure to resign. strong
You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London. strong
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
the grammatical structures of a language structure
struggle (for sth): a country struggling for independence struggle
life as a struggling artist (= one who is very poor) struggle
struggle (with sb) (for/against sth): a struggle for independence struggle
a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies) student
scientific studies of fishing grounds and methods of fishing study
It is important to develop good study skills. study
study how, what, etc...: The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs. study
Don't disturb Jane, she's studying for her exams. study
a magazine article on the subject of space travel subject
banned/illegal substances (= drugs) substance
substitute for sb/sth: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. substitute
Their plan will probably meet with little success. success
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
Accountants were boring. Such (= that) was her opinion before meeting Ian! such
suggest itself (to sb): A solution immediately suggested itself to me (= I immediately thought of a solution). suggest
suggest (that)...: All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money. suggest
suggestion that...: There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal. suggestion
a suit of armour suit
If we met at 2, would that suit you? suit
The sun was just setting. sun
the warmth of the afternoon sun sun
They've booked a holiday in the sun (= in a place where it is warm and the sun shines a lot). sun
Her face had obviously caught the sun (= become red or brown) on holiday. sun
superior intelligence superior
my superior officer superior
superior status superior
a superior court of law superior
The water supply is unsafe. supply
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials. supply
Our supplies were running out. supply
The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid. supply
A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. supply
The electricity supply (= the system supplying electricity) had been cut off. supply
a contract for the supply of timber supply
supply sth to sb/sth: Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. supply
supply sb/sth with sth: Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms. supply
This one power station keeps half the country supplied with electricity. supply
supply sb/sth: Local schools supply many of the volunteers. supply
foods supplying our daily vitamin needs supply
She was jailed for supplying drugs. supply
These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups. support
The statistics offer further support for our theory. support
Local businesses have provided financial support. support
She has no visible means of support (= no work, income etc.). support
The idea has met with widespread support. support
There are lots of surprises in store for visitors to the gallery. surprise
Visitors to the gallery are in for a few surprises. surprise
They couldn't conceal their surprise at seeing us together. surprise
The children had to survive by begging and stealing. survive
suspect sb/sth of sth: He resigned after being suspected of theft. suspect
My suspicions were confirmed when police raided the property. suspicion
You have a very suspicious mind (= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way). suspicious
swear (that)...: She swore (that) she'd never seen him before. swear
Swimming is a good form of exercise. swimming
She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool. swimming pool
switch (over) (from sth) (to sth): We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing. switch
Table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years. table
take sb sth (to do sth): It took her three hours to repair her bike. take
I need to have my blood pressure taken. take
He started taking drugs (= illegal drugs) at college. take
take sb to do sth: The boys were taken to see their grandparents most weekends. take
The new magazine has really taken off. take off
When they get together, all they talk about is football. talk
High-level talks on arms limitation will reopen next month. talk
A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved. talk
Union representatives walked out of emergency talks aimed at reaching a pay settlement. talk
tap (away) (at sth): Someone tapped at the door. tap
tap sb/sth: Ralph tapped me on the shoulder. tap
to meet/achieve a target target
Our first task is to set up a communications system. task
Income tax will be deducted by your employer. tax
Any interest payments are taxed as part of your income. tax
teach sb how, what, etc...: My father taught me how to ride a bike. teach
We offer free technical support for those buying our software. technical
Skaters score extra points for technical complexity. technical
I was about to telephone the police. telephone
satellite/terrestrial/cable/digital television television
high/low temperatures temperature
a temporary measure/solution/arrangement temporary
a technical/legal/scientific, etc. term term
You'll be in terrible trouble if you're late again. terrible
Schools use various methods of testing. test
Can you act out this scene without referring to the text? text
The people I met there were very friendly. the
They placed the African elephant on their endangered list. the
the French the
I want to work in theatre. theatre
The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art. theme
I've been invited too, so I'll see you then. then
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then/then and there (= immediately). then
We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England. then
The debate is centred around two conflicting theories. theory
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then/then and there (= immediately). there
Apply the paint thickly in even strokes. thickly
He's just bought one of those exercise things. thing
think (that)...: I never thought (that) I'd see her again. think
it is thought that...: It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth. think
He never comes to see me these days (= now, as compared with the past). this
They're very different, though they did seem to get on well when they met. though
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
threaten to do sth: The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met. threaten
threaten to do sth: This dispute threatens to split the party. threaten
Many scholars have argued thus. thus
I tidied up the report before handing it in. tidy sth up
They tied him to a chair with cable. tie
It takes time to make changes in the law. time
Did you have to wait a long time to see the doctor? time
I lived in Egypt for a time. time
The movie is set at the time of the Russian Revolution. time
The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere. tip up/over, tip sth up/over
to check your tire pressure tire
the Japanese ambassador to France to
the solution to this problem to
I'd love to go to France this summer. to
After the meeting the two sides in the dispute were no closer together. together
I'll see you the day after tomorrow. tomorrow
Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (= for example by telling a rude joke). tone
speaking in hushed/low/clipped/measured, etc. tones tone
He clicked his tongue to attract their attention. tongue
Stay tuned for the news coming up next. tune
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up. turn up
He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). turn sth on
satellite/cable/digital TV TV
I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. twice
an area twice the size of Wales twice
Cats sleep twice as much as people. twice
Charges have risen at twice the rate of inflation. twice
She's expecting twins. twin
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
By a curious twist of fate we met again only a week or so later. twist
She gave the lid another twist and it came off. twist
Type (in) the filename, then press 'Return'. type
We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens. ultimate
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. unacceptable
Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level. unacceptable
He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned. uncomfortable
She placed the ladder under (= just lower than) the window. under
an annual income of under £10 000 under
Under its new conductor, the orchestra has established an international reputation. under
The wall collapsed under the strain. under
underground cables underground
understand (sth): Can you understand French? understand
Most of the students have a sound understanding of English grammar. understanding
I've joined the ranks of the unemployed (= I've lost my job). the unemployed
an area of high/low unemployment unemployment
measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment unemployment
unemployment benefit/statistics unemployment
an unexpected visitor unexpected
unfair dismissal (= a situation in which sb is illegally dismissed from their job) unfair
measures to prevent unfair competition between member countries unfair
I've joined the union. union
a summit to discuss economic and monetary union union
The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds. unique
a degree from the university of life the university of life
Unless something unexpected happens, I'll see you tomorrow. unless
The turnout was unusually low. unusually
You look nice with your hair up (= arranged on top of or at the back of your head). up
We drove up to Inverness to see my father. up
Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. urge
an urgent appeal for information urgent
a problem that requires urgent attention urgent
'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?' urgent
Mark the message 'urgent', please. urgent
The law is in urgent need of reform. urgent
They've called an urgent meeting for this evening. urgent
an urgent whisper urgent
Her voice sounded urgent on the phone. urgent
A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. use
The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless. useless
Despite her problems, she carried on working as usual. as usual
The book provides valuable information on recent trends. valuable
Luckily, nothing valuable was stolen. valuable
The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated. value
Larger sizes give the best value for money. value
This great value-for-money offer is only available to society members. value
The dial records very slight variations in pressure. variation
I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer. variety
green vegetables (= for example cabbage ) vegetable
The view from the top of the tower was spectacular. view
The book gives readers an inside view of political life. view
People came from all over the world to view her work. view
We visited towns and villages all over Spain. village
He met with a violent death (= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.). violent
The virus in the software was programmed to corrupt the hard disk. virus
The couple moved outside her field of vision. vision
This is an area rarely visited by Europeans. visit
For more information, visit our website. visit
They're on an exchange visit to France. visit
Visits to our website have doubled in a year. visit
We've got visitors coming this weekend. visitor
Do you get many visitors? visitor
How can we attract more visitors to our website? visitor
When did the word 'bungalow' first enter the vocabulary? vocabulary
Wait until the dough doubles in volume before kneading it again. volume
an encyclopedia in 20 volumes volume
vote (on sth): We'll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it. vote
vote to do sth: Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter. vote
There are extra benefits for people on low wages. wage
wait to do sth: The hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us. wait
She just walked up to the desk and asked to see the manager. walk up (to sb/sth)
'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!' want
In the Middle Ages England waged war on France. war
the class war war
His smile was warm and friendly. warm
a warm house warm
It's nice and warm in here. warm
You'll be as warm as toast in here. warm
She felt the warmth of his arms around her. warmth
He led the child into the warmth and safety of the house. warmth
His expression lacked warmth or encouragement. warmth
The area is famous for the warmth and hospitality of its people. warmth
waste sth (in) doing sth: She wasted no time in rejecting the offer (= she rejected it immediately). waste
Watch your head on the low ceiling. watch
With a wave and a shout he ran down the road to meet us. wave
Guilt and horror flooded her in waves. wave
A wave of panic spread through the crowd. wave
way to do sth: That's not the right way to hold a pair of scissors. way
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way. in the/sb's way
I first met him way back in the 80s. way back (in...)
We'd (= the company would) like to offer you the job. we
The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble. weakness
Can you spot the weakness in her argument? weakness
For current prices please visit our website. website
All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married). wedding
He comes to see us once a week. week
weekly meetings weekly
a weekly magazine weekly
People spoke well of (= spoke with approval of) him. well
What about a trip to France? what about...?
'I need to see a doctor.' 'What for?' what for?
When (= in what circumstances) would such a solution be possible? when
You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not. whether
Which is better exercise—swimming or tennis? which
The twins are so alike I can't tell which is which. which is which
+ speech: 'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered. whisper
The people (who) we met in France have sent us a card. who
Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September. who
We offer a whole variety of weekend breaks. whole
The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole. whole
Why bother to write? We'll see him tomorrow. why
The reason why the injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes. why
The idea is now widely accepted. widely
He has travelled widely in Asia. widely
His heart was beating wildly. wildly
In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live. will
She always wants to impose her will on other people (= to get what she wants). will
Success in studying depends on a willingness to learn. willingness
win against sb/sth: France won by six goals to two against Denmark. win
The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools. win
wish to do sth: This course is designed for people wishing to update their computer skills. wish
The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. with
He finds it hard to live within his income (= without spending more than he earns). within
He found the place without difficulty. without
We had witnessed one of the most outstanding theatrical performances of the decade. witness
I prefer to see a woman doctor. woman
It's wonderful to see you! wonderful
I give you my word of honour (= my sincere promise) ... word
She repeated their conversation word for word to me. word for word
the collected/complete works of Tolstoy work
The art collection was his life's work. work
Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital. work
We set to work on the outside of the house (= for example, painting it). get (down) to/set to work
They are a couple in the real world as well as in the movie. world
to sail around the world world
French is spoken in many parts of the world. world
the Arab world world
You had me worried for a moment—I thought you were going to resign! you had me worried
Pressure can bring out the worst in people. bring out the worst in sb
If you went to see him, he would be delighted. would
She'd be a fool to accept it (= if she accepted). would
If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have applied for the job. would
They would never have met if she hadn't gone to Emma's party. would
write to sb: She wrote to him in France. write
Our son's having problems with his reading and writing (= at school) writing
He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing. writing
It was his bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (= so that he got involved in trouble without intending to). wrong
She was wrongly accused of stealing. wrongly
He stood up, stretched and yawned. yawn
We couldn't help yawning during the speech. yawn
She stifled another yawn and tried hard to look interested. yawn
'We're off to France soon.' 'Oh yeah? When's that?' oh yeah?
It's years since we last met. year
They haven't seen each other for years. year
'I've never met her before.' 'Yes, you have.' yes
I met the young Michelle Obama at Princeton. young
It's a movie that will appeal to the young. young