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1945 史 lịch sử sử sách . . .
history sử

OXF3000N sự vắng mặt absence
OXF3000N sự thích nghi điều tiết accommodation
OXF3000N sự tích cực sự hoạt động sự hăng hái sự linh lợi activity
OXF3000N sửa lại cho đúng điều chỉnh adjust
OXF3000N sự khâm phục người khâm phục thán phục admiration
OXF3000N sự tiến bộ tiến lên đưa lên đề xuất advance
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự phiêu lưu mạo hiểm adventure
OXF3000N sự quảng cáo nghề quảng cáo advertising
OXF3000N sự đồng ý tán thành hiệp định hợp đồng agreement
OXF3000N sự giúp đỡ thêm vào phụ vào aid
OXF3000N sự nhắm (bắn) mục tiêu ý định nhắm tập trung hướng vào aim
OXF3000N dọc theo theo theo chiều dài suốt theo along
OXF3000N thay đổi biến đổi sửa đổi alter
OXF3000N sự lựa chọn lựa chọn alternative
OXF3000N như một sự lựa chọn alternatively
OXF3000N làm ngạc nhiên làm sửng sốt amaze
OXF3000N kinh ngạc sửng sốt làm hết sức ngạc nhiên amazing
OXF3000N kinh ngạc sửng sốt hết sức ngạc nhiên amazedly
OXF3000N sự phân tích analysis
OXF3000N sự tức giận sự giận dữ anger
OXF3000N sự trả lời trả lời answer
OXF3000N mối lo âu sự lo lắng anxiety
OXF3000N sự kêu gọi lời kêu gọi kêu gọi cầu khẩn appeal
OXF3000N sự xuất hiện sự trình diện appearance
OXF3000N sự gắn vào vật gắn vào sự chuyên cần chuyên tâm application
OXF3000N sự bổ nhiệm người được bổ nhiệm appointment
OXF3000N đến gần lại gần sự đến gần sự lại gần approach
OXF3000N sự tán thành đồng ý sự chấp thuận approval
OXF3000N sắp xếp sắp đặt sửa soạn arrange
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sắp đặt sự sửa soạn arrangement
OXF3000N bắt giữ sự bắt giữ arrest
OXF3000N sự đến sự tới nơi arrival
OXF3000N sự giúp đỡ assistance
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự liên kết association
OXF3000N sự tấn công sự công kích tấn công công kích attack
OXF3000N sự cố gắng sự thử cố gắng thử attempt
OXF3000N sự chú ý attention
OXF3000N sự hút sức hút attraction
OXF3000N cấm cấm chỉ sự cấm ban
OXF3000N sự mặc cả sự giao kèo mua bán bargain
OXF3000N sự tắm bath
OXF3000N tiếng đập sự đập đánh đập đấm beat
OXF3000N sự thay mặt behalf
OXF3000N lòng tin đức tin sự tin tưởng belief
OXF3000N đánh cược cá cược sự đánh cược bet
OXF3000N sự đánh cuợc betting
OXF3000N đặt giá trả giá sự đặt giá sự trả giá bid
OXF3000N sự ra đời sự sinh đẻ birth
OXF3000N cắn ngoạm sự cắn sự ngoạm bite
OXF3000N khiển trách mắng trách sự khiển trách sự mắng trách blame
OXF3000N trống để trắng sự trống rỗng blank
OXF3000N máu huyết sự tàn sát chém giết blood
OXF3000N nở hoa sự nở hoa blow
OXF3000N bẻ gãy đập vỡ sự gãy sự vỡ break
OXF3000N sự hô hấp sự thở breathing
OXF3000N sự xây dựng công trình xây dựng tòa nhà building
OXF3000N đạn (súng trường súng lục) bullet
OXF3000N sự tính toán calculation
OXF3000N yên lặng làm dịu đi sự yên lặng sự êm ả calm
OXF3000N sự cắm trại camping
OXF3000N năng lực khả năng tiếp thu năng suất capacity
OXF3000N bắt giữ bắt sự bắt giữ sự bị bắt capture
OXF3000N sự chăm sóc chăm nom chăm sóc care
OXF3000N sự giữ gìn take care of
OXF3000N nghề nghiệp sự nghiệp career
OXF3000N sơ suất cầu thả careless
OXF3000N quăng ném thả đánh gục sự quăng sự ném (lưới) sự thả (neo) cast
OXF3000N sự kỷ niệm lễ kỷ niệm sự tán dương sự ca tụng celebration
OXF3000N sự thử thách sự thách thức thách thức thử thách challenge
OXF3000N sự may mắn chance
OXF3000N thay đổi sự thay đổi sự biến đổi change
OXF3000N lòng từ thiện lòng nhân đức sự bố thí charity
OXF3000N săn bắt sự săn bắt chase
OXF3000N kiểm tra sự kiểm tra check
OXF3000N vỏ bào mảnh vỡ chỗ sứt mẻ chip
OXF3000N sự lựa chọn choice
OXF3000N đòi hỏi yêu sách sự đòi hỏi sự yêu sách sự thỉnh cầu claim
OXF3000N rõ ràng sáng sủa clearly
OXF3000N thư ký linh mục mục sư clerk
OXF3000N sự leo trèo climbing
OXF3000N sự lao dốc bờ biển coast
OXF3000N lạnh sự lạnh lẽo lạnh nhạt cold
OXF3000N đổ sụp đổ sự đổ nát sự sụp đổ collapse
OXF3000N sưu tập tập trung lại collect
OXF3000N sự sưu tập sự tụ họp collection
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự phối hợp combination
OXF3000N sự an ủi khuyên giải lời động viên sự an nhàn comfort
OXF3000N hội đồng ủy ban sự ủy nhiệm sự ủy thác commission
OXF3000N sự phạm tội sự tận tụy tận tâm commitment
OXF3000N sự chung của chung in common
OXF3000N sự giao tiếp liên lạc sự truyền đạt truyền tin communication
OXF3000N sự so sánh comparison
OXF3000N sự cạnh tranh cuộc thi cuộc thi đấu competition
OXF3000N lời than phiền than thở sự khiếu nại đơn kiện complaint
OXF3000N sự tập trung nơi tập trung concentration
OXF3000N liên quan dính líu tới sự liên quan sự dính líu tới concern
OXF3000N sự kết thúc sự kết luận phần kết luận conclusion
OXF3000N điều khiển chỉ đạo chỉ huy sự điều khiển chỉ huy conduct
OXF3000N hội nghị sự bàn bạc conference
OXF3000N lòng tin tưởng sự tin cậy confidence
OXF3000N sự xung đột sự va chạm xung đột, va chạm
OXF3000N sự lộn xộn sự rối loạn confusion
OXF3000N sự chúc mừng khen ngợi lời chúc mừng khen ngợi congratulations
OXF3000N sự kết nối sự giao kết connection
OXF3000N sự cân nhắc sự xem xét sự để ý sự quan tâm consideration
OXF3000N sự xây dựng công trình construction
OXF3000N sự liên lạc sự giao thiệp tiếp xúc contact
OXF3000N nội dung sự hài lòng content
OXF3000N hợp đồng sự ký hợp đồng ký kết contract
OXF3000N sự tương phản làm tương phản trái ngược contrast
OXF3000N sự đóng góp sự góp phần contribution
OXF3000N sự điều khiển quyền hành quyền lực quyền chỉ huy control
OXF3000N trong sự điều khiển của... in control of
OXF3000N dưới sự điều khiển của... under control
OXF3000N sự nấu ăn cách nấu ăn cooking
OXF3000N bản sao bản chép lại sự sao chép copy
OXF3000N đúng chính xác sửa sửa chữa correct
OXF3000N ho sự ho tiếng hoa cough
OXF3000N sự can đảm sự dũng cảm dũng khí courage
OXF3000N vải thô sự rơi (máy bay) sự phá sản sụp đổ crash
OXF3000N sự tin lòng tin danh tiếng tiền gửi ngân hàng credit
OXF3000N sự khủng hoảng cơn khủng hoảng crisis
OXF3000N sự phê bình sự phê phán lời phê bình lời phê phán criticism
OXF3000N cây Thánh Giá nỗi thống khổ sự băng qua cross
OXF3000N khóc kêu la sự khóc tiếng khóc sự kêu la cry
OXF3000N văn hóa sự mở mang sự giáo dục culture
OXF3000N quăn xoắn uốn quăn làm xoắn sự uốn quăn curl
OXF3000N màn (cửa rạp hát khói sương) curtain
OXF3000N cắt chặt sự cắt cut
OXF3000N sự đi xe đạp cycling
OXF3000N mối hại điều hại sự thiệt hại làm hư hại làm hỏng damage
OXF3000N sự nhảy múa sự khiêu vũ nhảy múa khiêu vũ dance
OXF3000N sự nhảy múa sự khiêu vũ dancing
OXF3000N sự nguy hiểm mối hiểm nghèo nguy cơ mối đe dọa danger
OXF3000N phân phát phân phối sự giao dịch thỏa thuận mua bán deal
OXF3000N sự chết cái chết death
OXF3000N tình trạng suy tàn suy sụp tình trạng đổ nát decay
OXF3000N sự quyết định sự giải quyết sự phân xử decision
OXF3000N sự suy tàn sự suy sụp suy sụp suy tàn decline
OXF3000N sự trang hoàng đồ trang hoàng trang trí decoration
OXF3000N giảm bớt làm suy giảm sự giảm đi sự giảm sút decrease
OXF3000N đánh thắng đánh bại sự thất bại (1 kế hoạch) sự tiêu tan (hy vọng) defeat
OXF3000N cái để bảo vệ vật để chống đỡ sự che chở defence
OXF3000N sự định nghĩa lời định nghĩa definition
OXF3000N sự chậm trễ sự trì hoãn sự cản trở làm chậm trễ delay
OXF3000N thận trọng có tính toán chủ tâm có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberate
OXF3000N thận trọng có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberately
OXF3000N sự vui thích sự vui sướng điều thích thú làm vui thích làm say mê delight
OXF3000N sự phân phát sự phân phối sự giao hàng sự bày tỏ phát biểu delivery
OXF3000N sự đòi hỏi sự yêu cầu đòi hỏi yêu cầu demand
OXF3000N sự rời khỏi sự đi sự khởi hành departure
OXF3000N làm chán nản làm phiền muộn làm suy giảm depress
OXF3000N chán nản thất vọng phiền muộn suy yếu đình trệ depressed
OXF3000N sự mô tả sự tả sự miêu tả description
OXF3000N sự thiết kế kế hoạch đề cương. phác thảo design
OXF3000N sự phá hoại sự phá hủy sự tiêu diệt destruction
OXF3000N sự xác định sự định rõ sự quyết định determination
OXF3000N sự phát triển sự trình bày sự bày tỏ development
OXF3000N sự chết dying
OXF3000N sự khác nhau difference
OXF3000N sự khó khăn nỗi khó khăn điều cản trở difficulty
OXF3000N sự điều khiển sự chỉ huy direction
OXF3000N sự bất lợi sự thiệt hại disadvantage
OXF3000N sự bất đồng sự không đồng ý sự khác nhau disagreement
OXF3000N sự chán ngán sự thất vọng disappointment
OXF3000N sự phản đổi sự không tán thành disapproval
OXF3000N sự bớt giá sự chiết khấu tiền bớt chiết khấu discount
OXF3000N sự khám phá sự tìm ra sự phát hiện ra discovery
OXF3000N sự thảo luận sự tranh luận discussion
OXF3000N sự không ưa không thích sự ghét dislike
OXF3000N bày tỏ phô trương trưng bày sự bày ra phô bày trưng bày display
OXF3000N sự phân bổ sự phân phối phân phát sự sắp xếp distribution
OXF3000N sự chia sự phân chia sự phân loại division
OXF3000N sự ly dị divorce
OXF3000N sự nghi ngờ sự ngờ vực nghi ngờ ngờ vực doubt
OXF3000N bản vẽ bức vẽ sự kéo drawing
OXF3000N sự lái xe cuộc đua xe driving
OXF3000N sự tôn kính kính trọng bồn phận trách nhiệm duty
OXF3000N sự thanh thản sự thoải mái làm thanh thản làm yên tâm ease
OXF3000N sự tiết kiệm sự quản lý kinh tế economy
OXF3000N nhà xuất bản sự xuất bản edition
OXF3000N sự giáo dục sự rèn luyện (kỹ năng) education
OXF3000N sự cố gắng sự nỗ lực effort
OXF3000N sự bầu cử cuộc tuyển cử election
OXF3000N sự lúng túng sự bối rối embarrassment
OXF3000N sự xúc động sự cảm động mối xúc cảm emotion
OXF3000N sự nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng emphasis
OXF3000N thất nghiệp không dùng không sử dụng được unemployed
OXF3000N chủ người sử dụng lao động employer
OXF3000N sự thuê mướn employment
OXF3000N sự thuê mướn employment
OXF3000N sự thuê mướn employment
OXF3000N sự thuê mướn employment
OXF3000N sự thất nghiệp nạn thất nghiệp unemployment
OXF3000N sự thất nghiệp nạn thất nghiệp unemployment
OXF3000N chạm chán bắt gặp sự chạm trán sự bắt gặp encounter
OXF3000N niềm cổ vũ động viên khuyến khích sự làm can đảm encouragement
OXF3000N giới hạn sự kết thúc kết thúc chấm dứt end
OXF3000N sự kết thúc sự chấm dứt phần cuối kết cục ending
OXF3000N kỹ sư engineer
OXF3000N nghề kỹ sư công việc của kỹ sư engineering
OXF3000N sự thích thú sự có được được hưởng enjoyment
OXF3000N sự điều tra sự thẩm vấn enquiry
OXF3000N sự giải trí sự tiếp đãi chiêu đãi entertainment
OXF3000N sự hăng hái sự nhiệt tình enthusiasm
OXF3000N sự đi vào sự nhậm chức entrance
OXF3000N sự ghi vào sổ sách sự đi vào sự tiếp nhận (pháp lý) entry
OXF3000N ngang bằng người ngang hàng ngang tài sức equal
OXF3000N lỗi sự sai sót sai lầm error
OXF3000N trốn thoát thoát khỏi sự trốn thoát lỗi thoát escape
OXF3000N sự ước lượng đánh giá ước lượng đánh giá estimate
OXF3000N sự việc sự kiện event
OXF3000N sự thi cử kỳ thi examination
OXF3000N sự trừ ra sự loại ra exception
OXF3000N trao đổi sự trao đổi exchange
OXF3000N sự kích thích sự kích động excitement
OXF3000N sự thi hành chấp hành (thuộc) sự thi hành chấp hành executive
OXF3000N bài tập sự thi hành sự thực hiện làm thi hành thực hiện exercise
OXF3000N sự tồn tại sự sống existence
OXF3000N lỗi ra sự đi ra thoát ra exit
OXF3000N sự mong chờ sự chờ đợi expectation
OXF3000N sự giải nghĩa giải thích explanation
OXF3000N sự nổ sự phát triển ồ ạt explosion
OXF3000N xuất khẩu hàng xuất khẩu sự xuất khẩu export
OXF3000N sự diễn tả sự bày tỏ biểu lộ sự diễn đạt expression
OXF3000N sự giơ duỗi sự kéo dài sự dành cho gửi lời extension
OXF3000N vô cùng khắc nghiệt quá khích cực đoan sự quá khích extreme
OXF3000N điều kiện dễ dàng sự dễ dàng thuận lợi facility
OXF3000N việc sự việc sự kiện fact
OXF3000N sự thất bại người thất bại failure
OXF3000N sự tin tưởng tin cậy niềm tin vật đảm bảo faith
OXF3000N rơi ngã sự rơi ngã fall
OXF3000N sự thiết sót sai sót fault
OXF3000N thiện ý sự quý mến sự đồng ý favour
OXF3000N sự sợ hãi e sợ sợ lo ngại fear
OXF3000N sự cảm thấy cảm giác feeling
OXF3000N đấu tranh chiến đấu sự đấu tranh cuộc chiến đấu fight
OXF3000N sự chiến đấu sự đấu tranh fighting
OXF3000N kết thúc hoàn thành sự kết thúc phần cuối finish
OXF3000N sự câu cá sự đánh cá fishing
OXF3000N đóng gắn lắp sửa chữa sửa sang fix
OXF3000N sự bỏ chạy rút chạy sự bay chuyến bay flight
OXF3000N sự chảy chảy flow
OXF3000N bay sự bay quãng đường bay fly
OXF3000N biết bay sự bay chuyến bay flying
OXF3000N sức mạnh ép buộc cưỡng ép force
OXF3000N sự dự đoán dự báo dự đoán dự báo forecast
OXF3000N sự giàu có sự thịnh vượng fortune
OXF3000N sự thành lập sự sáng lập tổ chức foundation
OXF3000N sự tự do nền tự do freedom
OXF3000N đóng băng đông lạnh freeze
OXF3000N sự đông lạnh sự giá lạnh làm đông làm đóng băng freeze
OXF3000N sự vui đùa sự vui thích hài hước fun
OXF3000N sự sinh ra sự phát sinh ra thế hệ đời generation
OXF3000N vui lòng sung sướng glad
OXF3000N sắp sửa có ý định be going to
OXF3000N chính phủ nội các sự cai trị government
OXF3000N cho ban cấp sự cho sự ban sự cấp grant
OXF3000N sự lớn lên sự phát triển growth
OXF3000N sự bảo hành bảo lãnh người bảo lãnh cam đoan đảm bảo guarantee
OXF3000N đoán phỏng đoán sự đoán sự ước chừng guess
OXF3000N súng gun
OXF3000N sự sung sướng hạnh phúc happiness
OXF3000N nỗi buồn sự bất hạnh unhappiness
OXF3000N nỗi buồn sự bất hạnh unhappiness
OXF3000N sung sướng hạnh phúc happily
OXF3000N cứng rắn hà khắc hết sức cố gắng tích cực hard
OXF3000N lòng căm thì sự căm ghét hatred
OXF3000N sức khỏe thể chất sự lành mạnh health
OXF3000N sự nghe thính giác hearing
OXF3000N hơi nóng sức nóng heat
OXF3000N sự đốt nóng sự làm nóng heating
OXF3000N tốt cao hết sức ở mức độ cao highly
OXF3000N thuê cho thuê (nhà...) sự thuê sự cho thuê hire
OXF3000N lịch sử sử học history
OXF3000N lịch sử thuộc lịch sử historical
OXF3000N cầm nắm giữ sự cầm sự nắm giữ hold
OXF3000N linh thiêng sùng đạo holy
OXF3000N sừng (trâu bò...) horn
OXF3000N điều kinh khủng sự ghê rợn horror
OXF3000N sự hài hước sự hóm hỉnh humour
OXF3000N sự đi săn hunting
OXF3000N sự vội vàng sự gấp rút hurry
OXF3000N sự đau yếu ốm bệnh tật illness
OXF3000N trí tưởng tượng sự tưởng tượng imagination
OXF3000N sự và chạm sự tác động ảnh hưởng impact
OXF3000N sự lôi kéo sự liên can điều gợi ý implication
OXF3000N sự nhập sự nhập khẩu nhập nhập khẩu import
OXF3000N sự quan trọng tầm quan trọng importance
OXF3000N ấn tượng cảm giác sự in đóng dấu impression
OXF3000N sự cái thiện sự cải tiến sự mở mang improvement
OXF3000N sự bất lực bất tài inability
OXF3000N tăng tăng thêm sự tăng sự tăng thêm increase
OXF3000N sự độc lập nền độc lập independence
OXF3000N chỉ số sự biểu thị index
OXF3000N sự chỉ sự biểu thị sự biểu lộ indication
OXF3000N sự nhiễm sự đầu độc infection
OXF3000N sự ảnh hưởng sự tác dụng ảnh hưởng tác động influence
OXF3000N bước đầu sự khởi đầu initiative
OXF3000N sự làm tổn thương làm hại điều hại điều tổn hại injury
OXF3000N sự thành lập lập cơ quan trụ sở institution
OXF3000N sự dạy tài liệu cung cấp instruction
OXF3000N lăng mạ xỉ nhục lời lăng mạ sự xỉ nhục insult
OXF3000N sự bảo hiểm insurance
OXF3000N sự hiểu biết trí thông minh intelligence
OXF3000N sự thích thú sự quan tâm chú ý làm quan tâm chú ý interest
OXF3000N sự giải thích interpretation
OXF3000N sự gián đoạn sự ngắt lời interruption
OXF3000N cuộc phỏng vấn sự gặp mặt phỏng vấn nói chuyện riêng interview
OXF3000N sự giới thiệu lời giới thiệu introduction
OXF3000N sự phát minh sự sáng chế invention
OXF3000N sự điều tra nghiên cứu investigation
OXF3000N sự đầu tư vốn đầu tư investment
OXF3000N lời mời sự mời invitation
OXF3000N sự gồm sự bao hàm sự để dồn hết tâm trí vào involvement
OXF3000N sự phát ra sự phát sinh phát hành đưa ra issue
OXF3000N niềm vui sự vui mừng joy
OXF3000N nhảy sự nhảy bước nhảy jump
OXF3000N sự công bằng justice
OXF3000N sự giết chóc sự tàn sát killing
OXF3000N sự tử tế lòng tốt kindness
OXF3000N sự hiểu biết tri thức knowledge
OXF3000N sự thiếu thiếu lack
OXF3000N luật sư lawyer
OXF3000N lãnh đạo dẫn dắt sự lãnh đạo sự hướng dẫn lead
OXF3000N sự cho phép n) bằng, chứng chỉ, bằng cử nhân
OXF3000N nói dối lời nói dối sự dối trá lie
OXF3000N đời sự sống life
OXF3000N giơ lên nhấc lên sự nâng sự nhấc lên lift
OXF3000N sự vay mượn loan
OXF3000N vị trí sự định vị location
OXF3000N sự mất sự thua loss
OXF3000N làm chế tạo sự chế tạo make
OXF3000N sự quản lý sự trông nom sự điều khiển management
OXF3000N sự chế tạo sự sản xuất chế tạo sản xuất manufacture
OXF3000N sự sản xuất sự chế tạo manufacturing
OXF3000N sự cưới xin sự kết hôn lễ cưới marriage
OXF3000N đo đo lường sự đo lường đơn vị đo lường measure
OXF3000N sự đo lường phép đo measurement
OXF3000N trung bình trung vừa sự trung gian sự môi giới medium
OXF3000N sự tưởng nhớ in memory of
OXF3000N (thuộcquân đội quân sự military
OXF3000N lỡ trượt sự trượt sự thiếu vắng miss
OXF3000N pha trộn lẫn sự pha trộn mix
OXF3000N sự pha trộn sự hỗn hợp mixture
OXF3000N sự chuyển động sự di động motion
OXF3000N di chuyển chuyển động sự di chuyển sự chuyển động move
OXF3000N sự chuyển động sự hoạt động cử động động tác movement
OXF3000N gần sắp suýt nearly
OXF3000N cần đòi hỏi sự cần need
OXF3000N tiếng ồn sự huyên náo noise
OXF3000N sự quan sát sự theo dõi observation
OXF3000N đang sử dụng đầy (người) occupied
OXF3000N sự vi phạm sự phạm tội offence
OXF3000N sự tấn công cuộc tấn công offensive
OXF3000N biếu tặng cho sự trả giá offer
OXF3000N khe hở lỗ sự bắt đầu sự khai mạc lễ khánh thành opening
OXF3000N sự hoạt động quá trình hoạt động operation
OXF3000N sự đối lập sự đối nhau sự chống lại sự phản đối opposition
OXF3000N sự lựa chọn option
OXF3000N tổ chức cơ quan sự tổ chức organization
OXF3000N sự sản xuất sản phẩm sản lượng output
OXF3000N sự đau đớn sự đau khổ pain
OXF3000N sự sơn bức họa bức tranh painting
OXF3000N (n)/ đối tác cộng sự partner
OXF3000N sự chung phần sự cộng tác partnership
OXF3000N sự đi qua sự trôi qua thoáng qua ngắn ngủi passing
OXF3000N sự đi qua sự trôi qua hành lang passage
OXF3000N tính kiên nhẫn nhẫn nại kiên trì sự chịu đựng patience
OXF3000N tạm nghỉ dừng sự tạm nghỉ sự tạm ngừng pause
OXF3000N sự trả tiền số tiền trả tiền bồi thường payment
OXF3000N hòa bình sự hòa thuận peace
OXF3000N sự làm sự thực hiện sự thi hành sự biểu diễn performance
OXF3000N sự cho phép giấy phép permission
OXF3000N sự lập kế hoạch sự quy hoạch planning
OXF3000N thực vật sự mọc lên trồng gieo plant
OXF3000N sự sung túc sự phong phú pro(n) (adv) (n) nhiều, sự thừa
OXF3000N chính sách cách xử sự điều khoản hợp đồng policy
OXF3000N lễ phép lịch sự polite
OXF3000N lễ phép lịch sự politely
OXF3000N sự ô nhiễm pollution
OXF3000N đưa ra đề ra đặt sự đặt đề ra pose
OXF3000N khả năng tài năng năng lực sức mạnh nội lực power
OXF3000N sự ca ngợi sự tán dương lòng tôn kính tôn thờ khen ngợi tán dương praise
OXF3000N sự cầu nguyện prayer
OXF3000N sự thích hơn sự ưa hơn cái được ưa thích hơn preference
OXF3000N sự sửa soạn sự chuẩn bị preparation
OXF3000N sửa soạn chuẩn bị prepare
OXF3000N sự hiện diện sự có mặt người vât hiện diện presence
OXF3000N bài thuyết trình sự trình diện sự giới thiệu presentation
OXF3000N sự ép sự nén sự ấn ép nén bóp ấn press
OXF3000N sức ép áp lực áp suất pressure
OXF3000N sự kiêu hãnh sự hãnh diện tính kiêu căng tự phụ pride
OXF3000N in xuất bản sự in ra print
OXF3000N sự in thuật in kỹ sảo in printing
OXF3000N sự ưu tế quyền ưu tiên priority
OXF3000N quá trình sự tiến triển quy trình chế biến gia công xử lý process
OXF3000N sự sản xuất chế tạo production
OXF3000N giáo sư giảng viên professor
OXF3000N sự tiến tới sự tiến triển tiến bộ tiến triển phát triển progress
OXF3000N sự thăng chức sự thăng cấp promotion
OXF3000N sự phát âm pronunciation
OXF3000N chứng chứng cớ bằng chứng sự kiểm chứng proof
OXF3000N sự cân xứng sự cân đối proportion
OXF3000N sự đề nghị đề xuất proposal
OXF3000N sự bảo vệ sự che chở protection
OXF3000N sự phản đối sự phản kháng phản đối phản kháng protest
OXF3000N sự công bố sự xuất bản publication
OXF3000N sự công khai sự quảng cáo publicity
OXF3000N lôi kéo giật sự lôi kéo sự giật pull
OXF3000N sự trừng phạt sự trừng trị punishment
OXF3000N sự mua sự tậu mua sắm tậu purchase
OXF3000N xô đẩy sự xô đẩy push
OXF3000N sự phản ứng sự phản tác dụng reaction
OXF3000N sự đọc reading
OXF3000N thực thực ra thực sự really
OXF3000N sự thật thực tế thực tại reality
OXF3000N sự nhận sự tiếp nhận sự đón tiếp reception
OXF3000N sự công nhận sự thừa nhận recognition
OXF3000N bản ghi sự ghi bản thu sự thu thu ghi chép record
OXF3000N sự ghi sự thu âm recording
OXF3000N sự giảm giá sự hạ giá reduction
OXF3000N sự tham khảo hỏi ý kiến reference
OXF3000N cải cách cải thiện cải tạo sự cải cách sự cải thiện cải tạo reform
OXF3000N sự từ chối sự khước từ refusal
OXF3000N nhìn đánh giá cái nhìn sự quan tâm sự chú ý (lời chúc tụng cuối thư) regard
OXF3000N đáng tiếc hối tiếc lòng thương tiếc sự hối tiếc regret
OXF3000N sự điều chỉnh điều lệ quy tắc regulation
OXF3000N mối quan hệ sự liên quan liên lạc relation
OXF3000N làm nhẹ bớt thả phóng thích phát hành sự giải thoát thoát khỏi sự thả release
OXF3000N sự giảm nhẹ sự làm cho khuây khỏa sự trợ cấo relief
OXF3000N sự nhận xét phê bình sự để ý chú ý nhận xét phê bình remark
OXF3000N sự thuê mướn cho thuê thuê rent
OXF3000N sửa chữa chỉnh tu sự sửa chữa sự chỉnh tu repair
OXF3000N sự trả lời sự hồi âm trả lời hồi âm reply
OXF3000N sự nổi tiếng nổi danh reputation
OXF3000N nhu cầu sự đòi hỏi luật lệ thủ tục requirement
OXF3000N giải thoát cứu nguy sự giải thoát sự cứu nguy rescue
OXF3000N sự nghiên cứu research
OXF3000N sự hạn chế điều kiện hạn chế reservation
OXF3000N dự trữ để dành đặt trước đăng ký trước sự dự trữ sự để dành sự đặt trước reserve
OXF3000N sự chống lại sự phản đối sự kháng cự resistance
OXF3000N sự kính trọng sự lễ phép tôn trọng kính trọng khâm phục respect
OXF3000N sự trả lời câu trả lời sự hưởng ứng sự đáp lại response
OXF3000N trách nhiệm sự chịu trách nhiệm responsibility
OXF3000N sự nghỉ ngơi lúc nghỉ nghỉ nghỉ ngơi rest
OXF3000N hoàn lại trả lại sửa chữa lại phục hồi lại restore
OXF3000N sự hạn chế sự giới hạn restriction
OXF3000N sự ẩn dật nơi hẻo lánh sự về hưu sự nghỉ việc retirement
OXF3000N trở lại trở về sự trở lại sự trở về return
OXF3000N sự xem lại sự xét lại làm lại xem xét lại review
OXF3000N đọc lại xem lại sửa lại ôn lại revise
OXF3000N sự xem lại sự đọc lại sự sửa lại sự ôn lại revision
OXF3000N sự thưởng phần thưởng thưởng thưởng công reward
OXF3000N đi cưỡi (ngựa) sự đi đường đi ride
OXF3000N môn thể thao cưỡi ngựa sự đi xe (bus điện xe đạp) riding
OXF3000N sự lên sự tăng lương thăng cấp dậy đứng lên mọc (mặt trời) thành đạt rise
OXF3000N sự liều mạo hiểm liều risk
OXF3000N cuốn cuộn sự lăn tròn lăn cuốn quấn cuộn roll
OXF3000N cao su rubber
OXF3000N bất lịch sự thô lỗ thô sơ đơn giản rude
OXF3000N bất lịch sự thô lỗ thô sơ đơn giản rudely
OXF3000N làm hỏng làm đổ nát làm phá sản sự hỏng sự đổ nát sự phá sản ruin
OXF3000N sự chạy cuộc chạy đua running
OXF3000N xông lên lao vào xô đẩy sự xông lên sự lao vào sự xô đẩy rush
OXF3000N sự buồn rầu sự buồn bã sadness
OXF3000N sự an toàn sự chắc chăn safety
OXF3000N sự đi thuyền sailing
OXF3000N sự làm cho thỏa mãn toại nguyện sự trả nợ bồi thường satisfaction
OXF3000N đem lại sự thỏa mãn làm thỏa mãn làm vừa ý satisfying
OXF3000N sự cứu sự tiết kiệm saving
OXF3000N làm kinh hãi sợ hãi dọa sự sợ hãi sự kinh hoàng scare
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sự phối hợp kế hoạch thực hiện scheme
OXF3000N cào làm xước da sự cào sự trầy xước da scratch
OXF3000N sự tìm kiếm sự thăm dò sự điều tra tìm kiếm thăm dò điều tra search
OXF3000N sự an toàn sự an ninh security
OXF3000N sự lựa chọn sự chọc lọc selection
OXF3000N sự chia cắt phân ly sự chia tay ly thân separation
OXF3000N phục vụ phụng sự serve
OXF3000N sự phục vụ sự hầu hạ service
OXF3000N sự khâu sự may vá sewing
OXF3000N rung lắc giũ sự rung sự lắc sự giũ shake
OXF3000N sự xấu hổ thẹn thùng sự ngượng shame
OXF3000N sự nương tựa sự che chở sự ẩn náu che chở bảo vệ shelter
OXF3000N đổi chỗ dời chỗ chuyển giao sự thay đổi sự luân phiên shift
OXF3000N sự đụng chạm va chạm sự kích động sự choáng shock
OXF3000N sự bắn sự phóng đi shooting
OXF3000N sự mua sắm shopping
OXF3000N hò hét reo hò sự la hét sự hò reo shout
OXF3000N biểu diễn trưng bày sự biểu diễn sự bày tỏ show
OXF3000N vòi hoa sen sự tắm vòi hoa sen shower
OXF3000N cảnh đẹp sự nhìn sight
OXF3000N sự im lặng sự yên tĩnh silence
OXF3000N sự hát tiếng hát singing
OXF3000N xưng hô lịch sự Ngài Ông sir
OXF3000N đập vỡ tan thành mảnh sự đập vỡ tàn thành mảnh smash
OXF3000N ngửi sự ngửi khứu giác smell
OXF3000N sự hút thuốc smoking
OXF3000N sự giải quyết giải pháp solution
OXF3000N sự nói khả năng nói lời nói cách nói bài nói speech
OXF3000N đánh vần sự thu hút sự quyến rũ say mê spell
OXF3000N sự viết chính tả spelling
OXF3000N sự giận sự hận thù spite
OXF3000N chẻ tách chia ra sự chẻ sự tách sự chia ra split
OXF3000N ép vắt xiết sự ép sự vắt sự xiết squeeze
OXF3000N đứng sự đứng stand
OXF3000N nhìn chằm chằm sự nhìn chằm chằm stare
OXF3000N bắt đầu khởi động sự bắt đầu sự khởi đầu khởi hành start
OXF3000N sự bày tỏ sự phát biểu sự tuyên bố sự trình bày statement
OXF3000N ở lại lưu lại sự ở lại sự lưu lại stay
OXF3000N kho sự trữ hàng dự trữ vốn stock
OXF3000N dừng ngừng nghỉ thôi sự dừng sự ngừng sự đỗ lại stop
OXF3000N bếp lò lò sưởi stove
OXF3000N sự căng thẳng sự căng strain
OXF3000N dòng suối stream
OXF3000N sức mạnh sức khỏe strength
OXF3000N sự căng thẳng căng thẳng ép làm căng stress
OXF3000N cởi lột (quần áo) sự cởi quần áo strip
OXF3000N cú đánh cú đòn cái vuốt ve sự vuốt ve stroke
OXF3000N sự học tập sự nghiên cứu học tập nghiên cứu study
OXF3000N sự thành công sự thành đạt success
OXF3000N sự đau đớn sự đau khổ suffering
OXF3000N sự đề nghị sự đề xuất sự khêu gợi suggestion
OXF3000N sự cung cấp nguồn cung cấp cung cấp đáp ứng tiếp tế supply
OXF3000N sự chống đỡ sự ủng hộ chống đỡ ủng hộ support
OXF3000N sự ngạc nhiên sự bất ngờ làm ngạc nhiên surprise
OXF3000N sự nhìn chung sự khảo sát quan sát nghiên cứu survey
OXF3000N sự nghi ngờ sự ngờ vực suspicion
OXF3000N có sự nghi ngờ tỏ ra nghi ngờ khả nghi suspicious
OXF3000N ngọt có vị ngọt sự ngọt bùi đồ ngọt sweet
OXF3000N phồng sưng lên swell
OXF3000N phồng sưng lên swell
OXF3000N sự sưng lên sự phồng ra swelling
OXF3000N sưng phồng phình căng swollen
OXF3000N sự bơi lội swimming
OXF3000N sự đu đưa lúc lắc đánh đu đu đưa lúc lắc swing
OXF3000N phồng lên sưng lên swell
OXF3000N phồng lên sưng lên swell
OXF3000N sự đồng cảm sự đồng ý sympathy
OXF3000N sự cầm nắm sự lấy take
OXF3000N sự dạy công việc dạy học teaching
OXF3000N sự căng độ căng tình trạng căng tension
OXF3000N bài kiểm tra sự thử nghiệm xét nghiệm kiểm tra test
OXF3000N sự cảm ơn lời cảm ơn thanks
OXF3000N nghĩ suy nghĩ think
OXF3000N sự suy nghĩ ý nghĩ thinking
OXF3000N sự suy nghĩ khả năng suy nghĩ ý nghĩ tư tưởng tư duy thought
OXF3000N sự đe dọa lời đe dọa threat
OXF3000N sự đe dọa sự hăm dọa threatening
OXF3000N khắp nơi từ đầu đến cuối suốt throughout
OXF3000N sự mệt mỏi sự mệt nhọc tiring
OXF3000N nhà vệ sinh sự trang điểm (rửa mặt ăn mặc chải tóc...) toilet
OXF3000N sờ tiếp xúc sự sờ sự mó sự tiếp xúc touch
OXF3000N sự kinh doanh việc mua bán trading
OXF3000N sự đi lại sự giao thông sự chuyển động traffic
OXF3000N sự dạy dỗ sự huấn luyện sự đào tạo training
OXF3000N dời di chuyển sự di chuyển sự dời chỗ transfer
OXF3000N sự dịch translation
OXF3000N trong suốt dễ hiểu sáng sủa transparent
OXF3000N sự vận chuyển sự vận tải chuyên chở phương tiện đi lại transport
OXF3000N đi lại đi du lịch di chuyển sự đi những chuyến đi travel
OXF3000N sự đối xử sự đối đãi sự cư xử (với người nào) treatment
OXF3000N sự thử nghiệm cuộc thử nghiệm trial
OXF3000N đúng sự thật đích thực thực sự truly
OXF3000N niềm tin sự phó thác tin tin cậy phó thác trust
OXF3000N sự thật truth
OXF3000N quay xoay vặn sự quay vòng quay turn
OXF3000N xoắn cuộn quắn sự xoắn vòng xoắn twist
OXF3000N trí tuệ sự hiểu biết understanding
OXF3000N không dùng thất nghiệp unemployed
OXF3000N sự thất nghiệp tình trạng thất nghiệp unemployment
OXF3000N sự thất nghiệp tình trạng thất nghiệp unemployment
OXF3000N nỗi buồn sự bất hạnh unhappiness
OXF3000N nỗi buồn sự bất hạnh unhappiness
OXF3000N liên hiệp sự đoàn kết sự hiệp nhất union
OXF3000N thúc giục giục giã sự thúc đẩy sự thôi thúc urge
OXF3000N sử dụng dùng sự dùng sự sử dụng use
OXF3000N đã dùng đã sử dụng used
OXF3000N sử dụng cái gì sử dụng để làm cái gì used to sth
OXF3000N sử dụng gì sử dụng để làm gì used to doing sth
OXF3000N người dùng người sử dụng user
OXF3000N sự biến đổi sự thay đổi mức độ sự khác nhau variation
OXF3000N sự đa dạng trạng thái khác nhau variety
OXF3000N sự án kinh doanh công việc kinh doanh liều mạo hiểm cả gan venture
OXF3000N sự nhìn tầm nhìn nhìn thấy xem quan sát view
OXF3000N sự ác liệt sự dữ dội bạo lực violence
OXF3000N thực sự hầu như gần như virtually
OXF3000N sự nhìn thị lực vision
OXF3000N đi thăm hỏi đến chơi tham quan sự đi thăm visit
OXF3000N (thuộcsự sống cần cho sự sống vital
OXF3000N sự bỏ phiếu sự bầu cử bỏ phiếu bầu cử vote
OXF3000N đi đi bộ sự đi bộ sự đi dạo walk
OXF3000N sự đi sự đi bộ walking
OXF3000N đi lang thang sự đi lang thang wander
OXF3000N trạng thái ấm sự ấm áp hơi ấm warmth
OXF3000N sự báo trước lời cảnh báo warning
OXF3000N sự tắm rửa sự giặt washing
OXF3000N đồng hồ nhìn theo dõi quan sát sự canh gác sự canh phòng watch
OXF3000N sự giàu có sự giàu sang wealth
OXF3000N sự huýt sáo sự thổi còi huýt sáo thổi còi whistle
OXF3000N bình an vô sự không suy suyển không hư hỏng toàn bộ tất cả toàn thể whole
OXF3000N sự bằng lòng sự vui lòng willingness
OXF3000N cánh sự bay sự cất cánh wing
OXF3000N khôn ngoan sáng suốt thông thái wise
OXF3000N ước mong muốn sự mong ước lòng mong muốn wish
OXF3000N sự làm chứng bằng chứng chứng kiến làm chứng witness
OXF3000N làm việc sự làm việc work
OXF3000N sự làm sự làm việc working
OXF3000N lo lắng suy nghĩ sự lo lắng suy nghĩ worry
OXF3000N sự tôn thờ sự tôn sùng thờ thờ phụng tôn thờ worship
OXF3000N sự viết writing

history lịch sử
I cannot repair it. Tôi không thể sửa nó. Verbs 4
repair sửa  Verbs 4
I need someone to repair the network for me. Tôi cần một ai đó sửa mạng cho tôi. Communication
He is a young historian. Anh ấy là một nhà sử học trẻ. Jobs 2
The historian is reading an information about a scholarship. Nhà sử học đang đọc thông tin về một học bổng. Jobs 2
historian nhà sử học Jobs 2
use and improve Sử dụng và cải thiện. Verbs 5
She does not know how to use the computer. Họ không biết sử dụng máy tính như thế nào. Verbs 5
use Sử dụng Verbs 5
History is written by the winners. Lịch sử được viết bởi người chiến thắng. History
Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world. Giáo dục là vũ khí mạnh nhất mà chúng ta có thể sử dụng để thay đổi thế giới. Military

like: sử
to know how to use a weapon biết cách sử dụng súng
method of use cách sử dụng
historic materialism duy vật sử quan
useful form, practical form dạng sử dụng
electrical power consumer khách hàng sử dụng điện
user khách sử dụng
for the first time in recorded history lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử mà con người ghi nhận được
modern history lịch sử cận đại
ancient history lịch sử cổ kính
human history lịch sử nhân loại
animal research nghiên cứu sử dụng súc vật
user người sử dụng
historian nhà sử gia
historian nhà sử học
users những người sử dụng
to bone up, cram for an examination, study very hard nấu sử sôi kinh
national historiographer’s office quốc sử quán
throughout human history suốt lịch sử nhân loại
user-friendly thân thiện người sử dụng
to normally use thường sử dụng
in the history of Vietnam trong lịch sử Việt Nam
the, a use việc sử dụng
use việc sử đụng
has been used for almost 78 years đã được sử dụng gần 78 năm
durch qua, suốt 通过 tōngguò
wahr sự thật 真的 zhēn de
neblig có sương mù 有雾的 yǒuwù de
fit bleiben giữ sức khỏe 保持精力 bǎochí jīnglì
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐmào de
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐmào de
unhöflich mất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐmào de
unhöflich bất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐmào de
wirklich thực sự 真的 zhēn de
echt thực sự, xác thực, chân chính 真正的 zhēnzhèng de
eigentlich thực sự 本来的 běnlái de
außer Kontrolle geraten ngoài sự kiếm soát 陷入失控之中 xiànrù shīkòng zhī zhōng
abnehmen giảm cân, giảm sút 减少 jiǎnshǎo
heizen sưởi ấm 加热 jiā rè
eigentlich thực sự 本来 běn lái
etwas ausbessern sữa chữa cái gì, làm cho cái gì tốt hơn 修理 xiū lǐ
verwenden sử dụng, dùng 使用 shǐ yòng
sich anstrengen ráng hết sức, cố gắng 努力 nǔ lì
anschwellen sưng zhǒng
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐ mào de
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐ mào de
unhöflich mất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐ mào de
unhöflich bất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐ mào de
präzise súc tích, rõ ràng 精确的 jīng què de
an Liebeskummer leiden chịu đựng sự buồn khổ vì tình 忍受爱情的苦恼 rěn shòu ài qíng de kǔ nǎo
kriminell hình sự 犯罪的 fàn zuì de
gebraucht Đã sử dụng 二手的 èr shǒu de
ein allwissender Erzähler một người kể chuyện thông suốt mọi sự 一个无所不知的作家 yí gè wú suǒ bù zhī de zuò jiā
historisch lịch sử, tính chất lịch sử 历史的 lì shǐ de
ein Ereignis überschatten che chở sự việc 为一件事投下阴影 wèi yí jiàn shì tóu xià yīn yǐng
Löwe sư tử 狮子座 shī zi zuò
Widerstand leisten dẫn dắt sự đối lập 抵抗 dǐ kàng
jemanden verblüffen làm ai đó sửng sốt, làm ai đó kinh ngạc 使某人目瞪口呆 shǐ mǒurén mùdèng-kǒudāi
unüberlegt handeln hành động thiếu suy nghĩ 妄自行事, 鲁莽行事 wàngzì xíngshì, lǔmǎng xíngshì
hinzufügen, ergänzen thêm, bổ sung 添加, 补充 tiānjiā, bǔchōng
abschwächen làm suy yếu 削弱, 冲淡 xuēruò, chōngdàn
erstaunlich làm kinh ngạc, làm sửng sốt 惊人的 jīngrén de
ohne jegliche Hilfe không có sự trợ giúp, giúp đỡ nào 没有任何帮助 méiyǒu rènhé bāngzhù
benutzerfreundlich dễ sử dụng 面向用户的, 对用户友好的 miànxiàng yònghù de, duì yònghù yǒuhǎo de
ereignisreich nhiều sự kiện 多事的 duōshì de
unterernährt suy dinh dưỡng 营养不良的 yíngyǎng bùliáng de
Löwe sư tử 狮子 shīzi
melken vắt sữa 挤奶 jǐnǎi
schachmatt chiếu tướng, sự thất bại 将死 jiāngsǐ
renovieren làm mới lại, phục hồi, sửa chữa 装修 zhuāngxiū
resistent có sức đề kháng 有抵抗力的 yǒu dǐkànglì de
deprimiert sein bị suy nhược 抑郁 yìyù
lebhaft đầy sức sống 有生气的 yǒu shēngqì de
anbeten tôn thờ, sùng bái, yêu say đắm, yêu tha thiết 朝拜 cháobài
fromm ngoan đạo, sùng đạo, mộ đạo 虔诚的 qiánchéng de
militärisch siegen chiến thắng về mặt quân sự 军事上的胜利 jūnshì shàng de shènglì
durch qua, suốt
die Rückkehr quay trở lại, sự trở về
die Milch sữa
die Führung sự hướng dẫn
die Ermäßigung sự giảm bớt
wahr sự thật
der Nebel sương mù
neblig có sương mù
die Reservierung việc đặt phòng, sự đặt trước
fit bleiben giữ sức khỏe
höflich lịch sự
unhöflich mất lịch sự
der Blumenkohl súp lơ
die Suppe món súp
das Milchprodukt sản phẩm từ sữa
die Sahne váng sữa
die Schlagsahne sữa đánh thành kem
der Milchshake sữa khuấy
der Joghurt sữa chua
der Pfannkuchen bánh bột mì rán với trứng và sữa tươi
wirklich thực sự
die Führung sự hướng dẫn
echt thực sự, xác thực, chân chính
die Werkstatt xưởng sửa chữa
der Abflug sự cất cánh
die Verspätung muộn, sự chậm trễ, sự đến muộn
der Schmuck đồ trang sức
der Ärger sự tức giận
außer Kontrolle geraten ngoài sự kiếm soát
das Kondom bao cao su
die Geschichte câu chuyện, mẩu chuyện, lịch sử
abnehmen giảm cân, giảm sút
der Service sự phục vụ
die Wiederholung chiếu lại, sự nhắc lại, sự ôn lại
die Begegnung sự gặp gỡ, sù giao lưn
das Vergnügen vui mừng, sự vui thích, sự giải trí
das Personal nhân sự
der Besuch sự đến thăm
heizen sưởi ấm
das Haus heizen sưởi ấm nhà
eigentlich thực sự
die Gebrauchsanweisung hướng dẫn sử dụng
das Chaos sự lộn xộn
die Zumutung sự không thích hợp
etwas ausbessern sữa chữa cái gì, làm cho cái gì tốt hơn
die Reklamation sự phàn nàn
die Beschwerde sự than phiền
der Ausfall sự thiệt hại
die Verschwendung sự hoang phí
die Verwendung cách sử dụng
die Verdauung sự tiêu hóa
verwenden sử dụng, dùng
die Herausforderung sự thách thức
die Kraft sức
sich anstrengen ráng hết sức, cố gắng
der Gummi cao su
der Hund bellt chó sủa
anschwellen sưng
die Stille sự tĩnh lặng
höflich lịch sự
unhöflich bất lịch sự
präzise súc tích, rõ ràng
die Meinungsverschiedenheit sự khác biệt về quan điểm
die Schande sự hổ thẹn
der Zusammenbruch sự suy sụp
die Dankbarkeit sự biết ơn
an Liebeskummer leiden chịu đựng sự buồn khổ vì tình
der Überfall công kích, gây sự
der Kriminalfall trường hợp hình sự
die Verurteilung sự kết án
der Anwalt luật sư
kriminell hình sự
die Gesundheit sức khỏe
der Zufall sự ngẫu nhiên
die Autopanne sự hỏng hóc của ô tô
die Funktion bộ máy, sự hoạt động
das Gutachten sự đánh giá
die Fälschung làm giả, sự giả mạo
die Sicherheit sự bảo hiểm
gebraucht Đã sử dụng
ein allwissender Erzähler một người kể chuyện thông suốt mọi sự
historisch lịch sử, tính chất lịch sử
der Untergang lặn, sự sụp đổ
der Frost sương giá
die Bewunderung sự ngưỡng mộ
die Verwechslung sự nhầm lẫn
das Interesse sự quan tâm
die Bescheidenheit sự khiêm tốn
die Dekoration sự trưng bày
die Erziehung sự nuôi dưỡng
die Verbindung sự kết nối
die Ordnung sự sắp xếp
der Auftritt sự biểu diễn
ein Ereignis überschatten che chở sự việc
Löwe sư tử
der Irrtum sự lầm lạc
der Kult thờ cúng, sùng bái
der Widerspruch sự chống đối
der Nutzen sử dụng
der Aufstand sự nổi dậy, cuộc khởi nghĩa
der Protest sự phản kháng
die Auseinandersetzung sự tranh luận
Widerstand leisten dẫn dắt sự đối lập
das Gleichgewicht sự cân bằng
die Karriere sự nghiệp
der Ingenieur kỹ sư
die Kernspaltung sư nhân đôi hạt nhân
das Konsulat lãnh sự quán
die deutsche Botschaft sứ quán đức
die Heizung lò sưởi
jemanden verblüffen làm ai đó sửng sốt, làm ai đó kinh ngạc
die Anspielung sự ám chỉ, sự bóng gió
lügen nói dối, nói sai sự thật
unüberlegt handeln hành động thiếu suy nghĩ
die Abneigung mối ác cảm, sự thiếu thiện cảm
hinzufügen, ergänzen thêm, bổ sung
die Vermutung sự phỏng đoán
der Widerstand sự chống cự
abschwächen làm suy yếu
erstaunlich làm kinh ngạc, làm sửng sốt
ohne jegliche Hilfe không có sự trợ giúp, giúp đỡ nào
die Ironie sự châm biếm, sự mỉa mai
die Verführung sự cám dỗ, sự quyến rũ
die Trennung sự chia tay
die Einsamkeit sự cô đơn
der Abschluss sự tốt nghiệp, sự hoàn thành
der Lehrling học viên, người học việc, người mới tập sự
der Bergbau sự khai thác khoáng sản hay hầm mỏ
die Erzieherin người dạy dỗ, nhà sư phạm
die Bestechlichkeit tính dễ bị mua chuộc, sự đút lót
die Bezahlung thanh toán, sự trả tiền
die Konkurrenz sự cạnh tranh
der Einfluss sự ảnh hưởng, sự tác động
das Fiasko sự thất bại nặng nề, đổ bể
der Konkurs sự vỡ nợ, sự phá sản
der Rechtsanwalt luật sư
die Unbequemlichkeit sự phiền phức
die Auktion sự bán đấu giá
der Versand sự chuyển đi, sự gửi đi
der Anhang tài liệu bổ sung
das Anliegen, die Bitte lời cầu xin, sự thỉnh cầu
der Arbeitgeber nhà tuyển dụng, người sử dụng lao động
die Ablehnung sự từ chối, sự khước từ
die Kündigung sự cho nghỉ việc, sự xin thôi việc
die Zustellung sự phân phát, sự phân phối
die Verwaltung sự quản lý, sự điều hành
die Beglaubigung sự công chứng
der Rechtsstreit sự kiện tụng, sự tranh chấp
das Asyl sự tị nạn
die Mahnung sự cảnh báo, sự cảnh cáo
die Selbstbeteiligung sự tự tham gia, sự tự đóng góp
die Amnestie sự ân xá
der Aufschub sự hoãn lại, sự trì hoãn
die Auswanderung sự di cư
der Schadensersatz sự đền bù
die Entschädigung sự bồi thường
der Gehorsam sự chấp hành
der Respekt sự tôn trọng
der Zwang sự bắt buộc
der Ersatz sự thay thế
die Anhäufung sự tích trữ
der Anhäufung sự tích lũy
die Wahrscheinlichkeit xác suất
die Zahlung sự thanh toán
die Abwertung sự sụt giá
der Ruin sự thất bại, sự phá sản
die Steigerung sự nâng lên, sự tăng cao
die Wucht trọng lượng, sức nặng, trọng lực
der Abdruck sự in lại, dấu vết
der Stromausfall sự mất điện
die Erfindung sự phát minh
die Kombination sự kết hợp, hợp chất
die Lizenz sự cho phép, giấy phép
der Benutzer người sử dụng
der Zugang sự truy cập
die Anwendung sự ứng dụng
benutzerfreundlich dễ sử dụng
die Spannung sức trương, sức nặng
die Geschicklichkeit kỹ năng, sự tinh xảo
der Aufwand công sức
der Architekt kiến trúc sư
der Bauingenieur kĩ sư xây dựng
der Kamin lò sưởi
der Pfusch sự tắc trách, việc làm cẩu thả
der Einsturz sự đổ, sự sụp đổ
das Porzellan đồ sứ
der Verdacht sự nghi ngờ
der Bluff, die Täuschung sự lừa gạt
der Verrat sự phản bội, tính phản trắc
das Vergehen sự phạm tội
die Zensur sự kiểm duyệt
die Auswirkung sự tác động, tác dụng, hiệu quả
die Begnadigung sự ân xá
die Parodie sự nhại lại, sự bắt chước đùa cợt
die Vergewaltigung sự hiếp dâm
ereignisreich nhiều sự kiện
das Ereignis sự kiện
unterernährt suy dinh dưỡng
die Zimmerreinigung sự quét dọn phòng
die Gasheizung lò sưởi bằng khí ga
die Zerstreuung sự giải tán, phân tán
der Abfluss lỗ thoát nước, sự thoát nước
die ranzige Milch sữa thiu, sữa ôi
die Feige quả sung
die Fleischbrühe nước luộc thịt, nước súp
der Kaugummi kẹo cao su
der Hunger cơn đói, sự đói
die Entgleisung sự trật đường ray
die Notlandung sự hạ cánh khẩn cấp
die Abnutzung sự hao mòn, sự hư hỏng
der Löwe con sư tử
der Elch nai sừng tấm
das Geweih gạc hươu nai, sừng hươu nai
die Qualle con sứa
das Aas xác súc vật
das Fossil sự hóa thạch
der Feigenbaum cây sung
die Artenvielfalt sự đa dạng sinh học
melken vắt sữa
das Wachstum sự phát triển, sự tăng trưởng
der Ausgleich sự gỡ hòa
die Verlängerung sự kéo dài trận đấu
die Ausdauer sức dẻo dai, sự bến bỉ
die Selbstverteidigung sự tự vệ
schachmatt chiếu tướng, sự thất bại
der Genuss sự thưởng thức
die Gestaltung sự sắp xếp, sự sắp đặt
die Farbkombination sự phối màu, sự kết hợp màu
renovieren làm mới lại, phục hồi, sửa chữa
die Renovierungsarbeiten công việc phục hồi, sửa chữa
der Akkord sự hợp âm
die Erlösung sự giải thoát
die Entführung sự bắt cóc
die Fehlgeburt sự sảy thai
die Entzündung sự viêm nhiễm
die Infektion sự nhiễm trùng, sự truyền nhiễm
die Impfung sự tiêm phòng
resistent có sức đề kháng
deprimiert sein bị suy nhược
die Ohnmacht cơn ngất, sự bất tỉnh
die Rippe xương sườn
der Knorpel sụn
die Hypnose sự thôi miên
lebhaft đầy sức sống
die Stärke des Muskels sức mạnh cơ bắp
das Misstrauen sự thiếu tin cậy
die Grausamkeit sự tàn bạo, sự dã man
die Unverschämtheit sự trơ trẽn
der Kompromiss sự thỏa hiệp, sự nhượng bộ
die Unterstützung sự ủng hộ
die Bestechung sự hối lộ
die Aufsicht sự giám sát
die gute Erziehung sự giáo dục tốt
die Sehnsucht sự mong mỏi, mong đợi, niềm khát khao
die Gastfreundschaft sự hiếu khách
das Vertrauen sự tin cậy
die Chronik biên niên sử, niên sử
die Trauer sự thương tiếc
der Hang dốc, sườn núi
die Abholzung sự phá rừng, sự phát quang
der Bach dòng suối
der Luftdruck áp suất, khí quyển
der Zweifel sự nghi ngờ
anbeten tôn thờ, sùng bái, yêu say đắm, yêu tha thiết
die Beichte sự xưng tội
die Almosen, die Spende tiền làm từ thiện, sự đóng góp, sự quyên góp
die Reue sự sám hối, sự ăn năn
die Verehrung sự suy tôn
der Mönch nhà sư
die Ruhe sự yên tĩnh, sự thanh bình
die Wiedergeburt sự tái sinh, luân hồi
die Auferstehung sự phục sinh
die Offenbarung sự hiện ra, sự khải huyền
die Erleuchtung sự khai trí
fromm ngoan đạo, sùng đạo, mộ đạo
die Ausdehnung sự tăng lên
der Wiederaufbau sự xây dựng lại, sự kiến thiến lại
die Unterjochung, die Unterdrückung sự đàn áp
die Belagerung sự bao vây
die Folter sự tra tấn
die Verschleppung sự bắt cóc
der Waffenstillstand sự ngừng bắn, sự đình chiến
die Plünderung sự cướp bóc, sự cướp đoạt
der Militäreinsatz cuộc triển khai quân sự
die Aggression sự xâm lược
die Pistole súng lục, súng ngắn
die Pistolenkugel đạn súng lục, đạn súng ngắn
militärisch siegen chiến thắng về mặt quân sự

Nach der Zollkontrolle kann er es nicht mehr tragen. Sau khi kiếm tra hải quan xong anh ấy không còn sức đế khiêng hành lý. (Lektion 3, Nr. 23)
Morgens wird es etwas nebelig sein, aber dann wird es sonnig bei 26 Grad Celsius sein. Buối sáng có sương mù, sau đó trời nắng khoảng 26 độ. (Lektion 10, Nr. 98)
Trang ist sehr hungrig. Sie entscheidet sich, ein Menü zu bestellen. Trang rất đói. Cô ấy quyết định gọi một suất ăn. (Lektion 12, Nr. 115)
Das ist eine gute Idee, ich mag auch ein Menü, aber ich bevorzuge ein vegetarisches. í tưởng hay đó, anh cũng thích ăn theo suất, nhưng suất ăn chay thì thích hơn. (Lektion 12, Nr. 116)
Leute brauchen Sport, um gesund zu bleiben und sich fit zu fühlen. Mọi người cần luyện tập thế thao đế giữ gìn sức khoẻ và luôn khoẻ mạnh. (Lektion 13, Nr. 129)
In unserem Sportzentrum bieten wir die ganze Woche über eine Reihe von Sportarten an. ở trung tâm thể thao của chúng tôi có hàng loạt các loại hình thể thao suốt tuần. (Lektion 13, Nr. 130)
Für die Fischsuppe: Garnelen, Lachs, Miesmuscheln, Thunfisch, Meeresfrüchte, Reis. Cho món súp cá: tôm, cá hồi, sò, cá thu, các loại hải sản, gạo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 144)
Für den Nachtisch: Schokolade, Plätzchen, Süßigkeiten, Kuchen, Schlagsahne, Eiscreme, Apfelkuchen. Cho món tráng miệng: sô-cô-la, bánh giáng sinh, kẹo, bánh ngọt, kem sữa, cà-rem, bánh táo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 146)
Saft und Milchprodukte: Apfelsaft, Fruchtsaft, Mineralwasser, Milchshake, heiße Schokolade. Nước trái cây và sữa: nước táo, nước trái cây, nước khoáng, sữa khuấy, sô-cô-la nóng. (Lektion 14, Nr. 148)
Sie ist wegen der großen Fenster sehr hell. Do có cửa sổ rộng nên mọi thứ sáng sủa hơn. (Lektion 16, Nr. 170)
Aber jetzt werden die Räume vermietet, und es gibt darin viele Rechtsanwaltsbüros. Nhưng bây giờ nó được cho thuê và có nhiều văn phòng luật sư ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 196)
Sie haben preiswerten Silber- und Goldschmuck. Họ có những đồ trang sức bằng vàng bạc giá phải chăng. (Lektion 25, Nr. 316)
Der Ring ist wirklich alt und hat persönlichen Wert. Chiếc nhẫn này thực sự là rất lâu đời rồi, và cá nhân tôi rất quí nó. (Lektion 26, Nr. 332)
Empfängnisverhütungsmittel wie Kondome oder die Pille sind im zweiten Fach. Dụng cụ phòng tránh thai như bao cao su hoặc thuốc tránh thai thì ở ngăn thứ hai. (Lektion 33, Nr. 442)
Die Schweine bringen Kühen und Hunden bei, wie man die Computer benutzt. Những chú heo dạy những chú bò và chó về cách sử dụng máy tính. (Lektion 35, Nr. 492)
Du hast mich davor gerettet, depressiv zu werden. Anh đã cứu em khỏi sự buồn chán. (Lektion 38, Nr. 544)
Ich merkte, was wahre Liebe ist. Tôi thấy đó mới là tình yêu thực sự. (Lektion 41, Nr. 591)
Wie gefällt dir eigentlich diese Wohnung? Thực sự em thấy căn hộ này thế nào? (Lektion 43, Nr. 616)
Vor dem Umzug planen sie die Ausstattung der Zimmer und renovieren das Bad. Trước khi chuyển nhà họ lập kế hoạch cho việc trang hoàng những căn phòng và sữa chữa nhà tắm. (Lektion 45, Nr. 643)
Die Gebrauchsanweisung Hướng dẫn sử dụng (Lektion 46, Nr. 652)
Ich befürchte, das gibt ein Chaos. Anh lo ngại rằng, có sự lộn xộn rồi đây. (Lektion 46, Nr. 658)
Die Reklamation Sự phàn nàn (Lektion 47, Nr. 665)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich möchte Folgendes reklamieren: Kính thưa quí ông và quí bà, tôi muốn phàn nàn về sự việc sau đây: (Lektion 47, Nr. 669)
Ich bin wirklich wütend und bitte Sie hiermit energisch meine Beschwerde an den Verantwortlichen weiterzuleiten. Tôi thực sự bực bội và mong quí vị tích cực chuyển giao sự phàn nàn này của tôi một cách có trách nhiệm. (Lektion 47, Nr. 675)
Die Begegnung ist eine Herausforderung für beide Mannschaften. Lần gặp gỡ này là một sự thách thức dành cho cả hai đội. (Lektion 49, Nr. 693)
Sie haben viel trainiert, um einen Misserfolg zu verhindern. Trước khi bắt đầu họ đã tập rất nhiều để tránh sự thất bại. (Lektion 49, Nr. 694)
Ein laut bellender Hund nähert sich den beiden. Có tiếng chó sủa lớn tiến gần đến chỗ hai người. (Lektion 52, Nr. 732)
Trang rennt zum Bauernhof, um Hilfe zu holen. Trang chạy tới nông trại để kêu sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 53, Nr. 749)
Tris Gesicht ist stark angeschwollen. Mặt của Trí đã bị sưng to. (Lektion 53, Nr. 752)
Und diese Stille. Ich liebe das. Và sự tĩnh lặng này. Em yêu điều này. (Lektion 54, Nr. 761)
Während der langen Fahrt erzählt Tri von seinem abenteuerlichsten Urlaub. Trong suốt chuyến đi dài Trí kể về chuyến đi nghỉ đầy mạo hiểm của anh. (Lektion 56, Nr. 791)
Eigentlich nicht, ich fühle mich in jedem Land der Erde wohl. Thực sự không, anh cảm thấy thoải mái ở mọi nước trên trái đất. (Lektion 56, Nr. 801)
Es ist eine Landschaftsdarstellung, die im Vordergrund vier kleine Kinder zeigt. Đó là một sự miêu tả phong cảnh, mà đằng trước có bốn em nhỏ. (Lektion 57, Nr. 807)
Du achtest aber auch wirklich auf jedes Detail. Em thực sự chú ý đến từng chi tiết. (Lektion 57, Nr. 812)
Die Meinungsverschiedenheit Sự khác biệt về quan điểm (Lektion 60, Nr. 842)
Ich bin wirklich enttäuscht von ihm. Em thật sự thất vọng về anh ta. (Lektion 61, Nr. 864)
Sie muss sich ja nicht unbedingt an ihm rächen, aber sie sollte sich in Zukunft wirklich nicht mehr ausnutzen lassen. Chị cũng không nhất thiết phải trả thù anh ta, nhưng thực sự trong tương lai chị không nên để bị lợi dụng nữa. (Lektion 61, Nr. 866)
Es ist eine Schande, dass er deine Schwester so unglücklich gemacht hat. Đó là một sự hổ thẹn, rằng anh ta đã làm chị gái em bất hạnh như thế. (Lektion 61, Nr. 867)
Sie leidet wirklich sehr unter ihrem Liebeskummer. Chị đã thực sự chịu đựng rất nhiều về sự buồn khổ vì tình. (Lektion 61, Nr. 868)
Die Belästigung Sự quấy rối (Lektion 62, Nr. 869)
Die Verurteilung Sự kết án (Lektion 63, Nr. 885)
Auch sein Anwalt, der auf unschuldig plädierte, konnte ihm nicht helfen. Ngay cả luật sư, người bào chữa cho anh ta cũng không thể giúp gì được. (Lektion 63, Nr. 894)
Nur durch Zufall erkennt er eine Radarkontrolle rechtzeitig und kann abbremsen. Chỉ là sự ngẫu nhiên anh nhận được tín hiệu của máy định vị kịp thời và có thể phanh lại. (Lektion 67, Nr. 958)
Als Tri abends zurück zum Parkplatz kommt, bleibt er - unfähig sich zu bewegen - stehen: Khi Trí quay lại bãi đậu xe vào buổi tối, anh đứng sững lại- không thể cử động được: (Lektion 67, Nr. 960)
Die Autopanne Sự hỏng hóc của ô tô (Lektion 68, Nr. 963)
Während seiner Abwesenheit hat er Trang sein Auto zur Verfügung gestellt. Trong khi vắng mặt anh đã đưa xe ô tô của mình cho Trang sử dụng. (Lektion 68, Nr. 965)
Ich habe die Telefonnummer von unserer Werkstatt dabei. Anh có số điện thoại của xưởng sửa chữa. (Lektion 68, Nr. 975)
Er meint, dass die Reparatur leider teuer werden wird. Anh ta cho là, tiếc là việc sửa chữa sẽ trở lên đắt hơn. (Lektion 68, Nr. 979)
Die Reparatur von Tris Auto war sehr teuer. Việc sửa xe ô tô của Trí quá đắt. (Lektion 69, Nr. 981)
Schon lange wollte er sich eigentlich einen neueren, besseren Wagen kaufen und den alten verkaufen. Thực sự là lâu rồi anh đã muốn mua cái xe mới, tốt hơn và bán cái xe cũ đi. (Lektion 69, Nr. 983)
Sicherheit: Airbag; Innenausstattung: Leder (leicht beschädigt); Sự bảo hiểm: Túi không khí, Nội thất bên trong: da (bị hư hỏng nhẹ); (Lektion 69, Nr. 989)
Die Auswahl ist groß. Sự lựa chọn thật lớn. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1012)
Es gibt Comics, Krimis, Bilderbücher, Märchenbücher und historische Romane. Có truyện tranh, truyện trinh thám, sách có ảnh, truyện cổ tích và tiểu thuyết lịch sử. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1013)
Und wovon handelte die Geschichte? Và nó liên quan đến lịch sử? (Lektion 71, Nr. 1016)
Ohne Vorwarnung rollte sie auf die Küste zu. Không có sự cảnh báo trước những cơn sóng cuốn vào bờ. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1029)
Wir freuen uns auf Euer Kommen! Chúng tôi vui mừng với sự góp mặt của các bạn! (Lektion 75, Nr. 1074)
Dann muss ich mich nur noch um die Bühne kümmern, damit eurem großen Auftritt nichts mehr dazwischen kommen kann. Vậy là anh chỉ còn phải chăm lo đến sân khấu, để sự biểu diễn không có chuyện gì xảy ra giữa chừng. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1116)
Als das Orchester sein Stück beendet, warten alle gespannt auf die nächste Überraschung. Khi dàn nhạc kết thúc, tất cả hồi hộp chờ đợi vào sự ngạc nhiên tiếp theo. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1124)
Ausdauernd und ehrgeizig ist der Löwe. Kiên nhẫn và tham vọng là sư tử. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1138)
Der Steinbock strebt nach beruflichem Erfolg und hat gern alles unter Kontrolle. Dương cưu luôn theo đuổi sự thành công trong công việc và thích kiểm soát được mọi việc. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1144)
Alle Medien berichten über die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen liberalen und konservativen Politikern. Tất cả phương tiện thông tin đều nói đến sự tranh luận giữa những nhà chính trị theo đảng tự do và những người theo đảng bảo thủ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1156)
Oh ja, ich würde gerne eine neue Herausforderung annehmen und an meiner Karriere arbeiten. ồ được đó, anh rất muồn tiếp nhận thử thách mới và lao động vì sự nghiệp. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1172)
Du würdest bestimmt schnell in eine Führungsposition aufsteigen und die Dominanz der Männer brechen. Em chắc chắn nhanh chóng sẽ leo lên một vị trí lãnh đạo và làm giảm bớt sự chiếm ưu thế của nam giới. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1190)
Ich kann auch das Visum vom Konsulat nicht finden. Anh cũng không thấy giấy thị thực của lãnh sự quán. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1197)
Schau doch mal in den Schrank neben der Heizung! Anh xem lại trong tủ gần lò sưởi đó! (Lektion 84, Nr. 1198)
Bitte verbinden Sie mich mit der Personalabteilung. Anh / Chị làm ơn cho tôi gặp phòng nhân sự? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1225)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Xin cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của anh / chị . (Lektion 85, Nr. 1232)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe. Xin cám ơn về sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1331)
Können Sie das bitte an die Personalabteilung faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi fax đến phòng nhân sự được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1415)
Ich bin Ingenieur. Tôi là kĩ sư. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1429)
Ich bedanke mich für den herzlichen Empfang in Ihrer Firma. Tôi xin cám ơn về sự đón tiếp nồng hậu của công ty . (Lektion 94, Nr. 1441)
Oh, das war ein Missverständnis. Das habe ich nicht so gemeint. Ô, đó là một sự hiểu lầm. Tôi không có ý đó. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1487)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Ich stand eine Stunde lang im Stau. Xin anh / chị thứ lỗi về sự chậm trễ. Tôi bị tắc đường một tiếng đồng hồ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1488)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Rất xin lỗi các vị về sự chậm trễ của tôi. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1564)
Ich danke Ihnen für eine schnelle Bearbeitung. Rất cám ơn quý vị về sự làm việc nhanh chóng. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1605)
Der Zugang zu dieser Datenbank ist kostenlos. Ngân hàng dữ liệu này được sử dụng miễn phí. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1625)
Danke, dass Sie alle pünktlich gekommen sind. Cám ơn sự có mặt đúng giờ của quý vị. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1644)
Uns ist ein Fehler passiert. Chúng ta gặp một sự cố / sai sót. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1700)
Wenn das so ist, müssen wir unseren Anwalt einschalten. Nếu sự việc đúng là như vậy chúng ta phải nhờ đến luật sư. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1723)
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Personalmanagement vertiefen. Tôi muốn có kiến thức chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực quản lý nhân sự. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1733)
Ich möchte den Beruf des Ingenieurs näher kennenlernen. Tôi muốn làm quen với nghiệp vụ của một kĩ sư. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1735)
Mein Praktikum war leider ein Misserfolg: Ich habe zwei Monate lang nur Kaffee gekocht und Akten kopiert. Khóa thực tập của tôi đáng tiếc đã không thành công: Trong suốt hai tháng tôi chỉ pha cà phê và copy tài liệu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1761)
Ich habe mich überfordert gefühlt. Tôi đã có cảm giác bị thử thách quá sức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1764)
Dieses Praktikum war sehr lehrreich und nützlich für mein Studium und meine persönliche Entwicklung. Khóa thực tập rất giàu kiến thức và hữu ích cho việc học đại học và sự phát triển cá nhân của tôi . (Lektion 103, Nr. 1768)
Sie suchen eine Herausforderung? Anh / Chị tìm một sự thách thức phải không? (Lektion 104, Nr. 1774)
Ich brauche eine neue Herausforderung. Tôi cần một sự thách thức mới. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1803)
Ich möchte an meiner Karriere arbeiten. Tôi muốn thúc đẩy sự nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1804)
Ich habe ein Jahr lang Wehrdienst geleistet. Tôi đã làm một năm nghĩa vụ quân sự. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1844)
Meinen Zivildienst habe ich in einem Altenheim gemacht. Tôi đã làm nghĩa vụ dân sự ở một nhà dưỡng lão. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1845)
Das Jahr in dem ich arbeitslos war, habe ich genutzt um mich weiterzubilden. Trong năm tôi thất nghiệp, tôi đã sử dụng thời gian để học thêm nghề. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1904)
Ich bin es gewohnt mit verschiedenen Betriebssystemen zu arbeiten. Ich kann schnell umdenken. Tôi đã quen với các hệ thống chương trình khác nhau. Tôi có thể suy nghĩ nhanh. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1918)
Wie reagieren Sie auf Kritik? Anh / Chị phản ứng với sự chỉ trích thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1927)
Gelungene Zusammenarbeit im Team motiviert mich. Sự hợp tác thành công trong nhóm khích lệ tôi. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1935)
Kritik hilft mir dabei mich zu verbessern. Sự chỉ trích giúp tôi làm tốt hơn. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1939)
Wie möchten Sie den Erfolg unseres Unternehmens steigern? Anh / Chị muốn làm tăng sự thành công của công ty chúng tôi thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1947)
Wie können Sie zu unserem Erfolg beitragen? Anh / Chị có thể đóng góp vào sự thành công của chúng tôi thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1948)
Ich kenne und verwende Ihre Produkte seit über zehn Jahren. Tôi biết và sử dụng sản phẩm của ông / bà từ hơn mười năm nay. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1953)
Wir glauben, dass Sie zum Erfolg unseres Unternehmens beitragen werden. Chúng tôi nghĩ rằng, anh / chị sẽ đóng góp vào sự thành công của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1981)
Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für Ihren weiteren beruflichen Weg. Chúng tôi chúc anh / chị mọi điều tốt nhất trong sự nghiệp. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1990)
Für Ihre berufliche und private Zukunft wünschen wir Ihnen alles Gute. Chúng tôi chúc anh / chị mọi điều tốt nhất trong sự nghiệp và cuộc sống riêng. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1991)
Wer hat diesen Entwurf gezeichnet? Er ist wirklich gut geworden! Ai đã vẽ bản phác thảo này? Nó thật sự rất tốt! (Lektion 111, Nr. 2029)
Das Büro von meinem Kollegen ist im 17. Stock. Er arbeitet in der Personalabteilung. Văn phòng đồng nghiệp của tôi ở tầng 17. Anh ấy làm việc ở bộ phận nhân sự. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2035)
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen. Tôi cám ơn sự hiện diện đông đảo của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2081)
Ich freue mich, auch den Vorstandsvorsitzenden zu diesem Vortrag begrüßen zu dürfen. Tôi rất vui có sự hiện diện của ngài chủ tịch hội đồng quản trị trong buổi diễn thuyết hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2083)
Bitte schauen Sie sich nun diese Grafik an hier: Deutlich können Sie erkennen, dass der Umsatz im Sommer eingebrochen ist. Bây giờ quý vị làm ơn hãy nhìn vào hình đồ thị này: quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ doanh thu đã sụt giảm trong mùa hè. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2102)
In diesem Diagramm habe ich den Anstieg der Kosten in einer Kurve veranschaulicht. Trong biểu đồ này tôi đã minh họa sự gia tăng kinh phí bằng một đường đồ thị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2103)
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass wir mit der Entwicklung der Verkaufszahlen zufrieden sein können. Cuối cùng có thể nói rằng chúng tôi rất hài lòng với sự phát triển của doanh số bán hàng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2114)
Vielen Dank für's Zuhören. Chân thành cám ơn sự lắng nghe (của quý vị). (Lektion 114, Nr. 2115)
Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Tôi chân thành cám ơn sự quan tâm theo dõi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2117)
Darüber muss ich nachdenken. Về điều đó tôi phải suy nghĩ kỹ. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2209)
Danke für Ihren Einsatz. Cám ơn sự tham gia của anh / chị. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2224)
Ich finde dieses Produkt gut. Ich benutze es selbst. Tôi thấy sản phẩm này tốt. Bản thân tôi cũng sử dụng nó. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2249)
Dieses Gerät ist ganz einfach zu bedienen. Chiếc máy này rất dễ sử dụng. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2261)
Dieses Produkt ist wirklich gesund. Sản phẩm này thực sự tốt cho sức khỏe. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2263)
Dieses Programm ist vollkommen überarbeitet. Chương trình này đã được sửa đổi lại hoàn toàn. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2267)
Das ist eine Investition in die Zukunft. Đây là một sự đầu tư cho tương lai. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2269)
Das können Sie ganz vielseitig benutzen. Cái này quý khách có thể sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích khác nhau. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2270)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn sự quan tâm của quý khách. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2281)
Das ist ganz einfach zu bedienen. Nó rất dễ sử dụng. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2330)
Auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit! Cho một sự hợp tác tốt đẹp! (Lektion 124, Nr. 2450)
Ich trinke auf Ihr Wohl! Tôi uống mừng cho sức khỏe của anh / chị / ông / bà. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2451)
Ich trinke auf das Wohl unserer Gäste! Tôi uống mừng cho sức khỏe các vị khách của chúng ta. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2452)
Wir möchten das defekte Produkt zur Reparatur einschicken. Chúng tôi muốn gửi sản phẩm bị hỏng đi sửa. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2490)
Wir werden rechtliche Schritte einleiten. Chúng tôi sẽ nhờ đến sự can thiệp của pháp luật. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2495)
Wir werden diesen Fall unserem Anwalt übergeben. Chúng tôi sẽ chuyển trường hợp này cho luật sư của chúng tôi. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2496)
Wir bedauern die Verzögerung. Chúng tôi rất lấy làm tiếc cho sự chậm trễ. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2503)
Danke, dass Sie uns auf diesen Fehler aufmerksam gemacht haben. Cám ơn quý vị đã chỉ ra sự sai sót cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2513)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld. Xin cám ơn sự kiên nhẫn của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2519)
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. Xin cám ơn sự thông cảm của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2520)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Xin cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2521)
Wir warten immer noch auf Ihre Zahlung. Chúng tôi vẫn đang chờ sự thanh toán của ông / bà / quý vị. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2531)
Wir erwarten Ihre Zahlung innerhalb von 10 Tagen. Chúng tôi chờ đợi sự thanh toán của ông / bà / quý vị trong vòng 10 ngày tới. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2540)
Wenn Sie den Rechnungsbetrag nicht innerhalb der nächsten 10 Tage an uns überweisen, müssen wir unsere Forderung gerichtlich geltend machen. Nếu ông / bà / quý vị không chuyển khoản cho chúng tôi số tiền trong vòng 10 ngày tới, chúng tôi buộc phải nhờ đến sự can thiệp của luật pháp. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2542)
Wir werden unseren Anwalt einschalten. Chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc với luật sư của chúng tôi. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2543)

1012 Butter is made from milk. Beurre được làm từ sữa.
1042 A garage is a place where cars are repaired. Garage là nơi xe hơi được sửa.
1061 My car is at the garage. It's being repaired. Xe hơi của tôi ở trong garage. Nó đang được sửa.
The car's getting repaired.'> 1074 The car's getting repaired.'> The car's being repaired. > The car's getting repaired. The car's getting repaired.'> ☊ Xe hơi của tôi đang được sửa.
1081 The roof is being repaired. > The roof is getting repaired. Mái nhà đang được sửa.
1094 The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't berepaired yet. Cái cầu đang bị đóng cửa. Nó bị hỏng tuần trước và nó chưa được sửa chữa.
1095 It hasn't gottrepaired yet. Nó chưa được sửa chữa.
1108 Where have Daisuke and Aiko gone? Daisuke và Aiko đã đi đâu?
1132 Mitsuko has traveled a lot, but she doesn't speak any foreign languages. Mitsuko đi du lịch được nhiều nơi rồi nhưng cô ấy chẳng nói được ngoại ngữ nào cả.
1158 Kasumi isn't at home. She's gone away for a few days. Kasumi không có nhà. Cô ấy đi vắng vài ngày.
1177 We saw a really good movie yesterday. Chúng tôi đã xem một bộ lm thực sự hay ngày hôm qua.
1433 Mrs. Chbought three (3) liters of milk at the store. Her childrdrink a lot of milk. Bà Trần đã mua ba gallon sữa ở cửa hàng. Bọn trẻ nhà bà ấy uống rất nhiều sữa.
1434 I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night. Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm.
1460 You watch TV all the time. You shouldn't watch TV so much. Cậu suốt ngày xem vô tuyến. Cậu không nên xem vô tuyến nhiều thế.
1507 In many countries, mmust do military service. Ở nhiều nước, đàn ông phải thực hiện nghĩa vụ quân sự.
1579 Would you rather have milk or juice? — Juice, please. Cậu có thích uống sữa hay nước hoa quả hơn? - Làm ơn cho nước hoa quả.
1948 You really enjoyed your training course. You say, "The course was great, wasn't it?" Bạn thực sự thích khoá huấn luyện của bạn. Bạn nói: "Khoá học tuyệt vời quá phải không?"
1958 Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence. Đột nhiên mọi người ngừng nói chuyện. Có một sự yên lặng.
1993 I was really astonished. I didn't know what to say. Tôi đã thực sự kinh ngạc. Tôi đã không biết phải nói gì.
My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.'> 2015 My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.'> My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything to the police. > My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police. My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.'> ☊ Luật sư của tôi nói tôi không nên nói gì với cảnh sát. > Luật sư của tôi khuyên tôi đừng nói gì với cảnh sát.
2040 They needed help to clean up after the party, so everybody helped clean up. Họ cần sự giúp đỡ để dọn dẹp sau bữa tiệc nên mọi người đã giúp dọn dẹp.
2065 I'll x your car tomorrow. — I'd rather you did it today. Mai tôi sẽ sửa xe. - Tôi muốn cậu làm hôm nay hơn.
2079 It was a stupid thing to say. I said it without thinking. Nói ra điều đó thật ngu xuẩn. Tôi đã nói mà không suy nghĩ.
2116 There's no point in having a car if you never use it. Có xe hơi chả được tích sự gì nếu cậu chả bao giờ dùng nó.
2119 There was no point in waiting any longer, so we left. Đợi nữa cũng chả được tích sự gì nên chúng tôi đã đi.
2127 He spent hours trying to repair the clock. Anh ta mất nhiều giờ cố gắng sửa cái đồng hồ.
2139 I need a few days to think about your proposal. Tôi cần một ít hôm để suy nghĩ về đề xuất của cậu.
2184 Daisuke failed to solve the problem, whereas Aiko succeeded in solving the problem. Daisuke đã không giải được bài toán trong khi Aiko đã giải thành công bài toán.
2214 Being a vegetarian, Mitsuko doesn't eat any kind of meat. Là người ăn chay, Mitsuko không ăn bất cứ loại thịt nào.
2285 History is the study of the past. Lịch sử là môn học về quá khứ.
2287 You need patience to teach young children. Cậu cần sự bình tĩnh để dạy bọn trẻ nhỏ.
2295 the unemployed. Cuộc sống sẽ suôn sẻ nếu cậu có việc làm nhưng mọi việc không dễ dàng như vậy đối với người thất nghiệp.
2326 Problems concerning health are health problems. Các vấn đề liên quan đến sức khoẻ là các vấn đề sức khoẻ.
2328 Chocolate made from milk is milk chocolate. Chocolat làm từ sữa là chocolat sữa.
They don't like one another.'> 2351 They don't like one another.'> Kasumi and Linda don't like each other. > They don't like one another. They don't like one another.'> ☊ Kasumi và Linda không ưa nhau. > Họ không ưa nhau.
2377 the cost of living. Mọi thứ giờ đắt hơn. Có một sự tăng mạnh trong phí sinh hoạt.
2378 EN I wasn't expecting them to come. It was a complete surprise. Tôi không nghĩ là họ tới. Đó là một sự bất ngờ toàn tập.
2419 I can't give you a decision yet. I need more time to think about it. Tôi chưa thể đưa anh quyết định được. Tôi cần thêm thời gian để suy nghĩ về nó.
2459 He didn't say a word all night long. Anh ấy không nói câu nào suốt cả đêm.
2461 They never go out. They're at home all the time. Họ chưa ra ngoài bao giờ. Họ suốt ngày ở nhà.
2483 It seems that Earth is the only planet that can support life. Có vẻ như Trái Đất là hành tinh duy nhất có thể nuôi sự sống.
2493 The man that I was sitting next to on the plane talked the whole time. > The man I was sitting next to on the plane talked the whole time. Người đàn ông mà tôi ngồi cạnh trên máy bay nói chuyện suốt. > Người đàn ông tôi ngồi cạnh trên máy bay nói chuyện suốt.
2549 The road damaged in the storm has now been repaired. Con đường bị con bão phá nay đã được sửa lại.
2555 The kitchen hadn't been cleaned in ages. It was really disgusting. Bếp lâu lắm rồi chưa được dọn. Nó thực sự rất kinh.
2557 I've been working very hard all day, and now I'm exhausted. Tôi đã làm việc cật lực cả ngày nay và giờ tôi kiệt sức.
2562 This milk tastes a little strange. Sữa này vị hơi lạ.
2565 There's no point in doing a job if you don't do it properly. Chẳng có tích sự gì khi làm một việc nếu mà cậu không làm nó
Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep.'> 2655 Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep.'> I couldn't sleep despite being very tired. > Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep. Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep.'> ☊ Tôi không ngủ được mặc dù tôi rất mệt. Cho dù tôi thực sự mệt, tôi vẫn không ngủ được.
Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.'> 2669 Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.'> I don't care which hotel we stay at as long as the room is clean. > Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at. Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.'> ☊ Tôi không quan tâm chúng tôi ở khách sạn nào miễn là phòng sạch sẽ. > Miễn là phòng sạch sẽ còn tôi thực sự không quan tâm chúng tôi ở khách sạn nào.
2692 We met some really nice people during our vacation. Chúng tôi đã gặp những người thực sự rất tốt trong suốt kì nghỉ.
2694 It rained for three (3) days without stopping. Trời mưa suốt ba ngày không nghỉ.
You don't need to x that manually.'> 2762 You don't need to x that manually.'> You don't need to x that BY hand, I can write a computer program to help you. > You don't need to x that manually. You don't need to x that manually.'> ☊ Cậu không cần phải sửa nó bằng tay, tôi có thể viết một chương trình vi tính để giúp cậu. > Cậu không phải sửa nó theo cách thủ công.
2773 There's no need FOR impolite behavior. Không cần phải cư xử bất lịch sự.
2779 There's always an increase IN the number OF tra c accidents around New Year's. Luôn có một sự tăng về số vụ tai nạn giao thông dịp năm mới.
2780 The last twenty (20) years has seen a tremendous decrease IN crime. Hai mươi năm nay đã có một sự giảm dữ dội về số vụ phạm tội.
2781 It was a bad year for the company as it faced a huge drop IN sales. Đó là một năm tồi tệ cho công ti khi nó đối mặt với sự tụt mạnh về doanh thu.
2789 The police believe there's a connection between the two (2) murders, based on DNA evidence. Cảnh sát tin rằng có sự liên hệ giữa hai vụ giết người dựa trên bằng chứng ADN.
2791 It was really kind of you to help me. I really appreciate it. Cậu thật tốt bụng khi giúp đỡ tôi. Tôi thực sự đề cao việc đó.
2792 Always be polite and nice to strangers. They might be the boss at your next job. Hãy luôn luôn lịch sự và tử tế với những người lạ. Họ có thể là ông chủ của cậu trong công việc tiếp theo.
2794 Rashid is really angry about what his brother said. Rashid thực sự tức giận về những gì em trai anh ấy nói.
2802 I was very pleased with the audience's reception of my speech. Tôi đã rất mãn nguyện vì sự đón nhận của thính giả đối với bài nói của tôi.
2805 I'm sorry about the mess. I'll clean it up later. Tôi xin lỗi vì sự bừa bộn. Tôi sẽ dọn nó sau.
2820 EN I wasn't conscious during the operation. The doctors had given me anesthesia. Tôi bất tỉnh suốt cuộc phẫu thuật. Các bác sĩ đã gây mê tôi.
2831 Italy is famous for its art, cuisine, architecture, history, and fashion. It's rich in culture. Nước Ý nổi tiếng vì nghệ thuật, ẩm thực, kiến trúc, lịch sử và thời trang. Nó giàu về văn hoá.
2836 His lawyer refused to answer the policeman's question. Luật sư của anh ấy từ chối trả lời câu hỏi của viên cảnh sát.
2839 The police pointed their guns at the suspect and told him to lie on the ground. Cảnh sát chĩa súng vào người bị tình nghi và bảo anh ta nằm xuống đất.
2856 You remind me of my mother's kindness. Cậu làm tôi nhớ lại sự ân cần của mẹ tôi.
2881 The misunderstanding was my fault, so I apologized. > I apologized for the misunderstanding. Sự hiểu lầm là lỗi của tôi nên tôi đã xin lỗi. > Tôi đã xin lỗi vì sự hiểu lầm.
2885 blame the increase in violent crime on television. Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng các vụ phạm tội bạo lực là lỗi của truyền hình. > Tôi đổ lỗi gia tăng các vụ phạm tội bạo lực cho truyền hình.
2886 EN I think the increase in suicides recently is to be blamed on the economy. Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng số vụ tự sát gần đây là lỗi tại kinh tế.
2897 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the repairs. Vụ tai nạn là lỗi của tôi nên tôi đã phải trả tiền sửa chữa.
2903 Karim is a lawyer who specializes in company law. Karim là một luật sư chuyên ngành luật công ti.
2926 It seems that Ludwig and Rita's relationship is having trouble, but we really hope they work it out. Có vẻ như quan hệ của Ludwig và Rita đang có vấn đề nhưng chúng tôi thực sự hi vọng họ sẽ vượt qua.
2945 Some old houses were torn down to make room for a new housing development. The owners of the houses tried to protest, but it was to no avail. Một số ngôi nhà cũ bị đập bỏ để lấy chỗ phát triển nhà ở mới. Chủ của những ngôi nhà ấy đã cố gắng biểu tình nhưng không được tích sự gì.
2982 Whoever used up all the milk and eggs should go out and buy some more. And get some toilet paper while you're at it. Bất cứ ai đã dùng hết sữa và trứng nên ra ngoài và mua thêm. Và hãy lấy một ít giấy vệ sinh khi đấy là bạn.
2989 They took it out into the street, and Jack let them have it. Jack put them down one by one, and the spectacle really drew a crowd. Họ kéo ra ngoài phố và Jack để họ nắm thế. Jack hạ gục họ từng người một và cảnh tượng thực sự đã thu hút đám đông.
2997 My rst job was at a travel agency, and I didn't like it much. But now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. Công việc đầu tiên của tôi là ở một đại lí du lịch và tôi không thích nó lắm. Nhưng giờ nhìn lại vào kinh nghiệm, tôi thực sự đã học từ đấy nhiều thứ.

accept sb as sth: He never really accepted her as his own child. accept
accept sth: You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich. accept
accept sth: I don't accept his version of events. accept
accept sth as sth: Can we accept his account as the true version? accept
Please accept this small token of my appreciation. accept
She retired early on account of ill health. on account of sb/sth
How do you account for the show's success? account for sth
acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. acknowledge
He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty. acquire
He acts all macho, but he's a real softie underneath. act
It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests. act
military action action
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease. active
Muscles contract and relax during physical activity. activity
James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact (= really) he is five years older. actual
What did she actually say? actually
That's the only reason I'm actually going. actually
There are lots of people there who can actually help you. actually
I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first. actually
The food was not actually all that expensive. actually
Our turnover actually increased last year. actually
They're not married, actually. actually
adapt sth for sth: Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. adapt
the latest addition to our range of cars addition
last minute additions to the government's package of proposals addition
Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. addition
additional resources/funds/security additional
address sth to sb/sth: Address your application to the Personnel Manager. address
There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students. adequate
admiration for sb/sth: I have great admiration for her as a writer. admiration
admire sb/sth: I really admire your enthusiasm. admire
admire sb/sth for sth: The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching. admire
She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth. admit
You will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) in the interview if you have thought about the questions in advance. advantage
She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. take advantage of sth/sb
He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give). take advantage of sth/sb
a career in advertising advertising
advise sth: I'd advise extreme caution. advise
advise (sb) on/about sth/about doing sth: We employ an expert to advise on new technology. advise
Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action. advise
an expert on foreign affairs (= political events in other countries) affair
afford sth: We cannot afford any more delays. afford
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). age
the wisdom that comes with age age
+ speech: 'That's true', she agreed. agree
agree (with sb) (about/on sth): He agreed with them about the need for change. agree
You'll have to get your parents' agreement if you want to go on the trip. agreement
An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised. aid
He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator. aid
This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer. aid
aim sth (at sb/sth): The gun was aimed at her head. aim
fighter/transport/military aircraft aircraft
He's worked hard all year. all
'Thanks very much for your help.' 'Not at all, it was a pleasure.' not at all
It will take about an hour to get there, allowing for traffic delays. allow for sb/sth
'I'm really sorry.' 'That's all right, don't worry.' all right
This incident altered the whole course of events. alter
alternative energy (= electricity or power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.) alternative
an amazed silence amazed
amazed by sb/sth: We were amazed by his generosity. amazed
an amazing achievement/discovery/success/performance amazing
It's amazing the difference a few polite words make. amazing
The amazing thing is, he really believes he'll get away with it. amazing
It had been her lifelong ambition. ambition
We've had an enormous amount of help from people. amount
an amusing story/game/incident amusing
ancient history/civilization ancient
Sue and I left early. and
Many people never really express any anger. anger
the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people anger
She was angered by their selfishness and lack of concern. anger
Her behaviour really made me angry. angry
angry at/about/over sth: He felt angry at the injustice of the situation. angry
The passengers grew angry about the delay. angry
My ankles have swollen. ankle
A ring at the doorbell announced Jack's arrival. announce
it annoys sb when...: It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you. annoy
annoyed (with sb) (at/about sth): He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness. annoyed
This interruption is very annoying. annoying
an annual meeting/event/report annual
Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. anxiety
If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. anxiety
Anybody can use the pool—you don't need to be a member. anybody
I can't tell the twins apart (= see the difference between them). apart
We apologize for the late departure of this flight. apologize
Their devotion was apparent. apparent
My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school. apparent
Their affluence is more apparent than real (= they are not as rich as they seem to be). apparent
He paused, apparently lost in thought. apparently
The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity appeal
The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): Community leaders appealed for calm (= urged people to remain calm). appeal
It appears unlikely that interest rates will fall further. appear
The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run. appearance
the early appearance of daffodils in spring appearance
the appearance of organic vegetables in the supermarkets appearance
the physical/outward/external appearance of sth appearance
She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance. appearance
He gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself. appearance
Judging by appearances can be misleading. appearance
To all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead. appearance
When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well). appearance
They really are apples and oranges. apples and oranges
appoint sb to do sth: A lawyer was appointed to represent the child. appoint
appointment with sb: an appointment with my lawyer appointment
You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. appreciate
He was accused of appropriating club funds. appropriate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
Five million dollars have been appropriated for research into the disease. appropriate
She desperately wanted to win her father's approval. approval
Do the plans meet with your approval? approval
I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval. approval
The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders (= they need to agree to it). approval
approval (for sth) (from sb): They required/received approval for the proposal from the shareholders. approval
Use these figures as an approximate guide in your calculations. approximate
approximate to sth: His story approximates to the facts that we already know. approximate
The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs. area
He was armed with a rifle. armed
She's happy with her unusual living arrangements. arrangement
arrangement between A and B: an arrangement between the school and the parents arrangement
We apologize for the late arrival of the train. arrival
the arrival of the mail in the morning arrival
We're expecting a new arrival (= a baby) in the family soon. arrival
the arrival of pay TV arrival
to arrive at the truth arrive at sth
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor. arrow
an art critic/historian/lover art
a collection of art and antiques art
Whoever made this cake is a real artist. artist
He was a true artiste: sensitive, dramatic and tragic. artist
an artistic arrangement of dried flowers artistic
You can use that glass as a vase. as
As she grew older she gained in confidence. as
We set aside some money for repairs. aside
ask to do sth: Did you ask to use the car? ask
ask that...: She asked that she be kept informed of developments. ask
ask sth of sb: Can I ask a favour of you? ask
He was so exhausted that he fell asleep at his desk. asleep
The consultancy gives advice to manufacturers on the health and safety aspects of their products. aspect
The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale. assist
technical/economic/military assistance assistance
He can walk only with the assistance of crutches. assistance
Maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice? assistant
The book was published in association with (= together with) English Heritage. association
assume (that)...: It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. assume
assume sth: Don't always assume the worst (= that sth bad has happened). assume
assume sb/sth to be/have sth: I had assumed him to be a Belgian. assume
assure sb (of sth): We assured him of our support. assure
assure sb + speech: 'He'll come back,' Susan assured her. assure
He pointed a gun at her. at
They were impatient at the delay. at
Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. atmosphere
the splitting of the atom atom
Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury. attack
to suffer an asthma attack attack
attend sth: The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. attend
The roof needs attention (= needs to be repaired). attention
for the attention of... (= written on the envelope of an official letter to say who should deal with it) attention
Films with big stars always attract great attention. attention
As the youngest child, she was always the centre of attention. attention
the report's attention to detail attention
She tried to attract the waiter's attention. attention
An article in the newspaper caught my attention. attention
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention. attention
It has come to my attention (= I have been informed) that... attention
He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing. attention
This proposal has attracted a lot of interest. attract
His comments were bound to attract criticism. attract
She tried to attract the attention of the waiter. attract
She felt an immediate attraction for him. attraction
They felt a strong mutual attraction. attraction
The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden. attraction
I can't see the attraction of sitting on a beach all day. attraction
And there's the added attraction of free champagne on all flights. attraction
Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting. attractive
We acted under the authority of the UN. authority
an automatic rifle (= one that continues to fire as long as the trigger is pressed) automatic
The heating switches off automatically. automatically
I turned left automatically without thinking. automatically
avoid sb/sth: He's been avoiding me all week. avoid
She was awake (= not unconscious) during the operation on her leg. awake
aware of sth: I don't think people are really aware of just how much it costs. aware
There was an awkward silence. awkward
The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages. back
Her parents backed her in her choice of career. back
the historical background to the war background
Too much work is bad for your health. bad
The engagement was a bad mistake. bad
I'm having a really bad day. bad
Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us. bad
The building is badly in need of repair. badly
The country has been badly affected by recession. badly
Athletes need a good sense of balance. balance
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. balance
This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. balance
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. balance
His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind. balance
balance between A and B: Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. balance
His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. balance
She tries to balance home life and career. balance
She wore a simple band of gold = a ring on her finger. band
a military band band
I found David in the bar of the Red Lion (= a room in a pub where drinks are served). bar
Cost should not be a barrier to the use of legal services. barrier
barrier between A and B: There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind. barrier
a military/naval base base
You can use our apartment as a base in New York. base
She used her family's history as a base for her novel. base
The movie is based on a real-life incident. based
basic information/facts/ideas basic
The basis of a good marriage is trust. basis
I have to go to the bathroom (= use the toilet). bathroom
a gun battle battle
a battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win) battle
battle (for sth): a battle for survival battle
Susan is a doctor. be
bear sth: The pain was almost more than he could bear. bear
beat sth (up): Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. beat
beat A and B together: Beat the flour and milk together. beat
beef and dairy cattle beef
She became a lawyer as her father had before her. before
Before I made a decision, I thought carefully about it. before
It was some time before I realized the truth. before
It had been fine the week before (= the previous week). before
begin sth as sth: He began his political career as a student (= when he was a student). begin
begin with sth: Use 'an' before words beginning with a vowel. begin
We missed the beginning of the movie. beginning
The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life. beginning
He behaved like a true gentleman. behave
Lions and tigers belong to the cat family. belong to sth
A police sergeant is below an inspector. below
He sat beside her all night. beside
a mill beside a stream beside
Don't worry about the exam—just do your best. best
a difference/distinction/contrast between two things between
The bicycle was beyond repair (= is too badly damaged to repair). beyond
Tonight is the biggest match of his career. big
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
a rubbish bin bin
It was a difficult birth. birth
the birth of a new society in South Africa birth
It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences. give birth (to sb/sth)
He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). bite
Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team. bitter
It's really bitter out today. bitter
The development was bitterly opposed by the local community. bitterly
to give blood (= to have blood taken from you so that it can be used in the medical treatment of other people) blood
recognized professional bodies such as the Law Association body
Book early to avoid disappointment. book
The performance is booked up (= there are no more tickets available). book
a border dispute/incident border
born (out) of sth: She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation. born
bother with/about sth: It's not worth bothering with (= using) an umbrella—the car's just outside. bother
He doesn't bother much about his appearance. bother
bother doing sth: Why bother asking if you're not really interested? bother
it bothers sb to do sth: It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house. bother
I should really do some work this weekend but I can't be bothered. can't be bothered (to do sth)
a wine/beer/milk bottle bottle
There was a stream at the bottom of the garden. bottom
a bowl of soup bowl
You need brains as well as brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this job. brain
Which brand of toothpaste do you use? brand
All the windows broke with the force of the blast. break
They've broken off their engagement. break sth off
a break in my daily routine break
breast milk breast
His face was bright with excitement. bright
a brilliant performance/invention brilliant
a brilliant career brilliant
She's built a new career for herself. build
The gallery has built up a fine collection of contemporary art. build sth up
tall/old/historic buildings building
burn sth: The soup's hot. Don't burn your mouth. burn
Some people burn calories (= use food to produce energy) faster than others. burn
The smell of burning rubber filled the air. burn
The dam burst under the weight of water. burst
If we close down for repairs, we'll lose business. business
calculate sth: Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container. calculate
We haven't really calculated the cost of the vacation yet. calculate
the calm of a summer evening calm
Candidates are allowed to use dictionaries in this examination. candidate
capacity for sth: She has an enormous capacity for hard work. capacity
The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000. capacity
a fuel tank with a capacity of 50 litres capacity
The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full). capacity
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
Use block capitals (= separate capital letters). capital
I put the meal on (= paid for it using) my card. card
Great care is needed when choosing a used car. care
Celia takes care of the marketing side of things. take care of sb/sth/yourself
He genuinely cares about his employees. care
a career in politics career
a teaching career career
She has been concentrating on her career. career
a change of career career
a careers adviser/officer (= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs) career
She started her career as an English teacher. career
He is playing the best tennis of his career. career
My school career was not very impressive. career
a careful examination of the facts careful
Police in many countries carry guns. carry
a jewellery case case
Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had enough good arguments to win in a court of law). case
His arrival caught me by surprise. catch
The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips. catch
cell phone users cell phone
The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft. cell phone
That's true, to a certain extent. certain
Certainly, the early years are crucial to a child's development. certainly
to set in motion a chain of events chain
I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work). chain
The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career. challenge
Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face. challenge
The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court. challenge
The job doesn't really challenge her. challenge
Fame hasn't really changed him. change
That's 40p change. change
The ticket machine gives change. change
He puts his loose change in a money box for the children. change
a change from agriculture to industry change
There will be a crew change when we land at Dubai. change
Can you just listen for a change? change
It makes a change to read some good news for once. change
a change in the weather change
She is someone who hates change. change
Generosity is part of the American character. character
Everyone admires her strength of character and determination. character
The modern hotels here have no real character. character
She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. characteristic
criminal charges charge
She rejected the charge that the story was untrue. charge
charge sth: Before use, the battery must be charged. charge
charge sth up: The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. charge
charge sth for sth: What did they charge for the repairs? charge
The exhibition charts the history of the palace. chart
cheap perfume/jewellery/shoes cheap
immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) cheap
a health check check
goat's cheese (= made from the milk of a goat ) cheese
Farmers are being urged to reduce their use of chemicals and work with nature to combat pests. chemical
He is always chewing gum. chew
chicken stock/soup chicken
We are faced with a difficult choice. choice
If I had the choice, I would stop working tomorrow. choice
She's going to do it. She doesn't have much choice, really, does she? choice
After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. choice
She's the obvious choice for the job. choice
This colour wasn't my first choice. choice
I don't like his choice of friends (= the people he chooses as his friends). choice
There wasn't much choice of colour. choice
choose sb/sth as/for sth: He chose banking as a career. choose
She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth. circumstance
civil unrest (= that is caused by groups of people within a country) civil
a civil marriage ceremony civil
Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization). claim
She has more claim to the book's success than anybody (= she deserves to be praised for it). claim
There's a real touch of class about this team. class
differences of class, race or gender class
I have a history class at 9 o'clock. class
the use of computers in the classroom classroom
We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. clear
The mist will clear by mid-morning. clear
a lawyer with many famous clients client
Sue climbed into bed. climb
The two events are closely connected. closely
He was closeted with the President for much of the day. closet
Bring a change of clothes with you. clothes
a blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffees coffee
black/white coffee (= without/with milk) coffee
the coldest May on record cold
Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures. collapse
Talks between management and unions have collapsed. collapse
All opposition to the plan has collapsed. collapse
He collapsed in the street and died two hours later. collapse
The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. collapse
the collapse of share prices/the dollar/the market collapse
a state of mental/nervous collapse collapse
She was taken to hospital after her collapse at work. collapse
The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse. collapse
the collapse of law and order in the area collapse
The peace talks were on the verge of collapse. collapse
That guitar's been sitting collecting dust (= not being used) for years now. collect
The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15. collection
a stamp/coin, etc. collection collection
The painting comes from his private collection. collection
Their divorce filled a lot of column inches in the national papers (= got a lot of attention). column
His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs. combination
What an unusual combination of flavours! combination
These paints can be used individually or in combination. combination
combine A and/with B: The hotel combines comfort with convenience. combine
His resignation came as no surprise. come
His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard. come up to sth
When does the heating come on? come on
'She doesn't try hard enough.' 'That's rich, coming from you (= you do not try hard either).' come from sth
These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. comfort
With DVD, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home. comfort
The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service. comfort
The sound of gunfire was too close for comfort. comfort
If it's any comfort to you, I'm in the same situation. comfort
The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this. comfort
He has 1 200 men under his command. command
a commercial vehicle (= one that is used for carrying goods or passengers who pay) commercial
commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth): The President is committed to reforming health care. commit
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment. commitment
Allergies to milk are quite common in childhood. common
It is, by common consent, Scotland's prettiest coast (= everyone agrees that it is). common
You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize (= this would be the polite behaviour that people would expect). common
This is one of the most commonly used methods. commonly
communicate with sb/sth: Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other. communicate
Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago. compare
Young children will usually compete for their mother's attention. compete
There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. competition
We won the contract in the face of stiff competition. competition
We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies. competitive
a complete change complete
in complete silence complete
It came as a complete surprise. complete
a complete guide to events in Oxford complete
This book requires a great deal of concentration. concentration
concept (that...): the concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity concept
concern sb: What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change. concern
This chapter concerns itself with the historical background. concern
The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it). concern
To whom it may concern ... (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) concern
I appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time. concern
In the meeting, voters raised concerns about health care. concern
concern (for sth/sb): She hasn't been seen for four days and there is concern for her safety. concern
The President's health was giving serious cause for concern. concern
concerned for sth: He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety. concerned
It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract. concrete
a used car in perfect condition condition
The hotel is used for exhibitions, conferences and social events. conference
He was in conference with his lawyers all day. conference
They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident. confidence
No one can predict with complete/total confidence what will happen in the financial markets. confidence
He expressed his confidence that they would win. confidence
He gained confidence when he went to college. confidence
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence. confidence
a lack of confidence in the government confidence
The new contracts have undermined the confidence of employees. confidence
Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities. confident
His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. confirm
The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights. confirm
She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career. conflict
armed/military conflict conflict
The government found itself confronted by massive opposition. confront
He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship. confront
A confused situation followed the military coup. confused
a confusion as to what to do next confusion
Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. confusion
The fall in retail sales is directly connected with the decline in employment. connected
I'm having problems with my Internet connection. connection
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
a conscious act of cruelty conscious
They have become increasingly health-conscious. conscious
Let us consider the facts. consider
it is considered that...: It is considered that the proposed development would create much-needed jobs. consider
Interest rates on bank loans have increased considerably in recent years. considerably
Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety. consideration
They showed no consideration whatsoever for my feelings. consideration
Their kindness and consideration will not be forgotten. consideration
Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success. take sth into consideration
a constant stream of visitors all day constant
Babies need constant attention. constant
This entrance is in constant use. constant
road construction construction
consult sb about sth: Have you consulted your lawyer about this? consult
a consulting engineer (= one who has expert knowledge and gives advice) consult
He consulted the manual. consult
Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy. consumer
Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. consumer
In her job she often comes into contact with (= meets) lawyers. contact
a fear of physical contact contact
Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies. contain
Such databases are being used in a wide range of contexts. context
Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health. continuous
contrast (between A and B): There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. contrast
The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood. contrast
contrast (with sb/sth): to show a sharp/stark/striking contrast with sth contrast
contrast (in sth): A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture. contrast
contribute (to/towards sth): Would you like to contribute to our collection? contribute
Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death. contribute
contribute sth to sth: This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. contribute
contribution (to sth): He made a very positive contribution to the success of the project. contribution
the car's contribution to the greenhouse effect contribution
A military junta took control of the country. control
The city is in the control of enemy forces. control
The city is under enemy control. control
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. control
In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control. be in control (of sth)
You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. conventional
I tried to make conversation (= to speak in order to appear polite). conversation
Desperately he struggled to keep the conversation going. conversation
convince sb/yourself (of sth): You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. convince
Turn right at the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights Boulevards. corner
Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. correct
Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser. correct
They issued a statement correcting the one they had made earlier. correct
I spent all evening correcting essays. correct
The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down. cost
He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health. cost
Don't use too much of it—it cost a lot of money. cost
to cough nervously/politely/discreetly cough
She gave a little cough to attract my attention. cough
Could I use your phone, please? could
It's the thought that counts (= used about a small but kind action or gift). count
They have the support of most of the country. country
the civil/criminal courts court
Her lawyer made a statement outside the court. court
The court heard yesterday how the man collapsed and died after being stabbed. court
He laughed to cover (= hide) his nervousness. cover
cow's milk cow
a herd of dairy cows (= cows kept for their milk) cow
He suffered cracked ribs and bruising. cracked
the 1987 stock market crash crash
The first distant crash of thunder shook the air. crash
Thunder crashed overhead. crash
I was terrified that the plane would crash. crash
We're going to crash, aren't we? crash
Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? cream
The main purpose of industry is to create wealth. create
I can't take all the credit for the show's success—it was a team effort. credit
His courage brought great credit to his regiment. credit
to offer interest-free credit (= allow sb to pay later, without any extra charge) credit
In his mind he was about to commit the perfect crime. crime
criminal damage (= the crime of damaging sb's property deliberately) criminal
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
criminal law criminal
the criminal justice system criminal
a criminal lawyer criminal
The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. crisis
What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? criterion
a critical moment in our country's history critical
The plan has attracted criticism from consumer groups. criticism
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
crop rotation/production/yield crop
a fall in this year's coffee crop crop
crucial to/for sth: Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company. crucial
Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help. cry
cultural differences between the two communities cultural
a cultural event cultural
Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history. culture
There was a curious mixture of people in the audience. curious
'Are you really an artist?' Sara asked curiously. curiously
Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. current
The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career (= her career has ended). curtain
Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material. cut
events affecting the daily lives of millions of people daily
Smoking seriously damages your health. damage
The allegations are likely to damage his political career. damage
They stayed up all night singing and dancing. dance
Ruth danced all evening with Richard. dance
danger of sth: The building is in danger of collapsing. danger
Smoking is a serious danger to health. danger
Sue has long dark hair. dark
demographical/historical/personal data data
She's the daughter of an Oxford professor. daughter
I could sit and watch the river all day long. day
He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home. dead
She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job. deal with sb
The smell of death and decay hung over the town. decay
The decay of the wood will spread if it is not removed. decay
economic/moral/urban decay decay
the decay of the old industries decay
She couldn't decide whether he was telling the truth or not. decide
He is really bad at making decisions. decision
declare sth: Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime. declare
declare yourself + adj./noun: She declared herself extremely hurt by his lack of support. declare
a rapid/sharp/gradual decline decline
urban/economic decline decline
The company reported a small decline in its profits. decline
An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport. decline
The town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed. decline
Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. decline
Her health was declining rapidly. decline
decrease (in sth): There has been some decrease in military spending this year. decrease
He pondered, as if over some deep philosophical point. deep
a deep understanding deep
a deep economic recession deep
The affair had exposed deep divisions within the party. deep
a place of great power and of deep significance deep
to breathe/sigh/exhale deeply (= using all of the air in your lungs) deeply
to think deeply (= about all the aspects of sth) deeply
the defeat of fascism defeat
Commuters will face long delays on the roads today. delay
We apologize for the delay in answering your letter. delay
a delay of two hours/a two-hour delay delay
Increased congestion and traffic delays are expected. delay
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
She's been deliberately ignoring him all day. deliberately
the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest delicate
His health had always been delicate. delicate
The children squealed with delight when they saw the puppy. delight
deliver sth: Do you have your milk delivered? deliver
demands that the law on gun ownership should be changed demand
This sport demands both speed and strength. demand
demonstrate how, what, etc...: His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. demonstrate
deny (that)...: She denied (that) there had been any cover-up. deny
She denied all knowledge of the incident. deny
His sudden departure threw the office into chaos. departure
You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. depend on/upon sb/sth
Police have issued a description of the gunman. description
a personal pain that goes beyond description (= is too great to express in words) description
the novelist's powers of description description
design sth (for sth): The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. design
design sth (as sth): This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject. design
desire sth: We all desire health and happiness. desire
The children are in desperate need of love and attention. desperate
They face a desperate shortage of clean water. desperate
the destruction of the rainforests destruction
a tidal wave bringing death and destruction in its wake destruction
The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction (= creates the forces that destroy it). destruction
The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail. detail
The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. determined
He's developed a real flair for management. develop
Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop
The car developed engine trouble and we had to stop. develop
Are there further developments in the investigation? development
the development of vaccines against tropical diseases development
developments in aviation technology development
This piece of equipment is an exciting new development. development
a baby's development in the womb development
the development of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy development
career development development
She devoted herself to her career. devote yourself to sb/sth
There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries. difference
There's no difference in the results. difference
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit. difference
There's not much difference in price between the two computers. difference
There's an age difference of six years between the boys (= one is six years older than the other). difference
I'll lend you £500 and you'll have to find the difference (= the rest of the money that you need). difference
We measured the difference in temperature. difference
The rain didn't make much difference to the game. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
Changing schools made a big difference to my life. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
It's very different to what I'm used to. different
People often give very different accounts of the same event. different
Your writing is really difficult to read. difficult
Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen. direct
direct sth to/towards sth/sb: There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to. direct
direct sth against sth/sb: Most of his anger was directed against himself. direct
All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams. direction
I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking. direction
The two incidents are not directly linked. directly
disagreement (about/on/over/as to sth): Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show. disagreement
disagreement on the method to be used disagreement
There's no room for disagreement on this point. disagreement
There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment. disagreement
disagreement (among...): There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture. disagreement
Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage. disappear
disappointed (in/with sb/sth): I'm disappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you! disappointed
He found it difficult to hide his disappointment when she didn't arrive. disappointment
a bitter/major disappointment disappointment
disappointment to sb: I always felt I was a disappointment to my father. disappointment
to show/express disapproval disapproval
discussion (with sb) (about/on sb/sth): We had a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US. discussion
Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research. discussion
health measures to prevent the spread of disease disease
disgust (at/with sth): She expressed her disgust at the programme by writing a letter of complaint. disgust
The level of violence in the film really disgusted me. disgust
His language is disgusting (= he uses a lot of offensive words). disgusting
He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss. dislike
The power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals. distinguish
the unfair distribution of wealth distribution
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. distribution
They studied the geographical distribution of the disease. distribution
Only the cry of seabirds disturbed the silence. disturb
division (in/within sth): There are deep divisions in the party over the war. division
division (between A and B): divisions between rich and poor division
a distinction which cuts right across the familiar division into arts and sciences division
I don't know what to do with (= how to use) all the food that's left over. do sth with sb/sth
I could hear a dog barking. dog
The success of the system is not in doubt. be in doubt
Subsidence is the downward movement of a site on which a building stands. downward
Nine per cent of commuters used public transport in 2008 and the trend is downwards. downwards
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
a costume/historical, etc. drama drama
Events could have developed in a dramatically different way. dramatically
The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. draw
a collection of children's drawings drawing
Her lifelong dream was to be a famous writer. dream
If I win, it will be a dream come true. dream
It was the end of all my hopes and dreams. dream
dream sth: Did it really happen or did I just dream it? dream
dream (that)...: I never dreamt (that) I'd actually get the job. dream
The urge to survive drove them on. drive
Her constant nagging drove him away. drive sb away
a dramatic/sharp drop in profits drop
There was a substantial drop in the number of people out of work last month. drop
Mix a few drops of milk into the cake mixture. drop
Could I have a drop more milk in my coffee, please? drop
I found out Steve was on drugs (= regularly used drugs). drug
She was a drug addict (= could not stop using drugs). drug
The team's success was largely due to her efforts. due
That guitar's been sitting gathering dust (= not being used) for years now. dust
Don and Susie really loved each other (= he loved her and she loved him). each other
He was always there with a sympathetic ear (= a willingness to listen to people). ear
Mozart's early works (= those written at the beginning of his career) early
Your money would earn more in a high-interest account. earn
As a teacher, she had earned the respect of her students. earn
the history of life on earth earth
The ease with which she learns languages is astonishing. ease
This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. ease
the eastern slopes of the mountain eastern
economic history economic
The economy is in recession. economy
It's a false economy to buy cheap clothes (= it seems cheaper but it is not really since they do not last very long). economy
She writes with a great economy of words (= using only the necessary words). economy
educate sb (in/on sth): Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking. educate
a British-educated lawyer educated
an alcohol education programme (= to warn of the dangers of alcohol) education
a College of Education education
I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings. effective
The truth of this statement has been effectively demonstrated in Chapter 1. effectively
efficient heating equipment efficient
the efficient use of energy efficient
fuel-efficient cars (= that do not use much fuel) efficient
a very efficiently organized event efficiently
A lot of effort has gone into making this event a success. effort
I didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I made the effort. effort
The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people. effort
With an effort of will he resisted the temptation. effort
The prime minister is about to call (= announce) an election. election
a waste of electricity electricity
an electronic engineer electronic
There appears to be an element of truth in his story. element
Details of Keats' biography are given elsewhere (= in another part of this book, article, etc.) elsewhere
Her remark was followed by an embarrassed silence. embarrassed
embarrassed at sth: He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention. embarrassed
It can be embarrassing for children to tell complete strangers about such incidents. embarrassing
I'm glad you offered—it saved me the embarrassment of having to ask. embarrassment
Much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing. embarrassment
Her resignation will be a severe embarrassment to the party. embarrassment
This door should only be used in an emergency. emergency
a child's emotional and intellectual development emotional
Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the family. emotional
an emotional outburst/response/reaction emotional
They made an emotional appeal for help. emotional
Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image. emphasis
There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. emphasis
The course has a vocational emphasis. emphasis
employ sb: How many people does the company employ? employ
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. employ
employ sb to do sth: A number of people have been employed to deal with the backlog of work. employ
Is this an empty chair (= a chair that nobody else is using)? empty
enable sth to do sth: Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. enable
I had never encountered such resistance before. encounter
encourage sb in sth: My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career. encourage
encourage sb: We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public. encourage
encourage sb to do sth: Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more. encourage
He needs all the support and encouragement he can get. encouragement
With a little encouragement from his parents he should do well. encouragement
encouragement (to sb) (to do sth): She was given every encouragement to try something new. encouragement
the end of all his dreams end
This latest attack could spell the end of the peace process. end
You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck. in the end
The debate ended in uproar. end in sth
Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress. enemy
It's a waste of time and energy. energy
The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources. energy
Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy. engage
I phoned earlier but you were engaged (= using your phone). engaged
They're sending an engineer to fix the phone. engineer
Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it. enjoy
highly/really/thoroughly/very enjoyable enjoyable
He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it. enjoyment
enormous interest enormous
It was typical family entertainment. entertainment
enthusiasm (for sth): I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea. enthusiasm
He had a real enthusiasm for the work. enthusiasm
enthusiasm (for doing sth): She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching. enthusiasm
The news was greeted with a lack of enthusiasm by those at the meeting. enthusiasm
'I don't mind,' she said, without much enthusiasm. enthusiasm
the entry of women into the workforce entry
The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher. entry
They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish. environment
Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians. equal
escape doing sth: He narrowly escaped being killed. escape
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out. essential
The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. essential
The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water. essential
the even distribution of food even
the evening performance evening
The election was the main event of 2008. event
In the light of later events the decision was proved right. event
The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future. event
He found that the report he had written had been overtaken by events (= it was no longer relevant). event
Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events. event
The police have reconstructed the chain of events leading to the murder. event
In the normal course of events (= if things had happened as expected) she would have gone with him. event
an unfortunate series of events event
a fund-raising event event
the social event of the year event
I'll get round to mending it eventually. eventually
'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.' ever
evidence (that...): There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place. evidence
The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement. evidence
We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. exact
The hotel was really filthy and I'm not exaggerating. exaggerate
I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent (= tries to sound more Irish than he really is). exaggerate
The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up. examination
a medical examination examination
This dictionary has many examples of how words are used. example
an exchange of glances/insults exchange
I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange? exchange
excited (at sth): I'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad. excited
The news caused great excitement among her friends. excitement
to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement excitement
He was flushed with excitement at the thought. excitement
The dog leapt and wagged its tail in excitement. excitement
In her excitement she dropped her glass. excitement
one of the most exciting developments in biology in recent years exciting
Nothing can excuse such rudeness. excuse
Excuse me, but I don't think that's true. excuse me
I was unaware of his existence until today. existence
a crisis that threatens the industry's continued existence existence
They eke out a precarious existence (= they have hardly enough money to live on). existence
The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence (= in order to continue to live). existence
expand sth: In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs. expand
expect sth from sb/sth: Don't expect sympathy from me! expect
Do you really expect me to believe you? expect
expectation (of sth): We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery. expectation
Contrary to expectations, interest rates did not rise. expectation
There was an air of expectation and great curiosity. expectation
The event did not live up to expectations. expectation
My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage. experience
In my experience, very few people really understand the problem. experience
Facts can be established by observation and experiment. experiment
'Let me explain!' he added helpfully. explain
I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you. explain yourself
explanation (for sth): I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence. explanation
an explosion of interest in learning Japanese explosion
an explosion in oil prices explosion
a ban on the export of live cattle export
The roof collapsed, exposing the timbers to the elements. expose
He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force. expose
My job as a journalist is to expose the truth. expose
to express fears/doubts/reservations express
to express interest/regret/surprise express
express yourself + adj.: They expressed themselves delighted. express
an expression of amazement/disbelief/horror expression
Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country. expression
The poet's anger finds expression in (= is shown in) the last verse of the poem. expression
Only in his dreams does he give expression to his fears. expression
Their frustration needs some form of expression. expression
a gradual extension of the powers of central government extension
Extensive repair work is being carried out. extensive
She was exaggerating the true extent of the problem. extent
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. to... extent
an extra pint of milk extra
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
While I was saving I had no money for little extras or luxuries. extra
Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it). extra
She was a truly extraordinary woman. extraordinary
It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen. extreme
Sue's face was a picture (= she looked very surprised, angry, etc.) as she listened to her husband's speech. face
It's not always easy to face the truth. face
Face facts—she isn't coming back. face
The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police. fact
The judge instructed both lawyers to stick to the facts of the case. fact
First, some basic facts about healthy eating! fact
The report is based on hard facts (= information that can be proved to be true). fact
It's about time you learnt to face (the) facts (= accepted the truth about the situation). fact
The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline. factor
patients suffering from heart/kidney, etc. failure failure
Production has been hampered by mechanical failure. failure
the failure of the United Nations to maintain food supplies failure
The success or failure of the plan depends on you. failure
She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage. failure
We saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist. faint
demands for a fairer distribution of wealth fair
They are fair and decent employers. fair
fair to sb (to do sth): Was it really fair to him to ask him to do all the work? fair
Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature. faith
He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure. faith
She was rewarded for her 40 years' faithful service with the company. faithful
The events were faithfully recorded in her diary. faithfully
the fall of the Roman Empire fall
the rise and fall of British industry fall
the fall of Berlin fall
a steep fall in profits fall
to give a false impression of wealth FALSE
to lull sb into a false sense of security (= make sb feel safe when they are really in danger) FALSE
Buying a cheap computer is a false economy (= will not actually save you money). FALSE
Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false. FALSE
He used a false name to get the job. FALSE
The town's only claim to fame is that there was once a riot there. fame
Are you familiar with the computer software they use? familiar
The support of family and friends is vital. family
Lions belong to the cat family. family
a fan heater fan
He's always using fancy legal words. fancy
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
a fat volume on American history fat
fear to do sth: She feared to tell him the truth. fear
feature sb/sth as sb/sth: The film features Cary Grant as a professor. feature
feed sb/sth (on) sth: The cattle are fed (on) barley. feed
feed sth to sb/sth: The barley is fed to the cattle. feed
Cathy was really feeling the heat. feel
The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere. feel
We all felt the force of her arguments. feel
Its skin feels really smooth. feel
feel sth: Can you feel the bump on my head? feel
'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling (= I know how you feel).' feeling
More females than males are employed in the factory. female
Few people understand the difference. few
outbreaks of street fighting fighting
fight (to do sth): Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies. fight
Figures for April show a slight improvement on previous months figure
I'm afraid I don't have a head for figures (= I am not good at adding, etc.). figure
Your application will be kept on file (= in a file, to be used later). file
I finally managed to get her attention. finally
a very fine performance fine
the finest collection of paintings in Europe fine
finish with sth: The symphony finishes with a flourish. finish
a burst of machine-gun fire fire
The gunmen opened fire on (= started shooting at) the police. fire
Come and get warm by the fire. fire
fire sth: They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. fire
fire (sth) (into sth): He fired the gun into the air. fire
We heard the sound of guns firing. fire
fire sth: A starter's pistol fires only blanks. fire
Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline. fish
fit sth: The facts certainly fit your theory. fit
fit (for sth): He's had a bad cold and isn't fit enough for work yet. fit
I feel really fighting fit (= very healthy and full of energy). fit
The government aims to make British industry leaner and fitter (= employing fewer people and with lower costs). fit
The car won't start—can you fix it? fix
to fix a shelf to the wall fix
to fix a post in the ground fix
a fixed rate of interest fixed
This yogurt comes in ten different flavours. flavour
Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion. flavour
All flights between New York and Washington have been cancelled due to fog. flight
to encourage the free flow of information flow
She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound. flow
Election results flowed in throughout the night. flow
a flower arrangement flower
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
It was the main focus of attention at the meeting. focus
focus on sth: We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer. focus
What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way). focus
fold (away/up): The table folds up when not in use. fold
I'll have soup and fish to follow. follow
The following is a summary of events. following
a foot pump (= operated using your foot, not your hand) foot
They are anxious for her safety. for
He got an award for bravery. for
The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change. force
He was finally defeated by forces beyond his control. force
They realized the force of her argument. force
He controlled himself by sheer force of will. force
She spoke with force and deliberation. force
the force of the blow/explosion/collision force
The shopping centre took the full force of the blast. force
She hits the ball with amazing force for someone so small. force
The release of the hostages could not be achieved without the use of force. force
force sth: to force a lock/window/door (= to break it open using force) force
to force an entry (= to enter a building using force) force
She forced herself to be polite to them. force
force sb into sth: Ill health forced him into early retirement. force
force yourself: 'I shouldn't really have any more.' 'Go on—force yourself!' force
forecast sth: Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy. forecast
Let's forget our differences and be friends. forget
I'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else. forgive
forgive me for doing sth: Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that. forgive
forgive my ...: Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do? forgive
forgive my doing sth: Forgive my interrupting but I really don't agree with that. forgive
The trees form a natural protection from the sun's rays. form
form sth: These hills were formed by glaciation. form
Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. formally
This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle. formula
a reversal of fortune(s) fortune
The rumour is totally without foundation (= not based on any facts). foundation
These stories have no foundation (= are not based on any facts). foundation
She used the money to go towards the foundation of a special research group. foundation
virtually fat-free yogurt free
'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' free
A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for. free
freedom of speech/thought/expression/worship freedom
freedom (of sth): freedom of action/choice freedom
Enjoy the freedom of the outdoors (= where you can do what you want). freedom
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun. freeze
How frequent is this word (= how often does it occur in the language)? frequent
a collection of summer dresses in fresh colours fresh
Is this milk fresh? fresh
Our chefs use only the freshest produce available. fresh
a childhood/family/lifelong friend friend
a close/lasting/lifelong friendship friendship
He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off. frighten sb/sth away/off, frighten sb/sth away from sth
frightened that...: She was frightened that the plane would crash. frightened
a frightening experience/prospect/thought frightening
She is now entitled to put 'Professor' in front of her name. in front of
Many people don't use their computers to their full potential. full
She was full of admiration for the care she had received. full
She's really fun to be with. fun
bodily functions (= for example eating, sex, using the toilet) function
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. fundamental
A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. fundamental
I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it. funny
Think further back into your childhood. further
Nothing could be further from the truth. further
Recent events throw doubt on the president's political future. future
to gain confidence/strength/experience gain
It was the biggest gamble of his political career. gamble
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). gap
a garage mechanic garage
a gas cooker/fire/furnace/oven/ring/stove gas
gas central heating gas
Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. gear
the general belief/consensus general
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. in general
He was a generally unpopular choice for captain. generally
The proposal has generated a lot of interest. generate
a generous helping of meat generous
a dress that is generously cut (= uses plenty of material) generously
He looks scary but he's really a gentle giant. gentle
the gentle swell of the sea gentle
Thank you—you're a real gentleman. gentleman
Simmer the soup gently for 30 minutes. gently
genuine concern for others genuine
genuinely sorry genuinely
get sb/sth doing sth: Can you really get that old car going again? get
She gets (= often suffers from) really bad headaches. get
I'm really getting into jazz these days. get into sth
She got herself into a real state (= became very anxious) before the interview. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
She's never really got on with her sister. get on with sb, get on (together)
She and her sister have never really got on. get on with sb, get on (together)
She can't get over her shyness. get over sth
A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause. get round/around sth
We'll give you all the help we can (= help you in every way we can). give
Go for a walk. It'll give you an appetite. give
give sb/sth sth: I gave the matter a lot of thought. give
give sth to sb/sth: I gave a lot of thought to the matter. give
The operation gave him back the use of his legs. give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
His voice gave him away (= showed who he really was). give sth/sb away
He talked so much that they were really glad to see the back of him (= when he left). glad
She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. glass
+ noun: The gun went 'bang'. go
This milk has gone sour. go
The children went wild with excitement. go
Those colours don't really go (together). go with sth
The heating goes off at night. go off
Go away and think about it, then let me know. go away
Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat). good
the difference between good and evil good
I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health). do good, do sb good
Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills. goodbye
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
grab for sth: Kate grabbed for the robber's gun. grab
All the materials used were of the highest grade. grade
a gradual change in the climate gradual
Recovery from the disease is very gradual. gradual
grateful (to sb) (for sth): I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. grateful
The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety. grave
You've been a great help, I must say (= no help at all). great
Great art has the power to change lives. great
You've been a great help. great
After the rains, the land was green with new growth. green
The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues. green
He retired from the job on health grounds. ground
Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age. ground
Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago. grow
There is growing opposition to the latest proposals. grow
The performance improved as their confidence grew. grow
She is growing in confidence all the time. grow
Remove dead leaves to encourage new growth. growth
a concern with personal (= mental and emotional) growth and development growth
the rapid growth in violent crime growth
His book describes the growth of nationalism in Germany before the Second World War. growth
a disappointing year of little growth in Britain and America growth
guarantee (of sth): Career success is no guarantee of happiness. guarantee
The escaped prisoner was brought back under armed guard. guard
I don't really know. I'm just guessing. guess
He was the guest of honour (= the most important person invited to an event). guest
a Guide to Family Health guide
to fire a gun at sb gun
a toy gun gun
anti-aircraft guns gun
Look out, he's got a gun! gun
Should police officers carry guns? gun
He pointed/aimed the gun at her head. gun
The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). gun
She pulled a gun on me (= took out a gun and aimed it at me). gun
The attacker held a gun to the hostage's head. gun
a gun battle between rival gangs gun
The crowd threw up their hands (= lifted them into the air) in dismay. hand
a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) hand
The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer. in the hands of sb, in sb's hands
We hung her portrait above the fireplace. hang
hang sth: She hung her head in shame. hang
Now hang on a minute—you can't really believe what you just said! hang on
Is this really happening or is it a dream? happen
happy (with sb/sth): Are you happy with that arrangement? happy
happy to do sth: We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter. happy
to find true happiness happiness
to think hard hard
We thought long and hard before deciding to move house. hard
She tried her hardest not to show how disappointed she was. hard
Sometimes I really hate him. hate
He looked at me with intense hatred. hatred
hatred (for/of sb/sth): She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker. hatred
racial hatred (= between people from different races) hatred
We're having our car repaired. have
We have no choice in the matter. have
The house has gas-fired central heating. have
First, you have to think logically about your fears. have to
I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth). head
The boys hung their heads in shame. head
It was a chance to heal the wounds in the party (= to repair the damage that had been done). heal
Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. health
to be in poor/good/excellent/the best of health health
Smoking can seriously damage your health. health
mental health health
Your (very) good health! (= said before drinking alcohol to express good wishes for sb's health and happiness) health
He was nursed back to health by his wife. health
She was glowing with health and clearly enjoying life. health
As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. health
All parties are promising to increase spending on health. health
health and safety regulations (= laws that protect the health of people at work) health
Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. healthy
to have a healthy appetite healthy
hear sb/sth doing sth: He could hear a dog barking. hear
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement, etc.). heart
He could feel the heat of the sun on his back. heat
The fire gave out a fierce heat. heat
The oven takes a while to heat up. heat up
What type of heating do you have? heating
a gas heating system heating
heating bills heating
The island is truly a heaven on earth. heaven
heavy frost/rain/snow heavy
She spoke with heavy irony. heavy
He is at the height of his career. height
I can't really afford it, but, what the hell (= it doesn't matter), I'll get it anyway. hell
help sth: It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us. help
With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. help
a help key/screen (= a function on a computer that provides information on how to use the computer) help
Thank you for all your help. help
help (with sth): Do you need any help with that? help
None of this would have been possible without their help. help
She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends. help
The college will no longer have to close, thanks to the help of private investment. help
The true consequences will only be known several years hence. ... days, weeks, etc. hence
The choice was hers. hers
She stood there, hesitating over whether or not to tell him the truth. hesitate
She struggled to hide her disappointment. hide
I have never tried to hide the truth about my past. hide
a hill start (= the act of starting a vehicle on a slope) hill
to hire a lawyer hire
The choice was his. his
the historical background to the war historical
You must place these events in their historical context. historical
an essay on the historical development of the novel historical
Women are not allowed to enter the monastery for historical reasons. historical
historical documents/records/research historical
The building is of historical importance. historical
a historical novel historical
a turning point in human history history
one of the worst disasters in recent history history
a people with no sense of history history
Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. history
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
These events changed the course of history. history
the history of Ireland/democracy/popular music history
The local history of the area is fascinating. history
The school traces its history back to 1865. history
a history teacher history
a degree in History history
social/economic/political history history
ancient/medieval/modern history history
She's studying art history. history
She's writing a new history of Europe. history
She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters. history
He has a history of violent crime. history
a patient's medical history history
His death didn't really hit me at first. hit
He was hit by a sniper. hit
The duo were a real hit in last year's show. hit
There wasn't much in the museum to hold my attention. hold
Our solicitor holds our wills. hold
She just managed to hold back her anger. hold sth back
His hold on her arm tightened. hold
The trip has been exhausting and I'll be glad to be home. home
The meeting was described as 'a frank and honest exchange of views'. honest
To be honest (= what I really think is), it was one of the worst books I've ever read. honest
I honestly can't remember a thing about last night. honestly
You can't honestly expect me to believe that! honestly
He was buried with full military honours (= with a special military service as a sign of respect). honour
Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour. honour
a hunting horn horn
to sound/toot your horn horn
Behind him, a horn blared. horn
The full horror of the accident was beginning to become clear. horror
In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack. horror
the horrors of war horror
We're four hours ahead of New York (= referring to the time difference). hour
I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour. hour
Britain's licensing hours (= when pubs are allowed to open) used to be very restricted. hour
a terrible loss of human life human
The hostages were used as a human shield (= a person or group of people that is forced to stay in a particular place where they would be hurt or killed if their country attacked it). human
He's really very human when you get to know him. human
She ignored his feeble attempt at humour. humour
They failed to see the humour of the situation. humour
Whatever you do, don't lose your sense of humour. humour
The film is only funny if you appreciate French humour (= things that cause French people to laugh). humour
I'm really hungry. hungry
Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of this year's harvest. hungry
Lions sometimes hunt alone. hunt
hurry sb into doing sth: She was hurried into making an unwise choice. hurry
My back is really hurting me today. hurt
What really hurt was that he never answered my letter. hurt
She waited, husbanding her strength for her next visitors. husband
The thief used a false identity. identity
Don't let your imagination run away with you (= don't use too much imagination). imagination
Use your imagination! (= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing) imagination
His stories really stretch children's imaginations. imagination
We are looking for someone with ingenuity and imagination. imagination
imagine (sb + adj./noun): I can imagine him really angry. imagine
The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic. immediate
Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession. impact
impatient (at sth): Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest. impatient
An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn. impatient
The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside. implication
His silence seemed to imply agreement. imply
one of the most important collections of American art important
The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control. impose
His sincerity impressed her. impress
impress sb with sth/sb: He impressed her with his sincerity. impress
impressed by/with sb/sth: We were all impressed by her enthusiasm. impressed
You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire you). impression
an impressive performance impressive
all the paintings in the collection in
The house is in good repair. in
I can't drink coffee with milk in. in
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident. incident
One particular incident sticks in my mind. incident
There was a shooting incident near here last night. incident
a border/diplomatic incident incident
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
increase sth (from A) (to B): We need to increase productivity. increase
'Do you agree?' 'Indeed I do/Yes, indeed.' indeed
It is indeed a remarkable achievement. indeed
I was very sad indeed to hear of your father's death. indeed
a woman's financial independence independence
She went to a lawyer for some independent advice. independent
The police force should be independent of direct government control. independent
indicate sth (to sb): He indicated his willingness to cooperate. indicate
indicate sth: Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. indicate
The article claims that an increase in crime indicates a decline in moral standards. indicate
The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain. indirect
indirect costs (= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example training, heating, rent, etc.) indirect
donations from private individuals (= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) individual
A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable. inevitable
influence (over sb/sth): Her parents no longer have any real influence over her. influence
the essential ingredients for success ingredient
The death toll was initially reported at around 250, but was later revised to 300. initially
You won't get much help. You'll have to use your initiative. initiative
Too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative. initiative
It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations. initiative
Inside most of us is a small child screaming for attention. inside
I didn't really want to go but he insisted. insist
insist on sth: He insisted on his innocence. insist
+ speech: 'It's true,' she insisted. insist
to institute criminal proceedings against sb institute
insult to sb/sth: His comments were seen as an insult to the president. insult
The questions were an insult to our intelligence (= too easy). insult
insulting to sb/sth: She was really insulting to me. insulting
insurance (against sth): to take out insurance against fire and theft insurance
The money was repaid with interest. interest
Interest rates have risen by 1%. interest
high rates of interest interest
These plants will add interest to your garden in winter. interest
These documents are of great historical interest. interest
to be of cultural/scientific interest interest
interested (in sth/sb): I'm very interested in history. interested
She was watching with a politely interested expression on her face. interested
He sounded genuinely interested. interested
interesting (to do sth): It would be interesting to know what he really believed. interesting
interpret sth as sth: I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. interpret
Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events. interpretation
The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career. interruption
an interruption to the power supply interruption
He ignored her interruptions. interruption
Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music. introduce
the introduction of compulsory military service introduction
a criminal/murder/police investigation investigation
There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. involve
her growing involvement with contemporary music involvement
The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. irritate
issue sth: to issue passports/visas/tickets issue
issue sb with sth: New members will be issued with a temporary identity card. issue
This clock is a collector's item (= because it is rare and valuable). item
I heard an item on the radio about women engineers. item
silver/gold jewellery jewellery
She has some lovely pieces of jewellery. jewellery
The event was organized jointly by students and staff. jointly
My joints are really stiff this morning. joint
Don't use the car for short journeys. journey
Bye! Safe journey! (= used when sb is beginning a journey) journey
She showed a lack of judgement when she gave Mark the job. judgement
It's not something I can give you rules for; you'll have to use your judgement. judgement
It was, in her judgement, the wrong thing to do. judgement
The children were jumping up and down with excitement. jump
the criminal justice system justice
Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change. keep
That child can't keep out of mischief. keep out of sth, keep sb out of sth
kind (of sb) (to do sth): It was really kind of you to help me. kind
know how, what, etc...: Do you know how to use spreadsheets? know
The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). know
She sent the letter without my knowledge. knowledge
The film was made with the Prince's full knowledge and approval. knowledge
Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour. labour
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
good labour relations (= the relationship between workers and employers) labour
manual labour (= work using your hands) labour
She showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the idea of becoming a mother. lack
His wife was a real lady. lady
Could I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? lady
a wine lake (= a large supply of wine that is not being used) lake
Some of the country's richest grazing lands are in these valleys. land
the language of the legal profession language
a large area/family/house/car/appetite large
Some drugs are being used on a much larger scale than previously. large
If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem slight. large
I realized the truth too late. too late
She laughed to cover her nervousness. laugh
the successful launch of the Ariane rocket launch
strict gun laws law
Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off. law
They had laid the groundwork for future development. lay
to lead a quiet life/a life of luxury/a miserable existence lead
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. lead
lead sb to do sth: This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies. lead
Today we learnt how to use the new software. learn
Really, I'm not in the least tired. not in the least
leave sb sth: I'm afraid you leave me no choice. leave
leave to sb: The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer. leave
All new students are given lessons in/on how to use the library. lesson
Their openness was a terrific lesson to me. lesson
I'd rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. lie
He's lived here all his life. life
I've lived in England for most of my life. life
She has been an accountant all her working life. life
He met a lot of interesting people during his life as a student. life
They were very happy throughout their married life. life
life and death life
The body was cold and showed no signs of life. life
The floods caused a massive loss of life (= many people were killed). life
Hundreds of lives were threatened when the building collapsed. life
We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day (= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring). light
You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise. light
You only need to apply light pressure. light
like to do sth: I'd like to think it over. like
We would like to apologize for the delay. like
His arrogance knew (= had) no limits. limit
The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. limit
The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. limit sth to sb/sth
There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it. line
The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked (= they depend on each other). link
the transition from liquid to vapour liquid
Sorry, I wasn't really listening. listen
Students have little or no choice in the matter. little
a little milk/sugar/tea little
If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little? little
It caused not a little/no little (= a lot of) confusion. little
Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career. little
Her words have lived with me all my life. live
He lived in poverty most of his life. live
The club has live music most nights. live
Her eyes were bright and lively. lively
load (sth): Is the gun loaded? load
bank loans with low interest rates loan
an exhibition of paintings on loan (= borrowed) from private collections loan
Your ankle's swollen—I think the doctor ought to look at it. look at sth
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
They looked on his behaviour with contempt. look on sb/sth with sth
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances). look
to use a term loosely loosely
lose sth (on sth/by doing sth): You have nothing to lose by telling the truth. lose
lose sb sth: His carelessness lost him the job. lose
I want to report the loss of a package. loss
The loss of his wife was a great blow to him. loss
The drought has led to widespread loss of life. loss
Her departure is a big loss to the school. loss
If he isn't prepared to accept this money, then that's his loss. loss
We would be lost without your help. lost
Thanks a lot for your help. lot
love sth: I really love summer evenings. love
You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again. love
Yogurt is usually very low in fat. low
low-fat yogurt low
the lower slopes of the mountain low
We wish her luck in her new career. luck
I put the loss of the money down to pure bad luck. luck
lucky (that...): You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time. lucky
A revolver is the only way to stop a mad dog. mad
mad with sth: to be mad with anger/excitement/grief/love mad
dance and music which capture the magic of India magic
He loved the magic and mystery of the place. magic
Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women. magic
She maintained a dignified silence. maintain
maintain sth: She has always maintained her innocence. maintain
My lawyer has been urging me to make a will. make
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. make up for sth
After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. make up for sth
Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience. make up for sth
early/modern/Prehistoric man man
a career in management management
the sales/marketing/personnel manager manager
His manner was polite but cool. manner
Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession. manufacturing
He has his career path clearly mapped out. map sth out
Persuasion is one of the most valuable skills in marketing. marketing
a massive increase in spending massive
They lived in fear of their master. master
Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other. match
If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity. match
She may need your help with some business matters. matter
matter (to sb) who, what, etc...: Does it really matter who did it? matter
The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum. maximum
That may or may not be true. may
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage. measure
Regular tests are used to measure students' progress. measure
measure sb/sth for sth: He's gone to be measured for a new suit. measure
measure how much, how long, etc...: A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine. measure
Which measure of weight do pharmacists use? measure
measure (to do sth): We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area. measure
Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage. media
her medical condition/history/records medical
a medical certificate (= a statement by a doctor that gives details of your state of health) medical
mental health mental
She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. mental
'Thanks for all your help.' 'Don't mention it.' don't mention it
I feel I've made a mess of things. mess
My hair's a real mess! mess
the heat of the midday sun midday
I like a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. middle
Might I use your phone? might
a mild punishment/criticism mild
Use a soap that is mild on the skin. mild
military training/intelligence military
a military coup military
We may have to take military action. military
a pint/litre of milk milk
a bottle/carton of milk milk
fresh/dried/powdered milk milk
Do you take milk in your tea? milk
milk products (= butter, cheese, etc.) milk
breast milk milk
insights into the criminal mind mind
mind how, where, etc...: Mind how you go! (= often used when you say goodbye to sb) mind
He wouldn't have minded so much if she'd told him the truth. mind
mind about sth: Did she mind about not getting the job? mind
For a minority, the decision was a disappointment. minority
mix A with B: I don't like to mix business with pleasure (= combine social events with doing business). mix
The town offers a fascinating mix of old and new. mix
The city is a mixture of old and new buildings. mixture
We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror. mixture
Anger is often caused by frustration or embarrassment, or a mixture of the two. mixture
The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex. model
Modern European history modern
Stress is a major problem of modern life. modern
I agreed in a moment of weakness. moment
From that moment on, she never felt really well again. moment
Each student's progress is closely monitored. monitor
Her anxiety mounted month by month (= as each month passed). month
I'm not really in the mood to go out tonight. mood
He was in no mood for being polite to visitors. mood
a decline in moral standards moral
The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right). moral
More and more people are using the Internet. more and more
It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident. more
mountain roads/streams/villages mountain
Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position. mouse
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
Getting a job in marketing was a good career move. move
Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. movement
Power comes from the forward movement of the entire body. movement
Mrs Susan Hill Mrs
Much as I would like to stay, I really must go home. much as
the popularity of Mozart's music music
a career in music music
Mystery surrounds her disappearance. mystery
What is/was the name, please? (= a polite way of asking sb's name) name
the natural agility of a cat natural
He thought social inequality was all part of the natural order of things. natural
She was the natural choice for the job. natural
natural yogurt (= with no flavour added) natural
We appealed to his better nature (= his kindness). nature
Only use your car when absolutely necessary. necessary
This is a necessary consequence of progress. necessary
They badly needed a change. need
What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours. need
We've had a lot of support from all our friends and neighbours. neighbour
The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer. network
It was a new era in the history of our country. new
the discovery of a new star new
A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one. new
breaking news (= news that is arriving about events that have just happened) news
He's a really nice guy. nice
I lay awake all night. night
They are a small but noisy pressure group (= they try to attract attention to their ideas by frequent discussion and argument). noisy
The streets were very noisy throughout the night. noisy
None but he knew the truth. none but
In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town. normal
She wrinkled her nose in disgust. nose
I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. not
The sleeve notes include a short biography of the performers on this recording. note
All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. for nothing
It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice (= told me about it). notice
detective/historical/romantic novels novel
nuclear capacity (= the number of nuclear weapons a country has) nuclear
Think of a number and multiply it by two. number
object to doing sth/to sb doing sth: I really object to being charged for parking. object
She has some interesting observations on possible future developments. observation
to obtain advice/information/permission obtain
She was the obvious choice for the job. obvious
I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health. occasion
He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts. occasion
When exactly did the incident occur? occur
Something unexpected occurred. occur
a glass of milk of
the arrival of the police (= they arrive) of
the howling of the wind of
Think of a number, any number. of
a criminal/serious/minor/sexual, etc. offence offence
New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns. offence
The new law makes it a criminal offense to drink alcohol in public places. offense
They are offering a reward for the return of their cat. offer
the official biography of the President official
I only knew the official version of events. official
Officially, he resigned because of bad health. officially
His success depended, as so often happens, on things entirely outside his control. often
Oh, Sue! Could you help me a moment? oh
an oil lamp/heater oil
One place I'd really like to visit is Bali. one
Her one concern was for the health of her baby. one
One should never criticize if one is not sure of one's facts. one
French onion soup onion
Only then did she realize the stress he was under. only
The pass is kept open all the year. open
open sth with sth: They will open the new season with a performance of 'Carmen'. open
The movie has an exciting opening. opening
France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers. operate
In my opinion, it's a very sound investment. opinion
There is a difference of opinion (= people disagree) as to the merits of the plan. opinion
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support. opportunity
This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to (= rather than) strength. as opposed to
Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. opposition
The army met with fierce opposition in every town. opposition
He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime. opposition
Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank. order
It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos. order
in the ordinary course of events ordinary
a badly organized event organized
She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth. origin
Out you go! (= used to order sb to leave a room) out
We'll get the truth out of her. out
We're out of milk. out
I'm not really the outdoor type (= I prefer indoor activities). outdoor
This is a brief outline of the events. outline
We plan to use an outside firm of consultants. outside
Thank goodness that's over! over
We're over the worst of the recession. over
a disagreement over the best way to proceed over
an overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) overall
He overcame a strong temptation to run away. overcome
Overcome by curiosity, the boy looked through the window. overcome
I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages. own up (to sth/to doing sth)
Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace. pace
To be a really good runner he needs to lengthen his pace a little. pace
a pack of cigarettes/gum pack
the pleasures and pains of growing old pain
a collection of paintings by American artists painting
The ordeal left her looking pale and drawn. pale
Sue and Ben have recently become parents. parent
partnership with sb/sth: the school's partnership with parents partnership
I'm not really expecting to pass first time. pass
a passing phase/thought/interest passing
She bears more than a passing resemblance to (= looks very like) your sister. passing
The past month has been really busy at work. past
past events past
Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history. past
a career path path
My patience is wearing thin. patience
Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding. patience
You'd try the patience of a saint! patience
It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife. patience
I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles. patience
I had to pay out £500 to get my car repaired. pay sth out
She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening. peace
He never felt really at peace with himself. peace
people of different religions living in peaceful coexistence peaceful
She's at the peak of her career. peak
It is often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain. per cent
Well I'm sorry—but nobody's perfect (= used when sb has criticized you). perfect
She gave the greatest performance of her career. performance
The new management techniques aim to improve performance. performance
high-performance (= very powerful) cars performance
performance indicators (= things that show how well or badly sth is working) performance
Her academic performance has been inconsistent. performance
Which period of history would you most like to have lived in? period
The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection. permanent
permission (for sth): You must ask permission for all major expenditure. permission
permission (for sb/sth) (to do sth): The school has been refused permission to expand. permission
No official permission has been given for the event to take place. permission
poems reprinted by kind permission of the author permission
With your permission, I'd like to say a few words. permission
I'm not really a city person (= I don't really like cities). person
The President made a personal appearance at the event. personal
I shall give the matter my personal attention. personal
Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture. personal
All hire cars are for personal use only. personal
He maintained order by sheer force of personality. personality
He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence. personally
His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase. phase
a professor of philosophy philosophy
the development of different philosophies philosophy
the director of photography (= the person who is in charge of the actual filming of a film/movie, programme, etc.) photography
The attraction between them is purely physical. physical
She was intimidated by his physical presence. physical
The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health. physical
He tends to avoid all physical contact. physical
physically and emotionally exhausted physically
pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs) pill
She went bright pink with embarrassment. pink
a pint of beer/milk pint
We'd better get a couple of extra pints (= of milk) tomorrow. pint
Insulation may reduce the danger of pipes bursting in winter. pipe
a look/feeling/surge of pity pity
I don't want your pity. pity
This dress is really nice. Pity it's so expensive. pity
You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
Great emphasis is placed on education. place
The facts were plain to see. plain
It was a rip-off, plain and simple. plain
The plain fact is that nobody really knows. plain
plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit) plain
The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices. plan
There's been a change of plan. plan
What a pleasant surprise! pleasant
pleased (that...): I'm really pleased that you're feeling better. pleased
pleasure (in sth/in doing sth): He takes no pleasure in his work. pleasure
pleasure (of sth/of doing sth): She had the pleasure of seeing him look surprised. pleasure
'Do we need more milk?' 'No, there's plenty in the fridge.' plenty
epic/lyric/pastoral, etc. poetry poetry
Read the manual to learn the program's finer points (= small details). point
He pointed the gun at her head. point
The guide pointed out various historic monuments. point sb/sth out (to sb)
She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
the pointed arches used in medieval buildings pointed
Thousands are at risk of being poisoned by fumes from faulty heaters. poison
The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle. poisonous
Please be polite to our guests. polite
We were all too polite to object. polite
I don't know how to make polite conversation. polite
The performance was greeted with polite applause. polite
The receptionist smiled politely. politely
What are your political sympathies? political
the internal politics of the legal profession politics
the party's poor performance in the election poor
to be in poor health poor
The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer. popular
This show of concern is just a pose. pose
Wealth and position (= high social status) were not important to her. position
to be in a position of power/strength/authority position
the power of positive thought positive
He credited her with a maturity she did not possess. possess
You cannot legally take possession of the property (= start using it after buying it) until three weeks after the contract is signed. possession
Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve. possibility
Use public transport whenever possible (= when you can). possible
Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. possible
She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages. possibly
They tried everything they possibly could to improve the situation. possibly
a yogurt pot pot
engine power power
economic power power
air/sea power (= military strength in the air/ at sea) power
purchasing power power
the power of the media power
an allied/enemy power power
Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on 300 protesters. power
He had to use all his powers of persuasion. power
Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release. powerful
There's practically no difference between the two options. practically
There are over 50 000 solicitors practising in England and Wales. practise
practise as sth: She practised as a barrister for many years. practise
His teachers are full of praise for the progress he's making. praise
praise sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: He praised his team for their performance. praise
We believe in the power of prayer. prayer
Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan. preference
Was going to college a good preparation for your career? preparation
The college prepares students for a career in business. prepare
He hardly seemed to notice my presence. presence
Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect. presence
Your presence is requested at the meeting. presence
The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child. presence
You can't use it in its present condition. present
I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments. presentation
Is he really 60? He's remarkably well preserved. preserve
the freedom of the Press/press freedom (= the freedom to report any events and express opinions) press
The event is bound to attract wide press coverage (= it will be written about in many newspapers). press
pressure (for sth): The pressure for change continued to mount. pressure
pressure (on sb) (to do sth): There is a great deal of pressure on young people to conform. pressure
A band of high/low pressure is moving across the country. pressure
air/water pressure pressure
Check the tyre pressure (= the amount of air in a tyre) regularly. pressure
a pressure gauge (= an instrument used for measuring the pressure of a liquid or a gas) pressure
Draught beer is pumped out of the barrel under pressure. under pressure
The pound came under pressure from foreign currencies today, increasing the chances of a rise in interest rates. under pressure
That performance was pretty impressive. pretty
prevent (sb/sth) doing sth: Nothing would prevent him/his speaking out against injustice. prevent
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. previous
The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions. previous
The building had previously been used as a hotel. previously
price (for sth/for doing sth): Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age. price
Losing his job was a real blow to his pride. pride
The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety. primarily
Good health care is of primary importance. primary
This information must not be disclosed without prior written consent. prior
She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement. prior
He was a prisoner of his own ignorance. prisoner
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
health/family, etc. problems problem
to fix a problem problem
Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now. problem
There's no history of heart problems (= disease connected with the heart) in our family. problem
dairy/meat/pharmaceutical, etc. products product
a decline/an increase in production production
The legal profession has/have always resisted change. profession
the terms that doctors and other health professionals use professional
This was clearly a job for a real professional. professional
Professor (Ann) Williams professor
a chemistry professor professor
to be appointed Professor of French at Cambridge professor
He was made (a) professor at the age of 40. professor
a history project project
prompt sth: The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security. prompt
He asked to be put under police protection. protection
They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits. protection
She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest. under protest
The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. protest
It was a proud day in the nation's history proud
It was proving extremely difficult to establish the truth. prove
His lack of experience may prove a problem in a crisis. prove
prove to be sth: The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career. prove
prove sth: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. prove
He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). public
Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to public health. public
a delay in the publication of the exam results publication
There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. publicity
He pulled a gun on me (= took out a gun and aimed it at me). pull
In this area oxen are used to pull carts. pull
The tides depend on the pull of the moon. pull
These reports are pure speculation (= there is no evidence that they are true). pure
Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. pure
The building is used for religious purposes. purpose
She wishes to pursue a medical career. pursue
The music teacher really pushes her pupils. push
This development could push the country into recession. push
The rise in interest rates will push prices up. push
He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started. push
The incident put her in a bad mood. put
If you use something, put it back! put sth back
a decline in water quality quality
personal qualities such as honesty and generosity quality
The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered. question
It's merely a question of time before the business collapses. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
It's just a question of deciding what you really want. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
No one has ever questioned her judgement. question
His quick thinking saved her life. quick
We'll repair it as quickly as possible. quickly
quit sth: He quit the show last year because of bad health. quit
a disused railway railway
She raised the gun and fired. raise
There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent. range
rank sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty. rank
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world. rank
rapid change/expansion/growth rapid
a rapid rise/decline in sales rapid
rare (to do sth): It is rare to find such loyalty these days. rare
Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. rarely
Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation. rate
Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? rather than
reincarnation re-
The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades. reaction
He needs more help with his reading. reading
This accident could have produced a real tragedy. real
Her next play was a real contrast. real
Tell me the real reason. real
See the real Africa on one of our walking safaris. real
I couldn't resist the opportunity to meet a real live celebrity. real
I do my best to hide my real feelings from others. real
She never had any real friends at school. real
his first real kiss real
I had no real interest in politics. real
He was making a real effort to be nice to her. real
She has not shown any real regret for what she did. real
In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life. real
The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. real
There's no real possibility of them changing their minds. real
We have a real chance of success. real
What do you really think about it? really
Tell me what really happened. really
They are not really my aunt and uncle. really
I can't believe I am really going to meet the princess. really
I want to help, I really do. really
Now I really must go. really
I really don't mind. really
He really likes you. really
I really and truly am in love this time. really
a really hot fire really
I'm really sorry. really
I don't really agree with that. really
'Did you enjoy the book?' 'Not really ' (= 'no' or 'not very much'). really
We've done well, really. really
Do you really expect me to believe that? really
I don't really need to go, do I? really
'We're going to Japan next month.' 'Oh, really?' really
You have no reason to accuse him of laziness. reason
Only human beings are capable of reason (= of thinking in a logical way, etc.). reason
receive sth with sth: The statistics were received with concern. receive
receive sth from sb: We received a warm welcome from our hosts. receive
receive sth: Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately. receive
receive sth from sb/sth: He received an award for bravery from the police service. receive
a recent development/discovery/event recent
Have you used it recently (= in the recent past)? recently
Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans. reception
Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education. reception
a growing recognition that older people have potential too recognition
There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform. recognition
She gained only minimal recognition for her work. recognition
He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year. recognition
recognize sth: They recognized the need to take the problem seriously. recognize
recommend (that)...: I recommend (that) he see a lawyer. recommend
I recommend (that) he should see a lawyer. recommend
a record collection record
it is recorded that...: It is recorded that, by the year 630, four hundred monks were attached to the monastery. record
I've marked the corrections in red (= in red ink). red
This paragraph refers to the events of last year. refer to sb/sth
The book is full of references to growing up in India. reference
the President's passing reference to (= brief mention of) the end of the war reference
His music reflects his interest in African culture. reflect
Before I decide, I need time to reflect. reflect
reflect on/upon sth: She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision. reflect
reflect how, what, etc...: She reflected how different it could have been. reflect
a blunt/flat/curt refusal refusal
I politely refused their invitation. refuse
regional variations in pronunciation regional
regret sth: The airline regrets any inconvenience. regret
It is with great regret that I accept your resignation. regret
She expressed her regret at the decision. regret
He gave up teaching in 2009, much to the regret of his students. regret
Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families. regular
The lioness rejected the smallest cub, which died. reject
Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. reject
relate A to B: In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. relate
relate sth to sb: He related the facts of the case to journalists. relate
relation between A and B: the relation between rainfall and crop yields relation
relationship (between A and B): the relationship between mental and physical health relationship
They now live in relative comfort (= compared with how they lived before). relative
Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success. relative
The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power. relax
Death released him from his suffering. release
a few moments of light relief in an otherwise dull performance relief
There was little comic relief in his speech. relief
relief from sth: The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. relief
famine relief relief
News of their safety came as a great relief. relief
the relief of suffering relief
You should rely on your own judgement. rely on/upon sb/sth
He can't be relied on to tell the truth. rely on/upon sb/sth
Questions remain about the president's honesty. remain
prehistoric remains remains
a remarkable achievement/career/talent remarkable
She was a truly remarkable woman. remarkable
events leading to the removal of the president from office removal
to repair a car/roof/road/television repair
It's almost 15 years old. It isn't worth having it repaired. repair
The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself. repair
It was too late to repair the damage done to their relationship. repair
The home team did well to repair a bad start. repair
The house is not in good repair. in good, bad, etc. repair, in a good, bad, etc. state of repair
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
This phrase is repeated at intervals throughout the song. repeat
to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). replace
report sth: The stabbing was reported in the local press. report
report sth (to sb): The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble. report
There are unconfirmed reports of a shooting in the capital. report
The Egyptian goddess is represented as a woman with cow's horns. represent
The artist uses doves to represent peace. represent
This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy. represent
Ms Dale is representing the defendant (= is his/her lawyer) in the case. represent
Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole? representative
All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery. reproduce
Unfortunately, he was never able to reproduce this level of performance in a competition. reproduce
require sth: These pets require a lot of care and attention. require
A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation. rescue
medical/historical/scientific, etc. research research
She's in New York researching her new book (= finding facts and information to put in it). research
research how, what, etc...: We have to research how the product will actually be used. research
They support the measures without reservation (= completely). reservation
reserve sth: I'd prefer to reserve (my) judgement (= not make a decision) until I know all the facts. reserve
He discovered unexpected reserves of strength. reserve
resist (sth): to resist change resist
resist doing sth: The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. resist
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist. resist
A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. resist
As with all new ideas it met with resistance. resistance
The defenders put up a strong resistance. resistance
They felt obliged to resort to violence. resort to sth
resort doing sth: We may have to resort to using untrained staff. resort to sth
We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources. resource
The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges. resource
I have the greatest respect for your brother. respect
A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect. respect
A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them. respect
to show a lack of respect for authority respect
They instilled in their children a respect for Welsh tradition and culture. respect
There was one respect, however, in which they differed. respect
Who's responsible for this mess? responsible
I'm not doing this job for the rest of my life. rest
Such kindness restores your faith in human nature (= makes you believe most people are kind). restore
He is now fully restored to health. restore
Having small children tends to restrict your freedom. restrict
The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management. result
to retain your independence retain
She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. retain
retire (from sth): She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health. retire
Susan is going to take early retirement (= retire before the usual age). retirement
This year we have seen the retirements of several senior personnel. retirement
the return of spring return
a return of my doubts return
Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? in return (for sth)
The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. reveal
The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report. revise
a revised edition of a textbook revise
I'll prepare a revised estimate for you. revise
We may have to revise this figure upwards. revise
I spent the weekend revising for my exam. revise
I can't come out tonight. I have to revise. revise
revise sth: I'm revising Geography today. revise
He made some minor revisions to the report before printing it out. revision
a system in need of revision revision
a revision of trading standards revision
Their educational policies are due for revision. revision
Have you started your revision yet? revision
a revision class/course/timetable revision
the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 revolution
reward sb/sth: Our patience was finally rewarded. reward
the region's rich history and culture rich
The new legislation faces a bumpy ride (= will meet with opposition and difficulties). ride
She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). right
They had fought hard for equal rights. right
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong. right
It was difficult to establish the rights and wrongs (= the true facts) of the matter. right
She watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept. rise
the rise of fascism in Europe rise
the rise and fall of the British Empire rise
her meteoric rise to power rise
rise in sth: There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work. rise
Insulin is used to control the rise of glucose levels in the blood. rise
I'm going to ask for a rise. rise
risk (to sb/sth): The chemicals pose little risk (= are not dangerous) to human health. risk
a major health/fire risk risk
She was risking her own and her children's health. risk
They were willing to risk everything for their liberty. risk
risk sth: There was no choice. If they stayed there, they risked death. risk
road accidents/safety/users road
a cave with striking rock formations (= shapes made naturally from rock) rock
Soup and a roll: £3.50 roll
roll sth (+ adv./prep.): She rolled her eyes upwards (= to show surprise or disapproval). roll
He's had a really rough time recently (= he's had a lot of problems). rough
the discovery that the world is round round
The child was watching it all with big round eyes (= showing interest). round
We clean and repair the machines as a matter of routine. routine
by royal appointment (= a sign used by companies that supply goods to the royal family) royal
a ball made of rubber rubber
a rubber tree rubber
It's not rubbish—it's true! rubbish
The divorce ultimately led to his ruin. ruin
The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin. ruin
The old mill is now little more than a ruin. ruin
He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins of his career. ruin
under Communist/civilian/military, etc. rule rule
We've run short of milk. run
Trains between London and Brighton run throughout the day. run
run on sth: Our van runs on (= uses) diesel. run
Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away. run away (from sb/...)
the running costs of a car (= for example of fuel, repairs, insurance) running
I've been rushing around all day trying to get everything done. rush
A reward was offered for the animal's safe return. safe
The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. safety
He was kept in custody for his own safety. safety
I'm worried about the safety of the treatment. safety
We watched the lions from the safety of the car. safety
a ship under sail (= using sails) sail
He used the very same (= exactly the same) words. same
All the same, there's some truth in what she says. all/just the same
to gain/get/derive satisfaction from sth satisfaction
a look/smile of satisfaction satisfaction
She looked back on her career with great satisfaction. satisfaction
He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller. satisfaction
She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. satisfaction
The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction. satisfaction
I'm satisfied that they are telling the truth. satisfied
to satisfy sb's curiosity satisfy
It's satisfying to play a game really well. satisfying
The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. save
save sth (for sth/sb): He's saving his strength for the last part of the race. save
save sb/sth (from sth): to save a rare species (from extinction) save
That says it all really, doesn't it? (= it shows clearly what is true) say
say to sb/yourself + speech: I said to myself (= thought), 'That can't be right!' say
the scales of justice (= represented as the two pans on a balance (5)) scale
to evaluate performance on a scale from 1 to 10 scale
a bomb/health scare scare
to cause a major scare scare
You gave me a scare! scare
scared (to do sth): People are scared to use the buses late at night. scared
The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule. schedule
We are trying desperately to keep to our schedule. schedule
One of the scheduled events is a talk on alternative medicine. schedule
the business/medical/law school school
the advance of modern science science
scientists and engineers scientist
scream in/with sth: The kids were screaming with excitement. scream
a jar with a rubber seal in the lid seal
the cricket/hunting/shooting, etc. season season
We used the branch of an old tree as a seat. seat
That is just a secondary consideration. secondary
Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion. secure
the security of a loving family life security
The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). security
see (that)...: I see (that) interest rates are going up again. see
see sb/sth doing sth: I can't see her changing her mind. see
see doing sth: I'll have to see about getting that roof repaired. see about sth
Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? see to sth
We'll have to get that door seen to (= repaired). see to sth
seek sth from sb: She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. seek
The final team selection will be made tomorrow. selection
Only with a few people could she be her real self (= show what she was really like rather than what she pretended to be). self
You really have to sell yourself at a job interview. sell
send sb to do sth: I've sent Tom to buy some milk. send
The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people. sense
He was a true friend, in every sense of the word (= in every possible way). sense
He felt an overwhelming sense of loss. sense
The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel. sense
Health care is a politically sensitive issue. sensitive
That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda. separately
separation (from sb/sth): the state's eventual separation from the federation separation
separation (between A and B): the need for a clear separation between Church and State separation
a legal separation separation
The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen. series
Smoking can seriously damage your health. seriously
Seriously though, it could be really dangerous. seriously
the development of new goods and services service
She has a weekly session at the health club on Saturdays. session
set sb/sth doing sth: Her remarks set me thinking. set
It's time you settled your differences with your father. settle
a severe shortage of qualified staff severe
Strikes are causing severe disruption to all train services. severe
Her interest in him is purely sexual. sexual
shake sb/sth: Shake the bottle well before use. shake
She hung her head in shame. shame
He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth. shame
It would be a crying shame (= a great shame) not to take them up on the offer. shame
She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family. shame
shape sth: This tool is used for shaping wood. shape
share in sth: I didn't really share in her love of animals. share
John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing. share
Sue shares a house with three other students. share
a sharp sense of humour sharp
The photograph is not very sharp (= there are no clear contrasts between areas of light and shade). sharp
She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics. sharp
a sharp drop in prices sharp
a sharp increase in unemployment sharp
Doesn't she (= the woman we are looking at) look like Sue? she
People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. shelter
shift (from...) (to/towards/toward...): The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. shift
Her sympathies gradually shifted to the side of the protesters. shift
to work an eight-hour shift shift
The night shift has/have just come off duty. shift
a dramatic shift in public opinion shift
a shift of emphasis shift
Her eyes were shining with excitement. shine
Excitement was shining in her eyes. shine
Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources. shine
a shocking waste of money shocking
a serious shooting incident shooting
Police rushed to the scene of the shooting and found one person dead and three wounded. shooting
She was exhausted after a day's shooting. shooting
Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net. shot
The man fired several shots from his pistol. shot
A present for me? You shouldn't have! (= used to thank sb politely) should
The end-of-year accounts show a loss. show
show sth: to show great courage show
show that...: He has shown that he is ready to make compromises. show
She tried not to let her disappointment show. show
show sth: Her expression showed her disappointment. show
The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show. show
I'll take care of that side of things. side
The player received treatment on the side of the pitch. side
sign (of sth/sb): Headaches may be a sign of stress. sign
Call the police at the first sign of trouble. sign
All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). signal
The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working. signal
Delays are occurring as a result of signal failure on the northbound line. signal
The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world. signal
There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. significant
Your work has shown a significant improvement. significant
The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease. significant
A scream broke the silence of the night. silence
I need absolute silence when I'm working. silence
an embarrassed/awkward silence silence
I got used to his long silences. silence
There was a deafening silence (= one that is very noticeable). silence
He gave me the silent treatment (= did not speak to me because he was angry). silent
a silly sense of humour silly
Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers. similarly
The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans. similarly
The answer is really quite simple. simple
This machine is very simple to use. simple
The business over the lawsuit had really knocked her for six. hit/knock sb for six
a skilled engineer/negotiator/craftsman skilled
His popularity has slipped recently. slip
The director never lets the tension slip. slip
He spends all winter on the slopes (= skiing ). slope
The garden slopes away towards the river. slope
The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth. slow
That was a smart career move. smart
I had to smile at (= was amused by) his optimism. smile
They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business. smooth
They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power. smooth
Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste. smooth
Avoid using perfumed soaps on sensitive skin. soap
Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff. social
social mobility (= the movement of people from one social class to another) social
Racism exists at all levels of society. society
It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid. solid
The boiler uses solid fuel. solid
She thinks she's really somebody in that car. somebody
She's a professor of something or other (= I'm not sure what) at Leeds. something
There's something in (= some truth or some fact or opinion worth considering in) what he says. something
He's the son of an Oxford professor. son
sorry (for sth/doing sth): He says he's really sorry for taking the car without asking. sorry
sorry to do sth: I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college. sorry
She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care. sort of
I'm really busy—can you sort it? sort
She told me the whole story from soup to nuts. from soup to nuts
We're all in the soup now. in the soup
Historians use a wide range of primary and secondary sources for their research. source
a space flight/mission space
Are there any tickets going spare (= are there any available, not being used by sb else)? spare
Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research. speak
'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.' (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) speak
a special event special
a specialist in Japanese history specialist
I seemed to have lost the power of speech. speech
This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing. speech
She was overtaken by the speed of events (= things happened more quickly than she expected). speed
the differences between British and American spelling spelling
the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties spirit
There's a big split in the tent. split
split (within sth): a damaging split within the party leadership split
split (between A and B): There have been reports of a split between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. split
Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). spoil
the use of drugs in sport sport
a spray of machine-gun bullets spray
Use a spray to apply the weedkiller. spray
spread sth: Using too much water could spread the stain. spread
Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team. spread
Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. spread
Sue spread the map out on the floor. spread
to prevent the spread of disease spread
to encourage the spread of information spread
Shut doors to delay the spread of fire. spread
the spread of a city into the surrounding areas spread
spring water spring
to squeeze the trigger of a gun (= to fire it) squeeze
staff development/training staff
a lawyer on the staff of the Worldwide Fund for Nature staff
The passports, with the visa stamps, were waiting at the embassy. stamp
The Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the event. stamp
Sam stamped his foot in anger. stamp
It's time to stand back and look at your career so far. stand back (from sth)
Standards aren't what they used to be. standard
a movie starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan star
start sb/sth doing sth: The news started me thinking. start
We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee. start
She started out on her legal career in 2001. start out
a perfect start to the day start
If we don't hurry, we'll miss the start of the game. start
We've had problems (right) from the start. start
This could be the start of something big. start
The building is in a bad state of repair (= needs to be repaired). state
The facts are clearly stated in the report. state
The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows). statement
Stay tuned (= used to ask people to continue listening to or watching a particular programme on the radio or television). stay
a steady decline in numbers steady
Thieves stole jewellery worth over £10 000. steal
the introduction of steam in the 18th century steam
a steep decline in the birth rate steep
a steep rise in unemployment steep
This was a big step up (= to a better position) in his career. step
Stick 'em up! (= put your hands above your head — I have a gun!) stick
We used glue to stick the broken pieces together. stick
Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough. sticky
I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday. stiff
Stir the paint before you use it. stir
stir sth in: Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens. stir
People just don't stop to think about the consequences. stop
a health food store store
The ground here cannot take the strain of a large building. strain
Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you). strain
The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. strain
military strategy strategy
mountain streams stream
the strength of the sun strength
wind strength strength
the strength and direction of the tide strength
The new weapon's strength lies in its accuracy. strength
the strength of public opinion strength
This view has recently gathered strength (= become stronger or more widely held). strength
I was surprised by the strength of her feelings. strength
Political power depends upon economic strength. strength
Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage. strength
to negotiate from a position of strength strength
The rally was intended to be a show of strength by the socialists. strength
During this ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith. strength
She has a remarkable inner strength. strength
You have shown great strength of character. strength
He pushed against the rock with all his strength. strength
It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again. strength
He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance. strength
strength to do sth: She didn't have the strength to walk any further. strength
the strength of a rope strength
In 'strategic' the stress falls on the second syllable stress
Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness. stress
stress sb (out): Driving in cities really stresses me (out). stress
+ speech: 'There is,' Johnson stressed, 'no real alternative.' stress
The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. stretch
He told me in the strictest confidence (= on the understanding that I would tell nobody else). strict
strike sb: An awful thought has just struck me. strike
I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. strike
it strikes sb that...: It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes. strike
The lion crouched ready to strike. strike
She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister. striking
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration. strong
The temptation to tell her everything was very strong. strong
He's strong enough to lift a car! strong
struggle (with sb) (for/against sth): a struggle for independence struggle
It was a real struggle to be ready on time. struggle
She's a student at Sussex University. student
a dramatic increase in student numbers student
Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life. study
study to do/be sth: Nina is studying to be an architect. study
She does everything with style and grace. style
Nelson Mandela is the subject of a new biography. subject
a substantial change substantial
There are substantial differences between the two groups. substantial
substitute for sb/sth: Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother. substitute
succeed in sth: She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. succeed
Confidence is the key to success. success
She was surprised by the book's success (= that it had sold a lot of copies). success
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
The damage was such that it would cost thousands to repair. such
Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers. such
She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw. suck
suck at/on sth: The baby sucked at its mother's breast. suck
suck sth: She sucked a mint. suck
suck sth + adv./prep.: The pump sucks air out through the valve. suck
suck sth + adj.: Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry. suck
suffer from sth: He suffers from asthma. suffer
The stage lighting was used to suggest a beach scene. suggest
There is no suggestion of any impropriety. suggestion
I don't think this coat really suits me. suit
suited (for sb/sth): He is not really suited for a teaching career. suited
this/next/last summer summer
the warmth of the afternoon sun sun
We did our best to keep out of the sun. sun
support sb/sth: to support a proposal support
support sb/sth in sth: The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage. support
When my father died, Jim was a real support. support
Thanks for all your support on the day of the funeral. support
There is strong public support for the change. support
Can I rely on your support (= will you vote for me) in the election? support
The idea has met with widespread support. support
suppose sb/sth to be/have sth: This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare. suppose
suppose sb/sth (to be/have) sth: suppose sb/sth + adj.: She had supposed him (to be) very rich. suppose
suppose sb/sth + noun: I had supposed his wife a younger woman. suppose
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree (= I'm sure that he won't). suppose
suppose (that)...: Suppose flights are fully booked on that day—which other day could we go? suppose
Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children. suppose
suppose sth: The theory supposes the existence of life on other planets. suppose
suppose sb/sth (to be/have) sth: suppose sb/sth + adj./noun: Suppose him (to be) dead—what then? suppose
I could take you in the car, I suppose (= but I don't really want to). suppose
What I'm saying, I suppose, is that she's not really suitable for the job. suppose
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? suppose
Suppose we take a later train? suppose
sure of sth: I hope you are sure of your facts. sure
Our staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your visit. make sure (of sth/that...)
Her letter came as a complete surprise. surprise
surprise (at sth): He gasped with surprise at her strength. surprise
They couldn't conceal their surprise at seeing us together. surprise
To everyone's surprise, the plan succeeded. surprise
Imagine our surprise when he walked into the room! surprise
The decision has been greeted with surprise. surprise
They expressed surprise at the outcome. surprise
surround sb/sth: Police surrounded the building. surround
surround sb/sth with sb/sth: They've surrounded the building with police. surround
suspect (sth): If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. suspect
As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman. suspect
suspicion (that...): I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not telling the truth. suspicion
She was reluctant to voice her suspicions. suspicion
swear to do sth: Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth. swear
Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her. swell
Bacteria can cause gums to swell and bleed. swell
Use ice to reduce the swelling. swelling
The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye. swelling
Voting showed a 10% swing to Labour. swing
There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power. swing
the swing of her hips swing
Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. swollen
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. symbol
A list of symbols used on the map is given in the index. symbol
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the war. sympathy
May we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife. sympathy
The seamen went on strike in sympathy with (= to show their support for) the dockers. sympathy
Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby. sympathy
heating systems system
I think I'll tackle the repairs next weekend. tackle
take sb sth (to do sth): It took her three hours to repair her bike. take
The new sports centre will take the pressure off the old one. take
The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues. take over (from sb), take sth over (from sb)
The new magazine has really taken off. take off
Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. take off
Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless. take sb in
What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) talk
I don't know what you're talking about (= used to say that you did not do sth that sb has accused you of). talk
They bombed military and civilian targets. target
This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures. taste
The soup has very little taste. taste
I can't really taste anything with this cold. taste
changes in tax rates tax
teach sth: I'll be teaching history and sociology next term. teach
teach (sb) that...: My parents taught me that honesty was always the best policy. teach
a history/science, etc. teacher teacher
She wants to go into teaching (= make it a career). teaching
How much teaching do you actually do? teaching
a team event (= one played by groups of people rather than individual players) team
Skaters score extra points for technical complexity. technical
Their lawyers spent days arguing over technical details. technical
to make use of the most modern technologies technology
tell sth: It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions. tell
Are you sure you're telling the truth? tell
a rise in temperature temperature
tendency (to/towards sth): She has a strong natural tendency towards caution. tendency
'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language. term
I've just had a terrible thought. terrible
Schools use various methods of testing. test
thanks (for sth): Many thanks for your support. thanks
'Here's the change.' 'Thanks very much.' thanks
'I'm afraid I've finished all the milk.' 'Well, thanks a lot!' thanks a lot
That incident changed their lives. that
The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant. that
The heat was getting to be too much for me. the
That sounds fine in theory, but have you really thought it through? in theory
I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. there
Hello, is Bob there please? (= used when calling sb on the phone) there
The rest, as they say, is history. they
The plane crashed in thick fog. thick
The atmosphere was thick with tension. thick
thick soup thick
This breed of cattle has a very thick coat. thick
Use wood of at least 12 mm thickness. thickness
a car/jewel, etc. thief thief
Think things over before you decide. thing
think (that)...: I never thought (that) I'd see her again. think
You'd think she'd have been grateful for my help (= but she wasn't). think
think to do sth: Who would have thought to find you here? think
think where, how, etc...: We couldn't think where you'd gone. think
think (sth): Just think—we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow. think
Are animals able to think? think
think (about sth): I can't tell you now—I'll have to think about it. think
She had thought very deeply about this problem. think
think so: 'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.' think
He'd like more time to think things over. think sth over
I've been thinking over what you said. think sth over
I had to do some quick thinking. thinking
She explained the thinking behind the campaign. thinking
a thoroughly professional performance thoroughly
Wash the fruit thoroughly before use. thoroughly
I've given the matter careful thought. thought
My thoughts turned to home. thought
You are always in my thoughts. thought
thought of (sb/sth) doing sth: I don't like the thought of you walking home alone. thought
thought of sth: The very thought of it makes me feel sick. thought
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
'Why don't you try the other key?' 'That's a thought!' thought
I'd like to hear your thoughts on the subject. thought
These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments. threat
There is a real threat of war. threat
threaten sb with sth: The attacker threatened them with a gun. threaten
It was through him (= as a result of his help) that I got the job. through
The museum is open daily throughout the year. throughout
The house was painted white throughout. throughout
The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout. throughout
Mike and I shared some really good times. time
the violent times we live in (= the present period of history) time
The changing seasons mark the passing of time. time
He can be really bad-tempered at times. at times
a walking stick with a rubber tip tip
to check your tire pressure tire
I'm too tired even to think. tired
His expression changed from amazement to joy. to
the Japanese ambassador to France to
His music isn't really to my taste. to
To her astonishment, he smiled. to
He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. together
I need to go to the toilet (= use the toilet). toilet
He clicked his tongue to attract their attention. tongue
This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me. too
power tools (= using electricity) tool
Some of them carried the guns which were the tools of their trade (= the things they needed to do their job). tool
the effectiveness of interest rates as an economic tool tool
These proposals are perfectly in tune with our own thoughts on the subject. be in/out of tune (with sb/sth)
turn sth + adj.: The heat turned the milk sour. turn
He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). turn
She turned the chair on its side to repair it. turn
They've turned off the water while they repair a burst pipe. turn sth off
to turn on the heating turn sth on
He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). turn sth on
the twists and turns of his political career twist
The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case. twist
a bizarre twist to the tale twist
He spoke with typical enthusiasm. typical
an ugly incident ugly
Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury. ultimate
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent. ultimate
She was unable to hide her excitement. unable
She still finds it uncomfortable to stand without support. uncomfortable
There was an uncomfortable silence. uncomfortable
He was quite unconscious of the danger. unconscious
the uncontrolled growth of cities uncontrolled
The wall collapsed under the strain. under
underground passages/caves/streams underground
Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened. underneath
The committee has little or no understanding of the problem. understanding
The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not). understanding
We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch. understanding
We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding. understanding
We are looking for a better understanding between the two nations. understanding
My understanding of the situation is... understanding
It would be unfair not to let you have a choice. unfair
the use of environmentally unfriendly products (= that harm the environment) unfriendly
sexual union union
They are united in their opposition to the plan. united
We should present a united front (= an appearance of being in agreement with each other). united
He was never actually unkind to them. unkind
I sleep with the window open unless it's really cold. unless
In the unlikely event of a problem arising, please contact the hotel manager. unlikely
All this fuss is totally unnecessary. unnecessary
The stream has dried up. up
The decision was based upon two considerations. upon
the upper slopes of the mountain upper
efforts to control urban sprawl (= the spread of city buildings into the countryside) urban
urge to do sth: I had a sudden urge to hit him. urge
a problem that requires urgent attention urgent
use sth: Can I use your phone? use
Have you ever used this software before? use
How often do you use (= travel by) the bus? use
They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force. use
The applicator makes the glue easy to use. use
The oven looked as if it had never been used. use
I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). use
use sth for sth/for doing sth: We used a carrot for the snowman's nose. use
The blue files are used for storing old invoices. use
use sth to do sth: Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. use
use sth as sth: The building is currently being used as a warehouse. use
You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. use
This type of heater uses a lot of electricity. use
I hope you haven't used all the milk. use
The poem uses simple language. use
That's a word I never use. use
You have to use the past tense. use
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. use sth up
A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. use
The software is designed for use in schools. use
I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time. use
The chapel was built in the 12th century and is still in use today. use
The bar is for the use of members only. use
I'm sure you'll think of a use for it. use
You can throw those away—they're no use to anyone. be no use (to sb)
What's the use of worrying about it? it's no use (doing sth), what's the use (of doing sth)?
We could make better use of our resources. make use of sth/sb
You should make use of your contacts. make use of sth/sb
used to sth: I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it. used
used cars used
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life. useful
computer software users user
a user manual user
The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries. value
They're only £40—not bad value, really. value
value sb/sth (as sth): I really value him as a friend. value
They don't seem to value honesty very highly. value
The dial records very slight variations in pressure. variation
regional/seasonal variation (= depending on the region or time of year) variation
This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite. variation
I've had a varied career. varied
This tool can be used in a variety of ways. variety
We all need variety in our diet. variety
Your help made a vast difference. vast
the use of video in schools video
In my view it was a waste of time. view
view sb/sth with sth: She viewed him with suspicion. view
violence (against sb): He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police. violence
Why do they always have to resort to violence? violence
the violence of the eruption violence
I took a violent dislike to him. violent
a violent change violent
a visible police presence visible
She made a visible effort to control her anger. visible
After using the cream for a month, I could see no visible difference. visible
vital (for sth): the vitamins that are vital for health vital
vital (to sth): Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise. vital
your active vocabulary (= the words that you use) vocabulary
your passive vocabulary (= the words that you understand but don't use) vocabulary
It's easy to be distracted and let your attention wander. wander
wander away, back, to, etc. sth: Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. wander
All I want is the truth. want
Social and political problems led to the outbreak (= the beginning) of war. war
warm sth/sb/yourself (up): I'll warm up some milk. warm
Come in and warm yourself by the fire. warm
She felt the warmth of his arms around her. warmth
They were touched by the warmth of the welcome. warmth
His expression lacked warmth or encouragement. warmth
The area is famous for the warmth and hospitality of its people. warmth
warn (sb) of sth: Police have warned of possible delays. warn
The bridge collapsed without (any) warning. warning
a government health warning warning
I hate unnecessary waste. waste
It seems such a waste to throw good food away. waste
What a waste of paper! waste
These meetings are a complete waste of time. waste
They believe the statue is a waste of taxpayers' money. waste
I could see my reflection in the water. water
Three hundred employees lost their jobs in the latest wave of redundancies. wave
The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity. way
We should take more care of our historic buildings. we
The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble. weakness
the weakness of the dollar against the pound weakness
He thought that crying was a sign of weakness. weakness
Can you spot the weakness in her argument? weakness
the distribution of wealth in Britain wealth
The purpose of industry is to create wealth. wealth
Good education often depends on wealth. wealth
Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. weapon
The novelty of married life was beginning to wear off. wear off
The kids have totally worn me out. wear yourself/sb out
There's going to be a change in the weather. weather
They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm). welcome
You're welcome to use the pool. welcome
Thank you for your warm welcome. welcome
to receive a hero's welcome welcome
Well done! (= expressing admiration for what sb has done) well
People spoke well of (= spoke with approval of) him. well
Is she well enough to travel? well
Well, thank goodness that's over! well
the western slopes of the mountain western
You have our support, whatever you decide. whatever
I loved history when I was at school. when
Use wholegrain breakfast cereals wherever possible. wherever
Whether or not we're successful, we can be sure that we did our best. whether
shoes mended while you wait while
They walked back together, talking all the while (= all the time). while
She wasn't telling the whole truth. whole
The effects will last for the whole of his life. whole
Her mother, in whom she confided, said she would support her unconditionally. whom
There are wide variations in prices. wide
a wide range/choice/variety of goods wide
The incident has received wide coverage in the press. wide
The term is widely used in everyday speech. widely
Interest rates have been fluctuating wildly. wildly
Her decision to continue shows great strength of will. will
Success in studying depends on a willingness to learn. willingness
They are trying to win support for their proposals. win
She won the admiration of many people in her battle against cancer. win
sparkling wine wine
They worked on the building all through the winter. winter
She really wished she'd stayed on at college. wish
If you wish really hard, maybe you'll get what you want. wish
The prince's wish came true. wish
He withdrew his support for our campaign. withdraw
There is discontent within the farming industry. within
Despite her grief, she found a hidden strength within herself. within
She spoke without much enthusiasm. without
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
Several witnesses testified that there had been two gunmen. witness
The novel is based on an event that he himself had witnessed. witness
I couldn't bear to witness their suffering. witness
We are now witnessing an unprecedented increase in violent crime. witness
He was a true friend in all senses of the word. word
work on sb/sth: His charm doesn't work on me (= does not affect or impress me). work
Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works? work
She's an artist whose work I really admire. work
Is this all your own work (= did you do it without help from others)? work
The art collection was his life's work. work
The new legislation concerns health and safety at work. work
Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose. worker
You look as if you haven't got a care in the world! in the world
worry (for/to sb): Mugging is a real worry for many old people. worry
a worrying development worrying
Her indecisiveness makes her her own worst enemy. be your own worst enemy
At worst this may mean the end of her playing career. at (the) worst
The new house really wasn't worth all the expense involved. worth
a bullet/knife/gunshot/stab wound wound
write of sth: Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean. write
It was his bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (= so that he got involved in trouble without intending to). wrong
In Japan you are taught great respect for your elders. your
She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience. youth
a war/security/demilitarized, etc. zone zone