1 Old HSK word(s): ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

whip / whip / string of firecrackers
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

vip' fouet whip Peitsche бичъ bicz

batita kremo + + whipped cream + +
instigisto + + whip + + hortator
kirlita + + whipped + + frothed
kurhundeto + + whippet + +
malgravuleto + + whippersnapper + +
malseriozulo + + whippersnapper + + whipster
vipo + + whip + +

#batita kremo #whipped cream #instigisto #whip #kirlita #whipped #kurhundeto #whippet #malgravuleto #whippersnapper #malseriozulo #whippersnapper #vipo #whip

+ + + whip / whip / string of firecrackers 便 Rawhide 便 (BEQUEM) bian1 +

8.21 Antrieb, Stoß peitschen + whip + +
9.12 Veranlassung, Beweggrund Peitsche + Whip + +
9.68 Hilfe Einpeitscher + Whip + +
15.54 Prügeln auspeitschen + whip + +
18.1 Parlament Fraktionszwang + Whip + +