12 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

tide / moist, wet, damp / flow
flow, circulate, drift / class

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

aktuala dosierujo + + current directory + +
aktuala periodo + + current period + +
aktuala regiono + + current region + +
aktuala rikordo + + current record + +
aktuala tempo + + current time + +
aktuala versio + + current version + +
fluo + + current + + flow stream feed
kuranta dosierujo + + current directory + + current working directory working directory working folder
kurento + + current (electric) + + power (energy)
nuna situacio + + current situation + +
nuntempa + + current + + present
nuntempo + + current times + + modern times the present (day time)

#aktuala dosierujo #current directory #aktuala periodo #current period #aktuala regiono #current region #aktuala rikordo #current record #aktuala tempo #current time #aktuala versio #current version #fluo #current #kuranta dosierujo #current directory #kurento #current (electric) #nuna situacio #current situation #nuntempa #current #nuntempo #current times


4.22 Zu viel Strom + Current + 当前 +
6.15 Gegenwart aktuell + current + 当前 +
6.15 Gegenwart derzeitig + current + 当前 +
19.13 Elektrische Anlagen Stromstärke + Current + 当前 +
20.35 Bankwesen Giro + Current + 当前 +