2 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

exceed, go beyond / the more ...
pass, pass through, go across

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

laŭ'larĝ' à travers across, in width quer поперекъ poprzek
trans au-delà, trans- across jenseit, über черезъ (надъ), пере- przez, prze-

ĉi-transen + + across to this side + +
ĉioninkluda + + across the board + +
fronte al + + across from + + opposite to facing
kontraŭ + + across from + + against in exchange for opposed to
krucforme + + across + +
kruciĝe + + across + +
laŭlarĝe + + across + + crossways
laŭlarĝe de + + across + +
rekte tra + + across + + throughout
tra la tuta lando + + across the entire country + +
trans + + across + + beyond on the other side of
transe + + across + + opposite on the other side of
transe de + + across + +
transe de la rivero + + across the river + + on the other side of the river
transen + + across + +
transmonta + + across the mountains + +
traŝultre + + across the shoulder + +

#ĉi-transen #across to this side #ĉioninkluda #across the board #fronte al #across from #kontraŭ #across from #krucforme #across #kruciĝe #across #laŭlarĝe #across #laŭlarĝe de #across #rekte tra #across #tra la tuta lando #across the entire country #trans #across #transe #across #transe de #across #transe de la rivero #across the river #transen #across #transmonta #across the mountains #traŝultre #across the shoulder

+ + + across Tree 黄 (GELB) 【◎Fix:◎heng2;◎heng4】 +