0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

accompany, be with, keep company
examine, investigate / judge
sphere, ball, circle / mass, lump

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

B Die Arbeit: Das Recht: Geschworener + * +

Geschworene (S) [pei2 shen3 tuan2 cheng2 yuan2] 陪审团成员
Geschworene (S)Gremium (S)Jury (S, Rechtsw)Preisrichter (S) [pei2 shen3 tuan2] 陪审团
Geschworenengericht (S) [you3 pei2 shen3 tuan2 de5 fa3 ting2] 有陪审团的法庭
Grand Jury (S, Rechtsw) [da4 pei2 shen3 tuan2] 大陪审团

10.17 Geschmack, Kunstsinn Jury + Jury + 陪审团 +
10.17 Geschmack, Kunstsinn Preisgericht + Jury + 陪审团 +
21.28 Gericht Geschworenengericht + Jury + 陪审团 +
21.28 Gericht Schwurgericht + Jury + 陪审团 +