0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

govern, command, control / unite
govern, regulate, administer
that which / he who / those who

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Beherrscher (S)Herrscher, Lineal (S)Machthaber (S)Potentat (S)Souverän (S) [tong3 zhi4 zhe1] 统治者
Diktator (S)Tyrann (S) [zhuan1 zhi4 tong3 zhi4 zhe1] 专制统治者
Emir (S) [mu4 si1 lin2 tong3 zhi4 zhe1] 穆斯林统治者
Gebieterin (S) [nü3 tong3 zhi4 zhe1] 女统治者
Statthalterschaft (S) [tong3 zhi4 zhe1 de5 zhi2 wei4] 统治者的职位

4.6 Lang, Längenmaße Lineal + Ruler + 统治者 +
15.71 Schicht Machthaber + Ruler + 统治者 +