2 Old HSK word(s): ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

fair, equitable / public / duke
god of the soil and altars to him / group of families / company, society

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Gemeinde (S, Geo)Kommune (S, Geo)Stadt (S)Stadtplan (S)Stadttor (S)Stadtzentrum (S, Geo) [jiao4 qu1 zhen4] 教区镇
Kommune (S)kommunizieren (V) [gong1 she4] 公社
Kommune (S, Rechtsw)Markt (S)Stadt (S) [shi4]
Pariser Kommune (Gesch) [ba1 li2 gong1 she4] 巴黎公社
Städte und Kommunen (S) [cheng2 zhen4] 城镇
Volkskommune (S, Wirtsch) [ren2 min2 gong1 she4] 人民公社

1.16 Landbezirk Kommune + Commune + 公社 +