8 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

fair, equitable / public / duke
god of the soil and altars to him / group of families / company, society

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
793E + + + god of the soil and altars to him / group of families / company, society 示, 礻 Revelation 土 (ERDE) she4 +


3 NHSK word(s): 社会* 4 she4 hui4society/ CL:個|个[ge4] 社区* 6 she4 qu1community 报社* 6 bao4 she4general office of a newspaper/ newspaper office/ CL:家[jia1]
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):