Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Phonetic KEY:
House shě
Hsk Characters: * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
820D + 【◎Fix:◎捨;◎舍】 + + house, dwelling / dwell, reside Tongue 舍 (HÜTTE) 【◎Fix:◎she3;◎she4】 +
93D6 + + + to fight to the end, engage in a fierce battle 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 舍 (METALL) ao2 +
6DE6 + + + river in Jiangxi province / water leaking into a boat 水, 氵 Water 舍 (METALL) gan4 +
91D1 + + + gold / metals in general / money 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 舍 (METALL) jin1 +
5565 + + + what? Mouth 舍 (HÜTTE) sha2 +
731E + + + a wild cat / 猞猁, a lynx Dog 舍 (HÜTTE) she1 +
946B + + + used in names 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 舍 (METALL) xin1 +


NHSK word(s):
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):