2 Old HSK word(s): ** C ** C

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treat, entertain, receive / wait
meet, come across, encounter

Phonetic KEY:
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:


7 NHSK word(s): 内科* 5 nei4 ke1medicine/ "internal" medicine; i.e. treatment by administering drugs; as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wai4 ke1]/ medical department 治疗* 5 zhi4 liao2to treat/ to cure/ medical treatment/ cure 对待* 5 dui4 dai4to treat/ treatment 待遇* 5 dai4 yu4treatment/ pay/ wages/ status/ salary 虐待* 6 nve4 dai4to mistreat/ to maltreat/ to abuse/ mistreatment/ maltreatment 冤枉* 6 yuan1 wang5hatred/ injustice/ bad luck/ unjust treatment/ wronged/ not worthwhile 机动* 6 ji1 dong4locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc)
6 KOREAN6000 word(s):
C 처리 [cheoli] handling,treatment

B 치료 [chilyo] Medical treatment, medical care

C 대처하다 [daecheohada] Disposal, treatment

C 대접 [daejeob] Treatment

C 대접하다 [daejeobhada] Treatment

C 진료 [jinlyo] Medical examination and treatment

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):