7 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** B ** B ** C ** D ** D

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test, examine, inspect / verify
gather together, collect / harvest

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:


12 NHSK word(s): 相信* 3 xiang1 xin4be convinced (that something is true)/ believe/ to accept sth as true * 4 shou1to receive/ to accept/ to collect/ in care of (used on address line after name) 接受* 4 jie1 shou4to accept/ to receive 应聘* 5 ying4 pin4to accept a job offer/ to apply for an advertised position 保留* 5 bao3 liu2to retain/ to continue to have/ to preserve/ to maintain/ to reserve/ reservations/ to hold back (approval or acceptance) 公认* 6 gong1 ren4publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as) 不敢当* 6 bu4 gan3 dang1lit. I dare not (accept the honor)/ fig. I don't deserve your praise/ you flatter me 采纳* 6 cai3 na4to accept/ to adopt 验收* 6 yan4 shou1to check on receipt/ an inventory of received goods/ to verify and accept (a delivery) 服气* 6 fu2 qi4to be convinced/ to accept 心眼儿* 6 xin1 yan3 r5one's thoughts/ mind/ intention/ willingness to accept new ideas/ baseless suspicions 承办* 6 cheng2 ban4to undertake/ to accept a contract
2 KOREAN6000 word(s):
B 받아들이다 [bad-adeul-ida] Accept

B 안되다 [andoeda] To refuse to accept

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):