30 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

trust to, rely on, appoint / to bear, duty, office / allow
life / destiny, fate, luck / an order, instruction

Hsk Characters: * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
598A + + + conceive, be pregnant Woman 壬 (9.HS) ren4 +
996A + + + cooked food / cook until well done Food 壬 (9.HS) ren4 +
887D + + + lapel / hidden lapel of coat Clothes 壬 (9.HS) ren4 +
8BA4 + + + recognize, know, understand Words 人 (MENSCH) ren4 +
5203 + + + edged tool, cutlery, knife edge Knife 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
97E7 + + + strong and pliable, resilient Leather 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
7EAB + + + thread needle, sew stitch, string Silk 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
4EDE + + + ancient unit of measure (8 feet) / 'fathom' Man 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +
8F6B + + + a block that keeps a wheel from moving Cart 刃 (KLINGE) ren4 +


23 NHSK word(s): 认识* 1 ren4 shi5to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition 认为* 3 ren4 wei2to believe/ to think/ to consider/ to feel 认真* 3 ren4 zhen1conscientious/ earnest/ serious/ to take seriously/ to take to heart 责任* 4 ze2 ren4responsibility/ blame/ duty/ CL:個|个[ge4] 信任* 4 xin4 ren4to trust/ to have confidence in 任何* 4 ren4 he2any/ whatever/ whichever/ whatsoever 任务* 4 ren4 wu5mission/ assignment/ task/ duty/ role/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4] 班主任* 5 ban1 zhu3 ren4a teacher in charge of a class 否认* 5 fou3 ren4to declare to be untrue/ to deny 确认* 5 que4 ren4to confirm/ to verify/ confirmation 担任* 5 dan1 ren4to hold a governmental office or post/ to assume office of/ to take charge of/ to serve as 承认* 5 cheng2 ren4to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic; artistic etc)/ to acknowledge 坚韧* 6 jian1 ren4tough and durable/ tenacious 公认* 6 gong1 ren4publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as) 上任* 6 shang4 ren4take office 烹饪* 6 peng1 ren4cooking/ culinary arts 辨认* 6 bian4 ren4to recognize/ to identify 认定* 6 ren4 ding4to maintain (that sth is true)/ to determine (a fact)/ determination (of an amount)/ of the firm opinion/ to believe firmly/ to set one's mind on/ to identify with 认可* 6 ren4 ke3to approve/ approval/ acknowledgment/ OK 任命* 6 ren4 ming4to appoint and nominate 任性* 6 ren4 xing4willful/ headstrong/ uninhibited 任意* 6 ren4 yi4arbitrary/ at will/ at random 任重道远* 6 ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3a heavy load and a long road/ fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects; 8.7)
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):