Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Chúng ta học. We are learning. Wir lernen.
Chúng ta học một ngôn ngữ. We are learning a language. Wir lernen eine Sprache.
Chúng tôi học tiếng Pháp. We learn French. Wir lernen Französisch.
Có cần tôi thái hành tây không? Shall I cut the onions? Soll ich die Zwiebeln schneiden?
Không, tôi năm ngoái đã ở đây rồi. No, I was here once last year. Nein, ich war schon letztes Jahr hier.
Không, vợ / chồng tôi cũng ở đây. No, my wife / my husband is also here. Nein, meine Frau / mein Mann ist auch hier.
Không đâu. No, absolutely not. Nein, absolut nicht.
Không, bia thì thích hơn. No, preferably a beer. Nein, lieber ein Bier.
Cách phát âm rõ ràng của bạn rất tốt. Your pronunciation is very good. Ihre Aussprache ist ganz gut.
Tôi không thích hành tây. I don’t like onions. Ich mag keine Zwiebeln.
Tôi không thích nấm. I don’t like mushrooms. Ich mag keine Pilze.
Làm ơn cho chỗ cạnh cửa sổ, không hút thuốc. A window seat, non-smoking, please. Bitte einen Fensterplatz, Nichtraucher.
Không, chúng tôi chỉ còn có một chỗ trống nữa thôi. No, we have only one seat available. Nein, wir haben nur noch einen Platz frei.
Vé xe? – Không, tôi không có. A ticket? – No, I don’t have one. Einen Fahrschein? – Nein, ich habe keinen.
Không, lần này là lần đầu. No, this is the first time. Nein, das ist das erste Mal.
Không, hôm khác đi. No, maybe some other time. Nein, lieber ein anderes Mal.
Cũng không nhìn thấy được tai. One cannot see the ears either. Die Ohren sieht man auch nicht.
Cái lưng cũng không nhìn thấy được. One cannot see his back either. Den Rücken sieht man auch nicht.
Không, họ học ít. No, they learn a little. Nein, sie lernen wenig.
Không, tôi không hỏi thầy ấy nhiều. No, I don’t ask him questions often. Nein, ich frage ihn nicht oft.
Không, tôi không hiểu mọi người mấy. No, I don’t understand them so well. Nein, ich verstehe sie nicht so gut.
Không, tôi không có. No, I don’t. Nein, ich habe keine.
Không, cái này có một trăm Euro thôi. No, it costs only one hundred Euros. Nein, er kostet nur hundert Euro.
Chưa, chưa xong. No, not yet. Nein, noch nicht.
Không, tôi không muốn nữa. No, I don’t want anymore. Nein, ich will keine mehr.
Chưa lâu, mới được một tháng. No, only for a month. Nein, erst einen Monat.
Chưa, cuối tuần cơ. No, only on the weekend. Nein, erst am Wochenende.
Chưa, nó mới mười bảy thôi. No, she is only seventeen. Nein, sie ist erst siebzehn.
Chúng tôi làm một cuộc hành trình vòng quanh thế giới, nếu chúng tôi trúng xổ số. We’ll travel around the world if we win the lottery. Wir reisen um die Welt, wenn wir im Lotto gewinnen.
Chị ấy vừa nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha vừa nói tiếng Anh. She speaks Spanish as well as English. Sie spricht sowohl Spanisch als auch Englisch.
Chị ấy đã từng sống ở Madrid và ở cả London nữa. She has lived in Madrid as well as in London. Sie hat sowohl in Madrid als auch in London gelebt.
Chị ấy vừa biết nước Tây Ban Nha, vừa biết nước Anh. She knows Spain as well as England. Sie kennt sowohl Spanien als auch England.
Anh ấy không chỉ dốt, mà còn lười biếng nữa. He is not only stupid, but also lazy. Er ist nicht nur dumm, sondern auch faul.
Chị ấy không chỉ xinh đẹp, mà còn thông minh nữa. She is not only pretty, but also intelligent. Sie ist nicht nur hübsch, sondern auch intelligent.
Chị ấy không chỉ nói tiếng Đức, mà cả tiếng Pháp nữa. She speaks not only German, but also French. Sie spricht nicht nur Deutsch, sondern auch Französisch.
Chưa, chưa bao giờ. No, not yet. Nein, noch nie.
Không, tôi không quen ai ở đây. No, I don’t know anyone here. Nein, ich kenne hier niemand(en).
Không, tôi không ở đây lâu nữa. No, I won’t stay here much longer. Nein, ich bleibe nicht mehr lange hier.
Không, tôi không muốn gì nữa. No, I don’t want anything else. Nein, ich möchte nichts mehr.
Chưa, tôi chưa ăn gì hết. No, I haven’t eaten anything yet. Nein, ich habe noch nichts gegessen.
Không, không ai nữa. No, no one else. Nein, niemand mehr.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

non, ne touchez pas! + no, don’t touch it!

non, je ne peux pas parler maintenant + no, I can’t talk now

il annonce en effet la mise en place d’ une police fédérale européenne + he is indeed announcing putting in place a European federal police

l’année 1993 s’annonce donc difficile + 1993 is hence showing to be a difficult year

je m’interdis d’écrire et de prononcer votre nom + I forbid myself to write or speak your name

je dénonce ce genre de choses + I denounce this type of thing

je ne devrais même pas prononcer ces mots + I should not even pronounce those words

non, vous ne pouvez pas vendre votre bétail + no, you may not sell your livestock

je n’étais pas heureuse non plus + I wasn’t happy either

ils ont pris une décision capitale en renonçant à leur statut + they took a major decision in renouncing their status

je me prononcerai en faveur des amende- ments + I will declare myself in favor of the amendments

on annonçait notre arrivée dans le quartier + our arrival was noised about in the neighborhood

mais n’anticipons pas, sinon nous n’ar- riverons jamais + let’s not get impatient or we’ll never arrive there

de fortes pluies sont annoncées pour dimanche + heavy rains are forecast for Sunday

nous avons un candidat que nous soutenons + we have a candidate who we support

au secours! oh non! + help! oh no!

elle avait renoncé à me convaincre + she gave up trying to convince me

il s’attacha à dénoncer les abus et la corruption + he took up the cause of denouncing abuse and corruption

l’Israël veut dicter et non pas négocier + Israel wants to dictate, not negotiate

son accent est tellement mignon + her accent is so cute

vous ne pouvez pas le nier et les autres non plus + you can’t deny it, neither can the others

je suis un phénomène, non? + I’m a phenomenon, right?

il n’y a pas eu d’annonce à ce sujet + there was no announcement concerning this

nous venons célébrer le mariage de mon frère + we just celebrated the marriage of my brother

heureusement, nous venons juste d’arriver + luckily we have just arrived

un peu jeune pour du trafic d’organes, non? + a little young to be trafficking in organs, hey?

tu t’y connais en électricité? non + do you know anything about electricity? no

Lucent avait annoncé la suppression de 900 emplois + Lucent announced a reduction of 900 jobs

le jury doit prononcer sa condamnation vendredi + the jury must sentence him on Friday

terminons le reportage et filons d’ici + let’s stop our reporting and get out of here

vous achèterez vos bulbes d’oignons à planter + you’ll buy the onion bulbs to be planted

il invitait souvent des compagnons de son âge à venir + he often invited his same-age companions to come over

nous incarnons un mouvement islamique révolutionnaire + we embody a revolution- ary Islamic movement

je n’embrasse pas des inconnus. moi non plus + I don’t kiss strangers. neither do I

je ne mange pas de légumes non plus + I don’t eat vegetables either

quelque chose émane de lui, non? + something radiates from him, doesn’t it?

on parle d’une adresse anonyme sur l’Internet + people talk about an anonymous Internet address

j’annonçai mon retrait imminent + I announced my pending retirement

ce qui se conçoit bien s’énonce clairement + that which is conceived well is expressed clearly

j’en suis soucieux mais non surpris + I’m worried about it but not surprised

ils nous ont attaqués au canon à eau et au gaz lacrymogène + they attacked us with water cannons and tear gas

rassemblement au gymnase pour une annonce spêciale + there’s an assembly in the gymnasium for a special annoucement

nous venons de régler le différend qui nous opposait + we have just resolved the disagreement that separated us

ils sont si mignons avec leurs boucles blondes + they are so cute with their blond curls

nous venons de goûter la douceur de la victoire + we have just tasted the sweetness of victory

je suis en quelque sorte son photographe non officiel + I’m somewhat of his unofficial photographer

c’est de la provocation indue, non souhaitable et injustifiée + it’s undeserved, undesirable and unjustified provocation

elle m’avait annoncé sa grossesse + she told me she was pregnant

ça donne une force de frappe non néglige- able + it gives a strike force to be reckoned with

les chrétiens ont besoin de repères, sinon ils sont perdus + Christians need reference points, otherwise they’re lost

on nous annonçait la météo du lendemain + the next day’s weather forecast was given to us

nous nous bornons à faire notre travail + we confine ourselves to doing our work

la multinationale néerlandaise a annoncé de nouvelles pertes + the Dutch multinational announced new losses

l’école est fermée pour inondation + the school is closed due to flooding

ce n’est que le commencement et non la fin + it’s only the beginning and not the end

la dénonciation ne doit pas être acide ou sarcastique + the denunciation need not be acerbic or sarcastic

nous détenons en ce moment un meurtrier notoire + at the moment we have a notorious murderer in custody

il faut inonder les jeunes de messages préventifs + youth must be flooded with preventive messages

la Communauté européenne n’est plus synonyme de l’Europe + the European Union is no longer synonymous with Europe

les skieurs peu expérimentés devraient renoncer aux courses + inexperienced skiers should forego racing
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Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
non +
non +
non +
non +
non +
non +
non +
non +
non +
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Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie