VNEN séc * cheque * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Đừng quên ngân phiếu du lịch! Don’t forget your traveller’s cheques / traveler’s checks (am.)! Vergiss nicht die Reiseschecks!
Tôi muốn thanh toán séc du lịch. I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). Ich möchte einen Reisescheck einlösen.
Trả tiền bằng séc được không? May one pay by cheque / check (am.)? Darf man mit Scheck bezahlen?

Anh ấy biết giá trị của tấm séc. + He knows the value of the cheque.

tấm séc + the cheque

Cô ấy không cần tấm séc của anh ấy. + She does not need his cheque.

Mẹ của tôi viết cho tôi một tấm séc. + My mother writes me a cheque.

séc + cheque

Phải mất bao lâu thì séc mới được thanh toán? + How many days will it take for the cheques to clear?

Cho tôi xin một quyển sổ séc mới. + Could I order a new cheque book, please?

Tôi muốn huỷ cái séc này. + I'd like to cancel a cheque.
SNOT Travel • accommodation cheque +
SNOT Services • bank cheque +
SNOT Services • bank traveller’s cheque +
Oxford 3000VieEng
kiểm tra cheque
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Reisescheck + traveller's cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing Scheck + cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing Bankscheck + bank cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing mit einem Scheck bezahlen + to pay by cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment einen Scheck (aus)schreiben + to write (out) a cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment einen Scheck einlösen + to cash a cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Reisescheck + traveller's cheque + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment einen Scheck (auf jmdn) ausstellen + to make out a cheque (payable to sb) + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Scheckkarte + banker's card, cheque identification card + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment einen Scheck verrechnen + to clear a cheque + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment gedeckter Scheck + cleared cheque; certified cheque + B
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing einen Scheck sperren + to stop a cheque + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Verrechnungsscheck + non-negotiable cheque + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Blankoscheck + blank cheque + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Überbringer(in) + bearer (of a cheque) + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Finanzminister(in) + Chancellor of the Exchequer; Minister of Finance, Treasury Secretary (USA) + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 cheque +
103 cheque +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
cheque séc, chi phiếu (支票) + +