1 kai1 to open/ to start/ to turn on/ to boil/ to write out (a medical prescription)/ to operate (vehicle)/ abbr. for 開爾文|开尔文 degrees Kelvin
3 jie1 to receive/ to answer (the phone)/ to meet or welcome sb/ to connect/ to catch/ to join/ to extend/ to take one's turn on duty/ take over for sb
3 bei4 the back of a body or object/ to turn one's back/ to hide something from/ to learn by heart/ to recite from memory

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET bật turn on

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B07 40 1340
房间里 很暗 , 要不要 我 开灯 ? + มันมืดในห้องนี้ ฉันควรเปิดไฟไหม? + Trong phòng này tối. Tôi bật đèn được không? + It's dark in this room. Should I turn on the light? + Es ist dunkel in diesem Raum. Soll ich das Licht anmachen? + E' buio in questa stanza. Devo accendere la luce? + Il fait noir dans cette pièce. Dois-je allumer la lumière? + Está oscuro en esta habitación. ¿Debería encender la luz? + Het is donker in deze kamer. Moet ik het licht inschakelen? + (fángjiānli· hěnàn, yàobúyào wǒ kāidēng?)
B13 49 1649
要 我 开灯 吗 ? — 不用 , 关着 就行了 。 + คุณต้องการให้ฉันเปิดไฟไหม? - อย่าปล่อยให้แสงสว่างจางลง + Cậu có muốn tôi bật đèn không? - Không, cứ để tắt nó đi. + Do you want me to turn on the light? — No, leave the light off. + Soll ich das Licht anmachen? Nein, lass das Licht aus. + Vuoi che io accenda la luce? No, lasciare spenta la luce. + Tu veux que j'allume la lumière? Non, laissez la lumière éteinte. + ¿Quieres que encienda la luz? No, deja la luz apagada. + Wilt u dat ik het licht aan zet? Nee, laat het licht uit. + ( yào wǒ kāidēng mā? — búyòng, guānzhe· jiùxíngle·.)
Trong phòng này tối. Tôi bật đèn được không? + It's dark in this room. Should I turn on the light?
Cậu có muốn tôi bật đèn không? - Không, cứ để tắt nó đi. + Do you want me to turn on the light? — No, leave the light off.

bật + turn on
SNOT House and home, environment • services to turn on +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 5-6 Mir ist kalt. Mach bitte die Heizung an.  + kalt I'm cold. Turn on the heater, please.  Tôi lạnh. Bật lò sưởi, xin vui lòng. +
Exercise 6-6 Warum machst du kein Licht an? Hier ist es so dunkel.  + dunkel Why don't you turn on the lights? It's so dark here.  Tại sao bạn không bật đèn? Ở đây tối quá. +
Exercise 15-9 Mach doch bitte die Lampe an. Es ist so dunkel hier.  + Lampe Turn on the lamp, please. It's so dark in here.  Bật đèn, vui lòng. Ở đây tối quá. +
Exercise 32-5 Drücken Sie diesen Knopf, um den Computer anzuschalten.  + drücken Press this button to turn on the computer.  Nhấn nút này để bật máy tính. +
Exercise 32-5 Können Sie bitte die Heizung einschalten?  + einschalten Can you turn on the heater, please?  Bạn có thể bật lò sưởi, xin vui lòng? +
Exercise 32-5 Würdest du bitte das Licht einschalten?  + einschalten Would you turn on the light, please?  Bạn có bật đèn, xin vui lòng? +
Exercise 39-2 Soll ich die Klimaanlage anschalten? + Klimaanlage Should I turn on the air conditioning? Tôi có nên bật điều hòa không? +
Exercise 39-6 Wir müssen die Heizung anmachen.  + anmachen We have to turn on the heat.  Chúng ta phải bật lửa. +
Exercise 39-6 Mach doch bitte mal das Licht an!  + anmachen Could you turn on the lights, please?  Bạn có thể bật đèn, xin vui lòng? +
Exercise 40-4 Kannst du bitte Licht machen? Ich kann so nichts sehen.  + Licht Can you please turn on the light? I can't see anything like this.  Bạn có thể bật đèn không? Tôi không thể nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì như thế này. +
Exercise 40-4 Es ist so dunkel. Wo macht man hier das Licht an?  + Licht It's so dark. Where do you turn on the lights here?  Trời tối. Bạn bật đèn ở đâu ở đây? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement den Kopf drehen + to turn one's head + Movement of the head A
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement sich nach etw umdrehen + to turn one's head towards sth + Movement of the head A
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement den Kopf (ab)wenden + to turn one's head (away) + Movement of the head B
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture etw einschalten + to turn on sth + Audiovisual media A
+ + + + 103 Finance Rendite + return on capital + Profit and loss C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * kai1 open/ operate/ turn on/ hold/ boil 1. öffnen, aufmachen,aufschließen, aufsperren 2.eine Öffnung machen, eröffnen, erschließen, urbar machen 3. sich entfalten, sich öffnen 4. aufheben, abschaffen, beseitigen 5. in Bewegung setzen 6. abmarschieren 7. gründen 8. beginnen 9. halten 10. sc +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
investment + a high return on my investments eine hohe Rendite meiner Investitionen
suspect + suspect (sth): If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. suspekt (etw): Wenn Sie ein Gasleck vermuten, schlagen Sie kein Streichholz an oder schalten Sie ein elektrisches Licht ein.
turn sth on + to turn on the heating zum Einschalten der Heizung
turn sth on + He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). Er weiß wirklich, wie man den Charme (= plötzlich angenehm und attraktiv) aufdreht.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

allumons la télé + let’s turn on the TV
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 turn on +
+ + + + 103 turn on +
+ + + + 103 turn on +
+ + + + 103 turn on +
+ + + + 103 turn on +
+ + + + 103 turn on +
+ + + + 103 turn on +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie