4 生命 sheng1 ming4 life/ living/ biological/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 客厅 ke4 ting1 drawing room (room for arriving guests)/ living room/ CL:間|间[jian1]
5 宿舍 su4 she4 dormitory/ dorm room/ living quarters/ hostel/ CL:間|间[jian1]
5 打工 da3 gong1 to work (do manual labor for a living)/ a part time job/ to moonlight
5 朴素 pu3 su4 plain and simple/ unadorned/ simple living/ not frivolous
6 生物 sheng1 wu4 organism/ living creature/ life form/ biological/ CL:個|个[ge4]

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Was machst du beruflich? What do you do for a living? Bạn làm gì để sống?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
019 0331
The living room and bedroom are there.
019 0335
We are going to the living room.
057 1083
What do you do for a living?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A01 20 20
我 想要找 两 居室 带 客厅 的 公寓 。 + ฉันต้องการห้องชุดที่มีห้องนอน 2 ห้องและห้องนั่งเล่น + Tôi muốn một căn hộ với hai phòng ngủ và một phòng khách. + I'd like an apartment with two bedrooms and a living room. + Ich möchte eine Wohnung mit zwei Schlafzimmern und einem Wohnzimmer. + Mi piacerebbe un appartamento con due camere da letto e un soggiorno. + J'aimerais un appartement avec deux chambres et un salon. + Me gustaría un apartamento con dos dormitorios y una sala de estar. + Ik wil graag een appartement met twee slaapkamers en een woonkamer. + ( wǒ xiǎngyàozhǎo liǎng jūshì dài kètīng de· gōngyù.)
A13 22 622
你的 母亲 还在 吗 ? + แม่ของคุณมีชีวิตอยู่หรือเปล่า? + Mẹ của bạn đang sống? + Is your mother living? + Lebt deine Mutter noch? + Vostra madre vive? + Ta mère est en vie? + ¿Está viviendo tu madre? + Woont uw moeder? + ( nǐde· mǔqīn háizài mā?)
A13 23 623
你的 父亲 还在 吗 ? + พ่อของคุณมีชีวิตอยู่หรือเปล่า? + Là cha của bạn đang sống? + Is your father living? + Lebt dein Vater noch? + Vive tuo padre? + Ton père est vivant? + ¿Está viviendo tu padre? + Woont je vader? + ( nǐde· fùqīn háizài mā?)
B09 31 1431
我的 钥匙 不在 客厅 , 所以 肯定在 厨房 。 + คีย์ของฉันไม่ได้อยู่ในห้องนั่งเล่นดังนั้นพวกเขาจึงต้องอยู่ในห้องครัว + Chùm chìa khoá của tôi không có trong phòng duy nhất nên hẳn là nó trong bếp. + My keys aren't in the living room, so they must be in the kitchen. + Meine Schlüssel sind nicht im Wohnzimmer, also müssen sie in der Küche sein. + Le mie chiavi non sono nel soggiorno, quindi devono essere in cucina. + Mes clés ne sont pas dans le salon, elles doivent être dans la cuisine. + Mis llaves no están en el salón, así que deben estar en la cocina. + Mijn sleutels zitten niet in de woonkamer, dus moeten ze in de keuken staan. + (wǒde· yàoshi· búzài kètīng, suóyí kěndìngzài chúfáng.)
C01 26 2026
我们 必须 改变 , 我们 不能继续 这样的 方式生活 。 + เราจำเป็นต้องเปลี่ยน เราไม่สามารถใช้ชีวิตแบบนี้ได้ + Chúng tôi cần thay đổi. Chúng tôi không thể tiếp tục sống như thế này được. + We need to change. We can't go on living like this. + Wir müssen uns ändern. Wir können so nicht weiterleben. + Dobbiamo cambiare. Non possiamo continuare a vivere così. + Nous devons changer. On ne peut pas continuer à vivre comme ça. + Tenemos que cambiar. No podemos seguir viviendo así. + We moeten veranderen. Zo kunnen we niet blijven leven. + ( wǒmen· bìxū gǎibiàn, wǒmen· bùnéngjìxù zhèyàngde· fāngshì shēnghuó.)
C01 50 2050
西尔维亚 喜欢 住在 伦敦。 + Silvia ชอบอาศัยอยู่ในลอนดอน + Sylvia thích sống ở London. + Silvia likes living in London. + Silvia lebt gerne in London. + Silvia ama vivere a Londra. + Silvia aime vivre à Londres. + A Silvia le gusta vivir en Londres. + Silvia woont graag in Londen. + (xīěrwéiyá xǐhuan· zhùzài lúndūn.)
C02 37 2087
她 已经 习惯了 。 她 习惯了 自己 生活 。 + เธอเคยชินกับมัน เธอเคยอยู่คนเดียว + Cô ấy đã quen Như vậy. Cô ấy đã quen sống một mình. + She's used to it. She's used to living alone. + Sie ist daran gewöhnt. Sie ist es gewohnt, allein zu leben. + Lei è abituata ad esso. Lei è abituata a vivere da sola. + Elle s' y est habituée. Elle a l'habitude de vivre seule. + Está acostumbrada. Está acostumbrada a vivir sola. + Ze is eraan gewend. Ze is gewend om alleen te leven. + ( tā yǐjīng xíguànle·. tā xíguànle· zìjǐ shēnghuó.)
C08 21 2371
我姐姐 大学毕业后 就 自己 一个人 住了 。 + น้องสาวของฉันจบการศึกษาจากวิทยาลัยและอาศัยอยู่ด้วยตัวเธอเอง - เธออาศัยอยู่ด้วยตัวเอง + Chị tôi đã tốt quản lý đại học và đang sống ở nhà riêng. > Cô ấy đang ở riêng. + My sister graduated from college, and is living on her own. — She's living by herself. + Meine Schwester hat das College abgeschlossen und lebt alleine. Sie lebt alleine. + Mia sorella si è laureata all' università e vive da sola. Lei vive da sola. + Ma sœur est diplômée de l'université et vit seule. Elle vit toute seule. + Mi hermana se graduó de la universidad y vive sola. Está viviendo sola. + Mijn zus is afgestudeerd aan de universiteit en leeft alleen. Ze leeft zelf. + (wójiějiē dàxuébìyèhòu jiù zìjǐ yīgèrén zhùle·.)
C08 30 2380
东西 都 更贵了 , 生活 成本 大幅 增加 。 + สิ่งที่มีราคาแพงกว่านี้ มีการเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมากในค่าครองชีพ + Mọi thứ giờ đắt hơn. Có một sự tăng mạnh trọng phí sinh hoạt. + Things are more expensive now. There's been a big increase in the cost of living. + Die Dinge sind jetzt teurer. Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind stark gestiegen. + Ora le cose sono più costose. C' è stato un grande aumento del costo della vita. + Les choses sont plus chères maintenant. Il y a eu une forte augmentation du coût de la vie. + Ahora las cosas son más caras. Ha habido un gran aumento en el costo de vida. + Het is nu duurder. De kosten van levensonderhoud zijn sterk gestegen. + (dōngxī dōu gèngguìle·, shēnghuó chéngběn dàfú zēngjiā.)
C09 6 2406
房子 是 空的 , 里面 没人 住 。 + บ้านว่างเปล่า ไม่มีใครอยู่ที่นั่น + Căn nhà trống không. Không có ai sống ở đấy. + The house is empty. There's no one living there. + Das Haus ist leer. Da wohnt niemand. + La casa è vuota. Non c' è nessuno che vive lì. + La maison est vide. Il n' y a personne là-bas. + La casa está vacía. No hay nadie viviendo allí. + Het huis is leeg. Daar woont niemand. + (fángzi· shì kōngde·, lǐmiàn méirén zhù.)
C16 26 2776
一个人 住 的 好处 是 比较 自由 。 + ประโยชน์ของการอยู่คนเดียวคือคุณมีอิสระมากขึ้น + Ưu điểm của sống một mình là bạn có nhiều tự do hơn. + The advantage OF living alone is that you have more freedom. + Der Vorteil des Alleinlebens ist, dass Sie mehr Freiheit haben. + Il vantaggio di vivere da soli è che si ha più libertà. + L'avantage de vivre seul est que vous avez plus de liberté. + La ventaja de vivir solo es que tienes más libertad. + Het voordeel van alleen leven is dat je meer vrijheid hebt. + ( yīgèrén zhù de· hǎochù shì bǐjiào zìyóu.)
C16 27 2777
事实上 , 一个人 住 有 很多 好处 。 + ในความเป็นจริงมีข้อดีหลายประการที่ต้องอาศัยอยู่คนเดียว + Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone. + Tatsächlich gibt es viele Vorteile, wenn man alleine lebt. + In realtà, ci sono molti vantaggi per vivere da soli. + En fait, il y a de nombreux avantages à vivre seul. + De hecho, hay muchas ventajas de vivir solo. + In feite zijn er veel voordelen TO leven alleen. + (shìshíshàng, yīgèrén zhù yóu hěnduō hǎochù.)
Năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một chúng tôi sống ở Nhật Bản. + In two-thousand-one we were living in Japan.
Cậu sống ở đâu hồi năm một nghìn chín trăm chín mươi chín? + Where were you living in nineteen ninety-nine (1999)?
Chùm chìa khoá của tôi không có trong phòng duy nhất nên hẳn là nó trong bếp. + My keys aren't in the living room, so they must be in the kitchen.
Chúng tôi cần thay đổi. Chúng tôi không thể tiếp tục sống như thế này được. + We need to change. We can't go on living like this.
Sylvia thích sống ở London. + Silvia likes living in London.
Cô ấy đã quen Như vậy. Cô ấy đã quen sống một mình. + She's used to it. She's used to living alone.
Chị tôi đã tốt quản lý đại học và đang sống ở nhà riêng. > Cô ấy đang ở riêng. + My sister graduated from college, and is living on her own. — She's living by herself.
Mọi thứ giờ đắt hơn. Có một sự tăng mạnh trọng phí sinh hoạt. + Things are more expensive now. There's been a big increase in the cost of living.
Căn nhà trống không. Không có ai sống ở đấy. + The house is empty. There's no one living there.
Ưu điểm của sống một mình là bạn có nhiều tự do hơn. + The advantage OF living alone is that you have more freedom.
Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone.

Anh ấy đang dùng bữa ở phòng khách. + He is having a meal in the living room.

phòng khách + living room.

Tôi kiếm sống bằng nghề làm tóc. + I earn my living as a hairdresser.
SNOT Personal identification • occupation what do you do (for a living) +
Oxford 3000VieEng
sống living
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-4 Unser Wohnzimmer liegt nach Süden.  + liegen* Our living room is facing south.  Phòng khách của chúng tôi hướng về phía nam. +
Exercise 3-1 Ich habe mich an das Leben in Deutschland gewöhnt.  + Leben I have got used to living in Germany.  Tôi đã từng sống ở Đức. +
Exercise 3-2 Dieser Raum wird als Wohnzimmer benutzt.  + benutzen This room is used as a living room.  Phòng này được sử dụng làm phòng khách. +
Exercise 3-7 Ich wohne zurzeit bei Verwandten von meinem Mann.  + Verwandte I'm currently living with relatives of my husband.  Tôi hiện đang sống với người thân của chồng tôi. +
Exercise 6-6 Was bist du von Beruf?  + was What do you do for a living?  Bạn làm gì để sống? +
Exercise 7-3 Was sind Sie von Beruf?  + Beruf What do you do for a living?  Bạn làm gì để sống? +
Exercise 7-3 Was machen Sie beruflich?  + beruflich  What do you do for a living?  Bạn làm gì để sống? +
Exercise 8-5 Ich lebe gern in einer Großstadt.  + Großstadt I like living in a big city.  Tôi thích sống ở một thành phố lớn. +
Exercise 11-2 Übrigens, was sind Sie von Beruf?  + übrigens By the way, what do you do for a living?  Nhân tiện, bạn làm gì để kiếm sống? +
Exercise 12-8 Ich wohne im letzten Haus auf der rechten Seite.  + letzte I'm living in the last house on the right.  Tôi đang sống ở ngôi nhà cuối bên phải. +
Exercise 14-3 Mein Geburtsort liegt im Süden, aber ich wohne, seit ich zur Schule gehe, in der Hauptstadt.  + Ort My birthplace is in the south, but I've been living in the capital since I went to school.  Nơi sinh của tôi ở phía Nam, nhưng tôi đã sống ở thủ đô kể từ khi tôi đi học. +
Exercise 15-2 Wir wohnen seit dem 1. März in Dortmund.  + seit We have been living in Dortmund since March 1st.  Chúng tôi đã sống ở Dortmund kể từ ngày 1 tháng 3. +
Exercise 15-2 Seit ich in Deutschland wohne, lerne ich Deutsch.  + seit Since I have been living in Germany, I have been learning German.  Vì tôi đã sống ở Đức nên tôi đã học tiếng Đức. +
Exercise 16-4 Die Einrichtung des Wohnzimmers kostete uns viel Geld.  + Einrichtung The furnishing of the living room cost us a lot of money.  Việc trang trí nội thất trong phòng khách tốn rất nhiều tiền. +
Exercise 16-7 Wir sitzen im Wohnzimmer und sehen fern.  + Wohnzimmer We're sitting in the living room watching TV.  Chúng tôi đang ngồi trong phòng khách xem TV. +
Exercise 16-7 Das Wohnzimmer ist der Mittelpunkt der Wohnung.  + Wohnzimmer The living room is the centre of the apartment.  Phòng khách là trung tâm của căn hộ. +
Exercise 16-8 Die Wohngemeinschaft ist eine Gemeinschaft von Personen, die zusammen wohnen.  + Gemeinschaft The shared flat is a community of people living together.  Căn hộ chung cư là một cộng đồng người sống chung với nhau. +
Exercise 20-4 Wir haben für unser Wohnzimmer einen runden Tisch gekauft.  + rund  We bought a round table for our living room.  Chúng tôi mua một bàn tròn cho phòng khách của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 26-4 Geh nicht mit den nassen Schuhen ins Wohnzimmer.  + nass Don't put your wet shoes in the living room.  Đừng để giày ướt của bạn trong phòng khách. +
Exercise 30-8 Im Wohnzimmer haben wir keine Lampe an der Decke.  + Decke In the living room we don't have a lamp on the ceiling.  Trong phòng khách chúng ta không có đèn trên trần nhà. +
Exercise 33-4 Unsere Wohnung hat eine Wohnfläche von 100 m2.  + Fläche Our apartment has a living space of 100 m2.  Căn hộ của chúng tôi có một không gian sống là 100 m2. +
Exercise 39-9 Das Haus hat 120 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche.  + Quadratmeter The house has 120 square meters of living space.  Ngôi nhà có 120 mét vuông diện tích sinh hoạt. +
Exercise 40-1 In diesem Seniorenheim leben 20 Frauen und Männer.  + Seniorenheim There are 20 men and women living in this retirement home.  Có 20 người đàn ông và phụ nữ sống trong nhà nghỉ hưu này. +
Exercise 40-3 Sie kaufte Vorhänge für das Wohnzimmer.  + Vorhang She bought curtains for the living room.  Cô mua rèm cho phòng khách. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Employment sich seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen + to earn one's living + General C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 宿舍 + 宿* * su4she4 hostel/ living quarters/ dormitory Wohnheim +
B 生物 + * * sheng1wu4 living thing/ organism Organismus, lebendiges Wesen, biologisch +
C 貧苦 + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend +
C + * * huo2 lifelike/ living/ alive/ vivid/ lively/ movable/ flexible lebend, lebendig +
C 住宅 + * * zhu4zhai2 living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling Wohnung, Behausung +
C 客廳 + * * ke4ting1 living room/ drawing room/ parlor Empfangshalle,Besucherzimmer,Wohnzimmer +
D 居室 + * * ju1shi4 room/ living room Haus, Zimmer +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
adjust + adjust to doing sth: It took her a while to adjust to living alone. sich daran gewöhnen, etw. zu tun: Es dauerte eine Weile, bis sie sich daran gewöhnt hatte, allein zu leben.
advantage + One advantage of/One of the advantages of living in the country is the fresh air. Ein Vorteil von/einer der Vorteile des Lebens auf dem Land ist die frische Luft.
apart + We're living apart now. Wir leben jetzt getrennt.
appeal + The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me. Die Aussicht, in einer Stadt zu leben, reizt mich wenig.
arrangement + She's happy with her unusual living arrangements. Sie ist glücklich mit ihren ungewöhnlichen Lebensumständen.
begin + begin at...: The path begins at Livingston village. beginnen bei...: Der Weg beginnt im Dorf Livingston.
citizen + British citizens living in other parts of the European Union Britische Staatsbürger, die in anderen Teilen der Europäischen Union leben
comfortable + He makes a comfortable living. Er verdient sein Geld damit.
condition + living/housing/working conditions Wohn-/Wohn-/Arbeitsbedingungen
condition + neglected children living under the most appalling conditions vernachlässigte Kinder, die unter den schrecklichsten Bedingungen leben
creature + respect for all living creatures Respekt vor allen Lebewesen
culture + We are living in a consumer culture. Wir leben in einer Konsumkultur.
cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth) + She feels very cut off living in the country. Sie fühlt sich sehr abgeschnitten vom Leben auf dem Land.
disgusted + disgusted (to see, hear, etc...): He was disgusted to see such awful living conditions. angewidert (sehen, hören, etc...): Er war angewidert, solch schreckliche Lebensbedingungen zu sehen.
do + What did she do for a living? Womit hat sie ihr Geld verdient?
earn + She earned a living as a part-time secretary. Sie verdiente ihren Lebensunterhalt als Teilzeitsekretärin.
empty + The house had been standing empty (= without people living in it) for some time. Das Haus stand seit einiger Zeit leer (= ohne Menschen, die darin wohnten).
expense + living/household/medical/legal, etc. expenses Wohnen/Haushalt/Medizin/Rechtsschutz etc.
experience + experience (of sth): It was her first experience of living alone. Erfahrung (von etw.[Dat]: Es war ihre erste Erfahrung, allein zu leben.
experience + Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience (= unusual for us). Das Leben in Afrika war ganz anders als zu Hause und ein Erlebnis (= für uns ungewöhnlich).
extreme + people living in extreme poverty in extremer Armut lebende Menschen
fixed + people living on fixed incomes Festverdienende
formerly + John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now living in France John Marsh, ehemals London Road, Leicester, jetzt in Frankreich wohnhaft
guest + a paying guest (= a person who is living in a private house, but paying as if they were in a hotel) ein zahlender Gast (= eine Person, die in einem Privathaus wohnt, aber zahlt, als wäre sie in einem Hotel)
happy + I'm not too happy about her living alone. Ich bin nicht allzu glücklich darüber, dass sie allein lebt.
hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth + The last I heard of him he was living in Glasgow. Das letzte Mal hörte ich von ihm, dass er in Glasgow lebte.
household + household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) Haushaltsrechnungen/Waren (= verbunden mit der Betreuung eines Hauses und der darin lebenden Menschen)
idea + idea (of sth/of doing sth): I like the idea of living on a boat. Idee (von etw.[Dat]: Mir gefällt die Idee, auf einem Boot zu leben.
immoral + They were charged with living off immoral earnings (= money earned by working as a prostitute ). Ihnen wurde vorgeworfen, von unmoralischen Verdiensten zu leben (= Geld, das durch die Arbeit als Prostituierte verdient wurde).
index + the cost-of-living index Lebenshaltungskostenindex
land + The elephant is the largest living land animal. Der Elefant ist das größte lebende Landtier.
living + all living things alle Lebewesen
living + living organisms lebende Organismen
living + the finest living pianist der feinste lebende Pianist
living + living languages (= those still spoken) lebende Sprachen (= noch gesprochene Sprachen)
living + a living faith ein lebendiger Glaube
low + a low standard of living ein niedriger Lebensstandard
make + He makes a living as a stand-up comic. Er verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt als Komiker.
memory + This hasn't happened in living memory (= nobody alive now can remember it happening). Dies ist in der lebendigen Erinnerung nicht geschehen (= niemand, der jetzt lebt, kann sich daran erinnern).
mysterious + A mysterious young woman is living next door. Eine mysteriöse junge Frau wohnt nebenan.
now + Where are you living now? Wo wohnst du jetzt?
officially + Many of those living on the streets are not officially homeless. Viele der Straßenbewohner sind nicht offiziell obdachlos.
opposite + There's a newly married couple living opposite (= on the other side of the road). Gegenüber wohnt ein frisch verheiratetes Ehepaar (= auf der anderen Straßenseite).
overall + an overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) eine allgemeine Verbesserung des Lebensstandards (= alle Betroffenen betreffend)
parent + He's still living with his parents. Er lebt immer noch bei seinen Eltern.
peaceful + people of different religions living in peaceful coexistence Menschen verschiedener Religionen, die in friedlicher Koexistenz leben
permanent + They are now living together on a permanent basis. Sie leben nun dauerhaft zusammen.
persuade + She had persuaded herself that life was not worth living. Sie hatte sich überzeugt, dass das Leben nicht lebenswert sei.
pick sth up + She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico. Sie hat Spanisch gelernt, als sie in Mexiko lebte.
place + I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own. Ich habe es satt, bei meinen Eltern zu leben, also suche ich mir eine eigene Wohnung.
point + Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them. Das Leben in Schottland hat seine guten Seiten, aber das Wetter ist nicht eins von ihnen.
present + You've got to forget the past and start living in the present. Du musst die Vergangenheit vergessen und in der Gegenwart leben.
reasonable + a reasonable standard of living ein angemessener Lebensstandard
recently + Until recently they were living in York. Bis vor kurzem lebten sie in York.
reputation + The weather in England is living up to its reputation (= is exactly as expected). Das Wetter in England wird seinem Ruf gerecht (= entspricht exakt den Erwartungen).
reverse + Although I expected to enjoy living in the country, in fact the reverse is true. Obwohl ich erwartet hatte, dass ich das Leben auf dem Land genießen würde, ist das Gegenteil der Fall.
room + a dining/living/sitting room Ess-/Wohn-/Salon/Salon
secure + It's not a very secure way to make a living. Das ist kein sicherer Weg, um seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.
single + The apartments are ideal for single people living alone. Die Appartements sind ideal für Alleinstehende.
slight + He is, without the slightest doubt, the greatest living novelist. Er ist ohne Zweifel der größte lebende Schriftsteller.
standard + In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards. In den Elendsvierteln gibt es einen sehr schlechten Lebensstandard.
stock + a country's housing stock (= all the houses available for living in) Wohnungsbestand eines Landes (= alle verfügbaren Häuser)
(out) on the streets/street + the problems of young people living on the streets die Probleme junger Menschen, die auf der Straße leben
study + Physiology is the study of how living things work. Physiologie ist die Untersuchung, wie Lebewesen funktionieren.
style + furniture to suit your style of living Wohnmöbel passend zu Ihrem Wohnstil
that + I was living with my parents at that time. Ich lebte damals bei meinen Eltern.
this + How long have you been living in this country? Wie lange leben Sie schon in diesem Land?
unit + The cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed. Die Zelle ist die Einheit, aus der alle lebenden Organismen bestehen.
war + Where were you living when war broke out? Wo lebten Sie, als der Krieg ausbrach?

Mcc SentencesGbEng
132 客厅 方桌 + There's a square table in the living room.
269 住在 美国 西部 + I'm living in the west part of America.
415 他们 开心 + They're living a happy life.
702 城市 适宜 居住 + This city is suitable for living. ((This is a very liveable city.))
738 务农 为生 + He makes a living by farming.
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 + The living conditions in this village are still very primitive.
1228 生活 开支 减少 + Living expenses for this month have decreased.
1257 乞讨 生活 + He makes a living by begging.
1784 他们 生活 悠闲 + They're living a leisurely life.
1937 生活 补贴 + This is my living allowance.
1984 客厅 干净 + The living room is very clean.
2716 客厅 阁楼 + The living room of my home is in the attic.
2995 卧室 柜子 + There's a cabinet in the living-room.
3004 我们 生活 平庸 快乐 + We're living an ordinary but happy life.
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素 + He is forever seeking after material comforts, and has no idea about hard work and plain living.

客厅里有一张方桌。 Kètīng lǐ yǒu yī zhāng fāngzhuō. There's a square table in the living room. Es gibt einen quadratischen Tisch im Wohnzimmer.
我住在美国西部。 Wǒ zhù zài Měiguó xībù. I'm living in the west part of America. Ich lebe im Westen von Amerika.
他们活得很开心。 Tāmen huó de hěn kāixīn. They're living a happy life. Sie leben ein glückliches Leben.
这座城市很适宜居住。 Zhè zuò chéngshì hěn shìyí jūzhù. This city is suitable for living. ((This is a very liveable city.)) Diese Stadt ist zum Wohnen geeignet. (Dies ist eine sehr lebenswerte Stadt.)
他以务农为生。 Tā yǐ wùnóng wéishēng. He makes a living by farming. Er lebt von der Landwirtschaft.
这个村子的生活条件仍然很原始。 zhège cūnzi de shēnghuó tiáojiàn réngrán hěn yuánshǐ. The living conditions in this village are still very primitive. Die Lebensbedingungen in diesem Dorf sind noch sehr primitiv.
这个月的生活开支减少了。 zhège yuè de shēnghuó kāizhī jiǎnshǎo le. Living expenses for this month have decreased. Die Lebenshaltungskosten für diesen Monat sind gesunken.
他靠乞讨生活。 Tā kào qǐtǎo shēnghuó. He makes a living by begging. Er lebt vom Betteln.
他们的生活很悠閒。 Tāmen de shēnghuó hěn yōu 閒. They're living a leisurely life. Sie leben ein gemächliches Leben.
这是我的生活补贴。 Zhè shì wǒ de shēnghuó bǔtiē. This is my living allowance. Das ist mein Taschengeld.
客厅很干净。 Kètīng hěn gān jìng. The living room is very clean. Das Wohnzimmer ist sehr sauber.
我家的客厅在阁楼。 Wǒ jiā de kètīng zài gélóu. The living room of my home is in the attic. Das Wohnzimmer meines Hauses ist auf dem Dachboden.
卧室里有一组柜子。 Wòshì lǐ yǒu yī zǔ guìzi. There's a cabinet in the living-room. Da ist ein Schrank im Wohnzimmer.
我们的生活平庸且快乐。 Wǒmen de shēnghuó píngyōng qiě kuàilè. We're living an ordinary but happy life. Wir leben ein gewöhnliches, aber glückliches Leben.
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
ke4ting1 + living room
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
ke4ting1 + living room
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Zhu4 zai4 zhe4li3 hai2 xi2guan4 ma? + Are you used to living here?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je voudrais d’abord savoir quel métier tu exerces + I would first of all like to know what you do for a living

il s’agit de vivre, c’est-à-dire d’avancer + it’s about living, or in other words about progressing

je suis un document vivant! + I’m a living document!

nous étions assis dans le grand salon + we were sitting in the large living room

j’ai baptisé presque tous les habitants de la ville + I baptized almost everyone living in the city

leurs conditions de vie deviennent intolérables + their living conditions are becoming intolerable
07945818-n living
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
+ + + + 103 living +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie