VNEN hay biết * know * 103

1 ta1 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another
1 认识 ren4 shi5 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition
2 dong3 to understand/ to know
2 介绍 jie4 shao4 to present/ to introduce/ to recommend/ to suggest/ to let know/ to brief
2 告诉 gao4 su5 to tell/ to inform/ to let know
3 有名 you3 ming2 famous/ well-known
4 反映 fan3 ying4 to mirror/ to reflect/ mirror image/ reflection/ fig. to report/ to make known/ to render/ used erroneously for 反應|反应; response or reaction
4 熟悉 shu2 xi1 to be familiar with/ to know well
4 科学 ke1 xue2 science/ scientific knowledge/ scientific/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
4 知识 zhi1 shi5 intellectual/ knowledge-related/ knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2]
4 著名 zhu4 ming2 famous/ noted/ well-known/ celebrated
5 bu4 cloth/ to declare/ to announce/ to spread/ to make known
5 学问 xue2 wen4 learning/ knowledge/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 知道 zhi1 dao4 to know/ to be aware of
5 报告 bao4 gao4 to inform/ report/ make known/ speech/ talk/ lecture/ CL:篇[pian1];份[fen4];個|个[ge4];通[tong4]
5 智慧 zhi4 hui4 wisdom/ knowledge/ intelligent/ intelligence
5 常识 chang2 shi2 common sense/ general knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2]
5 wen2 to hear/ news/ well-known/ famous/ reputation/ fame/ to smell/ to sniff at/ surname Wen
5 承认 cheng2 ren4 to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic; artistic etc)/ to acknowledge
5 表明 biao3 ming2 to make clear/ to make known/ to state clearly/ to indicate/ known
5 体会 ti3 hui4 know (through learning or by experience)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 掌握 zhang3 wo4 to grasp (often fig.)/ to master/ to know well/ to understand sth well and know how to use it/ fluency/ to control/ to seize (initiative; opportunity; destiny)
6 须知 xu1 zhi1 prerequisites/ rules that must be known before starting sth
6 公认 gong1 ren4 publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as)
6 宣扬 xuan1 yang2 to proclaim/ to make public or well known
6 见多识广 jian4 duo1 shi2 guang3 experienced and knowledgeable (idiom)
6 公证 gong1 zheng4 notarization/ notarized/ acknowledgement
6 见闻 jian4 wen2 what one sees and hears/ knowledge/ information
6 茫然 mang2 ran2 ignorant/ to have no knowledge of sth
6 心得 xin1 de2 knowledge gained/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 众所周知 zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows (idiom)
6 迷失 mi2 shi1 lost/ not knowing one's location
6 家喻户晓 jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3 understood by everyone (idiom)/ well known/ a household name
6 认可 ren4 ke3 to approve/ approval/ acknowledgment/ OK
6 专长 zhuan1 chang2 specialty/ special knowledge or ability

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Wissen Sie, wo das ist? Do you know where it is? Bạn có biết nó ở đâu không?
Entschuldigung, kennen Sie diese Adresse? Excuse me, do you know where this address is? Xin lỗi, bạn có biết địa chỉ này ở đâu không?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
061 1176
Do you know the area code for Austria?
067 1294
But I already know a lot of people.
068 1310
Do you know where his key is?
068 1311
Do you know where his ticket is?
086 1672
I know that – I knew that.
086 1680
I know that – I knew that.
087 1697
What did you come to know?
093 1804
How do you know that?
093 1808
I know that he’ll come.
093 1813
Do you know that for sure?
095 1843
I don’t know if he loves me.
095 1844
I don’t know if he’ll come back.
095 1845
I don’t know if he’ll call me.
098 1915
As far as I know, he lives here.
098 1916
As far as I know, his wife is ill.
098 1917
As far as I know, he is unemployed.
100 1951
She knows Spain as well as England.
102 1987
Do you know someone here?
102 1988
No, I don’t know anyone here.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A04 47 197
你 懂 什么 ? + คุณรู้อะไร? + Bạn biết gì? + What do you know? + Was weißt du schon? + Che cosa sai? + Qu'est-ce que tu en sais? + ¿Qué es lo que sabes? + Wat weet u? + ( nǐ dǒng shéme?)
A06 41 291
我 找不到 自己的 立足之地 了 。 + ฉันไม่รู้ว่าฉันเป็นใครเมื่อฉันอยู่กับพวกเขา + Tôi không biết tôi là ai khi tôi ở bên họ. + I don't know who I am when I'm with them. + Ich weiß nicht, wer ich bin, wenn ich bei ihnen bin. + Non so chi sono quando sono con loro. + Je ne sais pas qui je suis quand je suis avec eux. + No sé quién soy cuando estoy con ellos. + Ik weet niet wie ik ben als ik bij hen ben. + ( wǒ zhǎobúdào zìjǐde· lìzúzhīdì le·.)
A06 47 297
凭 你的 实力 , 你 一定 可以 办到 的 。 + ฉันรู้ว่าคุณสามารถทำได้ถ้าคุณลอง + Tôi biết bạn có thể làm điều đó nếu bạn cố gắng. + I know you can do it if you try. + Ich weiß, dass du es schaffst, wenn du es versuchst. + So che puoi farlo se provi. + Je sais que tu peux le faire si tu essaies. + Sé que puedes hacerlo si lo intentas. + Ik weet dat je het kunt doen als je het probeert. + ( píng nǐde· shílì, nǐ yídìng kěyǐ bàndào de·.)
A07 46 346
她 似乎 已经 知道了 。 + เธอดูเหมือนจะรู้แล้ว + Cô ấy dường như đã biết rồi. + She seems to know already. + Sie scheint es bereits zu wissen. + Sembra sapere già. + Elle semble déjà le savoir. + Parece que ya lo sabe. + Ze lijkt het al te weten. + ( tā shìhū yǐjīng zhīdàole·.)
A09 30 430
天晓得 明天 会 怎样 ? + สวรรค์รู้ว่าวันพรุ่งนี้จะมาถึงอะไร + Trời biết ngày mai sẽ mang lại gì. + Heaven knows what tomorrow will bring. + Der Himmel weiß, was der morgige Tag bringen wird. + Il cielo sa cosa porterà domani. + Dieu sait ce que demain nous réserve. + Dios sabe lo que traerá el mañana. + De hemel weet wat morgen zal brengen. + ( tiānxiǎode· míngtiān huì zěnyàng?)
A10 26 476
你 知道 可以去 哪 修 手机 吗 ? + คุณรู้ไหมว่าฉันสามารถรับโทรศัพท์มือถือได้ที่ไหน? + Bạn có biết tôi có thể mua điện thoại di động ở đâu? + Do you know where I can get a cellphone repaired? + Wissen Sie, wo ich ein Handy reparieren lassen kann? + Sapete dove posso riparare un cellulare? + Tu sais où je peux faire réparer un portable? + ¿Sabes dónde puedo reparar un celular? + Weet u waar ik een mobiele telefoon kan laten repareren? + ( nǐ zhīdào kěyǐqù nǎ xiū shǒujī mā?)
A11 3 503
没想到 你 还 挺 有 两下子 的 。 + ฉันไม่รู้ว่าคุณมีมันอยู่ในตัวคุณ + Tôi không biết bạn đã có nó trong bạn. + I didn't know you had it in you. + Ich wusste nicht, dass du es in dir hast. + Non sapevo che tu l' avessi in te. + Je ne savais pas que tu l'avais en toi. + No sabía que lo tenías en ti. + Ik wist niet dat je het in jou had. + ( méixiǎngdào nǐ hái tǐng yǒu liǎngxiàzi· de·.)
A19 25 925
你 知道 你 在 哪里 吗 ? + คุณรู้หรือไม่ว่าคุณอยู่ที่ไหน + Bạn có biết bạn đang ở đâu? + Do you know where you are? + Weißt du, wo du bist? + Sapete dove siete? + Vous savez où vous êtes? + ¿Sabes dónde estás tú? + Weet u waar u bent? + ( nǐ zhīdào nǐ zài nǎlǐ mā?)
A19 35 935
我 会 急救 。 + ฉันรู้ปฐมพยาบาล + Tôi biết sự giúp đỡ đầu tiên. + I know first aid. + Ich kenne Erste Hilfe. + Conosco il pronto soccorso. + Je connais les premiers secours. + Conozco los primeros auxilios. + Ik ken eerste hulp. + ( wǒ huì jíjiù.)
A20 48 998
如果 你 感到 任何 不适 , 请 立刻 告诉 我们。 + หากคุณรู้สึกไม่สบายใด ๆ โปรดแจ้งให้เราทราบทันที + Nếu bạn cảm thấy bất kỳ sự khó chịu nào, vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết ngay. + If you feel any discomfort, please let us know immediately. + Wenn Sie sich unwohl fühlen, lassen Sie es uns bitte sofort wissen. + Se si avverte un disagio, si prega di comunicarcelo immediatamente. + Si vous ressentez de l'inconfort, veuillez nous en informer immédiatement. + Si siente alguna molestia, por favor háganoslo saber inmediatamente. + Als u zich ongemakkelijk voelt, laat het ons dan meteen weten. + ( rúguǒ nǐ gǎndào rènhé búshì, qǐng lìkè gàosù wǒmen·.)
B01 6 1006
你 认识 建宏的 妹妹 吗 ? + คุณรู้หรือไม่ว่าพี่สาวของ Jianhong? + Cậu có biết em gái của Giản Hồng không? + Do you know Jianhong's sister? + Kennen Sie Jianhongs Schwester? + Conoscete la sorella di Jianhong? + Tu connais la soeur de Jianhong? + ¿Conoces a la hermana de Jianhong? + Kent u Jianhong's zus? + (nǐ rènshi· jiànhóngde· mèimei· mā?)
B04 12 1162
我 不知道 怎么 念 这个 字 。 这个 字 怎么念 ? + ฉันไม่ทราบวิธีการพูดคำนี้ มันออกเสียงอย่างไร? + Tôi không biết nói từ này như thế nào. Phát âm nó như thế nào? + I don't know how to say this word. How is it pronounced? + Ich weiß nicht, wie ich dieses Wort sagen soll. Wie wird es ausgesprochen? + Non so come dire questa parola. Come si pronuncia? + Je ne sais pas comment dire ce mot. Comment se prononce-t-il? + No sé cómo decir esta palabra. ¿Cómo se pronuncia? + Ik weet niet hoe ik dit woord kan zeggen. Hoe wordt het uitgesproken? + (wǒ bùzhīdào zěnme niàn zhège· zì. zhège· zì zěnme niàn?)
B04 35 1185
莫妮卡 是 我的 一个 好朋友 , 我 认识 她 很久了 。 + Monika เป็นเพื่อนที่ดีของฉัน ฉันรู้จักเธอมานานแล้ว + Monika là một người bạn tốt của tôi. Tôi đã qucô ấy từ lâu. + Monika's a good friend of mine. I've known her for a long time. + Monika ist eine gute Freundin von mir. Ich kenne sie schon lange. + Monika è un mio buon amico. La conosco da molto tempo. + Monika est une bonne amie à moi. Je la connais depuis longtemps. + Monika es una buena amiga mía. La conozco desde hace mucho tiempo. + Monika is een goede vriend van mij. Ik ken haar al lang. + (mònīkǎ shì wǒde· yīge· hǎopéngyǒu, wǒ rènshi· tā hénjiǔle·.)
B04 40 1190
我 认识 胜 , 但 我 没见过 他 太太 。 + ฉันรู้จัก Masuru แต่ฉันไม่เคยพบภรรยาของเขา + Tôi biết Được nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp vợ anh ấy. + I know Masuru, but I've never met his wife. + Ich kenne Masuru, aber ich habe seine Frau nie kennengelernt. + Conosco Masuru, ma non ho mai incontrato sua moglie. + Je connais Masuru, mais je n'ai jamais rencontré sa femme. + Conozco a Masuru, pero nunca conocí a su esposa. + Ik ken Masuru, maar ik heb zijn vrouw nog nooit ontmoet. + (wǒ rènshi· shèng, dàn wǒ méijiànguò tā tàitai·.)
B07 47 1347
法鲁克 什么时候 会给 你 打 电话 ? — 我 不知道 , 可能 今天下午 。 + เมื่อ Faruq จะโทรหาคุณ? - ฉันไม่รู้ เขาอาจเรียกช่วงบ่ายนี้ + Faruq định bao giờ gọi cậu? - Tôi không biết. + When's Faruq going to call you? — I don't know. He might call this afternoon. + Wann wird Faruq Sie anrufen? Ich weiß es nicht. Vielleicht ruft er heute Nachmittag an. + Quando Faruq ti chiamerà? Non lo so. Potrebbe chiamare questo pomeriggio. + Quand Faruq va-t-il t'appeler? - Je ne sais pas. Il pourrait appeler cet après-midi. + ¿Cuándo te va a llamar Faruq? - No lo sé. Podría llamar esta tarde. + Wanneer zal Faruq u bellen? Ik weet het niet. Vanmiddag zou hij misschien kunnen noemen. + (fálǔkè shémeshíhou· huìgéi ní dǎ diànhuà? — wǒ bùzhīdào, kěnéng jīntiānxiàwǔ.)
B08 18 1368
你 这个 周末 要做 什么 ? — 我 不知道 ,我 也许会去 爬山 。 + คุณจะทำอะไรในสุดสัปดาห์นี้? - ฉันไม่รู้ ฉันอาจไปเดินป่า + Cậu định làm gì cuối tuần này? - Tôi không biết. Tôi có thể sẽ đi leo núi. + What are you doing this weekend? — I don't know. I might go hiking. + Was machst du dieses Wochenende? Ich weiß es nicht. Ich gehe vielleicht wandern. + Cosa stai facendo questo fine settimana? Non lo so. Potrei andare a piedi. + Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce week-end? - Je ne sais pas. Je pourrais aller faire de la randonnée. + ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana? - No lo sé. Puede que vaya de excursión. + Wat doe je dit weekend? Ik weet het niet. Ik zou kunnen gaan wandelen. + (nǐ zhège· zhōumò yàozuò shéme? — wǒ bùzhīdào, wó yéxǔhuìqù páshān.)
B08 20 1370
你 晚上 要吃 什么 ? — 我 不知道 , 我 也许会吃 意大利 菜 。 + คุณจะทานอาหารค่ำกันที่ไหน? - ฉันไม่รู้ ฉันอาจจะทานอาหารอิตาเลียน + Cậu định ăn gì bữa tối nay? - Tôi không biết. Có thể tôi sẽ ăn món Ý. + What are you going to have for dinner? — I don't know. I might have Italian food. + Was wirst du zum Abendessen essen? Ich weiß es nicht. Vielleicht habe ich italienisches Essen. + Cosa farete per cena? Non lo so. Potrei avere cibo italiano. + Qu'allez-vous manger pour le dîner? - Je ne sais pas. J'ai peut-être de la cuisine italienne. + ¿Qué vas a cenar? - No lo sé. Puede que tenga comida italiana. + Wat gaat u eten voor het diner? Ik weet het niet. Misschien heb ik Italiaans voedsel. + ( ní wǎnshàng yàochī shéme? — wǒ bùzhīdào, wó yéxǔhuìchī yìdàlì cài.)
B09 9 1409
拉希德 不知道 该怎么办 。 他 没法 决定 。 + ราชิดไม่ทราบว่าจะทำอย่างไร เขาไม่สามารถตัดสินใจได้ + Rashid không biết phải làm gì. Anh ấy không quyết định được. + Rashid doesn't know what to do. He can't decide. + Rashid weiß nicht, was er tun soll. Er kann sich nicht entscheiden. + Rashid non sa cosa fare. Non può decidere. + Rashid ne sait pas quoi faire. Il ne peut pas décider. + Rashid no sabe qué hacer. No puede decidir. + Rashid weet niet wat te doen. Hij kan niet beslissen. + (lāxīdé bùzhīdào gāizěnmebàn. tā méifǎ juédìng.)
B09 14 1414
我哥 在 你 公司 上班 上了 好几年 了 , 你肯定 认识 他 。 + พี่ชายของฉันได้ทำงานที่ บริษัท ของคุณเป็นเวลาหลายปี คุณต้องรู้จักเขา + Anh trai tôi đã làm việc ở công ti cậu nhiều năm rồi. Cậu chắc phải biết anh ấy. + My brother has worked at your company for years. You must know him. + Mein Bruder arbeitet seit Jahren in Ihrer Firma. Sie müssen ihn kennen. + Mio fratello ha lavorato nella vostra azienda per anni. Devi conoscerlo. + Mon frère travaille dans votre entreprise depuis des années. Vous devez le connaître. + Mi hermano ha trabajado en su empresa durante años. Debes conocerlo. + Mijn broer werkt al jaren bij uw bedrijf. U moet hem kennen. + (wǒgē zài nǐ gōngsī shàngbān shàngle· háojǐnián le·, ní kěndìng rènshi· tā.)
B09 30 1430
电话 在响 , 我 知道 不是 找 我 的 , 肯定是 找 你 的 。 + เสียงเรียกเข้าของโทรศัพท์ ฉันรู้ว่าไม่ใช่สำหรับฉัน มันต้องเป็นสำหรับคุณ + Chuông điện thoại đang reo. Tôi biết nó không phải của tôi. Chắc chắn nó phải là của cậu. + The phone's ringing. I know it's not for me. It must be for you. + Das Telefon klingelt. Ich weiß, dass es nicht für mich ist. Es muss für dich sein. + Il telefono squilla. So che non è per me. Deve essere per voi. + Le téléphone sonne. Je sais que ce n'est pas pour moi. Ça doit être pour vous. + El teléfono está sonando. Sé que no es para mí. Debe ser para ti. + De telefoon rinkelt. Ik weet dat het niet voor mij is. Het moet voor u zijn. + ( diànhuà zàixiǎng, wǒ zhīdào búshì zháo wǒ de·, kěndìngshì zháo nǐ de·.)
B09 35 1435
我 知道 汤普森太太 有 工作 , 但 她 白天 都在 家 , 她 肯定是 晚上 工作 。 + ฉันรู้ว่านางสาว ธ อมป์สันมีงานทำ แต่เธออยู่บ้านตลอดทั้งวัน เธอต้องทำงานในเวลากลางคืน + Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm. + I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night. + Ich weiß, dass Ms. Thompson einen Job hat, aber sie ist tagsüber immer zu Hause. Sie muss nachts arbeiten. + So che la signora Thompson ha un lavoro, ma è sempre a casa durante il giorno. Deve lavorare di notte. + Je sais que Mme Thompson a un travail, mais elle est toujours à la maison le jour. Elle doit travailler la nuit. + Sé que la Sra. Thompson tiene un trabajo, pero siempre está en casa durante el día. Debe trabajar de noche. + Ik weet dat mevrouw Thompson een baan heeft, maar ze is altijd thuis gedurende de dag. Ze moet's nachts werken. + (wǒ zhīdào tāngpǔsēntàitai· yǒu gōngzuò, dàn tā báitiān dōuzài jiā, tā kěndìngshì wǎnshàng gōngzuò.)
B09 43 1443
对于 这份 工作 , 你 必须 得 懂 西班牙语 和德语 。 + สำหรับงานนี้คุณต้องรู้จักทั้งภาษาสเปนและเยอรมัน + Với công việc này, bạn phải biết cả tiếng Tây Ban Nha lẫn tiếng Đức. + For this job, you must know both Spanish and German. + Für diesen Job müssen Sie sowohl Spanisch als auch Deutsch sprechen. + Per questo lavoro, devi conoscere sia lo spagnolo che il tedesco. + Pour ce travail, vous devez connaître l'espagnol et l'allemand. + Para este trabajo, usted debe saber tanto español como alemán. + Voor deze baan moet je zowel Spaans als Duits kennen. + ( duìyú zhèfèn gōngzuò, nǐ bìxū déi dǒng xībānyáyǔ hé déyǔ.)
B11 36 1536
他们 为什么 告诉 我 我 已经 知道的 事儿 ? 他们 用不着 告诉 我 。 + ทำไมพวกเขาถึงบอกฉันถึงสิ่งที่ฉันรู้อยู่แล้ว? พวกเขาไม่ได้บอกฉันว่า + Tại sao họ lại kể cho tôi những gì tôi đã biết? Họ không cần phải kể cho tôi những việc đó. + Why did they tell me something I already know? They didn't have to tell me that. + Warum haben sie mir etwas gesagt, was ich bereits weiß? Das hätten sie mir nicht sagen müssen. + Perché mi hanno detto qualcosa che già conosco? Non hanno dovuto dirmi questo. + Pourquoi m'ont-ils dit quelque chose que je savais déjà? Ils n'avaient pas besoin de me le dire. + ¿Por qué me dijeron algo que ya sé? No tenían que decirme eso. + Waarom hebben ze me iets verteld wat ik al ken? Dat hoefden ze me dat niet te vertellen. + (tāmen· wèishéme gàosù wó wó yǐjīng zhīdàode· shìr? tāmen· yòngbùzháo gàosù wǒ.)
B15 37 1737
你 想 走路 去 酒店 吗 ? — 我 不知道 。 有多远 ? + คุณต้องการเดินไปที่โรงแรมหรือไม่? - ฉันไม่รู้ ไกลแค่ไหนมันเป็น? + Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it? + Wollen Sie zu Fuß zum Hotel gehen? Ich weiß es nicht. Wie weit ist es noch? + Vuoi raggiungere a piedi l' hotel? Non lo so. Quanto è lontano? + Tu veux aller à l'hôtel à pied? - Je ne sais pas. C'est encore loin? + ¿Quieres caminar al hotel? - No lo sé. ¿Qué tan lejos está? + Wilt u naar het hotel lopen? Ik weet het niet. Hoe ver is het? + ( ní xiáng zǒulù qù jiǔdiàn mā? — wǒ bùzhīdào. yǒuduōyuǎn?)
B16 40 1790
你 跟 凡妮莎 不太熟 , 但 我 跟 她 很熟 。 + คุณไม่รู้จักวาเนสซ่าเป็นอย่างดี แต่ฉันทำ + Cậu không biết nhiều lắm về Vanessa nhưng tôi thì có. + You don't know Vanessa very well, but I do. + Du kennst Vanessa nicht sehr gut, aber ich schon. + Non sai Vanessa molto bene, ma lo faccio. + Tu ne connais pas très bien Vanessa, mais moi si. + No conoces muy bien a Vanessa, pero yo sí. + Je kent Vanessa niet goed, maar ik weet het wel. + (nǐ gēn fánnīshā bútàishú, dàn wǒ gēn tā hěnshú.)
B17 3 1803
我 没有 望远镜 , 但 我 知道 谁 有 。 + ฉันไม่มีกล้องโทรทรรศน์ แต่ฉันรู้จักใครที่ทำ + Tôi không có kính viễn vọng nhưng tôi biết một người có nó. + I don't have a telescope, but I know somebody who does. + Ich habe kein Teleskop, aber ich kenne jemanden, der das tut. + Non ho un telescopio, ma conosco qualcuno che lo fa. + Je n'ai pas de télescope, mais je connais quelqu'un. + No tengo telescopio, pero conozco a alguien que lo tiene. + Ik heb geen telescoop, maar ik ken iemand die dat wel weet. + ( wǒ méiyǒu wàngyuǎnjìng, dàn wǒ zhīdào shuí yǒu.)
B17 10 1810
你 今天晚上 要出去 吗 ? — 可能 吧 , 我不确定 。 + คุณออกไปคืนนี้หรือไม่? - ฉันอาจจะ. ฉันไม่รู้แน่ + Tối nay cậu có định ra ngoài không? - Có thể. Tôi không biết chắc. + Are you going out tonight? — I might. I don't know for sure. + Gehst du heute Abend aus? Vielleicht doch. Ich weiß es nicht genau. + Sta andando fuori stasera? Potrei. Di sicuro non lo so. + Tu sors ce soir? Je pourrais. Je n'en suis pas sûr. + ¿Saldrás esta noche? Puede que sí. No lo sé con seguridad. + Gaat u vanavond naar buiten? Ik zou het willen. Ik weet het niet zeker. + (nǐ jīntiānwǎnshàng yàochūqù mā? — kěnéng ba·, wǒ búquèdìng.)
B17 22 1822
我 上个 礼拜 生病了 。 — 是 吗 ? 我 都 不知道 。 + ฉันป่วยเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้ว - คุณเป็น? ฉันไม่รู้ + Tuần trước tôi ốm. - Cậu ốm á? Thế mà tôi không biết. + I was sick last week. — You were? I didn't know that. + Ich war letzte Woche krank. Sie waren? Das wusste ich nicht. + Sono stato malato la settimana scorsa. Sei stato? Non lo sapevo. + J'étais malade la semaine dernière. Vous l'étiez? Je ne le savais pas. + Estuve enfermo la semana pasada. ¿Estabas? Yo no sabía eso. + Vorige week was ik ziek. U was dat? Dat wist ik niet. + ( wǒ shàngge· lǐbài shēngbìngle·. — shì mā? wǒ dōu bùzhīdào.)
B17 25 1825
乔凡尼 不会 开车 。 — 他 不会 吗 ? 我 都不知道 。 + Giovanni ไม่สามารถขับรถได้ - เขาไม่สามารถ? ฉันไม่รู้ + Giovanni không biết lái xe. - Vậy ư? Tôi không biết đấy. + Giovanni can't drive. — He can't? I didn't know that. + Giovanni kann nicht fahren. Er kann nicht? Das wusste ich nicht. + Giovanni non può guidare. Non può? Non lo sapevo. + Giovanni ne sait pas conduire. Il ne peut pas? Je ne le savais pas. + Giovanni no sabe conducir. ¿No puede? Yo no sabía eso. + Giovanni kan niet rijden. Hij kan niet? Dat wist ik niet. + ( qiáofánní búhuì kāichē. — tā búhuì mā? wǒ dōu bùzhīdào.)
B18 2 1852
我 出生 在 意大利 。 — 真的 吗 ? 我 都 不知道 。 + ฉันเกิดที่อิตาลี - คุณเป็น? ฉันไม่รู้ + Tôi sinh ra ở Ý. Thế à? Tôi không biết đấy. + I was born in Italy. — You were? I didn't know that. + Ich bin in Italien geboren. Sie waren? Das wusste ich nicht. + Sono nato in Italia. Sei stato? Non lo sapevo. + Je suis né en Italie. Vous l'étiez? Je ne le savais pas. + Nací en Italia. ¿Estabas? Yo no sabía eso. + Ik ben geboren in Italië. U was dat? Dat wist ik niet. + ( wǒ chūshēng zài yìdàlì. — zhēnde· mā? wǒ dōu bùzhīdào.)
B18 21 1871
你 不认识 拉里萨的 妹妹 吧 ? — 对 , 我从没 见过 她 。 + คุณไม่รู้จักน้องสาวของ Larisa ใช่ไหม? - ไม่ฉันไม่เคยพบเธอ + Cậu không biết, em gái của mang thai phải không? - Không, tôi chưa gặp cô ấy bao giờ. + You don't know Larisa's sister, do you? — No, I've never met her. + Du kennst Larisas Schwester nicht, oder? Nein, ich habe sie nie getroffen. + Non conosci la sorella di Larisa, sei tu? No, non l' ho mai incontrata. + Vous ne connaissez pas la soeur de Larisa, n'est-ce pas? Non, je ne l'ai jamais rencontrée. + No conoces a la hermana de Larisa, ¿verdad? No, nunca la he conocido. + Je kent Larisa's zus niet, toch? Nee, ik heb haar nooit ontmoet. + (nǐ búrènshi· lālǐsàde· mèimei· ba·? — duì, wǒ cóngméi jiànguò tā.)
B18 33 1883
这个 计划 本 应该 是个 秘密 , 但 大家 好像都 知道了 。 + แผนควรจะเป็นความลับ แต่ทุกคนดูเหมือนจะรู้เรื่องนี้ + Kế hoạch nước ra phải được giữ kín nhưng dường như mọi người đều biết rồi. + The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. + Der Plan soll ein Geheimnis bleiben, aber jeder scheint davon zu wissen. + Il piano dovrebbe essere un segreto, ma sembra che tutti lo sappiano. + Le plan est censé être un secret, mais tout le monde semble le savoir. + El plan se supone que es un secreto, pero todo el mundo parece saberlo. + Het plan moet een geheim zijn, maar iedereen lijkt het te weten. + ( zhège· jìhuà běn yīnggāi shìge· mìmì, dàn dàjiā hǎoxiàng dōu zhīdàole·.)
B19 2 1902
我 认识 很多 人 。 — 真的 吗 ? 我 以为 你说 你 谁都 不认识 。 + ฉันรู้จักผู้คนมากมาย - คุณทำ? ฉันคิดว่าคุณบอกว่าคุณไม่รู้จักใคร + Tôi biết rất nhiều người. - Thế à? Tôi tưởng cậu bảo cậu không biết ai. + I know lots of people. — You do? I thought you said you didn't know anybody. + Ich kenne viele Leute. Du tust es? Ich dachte, du sagtest, du kennst niemanden. + Conosco molte persone. Tu lo fai? Pensavo che lei avesse detto che non conosceva nessuno. + Je connais beaucoup de gens. C'est le cas? Je croyais que tu avais dit que tu ne connaissais personne. + Conozco a mucha gente. ¿Lo tienes? Creí que dijiste que no conocías a nadie. + Ik ken veel mensen. Dat doe je? Ik dacht dat je zei dat je niemand wist. + (wǒ rènshi· hěnduō rén. — zhēnde· mā? wó yǐwéi nǐ shuō nǐ shuídōu búrènshi·.)
B19 28 1928
几点了 ? — 你 知道 现在 几点了 吗 ? + เวลามันคืออะไร? - คุณรู้ไหมเวลาเท่าไหร่แล้ว? + Bây giờ mấy giờ rồi? > Cậu biết bây giờ mấy giờ rồi không? + What time is it? — Do you know what time it is? + Wie spät ist es? Wissen Sie, wie spät es ist? + Che tempo è? Sapete a che ora è? + Quelle heure est-il? Tu sais quelle heure il est? + Qué hora es? ¿Sabes qué hora es? + Hoe laat is het dan? Weet u hoe laat het is? + ( jídiǎnle·? — nǐ zhīdào xiànzài jídiǎnle· mā?)
B19 29 1929
这些 人 是 谁 ? — 我 不知道 这些 人 是 谁。 + พวกเขาเหล่านั้นเป็นใคร? - ฉันไม่รู้ว่าใครเป็นใคร + Những người kia là ai? > Tôi không biết những người kia là ai. + Who are those people? — I don't know who those people are. + Wer sind diese Leute? Ich weiß nicht, wer diese Leute sind. + Chi sono queste persone? Non so chi sono queste persone. + Qui sont ces gens? Je ne sais pas qui sont ces gens. + ¿Quiénes son esas personas? No sé quiénes son esas personas. + Wie zijn die mensen? Ik weet niet wie die mensen zijn. + ( zhèxiē rén shì shuí? — wǒ bùzhīdào zhèxiē rén shì shuí.)
B19 32 1932
电影 几点 开始 ? — 你 知道 电影 几点 开始吗 ? + ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้เริ่มต้นเมื่อไร? - คุณรู้ไหมว่าหนังเรื่องนี้เริ่มต้นจากที่ไหน + Ý cậu là gì? > Làm ơn giải thích ý cậu là gì. + What time does the movie begin? — Do you know what time the movie begins? + Wann beginnt der Film? Wissen Sie, wann der Film beginnt? + Che ora inizia il film? Sapete a che ora inizia il film? + A quelle heure commence le film? Tu sais à quelle heure commence le film? + ¿A qué hora empieza la película? ¿Sabes a qué hora empieza la película? + Hoe laat begint de film? Weet u hoe laat de film begint? + ( diànyíng jídiǎn kāishǐ? — nǐ zhīdào diànyíng jídiǎn kāishǐ mā?)
B19 38 1938
她 想知道 我 空闲时间 都 做 什么 。 + เธออยากรู้ว่าฉันทำอะไรในยามว่าง + Cô ấy muốn biết tôi làm gì lúc thực hiện rỗi. + She wanted to know what I did in my spare time. + Sie wollte wissen, was ich in meiner Freizeit gemacht habe. + Voleva sapere cosa ho fatto nel mio tempo libero. + Elle voulait savoir ce que je faisais pendant mon temps libre. + Quería saber qué hacía en mi tiempo libre. + Ze wilde weten wat ik in mijn vrije tijd deed. + (tā xiǎngzhīdào wǒ kòngxiánshíjiān dōu zuò shéme.)
B19 41 1941
她 想知道 我 会不会 说 其他语言 。 + เธออยากรู้ว่าฉันสามารถพูดภาษาอื่นได้หรือไม่ + Cô ấy muốn biết tôi có biết nói ngôn ngữ nào khác không. + She wanted to know if I could speak another language. + Sie wollte wissen, ob ich eine andere Sprache sprechen kann. + Voleva sapere se potevo parlare un' altra lingua. + Elle voulait savoir si je pouvais parler une autre langue. + Quería saber si podía hablar otro idioma. + Ze wilde weten of ik een andere taal kon spreken. + (tā xiǎngzhīdào wǒ huìbúhuì shuō qítāyǔyán.)
B20 18 1968
你 考虑过 去 别的 国家 住 吗 ? — 当然 有, 但 我 不知道 会花 多少 钱 。 + คุณเคยคิดจะไปอาศัยอยู่ในประเทศอื่นหรือไม่? - แน่นอน แต่ฉันไม่รู้ราคาเท่าไหร่ + Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ hát sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu. + Have you ever considered going to live in another country? — Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost. + Haben Sie schon einmal daran gedacht, in einem anderen Land zu leben? Sicher, aber ich weiß nicht, wie viel es kosten würde. + Avete mai pensato di andare a vivere in un altro paese? Certo, ma non so quanto costerebbe. + Avez-vous déjà envisagé d'aller vivre dans un autre pays? Bien sûr, mais je ne sais pas combien ça coûterait. + ¿Ha considerado alguna vez ir a vivir a otro país? Claro, pero no sé cuánto costaría. + Heb je ooit overwogen om in een ander land te gaan wonen? Zeker, maar ik weet niet hoeveel het kost. + ( ní kǎolǜguò qù biéde· guójiā zhù mā? — dāngrán yǒu, dàn wǒ bùzhīdào huìhuā duōshǎo qián.)
B20 49 1999
你 知道 如果 这栋 大楼 发生 火灾 该怎么办吗 ? — 我 不知道 。 + คุณจะรู้ว่าจะทำอย่างไรถ้ามีไฟในอาคาร? - ไม่จริง + Cậu có biết phải làm gì khi có cháy trong toà nhà không? - Không rõ lắm. + Would you know what to do if there was a fire in the building? — Not really. + Wüssten Sie, was zu tun ist, wenn es im Gebäude brennt? Nicht wirklich. + Saperesti cosa fare se ci fosse un incendio nell' edificio? Non proprio. + Sauriez-vous quoi faire en cas d'incendie? Pas vraiment. + ¿Sabes qué hacer si hay un incendio en el edificio? Realmente no. + Wist u wat te doen als er brand in het gebouw was? Niet echt. + (nǐ zhīdào rúguǒ zhèdòng dàlóu fāshēng huǒzāi gāizěnmebàn mā? — wǒ bùzhīdào.)
B20 50 2000
我 那时候 很震惊 , 不知道 该说 什么 。 + ฉันรู้สึกประหลาดใจจริงๆ ฉันไม่รู้ว่าจะพูดอะไร + Tôi đã thực sự kinh ngạc. Tôi đã không biết phải nói gì. + I was really astonished. I didn't know what to say. + Ich war wirklich erstaunt. Ich wusste nicht, was ich sagen sollte. + Sono rimasto davvero stupito. Non sapevo cosa dire. + J'étais vraiment étonné. Je ne savais pas quoi dire. + Estaba realmente sorprendido. No sabía qué decir. + Ik was echt verbaasd. Ik wist niet wat ik moest zeggen. + ( wǒ nàshíhou· hěnzhènjīng, bùzhīdào gāishuō shéme.)
C01 18 2018
我 知道 我 锁门了 , 我 清楚 记得 我 锁了。 — 我 锁了门 , 但 却 忘了 关 窗户 。 + ฉันรู้ว่าฉันล็อคประตู ฉันจำได้อย่างชัดเจนล็อคมัน - ฉันจำได้ว่าล็อคประตู แต่ฉันลืมปิดหน้าต่าง + Tôi biết là tôi đã khoá cửa. Tôi nhớ rõ ràng là đã khoá nó. > Tôi có nhớ khoá cửa nhưng tôi đã quên đóng cửa sổ. + I know I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it. — I remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the windows. + Ich weiß, dass ich die Tür abgeschlossen habe. Ich erinnere mich deutlich daran, dass ich es abgeschlossen habe. Ich erinnerte mich daran, die Tür abzuschließen, aber ich vergaß, die Fenster zu schließen. + So di aver bloccato la porta. Mi ricordo chiaramente di averlo bloccato. Mi sono ricordato di chiudere la porta, ma ho dimenticato di chiudere le finestre. + Je sais que j'ai fermé la porte. Je m'en souviens très bien. Je me suis souvenu de verrouiller la porte, mais j'ai oublié de fermer les fenêtres. + Sé que cerré la puerta con llave. Recuerdo claramente haberla cerrado. Me acordé de cerrar la puerta, pero olvidé cerrar las ventanas. + Ik weet dat ik de deur op slot heb gedaan. Ik weet nog heel goed hoe ik het vergrendelt. Ik herinnerde me de deur te vergrendelen, maar ik ben vergeten de ramen te sluiten. + (wǒ zhīdào wó suǒménle·, wǒ qīngchǔ jìde· wó suǒle·. — wó suǒle·mén, dàn què wàngle· guān chuānghù.)
C02 16 2066
我 要告诉 他们 吗 , 还是 你 希望 他们 不知道 ? — 不用 , 我 会 告诉 他们 。 + ฉันควรจะบอกพวกเขาหรือคุณจะค่อนข้างไม่ทราบหรือไม่? - ไม่ฉันจะบอกพวกเขา + Tôi có nên nói cho họ hay cậu thấy họ không biết thì hơn? - Không, tôi sẽ nói cho họ. + Should I tell them, or would you rather they didn't know? — No, I'll tell them. + Soll ich es ihnen sagen, oder sollen sie es lieber nicht wissen? Nein, ich sag's ihnen. + Dovrei dirglielo, o preferireste che non lo sapessero? No, direi loro. + Dois-je leur dire, ou préféreriez-vous qu'ils ne le sachent pas? Non, je leur dirai. + ¿Debería decírselo, o preferirías que no lo supieran? No, se lo diré. + Moet ik ze vertellen, of zou je het liever niet weten? Nee, dat zal ik ze vertellen. + (wǒ yàogàosù tāmen· mā, háishì nǐ xīwàng tāmen· bù zhīdào? — búyòng, wǒ huì gàosù tāmen·.)
C04 11 2161
如果 有 任何 新消息 , 你 会是 第一个 知道的 人 。 + ถ้าฉันมีข่าวเพิ่มเติมคุณจะเป็นคนแรกที่รู้ + Nếu tôi có tin gì nữa thì cậu sẽ là người đầu tiên được biết. + If I have any more news, you'll be the first person to know. + Wenn ich noch mehr Neuigkeiten habe, sind Sie die erste Person, die es erfährt. + Se ho altre notizie, sarai la prima persona a saperlo. + Si j'ai d'autres nouvelles, tu seras la première à le savoir. + Si tengo más noticias, serás la primera persona en saberlo. + Als ik nog meer nieuws heb, bent u de eerste persoon die het weet. + (rúguó yǒu rènhé xīnxiāoxī, nǐ huìshì dìyīge· zhīdàode· rén.)
C04 25 2175
如果 你 有兴趣 加入 俱乐部 就 告诉 我 。 + แจ้งให้เราทราบหากคุณสนใจเข้าร่วมสโมสร + Cho tôi biết cậu có thích tham gia vào câu lạc bộ không? + Let me know if you're interested in joining the club. + Lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, dem Club beizutreten. + Fatemi sapere se siete interessati a far parte del club. + Prévenez-moi si vous voulez rejoindre le club. + Avísame si estás interesado en unirte al club. + Laat me weten of je geïnteresseerd bent in het lidmaatschap van de club. + ( rúguó ní yǒuxìngqù jiārù jùlèbù jiù gàosù wǒ.)
C04 28 2178
问问 安娜的 意见 , 我 很 想 知道 她 怎么想 。 + ขอความเห็นจาก Anna ฉันอยากรู้ว่าเธอคิดยังไง + Hỏi ý Anna xem. Tôi sẽ thích thú khi biết được cô ấy nghĩ gì. + Ask Anna for her opinion. I'd be interested to know what she thinks. + Fragen Sie Anna nach ihrer Meinung. Mich würde interessieren, was sie denkt. + Chiedi ad Anna la sua opinione. Sarei interessato a sapere cosa pensa. + Demandez son avis à Anna. J'aimerais savoir ce qu'elle pense. + Pídele a Anna su opinión. Me interesaría saber lo que piensa. + Vraag Anna om haar mening. Ik zou graag willen weten wat ze denkt. + (wènwèn ānnàde· yìjiàn, wó hén xiǎng zhīdào tā zěnme xiǎng.)
C05 18 2218
警察 知道 爆炸的 原因 吗 ? + เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจรู้สาเหตุของการระเบิดหรือไม่? + Cảnh sát có biết nguyên nhân vụ nổ không? + Do the police know the cause of the explosion? + Kennt die Polizei die Ursache der Explosion? + La polizia conosce la causa dell' esplosione? + La police connaît-elle la cause de l'explosion? + ¿La policía sabe la causa de la explosión? + Kent de politie de oorzaak van de explosie? + (jǐngchá zhīdào bàozhàde· yuányīn mā?)
C05 33 2233
如果 你 需要 更多 信息 就 跟 我 说 。 + แจ้งให้เราทราบหากต้องการข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม + Cho tôi biết nếu cậu cần thêm thông tin. + Let me know if you need more information. + Lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen. + Fatemi sapere se avete bisogno di maggiori informazioni. + Prévenez-moi si vous avez besoin de plus d'informations. + Avísame si necesitas más información. + Laat het me weten als u meer informatie nodig hebt. + ( rúguó nǐ xūyào gèngduō xìnxī jiù gēn wǒ shuō.)
C06 36 2286
你 认识 住在 隔壁的 人 吗 ? + คุณรู้จักคนที่อยู่ข้างประตูหรือไม่? + Cậu có biết những người sống ở nhà kế bên không? + Do you know the people who live next door? + Kennst du die Leute, die nebenan wohnen? + Conoscete le persone che vivono accanto a voi? + Connaissez-vous les gens d' à côté? + ¿Conoces a la gente que vive al lado? + Kent u de mensen die naast de deur wonen? + (nǐ rènshi· zhùzài gébìde· rén mā?)
C07 25 2325
警方 知道 车祸 是 怎么 发生的 吗 ? + เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจรู้หรือไม่ว่าอุบัติเหตุเกิดขึ้นได้อย่างไร? + Cảnh sát có biết vụ tai nạn đã diễn ra như thế nào không? + Do the police know how the accident happened? + Weiß die Polizei, wie der Unfall passiert ist? + La polizia sa come si è verificato l' incidente? + La police sait-elle comment l'accident s'est produit? + ¿Sabe la policía cómo ocurrió el accidente? + Weet de politie hoe het ongeval is gebeurd? + (jǐngfāng zhīdào chēhuò shì zěnme fāshēngde· mā?)
C08 3 2353
你 跟 健一 互相 认识 多久了 ? + คุณและเคนชิรู้จักกันนานแค่ไหนแล้ว? คุณรู้จักกันมานานเท่าไรแล้ว? + Cậu và Liếm đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? > Các cậu đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? + How long have you and Kenichi known each other? — How long have you known one another? + Wie lange kennen Sie und Kenichi sich schon? Wie lange kennen Sie sich schon? + Da quanto tempo lei e Kenichi vi siete conosciuti a vicenda? Da quanto tempo vi conoscete? + Depuis quand vous et Kenichi vous connaissez-vous? Depuis combien de temps vous connaissez-vous? + ¿Desde cuándo os conocéis tú y Kenichi? ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que se conocen? + Hoe lang kennen jullie en Kenichi elkaar al? Hoe lang kent u elkaar al? + (nǐ gēn jiànyī hùxiāng rènshi· duōjiǔle·?)
C08 46 2396
如果 需要 什么 就 跟 我 说 。 + แจ้งให้เราทราบหากคุณต้องการอะไร + Hãy cho tôi biết nếu cậu có cần gì. + Let me know if you need anything. + Lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie etwas brauchen. + Fatemi sapere se avete bisogno di qualcosa. + Prévenez-moi si vous avez besoin de quelque chose. + Avísame si necesitas algo. + Laat het me weten als je iets nodig hebt. + ( rúguǒ xūyào shéme jiù gēn wǒ shuō.)
C09 11 2411
我 完全 不懂 经济 。 + ฉันไม่ทราบอะไรเกี่ยวกับเศรษฐศาสตร์ + Tôi chẳng biết gì về kinh tế. + I don't know anything about economics. + Ich weiß nichts über Wirtschaft. + Non so nulla di economia. + Je ne connais rien à l'économie. + No sé nada de economía. + Over economie weet ik niets. + ( wǒ wánquán bùdǒng jīngjì.)
C09 15 2415
你 认识 很多 人 吗 ? + คุณรู้หรือไม่ว่าคนจำนวนมาก? - คุณรู้จักคนจำนวนมากหรือไม่? + + Do you know many people? — Do you know a lot of people? + Kennen Sie viele Leute? Kennen Sie viele Leute? + Conoscete molte persone? Conoscete molte persone? + Connaissez-vous beaucoup de gens? Connaissez-vous beaucoup de gens? + ¿Conoces a mucha gente? ¿Conoces a mucha gente? + Ken je veel mensen? Ken je veel mensen? + (nǐ rènshi· hěnduō rén mā?)
C10 3 2453
他 认为 自己 无所不知 。 + เขาคิดว่าเขารู้ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง + Anh ấy nghĩ anh ấy biết mọi thứ. + He thinks he knows everything. + Er denkt, er weiß alles. + Pensa di sapere tutto. + Il pense qu'il sait tout. + Cree que lo sabe todo. + Hij denkt dat hij alles weet. + (tā rènwéi zìjǐ wúsuǒbùzhī.)
C10 26 2476
我们 认识 很多 住在 农村 的 人 。 + เรารู้จักผู้คนจำนวนมากที่อาศัยอยู่ในประเทศ + Chúng tôi biết nhiều người sống ở ngoại ô. + We know a lot of people who live in the country. + Wir kennen viele Leute, die auf dem Land leben. + Conosciamo molte persone che vivono nel paese. + Nous connaissons beaucoup de gens qui vivent à la campagne. + Conocemos a mucha gente que vive en el campo. + We kennen veel mensen die in het land wonen. + ( wǒmen· rènshi· hěnduō zhùzài nóngcūn de· rén.)
C11 2 2502
一个 朋友 要去看 电影 , 你 想知道 是 哪部。 — 你 要去看 哪部 电影 ? + เพื่อนจะไปดูหนัง คุณต้องการทราบชื่อ - ชื่อของภาพยนตร์ที่คุณจะไปดูคืออะไร? + Một người bạn sắp đi xem phim. Bạn muốn biết tên lm. > Tên bộ phim cậu sắp đi xem là gì? + A friend is going to see a movie. You want to know the name. — What's the name of the movie you're going to see? + Ein Freund geht ins Kino. Du willst den Namen wissen. Wie lautet der Name des Films, den Sie sehen werden? + Un amico sta per vedere un film. Vuoi conoscere il nome. Qual è il nome del film che vedrai? + Un ami va voir un film. Vous voulez savoir le nom. Quel est le nom du film que vous allez voir? + Un amigo va a ver una película. Quieres saber el nombre. ¿Cómo se llama la película que vas a ver? + Een vriend zal een film zien. U wilt de naam weten. Wat is de naam van de film die je gaat zien? + (yīge· péngyǒu yàoqùkàn diànyǐng, ní xiǎngzhīdào shì nǎbù. — nǐ yàoqùkàn nǎbù diànyǐng?)
C11 4 2504
你的 朋友 必须要 做 些 工作 , 你 想知道 她做完了没 。 — 你 做完 你 要做的 工作了 吗 ? + เพื่อนของคุณต้องทำงานบ้าง คุณต้องการทราบว่าเธอทำเสร็จแล้วหรือยัง - คุณทำงานเสร็จแล้วหรือยัง? + Bạn muốn tham quan một viện bảo tăng. Nó đóng cửa lúc bạn đến. > Viện bảo tăng chúng tôi định đến đã đóng cửa khi chúng tôi tới. + Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she's finished. — Have you finished the work you had to do? + Dein Freund musste arbeiten. Du willst wissen, ob sie fertig ist. Sind Sie mit der Arbeit fertig, die Sie zu erledigen hatten? + Il tuo amico ha dovuto fare un po' di lavoro. Vuoi sapere se è finito. Hai finito il lavoro che hai dovuto fare? + Votre ami a dû travailler. Tu veux savoir si elle a fini. Avez-vous terminé le travail que vous deviez faire? + Tu amigo tenía que hacer algo de trabajo. Quieres saber si ha terminado. ¿Has terminado el trabajo que tenías que hacer? + Je vriend moest wat werk doen. Je wilt weten of ze klaar is. Heb je het werk dat je moest doen al afgerond? + ( nǐde· péngyǒu bìxūyào zuò xiē gōngzuò, ní xiǎngzhīdào tā zuòwánle·méi. — nǐ zuòwán nǐ yàozuòde· gōngzuòle· mā?)
C11 17 2517
我 遇见了 一位 先生 , 他 认识 你 。 + ฉันเจอชายคนหนึ่งที่รู้จักคุณ + Tôi đã gặp một người mà anh trai người đó từng học cùng tôi. + I met a man who knows you. + Ich habe einen Mann getroffen, der dich kennt. + Ho incontrato un uomo che ti conosce. + J'ai rencontré un homme qui te connaît. + Conocí a un hombre que te conoce. + Ik heb een man ontmoet die je kent. + (wǒ yùjiànle· yíwèi xiānshēng, tā rènshi· nǐ.)
C11 18 2518
我 遇见了 一位 先生 , 他妹妹 认识 你 。 + ฉันเจอชายคนหนึ่งที่พี่สาวรู้จักคุณ + Tôi đã gặp một người đàn ông có biết cậu. + I met a man whose sister knows you. + Ich habe einen Mann kennengelernt, dessen Schwester Sie kennt. + Ho incontrato un uomo la cui sorella ti conosce. + J'ai rencontré un homme dont la soeur te connaît. + Conocí a un hombre cuya hermana te conoce. + Ik heb een man ontmoet wiens zus je kent. + (wǒ yùjiànle· yíwèi xiānshēng, tāmèimei· rènshi· nǐ.)
C11 28 2528
你 认识 谁 会 说 法语 和 意大利语 吗 ? + คุณรู้หรือไม่ว่าใครพูดภาษาฝรั่งเศสและภาษาอิตาลี? + Cậu có biết ai nói được tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý không? + Do you know anyone who speaks French and Italian? + Kennen Sie jemanden, der Französisch und Italienisch spricht? + Conoscete qualcuno che parla francese e italiano? + Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui parle français et italien? + ¿Conoces a alguien que hable francés e italiano? + Kent u iemand die Frans en Italiaans spreekt? + ( nǐ rènshi· shuí huì shuō fáyǔ hé yìdàlìyǔ mā?)
C12 25 2575
我们 知道 如何 用意 想不到的 速度 来学习 语言 。 + เรารู้วิธีการเรียนรู้ภาษาได้อย่างไม่น่าเชื่ออย่างรวดเร็ว + Chúng tôi biết làm sao để học ngôn ngữ nhanh đến khó tin. + We know how to learn languages incredibly quickly. + Wir wissen, wie man Sprachen unglaublich schnell lernt. + Sappiamo come imparare le lingue in modo incredibilmente rapido. + Nous savons apprendre les langues très rapidement. + Sabemos aprender idiomas con una rapidez increíble. + We weten hoe je ongelofelijk snel talen kunt leren. + ( wǒmen· zhīdào rúhé yòngyì xiǎngbúdàode· sùdù láixuéxí yǔyán.)
C12 42 2592
我 不知道 这条 路 这么 长 。 + ฉันไม่ทราบว่ามันเป็นวิธีที่ยาวนาน + Tôi không biết đường dài đến thế. + I didn't know it was such a long way. + Ich wusste nicht, dass es so weit ist. + Non sapevo che fosse così lontano. + Je ne savais pas que c'était si loin. + No sabía que era un camino tan largo. + Ik wist niet dat het zo' n lange weg was. + ( wǒ bùzhīdào zhètiáo lù zhème cháng.)
C13 17 2617
我 认识的 人 没有 你 多 。 + ฉันไม่ทราบว่าคนจำนวนมากเท่าที่คุณทำ - ฉันรู้จักคนน้อยกว่าที่คุณทำ + Tôi không biết nhiều người bằng cậu. > Tôi biết ít người hơn cậu. + I don't know as many people as you do. — I know fewer people than you do. + Ich kenne nicht so viele Leute wie Sie. Ich kenne weniger Leute als du. + Non conosco tante persone come voi. Conosco meno persone di voi. + Je ne connais pas autant de gens que toi. Je connais moins de gens que toi. + No conozco a tanta gente como tú. Conozco menos gente que tú. + Ik ken niet zoveel mensen als jij. Ik ken minder mensen dan u. + (wǒ rènshi·de· rén méiyóu nǐ duō.)
C13 43 2643
我 要告诉 他 发生了 什么 吗 ? 还是 他 已经知道了 ? + ฉันควรจะบอกเขาว่าเกิดอะไรขึ้นหรือเขารู้หรือไม่? + Tôi có nên nói với anh ấy chuyện xảy ra không hay là anh ấy đã + Should I tell him what happened, or does he already know? + Soll ich ihm sagen, was passiert ist, oder weiß er es schon? + Dovrei dirgli cosa è successo, o lo sa già? + Dois-je lui dire ce qui s'est passé, ou sait-il déjà? + ¿Debería decirle lo que pasó o ya lo sabe? + Moet ik hem vertellen wat er gebeurd is, of weet hij dat al? + (wǒ yàogàosù tā fāshēngle· shéme mā? háishì tā yǐjīng zhīdàole·?)
C18 40 2890
我 不知道 几点 能到 家 , 那 要取决于 交通状况 。 + ฉันไม่รู้ว่าฉันจะกลับบ้านเพราะสภาพอากาศขึ้นอยู่กับสภาพการจราจร + Tôi không biết khi nào tôi sẽ về nhà vì nó phụ thuộc vào điều kiện giao thông. + I don't know when I'll get home, as it depends on traffic conditions. + Ich weiß nicht, wann ich nach Hause komme, da es von den Verkehrsbedingungen abhängt. + Non so quando tornerò a casa, perché dipende dalle condizioni del traffico. + Je ne sais pas quand je rentrerai à la maison, ça dépend des conditions de circulation. + No sé cuándo llegaré a casa, ya que depende de las condiciones del tráfico. + Ik weet niet wanneer ik thuiskom, omdat het afhankelijk is van de verkeerssituatie. + (wǒ bùzhīdào jídiǎn néngdào jiā, nà yàoqǔjuéyú jiāotōngzhuàngkuàng.)
C18 46 2896
你 如果 需要 任何 帮助 可以 依靠 我 。 + คุณรู้ว่าคุณสามารถพึ่งพาฉันถ้าคุณต้องการความช่วยเหลือ + Cậu biết cậu có thể tin tôi nếu cậu có cần giúp đỡ. + You know you can rely on me if you ever need any help. + Du weißt, dass du dich auf mich verlassen kannst, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. + Sapete che potete contare su di me se avete mai bisogno di aiuto. + Tu sais que tu peux compter sur moi si tu as besoin d'aide. + Sabes que puedes contar conmigo si alguna vez necesitas ayuda. + U weet dat u op mij kunt vertrouwen als u ooit hulp nodig hebt. + ( nǐ rúguǒ xūyào rènhé bāngzhù kéyǐ yīkào wǒ.)
Họ không biết nhiều người. + They don't know many people.
Họ không biết số điện thoại của tôi. + They don't know my phone number.
Tôi không biết nhiều về chính trị. Tôi không quan tâm đến nó. + I don't know much about politics. I'm not interested in it.
Anh ấy đâu? - Xin lỗi, tôi không biết. + Where is he? — I'm sorry, I don't know.
Cậu có muốn biết câu trả lời không? + Do you want to know the answer?
Kelly đâu? - Tôi không biết. + Where's Kelly? — I don't know.
Điện thoại của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Tôi không cầm nó. + Where's my phone? — I don't know. I don't have it.
Bọn trẻ đâu rồi? - Tôi không biết, chúng vừa ở đây mấy phút trước. + Where are the children? — I don't know, they were here a few minutes ago.
Chìa khoá của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Trước nó ở trên bàn nhưng bây giờ thì không còn ở đó nữa. + Where are my keys? — I don't know. They were on the table, but they're not there now.
Tôi không biết, sao nó lại vỡ. + I don't know how it broke.
Sao hôm qua cậu không có mặt trong cuộc họp không? - Tôi không biết là có cuộc họp. + Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday. I didn't know about a meeting.
Anh ấy đã nói cái gì thế? - Tôi không biết, tôi không nghe. + What did he say? — I don't know, I wasn't listening.
Ông kia là ai thế? - Tôi không biết, tôi chưa gặp ông ấy bao giờ. + Who is that man? — I don't know, I've never seen him before.
Cô ấy có biết Claude không? - Không, cô ấy chưa bao giờ gặp + Does she know Claude? — No, she's never met him.
Cậu có biết cô ấy không? Cậu biết cô ấy được bao lâu rồi? + Do you know her? How long have you known her?
Tôi biết Charlotte. Tôi biết cô ấy từ lâu rồi. + I know Charlotte. I've known her for a long time.
Cậu biết Olivia được bao lâu rồi? + How long have you known Olivia?
Giselle và tôi là ban, Tôi biết rất rõ về cô ấy. + Giselle and I are friends. I know her very well.
Luisa và tôi là bạn. Tôi đã quen cô ấy từ lâu rồi. + Luisa and I are friends. I've known her for a long time.
Cậu biết Hi Chính từ lâu rồi à? + Have you known Heuijeong for a long time?
Tôi đã biết Mộng Quyên từ năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một. + I've known Mengjuan since two thousand two (2002).
Tùng có biết là cậu đi vắng không? - Không, tôi chưa bảo cậu ấy. + Does Yannick know that you're going away? — No, I haven't told him yet.
Cậu có biết em gái của Giản Hồng không? + Do you know Jianhong's sister?
Tôi không biết nói từ này như thế nào. Phát âm nó như thế nào? + I don't know how to say this word. How is it pronounced?
Monika là một người bạn tốt của tôi. Tôi đã qucô ấy từ lâu. + Monika's a good friend of mine. I've known her for a long time.
Tôi biết Được nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp vợ anh ấy. + I know Masuru, but I've never met his wife.
Faruq định bao giờ gọi cậu? - Tôi không biết. + When's Faruq going to call you? — I don't know. He might call this afternoon.
Cậu định làm gì cuối tuần này? - Tôi không biết. Tôi có thể sẽ đi leo núi. + What are you doing this weekend? — I don't know. I might go hiking.
Cậu định ăn gì bữa tối nay? - Tôi không biết. Có thể tôi sẽ ăn món Ý. + What are you going to have for dinner? — I don't know. I might have Italian food.
Rashid không biết phải làm gì. Anh ấy không quyết định được. + Rashid doesn't know what to do. He can't decide.
Anh trai tôi đã làm việc ở công ti cậu nhiều năm rồi. Cậu chắc phải biết anh ấy. + My brother has worked at your company for years. You must know him.
Chuông điện thoại đang reo. Tôi biết nó không phải của tôi. Chắc chắn nó phải là của cậu. + The phone's ringing. I know it's not for me. It must be for you.
Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm. + I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night.
Với công việc này, bạn phải biết cả tiếng Tây Ban Nha lẫn tiếng Đức. + For this job, you must know both Spanish and German.
Tại sao họ lại kể cho tôi những gì tôi đã biết? Họ không cần phải kể cho tôi những việc đó. + Why did they tell me something I already know? They didn't have to tell me that.
Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it?
Cậu không biết nhiều lắm về Vanessa nhưng tôi thì có. + You don't know Vanessa very well, but I do.
Tôi không có kính viễn vọng nhưng tôi biết một người có nó. + I don't have a telescope, but I know somebody who does.
Tối nay cậu có định ra ngoài không? - Có thể. Tôi không biết chắc. + Are you going out tonight? — I might. I don't know for sure.
Tuần trước tôi ốm. - Cậu ốm á? Thế mà tôi không biết. + I was sick last week. — You were? I didn't know that.
Giovanni không biết lái xe. - Vậy ư? Tôi không biết đấy. + Giovanni can't drive. — He can't? I didn't know that.
Tôi sinh ra ở Ý. Thế à? Tôi không biết đấy. + I was born in Italy. — You were? I didn't know that.
Cậu không biết, em gái của mang thai phải không? - Không, tôi chưa gặp cô ấy bao giờ. + You don't know Larisa's sister, do you? — No, I've never met her.
Kế hoạch nước ra phải được giữ kín nhưng dường như mọi người đều biết rồi. + The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it.
Tôi biết rất nhiều người. - Thế à? Tôi tưởng cậu bảo cậu không biết ai. + I know lots of people. — You do? I thought you said you didn't know anybody.
Bây giờ mấy giờ rồi? > Cậu biết bây giờ mấy giờ rồi không? + What time is it? — Do you know what time it is?
Những người kia là ai? > Tôi không biết những người kia là ai. + Who are those people? — I don't know who those people are.
Ý cậu là gì? > Làm ơn giải thích ý cậu là gì. + What time does the movie begin? — Do you know what time the movie begins?
Cô ấy muốn biết tôi làm gì lúc thực hiện rỗi. + She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.
Cô ấy muốn biết tôi có biết nói ngôn ngữ nào khác không. + She wanted to know if I could speak another language.
Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ hát sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu. + Have you ever considered going to live in another country? — Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost.
Cậu có biết phải làm gì khi có cháy trong toà nhà không? - Không rõ lắm. + Would you know what to do if there was a fire in the building? — Not really.
Tôi đã thực sự kinh ngạc. Tôi đã không biết phải nói gì. + I was really astonished. I didn't know what to say.
Tôi biết là tôi đã khoá cửa. Tôi nhớ rõ ràng là đã khoá nó. > Tôi có nhớ khoá cửa nhưng tôi đã quên đóng cửa sổ. + I know I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it. — I remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the windows.
Tôi có nên nói cho họ hay cậu thấy họ không biết thì hơn? - Không, tôi sẽ nói cho họ. + Should I tell them, or would you rather they didn't know? — No, I'll tell them.
Nếu tôi có tin gì nữa thì cậu sẽ là người đầu tiên được biết. + If I have any more news, you'll be the first person to know.
Cho tôi biết cậu có thích tham gia vào câu lạc bộ không? + Let me know if you're interested in joining the club.
Hỏi ý Anna xem. Tôi sẽ thích thú khi biết được cô ấy nghĩ gì. + Ask Anna for her opinion. I'd be interested to know what she thinks.
Cảnh sát có biết nguyên nhân vụ nổ không? + Do the police know the cause of the explosion?
Cho tôi biết nếu cậu cần thêm thông tin. + Let me know if you need more information.
Cậu có biết những người sống ở nhà kế bên không? + Do you know the people who live next door?
Cảnh sát có biết vụ tai nạn đã diễn ra như thế nào không? + Do the police know how the accident happened?
Cậu và Liếm đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? > Các cậu đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? + How long have you and Kenichi known each other? — How long have you known one another?
Hãy cho tôi biết nếu cậu có cần gì. + Let me know if you need anything.
Tôi chẳng biết gì về kinh tế. + I don't know anything about economics.
+ Do you know many people? — Do you know a lot of people?
Anh ấy nghĩ anh ấy biết mọi thứ. + He thinks he knows everything.
Chúng tôi biết nhiều người sống ở ngoại ô. + We know a lot of people who live in the country.
Một người bạn sắp đi xem phim. Bạn muốn biết tên lm. > Tên bộ phim cậu sắp đi xem là gì? + A friend is going to see a movie. You want to know the name. — What's the name of the movie you're going to see?
Bạn muốn tham quan một viện bảo tăng. Nó đóng cửa lúc bạn đến. > Viện bảo tăng chúng tôi định đến đã đóng cửa khi chúng tôi tới. + Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she's finished. — Have you finished the work you had to do?
Tôi đã gặp một người mà anh trai người đó từng học cùng tôi. + I met a man who knows you.
Tôi đã gặp một người đàn ông có biết cậu. + I met a man whose sister knows you.
Cậu có biết ai nói được tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý không? + Do you know anyone who speaks French and Italian?
Chúng tôi biết làm sao để học ngôn ngữ nhanh đến khó tin. + We know how to learn languages incredibly quickly.
Tôi không biết đường dài đến thế. + I didn't know it was such a long way.
Tôi không biết nhiều người bằng cậu. > Tôi biết ít người hơn cậu. + I don't know as many people as you do. — I know fewer people than you do.
Tôi có nên nói với anh ấy chuyện xảy ra không hay là anh ấy đã + Should I tell him what happened, or does he already know?
Tôi không biết khi nào tôi sẽ về nhà vì nó phụ thuộc vào điều kiện giao thông. + I don't know when I'll get home, as it depends on traffic conditions.
Cậu biết cậu có thể tin tôi nếu cậu có cần giúp đỡ. + You know you can rely on me if you ever need any help.

Đứa trẻ biết tiếng Việt. + The child knows Vietnamese.

Họ không biết dùng nó. + They do not know how to use it.

Làm sao bạn biết tiếng Việt? + How (1) do you know Vietnamese?

Làm sao bạn biết tiếng Việt? + How (2) do you know Vietnamese?

Tôi không biết họ là người nổi tiếng. + I do not know that they are famous people.

Đứa trẻ không những biết tiếng Anh mà còn biết tiếng Việt. + The child not only knows English but also Vietnamese.

Tôi không tin con chó biết bơi. + I do not believe the dog knows how to swim.

Bạn có biết giao tiếp không? + Do you know how to communicate?

Cô ấy tìm hiểu con mèo của tôi. + She gets to know my cat.

Họ không biết họ của tôi. + They do not know my last name。 surname.

Tôi không biết ai ở phía sau tôi. + I do not know who is behind me.

Tôi muốn biết lượng mưa ở đây. + I want to know the rainfall here.

Tôi không biết ngôn ngữ này. + I do not know this language.

Họ không biết quốc tịch của tôi. + They do not know my citizenship.

Bạn biết bao nhiêu quốc gia? + How many nations do you know?

Bạn biết bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ? + How many languages do you know?

Bạn muốn biết sự thật không? + Do you want to know the truth?

Bạn biết nghề nghiệp của cô ấy không? + Do you know her profession?

Tôi không biết nghề nghiệp của họ. + I do not know their profession.

Bạn biết bao nhiêu doanh nhân? + How many businessmen do you know?

+ I do not know how to become a nurse.

Bạn đang khóc vậy mà tôi không biết. + You are crying but I do not know.

Họ không biết cái địa chỉ của khách sạn. + They do not know the hotel's address.

Tôi muốn biết họ sẽ chạy lúc mấy giờ. + I want to know what time they will run.

Cô ấy không biết làm thế nào để hỏi giờ bằng tiếng Việt. + She does not know how to ask for the time in Vietnamese.

Tôi tặng bạn kiến thức của mình. + I gift you my knowledge

Việc đọc sách cho chúng tôi kiến thức. + Reading books gives us knowledge.

kiến thức + knowledge

Chúng tôi dùng kiến thức từ khoá học này để viết một báo cáo. + We use the knowledge from this course to write a report.

Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. + They want to know the wine list in this restaurant.

Tôi muốn biết những mục đích của các bạn. + I want to know your purposes.

Tôi muốn biết những bình luận của họ. + I want to know their comments.

Không ai biết mật khẩu của cô ấy. + Nobody knows her password.

Bạn là một công dân Mỹ và bạn không biết tên của Tổng thống. + You are an American citizen and you do not know the name of the president.

Tôi muốn biết về tỷ lệ tội phạm ở đây. + I want to know about the crime rate here.

Bạn có biết vị bác sĩ đó không? + Do you know that doctor?

Tôi biết đo khối lượng của rượu. + I know how to measure the mass of wine.

Bạn có biết rủi ro của giao dịch này không? + Do you know the risk of this trade?

Anh ấy biết giá trị của tấm séc. + He knows the value of the cheque.

Cô ấy không hiểu một năm ánh sáng là gì. + She does not know what a lightyear is.

Tôi biết bạn trai của cô ấy đang núp ở đây. + I know her boyfriend is hiding here.

Họ không biết sử dụng máy tính như thế nào. + She does not know how to use the computer.

Họ sẽ được trang bị cho cuộc sống với kiến thức. + They will be equipped for life with knowledge.

Bạn cần được trang bị kiến thức và sự kiên nhẫn. + You need to be equipped with knowledge and patience.

Kiến thức trong đầu, đạo đức trong trái tim. + knowledge in the head, morality in the heart

Trời biết tất cả mọi thứ. + God knows everything.

Tôi không biết nhiều về nguồn gốc của mình. + I do not know much about my origin.

Bạn phải thất bại để biết làm sao để chiến thắng. + You have to fail to know how to win.

Làm thế nào để biết số phận của tôi? + How to know my destiny?

Vâng, làm ơn. Tôi muốn biết ... + Yes please, I'd like to know …

Làm sao mà biết được. + There's no way to know.

Tôi biết có thể trông cậy vào bạn mà. + I know I can count on you.

Anh có thể cho tôi biết điểm dừng xe được không ? + Can you let me know where to get off?

Các bạn có biết nhau trước không? + Do you know each other?

Các bạn biết nhau trong hợp nào? + How do you know each other?

Bạn có biết chỗ nào có thể bắt được taxi không? + Do you know where I can get a taxi?

Xin lỗi, tôi cũng không biết nữa. + Sorry I don't know.

Tôi không biết phải xin lỗi anh thế nào nữa. + I don't know how to apologize to you.

Tôi không biết phải nói thế nào. + I just don't know what to say.

Nếu khi nào đó em muốn gặp thì báo nha! + If you like to meet up sometime, let me know.

Xin lỗi, bạn có biết ... ở đâu không? + Excuse me, do you know where the … is?

Xin lỗi, tôi không biết + I'm sorry, I don't know

Làm sao mà biết được + There's no way to know

Tôi biết là có thể tin tưởng bạn mà. + I know I can count on you.

Biết chết liền + I'll be shot if I know

Có Chúa mới biết! + The God knows!

Cậu có biết bác sĩ nào giỏi không? + Do you know a good doctor?

Cậu có biết nha sĩ nào giỏi không? + Do you know a good dentist?

Cậu có biết ở đâu có hiệu thuốc bán suốt đêm không? + Do you know where there's an all-night chemist?

Điếc không sợ súng + He that knows nothing doubts nothing

Bạn có biết cô ta không? + Do you know her?

Bạn có biết cái này nghĩa là gì không? + Do you know what this means?

Tôi không biết cậu liên quan đến chuyện này. Tớ mong là cậu không giận tớ. + I didn't know that you were involved. I hope you're not mad at me.

Tôi thực sự thất vọng về bạn.Tôi không nghĩ bạn có thể hạ mình đến mức đó. + I am really disappointed in you. I didn't know that you could stoop to that level.

Anh có biết mấy giờ rồi không? + Do you know what time it is.
Please let me know as soon as possible Vui lòng cho tôi biết càng sớm càng tốt. +
acknowledge công nhận +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition to know +
Please let me know Vui lòng cho tôi biết  +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition knowledge +
Please let me know your full name. Vui lòng cho tôi biết họ tên của bạn. +
please let me know your email address. Vui lòng cho tôi biết địa chỉ email của cô. +
known, familiar quen +
Oxford 3000VieEng
biết know
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-10 bekannt + well-known +
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-4 kennen + to know   (kennt, kannte, hat gekannt) +
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-4 kennenlernen + to get to know so.   (lernt kennen, lernte kennen, hat kennengelernt) +
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-2 können + 1. can, to know how to, 2. can, to be able to, 3. can, to be allowed to   (kann, konnte, hat gekonnt) +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-10 Kenntnisse + knowledge +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-11 wissen + to know   (weiß, wusste, hat gewusst) +
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-3 Ahnung + clue, knowledge +
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 verstehen + 1. to be able to hear, 2. to understand, 3. to know   (versteht, verstand, hat verstanden) +
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 anerkennen + to acknowledge, to accept   (erkennt an, erkannte an, hat anerkannt) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Er weiß, was es heißt.  + heißen* He knows what it means.  Anh ấy biết ý nghĩa của nó. +
Exercise 1-2 Unsere Nachbarn ziehen nach Berlin. – Woher wissen Sie das?  + woher Our neighbours are moving to Berlin. How do you know that?  Những người hàng xóm của chúng ta đang chuyển đến Berlin. Làm sao bạn biết điều đó? +
Exercise 1-2 Woher weißt du das?  + woher How do you know that?  Làm sao bạn biết điều đó? +
Exercise 1-2 Woher soll ich das wissen!  + woher How should I know!  Làm thế nào tôi nên biết! +
Exercise 1-2 Sie wissen, woher der Wind weht.  + woher You know where the wind blows from.  Bạn biết nơi mà gió thổi từ. +
Exercise 1-3 Ich weiß nicht, wie das geht.  + gehen* I don't know how to do that.  Tôi không biết làm thế nào để làm điều đó. +
Exercise 1-3 Kennst du jemand, der Chinesisch spricht? – Ich kenne sogar einigeLeute.  + einige Do you know anyone who speaks Chinese? I even know some people.  Bạn có biết ai nói tiếng Hoa không? Tôi thậm chí còn biết một số người. +
Exercise 1-6 Ich kenne ein gutes Lokal.  + gut I know a good place.  Tôi biết một nơi tốt. +
Exercise 1-6 Wissen Sie nicht, wo Herr Müller ist? – Nein, ich weiß es nicht.  + es  Don't you know where Mr. Müller is? No, I don't know.  Bạn không biết ông Müller ở đâu? Không, tôi không biết. +
Exercise 1-9 Er war völlig verwirrt, sodass er nicht mehr wusste, was er sagte. + sodass He was completely confused, so he didn't know what he was saying. Anh hoàn toàn bối rối, vì vậy anh không biết mình đang nói gì. +
Exercise 2-1 Du kommst mir bekannt vor. Kennen wir uns?  + vorkommen* You look familiar. Do we know each other?  Bạn trông quen thuộc Chúng ta có biết nhau không? +
Exercise 2-3 Was möchtest du essen? – Ich weiß nicht, entweder eine Suppe odereinen Salat?  + oder What do you want to eat? I don't know, either a soup or a salad?  Bạn muốn ăn gì? Tôi không biết, hoặc là một món súp hoặc salad? +
Exercise 2-8 Wissen Sie, wann der Kurs beginnt?  + wann Do you know when the course starts?  Bạn có biết khi nào khóa học bắt đầu? +
Exercise 2-8 Seit wann weißt du es?  + wann How long have you known?  Có bao lâu mà bạn biết? +
Exercise 3-2 Er weiß nicht, was er will.  + wollen* He doesn't know what he wants.  Anh ta không biết anh ta muốn gì. +
Exercise 3-2 Lass es mich wissen, falls es Probleme gibt.  + falls Let me know if there are any problems.  Hãy cho tôi biết nếu có vấn đề gì. +
Exercise 3-3 Man kann nie wissen.  + man You never know.  Bạn không bao giờ biết. +
Exercise 3-3 Bitte sage Bescheid, wenn du mich brauchst!  + wenn Please let me know if you need me!  Xin cho tôi biết nếu bạn cần tôi! +
Exercise 3-5 Wann erfahren wir das Ergebnis der Prüfung?  + erfahren* When will we know the result of the test?  Khi nào chúng ta sẽ biết được kết quả của bài kiểm tra? +
Exercise 3-5 Das darf aber niemand erfahren!  + erfahren* But no one must know!  Nhưng không ai phải biết! +
Exercise 3-5 Von mir wird er nichts davon erfahren.  + erfahren* He won't know anything about me.  Anh ta sẽ không biết gì về tôi. +
Exercise 3-5 Er muss es unbedingt erfahren.  + erfahren* He needs to know.  Anh ta cần biết. +
Exercise 3-5 Weißt du, wie der Hausmeister heißt? – Ich weiß nicht.  + wissen* You know what the janitor's name is? - I don't know.  Bạn biết tên của người giám sát là gì? - Tôi không biết. +
Exercise 3-5 Wissen Sie zufällig die Telefonnummer von Andreas?  + wissen* Do you happen to know Andreas' phone number?  Bạn có biết số điện thoại của Andreas? +
Exercise 3-5 Ich habe nicht gewusst, dass Pascal verheiratet ist.  + wissen* I didn't know Pascal was married.  Tôi không biết Pascal cưới nhau. +
Exercise 3-5 Woher wissen Sie das?  + wissen* How do you know that?  Làm sao bạn biết điều đó? +
Exercise 3-5 Warum willst du das wissen?  + wissen* Why do you want to know?  Tại sao bạn muốn biết? +
Exercise 3-5 Weißt du was? Lass uns heute abend ausgehen.  + wissen* You know something? Let's go out tonight.  Bạn biết gì không? Hãy ra ngoài tối nay. +
Exercise 3-5 Woher soll ich das wissen?  + wissen* How should I know?  Tôi nên biết thế nào? +
Exercise 3-5 Soviel ich weiß, ist er verreist.  + wissen* As far as I know, he's out of town.  Theo tôi biết, anh ấy đã ra khỏi thị trấn. +
Exercise 3-5 Ich weiß, was ich weiß.  + wissen* I know what I know.  Tôi biết những gì tôi biết. +
Exercise 3-5 Er weiß immer alles besser. + wissen* He always knows everything better. Anh ấy luôn biết mọi thứ tốt hơn. +
Exercise 3-5 Ich kenne ihn von der Schulzeit her.  + her I've known him since high school.  Tôi đã quen anh ấy từ khi còn học trung học. +
Exercise 3-6 Kennen Sie hier in der Nähe ein gemütliches Café?  + kennen* Do you know a cozy café near here?  Bạn có biết quán café ấm cúng gần đây không? +
Exercise 3-6 Kennen Sie diese Frau? – Nein, leider nicht.  + kennen* Do you know this woman? No, unfortunately not.  Bạn có biết người phụ nữ này? Không, tiếc là không. +
Exercise 3-6 Kennen Sie Berlin? – Ja, eine tolle Stadt.  + kennen* Do you know Berlin? Yes, a great city.  Bạn có biết Berlin không? Vâng, một thành phố tuyệt vời. +
Exercise 3-6 Woher kennen wir uns?  + kennen* How do we know each other?  Làm sao chúng ta biết nhau? +
Exercise 3-6 Ich kenne ihm vom Sehen.  + kennen* I know him by sight.  Tôi biết anh ta nhìn thấy. +
Exercise 3-6 Wir kennen uns nun schon seit fast zehn Jahren.  + kennen* We've known each other for almost ten years now.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau gần 10 năm. +
Exercise 3-6 Wie ich sie kenne, tut sie genau das Gegenteil.  + kennen* Knowing her, she does exactly the opposite.  Biết cô ấy, cô ấy hoàn toàn ngược lại. +
Exercise 3-6 Er kennt diese Gegend sehr gut.  + kennen* He knows this area very well.  Anh ấy biết khu vực này rất tốt. +
Exercise 3-6 Ihr Ehrgeiz kennt keine Grenzen.  + kennen* Your ambition knows no bounds.  Tham vọng của bạn không có giới hạn. +
Exercise 3-6 Ich kenne dich gut. Ich vertraue dir.  + vertrauen I know you well. I trust you.  Tôi biết bạn tốt. Tôi tin bạn. +
Exercise 3-6 Du kannst mir vertrauen, ich kenne den Weg.  + vertrauen You can trust me, I know the way.  Bạn có thể tin tưởng tôi, tôi biết cách. +
Exercise 3-7 Er weiß, dass du ihn nicht leiden kannst.  + dass He knows you don't like him.  Anh ấy biết bạn không thích anh ấy. +
Exercise 3-8 Ich weiß nicht, wen ich fragen soll.  + fragen I don't know who to ask.  Tôi không biết ai nên hỏi. +
Exercise 3-9 Ich weiß nicht, ob diese Frage hierher gehört.  + hierher I don't know if this question belongs here.  Tôi không biết câu hỏi này có ở đây không. +
Exercise 3-9 Kennst du jemand, der mir ein Fahrrad leihen kann?  + jemand Do you know anyone who can lend me a bike?  Bạn có biết ai cho tôi mượn xe đạp? +
Exercise 5-1 Sind Sie sicher, dass heute Ruhetag ist? – Ja, das weiß ich genau.  + genau  Are you sure it's closed for the day? Yes, I know exactly.  Bạn có chắc chắn nó đóng cửa trong ngày? Vâng, tôi biết chính xác. +
Exercise 5-1 Ich kenne sie sehr genau. + genau  I know them very well. Tôi biết họ rất rõ. +
Exercise 5-6 Weiß der Himmel, wie das passieren konnte.  + Himmel Heaven knows how it happened.  Trời biết chuyện đó đã xảy ra như thế nào. +
Exercise 5-9 Kommst du mit in die Stadt? – Ich weiß noch nicht. Vielleicht.  + vielleicht Are you coming to town with me? I don't know yet. Maybe.  Bạn đang đến thị trấn với tôi? Tôi không biết. Có lẽ. +
Exercise 6-3 Das weiß ich wirklich nicht.  + wirklich I really don't know.  Tôi thực sự không biết. +
Exercise 6-3 Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich kommen kann.  + ob I don't know if I can come yet.  Tôi không biết liệu tôi có thể đến được chưa. +
Exercise 6-3 Ob dieser Bus zum Bahnhof fährt, weiß ich nicht.  + ob I don't know if this bus is going to the station.  Tôi không biết chiếc xe buýt này có tới trạm hay không. +
Exercise 6-3 Es sieht so aus, als ob hier jeder jeden kennt.  + ob It looks like everyone here knows everybody.  Dường như mọi người ở đây đều biết tất cả mọi người. +
Exercise 6-3 Ich weiß nicht, ob ich ihn von dieser Idee überzeugen kann.  + ob I don't know if I can convince him of that idea.  Tôi không biết liệu tôi có thể thuyết phục anh ta về ý tưởng đó không. +
Exercise 6-4 Wer ist das? Kennst du die Frau?  + wer Who is this guy? Do you know the woman?  Gã đó là ai? Bạn có biết người đàn bà không? +
Exercise 6-4 Wer weiß?  + wer Who knows?  Ai biết? +
Exercise 6-6 Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll. + was I don't know what to say. Tôi không biết phải nói gì. +
Exercise 6-7 Kannst du schon Fahrrad fahren?  + fahren* Do you know how to ride a bike?  Bạn có biết làm thế nào để đi xe đạp? +
Exercise 6-8 Hinterher weiß man alles besser.  + hinterher  Afterwards you know everything better.  Sau đó bạn biết mọi thứ tốt hơn. +
Exercise 7-3 Wer beruflich erfolgreich sein möchte, muss die Spielregeln der Branche genau kennen. + beruflich  If you want to be successful in your career, you need to know the rules of the trade. Nếu bạn muốn thành công trong sự nghiệp của mình, bạn cần biết các quy tắc của thương mại. +
Exercise 7-7 Kennen Sie ein gutes Restaurant hier in der Nähe?  + Restaurant Do you know a good restaurant near here?  Bạn có biết một nhà hàng tốt gần đây không? +
Exercise 8-4 Du weißt ja, dass ich kein Bier trinke. Gib mir bitte einen Tee.  + ja You know I don't drink beer. Give me some tea, please.  Bạn biết tôi không uống bia. Hãy cho tôi một ít trà, làm ơn. +
Exercise 8-8 Ich weiss das ziemlich sicher.  + ziemlich I'm pretty sure I know that.  Tôi chắc rằng tôi biết điều đó. +
Exercise 8-8 Ich weiß ziemlich genau, was jetzt kommt. + ziemlich I know pretty much what's coming. Tôi biết khá nhiều những gì sắp tới. +
Exercise 8-9 Was machst du im Urlaub? – Ich weiß noch nicht. Mal sehen.  + sehen* What are you doing on vacation? I don't know yet. Let's see now.  Bạn đang làm gì trong kỳ nghỉ? Tôi không biết. Hãy xem ngay bây giờ. +
Exercise 9-2 Ich wünsche, die Wahrheit zu erfahren.  + wünschen I wish to know the truth.  Tôi muốn biết sự thật. +
Exercise 9-8 Deine Hose hat ein Loch. – Ich weiß, sie ist schon alt.  + Loch Your pants have a hole. I know, she's already old.  Quần của bạn có một lỗ. Tôi biết, cô ấy đã già. +
Exercise 10-1 Ich weiß das ganz bestimmt.  + bestimmt I know that for sure.  Tôi biết chắc chắn. +
Exercise 10-4 Hans kann gut im Kopf rechnen.  + Kopf Hans knows how to do his math.  Hans biết làm thế nào để làm toán học của mình. +
Exercise 10-9 Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll.  + tun* I don't know what to do.  Tôi không biết phải làm gì. +
Exercise 11-1 Ich habe das von Anfang an gewusst.  +  Anfang I've known that from the beginning.  Tôi đã biết điều đó ngay từ đầu. +
Exercise 11-2 Er hat es mir gesagt, daher weiß ich es schon lange.  + daher He told me, so I've known for a long time.  Anh ta nói với tôi, vì vậy tôi đã biết từ lâu. +
Exercise 11-4 Ich weiss nicht, welche Absichten sie haben.  + Absicht I don't know what their intentions are.  Tôi không biết ý định của họ là gì. +
Exercise 11-5 Weisst du, wann der nächste Zug fährt?  + Zug Do you know when the next train leaves?  Bạn có biết khi chuyến tàu tiếp theo rời đi? +
Exercise 11-5 Musst du das unbedingt wissen?  + unbedingt Do you need to know that?  Bạn có cần biết điều đó không? +
Exercise 11-6 In der Not erkennt man seine Freunde.  + erkennen* In times of need, you know your friends.  Trong những lúc cần thiết, bạn biết bạn bè của bạn. +
Exercise 11-6 Ich weiß nicht, wieso ich dir das immer wieder sagen muss.  + wieso I don't know why I have to keep telling you this.  Tôi không biết tại sao tôi phải nói với bạn điều này. +
Exercise 11-8 Ich weiß es nicht, ich kann nur raten. + raten* I don't know, I can only guess. Tôi không biết, tôi chỉ có thể đoán. +
Exercise 12-4 Wissen Sie, wo hier ein Schuhgeschäft ist?  + Geschäft Do you know where there's a shoe store?  Bạn có biết nơi có cửa hàng giày? +
Exercise 12-5 Er versteht nichts von Musik.  + Musik He doesn't know anything about music.  Anh ấy không biết gì về âm nhạc. +
Exercise 12-7 Er ist zu klug, das nicht zu wissen.  + klug  He's too smart not to know.  Anh ta quá thông minh không biết. +
Exercise 13-5 Fast jeder kennt dieses Wort. + fast Almost everyone knows this word. Hầu như mọi người đều biết từ này. +
Exercise 14-2 Ich weiß nur wenig über Politik. + Politik I know very little about politics. Tôi biết rất ít về chính trị. +
Exercise 14-5 Ich verstehe nichts von moderner Kunst.  + Kunst I don't know anything about modern art.  Tôi không biết gì về nghệ thuật hiện đại. +
Exercise 14-7 Ich bin sehr froh, dich zu kennen.  + froh I'm very happy to know you.  Tôi rất vui khi biết bạn. +
Exercise 14-9 Ich möchte gern reisen und andere Länder kennenlernen.  + kennenlernen I would like to travel and get to know other countries.  Tôi muốn đi du lịch và tìm hiểu các nước khác. +
Exercise 14-9 Geben Sie mir bitte so bald wie möglich Bescheid.  + bald Please let me know as soon as possible.  Hãy cho chúng tôi biết càng sớm càng tốt. +
Exercise 15-1 Hier kann sie eine andere Nationalität kennen lernen.  + Nationalität Here she can get to know another nationality.  Ở đây cô có thể tìm hiểu một quốc tịch khác. +
Exercise 15-1 Sobald ich den Termin weiß, gebe ich Ihnen Bescheid.  + sobald As soon as I know the date, I'll let you know.  Ngay khi tôi biết ngày, tôi sẽ cho bạn biết. +
Exercise 15-2 Wir kennen uns seit vielen Jahren.  + seit We've known each other for many years.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau trong nhiều năm. +
Exercise 15-3 Was macht ihr im Sommer? Ich weiß noch nicht, wir haben noch keine Pläne.  + Plan What are you doing this summer? I don't know, we don't have plans yet.  Bạn đang làm gì vào mùa hè này? Tôi không biết, chúng tôi chưa có kế hoạch. +
Exercise 15-7 Ich weiß auch nichts Genaues.  + nichts I don't know anything specific.  Tôi không biết gì cụ thể. +
Exercise 16-1 Ich kenne das Wort nicht. Das musst du im Wörterbuch nachschlagen.  + nachschlagen* I don't know the word. You'll have to look it up in the dictionary.  Tôi không biết từ đó. Bạn sẽ phải tìm nó trong từ điển. +
Exercise 16-1 Wenn du die genaue Ankunft wissen willst, musst du im Fahrplan nachschlagen.  + nachschlagen* If you want to know the exact arrival time, you have to look in the timetable.  Nếu bạn muốn biết thời gian đến chính xác, bạn phải xem lịch biểu. +
Exercise 16-2 Wir kennen uns seit dem Studium.  + Studium We've known each other since college.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau từ khi học đại học. +
Exercise 16-2 Bitte sagen Sie mir so schnell wie möglich Bescheid.  + schnell Please let me know as soon as possible.  Hãy cho chúng tôi biết càng sớm càng tốt. +
Exercise 16-3 Ich verstehe nichts von Computern.  + verstehen* I don't know anything about computers.  Tôi không biết gì về máy tính. +
Exercise 16-3 Sie versteht viel von klassischer Musik.  + verstehen* She knows a lot about classical music.  Cô ấy biết rất nhiều về âm nhạc cổ điển. +
Exercise 16-6 Das weiß ich ganz sicher.  + sicher I know that for a fact.  Tôi biết rằng một thực tế. +
Exercise 16-6 Fährst du in den Ferien zu deinen Eltern? – Ich weiß noch nicht. Wahrscheinlich schon.  + wahrscheinlich Are you going to your parents' on holiday? I don't know yet. Probably is.  Bạn sẽ đến thăm cha mẹ bạn trong kỳ nghỉ? Tôi không biết. Có thể là. +
Exercise 17-1 Im Supermarkt gibt es keine Schmerztabletten. Das weiß doch jeder.  + jeder There are no painkillers at the supermarket. Everybody knows that.  Không có thuốc giảm đau ở siêu thị. Mọi người đều biết rằng. +
Exercise 17-4 Wie geht dieses Spiel? Kennst du die Regeln?  + Regel How's this game going? Do you know the rules?  Trò chơi này diễn ra như thế nào? Bạn có biết các quy tắc? +
Exercise 17-6 Du weißt doch, wo die Post ist. Gleich daneben ist die Bank.  + daneben  You know where the mail is. Right next to it is the bank.  Bạn biết đâu là thư. Ngay cạnh đó là ngân hàng. +
Exercise 17-8 Seine Kenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet sind begrenzt. + Kenntnisse His knowledge in this field is limited. Kiến thức của ông trong lĩnh vực này là có hạn. +
Exercise 17-8 Am Montag ist hier Ruhetag. Das weiß ich ganz sicher.  + ganz Monday is a day of rest here. I know that for a fact.  Thứ hai là ngày nghỉ ngơi ở đây. Tôi biết rằng một thực tế. +
Exercise 18-3 Ich kenne Peter seit meiner Kindheit.  + Kindheit I've known Peter since my childhood.  Tôi đã biết Peter kể từ thời thơ ấu của tôi. +
Exercise 18-3 Dieses Lied ist sehr bekannt.  + bekannt This song is well known.  Bài hát này được biết đến nhiều. +
Exercise 18-3 Das Hotel ist bekannt für seine gute Küche.  + bekannt The hotel is known for its good cuisine.  Khách sạn nổi tiếng với các món ăn ngon. +
Exercise 18-5 Er vertiefte sich in vielerlei kulturelle Aktivitäten.  + Aktivität He deepened his knowledge in many cultural activities.  Ông đã làm sâu sắc thêm kiến ​​thức của mình trong nhiều hoạt động văn hoá. +
Exercise 19-8 Keine weiß das besser als sie. + kein No one knows that better than she does. Không ai biết điều đó tốt hơn cô ấy. +
Exercise 20-5 Ich kenne schon eine Menge Leute in der Stadt.  + Menge I know a lot of people in town.  Tôi biết rất nhiều người trong thị trấn. +
Exercise 21-5 Ich erkundige mich nach den Terminen und sage Ihnen dann Bescheid.  + Bescheid I'll check on the dates and let you know.  Tôi sẽ kiểm tra vào ngày và cho bạn biết. +
Exercise 21-5 Kannst du mir bis morgen Bescheid geben?  + Bescheid Can you let me know by tomorrow?  Bạn có thể cho tôi biết vào ngày mai không? +
Exercise 21-5 Sag mir Bescheid, wenn du zurück bist. + Bescheid Let me know when you get back. Hãy cho tôi biết khi bạn trở lại. +
Exercise 21-5 Das weiß niemand besser als er.  + niemand No one knows that better than he does.  Không ai biết điều đó tốt hơn anh ta. +
Exercise 22-1 Wir wissen wenig über seine persönliche Vergangenheit.  + Vergangenheit  We know little about his personal history.  Chúng ta biết rất ít về lịch sử cá nhân của mình. +
Exercise 23-3 Liebe kennt keine Grenzen.  + Grenze Love knows no bounds.  Tình yêu không có giới hạn. +
Exercise 23-4 Ich kenne sie kaum.  + kaum I barely know her.  Tôi chỉ biết cô ấy. +
Exercise 24-1 Das ist allgemein bekannt.  + allgemein This is common knowledge.  Đây là kiến ​​thức phổ biến. +
Exercise 25-2 Das ist eine bekannte Marke.  + Marke It's a well-known brand.  Đó là một thương hiệu nổi tiếng. +
Exercise 25-8 Heute wird ein bekannter Sänger auftreten.  + auftreten* Today a well-known singer will perform.  Hôm nay một ca sĩ nổi tiếng sẽ biểu diễn. +
Exercise 25-8 Wir kennen uns von früher her. + früher We've known each other since before. Chúng tôi đã quen nhau từ trước. +
Exercise 25-8 Er müsste es besser wissen als irgendein anderer.  + irgendein He should know better than anyone else.  Anh ta nên biết rõ hơn bất cứ ai khác. +
Exercise 25-9 Ich kenne mich in dieser Gegend gut aus. + Gegend I know a lot about this neighborhood. Tôi biết rất nhiều về khu phố này. +
Exercise 26-1 Wir kennen die Wahrheit noch nicht.  + Wahrheit We don't know the truth yet.  Chúng ta chưa biết sự thật. +
Exercise 26-8 Damals war er noch völlig unbekannt.  + damals At that time he was completely unknown.  Vào thời điểm đó ông hoàn toàn không biết. +
Exercise 27-1 Das Hotel ist für seinen guten Service bekannt.  + Service The hotel is known for its good service.  Khách sạn được biết đến với dịch vụ tốt. +
Exercise 27-2 Ich kenne Ihr System nicht. Können Sie es mir erklären? + System I don't know your system. Can you explain it to me? Tôi không biết hệ thống của bạn. Bạn có thể giải thích điều đó cho tôi không? +
Exercise 27-4 Das weiß ich doch schon längst!  + längst I already know that!  Tôi đã biết điều đó! +
Exercise 27-7 Die Ursache des Feuers ist nicht bekannt. + Feuer The cause of the fire is unknown. Nguyên nhân của vụ cháy là chưa biết. +
Exercise 28-1 Den Prüfungstermin teilen wir Ihnen noch mit.  + mitteilen We will let you know the date of the examination.  Chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn biết ngày thi. +
Exercise 28-2 Die Ursache des Brandes war unbekannt. + Ursache The cause of the fire was unknown. Nguyên nhân của lửa không rõ. +
Exercise 28-3 Die Ursache des Brandes war unbekannt.  + Ursache The cause of the fire was unknown.  Nguyên nhân của lửa không rõ. +
Exercise 28-5 Ist dir nicht bekannt, weshalb ich gekommen bin?  + weshalb Don't you know why I came?  Bạn không biết tại sao tôi lại đến? +
Exercise 28-6 Weißt du die Postleitzahl von Berlin-Wedding?  + Postleitzahl Do you know the zip code of Berlin-Wedding?  Bạn có biết mã zip của Berlin-Wedding không? +
Exercise 28-7 Sagen Sie Bescheid, wenn Sie noch etwas benötigen.  + benötigen Let me know if you need anything else.  Cho tôi biết nếu bạn cần thứ gì khác. +
Exercise 28-7 Der genaue Zeitpunkt ihrer Ankunft ist nicht bekannt.  + Zeitpunkt The exact time of their arrival is not known.  Thời gian chính xác khi đến là không biết. +
Exercise 29-1 Wir kennen uns zwar nicht näher, aber wir grüßen uns.  + grüßen We don't know each other very well, but we say hello.  Chúng tôi không biết nhau rất tốt, nhưng chúng tôi chào hỏi. +
Exercise 30-4 Das wissen wir bereits.  + bereits We already know that.  Chúng tôi đã biết điều đó. +
Exercise 30-5 Sie wusste nicht, ob sie lachen oder weinen sollte.  + weinen She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  Cô không biết phải cười hay khóc. +
Exercise 30-8 Seine Kenntnisse reichen für diese Arbeit nicht aus.  + ausreichen His knowledge is not sufficient for this work.  Kiến thức của ông không đủ cho công việc này. +
Exercise 31-4 Ich weiß nicht, wie man das macht. – Dann frag doch den Meister.  + Meister I don't know how to do that. Then ask the master.  Tôi không biết làm thế nào để làm điều đó. Sau đó, hỏi chủ nhân. +
Exercise 31-8 Du hast davon überhaupt keine Ahnung.  + Ahnung You don't know anything about it.  Bạn không biết gì về nó. +
Exercise 31-8 Was ist denn das? - Keine Ahnung!  + Ahnung What the hell is that? I don't know!  Cái quái gì thế? Tôi không biết! +
Exercise 32-1 Wissen Sie, wo das Ordnungsamt ist? + Amt Do you know where the Office of Public Order is? Bạn có biết nơi mà Văn phòng Công bố là? +
Exercise 32-2 Ich kenne hier überhaupt niemand.  + überhaupt I don't know anybody here.  Tôi không biết ai ở đây. +
Exercise 32-3 Weiter weiß ich nichts von der Sache.  + weiter That's all I know about it.  Đó là tất cả những gì tôi biết về nó. +
Exercise 32-7 Sie werden es früher oder später merken.  + merken They'll know sooner or later.  Họ sẽ biết sớm hay muộn. +
Exercise 32-8 Jetzt weiß ich wenigstens, warum.  + wenigstens At least now I know why.  Ít nhất thì bây giờ tôi biết tại sao. +
Exercise 33-5 Weißt du ein gutes Rezept für Gemüsesuppe?  + Rezept Do you know a good recipe for vegetable soup?  Bạn có biết một công thức nấu súp rau không? +
Exercise 33-7 Ich verstehe ein bisschen was von Computern. Aber ich bin kein Experte.  + Experte I know a little bit about computers. But I'm not an expert.  Tôi biết một chút về máy tính. Nhưng tôi không phải là một chuyên gia. +
Exercise 34-2 Das weiß ich sehr wohl. + wohl  I know that very well. Tôi biết điều đó rất tốt. +
Exercise 34-3 Selbstverständlich sagen wir Ihnen sofort Bescheid.  + selbstverständlich Of course, we will let you know immediately.  Tất nhiên, chúng tôi sẽ cho bạn biết ngay lập tức. +
Exercise 34-5 Unbekannte haben das Schaufenster beschädigt.  + beschädigen Unknown people have damaged the shop window.  Những người không biết đã làm hỏng cửa sổ cửa hàng. +
Exercise 34-7 Wer hat das Geld aus der Kasse genommen? – Ich weiß es nicht, aber ich habe einen Verdacht.  + Verdacht Who took the money out of the till? I don't know, but I have a suspicion.  Ai lấy tiền ra khỏi thời gian? Tôi không biết, nhưng tôi có nghi ngờ. +
Exercise 34-9 Wie alt ist der Chef? – Ich weiß nicht, ich schätze, um die Fünfzig.  + schätzen How old is the boss? I don't know, I guess around 50.  Ông chủ bao nhiêu tuổi? Tôi không biết, tôi đoán khoảng 50. +
Exercise 34-9 Ich kenne ihn nur aus ihrer Beschreibung.  + Beschreibung I only know it from her description.  Tôi chỉ biết nó từ mô tả của cô. +
Exercise 35-1 Ich weiß nicht, an wen ich mich wenden soll.  + wenden* I don't know who to turn to.  Tôi không biết ai sẽ đến. +
Exercise 35-8 Er kennt keine Not.  + Not He knows no need.  Anh ta không cần biết. +
Exercise 35-8 Not kennt kein Gebot.  + Not Not knows no commandment.  Không biết lệnh truyền. +
Exercise 35-9 Auch wenn man die Stadt gut kennt, entdeckt man immer wieder etwas Neues.  + entdecken  Even if you know the city well, you will always discover something new.  Ngay cả khi bạn biết rõ về thành phố, bạn sẽ luôn khám phá ra điều mới. +
Exercise 36-3 Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich das mache. Ich möchte mich noch nicht festlegen.  + festlegen I don't know if I'm gonna do that yet. I don't want to commit myself yet.  Tôi không biết nếu tôi sẽ làm điều đó. Tôi không muốn cam kết bản thân mình. +
Exercise 36-5 Du kannst eindeutig besser kochen als ich.  + eindeutig You know how to cook better than I do.  Bạn biết cách nấu ăn tốt hơn tôi. +
Exercise 37-2 Der Empfänger des Briefes ist unbekannt verzogen.  + Empfänger The recipient of the letter is spoiled unknown.  Người nhận bức thư bị hư hỏng không rõ. +
Exercise 37-3 Weißt du, wie dieser Politiker heißt?  + Politiker Do you know what this politician's name is?  Bạn có biết tên của chính trị gia này không? +
Exercise 37-9 Sagen Sie mir bitte möglichst bald, ob Ihnen der Termin passt.  + möglichst Please let me know as soon as possible if this date suits you.  Xin vui lòng cho tôi biết càng sớm càng tốt nếu ngày này phù hợp với bạn. +
Exercise 38-4 Ich weiß das aus eigener Erfahrung.  +  Erfahrung I know that from my own experience.  Tôi biết rằng từ kinh nghiệm của riêng tôi. +
Exercise 38-6 Ich weiß nicht, was ich machen soll. Ich muss nachdenken.  + nachdenken*  I don't know what to do. I have to think.  Tôi không biết phải làm gì. Tôi phải suy nghĩ. +
Exercise 39-5 Er weiß, woher der Wind weht.  + Wind He knows where the wind blows from.  Anh ấy biết gió từ đâu. +
Exercise 39-5 Tut mir Leid, ich lasse keine Leute herein, die ich nicht kenne.  + herein  I'm sorry, I'm not letting people in who I don't know.  Tôi xin lỗi, tôi không để mọi người ở mà tôi không biết. +
Exercise 40-4 Ich kenne ihn so gut, ich würde ihn unter Tausenden herausfinden.  + herausfinden* I know him so well, I'd find him out among thousands.  Tôi biết anh ấy rất tốt, tôi sẽ tìm ra anh ta trong hàng ngàn. +
Exercise 41-5 Weißt du zufällig, wann der letzte Bus fährt?  + zufällig Do you know when the last bus leaves?  Bạn có biết khi xe buýt cuối cùng rời khỏi? +
Exercise 42-3 Ich kenne den Autor persönlich.  + Autor I know the author personally.  Tôi biết tác giả cá nhân. +
Exercise 43-3 Ich weiß nicht, ob wir diesen Schuh in Ihrer Größe haben. Ich sehe mal im Lager nach.  + Lager I don't know if we have this shoe in your size. I'll check the camp.  Tôi không biết nếu chúng tôi có giày này trong kích thước của bạn. Tôi sẽ kiểm tra trại. +
Exercise 43-8 Ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Auto finanzieren soll.  + finanzieren I don't know how to finance the car.  Tôi không biết làm thế nào để tài trợ cho chiếc xe. +
Exercise 43-9 Ich verstehe nicht viel von Technik.  + Technik I don't know much about technology.  Tôi không biết nhiều về công nghệ. +
Exercise 44-3 Das Restaurant ist bekannt für seine feine Küche.  + fein The restaurant is known for its fine cuisine.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món ăn ngon. +
Exercise 44-4 Er erkennt die Tatsachen an.  + anerkennen* He acknowledges the facts.  Ông thừa nhận sự thật. +
Exercise 44-4 Du solltest deinen Misserfolg anerkennen.  + anerkennen* You should acknowledge your failure.  Bạn nên thừa nhận sự thất bại của mình. +
Exercise 44-5 Weißt du eine gute Methode, um schnell gut Deutsch zu lernen?  + Methode Do you know a good way to learn German quickly and effectively?  Bạn có biết một cách hay để học tiếng Đức nhanh và hiệu quả? +
Exercise 44-6 Deutschkenntnisse sind für diesen Job wesentlich.  + wesentlich Knowledge of German is essential for this job.  Kiến thức về tiếng Đức là điều cần thiết cho công việc này. +
Exercise 44-7 So konkret weiß ich das auch nicht.  + konkret  I don't really know that.  Tôi không thực sự biết điều đó. +
Exercise 45-5 Ich wusste nichts von der Existenz dieses Fotos.  + Existenz I didn't know this photo existed.  Tôi không biết bức ảnh này đã tồn tại. +
Exercise 45-7 Sind die Resultate der Prüfung bereits bekannt?  + Resultat Are the test results already known?  Có phải kết quả xét nghiệm đã được biết? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour jmdn vom Sehen kennen + to know sb by sight + Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness A
+ + + + 103 Colour and light eine Fahrt ins Blaue + a trip with an unknown destination + Expressions A
+ + + + 103 Speaking jmdm Bescheid geben/sagen + to let sb know + Informing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking jmdn etw wissen lassen + to let sb know sth + Informing B
+ + + + 103 Speaking etw bestätigen + to acknowledge/confirm sth + Asserting and denying B
+ + + + 103 Speaking etw kundtun + to announce sth, make sth known + Informing C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * dong3 understand/ know verstehen, begreifen,kapieren +
A 了解 + * * liao3jie3 understand/ know/ find out verstehen,kennen,kennen lernen +
A 介紹 + * * jie4shao4 introduce/ recommend/ let know vorstellen,bekannt machen,empfehlen +
A 知道 + * * zhi1dao4 know/ be aware of/ realize wissen, Bescheid wissen +
A 知識 + * * zhi1shi knowledge Kenntnis,Wissen, Wissenschaft und Kultur betreffend,intellektuell +
A 有名 + * * you3ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt +
A 告訴 + * * gao4su4 tell/ let know mitteilen +
B 懂得 + * * dong3de know/ grasp/ understand verstehen, begreifen,kapieren +
B 認得 + * * ren4de recognize/ know 1. kennen 2. erkennen +
B 熟悉 + * * shu2xi1 be familiar with/ know well etwas gut kennen, mit etwas sehr vertraut sein +
B 承認 + * * cheng2ren4 admit/ recognize/ acknowledge anerkennen, bestätigen +
B 著名 + * * zhu4ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt, bekannt +
B 曉得 + * * xiao3de know wissen +
B 體會 + * * ti3hui4 realize/ know through experience/ experience erfahren,Verständnis +
B 學問 + * * xue2wen learning/ knowledge/ scholarship Wissen, Lernen +
B 報告 + * * bao4gao4 make known/ report/ speech/ lecture Bericht, berichten, Vortrag +
C 聞名 + * * wen2ming2 hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen +
C + * * zhi1 know/ realize/ be aware of/ inform/ notify/ tell 1. wissen, kennen, Bescheid wissen 2. Bescheid sagen, mitteilen, informieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis +
C 知識分子 + * * zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual Intellektuelle +
C 有兩下子 + * * you3 liang3 xia4zi have-two-feats/ know a few tricks of the trade wirklich etwas können +
C 明白 + * * ming2bai clear/ plain/ explicit/ sensible/ understand/ see/ know klar, deutlich,offen, unverhüllt,verstehen, +
C 常識 + * * chang2shi2 common sense/ general knowledge Allgemeinwissen, gesunder Menschenverstand +
C 不覺 + * * bu2jue2 unknowingly/ unawares unbewußt +
C 盲目 + * * mang2mu4 blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on blind, blindlings +
C + * * yang2 raise/ fly/ throw up and scatter/ spread/ make known 1. heben, aufheben, hochheben, hochziehen, aufrichten 2.(sich) verbreiten, etw in Umlauf bringen +
D 家喻戶曉 + * * jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3 widely known weit bekannt, landläufig +
D 不知不覺 + * * bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2 unconsciously/ unknowingly unbewußt, unbemerkt / unwissentlich / unversehens +
D 眾所周知 + * * zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows/ it is common knowledge that allgemein bekannt, wie allen bekannt +
D 號稱 + * * hao4cheng1 be known as behaupten, angeben, als bekannt sein +
D + * * shi2 know 1. kennen 2. Kenntnis, Wissen +
D 下達 + * * xia4da2 make know to lower levels an untere Ebenen weiterleiten +
D 舉世聞名 + * * ju3shi4 wen2ming2 of world known/ world-famous weltberühmt, +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
accidental + I didn't think our meeting was accidental—he must have known I would be there. Ich dachte nicht, dass unser Treffen zufällig war. Er muss gewusst haben, dass ich da sein würde.
acknowledge + acknowledge sb/sth: The country acknowledged his claim to the throne. jdn. /etw.[Akk] anerkennen: Das Land hat seinen Thronanspruch anerkannt.
acknowledge + acknowledge sb/sth as sth: He is widely acknowledged as the best player in the world. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als etw.[Akk] anerkennen: Er gilt weithin als der beste Spieler der Welt.
acknowledge + acknowledge sb/sth to be, have, etc. sth: He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als den besten Spieler der Welt anerkennen, haben, etc.
acknowledge + acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. etw.[Akk] einräumen: Sie weigert sich, die Notwendigkeit einer Reform anzuerkennen.
acknowledge + Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility? Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Verantwortung wahrzunehmen?
acknowledge + a generally acknowledged fact eine allgemein anerkannte Tatsache
acknowledge + acknowledge that...: I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong. dass er etwas Falsches getan hatte.
acknowledge + acknowledge sth to be, have, etc. sth: It is generally acknowledged to be true. etw.[Akk] als wahr anerkennen, haben, sein, haben usw. etw.[Akk] als wahr anerkennen
acquire + She has acquired a good knowledge of English. Sie hat gute Englischkenntnisse erworben.
advance + Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years. Unser Wissen über die Krankheit ist in den letzten Jahren erheblich gewachsen.
alive + We don't know whether he's alive or dead. Wir wissen nicht, ob er noch lebt oder tot ist.
also + rubella, also known as German measles Röteln, auch als Röteln bekannt
amazed + amazed at sb/sth: I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature. erstaunt über jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Ich war erstaunt über ihre Kenntnisse der französischen Literatur.
answer + Do you know the answer (= the right one) to question 12? Kennen Sie die Antwort (= die richtige) auf Frage 12?
answer + answer sb sth: Answer me this: how did they know we were here? jdm. etw.[Akk] antworten: Antworte mir mal: Woher wussten die, dass wir hier sind?
any + Please let me know how many people are coming, if any. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wie viele Leute kommen, falls es welche gibt.
anything + If you remember anything at all, please let us know. Wenn Sie sich an irgendetwas erinnern, lassen Sie es uns wissen.
anywhere + Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? Wissen Sie, wo ich einen gebrauchten Computer kaufen kann?
appear + They appeared not to know what was happening. Sie schienen nicht zu wissen, was geschah.
appreciate + appreciate sb doing sth: We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems. wir freuen uns, wenn Sie uns über Probleme informieren.
approximate + approximate to sth: His story approximates to the facts that we already know. Näherung an etw.: Seine Geschichte nähert sich den Tatsachen, die wir bereits kennen.
area + She knows the local area very well. Sie kennt die Gegend sehr gut.
as + I haven't known him as long as you (= as you have known him). Ich kenne ihn nicht mehr so lange wie du (= wie du ihn kennst).
as if/as though + It's my birthday. As if you didn't know! Ich habe Geburtstag. Als ob du das nicht wüsstest!
at + I didn't know at the time of writing (= when I wrote). Ich wusste es zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens noch nicht (= als ich schrieb).
background + background information/knowledge Hintergrundinformationen/Wissen
bad + I know that this is a bad time to ask for help. Ich weiß, dass es gerade nicht gut ist, um Hilfe zu bitten.
barrier + The world of Disney is a magical experience that knows no age barriers. Die Welt von Disney ist eine magische Erfahrung, die keine Altersgrenzen kennt.
basic + My knowledge of French is pretty basic. Meine Französischkenntnisse sind ziemlich einfach.
beat + beat sb why, how, etc...: It beats me (= I don't know) why he did it. jdm. vor jdm. weis warum, wie, etc...: Es schlägt mich (= ich weiß nicht), warum er es getan hat.
before + We'll know before long (= soon). Wir werden es bald wissen (= demnächst).
behave + She doesn't know how to behave in public. Sie weiß nicht, wie man sich in der Öffentlichkeit benimmt.
benefit + With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently. Im Nachhinein (= wissen, was wir seitdem gelernt haben) würden wir die Dinge anders angehen.
best + her best-known poem ihr bekanntestes Gedicht
bet + bet sb (that)...: I'll bet you (that) he knows all about it. jdm...: Ich wette, er weiß alles darüber.
better + You'll like her when you know her better. Du wirst sie mögen, wenn du sie besser kennst.
beyond + I know what I'll be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought beyond that. Ich weiß, was ich in den nächsten drei Wochen tun werde, aber ich habe nicht darüber nachgedacht.
both + For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish. Für diesen Job benötigen Sie gute Italienisch- und Spanischkenntnisse.
bother + I don't know why I bother! Nobody ever listens! Ich weiß nicht, warum ich mir die Mühe mache! Niemand hört je zu!
bother + I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). Ich weiß nicht, warum Sie sich mit dieser Masse beschäftigen (= warum Sie Zeit mit ihnen verbringen).
bother + bother to do sth: He didn't even bother to let me know he was coming. sich die Mühe machen, etw. zu tun: Er hat mir nicht mal gesagt, dass er kommt.
bother + Let me know if he bothers you again. Sag mir Bescheid, wenn er dich noch mal stört.
branch + the branch of computer science known as 'artificial intelligence' der als "Künstliche Intelligenz" bezeichnete Zweig der Informatik
called + I don't know anyone called Scott. Ich kenne niemanden, der Scott heißt.
can + Please let us know if you cannot attend the meeting. Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, wenn Sie nicht an dem Treffen teilnehmen können.
cast + an all-star cast (= including many well-known actors) eine All-Star-Besetzung (= mit vielen bekannten Schauspielern)
cause + cause sth: Do they know what caused the fire? etw.[Akk] verursachen: Wissen sie, was das Feuer verursacht hat?
certain + To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time (= I am sure about it). Meines Wissens war er zu der Zeit woanders (= da bin ich mir sicher).
charge + He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on. Er kam in mein Zimmer und wollte wissen, was los war.
circumstance + I know I can trust her in any circumstance. Ich weiß, dass ich ihr in jeder Situation vertrauen kann.
clothes + She has no clothes sense (= she does not know what clothes look attractive). Sie hat keinen Sinn für Kleidung (= sie weiß nicht, was Kleidung anziehend aussieht).
come + come to do sth: This design came to be known as the Oriental style. kommen, um etw. zu tun: Dieses Design wurde bekannt als der orientalische Stil.
come up + We'll let you know if any vacancies come up. Wir informieren Sie, wenn es freie Stellen gibt.
come on + Oh, come on—you know that isn't true! Oh, komm schon, du weißt, dass das nicht wahr ist!
comfort + It's a comfort to know that she is safe. Es ist ein Trost zu wissen, dass sie in Sicherheit ist.
common + It's only common decency to let her know what's happening (= people would expect it). Es ist nur anständiger Anstand, sie wissen zu lassen, was passiert (= die Leute würden es erwarten).
commonly + Christopher is commonly known as Kit. Christopher ist allgemein bekannt als Kit.
concentrate + concentrate sth: Nothing concentrates the mind better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow (= it makes you think very clearly). etw.[Akk] konzentrieren: Nichts konzentriert den Verstand besser als das Wissen, dass man morgen sterben könnte (= es lässt einen se
consult + a consulting engineer (= one who has expert knowledge and gives advice) beratender Ingenieur (= einer, der über Fachkenntnisse verfügt und Ratschläge gibt)
contribution + a significant contribution to scientific knowledge ein bedeutender Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis
correct + Am I correct in saying that you know a lot about wine? Habe ich Recht damit, dass Sie viel über Wein wissen?
correct + Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? Kennen Sie den richtigen Weg, die Maschine auszuschalten?
could + They could have let me know they were going to be late! Sie hätten mich wissen lassen können, dass sie zu spät kommen würden!
country + She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like. Sie wusste nicht, wie das Leben in einem fremden Land aussehen würde.
crazy + I know it sounds crazy but it just might work. Ich weiß, es klingt verrückt, aber es könnte funktionieren.
criminal + Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals (= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do). Die Gesellschaft weiß nicht, wie sie mit Schwerverbrechern umgehen soll (= Menschen, die regelmäßig Verbrechen begehen und nicht bed
crisis + In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. In Krisenzeiten weiß ich, an welche Freunde ich mich wenden kann.
cure + There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. Es gibt keine Heilung, aber die Krankheit kann behandelt werden.
customer + They know me—I'm a regular customer. Sie wissen, dass ich ein Stammkunde bin.
dance + Do you know any other Latin American dances? Kennen Sie noch andere lateinamerikanische Tänze?
date + Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station. Wer den Verbleib des Fahrzeugs ab diesem Datum bis zum 7. März kennt, wird gebeten, sich an die Polizeidienststelle Bangor zu wenden
deny + She denied all knowledge of the incident. Sie leugnete jegliches Wissen über den Vorfall.
that depends, it (all) depends + I don't know if we can help—it all depends. Ich weiß nicht, ob wir helfen können. Es kommt darauf an.
depth + Her paintings reveal hidden depths (= unknown and interesting things about her character). Ihre Gemälde offenbaren verborgene Tiefen (= Unbekanntes und Interessantes über ihren Charakter).
depth + a job that doesn't require any great depth of knowledge ein Job, der keine großen Kenntnisse erfordert
be dying for sth/to do sth + I'm dying to know what happened. Ich will unbedingt wissen, was passiert ist.
make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth) + What difference will it make if he knows or not? Was macht es schon aus, ob er es weiß oder nicht?
direction + I lost all sense of direction (= I didn't know which way to go). Ich verlor jeglichen Orientierungssinn (= ich wusste nicht, wohin ich gehen sollte).
discovery + The drug is not a new discovery—it's been known about for years. Das Medikament ist keine neue Entdeckung - seit Jahren bekannt.
disease + It is not known what causes the disease. Es ist nicht bekannt, was die Krankheit verursacht.
do sth with sb/sth + I don't know what to do with (= how to use) all the food that's left over. Ich weiß nicht, was ich mit dem Essen, das übrig bleibt, anfangen soll.
ease + It would ease my mind (= make me less worried) to know that she was settled. Es würde meinen Verstand entspannen (= mich weniger beunruhigen), um zu wissen, dass sie vereinbart wurde.
either + I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either. Ich kenne ein gutes italienisches Restaurant. Es ist auch nicht weit von hier.
emphasize + emphasize how, what, etc...: He emphasized how little was known about the disease. betonen, wie, was, was, etc...: Er betonte, wie wenig über die Krankheit bekannt war.
even + You know even less about it than I do. Du weißt noch weniger darüber als ich.
every + She knows every student in the school. Sie kennt jeden Schüler in der Schule.
everybody + Everybody knows Tom. Jeder kennt Tom.
exact + We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. Wir müssen den genauen Zeitpunkt des Vorfalls wissen.
exactly + I know exactly how she felt. Ich weiß genau, wie sie sich fühlte.
extensive + His knowledge of music is extensive. Seine musikalischen Kenntnisse sind umfangreich.
extent + I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. Ich war erstaunt über das Ausmaß seines Wissens.
face + a well-known face on our television screens ein bekanntes Gesicht auf unseren Fernsehbildschirmen
fact + I know for a fact (= I am certain) that she's involved in something illegal. Ich weiß (= ich bin mir sicher), dass sie in etwas Illegales verwickelt ist.
fairly + I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. Ich kenne ihn ziemlich gut, aber ich würde nicht sagen, dass wir wirklich enge Freunde waren.
faith + I have great faith in you—I know you'll do well. Ich habe großes Vertrauen in dich. Ich weiß, dass du es gut machen wirst.
family + He's a friend of the family (= he is known and liked by the parents and the children). Er ist ein Freund der Familie (= er ist bekannt und beliebt bei den Eltern und den Kindern).
in favour (of sb/sth) + Most of the 'don't knows' in the opinion polls came down in favour of (= eventually chose to support) the Democrats. Die meisten erkennt nicht "in den Meinungsumfragen kamen unten zugunsten (= schließlich gewählt, um zu unterstützen) die Demokraten
fear + to fear death/persecution/the unknown Angst vor Tod/Peinigung/Verfolgung/dem Unbekannten zu haben
feel + I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you). Ich weiß genau, wie du dich fühlst (= ich habe Mitgefühl für dich).
feel good + It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated. Es tut mir gut zu wissen, dass meine Arbeit geschätzt wird.
feeling + 'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling (= I know how you feel).' Ich hasse es wirklich, wie er mich behandelt hat. Ich kenne das Gefühl (= ich weiß, wie du dich fühlst).
field + 'How big was the bomb, if it did all that damage?' 'I don't know. Not my field' (= that is not one of the subjects I know about). Wie groß war die Bombe, wenn sie all das zerstört hat? Ich weiß es nicht. Nicht mein Fachgebiet' (= das ist kein Thema, von dem ich
figure + a relatively unknown figure the world of fashion eine relativ unbekannte Figur aus der Modewelt
fine + 'Bob wants to know if he can come too.''That's fine by me.' Bob will wissen, ob er mitkommen kann."Das ist mir recht."
form + Do you know how to form the past tense? Wissen Sie, wie man die Vergangenheitsform formt?
formally + Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. Obwohl er keine formale Ausbildung zum Kunsthistoriker absolviert hat, genießt er wegen seiner Kenntnisse der damaligen Zeit hohes A
formerly + Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa Namibia, ehemals bekannt als Südwestafrika
freedom + Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown. Dank des Automobils hatten die Amerikaner bald eine bisher unbekannte Bewegungsfreiheit.
freely + Both players freely acknowledge that money was a major incentive. Beide Spieler erkennen freiwillig an, dass Geld ein wichtiger Anreiz war.
friend + She's an old friend (= I have known her a long time). Sie ist eine alte Freundin (= ich kenne sie schon lange).
general + I know how it works in general terms. Ich weiß, wie es generell funktioniert.
get + You'll like her once you get to know her. Du wirst sie mögen, wenn du sie erst mal kennengelernt hast.
get on + I don't know how he's going to get on in life. Ich weiß nicht, wie er im Leben weitermachen soll.
get into sth + Are you sure you know what you're getting into? Bist du sicher, dass du weißt, worauf du dich einlässt?
go on + + speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' Rede:"Weißt du,' fuhr er fort:" Ich glaube, mein Bruder könnte dir helfen."
go away + Go away and think about it, then let me know. Geh und denk darüber nach, dann lass es mich wissen.
good + Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat). Halten Sie den Mund, wenn Sie wissen, was gut für Sie ist (= als Bedrohung benutzt).
grow + grow sth: I didn't know they grew rice in France. etw.[Akk] anbauen: Ich wusste nicht, dass sie in Frankreich Reis anbauen.
guess + I don't really know. I'm just guessing. Ich weiß es nicht wirklich. Ich rate nur mal.
hand + Put your hand up if you know the answer. Nehmen Sie die Hand hoch, wenn Sie die Antwort wissen.
handle + handle yourself: You have to know how to handle yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave). man muss wissen, wie man sich in diesem Geschäft zu verhalten hat (= die richtige Verhaltensweise kennen).
happen + I don't know how this happened. Ich weiß nicht, wie das passiert ist.
happen to sb/sth + Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy (= have you any news about her)? Weißt du, was mit Gill Lovecy passiert ist (= hast du etwas von ihr gehört)?
hard + Diamonds are the hardest known mineral. Diamanten sind das härteste bekannte Mineral.
hardly + We hardly know each other. Wir kennen uns kaum.
have + Had I known that (= if I had known that) I would never have come. Hätte ich das gewusst (= wenn ich das gewusst hätte), wäre ich nie gekommen.
by heart + I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. Ich habe die Nummer so oft gewählt, dass ich sie auswendig kenne.
help + help sth: It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us. etw.[Dat] helfen: Es ist nicht wirklich wichtig zu wissen, dass alle über uns reden.
sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth + I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us. Ich kann nicht anders, als zu denken, dass er mehr weiß, als er uns erzählt hat.
sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth + I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it. Ich habe immer Streit mit ihr, ich weiß nicht warum, ich kann nichts dafür.
helpful + She's one of the most helpful people I know. Sie ist eine der hilfsbereitesten Menschen, die ich kenne.
... days, weeks, etc. hence + The true consequences will only be known several years hence. Die wahren Folgen werden erst in einigen Jahren bekannt sein.
hold sth back + I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits. Ich glaube, er hält etwas zurück. Ich bin sicher, er weiß mehr, als er zugibt.
how + He did not know how he ought to behave. Er wusste nicht, wie er sich verhalten sollte.
how + I didn't know how much to bring. Ich wusste nicht, wie viel ich mitbringen sollte.
human + He's really very human when you get to know him. Er ist wirklich sehr menschlich, wenn man ihn kennenlernt.
if + You would know what was going on if you'd (= you had) listened. Man wüsste, was vor sich ging, wenn man (= man hatte) zugehört hätte.
if + Do you know if he's married? Wissen Sie, ob er verheiratet ist?
initial + John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK. John Fitzgerald Kennedy war oft durch seine Initialen JFK bekannt.
inside + For years we had little knowledge of what life was like inside China. Jahrelang wussten wir wenig über das Leben in China.
interest + As a matter of interest (= I'd like to know), what time did the party finish? Wie spät war es eigentlich (= ich würde gerne wissen)?
interesting + interesting (to do sth): It would be interesting to know what he really believed. interessant (etw. tun): Es wäre interessant zu wissen, was er wirklich geglaubt hat.
interesting + interesting (that...): I find it interesting that she claims not to know him. interessant (das...): Ich finde es interessant, dass sie behauptet, ihn nicht zu kennen.
interpret + interpret sth as sth: I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. etw.[Akk] als etw.[Akk] interpretieren: Ich wusste nicht, ob ich ihr Schweigen als Annahme oder Ablehnung interpretieren sollte.
introduce + She was introduced to me as a well-known novelist. Sie wurde mir als bekannte Schriftstellerin vorgestellt.
introduce + 'Kay, this is Steve.' 'Yes, I know—we've already introduced ourselves.' Kay, das ist Steve. "Ja, ich weiß, wir haben uns schon vorgestellt."
introduction + Our speaker today needs no introduction (= is already well known). Unser Redner braucht heute keine Einführung (= ist bereits bekannt).
introduction + a letter of introduction (= a letter which tells sb who you are, written by sb who knows both you and the person reading the letter) ein Einführungsbrief (= ein Brief, der jdm. sagt, wer Sie sind, geschrieben von jdm., der Sie und die Person, die den Brief liest, k
job + He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). Er kennt seinen Job (= ist sehr gut in seinem Job).
judge + The last singer was the best—not that I'm any judge (= I do not know much about the subject). Der letzte Sänger war der Beste - nicht, dass ich Richter bin (= Ich weiß nicht viel über das Thema).
just + Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything. Nur weil du älter bist als ich, heißt das nicht, dass du alles weißt.
knot + Sailors had to know lots of different knots. Segler mussten viele verschiedene Knoten kennen.
know + know sth: Do you know any Japanese? etw.[Akk] verstehen: Kannst du Japanisch?
know + know how, what, etc...: Do you know how to use spreadsheets? wissen Sie wie, was, etc...: Wissen Sie, wie man Tabellenkalkulationstabellen verwendet?
know + She knows a bargain when she sees one. Sie kennt ein Geschäft, wenn sie eins sieht.
know + The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy. Die Droge ist allgemein bekannt als Ecstasy.
know + Peter Wilson, also known as 'the Tiger' Peter Wilson, auch bekannt als der Tiger
know + know sb/sth as sth: It's known as the most dangerous part of the city. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als etw.[Akk] kennen: Es ist der gefährlichste Teil der Stadt.
know + know sb/sth for sth: She is best known for her work on the human brain. jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] kennen: Sie ist vor allem für ihre Arbeit am menschlichen Gehirn bekannt.
know + know sb/sth to be/do sth: He's known to be an outstanding physicist. jdn. /etw. kennen, um etw. zu sein/tun: Er ist bekannt dafür, ein hervorragender Physiker zu sein.
know + I've known David for 20 years. Ich kenne David seit 20 Jahren.
know + Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? Kennt ihr euch schon (= habt ihr euch schon mal getroffen)?
know + She's very nice when you get to know her. Sie ist sehr nett, wenn du sie kennenlernst.
know + Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). Ben kennend, könnten wir lange warten (= es ist typisch für ihn, dass er zu spät kommt).
know + This man is known to the police (= as a criminal). Dieser Mann ist der Polizei bekannt (= als Krimineller).
know + I don't know anyone in Oxford. Ich kenne niemanden in Oxford.
know + I know Paris well. Ich kenne Paris gut.
know + Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)? Kennen Sie das Stück (= haben Sie es schon einmal gesehen oder gelesen)?
know + The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). Die neuen Regeln könnten das Ende des Fußballs bedeuten, wie wir ihn kennen (= in der uns bekannten Form).
know + know (that)...: He knew (that) he could trust her. wissen (das)...: Er wusste (wußte), daß er ihr vertrauen konnte.
know + I know it's here somewhere! Ich weiß, es ist hier irgendwo!
know + I know things will turn out all right. Ich weiß, die Dinge werden gut laufen.
know + I don't know that I can finish it by next week. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es nächste Woche beenden kann.
know + know (sth): 'You were right—someone's been spreading rumours about you.' 'I knew it!' weißt du (etw.):' Du hattest Recht - jemand hat Gerüchte über dich verbreitet.' "Ich wusste es!"
know + 'She's the worst player in the team.' 'Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree) —she played well yesterday.' Sie ist die schlechteste Spielerin im Team. "Oh, ich weiß nicht (= ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich zustimme) -sie hat gestern gut g
know + know (that)...: As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong. know (that)...: Sobald ich in den Raum ging, wusste ich, dass etwas nicht stimmte.
know + know what, how, etc...: I knew perfectly well what she meant. wissen was, wie, usw...: Ich wusste genau, was sie meinte.
know + I know exactly how you feel. Ich weiß genau, wie du dich fühlst.
know + know (sth): This case is hopeless and he knows it (= although he will not admit it). know (etw): Dieser Fall ist hoffnungslos und er weiß es (= obwohl er es nicht zugeben wird).
know + 'Martin was lying all the time.' 'I should have known.' Martin hat die ganze Zeit gelogen. "Ich hätte es wissen müssen."
know + know sth: Do you know his address? etw.[Akk] kennen: Kennen Sie seine Adresse?
know + The cause of the fire is not yet known. Die Brandursache ist noch nicht bekannt.
know + All I know is that she used to work in a bank (= I have no other information about her). Ich weiß nur, dass sie früher in einer Bank gearbeitet hat (= ich habe keine anderen Informationen über sie).
know + know (that)...: I know (that) people's handwriting changes as they get older. know (that)...: Ich weiß, dass sich die Handschrift der Leute mit zunehmendem Alter ändert.
know + it is known that...: It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer. es ist bekannt, dass...: Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass FCKW die Ozonschicht schädigen können.
know + know where, what, etc...: I knew where he was hiding. Ich wusste, wo er sich versteckt hielt.
know + I didn't know what he was talking about. Ich wusste nicht, wovon er redete.
know + know (of/about sth): 'You've got a flat tyre.' 'I know.' wissen (von/über etw.):' Du hast einen Platten'. "Ich weiß."
know + 'What's the answer?' 'I don't know.' Was ist die Antwort? "Ich weiß nicht."
know + 'There's no one in.' 'How do you know? ' Es ist niemand drin. Woher weißt du das?
know + You know about Amanda's baby, don't you? Du weißt von Amandas Baby, oder?
know + I don't know about you, but I'm ready for something to eat. Ich weiß nicht, wie es dir geht, aber ich bin bereit für etwas zu essen.
know + I know of at least two people who did the same thing. Ich kenne mindestens zwei Leute, die dasselbe getan haben.
know + 'Is anyone else coming?' 'Not that I know of. ' Kommt sonst noch jemand? "Nicht, dass ich wüsste."
know + 'Isn't that his car?' 'I wouldn't know./How should I know? ' (= I don't know and I am not the person you should ask.) Ist das nicht sein Auto? "Ich wüsste es nicht. Wie sollte ich es wissen?" (= Ich weiß nicht und ich bin nicht die Person, die Sie fr
know + 'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). Worüber flüstert ihr beiden? Du willst es nicht wissen' (= weil du schockiert wärst oder nicht zustimmen würdest).
know + know to do sth: Does he know to come here (= that he should come here) first? wissen, wie man etw. tut: Weiß er, dass er zuerst hierher kommt (= dass er hierher kommen soll)?
know + know sb/sth to be/do sth: We know her to be honest. jdn. /etw. zu kennen, um etw. zu sein/tun: Wir kennen sie, um ehrlich zu sein.
know + Two women are known to have died. Zwei Frauen sind gestorben.
you know + Well, you know, it's difficult to explain. Es ist schwer zu erklären.
you know + Guess who I've just seen? Maggie! You know—Jim's wife. Rate mal, wen ich gerade gesehen habe? Maggie! Du kennst Jims Frau.
you know + You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. Kennen Sie das Restaurant um die Ecke? Es ist geschlossen.
you know + I'm not stupid, you know. Ich bin nicht dumm.
I know + 'What a ridiculous situation!' 'I know.' Was für eine lächerliche Situation! "Ich weiß."
I know + I know, let's see what's on at the theatre. Ich weiß, schauen wir mal, was im Theater läuft.
God/goodness/Heaven knows + God knows what else they might find. Gott weiß, was sie sonst noch finden.
God/goodness/Heaven knows + 'Where are they?' 'Goodness knows.' Wo sind sie denn? "Gott weiß es."
let sb know + I don't know if I can come, but I'll let you know tomorrow. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich kommen kann, aber ich sage es dir morgen.
let sb know + Let me know how I can help. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wie ich helfen kann.
knowledge + practical/medical/scientific knowledge praktisches/medizinisches/wissenschaftliches Wissen
knowledge + knowledge of/about sth: He has a wide knowledge of painting and music. Kenntnisse über etw.[Akk]: Er hat weitreichende Kenntnisse in Malerei und Musik.
knowledge + There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system. Es mangelt an Kenntnissen über das Steuersystem.
knowledge + She sent the letter without my knowledge. Sie schickte den Brief ohne mein Wissen.
knowledge + The film was made with the Prince's full knowledge and approval. Der Film wurde mit dem Wissen und der Billigung des Prinzen gemacht.
knowledge + She was impatient in the knowledge that time was limited. Sie war ungeduldig in dem Wissen, dass die Zeit begrenzt war.
knowledge + I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house. Ich ging sicher schlafen, weil ich wusste, dass ich nicht allein im Haus war.
knowledge + They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project. Sie konnten sich beruhigt entspannen, in dem Wissen, dass sie die Finanzierung für das Projekt hatten.
knowledge + He denied all knowledge of the affair. Er verneinte jede Kenntnis der Affäre.
law + She was well known for her brushes with the law. Sie war bekannt für ihre Pinsel mit dem Gesetz.
at least + I've known her at least as long as you have. Ich kenne sie mindestens so lange wie du.
life + Life isn't like in the movies, you know. Das Leben ist nicht wie im Film.
like + How can they afford it? That's what I'd like to know. Wie können sie es sich leisten? Das wüsste ich gerne.
likely + likely (that...): It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth. wahrscheinlich (das...): Es ist mehr als wahrscheinlich, dass die Diebe nicht wissen, wie viel es wert ist.
little + He is little known as an artist. Er ist als Künstler wenig bekannt.
little + Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career. Ich wusste nicht, dass dies das Ende meiner Karriere bedeutete.
lost + He's a lost soul (= a person who does not seem to know what to do, and seems unhappy). Er ist eine verlorene Seele (= ein Mensch, der nicht zu wissen scheint, was er tun soll und unglücklich zu sein scheint).
lucky + lucky (to do sth): His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. Glück (etwas zu tun): Sein Freund wurde getötet und er weiß, dass er das Glück hat, am Leben zu sein.
make + The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted. Die Terroristen haben bekannt gegeben, dass Touristen ins Visier genommen werden.
make it + I don't know how I made it through the week. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich die Woche überstanden habe.
manage + I don't know how she manages on her own with four kids. Ich weiß nicht, wie sie es alleine mit vier Kindern schafft.
manage + I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow. Ich weiß nicht genau, wie wir das schaffen, aber irgendwie schon.
manner + She could at least have the good manners to let me know she won't be able to attend. Sie könnte wenigstens die guten Manieren haben, um mir zu sagen, dass sie nicht teilnehmen kann.
many + I've known her for a great many (= very many) years. Ich kenne sie seit vielen (= sehr vielen) Jahren.
matter + That's not a problem. It's simply a matter of letting people know in time. Das ist kein Problem. Es geht nur darum, die Leute rechtzeitig zu informieren.
be another/a different matter + I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter. Ich weiß, in welchem Gebiet sie wohnen, aber ob ich ihr Haus finden kann, ist eine andere Sache.
matter + He's been in prison, you know—not that it matters (= that information does not affect my opinion of him). Er war im Gefängnis, Sie wissen - nicht, dass es darauf ankommt (= dass die Information meine Meinung über ihn nicht beeinflusst).
mean + I always found him a little strange, if you know what I mean (= if you understand what I mean by 'strange'). Ich fand ihn immer ein wenig merkwürdig, wenn man weiß, was ich meine (= wenn man versteht, was ich mit' seltsam' meine).
mean + I know what you mean (= I understand and feel sympathy). I hated learning to drive too. Ich weiß, was Sie meinen (= ich verstehe und spüre Sympathie). Ich habe es auch gehasst, fahren zu lernen.
mean + It was like—weird. Know what I mean? Es war wie... seltsam. Verstehst du, was ich meine?
mean + 'But Pete doesn't know we're here!' 'That's what I mean! (= that's what I have been trying to tell you.)' Aber Pete weiß nicht, dass wir hier sind! Das meine ich doch! (= das ist es, was ich versucht habe, dir zu sagen.''
mean + mean sth to sb: Does the name 'Jos Vos' mean anything to you (= do you know who he is)? jdm. etw. bedeuten: Sagt dir der Name Jos Vos "irgendwas (= weißt du, wer er ist)?
meaning + 'Honesty'? He doesn't know the meaning of the word! Ehrlichkeit? Er weiß nicht, was das Wort bedeutet!
measurement + Do you know your measurements (= the size of parts of your body)? Kennen Sie Ihre Maße (= Größe der Körperteile)?
member + Little is known about the third member of the band. Über das dritte Bandmitglied ist wenig bekannt.
merely + I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway. Ich sage nur, was jeder weiß.
might + I know Vicky doesn't like the job, but I mightn't find it too bad. Ich weiß, Vicky mag den Job nicht, aber ich finde ihn vielleicht nicht so schlecht.
this minute + I don't know what I'm going to do yet—I've just this minute found out. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun werde, aber ich habe es sofort herausgefunden.
miss + Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much. Deine Mutter wird wissen, wer eingezogen ist. Sie vermisst nicht viel.
most + As most of you know, I've decided to resign. Wie die meisten von euch wissen, habe ich beschlossen, zurückzutreten.
as much + Please help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you. Bitte helfen Sie mir, diesen Job zu bekommen. Sie wissen, dass ich so viel für Sie tun würde.
murder + The murdered woman was well known in the area. Die ermordete Frau war in der Gegend bekannt.
music + He wrote the music but I don't know who wrote the words. Er schrieb die Musik, aber ich weiß nicht, wer die Worte geschrieben hat.
must + He must have known (= surely he knew) what she wanted. Er muss gewusst haben (= gewiss wusste er), was sie wollte.
mystery + a mystery tour (= when you do not know where you are going) eine Mystery Tour (= wenn Sie nicht wissen, wohin Sie gehen)
mystery + His past is shrouded in mystery (= not much is known about it). Seine Vergangenheit ist geheimnisumwoben (= wenig bekannt).
name + Do you know the name of this flower? Kennen Sie den Namen dieser Blume?
need + need (not) do sth: You needn't bother asking Rick—I know he's too busy. brauchen (nicht) etw. tun: Du brauchst Rick nicht zu fragen - ich weiß, dass er zu beschäftigt ist.
need + I need hardly tell you (= you must already know) that the work is dangerous. Ich muss euch wohl kaum sagen (= ihr müsst schon wissen), dass die Arbeit gefährlich ist.
neither + 'I don't know.' 'Me neither.' Ich weiß nicht. Ich auch nicht.
never + I never knew (= didn't know until now) you had a twin sister. Ich wusste nie (= wußte bis jetzt nicht), daß du eine Zwillingsschwester hast.
next + Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. Du verlässt die Schule um 16 Uhr und bist verheiratet, mit drei Kindern.
nice + It's nice to know that somebody appreciates what I do. Es ist schön zu wissen, dass jemand etwas von mir zu schätzen weiß.
not + 'Does he know?' 'I believe not.' Weiß er davon? "Ich glaube nicht."
not + I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. Ich weiß nicht, ob er die Wahrheit sagt oder nicht.
be/have nothing to do with sb/sth + Get out! It's nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it). Raus hier! Es hat nichts mit dir zu tun (= du hast kein Recht, davon zu erfahren).
notice + Normally, the letter would not have come to my notice (= I would not have known about it). Normalerweise wäre mir der Brief nicht aufgefallen (= ich hätte nichts davon gewusst).
obvious + I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. Ich weiß, du magst sie nicht, aber versuch es nicht so offensichtlich zu machen.
on occasion(s) + He has been known on occasion to lose his temper. Er ist gelegentlich bekannt dafür, dass er die Beherrschung verliert.
old + She's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time). Sie ist eine alte Freundin von mir (= ich kenne sie schon lange).
once or twice + I don't know her well, I've only met her once or twice. Ich kenne sie nicht gut, ich habe sie nur ein oder zweimal getroffen.
once + We didn't know how we would cope once the money had gone. Wir wussten nicht, wie wir damit umgehen sollten, wenn das Geld weg war.
other than + I don't know any French people other than you. Ich kenne außer Ihnen keine Franzosen.
out + Out with it! (= say what you know) Raus damit! (= say what you know)
over + Over the next few days they got to know the town well. In den nächsten Tagen lernten sie die Stadt gut kennen.
past + We don't know anything about his past. Wir wissen nichts über seine Vergangenheit.
perfectly + You know perfectly well what I mean. Du weißt genau, was ich meine.
perhaps + Perhaps you would be good enough to let him know we are on our way. Vielleicht wären Sie so nett, ihn wissen zu lassen, dass wir unterwegs sind.
person + The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown. Das Urteil war Mord durch eine Person oder Personen unbekannt.
personal + She's a personal friend of mine (= not just somebody I know because of my job). Sie ist eine persönliche Freundin von mir (= nicht nur jemand, den ich beruflich kenne).
personally + Do you know him personally (= have you met him, rather than just knowing about him from other people)? Kennen Sie ihn persönlich (= haben Sie ihn getroffen, anstatt nur von anderen Leuten über ihn Bescheid zu wissen)?
plain + The plain fact is that nobody really knows. Tatsache ist, dass es niemand wirklich weiß.
pleased + pleased (to hear, know, etc. sth): I'm pleased to hear about your news. freut mich (zu hören, zu wissen, etc. etw.): Ich freue mich über Ihre Neuigkeiten zu hören.
point + I know it won't cost very much but that's not the point (= not the important thing). Ich weiß, dass es nicht viel kostet, aber das ist nicht der Punkt (= nicht das Wichtige).
polite + I don't know how to make polite conversation. Ich weiß nicht, wie man höfliche Konversation führt.
prior + Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable. Obwohl nicht zwingend erforderlich, sind einige Vorkenntnisse in Statistik wünschenswert.
probably + It was the best known and probably the most popular of her songs. Es war die bekannteste und wahrscheinlich die populärste ihrer Songs.
probably + As you probably know, I'm going to be changing jobs soon. Wie Sie wahrscheinlich wissen, werde ich bald den Job wechseln.
problem + Let me know if you have any problems. Lass es mich wissen, wenn du irgendwelche Probleme hast.
prove + 'I know you're lying.' 'Prove it!' Ich weiß, dass du lügst. "Beweise es!"
public + a public figure (= a person who is well known because they are often on the television, radio, etc.) eine Person des öffentlichen Lebens (= eine Person, die bekannt ist, weil sie oft im Fernsehen, Radio usw.)
public + She entered public life (= started a job in which she became known to the public) at the age of 25. Mit 25 Jahren trat sie in das öffentliche Leben ein (= begann einen Job, in dem sie der Öffentlichkeit bekannt wurde).
public + The public has/have a right to know what is contained in the report. Die Öffentlichkeit hat/hat ein Recht darauf zu wissen, was in dem Bericht enthalten ist.
on purpose + He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her. Er tat es absichtlich, weil er wusste, dass es sie stören würde.
put up with sb/sth + I don't know how she puts up with him. Ich weiß nicht, wie sie ihn ertragen kann.
qualified + I don't know much about it, so I don't feel qualified to comment. Ich weiß nicht viel darüber, also fühle ich mich nicht qualifiziert, es zu kommentieren.
quite + I don't quite know what to do next. Ich weiß nicht, was ich als nächstes tun soll.
raise + Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much). Erzählen Sie ihr erst, wenn Sie sicher sind, dass wir ihre Hoffnungen nicht wecken wollen (= sie zu sehr in die Luft jagen).
react + You never know how he is going to react. Man weiß nie, wie er reagieren wird.
reading + She has a reading knowledge of German (= she can understand written German). Sie hat Lesekenntnisse in Deutsch (= sie kann Deutsch in Wort und Schrift verstehen).
reason + reason (why...): I'd like to know the reason why you're so late. Grund (warum...): Ich würde gerne wissen, warum Sie so spät kommen.
reason + For some reason (= one that I don't know or don't understand) we all have to come in early tomorrow. Aus irgendeinem Grund (= einer, den ich nicht kenne oder nicht verstehe) müssen wir alle morgen früh kommen.
reason + He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. Er will sie alle in seinem Büro behalten, aus Gründen, die er am besten kennt.
reason + 'Why do you want to know?' 'No reason ' (= I do not want to say why). Warum wollen Sie das wissen? Kein Grund' (= ich will nicht sagen warum).
refer to sb/sth (as sth) + You know who I'm referring to. Sie wissen, wen ich meine.
relax + I'll only relax when I know you're safe. Ich werde mich nur entspannen, wenn ich weiß, dass du in Sicherheit bist.
remain + It remains to be seen (= it will only be known later) whether you are right. Ob Sie Recht haben, bleibt abzuwarten (= es wird erst später bekannt werden).
remember + He still remembered her as the lively teenager he'd known years before. Er erinnerte sich noch an sie als den lebhaften Teenager, den er vor Jahren kannte.
reserve + reserve sth: I'd prefer to reserve (my) judgement (= not make a decision) until I know all the facts. etw.[Akk] reservieren: Ich möchte (mein) Urteil (= keine Entscheidung treffen), bis ich alle Fakten kenne.
rest + I can rest easy (= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home. Ich kann mich ausruhen (= aufhören, mir Sorgen zu machen), weil ich weiß, dass sie sicher zu Hause ist.
result + a coach who knows how to get results from his players ein Trainer, der weiß, wie man Ergebnisse von seinen Spielern bekommt
right + She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). Sie kennt die richtigen Leute (= wichtige Leute, z. B. diejenigen, die ihrer Karriere helfen können).
rightly + I don't rightly know where he's gone. Ich weiß nicht, wo er hingegangen ist.
safe + We were glad she let us know she was safe. Wir waren froh, dass sie uns gesagt hat, dass sie in Sicherheit ist.
say + 'When will it be finished?' 'I couldn't say (= I don't know).' Wann ist es fertig? "Ich konnte es nicht sagen (= ich weiß nicht)".
scientific + scientific knowledge wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse
secret + I didn't know you were a secret football fan. Ich wusste nicht, dass du ein geheimer Fußballfan bist.
secure + She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round. Sie beendete das Match und sicherte sich das Wissen, dass sie die nächste Runde erreicht hatte.
see + 'Is he going to get better?' 'I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.' Wird es ihm besser gehen? "Ich weiß nicht, wir werden einfach abwarten müssen."
see + 'Will you be able to help us?' 'I don't know, I'll have to see.' Werden Sie uns helfen können? "Ich weiß nicht, ich muss mal nachsehen."
seem + it seems that...: It seems that they know what they're doing. es scheint so...: Es scheint, dass sie wissen, was sie tun.
seem + seem to do/be/have sth: They seem to know what they're doing. zu tun/zu sein/haben: Sie scheinen zu wissen, was sie tun.
sense + Alex doesn't have any dress sense (= does not know which clothes look attractive). Alex hat keinen Sinn für Kleider (= weiß nicht, welche Kleidung attraktiv aussieht).
shame + He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth. Er konnte nicht mit der Schande anderer Menschen leben, die die Wahrheit kannten.
shoulder + She shrugged her shoulders (= showing that she didn't know or care). Sie zuckte mit den Schultern (= zeigen, dass sie es nicht wusste oder sich kümmerte).
sight + I have been known to faint at the sight of blood. Ich bin bekannt dafür, dass ich beim Anblick von Blut ohnmächtig werde.
some + We've known each other for some years now. Wir kennen uns schon seit Jahren.
something + His name is Alan something (= I don't know his other name). Sein Name ist Alan irgendwas (= ich kenne seinen anderen Namen nicht).
speak + 'Do you know him?' 'Not to speak to.' (= only by sight) Kennst du ihn? "Nicht mit ihm zu sprechen." (= nur bei Sichtweite)
state + There is no need to state the obvious (= to say sth that everyone already knows). Es ist nicht nötig, das Offensichtliche zu erwähnen (= etw. zu sagen, das jeder schon weiß).
stay + + adv./prep.: I don't know why they stay together (= remain married or in a relationship). Vor-/VorbereitungIch weiß nicht, warum sie zusammenbleiben (= verheiratet bleiben oder in einer Beziehung).
stop + She criticizes everyone and the trouble is, she doesn't know when to stop. Sie kritisiert jeden und das Problem ist, sie weiß nicht, wann sie aufhören soll.
stranger + Sorry, I don't know where the bank is. I'm a stranger here myself. Ich weiß nicht, wo die Bank ist. Ich selbst bin hier fremd.
strong + It's difficult, I know. But be strong! Es ist schwierig, ich weiß. Aber sei stark!
stuff + I don't know how you can eat that stuff! Ich weiß nicht, wie du das Zeug essen kannst!
be supposed to do/be sth + How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me? Woher sollte ich wissen, dass du auf mich gewartet hast?
for sure + No one knows for sure what happened. Niemand weiß genau, was passiert ist.
surprise + it surprises sb to do sth: Would it surprise you to know that I'm thinking of leaving? es überrascht jdn., etw. zu tun: Würde es Sie überraschen, wenn Sie wissen, dass ich daran denke, zu gehen?
talk + I don't know what you're talking about (= used to say that you did not do sth that sb has accused you of). Ich weiß nicht, wovon Sie sprechen (= pflegte zu sagen, dass Sie nicht getan haben, was jdm. von Ihnen beschuldigt wurde).
than + You should know better than to behave like that. Du solltest es besser wissen, als dich so zu benehmen.
thanks to sb/sth + Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you! Dank dir weiß es jetzt jeder!
that's it + That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know. Das war's fürs Erste, aber wenn ich was Neues erfahre, lass ich es dich wissen.
thing + You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing! Du brauchst etwas, um dich aufzuheitern. Ich weiß genau das Richtige!
thing + There are a lot of things she doesn't know about me. Es gibt eine Menge Dinge, die sie nicht über mich weiß.
thorough + a thorough knowledge of the subject gründliche Kenntnis des Themas
to + I don't know what to say. Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll.
tomorrow + Who knows what changes tomorrow may bring? Wer weiß, was sich morgen ändern wird?
turn sth on + He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). Er weiß wirklich, wie man den Charme (= plötzlich angenehm und attraktiv) aufdreht.
twice + I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. Ich kenne ihn nicht gut, ich habe ihn nur zweimal getroffen.
unable + Let us know if you're unable to come. Sagen Sie uns Bescheid, wenn Sie nicht kommen können.
understand + understand that...: He was the first to understand that we live in a knowledge economy. Er war der Erste, der verstanden hat, dass wir in einer wissensbasierten Wirtschaft leben.
understanding + The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not). Die Existenz Gottes ist jenseits des menschlichen Verständnisses (= der Mensch kann nicht wissen, ob Gott existiert oder nicht).
unknown + a species of insect previously unknown to science eine Insektenart, die der Wissenschaft bisher unbekannt war
unknown + He was trying, for some unknown reason, to count the stars. Er versuchte, aus einem unbekannten Grund, die Sterne zu zählen.
unknown + The man's identity remains unknown. Die Identität des Mannes bleibt unbekannt.
unknown + an unknown actor ein unbekannter Schauspieler
unknown + The author is virtually unknown outside Poland. Der Autor ist außerhalb Polens praktisch unbekannt.
unknown + The disease is as yet unknown in Europe (= there have been no cases there). Die Krankheit ist in Europa noch nicht bekannt (= es gab dort keine Fälle).
unknown + It was not unknown for people to have to wait several hours (= it happened sometimes). Es war nicht unbekannt, dass die Leute mehrere Stunden warten mussten (= es passierte manchmal).
useful + Your knowledge of German may come in useful (= be useful in a particular situation). Ihre Deutschkenntnisse können hilfreich sein (= in einer bestimmten Situation nützlich sein).
usual + They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. Sie fragten mich, warum ich den Job haben wollte und warum ich dachte, dass ich geeignet sei - du weißt schon, das Übliche.
very + Very few people know that. Nur wenige Menschen wissen das.
view + view (about/on sth): His views on the subject were well known. view (über/auf etw.): Seine Ansichten zu diesem Thema waren bekannt.
want + I just wanted to know if everything was all right. Ich wollte nur wissen, ob alles in Ordnung ist.
weakness + It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses. Es ist wichtig, die eigenen Stärken und Schwächen zu kennen.
well + How well do you know Carla? Wie gut kennst du Carla?
well known + a well-known actor ein bekannter Schauspieler
well known + His books are not well known. Seine Bücher sind nicht sehr bekannt.
well known + It is a well-known fact that caffeine is a stimulant. Koffein ist bekanntlich ein Stimulans.
what + Nobody knows what will happen next. Niemand weiß, was als nächstes passiert.
wherever + He comes from Boula, wherever that may be (= I don't know where it is). Er kommt aus Boula, wo immer das auch sein mag (= ich weiß nicht, wo es ist).
whisper + Don't you know it's rude to whisper? Weißt du nicht, dass es unhöflich ist, zu flüstern?
a whole lot (of sth) + There were a whole lot of people I didn't know. Es gab eine Menge Leute, die ich nicht kannte.
why + I know you did it—I just want to know why. Ich weiß, dass du es getan hast. Ich will nur wissen, warum.
without + without sb doing sth: The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. ohne dass jd. etw. tut: Die Party wurde organisiert, ohne dass sie etwas davon erfuhr.
wonder + wonder (about sth): 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.' sich (über etw.[Akk] wundern:"Warum wollen Sie das wissen?" Kein besonderer Grund. Ich habe mich nur gefragt."
word + Do you know the words to this song? Kennst du die Worte zu diesem Lied?
worrying + It must be worrying for you not to know where he is. Es muss beunruhigend sein, wenn Sie nicht wissen, wo er ist.
wrongly + Rightly or wrongly, they felt they should have been better informed (= I do not know whether they were right to feel this way). Zu Recht oder zu Unrecht meinten sie, sie hätten besser informiert werden müssen (= ich weiß nicht, ob sie das richtig verstanden hä
as yet + As yet little was known of the causes of the disease. Über die Ursachen der Krankheitsursachen war bisher wenig bekannt.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
306 认识 汉字 + I know this Chinese character.
388 知识 阅读 积累 + Knowledge is accumulated by reading.
389 知道 + I didn't know about that.
428 知道 选举 结果 + We don't know the election results yet.
472 他们 认识 + I know all of them.
525 认识 字母 D + I know the letter D.
725 如何 解决 难题 + He doesn't know how to solve this problem.
743 了解 + I know/understand her well.
944 认识 他们 之中 + I know one of those people.
1338 告诉 鲜为人知 秘密 + She told me a secret few people know.
1648 如何 选择 + She doesn't know how to choose.
1877 晓得 什么 + I don't know what to do.
2095 她们 彼此 熟悉 + They know one another very well.
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石 + She is an expert. She knows how to authenticate gems.
2675 知识 人类 进步 阶梯 + Knowledge is the staircase for the advancement of mankind.
2887 (please parse) + Are you lying to me? Evidently you know her.
2997 地区 名声 显赫 + He's quite well-known in this area.
3229 划船 + I know how to row a boat.
3256 尴尬 知道 什么 + She became embarrassed and didn't know what to say.
3370 筷子 吃饭 + I know how to eat with chopsticks.
3574 理论 知识 单调 + Theoretical knowledge is too dull.
3652 好像 认识 公关 小姐 + I seem to know that PR lady.
3657 反正 知道 这些 东西. + Anyway, you also don't not know this(thing).
3767 本来 知道 这些 事情 故作 明白 + Though he didn't actually know this stuff, he pretended that he did.

还不知道选举的结果。 hái bùzhī dào xuǎnjǔ de jiéguǒ. We don't know the election results yet. Wir wissen noch nicht, was die Wahlergebnisse sind.
我认识这个汉字。 Wǒ rènshi zhège Hànzì. I know this Chinese character. Ich kenne dieses chinesische Zeichen.
知识要靠阅读来积累。 Zhīshi yào kào yuèdú lái jīlěi. Knowledge is accumulated by reading. Wissen wird durch Lesen gesammelt.
我不知道这件事。 Wǒ bùzhī dào zhè jiàn shì. I didn't know about that. Davon wusste ich nichts.
他们我都认识。 Tāmen wǒ dōu rènshi. I know all of them. Ich kenne sie alle.
我认识字母D。 Wǒ rènshi zìmǔD. I know the letter D. Ich kenne den Buchstaben D.
他不知如何解决难题。 Tā bùzhī rúhé jiějué nántí. He doesn't know how to solve this problem. Er weiß nicht, wie er dieses Problem lösen soll.
我了解她。 Wǒ liǎojiě tā. I know/understand her well. Ich kenne/verstehe sie gut.
我认识他们之中的某一个人。 Wǒ rènshi tāmen zhīzhōng de mǒu yīgè rén. I know one of those people. Ich kenne so einen Menschen.
她告诉我一个鲜为人知的秘密。 Tā gàosu wǒ yīgè xiān wéirén zhī de mìmì. She told me a secret few people know. Sie hat mir ein Geheimnis erzählt, das nur wenige Leute wissen.
她不知如何选择。 tā bùzhī rúhé xuǎnzé. She doesn't know how to choose. Sie weiß nicht, wie sie sich entscheiden soll.
我不晓得该做什么! Wǒ bù xiǎodé gāi zuò shénme! I don't know what to do. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll.
她们对彼此很熟悉。 Tāmen duì bǐcǐ hěn 【◎Fix:◎shúxī;◎shóuxi】. They know one another very well. Sie kennen sich sehr gut.
她是专家,会鑑定宝石。 Tā shì zhuānjiā,huì jiàn dìng bǎoshí. She is an expert. She knows how to authenticate gems. Sie ist eine Expertin. Sie weiß, wie man Edelsteine authentifiziert.
知识是人类进步的阶梯。 Zhīshi shì rénlèi jìnbù de jiētī. Knowledge is the staircase for the advancement of mankind. Wissen ist die Treppe zur Förderung der Menschheit.
你哄我?你明明认识她。 Nǐ 【◎Fix:◎hǒng;◎hōng】 wǒ?nǐ míngmíng rènshi tā. Are you lying to me? Evidently you know her. Lügst du mich an? Offensichtlich kennst du sie.
他在这个地区名声显赫。 Tā zài zhège dìqū míngshēng xiǎnhè. He's quite well-known in this area. Er ist in dieser Gegend ziemlich bekannt.
我会划船。 Wǒ huì huáchuán. I know how to row a boat. Ich weiß, wie man ein Boot rudert.
她很尴尬,不知道说什么。 Tā hěn gāngà,bùzhī dào shuō shénme. She became embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Sie schämte sich und wusste nicht, was sie sagen sollte.
我会用筷子吃饭。 Wǒ huì yòng kuàizi chīfàn. I know how to eat with chopsticks. Ich weiß, wie man mit Stäbchen isst.
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
ren4shi4 + to know s.o.
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
zhi1dao + to know
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
bu4 hui4 shuo1 + don't know how to say
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
bu4 zhi1dao + don't know
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 wei4shen2me bu4 zhi1dao? + Why you don't know?
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
Ni3 zhi1dao zhe4me duo1. + You know so much.
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Ni3 ren4shi ta1 duo1 jiu3? + How long do you know him for?
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
Wo3 bu4 zhi1dao. + I don't know.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Wo3 gen1ben3 bu4 zhi1dao. + I don't know at all.
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Wo3 bu4 zhi1dao zen3me ban4. + I don't know what to do.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wo3men jia1 xi3yi1ji huai4 le. Ni3 hui4 xiu1li3 ma? + The washing machine at our home is broken. Do you know how to repair it?.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Wo3 ba4ba hui4 hua4 you2 hua4. + My father knows how to paint oil paintings.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Ta1 bu4 hui4 hua4 Zhong1guo2hua4. + He doesn't know how to paint traditional Chinese paintings.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Ni3 hui4 kai1che1 ma? + Can you drive? /Do you know how to drive?
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 ren4shi yi1 ge4 nü3hai2. Ta1 fei1chang2 xiang4 jia4 gei3 yi1 ge4 you3 qian2 ren2. + I know one girl. She wants to marry a rich man very much.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Ji1ben3shang wo3 zhi1dao zen3me qu4... + Basically I know how to go ...
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
dui4...liao3jie3 + to have the understanding of / to understand / to know about
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Kan4lai, ni3 dui4 gu3dong3 hen3 liao3jie3. + It seems, that you know a lot about antiques.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
tan2bushang4 hen3 liao3jie3, zhi3 zhi1dao4 yi1dian3dian3. + I can't really say that I understand a lot, I just know a little bit.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je ne sais pas à qui m’adresser + I don’t know who to talk to

je ne suis pas riche, mais je connais la vérité + I’m not rich, but I know the truth

je ne savais plus quoi dire + I didn’t know what to say any more

elle a raison, tu sais + she’s right, you know

je le connais depuis le lycée + I have known him since high school

je sais de quoi je parle + I know what I’m talking about

je pense que vous le connaissez bien + I think you know him very well

je le connaissais depuis vingt ans + I had known him for twenty years

elle a le droit de tout savoir + she has the right to know everything

moi, je n’en sais rien + I don’t know anything about it

je sais qu’elle ne reviendra jamais + I know she will never return

tu sais que je t’aime + you know I love you

oui, oui, je sais! + yes, yes, I know

vous savez, on est humains, nous aussi + you know, we are also human

je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez + I don’t know what you’re talking about

je voudrais d’abord savoir quel métier tu exerces + I would first of all like to know what you do for a living

nous savons qu’il faut effectuer des changements + we know that changes must be made

j’ignorais pourquoi il jurait comme ça + I didn’t know why he was swearing like that

j’ignore si ce chiffre est exact + I don’t know if this figure is exact

j’en connais tous les secrets + I know all the relevant secrets

je sais comment réunir l’argent + I know how to raise money

elle connaît tes sentiments pour elle? + does she know your feelings for her?

bientôt, je vous connaîtrai mieux que vous- même + soon I will know you better than you do

je vais te surveiller, je sais où tu habites + I’m going to watch you, I know where you live

en tout cas, évidemment, elles vous connaissent + in any case, they obviously know you

il ne sait que faire pour survivre + he doesn’t know what to do to survive

j’ignorais que vous étiez si populaire! + I didn’t know you were so popular

nous savons comment gérer l’éducation + we know how to manage education

je me réveille dans des endroits inconnus + I wake up in unknown places

on ignore le montant de ce contrat + we don’t know the total amount of this contract

elle ne sait pas qui je suis réellement + she doesn’t know who I really am

je voudrais savoir quelle est sa définition d’égalité + I would like to know his definition of equality

tu ne dois pas saluer les gens que tu ne connais pas + you shouldn’t greet people you don’t know

je voulais connaître mieux l’instrument et apprendre des solos + I want to know the instrument better and learn some solos

toutes les choses sont reliées. nous le savons + everything is connected. we know that

je ne sais pas, le sexe n’a peut-être rien à voir + I don’t know, perhaps sex doesn’t have anything to do with it

je connais les souffrances du monde + I know the sufferings of the world

je sais que Lucy brûlait d’une passion secrète pour vous + I know Lucy was burning up with a secret passion for you

j’ignore comment vous vous êtes procuré cette carte + I don’t know how you got that card

la cause de ces troubles reste mal connue + the cause of these troubles remains relatively unknown

je ne sais pas dessiner. c’est une frustration + I don’t know how to draw. it’s frustrating

on connaît à peine notre univers + we barely know our universe

j’aimerais connaître son opinion là-dessus + I would like to know her opinion on the topic

arrêt cardiaque, suicide, on ne savait pas + heart attack, suicide, we didn’t know

tu sais que ta mère avait refait la salle de bains + you know that your mother redid the bathroom

je sais quelle entente il y a entre Robert et toi + I know about the agreement you and Robert have

tu es l’homme le plus malheureux que je connaisse + you’re the most miserable man I know

tu t’y connais en électricité? non + do you know anything about electricity? no

renseigne-moi, je veux savoir + tell me, I want to know

le policier ignore si l’ordonnance est encore en vigueur + the policeman doesn’t know whether the ruling is still in effect

je ne connais pas un seul économiste + I don’t know a single economist

je ne suis que le fournisseur. je ne sais rien + I’m only the middleman. I don’t know anything

nous savons maintenant où ils se logent + we know where they live now

nous savons que l’excédent va cesser d’augmenter + we know that the surplus will stop increasing

je sais où ce monstre s’abrite + I know where this monster is hiding out

pour éviter la panique et le chaos, le public ne doit rien savoir + to avoid panic and chaos, the public must know nothing

elle était connue pour son absolue discrétion + she was well known for her total discretion

les mathématiques vous aident à vous connaître + math helps you know yourself

vous savez, moi-même je suis veuf + you know, I’m a widower myself

oh vous savez, un tueur est rarement drôle + oh, you know, a killer is rarely funny

nous, on était gosses, on savait pas + we were just kids, we didn’t know

il s’agit d’une synthèse fondée sur les connaissances + it’s a synthesis based on knowledge

il fut surpris de l’étendue de son savoir + he was surprised at the extent of her knowledge

des tas de vedettes viennent ici, vous savez + lots of movie stars come here, you know

heureusement, je sais comment contrer ça + happily, I know how to counter this

je suis très confus, je ne sais pas pourquoi + I’m very confused – I don’t know why

je sais accueillir mes hôtes + I know how to welcome my guests

comme l’attesteront les amis qui me connaissent bien + as those friends who know me well will attest

personne ne sait exactement combien l’invasion de l’Irak va coûter + nobody knows exactly how much the invasion of Iraq will cost

vous savez, tout est fonctionnel + you know, everything works

je ne te connais pas ... techniquement + I don’t know you ... technically

ils sauront l’instruire sur leurs anciennes pratiques + they know how to teach him their ancient practices

empreinte vocale inconnue + unknown voiceprint

mes chers concitoyens, je sais que vous êtes fatigués + my dear fellow citizens, I know you’re exhausted

je sais différencier un compliment d’une flatterie + I know the difference between a compliment and flattery

j’ai besoin de savoir à quel clan la personne appartient + I need to know what clan the person belonged to

mon papa est le roi du savoir-faire! + my daddy knows how to do everything!

il faut savoir se dépouiller de très belles choses + you have to know how to rid yourself of very pretty things
05805012-n know
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
+ + + + 103 know +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
know biết + +