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some + Used to refer to an unspecified amount or number ?
somebody + Person who is not known or named ?
somehow + In a way that is not known or certain ?
someone + person who is not known or named ?
something + thing that is not yet known or named ?
sometimes + only at certain times; occasionally ?
somewhere + at or to an unknown or unnamed place ?
somewhat + little, not very ?

trad: 他買了一些蘋果。 simpl. 他买了一些苹果。

Tā mǎile yīxiē píngguǒ.

He bought some apples.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Ông đã mua một số quả táo. ?
Ông đã mua một số táo. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 往咖啡里加點糖。 simpl. 往咖啡里加点糖。

Wǎng kāfēi lǐ jiā diǎn táng.

Add some sugar to the coffee.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Thêm một số đường vào cà phê. ?
Thêm một số đường vào cà phê. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 這裏還有空位。 simpl. 这里还有空位。

Zhèli hái yǒu kòngwèi.

There are still some vacant seats here.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Hiện vẫn còn một số ghế trống ở đây. ?
Vẫn còn một số chỗ trống ở đây. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我告訴你一件事。 simpl. 我告诉你一件事。

Wǒ gàosu nǐ yī jiàn shì.

Let me tell you something.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Để tôi nói cho bạn chuyện này. ?
Hãy để tôi cho bạn biết một cái gì đó. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我去圖書館找資料。 simpl. 我去图书馆找资料。

Wǒ qù túshūguǎn zhǎo zīliào.

I am going to the library to try to find some information/materials.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Tôi sẽ đến thư viện để cố gắng tìm một số thông tin / tài liệu. ?
Tôi sẽ vào thư viện để cố gắng tìm một số tài liệu/thông tin. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 這裏出了點差錯。 simpl. 这里出了点差错。

Zhèli chūle diǎn chācuò.

There is something wrong here.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Có một cái gì đó sai trái ở đây. ?
Đó là một cái gì đó sai trái ở đây. ?
( Human Translation: )

some ? một số ? Communication

Sometimes I think I am a cat. ? Đôi khi tôi nghĩ tôi là một con mèo. ? Frequency
sometimes ? đôi khi ? Frequency
Once I love someone, I will make him happy. ? Một khi tôi yêu một ai đó, tôi sẽ làm anh ấy hạnh phúc. ? Conjunctions 2
Sometimes, he feels lazy. ? Đôi khi, anh ấy cảm thấy lười biếng. ? Verbs 3
There is something under the window. ? Có cái gì đó ở dưới cửa sổ. ? Determiners
something ? gì (đó) ? Determiners
hey should ask someone. ? Họ nên hỏi một ai đó. ? Determiners
Someone took my bicycle. ? Một ai đó đã lấy chiếc xe đạp của tôi. ? Determiners
someone ? ai đó. ? Determiners
Sometimes I want to marry my customers. ? Đôi khi, tôi muốn cưới khách hàng của mình. ? People
I need someone to repair the network for me. ? Tôi cần một ai đó sửa mạng cho tôi. ? Communication
Tell me some good search machines! ? Nói cho tôi một số công cụ tìm kiếm tốt! ? Communication
some ? một số ? Communication
Sometimes I am curious about other people. ? Đôi khi, tôi tò mò về những người khác. ? Adjectives 2
Sometimes I feel like I am invisible to everyone. ? Đôi khi, tôi cảm thấy như tôi tàng hình với mọi người. ? Adjectives 2
lonesome town ? Thị trấn cô đơn ? Adjectives 3
lonesome ? đơn ? Adjectives 3
Someone wore my trousers and I do not accept this. ? Một ai đó đã mặc quần của tôi và tôi không chấp nhận điều này. ? Verbs 5
I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey. ? Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. ? Reduplicative Words

Please do visit me sometime! Bạn hãy đến thăm tôi đi! * 005
Will you drink something? Bạn có uống gì không? * 024
Yes, and I also speak some Italian. Có, và tôi cũng biết một chút tiếng Ý. * 025
I’d like something without meat. Tôi muốn món gì không có thịt. * 032
I’d like some mixed vegetables. Tôi muốn một đĩa rau. * 032
I’d like something that won’t take much time. Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. * 032
I would like some fruit or cheese. Tôi muốn hoa quả / trái cây hoặc phó mát. * 033
Some salt and pepper also, please. Xin muối và hạt tiêu nữa ạ. * 033
Do you have something to read? Bạn có gì để đọc không? * 036
Can one get something to eat and to drink here? Ở đây có gì để ăn và uống được không? * 036
I want to sit somewhere in the middle. Tôi muốn ngồi ở giữa. * 046
Could you recommend something? Bạn có thể giới thiệu cho tôi chút gì không? * 046
No, maybe some other time. Không, hôm khác đi. * 048
Are you waiting for someone? Bạn đang đợi ai à? * 048
Take some suntan lotion with you. Nhớ mang theo kem chống nắng. * 049
Yes, I need some exercise. Có, tôi cần phải vận động. * 051
We swim sometimes. Thỉnh thoảng chúng tôi đi bơi. * 051
I want to buy some glasses. Tôi muốn mua một cái kính. * 053
What would you like to become some day? Bạn muốn trở thành gì? * 057
I sometimes have stomach aches. Tôi đôi khi bị đau bụng. * 059
I will give you some pills. Tôi cho bạn thuốc viên. * 059
Do you want some more soup? Bạn có muốn thêm xúp nữa không? * 067
I want to write something. Tôi muốn viết. * 071
I want to drink something. Tôi muốn uống gì đó. * 072
I want to eat something. Tôi muốn ăn gì đó. * 072
I want to ask you something. Tôi muốn hỏi bạn vài chuyện. * 072
I want to ask you for something. Tôi muốn nhờ bạn vài chuyện. * 072
I want to treat you to something. Tôi muốn mời bạn đến chơi. * 072
May I just ask something? Tôi bây giờ hỏi nhanh vài chuyện được không? * 075
May I just say something? Tôi bây giờ nói nhanh vài chuyện được không? * 075
I wonder if he has someone else. Tôi tự hỏi liệu anh ấy có người khác không? * 095
Maybe he has someone else? Liệu anh ấy có người khác không? * 095
Do you know someone here? Bạn có quen ai ở đây không? * 102
Would you like to drink something else? Bạn muốn uống gì nữa không? * 102
Have you already eaten something? Bạn ăn gì chưa? * 102

để + for, to (something) đẹp + handsome, pretty

like: some ? ?
to transliterate someone’s name into Vietnamese ? Việt hóa tên người ?
to rush at someone ? a vào người nào ?
(1) anyone, someone, who, whoever, everyone, anyone
(2) to pity, sympathize, empathize with
(3) dust, fine dirt
? ai ?
to know something inside and out ? am hiểu cặn kẽ về gì ?
(1) how much, many, so much, so many, some, any
(2) envelope, bag, pack, case, sleeve; to cover, enclose
? bao ?
to pinch someone’s cheek ? beo má ?
(1) to write down, make a note (of something)
(2) to weave (basket)
(3) to edit, compile
(4) edge, limit, border
? biên ?
to know, know how to do (something) be aware of ? biết ?
to realize someone’s power ? biết tay ?
had I known (then one would have done something else) ? biết thế ?
to show the nature (of something) ? biểu lộ bản chất ?
to let (something) run its course ? buông xuôi ?
to drop some sharp words, drop some words curtly ? buông xõng ?
to have a desire to do something, have one’s itch ? buồn mình ?
sad, sorrowful, unhappy morose; uninteresting; to want to, feel like (doing something) ? buồn rầu ?
to be obliged, forced, compelled (to do something); against one’s will ? buộc lòng ?
argue to refuse (to do something), argue somebody out of doing ? bàn lùi ?
dissuade from, talk somebody out of doing something ? bàn ra ?
to receive a gift (from someone above oneself) ? bái lĩnh ?
to follow close or hard on somebody’s heels ? bám sát ?
semi-skilled, somewhat proficient ? bán chuyên ?
to sell someone down the river ? bán đứng ?
to notify the death of someone ? báo tử ?
to dismiss, fire, remove or relieve somebody of a post ? bãi dịch ?
to remove someone from office, relive someone of their office ? bãi nhiệm ?
lentil and foam, something humble and insignificant ? bèo bọt ?
to be used to someone’s voice ? bén tiếng ?
to grab someone’s breast ? bóp vú ?
to lick or suck someone’s pussy ? bú lồn ?
friend, associate, companion, comrade (in something) ? bạn ?
reader (someone reading something) ? bạn đọc ?
contemporary (someone the same age) ? bạn đồng niên ?
to box someone’s ear ? bạt tai ?
(1) to say, order, tell (someone to do something)
(2) to insure
(3) to protect, guard
(4) precious, valuable
? bảo ?
to spare someone’s life ? bảo vệ tính mạng ?
to forbid (someone from doing something) ? bảo đừng ?
whenever (something happens) ? bất cứ khi nào ?
to be disrespectful towards somebody, disrespect ? bất kính ?
to elect someone chairman ? bầu ai làm chử tịch ?
(1) to report, say (something to someone above you)
(2) polite particle
(3) to give, endow
? bẩm ?
to be in someone’s way ? bận cẳng ?
(1) to build (across something), put up
(2) north, northern, Chinese
(3) ferry boat
? bắc ?
to take someone’s pulse ? bắt mạch ?
to trick a confession out of someone ? bắt nọn ?
to find something by chance; to seize, catch ? bắt được ?
(1) equal to, the same as, even, level, flat, calm, peaceful, safe
(2) to use, be made of; to travel by (means of), be transported by, run (using some fuel)
(3) friend, comrade
(4) diploma, certificate
(5) by means of, with, in (language)
(6) proof, evidence, sup
? bằng ?
no news of someone ? bẵng tin ?
appearance, externals, outside (of something); exterior, outward ? bề ngoài ?
this and that, here and there, then and now, you and I, both (something), mutually ? bỉ thử ?
to be refused (something) ? bị từ chối ?
to be forced (to do something) ? bị ép buộc ?
foam and lentil (something humble and insignificant) ? bọt bèo ?
to leave something unfinished ? bỏ dở ?
to leave something lying around ? bỏ vạ bỏ vật ?
to put behind someone ? bỏ về phía sau ?
to add, complete, supplement, make good (on something) ? bổ sung ?
the brains (of something), mind ? bộ óc ?
breech of trust, violate someone’s trust ? bội tín ?
cumbersome, numerous ? bộn bàng ?
sound of something falling ? bộp ?
denigrate, defame, say evil things about somebody ? bới xấu ?
to smack someone’s ear ? bớp tai ?
to flatter someone ? bợ đỡ người nào ?
bold, daring, reckless enough (to do something) ? ca gản ?
(1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
? can ?
to advise against doing something ? can gián ?
to advise (against something), dissuade ? can ngăn ?
to go shares (with somebody) (in something) ? canh ti ?
to jostle (someone) out, elbow (someone) out ? chen lấn ?
to divide or share something equally or fairly between or among ? chia đều ?
absolve somebody’s sin ? chiêu tuyết ?
to give someone a general outline, an overview ? cho ai biết đại cương ?
to keep someone hanging, waiting ? cho leo cây ?
to permit, allow, authorize, give permission (to do something) ? cho phép ?
to feed, give somebody something to eat ? cho ăn ?
not to have the heart to do something ? cho đang ?
to ask someone to bring ? cho đưa ?
invest money with someone else ? chung chân ?
to join forces (with somebody), combine or unite ? chung lưng ?
specializing in the growing of some plant ? chuyên canh ?
to authorize (some expenditure) ? chuẩn chi ?
Well, that’s troublesome isn’t it ? chà, phiền nhỉ ?
wearisome, monotonous ? chán nhắt ?
how annoying, how bothersome, what a pain ? chán quá ?
pearls and gem, something precious ? châu ngọc ?
wait till (something) is over ? chòng vòng ?
to bury (as a means of hiding something) ? chôn giấu ?
to wish (someone something) ? chúc ?
to wish somebody well ? chúc phúc ?
to wish somebody a happy new year ? chúc tết ?
to point a gun at someone’s head ? chĩa súng vào đầu ?
to play a dirty or nasty trick on somebody, play a ? chơi khăm ?
to act stupidly, do something dumb ? chơi ngu ?
to play a mean trick (on someone) ? chơi ác ?
it is too early to do something ? chưa chi đã ?
to touch (someone) to the raw, cut (someone) to the quick ? chạm nọc ?
to be affected by some melancholy feeling ? chạnh ?
give somebody odds, give somebody a start ? chấp bậc ?
to diagnose by taking someone’s pulse ? chẩn mạch ?
to delay, do something slowly; slow ? chậm ?
toilsome, tough, strenuous, requiring a lot ? chật vật ?
use somebody else’s belongings ? chằng cò ?
to know anything at all, not to make head or tail of something ? chẳng biết mô tê gì cả ?
to bar somebody’s way, block somebody’s way ? chặn đường ?
bar or stop or block somebody’s way, waylay ? chẹn đường ?
break somebody’s neck ? chẻ cổ ?
mortal, fatal, deadly, lethal, murderous; to kill someone ? chết người ?
to be influenced by; to sustain, bear, accept, be subject to, experience (something unpleasant, difficult), endure, stand, put up with; on credit ? chịu ?
to go into mourning (for someone) ? chịu tang ?
to fix or set or choose the date (for something) ? chọn ngày ?
but, and; do not, let’s not; should not, do not (do something); (indicates assurance, certainty) ? chớ ?
one shouldn’t (do something); don’t ? chớ nên ?
to wait for someone for a weary long time in vain ? chờ mỏi mắt mà không thấy đến ?
to take someone to the hospital ? chở vào bệnh viện ?
to see (something) all of a sudden ? chợt thấy ?
to call (someone) bad names, insult, curse ? chửi bới ?
to hail curses on somebody, heap ? chửi như tát nước ?
to read somebody’s palm ? coi tay ?
to attach much importance to something, appreciate ? coi trọng ?
to read someone’s fortune from their face ? coi tướng số ?
to regard something, see something as ? coi đây là ?
(used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) ? con gì ?
(used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) ? con gì nữa ?
history book, history (of something) ? cuốn sử ?
to pick holes in something, find fault ? cà riềng cà tỏi ?
way to do something ? cách làm ?
cumbersome, cumbrous ? cách rách ?
voice (of someone speaking) ? cái giọng nói ?
to be someone’s right hand ? cánh tay phải ?
to announce (the end of something) ? cáo chung ?
knowledge (of something) ? cát biết ?
intentional, have intention, plan to do something ? có bụng ?
there is something ? có chuyện gì ?
to be busy, have some work ? có chút việc ?
to have the opportunity, occasion (to do something) ? có dịp ?
to be in the mood to do something or for doing something, to ? có hứng ?
perhaps, maybe, might, sometimes ? có khi ?
sometimes big, sometimes, small ? có khi lớn, khi nhỏ ?
effective; to benefit from, get something out of ? có kết quả ?
to spend some time in the miliary ? có một thời ở trong lính ?
there is something, there is a matter (that) ? có một điều gì ?
to have a point, something in common ? có một điểm giống nhau ?
there is, there are places (where something happens) ? có nơi ?
to have means and opportunity (to do something) ? có phương tiện và cơ hội ?
to have some truth in it ? có phần nào đúng ?
to have authority, right, power (to do something) ? có quyền ?
is something wrong?, what’s the matter ? có sao không ?
there’s something fishy about it ? có sự ám muội trong việc ấy ?
to have, be in the habit (of doing something) ? có thói quen ?
to have an enmity against someone ? có ác cảm với người nào ?
alone, solitary, isolated, lonely, lonesome, solitary ? cô đơn ?
to publicly deny (something) ? công khai phủ nhận ?
to carry someone on one’s shoulders ? công kêng ?
be indignant (at something, with something) ? công phẫn ?
to be from the same place as (someone else) ? cùng quê với ?
ask humbly (somebody about something) ? cúi xin ?
to usurp the throne, rob somebody of his throne ? cướp ngôi ?
to give somebody a charming smile, smile sweetly ? cười duyên ?
to laugh in somebody’s face ? cười vào mũi ?
to shave somebody’s head ? cạo trọc ?
to get a haircut, give a haircut, shave somebody’s head ? cạo đầu ?
to forbid (someone) to darken one’s door ? cấm cửa ?
to trouble oneself (to do something) ? cất công ?
to save something (for later), put something away (for later) ? cất lấy ?
deprive somebody of his rights as a citizen ? cất quyền ?
have a hold over someone, play safe ? cầm đằng chuôi ?
to pray for (someone) ? cầu nguyện cho ?
to say a mass for the peace of someone’s soul (in Buddhism) ? cầu siêu ?
to interrupt (someone who is speaking) ? cắt lời ?
to cut someone off (while speaking) ? cắt đứt lời ?
clinical thermometer; to take someone’s temperature ? cặp sốt ?
resolved, determined, decided (to do something) ? cố chí ?
bulky, cumbersome, awkward, unwieldy ? cồng kềnh ?
something new, something different ? của lạ ?
(1) to continue to, go on, keep on (doing something)
(2) evidence, proof
(3) still
? cứ ?
not to hesitate to do something, be free or welcome to do ? cứ việc ?
to save someone’s life ? cứu mạng người nào ?
hard, painstaking, burdensome, tedious ? cực nhọc ?
to be on intimate terms with sb, be in love with someone ? dan díu ?
move (more or less in terms of position), alter somewhat ? di dịch ?
have a personal interview with somebody ? diện kiến ?
catch (fish) with some toxic substance ? duốc ?
to fight over something, scramble for something, struggle for something ? dành giật ?
(1) small (stone)
(2) some, few, several
? dăm ?
several, some, a few ? dăm ba ?
in the eyes of (someone) ? dưới mắt ?
under (somebody’s command, orders, authority) ? dưới quyền ?
to be under the leadership of someone ? dưới sự lãnh đạo của người nào ?
to induce (someone) to take one’s advice ? dẫn dụ ?
with extreme slowness, hand write to somebody on a ? dẫn rượu ?
lead (somebody) by the nose ? dắt mũi ?
easy to do; something easy to do ? dễ làm ?
turn (something) upside down ? dốc ngược ?
soothe (someone) into obedience, soothe (someone) into listening ? dỗ dành ?
to soothe (someone) with sweet words ? dỗ ngon dỗ ngọt ?
make preparations for some probable occurrence ? dự liệu ?
backup; to provide for (some undesirable event) ? dự phòng ?
to marry somebody off ? dựng vợ gả chồng ?
be jealous of someone’s greater advantages ? ghen ăn ?
put one’s mouth close to someone’s ears and whisper something ? ghé tai ?
sentinel-crab; at someone’s expense ? ghẹ ?
to make efforts (to do something) ? gia sức ?
to promise conditionally to (do something); to agree ? giao hẹn ?
to gag, bind someone’s mouth shut ? gián miệng ?
textbook forming a course (on some subject taught at university) ? giáo trình ?
get involved in (some trouble) ? giây giướng ?
repeatedly promise to do something ? gióng giả ?
to give someone a hand ? giúp cho một tay ?
to break the spell on somebody, remove the spell from ? giải bùa ?
to relieve somebody of his run of bad luck ? giải hạn ?
to relieve someone of a duty, office, responsibility ? giải nhiệm ?
plastic, cosmetic surgery (on someone’s face) ? giải phẫu khuôn mặt ?
to free somebody from blame, prove somebody innocent ? giải tội ?
sly (something, into someone’s hands); do (something) stealthily ? giấm giúi ?
to beat about the bush in order to conceal something ? giấu quanh ?
rich, having a lot of (something) ? giầu ?
have something under your belt ? giắt lưng ?
snatch and tear (something), get at someone’s throat ? giằng xé ?
(to do something) very well ? giỏi hết sức ?
complicate matters (by doing something not absolutely necessary) ? giở giói ?
to keep a fond memory of someone ? giữ một kỷ niệm êm đềm của ai đó ?
hold fast, keep something selfishly for oneself ? giữ rịt ?
dissuade (from), put somebody off, talk somebody out of ? gàn quải ?
to strike up a friendship with (someone), make friends ? gá nghĩa ?
give (something) as payment of a debt ? gán nợ ?
be quarrelsome, pick a quarrel (with somebody) ? gây chuyện ?
to pick a fight with someone ? gây gỗ với ai ?
to injure, cause injury (to someone) ? gây thương tích cho ?
constrain (to follow some rule of behavior) ? gò ép ?
to try to approach (someone), try to make friends with ? gạ chuyện ?
to coax, cajole, wheedle (into doing something); make approaches to (a woman), make a pass at ? gạ gẫm ?
call forth (someone’s ideas, confidences) ? gạy ?
to have almost no (something) ? gần như không có ?
to have one foot in the grave, somebody’s ? gần đất xa trời ?
to send, give, entrust, leave in someone’s care ? gửi ?
twenty-something ? hai mươi mấy ?
or something like that ? hay gì đó ?
make clear something to, the ? hiểu dụ ?
to mistake someone’s meaning ? hiểu nhầm ý ai ?
to take something literally ? hiểu theo nghĩa đen ?
to postpone (something) until ? hoãn lại cho đến khi ?
owe (someone) a favor ? hàm ân ?
hot and cold; to ask about someone’s health ? hàn huyên ?
to look askance at, look black at someone ? háy ?
shout and scream (for something) ? hò hét ?
to change to or into something, metamorphose into ? hóa phép ?
to get some air ? hóng gió ?
one of those days, someday ? hôm nào ?
to kiss someone’s hand ? hôn tay ?
anniversary of the death (of someone) ? húy nhật ?
a little difficult, somewhat difficult ? hơi khó ?
a little difficult, somewhat difficult ? hơi khó khăn ?
there’s no need to do something, it’s no use doing ? hơi đâu ?
suffer some damage and loss; to waste, pollute ? hư hao ?
show off, display (something essentially empty) ? hư trương ?
to guide (someone) in the choice of a career ? hướng dẫn chọn ngành nghề ?
to make use of something, profit from something ? hưởng dụng ?
to enjoy the taste (of something) ? hưởng hương vị ?
to enjoy the pleasure (of doing something) ? hưởng thụ thú ?
to lower somebody’s coffin into the grave ? hạ huyệt ?
to throw in someone’s face ? hất vào mặt ?
to attend to (someone) ? hầu hạ ?
to reward handsomely ? hậu thưởng ?
to ask for someone’s impression ? hỏi cảm tưởng ?
assail (ply) (somebody) with questions ? hỏi dồn ?
to ask, inquire after someone ? hỏi thăm ?
to consult, ask someone’s opinion ? hỏi ‎ kiến ?
be deprived of something to eat, not be given to eat ? hỏng ăn ?
time (when something happened), when ? hồi ?
to restore someone to consciousness, wake someone up ? hồi phục tỉnh dậy ?
to meet with someone ? hội kiến với ai ?
steal an early march on someone and get a profit ? hớt ngọn ?
to declare the birth (of something) ? khai sanh ?
occasion, time (when something happens), when, at the time of, if ? khi ?
to carry (something heavy, by two or more people) ? khiêng ?
to make someone angry ? khiêu nộ ?
to make something difficult ? khiến khó ?
leave (some work) entirely to (someone), give(someone) a blank ? khoán trắng ?
settle, see to (something) done satisfactorily ? khuôn xếp ?
is somewhat long, is pretty long ? khá lâu ?
search someone’ house ? khám nhà ?
protest against (some resolution) ? kháng nghị ?
handsome, good-looking ? khôi ngô ?
to not know why, to not know how; for some reason ? không hiểu sao ?
no different from (something) ? không khác gì ?
to not hesitate (to do something) ? không ngần ngại ?
not (something) easy to do, no small feat ? không phải là việc dễ làm ?
to be unable to do something, cannot do ? không tài nào ?
not worth killing someone over ? không đáng để giết người ?
unable (to do something) ? không đủ sức ?
implore somebody’s forgiveness ? khẩn nài ?
to blow (something) out (of one’s nose) ? khịt ?
to avoid, abstain (from something) ? kiêng ?
to call someone’s name ? kêu tên ?
to call someone (to come) ? kêu tới ?
hey (getting someone’s attention); before the day before yesterday, before the year before last year; over there, within sight ? kìa ?
acknowledge receipt (of something) by signing one’s name ? ký nhận ?
in order to avoid doing something ? kẻo mà ?
take over someone’s job, replace somebody, succeed someone ? kế chân ?
to form a league with somebody, gang up ? kết bè kết đảng ?
to kill, end someone’s life ? kết thúc đờ ?
to consider, regard, view (something as something) ? kể như ?
tell of someone’s mistakes, expose someone’s mistakes ? kể tội ?
from the day (something happened) ? kể từ ngay ?
since (something happened) ? kể từ sau ?
leave somebody alone, so much the worse for ? kệ thây ?
to pray (for something) ? kỳ đảo ?
to celebrate, commemorate the 52nd anniversary (of something) ? kỷ niệm 52 năm ?
toilsome and sad ? lao phiền ?
worrisome, troubled ? lao tâm ?
to lick somebody’s ass ? liếm đít ?
to list some points ? liệt kê những điểm ?
to do something in a hurry ? lon xon ?
to remove someone’s a name from a list ? loại tên ai ra khỏi danh sách ?
very busy with something, knee-deep in something, up to one’s ? lu bù ?
data, facts (used to substantiate some theory), theoretical ? luận chứng ?
to bring an accusation against somebody ? luận tội ?
to be a comfort to someone ? là nguồn an ủi của người nào ?
to do, work, make, function as, serve; to cause something to happen ? làm ?
to make a puppet (out of someone) ? làm bù nhìn ?
to make someone unhappy, discontent ? làm bất mãn ?
conceited, stuck up; to consider something beneath one’s dignity ? làm cao ?
to make everyone believe (something that isn’t true) ? làm cho mọi người lầm tưởng ?
to increase someone’s prestige ? làm cho uy tín của ai lên cao ?
to do something ? làm chuyện gì đó ?
to frighten someone ? làm e sợ ?
to reduce someone’s authority ? làm giảm quyền hành ?
to give someone a hard time ? làm găng ?
to do something twice (because it wasn’t finished the first time) ? làm hai thì ?
to be rude (toward someone) ? làm hỗn ?
to make (someone) unhappy or miserable, torment ? làm khổ ?
run the risk (of doing something), run risks ? làm liều ?
become someone’s concubine ? làm lẽ ?
to do something right away ? làm ngay ?
to do something at once ? làm ngay sốt sột ?
to make someone a little dizzy ? làm người hơi choáng váng ?
to put someone at ease ? làm người nào an lòng ?
to make someone dizzy ? làm người nào chóng mặt ?
to do (something) perfunctorily for the sake of getting it done ? làm nhuế nhóa cho xong chuyện ?
to do (something) by halves ? làm nhăng nhít cho qua ?
to do (something) by halves ? làm nửa vời ?
to bankrupt (someone or something) ? làm phá sản ?
to complicate, make (something) more complicated, create (additional) complications ? làm phức tạp thêm ?
to make someone’s acquaintance ? làm quen với ai ?
somehow, somewhat, in a way ? làm sao đó ?
to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life ? làm sống lại ?
to round something up or down ? làm tròn số ?
to make someone speechless ? làm á khẩu ?
be engaged with something, in case of need, should the ? lâm sự ?
to be cold with someone ? lãnh đạm với người nào ?
to give somebody money under the table ? lót tay ?
cumbersome, complicated, burdensome, untidy, unkempt ? lôi thôi ?
to postpone something until Tuesday ? lùi lại tới ngày thứ ba ?
when one has a chance, the opportunity (to do something) ? lúc đắc thời ?
splutter, splutter, mumble, be full of (some-thing) ? lúng búng ?
receive somebody’s instruction ? lĩnh giáo ?
fulfill an order, obey somebody’s wish ? lĩnh ý ?
(1) again; against, over again, back towards; resume, re-
(2) to come, reach, get to
(3) (indicates something is contrary to expectations)
? lại ?
crunch, crushing sound (made by walking or driving on something) ? lạo xạo ?
fall on one’s knees and give thanks to somebody ? lạy tạ ?
try to win someone’s heart ? lấy lòng ?
bulky, cumbersome, unwieldy ? lềnh kềnh ?
gift, present, make a gift of something, present something ? lễ lạt ?
(carry something) with difficulty (because it is heavy) ? lễ mễ ?
cumbersome, cumbrous ? lồng cồng ?
roadmap, plan (for doing something) ? lộ đồ ?
to strip (off someone’s clothes) ? lội truồn ?
to unmark someone ? lột mặt nạ của người nào ?
to pull off someone’s shirt ? lột áo ?
secret, something said in confidence ? lời tâm sự ?
apply oneself strenuously to (some work) ? lụi cụi ?
to owe somebody a debt of gratitude, be in somebody’s debt ? mang ơn ?
to go along something, skirt ? men theo ?
to dismiss somebody from his duties, remove somebody from office ? miễn nhiệm ?
to rummage, forage; expose (someone’s defects), run down ? moi móc ?
hope, hope for something ? mong sao ?
save face, pay due consideration to (someone’s) face ? mua mặt ?
to buy something on credit, buy and pay in installments ? mua trả góp ?
brazenly entreat (someone for something) ? muối mặt ?
to want that, want something (done a certain way) ? muốn như vậy ?
if you want to say something, say it ? muốn nói gì thì nói ?
to want something to be like ? muốn vậy ?
to give somebody a hint or tip ? mách nước ?
passion (fro something), enthusiasm (for) ? máu mê ?
be unconscious; go mad (on something), be infatuated (with something) ? mê mệt ?
to touch, interfere with something ? ?
link; to establish contacts, get in touch with somebody ? móc nối ?
to take something out of one’s pocket ? móc túi ?
to make an attempt (on someone’s life), attempted assassination ? mưu sát ?
to see to (something), make careful arrangements for ? mưu sự ?
absorbed (in a task), engrossed (in something) ? mải ?
to be absorbed, engrossed (in something) ? mải mê ?
wasted effort; to waste effort on something ? mất công ?
to lose sight of somebody, leave no trace, disappear ? mất hút ?
to lose one’s health, lose strength, lose one’s ability (to do something) ? mất sức ?
to lose someone’s respect ? mất sự kính trọng ?
how much, how many, what, how?; several, some, a few; and, with ? mấy ?
germ, seed, cause (of something bad) ? mầm mống ?
to heap insults on somebody, scold and curse, vituperate ? mắng chửi ?
to heap insults on somebody, vituperate ? mắng nhiếc ?
to allow (someone to do something) ? mặc ý ?
slip, hit on someone’s ear ? một bạt tai ?
a surprise, something unexpected ? một bất ngờ ?
a thing, an issue, something ? một chuyện ?
for a time, for some time ? một dạo ?
a day after (something) ? một ngày sau khi ?
one of several, one of many, some; one of these ? một trong những ?
something which, something that ? một việc mà ?
to put words into somebody’s mouth, prime somebody about what to say ? mớm lời ?
to invite someone to a ball ? mời đến khiêu vũ ?
to make the first purchase in the day (of something) from someone ? mở hàng ?
to give a banquet in honor of somebody, throw a party ? mở tiệc chiêu đãi ?
initiate, pave the way for, open the road (to something) ? mở đường ?
to open the door to (something), allow (something), make way for (something) ? mở đường cho ?
express New Year’s Day wishes (to someone for being a year older) ? mừng tuổi ?
(do something) in one’s own sweet time (way) ? ngang dọc ?
to be all Greek to someone ? nghe như vịt nghe sấm ?
listen and obey, obey, take (somebody’s) advice ? nghe theo ?
to suspect someone of a crime ? nghi người nào phạm tội ?
be reluctant (to do something) because still in doubt ? nghi ngại ?
welcome something new, receive visitors ? nghinh tân ?
welcome something new, receive visitors ? nghinh tống ?
to grind something to dust ? nghiền vật gì thành bột ?
to think of something, have an idea ? nghĩ ra một chuyện ?
to think up something else, come up with another idea ? nghĩ ra một chuyện khác ?
to crane one’s neck to see something ? nghển cổ nhìn ?
mischievous, play pranks (on somebody) ? nghịch tinh ?
to get something out of a small hole ? ngoáy ?
to scribble, scrawl; to do something hastily or in haste or hurriedly ? nguệch ngoạc ?
compose and recite a poem extempore (under the inspiration or some feeling) ? ngâm vịnh ?
fall on one’s back-be taken aback by something which comes as a ? ngã ngửa ?
scrape round (in something hollow) ? ngó ngoáy ?
to ignore someone’s minor mistakes ? ngơ những khuyết điểm nhẹ cho ai ?
refugee, someone displaced from their home ? người ly tán ?
back (where something came from) ? ngược trở ?
give (someone) a black look ? ngấm nguýt ?
tell on (somebody) ? ngấm đòn ?
to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short ? ngắt lời ?
to interrupt someone; to pick, pluck, pinch off ? ngắt lời người nào ?
to express one’s thanks (to someone) ? ngỏ lời cảm tạ ?
to spend the night at somebody’s house ? ngủ nhờ ?
shock the eyes, feel uneasy at seeing something shocking the eyes ? ngứa mắt ?
shock the ears, feel uncomfortable at hearing something shocking the ears ? ngứa tai ?
feel the urge of doing something ? ngứa tay ?
suck and dangle (sweet) in front of (somebody) ? nhem thèm ?
make ironical remarks about (someone) ? nhiếc ?
humiliate (someone) with remarks on his defects ? nhiếc móc ?
make loops, make somersaults ? nhào lộn ?
mythological figure, someone larger than life ? nhân vật thần thoại ?
fighter, person fighting for something ? nhân vật tranh đấu ?
(of children) troublesome, importunate ? nhèo nhẹo ?
to be packed, crammed full of something ? nhét đầy ?
to see through somebody ? nhìn thấu tâm can ai ?
to stare at someone ? nhìn trừng trừng ?
somewhat sour, sourish, somewhat acidic ? nhôn nhốt ?
to dip something in a liquid ? nhúng vật gì vào nước ?
sully, smear (someone’s) name ? nhơ danh ?
to be very close to somebody, be very intimate with somebody ? như chân với tay ?
to be at daggers drawn with somebody ? như chông như mác ?
always on bad terms with somebody ? như chị dâu em chồng ?
but (rather, as opposed to something previously said) ? nhưng lại ?
give way (to somebody) ? nhường bước ?
to dance with someone ? nhảy với người nào ?
to see something strange ? nhận thấy một chuyện lạ ?
to claim something that is not one’s own ? nhận vơ ?
to judge (of) someone ? nhận xét về ai ?
to comment on something ? nhận xét về cái gì ?
in somebody’s house ? nhập gia ?
to recall someone to his duty ? nhắc ai đến nhiệm vụ của mình ?
to aim a gun at someone ? nhắm bắn người nào ?
make light of (some) feeling ? nhẹ tình ?
to endure, go without, suppress, abstain, refrain (from doing something) ? nhịn ?
to stuff (someone with something) ? nhồi sọ ?
to spit in (someone’s) face ? nhổ vào mặt ai ?
noisy, troublesome; to bustle, be disturbed ? nhộn ?
have a fond remembrance (of someone, of some place) ? nhớ nhung ?
to recall something ? nhớ ra điều gì ?
remember (something) all one’s life ? nhớ đời ?
depend on someone for ? nhờ cậy ?
to depend on (somebody) for help, resort to ? nhờ vả ?
(pluralizer); several, various; to be only; certain number of, some; as much as, as many as ? những ?
any, those (people) who (do something, are something) ? những ai ?
feelings (about something) ? những cảm xúc ?
several years before, prior (to something) ? những năm trước đó ?
not bold enough, somewhat chicken-hearted, be a chicken ? non gan ?
to heat (something) to the melting-point ? nung cho nóng chảy ra ?
to swallow something up or whole ? nuốt trộng ?
to raise one’s glass to someone’s health ? nâng cốc chúc ai ?
to squeeze money from somebody ? nã tiền ai ?
to drag someone into doing something ? nèo ai làm việc gì ?
to throw (something) at someone’s head ? ném vào đầu ?
to name names, mention somebody or something by name ? nêu tên ?
to grab at someone, pull ? níu lấy người nào ?
to put obstacles in somebody’s way, obstruct, impede somebody’s progress ? níu áo ?
to joke, say something jokingly ? nói chơi ?
to say something ? nói gì ?
to put in a good word (with influential people, for someone) ? nói lót ?
to say something, say anything ? nói một câu ?
to say sweet nothings to someone ? nói ngọt với người nào ?
speak (with somebody) in private, have a word in sb’s ear; in particular ? nói riêng ?
to say something ? nói thêm một câu ?
to speak some consoling words for form’s sake ? nói vuốt đuôi ?
refer indirectly (of something), allude (to something) ? nói xa ?
to say something over and over again ? nói đi nói lại ?
hot, burning, anxious (to do something), hot-tempered, quick-tempered ? nóng ?
to burn with anger and desire to beat (someone) ? nóng mắt muốn đánh ?
to hide or shelter behind somebody, be protected by somebody ? núp bóng ?
depend on (somebody) for help ? nương cậy ?
fire (as something destructive) ? nạn cháy ?
to stay under someone’s protection ? nấp bóng ?
to seize somebody by the collar ? nắm cổ ?
to grab someone’s hair ? nắm tóc ?
to be in someone’s domain ? nằm trong phạm vi ?
to make up a story and slander someone ? nặn chuyện để vu cáo người ?
like a millstone round someone’s neck ? nặng như đá đeo ?
to owe heavy debts, take on too many debts, be heavily indebted to somebody ? nặng nợ ?
if one cannot, if something is not possible ? nếu không được ?
spare (somebody’s feelings) ? nể lòng ?
have a high regard for (somebody’s words, recommendations) ? nể lời ?
toady (to somebody) ? nịnh bợ ?
to follow in somebody’s footsteps ? nối bước ?
to follow someone, tread in sb’s footsteps ? nối gót ?
take over the floor (from someone) ? nối lời ?
to hand in a request, give up, hand over, submit an application, register one’s name (for something) ? nộp đơn ?
decrease somewhat in price ? nới giá ?
have the heart to do something ? nỡ nào ?
mimic someone's voice ? pha tiếng ?
adventuresome, wander, drift ? phiêu linh ?
to be bothersome, cumbersome; to complain, complaint ? phiền hà ?
confer a title (on somebody) ? phong tước ?
grant (somebody, something, something to somebody) ? phong tặng ?
get wind (of something) ? phong văn ?
to use one’s influence with someone ? phát huy ảnh hưởng (của mình) đối với ai ?
be vexed or annoyed (by somebody) ? phát phiền ?
to condole with (someone) ? phân ưu ?
wearisome, tiresome ? phè ?
the wrong side (of something) ? phía trái ?
to set fire to something, set something on fire ? phóng hỏa ?
leave one’s mortal remains somewhere ? phơi thây ?
technology (as a means of doing something) ? phương tiện kỹ thuật ?
fine (somebody) for a common nuisance ? phạt vi cảnh ?
fall victim to somebody's charms ? phải bả ?
must do (something) ? phải làm sao ?
passive reaction (to something) ? phản ứng thụ động ?
instructions (for doing something) ? phần hướng dẫn ?
one’s part, share (of something) ? phần mình ?
in part, partly, some extent, a certain degree ? phần nào ?
partly (to do something), partly (to do something else) ? phần nào ~ phần nào ?
save (food, etc.) for someone ? phần phò ?
toady (to somebody) ? phỉnh nịnh ?
to ape, imitate, follow in somebody’s footsteps ? phụ họa ?
be ungrateful (to somebody for something) ? phụ ơn ?
be transported with admiration, take one’s hat off (to somebody) ? phục lăn ?
to wash one’s hands of something ? phủi tay ?
disregard the favor (done by somebody) ? phủi ơn ?
to pay attention, take an interest, concern; interest (in something) ? quan tâm ?
to accuse, label someone (as something) ? quy chụp ?
attribute a service (to somebody), credit (somebody) with a service ? quy công ?
to accuse, attribute (something to somebody or something) ? quy kết ?
attribute a crime (to somebody), throw the blame on ? quy tội ?
set one’s mind on (something), be determined to ? quyết ý ?
(1) acting (president, etc.)
(2) authority, power
(3) right (to do something)
? quyền ?
limit of someone’s power, authority, rights ? quyền hạn ?
to be quarrelsome, get angry ? quạu ?
council of national affairs, cabinet (in some countries) ? quốc vụ viện ?
reproach somebody with something reproach bitterly ? quở phạt ?
to kiss the dust, cringe or kowtow to somebody, fawn ? quỵ lụy ?
to begin, start (to do something) ? ra tay ?
to master (a subject), know something well; to be clear ? rành ?
to follow in someone’s steps ? rõi ?
to fall into someone’s hands ? rơi vào tay ?
troublesome, complicated ? rầy rà ?
to let go of (somebody, something), part with; to rest ? rời tay ?
to get someone’s name wrong ? sai lầm về tên ?
send on some business ? sai phái ?
to send someone off on a small errand ? sai vặt ?
place somebody’s remains in a small terra-cotta coffin ? sang tiểu ?
following; after (something happens) ? sau khi ?
after some initial complications ? sau những rắc rối lúc đầu ?
to be madly in love with someone ? si tình ?
compare the advantages and disadvantages (of something) ? so đo ?
to fawn upon (someone) ? sàm nịnh ?
to reduce the severity (of something) ? sút giảm trầm trọng ?
subject (something) to preliminary treatment ? sơ chế ?
to produce (something) locally ? sản xuất tại chỗ ?
to plan, arrange (in some way) ? sắp xếp ?
there will come a day, someday ? sẽ có một ngày nào đó ?
anxious, eager, dying (to do something), impatient ? sốt ruột ?
to await something anxiously, eagerly ? sốt ruột mong ?
to give someone a lesson ? sửa lưng ?
to correct a fault, make something right (again), right as wrong ? sửa sai ?
presence (of something, someone) ? sự hiện diện ?
drunkenness, absorption (in something) ? sự say sưa ?
one should not expect (something) ? ta không nên trông đợi ?
to hear something with one’s own ears ? tai nghe mắt thấy ?
to receive someone with open arms ? tay bắt mặt mững ?
to corrupt somebody’s morals, deprave, deteriorate, degenerate ? tha hóa ?
to imitate, copy, follow (in someone’s footsteps, someone’s example) ? theo gót ?
to follow someone’s example ? theo gương ai ?
to compete, play a match against somebody, enter ? thi đấu ?
(1) thousand
(2) partial (to), favorable, pro-(something)
(3) heaven, sky, God, heavenly, divine, celestial
(4) (classifier for articles, novels, chapters)
(5) to move, shift, change
(6) section, part, piece
? thiên ?
good will, philanthropic; will (to do something) ? thiện chí ?
to not escape someone’s eyes ? thoát khỏi cặp mắt ?
to make somebody listen to reason ? thuyết lý ?
to challenge (someone or something); challenge ? thách thức ?
to give free rein to somebody, give somebody his ? tháo khoán ?
to whisper in someone’s ear ? thì thầm vào tai ?
to visit, call on (someone) ? thăm hỏi ?
to promote somebody (to the post of), grant ? thăng chức ?
to let someone out of, release someone from ? thả ra ?
to love somebody secret ? thầm yêu trộm nhớ ?
some other guy, someone else ? thằng khác ?
dope addict, someone addicted to marijuana ? thằng nghiện cần sa ?
understand someone’s situation, feel (for) ? thể tình ?
from time to time, now and then, sometimes, every so often, occasionally ? thỉnh thoảng ?
to thrust (something into something) ? thọc ?
to put a spoke in somebody’s wheel ? thọc gậy bánh xe ?
grab someone by the coat’s lapel ? thộp ngực ?
to get out of breath, be breathless from something or from ? thở dốc ?
wear mourning for someone ? thụ tang ?
to wake (someone), get up, rise ? thức dậy ?
to be well aware (of something, that) ? thừa biết ?
to refresh oneself, go out for some fresh air ? thừa lương ?
to be quite capable of doing something ? thừa sức ?
to have a blind confidence in someone ? tin một cách mù quáng ?
usurp somebody’s power ? tiếm quyền ?
to keep company with, keep someone company ? tiếp chuyện với ?
to release details (about something) ? tiết lộ chi tiết ?
to make something easier to follow, understand ? tiện việc theo dõi ?
whisper, whisper in somebody’s ears ? to nhỏ ?
tom-tom (noise of drum); to collect, gather; to arrest somebody, be in custody, be arrested ? tom ?
to contend with somebody for merits ? tranh công ?
to fight with somebody over power ? tranh quyền ?
institute proceedings against someone ? tranh tụng ?
to take someone’s food ? tranh ăn ?
to return (something to someone) ? trao lại ?
to hang (someone) ? treo cổ ?
in several cases, in some circumstances ? trong những trường hợp ?
regarding, in the matter of; in (doing something) ? trong việc ?
to dip (something hot) into water ? trui ?
repair (parts of something) ? trung tu ?
corner someone ? truy bức ?
to commemorate, celebrate the memory of somebody ? truy điệu ?
to hold someone responsible ? trách cứ ?
against somebody’s will ? trái ý ?
to stop’s somebody’s mouth ? trám miệng ?
wholesome, vigorous, able-bodied, hale and hearty ? tráng kiện ?
to abstain, refrain (from doing something) ? tránh hẳn ?
to avoid (someone), stay in the background ? tránh mặt ?
to quote (someone) ? trích thuật ?
entire, whole; (to do something) by mistake, accidentally ? trót ?
to make a mistake in doing something ? trót dại ?
to look like (something) ? trông giống như ?
lonesome, solitary ? trơ vơ ?
before (the day something happens) ? trước ngày ?
to repay somebody’s favor or love ? trả nghĩa ?
to retort, riposte, answer somebody back, talk ? trả treo ?
to show one’s gratitude towards somebody for something ? trả ơn ?
(slang) attack and rob somebody of something, mugging ? trấn lột ?
hide, avoid (somebody) ? trốn mặt ?
to expel someone from somewhere ? trục xuất ra khỏi ?
to extirpate, eradicate, root something out, to ? trừ tiệt ?
to punish someone for a crime ? trừng phạt về tội ?
revenge oneself on someone ? tuyết cừu ?
revenge oneself on someone ? tuyết hận ?
to break off all relations with somebody, sever ? tuyệt giao ?
handsome and intelligent ? tuấn tú ?
to look for an opportunity (to do something) ? tìm cơ hội ?
to scurry here and there looking for (someone, something) ? tìm nháo cả lên ?
to look for a way (to do something) ? tìm phương tiện ?
to find solace in something ? tìm sự an ủi trong việc gì ?
to follow somebody step by step ? tò tò ?
to respect someone’s right to privacy ? tôn trọng quyền tiêng tư ?
news (about someone) ? tăm hơi ?
have a smattering of something ? tơ lơ mơ ?
relativization, make something relative (to something else) ? tương đối hóa ?
I thought it was someone else ? tưởng ai ?
to imagine that something is easy to do ? tưởng bở ?
to believe something is true ? tưởng thật ?
hope, desire, think of somebody ? tưởng vọng ?
to declare one’s love to somebody ? tỏ tình ?
to denounce, inform (on someone), accuse someone of something ? tố giác ?
to get rid of, dispose of (somebody or something) ? tống khứ ?
to make eyes at somebody; emotional blackmail ? tống tình ?
to pity, take pity on somebody ? tội nghiệp ?
to refuse somebody’s offer of marriage, refuse somebody ? từ hôn ?
to assume, proclaim oneself, pretend (to be someone) ? tự xưng ?
to do something on one’s own accord; unilaterally, on one’s own ? tự ý ?
awesome, awe-inspiring; grandeur greatness, sublimity ? uy linh ?
to violate someone’s right (to something) ? vi phạm quyền lợi ?
notable (the title for a commoner of some means in old ? viên ngoại ?
victory, conquest (over, of something) ? việc chinh phục ?
(the) study (of something) ? việc học ?
necessity, something that has to be done ? việc phải làm ?
be carried away by someone’s own eloquence ? vui miệng ?
to close somebody’s eyes ? vuốt mắt ?
to say or do something to please someone somebody ? vuốt đuôi ?
to surround; around, about, surrounding (something) ? vây quanh ?
this has caused (something to happen) ? vì lý do gì khiến ?
not to be involved (in something) ? vô can ?
to do something thoughtlessly and immediately ? văng tê ?
to open the eyes of somebody ? vạch mắt ?
issue relating to (something) ? vấn đề liên quan tới ?
materials (used in something) ? vật dụng ?
anything, something ? vật gì ?
to be gone, absent, without (someone) ? vắng bóng ?
to make common cause with somebody, side with somebody, to ? về hùa ?
to fall into the hands of somebody ? về tay ?
to beat one’s breast while boasting something ? vỗ ngực ?
to pat someone on the shoulder ? vỗ vai ?
with, and; to join (someone), reach for (something) ? với ?
scoop something, up with an instrument ? vục ?
(1) to have just done something
(3) reasonable, right, suitable, fitting; to fit (clothes)
? vừa ?
just enough (to do something) ? vừa đủ ?
to wed, marry, contract marriage with somebody, to ? xe duyên ?
to judge somebody’s character from his facial features ? xem tướng ?
to lift up with a crowbar, lever something up ? xeo ?
please (do something) ? xin hãy ?
to ask permission, leave (to do something) ? xin được phép ?
handsome lad ? xinh trai ?
(with) one’s arm round somebody’s waist ? xoác ?
to be attached to somebody, have a strong attachment ? xoắn xuýt ?
to invest (in something), provide funds ? xuất vốn ?
to give somebody a telling-off or talking-to ? xài xể ?
to tear somebody to pieces, tear somebody limb from limb ? xé xác ?
to bustle or fuss or crowd or flock round somebody, surround ? xúm xít ?
to lose face, be ashamed of somebody or something ? xấu mặt ?
to poke or stick or shove one’s finger into somebody’s face ? xỉa xói ?
to lead somebody by the nose, have somebody in one’s ? xỏ mũi ?
to acquit someone (of a crime) ? xử trắng án ?
tender, soft, weak, feeble; to feel fondness or affection for somebody ? yếu mềm ?
to do something for one’s friends ? àm một cái gì cho bạn bè ?
(1) yoke (literally and figuratively)
(2) very full (of something), bloated
(3) adjutant
(4) to come to a standstill, stop (completely)
(5) calamity, disaster
(6) ace
? ách ?
to aid secretly, give secret help to somebody ? ám trợ ?
to check, feel, take someone’s pulse ? án mạch ?
consent (to something) ? âu đành ?
to force someone to do something ? ép ai làm việc gì ?
to carry something under one’s arms ? ôm vật gì trong nách ?
to be a parasite, live at someone else’s expense ? ăn bám ?
to live at someone else’s expense ? ăn bảo ?
to be in cahoots (with someone) ? ăn cách ?
to obtain by seduction, talk someone into giving you sth ? ăn dỗ ?
to eat someone else’s ration ? ăn ghẹ ?
to celebrate the anniversary of someone’s death ? ăn giỗ ?
to be well fitted (for something) ? ăn khớp ?
to concern, relate to something, have to do with, be relevant ? ăn nhập ?
to live off somebody, sponge off somebody ? ăn theo ?
to eat something underdone ? ăn tái ?
to make mincemeat of somebody, wipe the floor with somebody ? ăn tươi nuốt sống ?
meddlesome, behaving like a busybody ? đa sự ?
while eating (something happened) ? đang lúc ăn thì ?
to go somewhere else ? đi chỗ khác ?
to penetrate somebody’s ? đi guốc trong bụng ?
to go against someone’s will ? đi ngược lại ý muốn ?
to call on somebody, drop in on somebody, visit ? đi thăm ?
to see someone off ? đi tiễn ?
to be in somebody’s service or employ, go into somebody’s service ? đi ở ?
pay a visit of condolence (to some bereaved family) ? điếu tang ?
this something very unusual for me ? điều này đối với tôi rất mới lạ ?
something that should be, something that deserves to be ? điều đáng ?
the more worrisome thing is ? điều đáng ngại hơn là ?
to appoint (somebody) to a post; to maneuver, move ? điều động ?
to deign, condescend, take notice of something ? đoái hoài ?
to make a right guess at someone’s ulterior motive ? đoán trúng mom ?
to part company with somebody, finish with somebody ? đoạn tình ?
to snatch, take, wrest from someone’s hands ? đoạt khỏi tay ?
to vie with somebody in skill, try to outdo somebody in ? đua tài ?
to have no choice (but to do something), resign oneself to do sth ? đành ?
to resign oneself (to do something) ? đành chịu ?
to dig, excavate, turn over (earth); to call somebody names, curse and swear ? đào bới ?
to kick somebody upstairs ? đá hất lên ?
troublesome, worrisome, disturbing ? đáng lo ngại ?
to make friends with someone ? đánh bạn với ai ?
to beat somebody to death, strike somebody dead ? đánh chết ?
to value something highly, hold something in high regard ? đánh giá cao ?
to judge something’s true value ? đánh giá xác thực ?
to consider the right time for doing something ? đánh giờ ?
knock (somebody) down ? đánh ngã ?
to flog someone within an inch of his life ? đánh nhừ tử ?
wake someone ? đánh trức ?
stab someone’s throat ? đâm họng ?
someplace, somewhere ? đâu đó ?
to catch somebody early ? đón lõng ?
anticipate someone’s whishes ? đón ý ?
meet (someone when he arrives) and see him off (when he leaves) ? đón đưa ?
wait (for someone) in front (to stop his advance) ? đón đầu ?
the correct way, right way (of doing something) ? đúng cách ?
at the precise moment that (something happened) ? đúng vào lúc mà ?
to take, give, conduct, lead, bring (something or someone) ? đưa ?
to take someone (to a place) ? đưa sang ?
to attend (someone’s) funeral ? đưa đám ?
to be asked about (something) ? được hỏi về ?
generally the same except for some small ? đại đồng tiểu dị ?
to duel with somebody, exchange shots with somebody; gunfight, duel ? đấu súng ?
measure wits (with someone, with one another) ? đấu trí ?
since (the time something happened) ? đầu tiên kể từ khi ?
to have the opportunity (to do something) ? đắc thời ?
to send on a special mission, send somebody as a special envoy ? đặc phái ?
grant (someone) a special reprieve, give someone amnesty ? đặc xá ?
anticipate (someone’s thoughts) ? đặn ?
to place an order (to buy something) ? đặt mua ?
to set a condition (for something) ? đặt một điêu kiện ?
to place, put in someone’s hands ? đặt trong tay người nào ?
to repay somebody for his favor, to ? đền ơn đáp nghĩa ?
(1) in order to, so, so that; to allow, permit; to put, place, let (someone do something) ? để ?
to have (something) in one’s mind ? để bụng ?
leave (money or property) to somebody ? để của ?
make it another time, some other time (declining an invitation) ? để khi khác ?
to put by someone’s share, save a portion (of something) ? để phần ?
to make something clearer, clarify ? để rõ ràng hơn ?
to set aside, allow oneself time (to do something) ? để thời giờ ?
to pay attention to sth, notice something ? để ý một điều ?
to intend (to do something) ? định bụng ?
to read over someone’s shoulder ? đọc ké ?
to read someone’s thoughts ? đọc tư tưởng ?
to treat someone unjustly ? đối xử bất công với một người ?
to be placed equal with somebody, tie with somebody ? đồng hạng ?
coworker, colleague, someone in the same profession ? đồng nghiệp ?
shift the blame for one’s action on someone else ? đổ thừa ?
to shift responsibility onto somebody ? đổ vạ ?
implicate (someone) rashly in one’s offence ? đổ vấy ?
help (somebody) stand up (sit up) ? đỡ dậy ?
anyone, someone ? đứa nào ?
to stand behind someone ? đứng sau lưng ?
sound someone out ? ướm hỏi ?
sound somebody out, ask tentatively ? ướm lời ?
warm and cold, how someone is doing ? ấm lạnh ?
somewhere, in some place ? ở một chỗ nào đó ?
on the wrong side (of something) ? ở phía trái ?
to board at someone's house ? ở trọ nhà ai ?
do something in a familiar way ? ỡm ờ ?
to confide or entrust a task to somebody ? ủy nhiệm ?
reproach someone with something ? ỷ eo ?