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away + Not here; far from here; in a different direction ?

trad: 學校離我家很遠。 simpl. 学校离我家很远。

Xuéxiào lí wǒ jiā hěn yuǎn.

The school is far away from my home.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Nhà trường là xa nhà của tôi. ?
Nhà trường là xa từ nhà tôi. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 車站離這兒只有幾步路。 simpl. 车站离这儿只有几步路。

Chēzhàn lí zhèr zhǐ yǒu jǐ bù lù.

The bus stop is just a few steps away from here.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Điểm dừng xe buýt chỉ là một vài bước đi từ đây. ?
Trạm dừng xe buýt là chỉ là một vài bước ra khỏi đây. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 她想避開他。 simpl. 她想避开他。

Tā xiǎng bìkāi tā.

She wants to get away from him.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cô muốn thoát khỏi anh ta. ?
Cô ấy muốn thoát khỏi anh ta. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我家距離車站1公里。 simpl. 我家距离车站1公里。

Wǒ jiā jùlí chēzhàn yī gōnglǐ.

My home is one kilometer away from the station.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
nhà của tôi là một cây số đi từ nhà ga. ?
Nhà tôi là một cây số đi từ nhà ga. ?
( Human Translation: )


Tā zài shōushi cānjù.

She is putting away the dinnerware.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cô được đưa đi ăn. ?
Cô đưa ra đồ ăn. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 火星離地球很遙遠。 simpl. 火星离地球很遥远。

Huǒxīng lí dìqiú hěn yáoyuǎn.

Mars is far away from the Earth.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Mars là cách xa Trái Đất. ?
Mars là xa từ trái đất. ?
( Human Translation: )

He runs away with her. ? Anh ấy chạy trốn với cô ấy. ? Verbs 5
run away ? chạy trốn ? Verbs 5
You can run away, but you cannot hide. ? Bạn có thể chạy trốn, nhưng bạn không thể núp. ? Verbs 5
He passed away because of cancer. ? Anh ấy đã qua đời vì bệnh ung thư. ? Informal Expressions
After her mother passed away she cried a lot. ? Sau khi mẹ của cô ấy qua đời, cô ấy đã khóc rất nhiều. ? Informal Expressions
pass away ? qua đời ? Informal Expressions

like: away ? ?
to fly away, fly off ? bay lên ?
knowing that, being away of that ? biết được điều đó ?
to sacrifice, bargain away, to ? bán tống bán tháo ?
to sacrifice, bargain away, barter ? bán đổ bán tháo ?
immediately, instantly, right away, then ? bèn ?
going away party ? bữa tiệc chia tay ?
to slip away, steal off ? chuồn ?
to run away quickly ? chạy lẹ ?
to run away in panic ? chạy rối rít ?
to take flight, run away, flee ? chạy trốn ?
to run away, get far (from) ? chạy xa ?
run away, vanish, disappear ? cuốn vó ?
make off, run away, take to one’s heels, bolt, do a punk ? cuốn xéo ?
far away (from now), never ? còn lâu ?
take away by force ? cướp sống ?
(1) to hide, store, put away
(2) to lift, elevate, pick up, erect, build, construct
(3) to distill
? cất ?
to save something (for later), put something away (for later) ? cất lấy ?
to put away, take away ? cất đi ?
(1) to take away, take off, undress, strip
(2) see cởi
? cổi ?
far away, long ago ? diễn khơi ?
put away one’s pen ? gác bút ?
to put away, give up ? gác bỏ ?
to brush away one’s tears ? gạt nước mắt ?
far-away place(s), alleys and side ? hang cùng ngõ hẻm ?
to drive away, dispel ? hóa giải ?
to not be home, be out, be away from home ? không có nhà ?
located far away in a far remote place ? khơi diễn ?
right now, right away, at this very moment ? liền bây giờ ?
to stop right away, stop immediately ? liền ngưng hẳn ?
slide away, steal away ? lui lủi ?
continuously, non-stop, on and on, often, frequently, right away, immediately, at once, all at the same time, all in one operation, always ? luôn ?
to flee away, refuge ? lánh nạn ?
to throw away, discard ? lược bỏ ?
(1) to sneak away
(2) absent-minded
? lảng ?
to slip away, steal off ? lẩn ?
(1) to die, pass away, vanish
(2) to lose, spend, take (money, time)
? mất ?
immediately, at once, right away; to be straight, righteous, honest, exact ? ngay ?
far-away, very far ? nghìn dặm ?
turn away in anger ? ngoảy ?
turn away (from) not to bother about ? ngảnh đi ?
idle away one’s time ? ngồi dưng ?
idle away one’s time ? ngồi không ?
idle away one’s time, twiddle one’s thumbs ? ngồi rồi ?
oleaster; to steal, steal away, give the slip, slink out ? nhót ?
to notice right away, realize right away ? nhận ra ngay ?
leisured, free, children’s game (sit side by side counting their legs); idle about, idle away one’s time ? nu na ?
sprawl idly, idle away one’s time in bed ? nằm ườn ?
fling away, throw off, give up forego, relinquish ? phao khí ?
drift away, knock about the world ? phiêu du ?
to act right away, immediately ? phăng ?
to have to go right away, have to leave immediately ? phải đi liền ?
turn away from, turn one’s back ? quay đi ?
to escape to break away, be let out ? sổ lồng ?
leave, go away or off ? thoát ly ?
to clear away, tidy up ? thu dọn ?
liquidate, abolish, do away (with) ? tiễu ?
to stay away (from) ? tránh xa ?
to flee, escape, hide oneself, run away, evade, shirk ? trốn ?
to get away from the summer heat ? trốn nắng ?
to escape, get away, flee ? trốn thoát ?
very far away, far remote ? tít mù ?
to feign ignorance, pretend, fake; to turn away from, ignore, neglect ? tảng lờ ?
(1) opium pipe
(2) sister in law (one’s elder brother’s wife)
(3) to run away, escape, flee
? tẩu ?
(Buddhism) die away in stillness ? tịch diệt ?
to drive out, drive away, expel ? tống ?
right away, immediately, at once ? tức thì ?
to pass away, die ? viên tịch ?
distant land, faraway place ? viễn phương ?
(poetical) far-away shore ? viễn phố ?
far-away country ? viễn xứ ?
be carried away by someone’s own eloquence ? vui miệng ?
to slip away, disappear ? vuột mất ?
to carry off, carry away, sweep off ? vơ vét ?
slave away, grind ? vần vật ?
absent, away, in absentia ? vắng mặt ?
to throw (away), cast, discard ? vứt ?
far (away), distant, remote ? xa ?
far away from, distant, separated from ? xa cách ?
to keep away from, shun, avoid ? xa lánh ?
far away, as far as the eye can see ? xa tít ?
distant, far-away, remote ? xa xôi ?
to drive away, chase away ? xua đuổi ?
to chase, drive away misfortunes ? xua đuổi những bất hạnh ?
to nibble away at, eat up gradually ? xâm thực ?
to efface, obliterate, fade away, wear away, eradicate, wipe out ? xóa nhòa ?
(1) to eat (away at), attack, corrode, cost; to attend, celebrate, take part in (a event where food is served)
(3) to earn illegally
? ăn ?
to eat away, corrode ? ăn mòn ?
to be far away and not heard of ? đi biệt biền biệt ?
to go right away, leave immediately ? đi liền ?
to run after, chase, drive away; to fire, dismiss, discharge, cast out, expel ? đuổi ?
to defect, escape, flee, run away; defection ? đào thoát ?
to flee, run away, take flight, defect ? đào tẩu ?
to chase, drive out, drive away, dislodge ? đánh đuổi ?
boom away, bang away ? đùng đùng ?
to save money, put away money ? để sành tiền ?
faraway place ? miền xa ?
to drive away, drive out ? xua ?