
actually + used to add new (often different) information
amaze + To cause wonder; to surprise completely
and + used to refer to two or more things
anything + thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions
anyway + A word people use to change the topic of a conversation
anywhere + in, at or to any place; used in questions, with 'not'
art + A creative skill using the imagination, e.g. painting
as + word that is used to compare two equal things
ashamed + Feeling shame or guilt because you did something wrong
ball + small round object often used in a game or sport
basically + Used before you explain something simply
before + At a time earlier than the present; previously
bird + animal with feathers that uses wings to fly
blow + To move something using air
both + Used to refer to two things at the same time
bottle + container with a narrow neck used to hold liquids
box + A container with (usually) four straight sides and a lid
bread + Baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc.
build + To make, e.g. a house, by putting materials together
bus + A large road vehicle used for carrying many people
but + Used before you say something different, opposite
buyer + A person who buys, e.g. a customer in a store
card + small piece of paper or plastic used as I.D.
carefully + In a manner that involves focus and care
catch + use your hands to stop and hold something flying
clean + Being free from dirt or marks because it was washed
clear + Easy to understand; well-explained; obvious
clearly + In a way that is easy to understand; obviously
closely + nearby; just next to
company + A business that sells things or provides services
continue + To do something without stopping, or after pausing
conversation + when you talk with other people; discussion or chat
could + Used as the past form of can, to indicate possibility
cry + to produce tears and sounds because of pain
cup + small round container used to hold liquids for drinking
cut + To use a knife or scissors to divide or open the surface
dance + To move your body rhythmically to music
dinner + The main meal of the day, usually in the evening in the US
draw + To create an image using pen or pencil and paper
drug + chemical used as a medicine
either + one of two (used when there is a choice of two)
especially + More than usual; extremely
everyday + Used or seen daily; suitable for daily use; ordinary
excitement + When people feel very happy and enthusiastic
farm + Land used for growing crops or raising animals
fear + unpleasant feeling caused by being aware of danger
fly + To travel through the air using wings
foot + lowest part of the leg we use to stand on
force + To use physical strength or violence to persuade
frighten + To make someone afraid or nervous
funny + Causing laughter; amusing
garden + yard; ground outside your house to grow plants
general + Widespread, normal or usual
generally + Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people
glass + hard transparent material used for making windows
hall + area inside the entrance of a house
highly + more than usual; to a great degree
historic + Belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past
hold + To use hands or arms to carry or keep something
honest + Good, truthful, sincere, or faithful; trustworthy
horse + large animal with 4 legs used for riding
how + (used to explain the way to do something)
however + (used to introduce a counter statement to what has been said)
hurt + To cause pain, damage or injury
issue + important topic discussed, debated or argued over
it + A thing that has been previously mentioned
jump + To push your body into the air with your legs
just + just when, just as exactly at the time of
key + Something you use to open a lock or start a car
kick + hit using the foot
listen + To use your ears to hear and understand things
lock + To use a key/code so others can’t open something
look at + to use your eyes to focus on something
machine + piece of equipment used to do work
main + Most important; most often used
mainly + mostly; usually; being the largest part
major + Important, serious, or large in scope
manage + To run or operate a business by directing others
management + people who are in control of a business or group
manager + person who controls and runs a business or group
many + Used to refer a large number of things
marriage + formal relationship between a husband and a wife
marry + To become the husband or wife of someone
mess + state of confusion and disorderliness
might + used to express that something could happen
mind + part of humans that allows us to think or feel
miss + to be too late to ride on something e.g. train or bus
money + Coins or notes we use to pay for things
mouth + part of the face used for eating and talking
move + to cause something to change to a different place
movement + part of a piece of music
musical + play or movie set to music
musician + person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job
must + (used to say that something is required or necessary)
newly + Very recently; just done or made
next + immediately after the previous one
noise + Loud sounds that cause discomfort or annoyance
normally + In the manner that is usual or ordinary
nose + part of the face used for breathing and smelling
obviously + in a way that is obvious/easy to see or understand
office + building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities
oil + thick, black liquid in the ground used as fuel
only + just one; just that amount or thing; not more than
our + Belonging to us
ourselves + Used by a speaker to show that they and one or more people are affected by their action
phone + To talk to someone using a telephone
pick + to decide on a thing from various choices; select
pop + to cause something to open or burst suddenly
pot + deep, round container that is used for cooking
prepare + To make something ready for use
press + To push something against something else
problem + Something difficult to deal with or causes trouble
quick + Using very little time; moving far in little time
quietly + In a quiet manner; making little sound or fuss
reasonably + In a fair and just manner
recently + just a while ago; not long ago
remember + To bring a previous image or idea to your mind
rent + To pay money for the use of something
responsible + Having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner
say + To use words to tell your message
see + To use your eyes to look at something
send + To cause mail or package to go to another place
sense + To perceive using sight, sound, taste touch or hearing
seriously + In a dangerous or negative manner
servant + person who works in another person's house and usually is responsible for cooking, cleaning and other tasks
server + person whose occupation is to serve at table (as in a restaurant) (court games) the player who serves to start a point (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network; utensil used in serving food or drink
settle + To move to a new environment and become accustomed to it
should + Used to indicate what is proper or reasonable
shout + To speak very loudly because you want to get their attention
silly + Lacking seriousness or foolish
sing + To make musical sounds with your voice
sky + the place where we see clouds above us
smell + To use the nose to sense something
some + Used to refer to an unspecified amount or number
song + Some music with words in verse
speak + To use words to tell information, express thoughts
special + Different from what is usual; better or greater than normal
specialize + To focus on one area of a field or profession
spend + To use money to pay for something
stage + place where actors or musician perform for others
station + place where you can catch a train or a bus
still + (used of an action or condition that is ongoing)
strange + Unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected
strong + Having big muscles; physically powerful
study + To focus on learning something usually at school
tape + To stick things together using an adhesive strip
telephone + machine used to talk to someone who is far away
than + Used to compare two things that are not equal
that + used to show which person or thing we are talking about
they + Used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things
those + used to show which people or things we are talking about
throw + To use your arm to make a thing fly through the air
tooth + hard white things in the mouth, used to bite
unclear + Not easy to understand; not obvious
user + person that uses a service or thing, e.g. a website
visit + To go to a place for a time, usually for a reason
waste + To use valuable things ineffectively
we + Used to refer to the speaker and other people together
wheel + circular thing that rolls, used for moving things
when + word you use to ask about the time or day
where + word you use to ask the location of something
whom + Used in formal writing or speech
will + used with verbs to express the future
with + Used to express that people or things are together
without + Used to say you don't have something or it isn't in a place
wonder + Surprise caused by experiencing something amazing
would + modal verb used to indicate possibility, request etc.
yard + outdoor area or garden next to a house
yourself + reflexive form of 'you', used for an emphasis
accident + sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury etc
adventure + An exciting and often dangerous experience
adviser + Someone giving advice in business, law etc
aid + To provide things useful or needed by others
alarm + sound or light used for a warning or alert
anxious + Afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous
argument + A discussion in which you disagree with another’s opinion
arrest + To use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes
aside + to the side; out of the way; for later use
assistant + person who helps another, usually as a job
atmosphere + the air around us
attention + focus of your thoughts on something
attraction + interesting place people want to visit e.g. museum
available + present and able to be used
average + typical or normal; usual; ordinary
bend + To use force to make an object not straight
benefit + good result or effect, something advantageous
bike + 2-wheeled vehicle ridden by pushing on foot pedals
bin + type of container, usually for trash
bond + To become joined or connected, e.g. using glue
bowl + round container used for holding rice, soup etc
brief + (of period of time) short; using few words
briefly + Happening in a short period of time; using few words
brush + thing used to comb your hair or to clean the floor
button + small round piece material used to fasten clothing
calculate + To find an answer using mathematics
classic + Something popular or famous for a long time
commit + to do something bad, usually a crime
common + typical, normal; not unusual
complicate + To make more difficult to do, understand or use
concentrate + to pay great attention to a task; focus
constant + Happening frequently or without pause
constantly + frequently or without pause
contribution + Helping a cause by giving money, things, services
crash + to damage an object by causing it to hit something
create + to make, cause, or bring into existence
cultural + of a particular society’s customs and beliefs
culture + beliefs and customs of a particular group
customer + Someone who buys goods or services from a business
deny + To refuse to allow or accept something
disappear + To no longer see because it’s not there any more
discuss + To talk about something seriously or in great detail
economic + Having to do with trade, industry, and money
effect + change brought about by a cause; result
effort + amount of work used trying to do something
electric + using electricity
embarrass + to cause someone to feel uncomfortable about something
emotional + causing, feeling, or appealing to the emotions
equipment + Tools or materials used to perform a task
establishment + organization, institution or place to do business
evil + Morally bad; causing harm to someone
extremely + In a way that is much more than usual or expected
faithfully + in a trustworthy manner
finance + control of money a person/business has access to
flood + large amount of water covering land that is usually dry
fruit + food that grows on a tree or bush
grin + To show the teeth because you are amused ; smile
habit + usual way of behaving ; something often repeated
harm + To injure, damage, or cause problems due to something you do
hesitate + To stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do
impressive + Causing admiration or respect; big, grand, expensive etc
income + Earned money from work, investments or business
industrial + Concerning industry or people involved in industry
industry + Factories or businesses that make certain products
instruction + information about how to do or use something
instrument + device that is used for creating music
iron + hot heavy metal object used to smoothen clothes
justice + quality of being fair, equal, or just
knife + long piece of metal you use for cutting things
language + words or signs used to communicate messages
loan + To borrow money that must be paid back
medicine + a substance used in treating illness or pain
metal + Usually hard shiny material mined from rock
mirror + thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself
nervous + Having a tendency to become uneasy or anxious
nor + Used to show two things that are both untrue or do not happen
operate + To be working or being used
operation + Functioning; use
ordinary + Normal or usual
partner + someone you have a business or personal relationship with
piano + keyboard instrument used for playing music
plastic + stiff but usually come; what flexible man-made material, usually made using a hydrocarbon-based polymer
plate + flat dish used for eating or serving food
pleasant + Causing a good feeling
pollution + act or result of releasing dirty or dangerous substances into an environment
pool + large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in
positive + Good or useful in qualities, constructive, confident
practical + relating to what is sensible, real or useful
pregnancy + state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
produce + To manufacture something using machines
proud + Pleased because of something you have done
provide + To make available; to supply for use
pump + To make water or any other liquid move using a machine
quote + To use someone's exact words in your writing or speech
rare + Not common or usual
rat + Any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
recognize + To remember because you have met it before
reduce + To make something smaller or use less of it
regularly + At the usual time each day, week, or month
reliable + Deserving of your trust, dependable
replace + To use instead of something else
resistance + Refusal to accept something new or different
respect + To think very highly of another person because of what they do
result + To be the outcome of other causes and effects
retire + To stop because you have reached the time
retirement + Concerning people who have stopped working because they have reached a certain age
risk + To take the chance that you may do something dangerous
row + To move a boat using long pieces of wood called oars
ruin + To destroy or spoil something, to make it useless
salt + Natural white crystal used to flavor or preserve food
satisfy + To be happy because you met your expectation
scale + a device that is used to weigh a person or thing
senior + Having higher status or authority than another person
sheet + large piece of fabric or material that is used to cover something, often a bed
shock + sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected
slide + To move smoothly and easily, usually over a surface
soil + mix of sand and other natural material on the surface of the earth that is used to grow plants
spare + Being extra; available to be used or borrowed
stock + piece of a business, bought in the form of shares
sugar + white sweet substance used to make foods sweeter
supply + To give or sell goods to others for their use
suspect + To doubt or lack trust
swear + To make a serious promise to do something
sweep + To remove something from a surface with a brush
technology + use or knowledge of science in industry, engineering etc
tent + portable cloth shelter used outdoors
ticket + piece of paper that lets you enter or use something
tool + device used to make things, e.g. a hammer or driver
trade + To buy, sell and exchange goods in business
tradition + way of thinking, behaving that used for a long time
trap + device used for catching animals
trial + Concerning or used in a TRIAL
tune + group of musical notes that make a nice sound
typical + normal; usual; expected
typically + in a normal or usual way
vehicle + machine (such as a car) that is used to carry things
weapon + Something that is used for fighting
weird + Odd or unusual
wing + part of an animal's body that is used for flying
abuse + To use in an inappropriate or excessive way
accompany + To do (e.g. travel, play music) with someone
achieve + To succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard
administration + The work of running something, e.g. a business
agency + business that provides some service for others
apologize + To say sorry because of a mistake or injury
assessment + conclusion/opinion formed after due consideration
cancer + Any growth caused by abnormal cell division
catalog + list of items that are available for purchase, usually in the form of a book
ceremony + special social or religious event
cluster + To come together as in a cluster or flock
coin + A small, flat piece of metal used as money
comedy + Light or amusing play or film, usually with a happy ending
competitor + someone taking part in race, business, etc
compose + To come together to form or make something e.g. music
composition + way in which something is put together e.g an essay or piece of music
concert + Musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers
concrete + hard substance used in building made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water
consult + To discuss something to make a decision
consume + To eat, drink, buy or use up something
consumer + person who uses goods or services; individual buyer
contemporary + Being of the time being discussed
contrast + to compare; to show clear, obvious differences
controversial + Causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
corporate + Concerning (usually large) companies
criterion + standard used to make judgments or decisions
critical + being important or serious; vital; dangerous
currency + money system that a country uses
curtain + piece of cloth used to cover a window
custom + What is usual or normal
damn + Used as expletives
data + Facts or information used to calculate or analyze
debate + general public discussion of a topic
decline + To not accept an invitation or offer; refuse
defeat + To be victorious over an enemy/team/disease; beat
device + object, machine, or equipment for a specific use
devote + To decide to use or give something for something else
digital + using electronic signals or computers
disorder + state of confusion or a lack of organization
electronic + Operating by use of electricity; digital
enterprise + Willingness to take new ventures; initiative; business organization; plan
equivalent + Having equality in value, use or meaning
executive + a senior manager in a business or organization
expenditure + amount of money used during a certain time
experimental + using techniques that are different or untried before
extraordinary + Beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable
facility + piece of equipment or buildings with a special use
former + being something previously, but not now
fuel + material used to produce heat or power when burned
function + what something is intended to be used for; purpose
functional + useful; not just for decoration
gallery + place to look at various types of art
grain + seeds of plants used for food
guitar + stringed musical instrument played with the fingers
harbor + area of water protected by land and used by ships
household + Concerning a house
hypothesis + idea that leads to further study or discussion
incident + event, usually unusual or important
index + written or printed (usually alphabetical) list
install + To set up a piece of EQUIPMENT so that it is ready to use
institution + organization created for a particular cause or purpose
intellectual + person who uses the mind intelligently
international + done or relating to several countries, not just your own
invent + To create something useful for the first time
invest + To use resources to build for the future
investor + person who spends money to help business grow
mere + Just enough
motivate + to make someone enthusiastic about doing something
negotiate + To have a formal discussion to reach an agreement
negotiation + a formal discussion to reach an agreement
nevertheless + in spite of what has just been said; nonetheless
obligation + duty that must be performed because of a law, rule, agreement, or promise
offense + criminal act; something that causes hurt
opera + play with music in which all the words are sung
paragraph + section of writing that usually deals with one subject
personality + person_s unique character; the way that a person usually acts
procedure + usual or standard way in which something is done
provision + clause in a legal document
publisher + business that produces books or magazines
reform + To improve society by removing abuse and injustices
refugee + person who has been forced to leave his or her country due to a war or for religious reasons
regulate + To set or adjust the amount, restrict something
reject + To refuse, deny to believe, accept, or consider
resign + To leave a job because you want to
restore + To put or bring back into existence or use, mend
retail + Concerning the business of selling products to the public for personal use
retain + To continue to have or use, keep the quality
revenue + Money that is made by or paid to a business
reward + To give something to someone because of their good work
romantic + Involving, causing, or relating to strong feelings of love between two people
satisfaction + happy feeling because of something that you did
secretary + Employee in an office, usually working for another person, dealing with letters, typing, filing, etc. and making appointments and arrangements
strain + To use too much energy that you hurt yourself
strict + command that must be obeyed
structural + Concerning or caused by structure
technical + of practical use of machines or science in industry
technique + way of doing by using special knowledge or skill
terrorist + radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities
theme + main subject to discuss or describe
tissue + piece of thin, soft paper that is used, in particular, for blowing and cleaning the nose
trail + path, usually through a field or a forest
transportation + act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
venture + (business) activity that involves taking chances or risks
versus + Used to show that a thing or person is against another thing or person
violence + use of physical force to harm someone
virus + very small living thing that causes disease or sickness and can be spread among people or animals
weigh + to determine the weight of, using scales
zone + area of space used for a particular reason
grammar + rules explaining how words are used in a language
band + group of people who work together e.g. play music
or + Used to link alternatives, to introduce another choice
for + Used to show the purpose, or need of something
fun + amusing and enjoyable
post + To send a letter or package using the post office
rice + white or brown grains from a plant used for food
update + To bring something up to date (usually by adding something)
shine + To be bright because light hits it e.g. the sun

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
