
ability + The power, money, or skill to do something
able + Having the ability to do something
above + In a higher place than something else
accept + to agree to receive or take something offered
across + From one side to the other of something
action + Something that a person or thing does
add + To put two things or numbers together, e.g. 2+2
addition + Fact of adding something; thing that is added
admit + To agree that you did something bad, or that something bad is true
afford + to have enough money to pay for something
afraid + Worried that something bad will happen; scared
after + Later than another time, or behind something
age + number of years a person has lived (also of things)
allow + To let or permit someone do something
alone + Without anyone or anything else
among + In the center of some things; in relation to several things
amount + quantity of something
and + used to refer to two or more things
another + one more (thing); additional (thing)
any + one (thing) of many; some (thing)
anything + thing of any kind; used to refer to a thing in questions
appearance + The way that something looks
around + Located on every side, or along something
arrival + when someone or something gets to at a place
as + word that is used to compare two equal things
ashamed + Feeling shame or guilt because you did something wrong
ask + To say to someone that you want something
at + in the place where something is
aware + Knowing or feeling that something exists
awareness + Having knowledge of something
bag + soft container to put things in and carry with you
basically + Used before you explain something simply
believe + To think or accept that something is true
beside + By the side of something; next to something
bit + small piece of something
blow + To move something using air
book + Thing made of pages with writing on that you read
both + Used to refer to two things at the same time
bother + To take the trouble to do something
bottom + lowest part of something; part on which it rests
busy + working hard doing something; full of activity
but + Used before you say something different, opposite
buy + To get something by paying money for it
car + A vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things
care + to look after someone or something
careful + Thinking about what you are doing in order to avoid a mistake
carry + To hold something and move it to another place
case + example or instance of something
catch + use your hands to stop and hold something flying
cause + To make something happen; create effect or result
center + place in the middle of something
certain + Being sure about something; without doubt
certainly + (said when something is definitely true or is sure to happen)
chance + The possibility that something will happen
change + To make or become different, or into something else
check + To confirm the details of something are correct
chip + To break a piece off something e.g. a cup
clothes + The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie
clothing + The things you wear on your body e.g. shirt, dress, tie
coat + clothing worn outside over your normal clothes
collect + To gather things/people together in one place
collection + group of similar things gathered as a hobby
color + Quality of things you can see, e.g. red, blue
comfortable + not being worried about something; at ease
company + A business that sells things or provides services
complete + To finish or reach the end of doing something
consider + To think carefully about something
consideration + careful thought; thinking about something
continue + To do something without stopping, or after pausing
control + To direct or influence the behavior of something
cost + The price you pay for something
count + To add things together to find the total number
couple + two of something; two people; a pair
cover + thing you put over something to close or hide it
dealer + Someone who buys things to sell to others
decide + To make a choice about something or choose after thinking
difference + Not of the same kind; unlike other things
different + Not of the same kind; unlike other things
difficulty + Something that is hard to do
discover + To find something new that was not known before
discovery + Learning something for the first time
doubt + not being sure of something; lack of certainty
drop + To let something fall from your hand
during + At some point in the course of an event or thing
each + Every one of two or more things
ear + Thing on either side of your head that you hear with
egg + hard-shelled thing from which a young bird is born
empty + Containing nothing; with no contents
enjoy + To take pleasure in something
every + Including each person or thing in a group
everything + All of the things mentioned
expect + To believe something is probably going to happen
expectation + belief or hope that something is going to happen
experience + knowledge gained by living life, doing new things
explanation + details or reasons given to make something clear
express + To state or show what you think or how you feel
fact + something that is known or proved to be true
figure + to understand after thinking; work out
fill + To make something full
final + Being the last thing in a series
find + To discover something by looking for it
finish + the end of something; completion
firstly + Before anything else
fix + To make something whole or able to work again
forget + To not remember something
found + To discover something by looking for it
get + To obtain, receive or be given something
give + To hand over or present something to someone
glad + happy that something happened; pleased
group + number of people or things gathered together
hair + long thin strands on your head or body
hat + item of clothing worn on your head
have + To own, possess, or hold something
help + To act to enable a person to do something; assist
helpful + Doing things that help someone
hide + to put a thing where it can't be found; go where you won't be found
his + Something belonging to a male person
hit + To fight, attack or damage something or someone
hold + To use hands or arms to carry or keep something
holder + person who owns or has received something
hole + opening into or through something
hope + when you wish something would happen; what you wish
hopefully + in a manner wishing something to happen
how + (used to explain the way to do something)
hurry + To move/act quickly to get somewhere/do something
if + Introducing a condition for something to happen
imagination + ability to think of new ideas; creation of mental images
imagine + to think creatively about; form mental picture of
inform + To give information or facts about something
information + collection of facts and details about something
inner + Concerning the inside part of something
inside + being in something
instead + When one thing is replaced by another
interest + to make someone want to know about something
into + Going inside something
involve + To have or be included as a part of something
it + A thing that has been previously mentioned
its + of something; belonging or related to something
join + To bring something close to another, to become one
joke + To say or do things that are meant to be funny
keep + To have and continue to hold something
key + Something you use to open a lock or start a car
kill + To end the life of a person or other living thing
kind + One type of thing
knock + To hit something to get people's attention
know + to have knowledge of things in your mind
laugh + To make a happy sound when something is funny
lay + To put or set something down in a flat position
let + to not stop someone from doing something
level + To make things flat or even
lie + To say something that you know is not true
life + All the living things e.g. animals, plants, humans
lift + To move something to higher position
like + To find something pleasing; to prefer something
line + mark that is long, straight and very thin
listen + To use your ears to hear and understand things
load + large, often heavy, amount of something to be moved
lock + To use a key/code so others can’t open something
look at + to use your eyes to focus on something
lose + to be unable to find something you once had
luck + accidental way things happen, often good things
lucky + fortunate; having good things happen by chance
make + to create something by putting things together
maker + person, company, or object that creates things
many + Used to refer a large number of things
mark + To make or leave a visible sign on something; a writing symbol
master + being very skilled at doing something
member + person or thing belonging to a group or team
mention + To refer to or talk or write about something
middle + place that is halfway between two things
might + used to express that something could happen
mind + part of humans that allows us to think or feel
mine + That thing that belongs to me
miss + to be too late to ride on something e.g. train or bus
mistake + something done wrong, calculated wrong, etc; error
money + Coins or notes we use to pay for things
most + nearly all of something
move + to cause something to change to a different place
must + (used to say that something is required or necessary)
name + What something or someone is called
naturally + Without the aid of someone or something
near + With a small distance between things
need + to be unable to manage without something; require
normal + standard or regular way of doing something
nose + part of the face used for breathing and smelling
note + To make mention of something; to make a remark
nothing + Not anything, not a single thing
of + Belonging to or connected with something
offer + to give the opportunity to accept something
only + just one; just that amount or thing; not more than
order + to ask for something you want to buy, e.g. a meal
other + (something) else; not the first (one)
outside + area around or near something, such as a building
owner + person who owns or has something
ownership + state of having a legal right to possess something
pack + To put things in a suitcase to go on a trip
paint + to apply something; coat
pair + two of the same thing, e.g. socks
payment + amount of money that is paid for something
pick + to decide on a thing from various choices; select
piece + small part that of something larger
place + To put something in a certain location or position
plan + detailed proposal/set of actions to do something
plant + living thing with leaves and roots growing in soil
please + You say this when you politely ask people for things
plenty + when there is not too little of something; a lot
pop + to cause something to open or burst suddenly
position + specific location where someone or something is
possibility + something with a chance of happening or being true
prepare + To make something ready for use
presentation + act of giving a formal talk about something
press + To push something against something else
price + To determine or set the cost of something
probability + what the chances are that something will happen
problem + Something difficult to deal with or causes trouble
promise + to say you will certainly do something
protect + To defend someone or something from harm or danger
pull + To hold something and move it toward you
push + To force something away from you
put + To move or place a thing in a particular position
quarter + One of four equal parts of something
reason + explanation for why something occurred or was done
relate + To understand or sympathize with someone or something
rent + To pay money for the use of something
report + account of something which gives the necessary facts and information
responsible + Having the duty of dealing with something; being the cause or creator of something; behaving in a mature and reasonable manner
rule + statement that says how things should be
sad + feeling unhappy; wishing something hadn't happened
save + To rescue someone or something from a bad situation
secondary + Being of less importance than something else
secure + To protect something from danger or harm, keep things safe
security + Things done to protect people, buildings, a country, etc. from harm
see + To use your eyes to look at something
seem + To appear to be something
sell + To exchange something for money
serve + to give or provide something to another person
set + complete group of something, e.g. a chess set
shake + to move something violently back and forth or up and down
shape + the outer form of something, what it looks like
shop + place which sells things
shut + To close something
situate + To place someone or something in a particular place or position
size + How big or small a thing is
smell + To use the nose to sense something
something + thing that is not yet known or named
sort + group or class of similar things or people
space + empty area with nothing in it
spend + To use money to pay for something
stare + To look at someone or something for a long time
start + first time or place that a thing exists; beginning
state + region within a country, with its own government
statement + act or process of saying something formally
steal + To secretly take something that belongs to another
stick + long thin piece of wood from a tree
storage + act of storing something; a depository for goods
store + place where you can go to buy things
story + an account or description of how something happened
strike + To hit something
study + To focus on learning something usually at school
stuff + generic description for things, materials, objects
subject + the person or thing that does the action of a verb
suggest + to mention something that could be done; propose
sure + having no doubts about something
surprise + To do something that another person didn't expect
take + To pick up something and go away with it
talk + To say things or ideas to someone with words
tape + To stick things together using an adhesive strip
teach + To help someone learn or do something
than + Used to compare two things that are not equal
that + used to show which person or thing we are talking about
these + People, things, or ideas near you
they + Used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things
thing + something you cannot remember the name of
think + To have an idea, opinion or belief about something
thirst + need for something to drink
this + person, thing, or idea near you
those + used to show which people or things we are talking about
through + From one end or side of something to the other end or side
throughout + Over or across an entire thing or place, or in every part of something
throw + To use your arm to make a thing fly through the air
tie + To attach things (together) with a string or rope
time + Something measured in minutes, hours, days, etc
tooth + hard white things in the mouth, used to bite
top + highest or upper part or point of something
total + whole number or amount of something
toward + Facing or moving in the direction of something
truth + real facts about something
try + To make an effort, to attempt to do something
unable + Not being able to do something
under + In the same place as another thing, but lower
until + Up to, to indicate a point in time when something happens
use + to do something with, for a task or purpose
user + person that uses a service or thing, e.g. a website
usual + being the way things occur most of the time
view + things you are able to see from a specific place
wait + to spend time until an expected thing happens
wake + To stop something or someone sleeping
want + To desire or wish for something; hope for a thing
wash + To clean someone or something with soap and water
waste + To use valuable things ineffectively
weight + How heavy something is
whatever + Anything or everything needed; no matter what
wheel + circular thing that rolls, used for moving things
where + word you use to ask the location of something
whether + if something will happen or not
whose + Who owns something
winner + person or thing that wins a contest or race
wish + To want something to happen or to become true
with + Used to express that people or things are together
without + Used to say you don't have something or it isn't in a place
wonder + Surprise caused by experiencing something amazing
worry + To feel concerned or troubled about something
worth + how much something is worth; the value of something
yes + way to say you agree or will do something
accuse + To claim that someone has done something wrong
active + Moving around a lot or doing many things
adapt + To change something to fit or suit a new purpose
advantage + thing making the chance of success higher
affect + To do something that changes something else
aid + To provide things useful or needed by others
alter + To change a part of something e.g. clothing
announcement + act of informing people about something publicly
appointment + time you arranged to meet someone or do something
approach + To get close to reaching something or somewhere
arrange + To organize things into an order for them to happen
assure + To make sure that something happens
attempt + To try to do something challenging or difficult
attention + focus of your thoughts on something
attitude + way you act, think and feel about something
balance + To make two or more things equal
benefit + good result or effect, something advantageous
bind + To wrap something with rope
bite + To press down on or cut into something with the teeth
blame + To say someone is responsible for something bad
bless + To make something holy by saying a special prayer
borrow + To take and later return something from another
brain + The part of the head that thinks and controls your body
brush + thing used to comb your hair or to clean the floor
bunch + group of things of the same kind
bury + To put something into the ground and cover it
button + small round piece material used to fasten clothing
capability + means, ability, or potential to do something
capable + Having the ability to do something; can do
characterize + To describe the qualities of person, place, thing
chase + To go after someone or something with the intent to catch
chest + strong, lidded container for storing things
claim + To say something is true when others may not agree
classic + Something popular or famous for a long time
combination + act or result of mixing things together
combine + To mix several things together to form one thing
comment + something you say, giving an opinion; remark
commit + to do something bad, usually a crime
commitment + promise or decision to do something for a purpose
committee + group of people who do or decide something
compare + To consider how similar and different things are
comparison + Looking for differences and similarities in two or more things
competition + fighting against others when trying to win something
complain + To say something is wrong and should be changed
confuse + To make something unclear or hard to understand
connect + To join or attach things together
connection + something that joins things together; being joined
contain + To hold something inside something else
contribute + To donate, give (money) or help to something
contribution + Helping a cause by giving money, things, services
cope + To deal with something in spite of difficulties
copy + To make something that looks the same as the original
council + group chosen to make decisions about something
county + administrative region within a country or a state
crack + To almost break something
crash + to damage an object by causing it to hit something
creation + act of making something
creative + Having the ability to make something new
credit + system to buy something and pay for it later
curious + Wanting to know more about something
damage + Physical harm that is done to something
dare + To have enough courage to do something
decision + choice made after thinking; final judgment
defense + the process of protecting something from attack
deliver + To take something to a person or place
delivery + act of taking something to a person or place
deny + To refuse to allow or accept something
describe + To tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of something
designer + Someone who creates plans to make something
desire + To wish for, hope or want something
destroy + To damage so badly that something no longer exists
detail + small part of something; tiny fact
detect + To discover or identify the presence of something
determine + To control exactly how something will be or act
direct + to tell someone to do something in a straight-talking way
discuss + To talk about something seriously or in great detail
distance + amount of space between two places or things
divide + To separate something into equal pieces
dozen + 12 people or things
drag + To pull something that difficult to move
effort + amount of work used trying to do something
elect to + To choose to do something; to make a decision
embarrass + to cause someone to feel uncomfortable about something
establish + To set or create something to last for a long time
event + Something that happens
exam + test of your knowledge of, or ability in something
examination + test of your knowledge of, or ability in something
example + thing/person which represents a category
exchange + To give things of similar value to each other
expense + paying money for something (big)
exposure + state of experiencing something directly
extend + To straighten or stretch something out, e.g. your leg
faith + belief that that something is true without proof
fan + thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool
fancy + To want to have or do something; feel like
feature + distinctive or important point of something
fold + To bend one part of something against another part e.g. paper
fund + To supply money for something
gain + To get something wanted, needed or valued
gift + Something given to another for a reason; present
goal + Something you try to do or achieve; an aim
grab + To quickly reach out and take something in your hand.
grand + Including many things ; very large
guarantee + To make a formal promise that something will happen or be done.
guard + to keep watch over something to protect it e.g. a bank
habit + usual way of behaving ; something often repeated
harm + To injure, damage, or cause problems due to something you do
height + distance of something from the bottom to the top
hesitate + To stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do
hire + To employ a person to do a particular job or borrow something
identify + To indicate who or what someone or something is
illustration + picture that helps explain something
image + picture, sculpture or painting of something
improve + To make, or become, something better
improvement + addition or change that makes something better
include + to make someone/something part of a group
increase + to make or become something larger in size or amount
indicate + To show something, direct attention to or point out
indication + Something that signals that something else exists or will happen
influence + to affect what happens; change something (indirectly)
instance + an example of something; case
instruction + information about how to do or use something
intend + To plan or want to do something
investigation + search for information about something
invite + To ask someone to go somewhere or do something
item + distinct, individual thing, often part of a group
jacket + light, thin coat worn on the upper body over another shirt or piece of clothing for protection or warmth
keen + Being eager or excited for something to happen
knife + long piece of metal you use for cutting things
lack + to not have, or not have enough, of something
lesson + something done to learn or teach something; class
license + official certificate which grants a person permission to do or have something
likely + referring to the chance that something will actually happen
limitation + act of controlling or reducing the size of something
manner + That way that something happens or is done
material + substance from which a thing is made of
measurement + size or amount of something or someone
memory + Something that has been remembered
mirror + thing with a glass surface used to look at yourself
mix + To combine two or more things to make one
neither + Not one or the other not either none of two things
nor + Used to show two things that are both untrue or do not happen
observation + remark or comment on something you noticed
occasion + time when something happens or takes place
opportunity + time/situation when a thing might be done; chance
opposite + Across from or on the side facing something
opposition + act of disagreeing or trying to stop something
organize + To arrange and plan things, e.g. a party
otherwise + indicates that there will be a bad result if something is done, not done, or done improperly
patient + not getting annoyed when things take a long time
pen + Something you write with in ink
pile + group of things one on top of another
pocket + small cloth bag sewn into clothing to hold things
port + place along a coast where ships load and unload things or passengers, or be sheltered during a storm
possess + to have or own something
possession + Having or owning something
pour + To make something flow in a steady stream
practice + To do something many times to improve a skill
pray + To wish or hope for something to happen or be true
prefer + To like something better than something else
preference + Something that is liked or wanted more than another
pressure + the force/weight when pressing against a thing
pretend + To act as if something is true when it is not
prevent + To stop something from happening or existing
produce + To manufacture something using machines
production + process of making something on a large scale
property + Things, building or piece of land owned by someone
proud + Pleased because of something you have done
purchase + To buy something; to get by paying money for it
pure + Not mixed with anything else; uncontaminated
purpose + reason for which something is done; aim; goal
range + limits within which something extends or varies
reaction + feeling or action in response to something
receive + to get something that someone has given or sent to you
reckon + to believe or expect that something is true
recommend + To say something is good and deserves to be chosen
recommendation + official suggestion about a course of action or a choice of person; the act of suggesting someone or something as a good choice
reduce + To make something smaller or use less of it
reduction + Making something smaller ; reducing something
refer + To talk about or write about something
refuse + To say that you will not accept something
regard + To pay attention to someone or something
regardless + Without being affected or concerned by something difficult or troubling
rely on + To depend on someone or something
remark + To notice or make a comment about something
remind + To make someone remember something
repeat + To say something again
replace + To use instead of something else
representation + act or action of representing something
representative + Typical of a particular group or thing
require + To need something, to make it necessary
requirement + Something that is a necessity
resist + To try to stop or prevent something
resistance + Refusal to accept something new or different
respect + To think very highly of another person because of what they do
risk + To take the chance that you may do something dangerous
roof + cover or top of something
ruin + To destroy or spoil something, to make it useless
rush + To do something very quickly
sake + interest or benefit of someone or something
sale + Giving something for money; the amount sold
scale + a device that is used to weigh a person or thing
schedule + To arrange a time to do something with others
seal + To make something so that it does not leak air or water
search + To carefully look for something
section + One of the parts that form something
seed + small object from which something new can grow
select + To choose from a group, something most suitable
selection + process of choosing someone or something carefully
separate + to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts
series + number of things that happen one after another
shade + area of darkness when something blocks the light
shadow + dark shape that appears when something is against the; of light
sharp + Having a thin edge or point that is able to cut
sheet + large piece of fabric or material that is used to cover something, often a bed
shelf + flat board attached to a wall on which to store things
shelter + structure that covers or protects things
shock + sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected
signal + move a hand, or other thing to tell people to do something.
similarly + In away that is almost the same as something or someone else
sink + large bowl in a kitchen or washroom for washing things
site + present, former or future LOCATION of something, such as a building
skill + ability to do something well
skirt + piece of clothing for the lower body worn by women
smooth + Something that feels pleasant and flat when you touch it not rough
snap + To break something long and thin e.g. a branch
split + To break something into pieces or divide someting
spread + To place something over or cover a large area
stir + To mix something by making circular movements in it
strengthen + To make something stronger
stretch + To make something bigger by pulling on it
string + Thick thread; thin rope
strip + To take something away from (someone)
stroke + To touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way
struggle + to try very hard to do something difficult
style + the (tasteful) way something is designed or made
surround + To be on every side of something
swear + To make a serious promise to do something
sweep + To remove something from a surface with a brush
switch + thing you move to turn electrical items on or off
tap + to hit something lightly
ticket + piece of paper that lets you enter or use something
title + name given to something to identify or describe it
tool + device used to make things, e.g. a hammer or driver
tradition + way of thinking, behaving that used for a long time
transfer + To move something from one place to another
trick + To make someone think something that is not true
twist + To turn something in opposite directions at the same time
unit + single thing or person; a part of something larger
value + To say how much money something is worth
variation + Something almost the same as another but different
various + several; consisting of different things or types
vehicle + machine (such as a car) that is used to carry things
version + particular form of something and other forms
weapon + Something that is used for fighting
wipe + To clean or dry something with a cloth
wire + thin, flexible thread of metal
witness + person who sees something happen
wrap + To cover something by winding a piece of material around it
abstract + Concerning something that doesn't exist physically
achieve + To succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard
achievement + Something good that you have successfully done
acknowledge + To say you accept the truth or value of something
acquire + to get or earn something by thinking or working
acquisition + Process of acquiring; thing that is acquired
adjustment + A small change to make something function better
administration + The work of running something, e.g. a business
adopt + to take on responsibility for something
aim + act of pointing something at a target
alongside + Side by side with something
amendment + a change, addition, or improvement to something
analysis + careful study to better understand something
anticipate + To expect or look ahead to something positively
approval + positive opinion of something or someone
approve + To have a positive opinion of someone or something
assess + To judge something's value or suitability
asset + thing that has value to you
assign + To give someone a particular job or something to do
assumption + something you believe to be so, but aren't sure of
attribute + quality or characteristic that someone or something has, e.g. size or color
award + To give a prize for doing something well
ban + To make something illegal or not allowed
behavior + the way a person or thing acts; manner
belief + Being sure that something exists or is true
bias + preference to believe things even if incorrect
bid + To propose an amount you want to pay for something
biological + Something related to life and living things
budget + the amount of money planned to be spent on something
capacity + Ability to hold, involve or contain people or things
category + groups of things that are similar in some way
celebration + party/event where people rejoice over something
chamber + enclosed space that holds something e.g. bullets in a gun
compete + To try to beat others at something, e.g. a race
complaint + Saying something is wrong and should be changed
component + One of the parts that consists something
compose + To come together to form or make something e.g. music
composition + way in which something is put together e.g an essay or piece of music
comprehensive + Including most or all things
comprise + To make up or form something
concept + abstract idea of something or how it works
conclude + To stop or finish; to come to the end of something
conclusion + judgment or opinion after thinking for a while
conduct + To direct, lead or guide something
confidence + feeling that you can do well at something
confident + feeling that you can do well at something
consequently + therefore; as a result of something
constraint + Thing that prevents you moving or acting; restriction
construct + To build or create something
construction + act of building something; thing that is built
consult + To discuss something to make a decision
consume + To eat, drink, buy or use up something
content + information in something, e.g. a book or computer program
cooperation + instance when someone agrees to work with at least one other person, to get something done
core + important central part of something
correspond + To have similarity or equality with something
criticism + negative judgment of something
criticize + To say that someone or something is bad
declare + To say something in an official or sure way
decrease + To reduce the size, amount or number of something
deficit + property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
delay + To do something later than is planned or expected
demonstrate + To show how something works (e.g. product)
demonstration + Explanation of how something works (e.g. product)
derive + Formed or developed from something else; not original
description + Something that tells you what something is like or looks like
despite + Without being affected by something; in spite of
destruction + Damaging something so badly that it no longer exists
devote + To decide to use or give something for something else
discount + Make the price of something lower
disk + thin or flat, round object, e.g. for storing data
dispute + argument between two or more parties about something
distinct + clearly different in nature from something else
distinction + special quality that makes something different
distinguish + To be a feature to make something clearly different from others
distribute + To hand in or deliver something to people
diversity + state or quality of having a range of different things and ideas
division + act of dividing; something that divides
efficiency + working well; producing something without waste
element + essential or particular part of something
enable + To make it possible to do something
ensure + To make something sure, certain, or safe
equation + mathematical statement showing things to be equal
error + Something that is not correct; a mistake
evaluate + To form an idea to judge something carefully
evaluation + judgment about the value or condition of something
evolve + To slowly change or develop into something better
exceed + To be greater in number than something
exception + Something different or not included
explore + To examine something in detail to learn about it
extension + extra time allowed to complete something
extent + range or space included in something
external + Outside of something
extract + Take something out of something else
factor + Something that influences a result
factory + building where things are made
forecast + prediction of some future thing, e.g. the weather
format + form, design, or arrangement of something
former + being something previously, but not now
formula + plan, rule or method for doing or making something
fragment + part that is broken off of something
framework + basic structure of something
frequency + How often something happens
fulfill + To do something that was promised or required
function + what something is intended to be used for; purpose
gene + part of cell in a that controls the development and appearance of a living thing
genetic + Concerning GENES or the scientific study of how a living thing's appearance, growth, and development are determined and transferred between generations
highlight + best or most interesting part of something
hint + To indicate what you think, feel, know without saying it directly
humor + quality that makes something funny
implementation + act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect
imply + to suggest something, without saying it directly
impose + To make someone to do or endure something
incentive + Something that encourages a person to work hard
incorporate + To include or involve as part of something else
initiative + ability to decide or act upon things yourself without depending on someone else
insight + very good understanding of something a clear idea about how something works
inspire + To make someone have the desire to do something
integrate + to combine together; make into one thing
intelligence + ability to learn things or to consider situations
interaction + process of two or more people or things affecting each other; the process of INTERACTING
interior + Being the inside part of something; being inside something
internal + Within or inside
interpretation + explanation of the meaning of something
invent + To create something useful for the first time
investment + something purchased hoping its value will increase
joint + point at which two things meet (e.g. a road)
justify + To give reasons why you did something or why it is right
label + a piece of paper or material to identify something
latter + the second or last mentioned thing
liability + something that is owed to someone else, e.g. a debt
liquid + basic state of things that is similar to water; not solid or gas
literally + In a way that expresses the exact or LITERAL meaning of something
luxury + Something expensive or costly that is not needed which is bought for pleasure
medium + middle size, something between other things
merely + Only, simply, or nothing more than
method + (organized and planned) way of doing something
mixture + Something made by combining two or more things
mode + way of acting or doing something
modify + To make minor change to something
motivate + to make someone enthusiastic about doing something
motivation + mental drive in a person that makes him or her do something
multiple + Having or involving more than one of something
neglect + To fail to take care of something
notion + idea or opinion about doing something
objective + something you decide you want to do; goal
offense + criminal act; something that causes hurt
origin + point at which something begins or is created
outcome + Something that happens as a result, consequence
outline + To overview or summarize the important points of something
output + amount of something that is produced
pace + rate of speed at which someone or something moves or happens
participant + person who is actively involved and included in something
participate + To take part with others in doing something
participation + act of being involved in something
passion + powerful, positive feeling about something
peak + Being at the highest or best level of something
perceive + To notice or become aware of something
perception + way in which one sees or understands something
permission + right to do something as allowed by another
permit + To allow something to happen; to give permission
perspective + way of thinking, an attitude toward something
persuade + to get you to do/believe something, by giving reasons
pilot + Performed to see if a larger or more detailed thing should be done
plot + To plan something in secret, often something bad
poll + process of gathering people's opinions about something by asking a question or series of questions about a particular subject
praise + To express approval of something or someone
presence + condition or state of someone or something being at a certain place
principle + natural law that explains how things work
priority + fact that is more important than other things
prize + Something that is won in a contest or given as an award
procedure + usual or standard way in which something is done
proceed + To continue to do something; carry on
profit + To earn money from something
proof + Something which shows that something else is true
proportion + amount that is a part of a whole thing
quantity + amount or number of something
rail + long, thin piece of metal
recognition + Accepting that something is true or that it exists
regret + To be sorry about something
regulate + To set or adjust the amount, restrict something
regulation + official rule that controls how something is done
relative + Measured or considered in comparison to something else
relatively + In a manner that measures or compares something to something else
remote + Being far away from people, towns, and other things that are familiar
request + To ask for something
rescue + To save something from danger or harm
resource + essential supply of something
respectively + With regards to each of several persons or things as mentioned, in the order they were mentioned
response + Something said or written as an answer to something
restrict + To prevent someone from doing something
restriction + law or rule that controls or limits the speed, size, amount, or number of something
review + To carefully look at the quality of something
revise + To make changes, add something to improve
reward + To give something to someone because of their good work
sample + To try something to see if you like it (e.g. food)
satisfaction + happy feeling because of something that you did
scan + To look for details in something by examining it carefully
scheme + often dishonest plan to get or do something
scope + area or range of things that something includes or deals with
segment + part divided from the other parts of something
sequence + order in which things (should) happen
significance + importance of something; the potential for something to have a big effect
solution + Something that ends a problem
sponsor + To help someone or something succeed by giving them money
stain + To mark or change the color of something so it looks dirty
stem + long, thin thing joining parts of a plant
structure + the way something is built, arranged or organized
subsequently + After something else has happened
substitute + person or thing that makes the place instead of something
summarize + To state the main or most important ideas of something
supplement + add extra to support or make something complete
suspend + To stop something for a period of time; to interrupt
sustain + To maintain, lengthen or continue to do something
talent + natural ability of a person to do something well
temperature + how hot or cold something is, e.g. the weather
tissue + piece of thin, soft paper that is used, in particular, for blowing and cleaning the nose
transport + To carry things from one place to another
undergo + To experience or endure something (bad) that happens to you
unique + unlike other things; being the only one like it
universe + All of space and everything in it
urge + To strongly persuade someone to do something
variety + particular type of thing or person
versus + Used to show that a thing or person is against another thing or person
virus + very small living thing that causes disease or sickness and can be spread among people or animals
vision + ability to see things with your eyes
visual + Something to look at with the eyes
vital + Being of extreme importance for the success of something
withdraw + Pull back; move away or backward from something
yield + To give way to someone or something else
a + One (of something)
due + when something is required or expected
end + A point that marks the limit of something; finish
for + Used to show the purpose, or need of something
giant + Extremely big, or much bigger than other things
in + Being inside something
lean + To balance against or on something for support
on + Located on surface of something e.g. a table or wall
toy + things children play with, as dolls or small cars
turn + To change the direction of something, e.g. a car
type + group of things or people sharing common features
update + To bring something up to date (usually by adding something)
way + how something is done
base + origin or start from which something came
demand + To strongly request someone to do something; insist
part + Some, but not all of a specific thing
point + To indicate something with your finger to others
too + say that something is more than you want
Show + To explain or teach how something is done
bore + To make someone not interested in something

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
