0 New HSK word(s):
0 Old HSK word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio
brilianto brilianto brilianto brilianto brilianto brilianto brilianto brilianto
hiskiamo hiskiamo hiskiamo hiskiamo hiskiamo hiskiamo hiskiamo hiskiamo
ia ไอโอวา IA ia ia ia Iowa ia
imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo imperialo
miasmo miasmo miasmo miasmo miasmo miasmo miasmo Miasmo
miriametro miriametro miriametro miriametro miriametro miriametro miriametro miriametro
paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano
piastro piastro piastro piastro Piastro Piastro Piastro piastro

Grade E word(s):

三字经: 002 性相近, 习相远。 xìng xiāng jìn xí xiāng yuǎn Their natures are much the same; their habits become widely different.
三字经: 003 苟不教, 性乃迁。 gǒu bù jiāo xìng nǎi qiān If foolishly there is no teaching, the nature will deteriorate.
三字经: 004 教之道, 贵以专。 jiāo zhī dào guì yǐ zhuān The right way in teaching, is to attach the utmost importance to thoroughness.
三字经: 008 教五子, 名俱扬。 jiāo wǔ zǐ míng jù yáng He taught five sons, each of whom raised the family reputation.
三字经: 009 养不教, 父之过。 yǎng bù jiāo fù zhī guò To feed without teaching is the father's fault.
三字经: 010 教不严, 师之惰。 jiāo bù yán shī zhī duò To teach without severity is the teacher's laziness.
三字经: 016 亲师友, 习礼仪。 qīn shī yǒu xí lǐyí should attach himself to his teachers and friends, and practise ceremonial usages.
三字经: 017 香九龄, 能温席。 xiāng jiǔ líng néng wēn xí Hsiang, at nine years of age, could warm (his parents') bed.
三字经: 018 孝于亲, 所当执。 xiào yú qīn suǒ dāng zhí Filial piety towards parents, is that to which we should hold fast.
三字经: 020 弟于长, 宜先知。 dì yú zhǎng yí xiānzhī To behave as a younger brother towards elders, is one of the first things to know.
三字经: 021 首孝弟, 次见闻。 shǒu xiào dì cì jiànwén Begin with filial piety and fraternal love, and then see and hear .
三字经: 024 百而千, 千而万。 bǎi ér qiān qiān ér wàn hundreds and thousands, thousands and tens of thousands.
三字经: 025 三才者, 天地人。 sān cái zhě tiāndì rén The Three Forces are Heaven, Earth, and Man.
三字经: 029 曰春夏, 曰秋冬。 yuē chūn xià yuē qiū dōng We speak of spring and summer, we speak of autumn and winter.
三字经: 037 稻粱菽, 麦黍稷。 dào liáng mài shǔ jì Rice, spiked millet, pulse, wheat, glutinous millet and common millet.
三字经: 041 惟牛犬, 功最著。 wéi niú quǎn gōng zuì zhe Especially of the ox and dog is the merit most conspicuous;
三字经: 042 能耕田, 能守户。 néng gēng tián néng shǒu hù one can plough the fields, the other can guard the house.
三字经: 043 昧天良, 屠市肆。 mèi tiānliáng tú shì sì It is to obscure your natural goodness of disposition, to kill them and expose them for sale.
三字经: 044 戒物食, 免罪处。 jiè wù shí miǎnzuì chǔ Beware of eating them, and so avoid being punished.
三字经: 058 凡训蒙, 须讲究。 fán xùn méng xū jiǎngjiū In the education of the young, there should be explanation and elucidation,
三字经: 059 详训诂, 名句读。 xiáng xùngū míng jù dú careful teaching of the interpretations of commentators, and due attention to paragraphs and sentences.
三字经: 061 小学终, 至四书。 xiǎoxué zhōng zhì sì shū The "Little Learning" finished, they proceed to the "Four Books".
三字经: 062 论语者, 二十篇。 lùn yǔ zhě èrshí piān There is the Lun Yü, in twenty sections.
三字经: 064 孟子者, 七篇止。 mèng zǐ zhě qī piān zhǐ The works of Mencius are comprised in seven sections.
三字经: 065 讲道德, 说仁义。 jiǎng dàodé shuō rén yì These explain the WAY and the exemplification thereof, and expound charity and duty towards one's neighbour.
三字经: 067 中不偏, 庸不易。 zhòng bù piān yōng bù yì "Chung" (the middle) being that which does not lean towards any side, "Yung" (the course) being that which cannot be changed.
三字经: 070 孝经通, 四书熟。 xiào jīng tōng sì shū shú When the "Classic of Filial Piety" is mastered, and the "Four Books" are known by heart.
三字经: 073 号六经, 当讲求。 hào liù jīng dàng jiǎng qiú are called the Six Classics, which should be carefully explained and analysed.
三字经: 074 有连山, 有归藏。 yǒu lián shān yǒu guī zàng There is the "Lien shan" system, there is the "Kuei tsang",
三字经: 075 有周易, 三易详。 yǒu zhōu yì sān yì xiáng and there is the system of Changes of the Chou Dynasty; such are the three systems which elucidate the Changes.
三字经: 076 有典谟, 有训诰。 yǒu diǎn mó yǒu xùn gào There are the Regulations, the Counsels, the Instructions, the Announcements,
三字经: 079 著六官, 存治体。 zhe liù guān cún zhì tǐ in which he set forth the duties of the six classes of officials, and thus gave a settled form to the government.
三字经: 080 大小戴, 注礼记。 dàxiǎo dài zhù lǐ jì The Elder and the Younger Tai wrote commentaries on the Book of Rites.
三字经: 085 寓褒贬, 别善恶。 yù bāobiǎn bié shàn è These "Annals" contain praise and blame, and distinguish the good from the bad.
三字经: 087 有左氏, 有彀梁。 yǒu zuǒ shì yǒu gòu liáng that of Tso, and that of Ku-Liang.
三字经: 097 相揖逊, 称盛世。 xiāng yī xùn chèn chéng shì They abdicated, one after the other, and theirs was called the Golden Age.
三字经: 098 夏有禹, 商有汤。 xià yǒu Yǔ shāng yǒu tāng The Hsia dynasty had Yü; and the Shang dynasty had T'ang;
三字经: 100 夏传子, 家天下。 xià zhuàn zǐ jiā tiānxià Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son, making a family possession of the empire.
三字经: 101 四百载, 迁夏社。 sì bǎi zài qiān xià shè After four hundred years, the Imperial sacrifice passed from the House of Hsia.
三字经: 102 汤伐夏, 国号商。 tāng fá xià guó hào shāng T'ang the completer destroyed the Hsia Dynasty and the dynastic title became Shang.
三字经: 107 逞干戈, 尚游说。 chěng gāngē shàng yóu shuō the arbitrament of spear and shields prevailed; and peripatetic politicians were held in high esteem.
三字经: 109 五霸强, 七雄出。 wǔ bà qiáng qī xióng chū Next, the Five Chieftains domineered, and the Seven Martial States came to the front.
三字经: 110 嬴秦氏, 始兼并。 yíng qín shì shǐ jiānbìng Then the House of Ch'in, descended from the Ying clan, finally united all the States under one sway.
三字经: 112 高祖兴, 汉业建。 gāo zǔ xīng hàn yè jiàn Then Kao Tsu arose, and the House of Han was established.
三字经: 113 至孝平, 王莽篡。 zhì xiào píng wáng mǎng cuàn When we come to the reign of Hsiao P'ing, Wang Mang usurped the throne.
三字经: 115 四百年, 终于献。 sì bǎinián zhōngyú xiàn It lasted four hundred years, and ended with the Emperor Hsien.
三字经: 117 号三国, 迄两晋。 hào sān guó qì liǎng jìn They were called the Three Kingdoms, and existed until the Two Chin Dynasties.
三字经: 118 宋齐继, 梁陈承。 sòng qí jì liáng chén chéng Then followed the Sung and the Ch'i dynasties, and after them the Liang and Ch'ên dynasties
三字经: 127 梁灭之, 国乃改。 liáng miè zhī guó nǎi gǎi The Liang State destroyed it, and the dynastic title was changed.
三字经: 128 梁唐晋, 及汉周。 liáng táng jìn jí hàn zhōu The Liang, the T'ang, the Chin, the Han, and the Chou,
三字经: 132 辽与金, 帝号纷。 liáo yǔ jīn dì hào fēn Under the Liao and the Chin dynasties, there was confusion of Imperial titles;
三字经: 133 逮灭辽, 宋犹存。 dǎi miè liáo sòng yóu cún when the Liao dynasty was destroyed, the Sung dynasty still remained.
三字经: 136 并中国, 兼戎翟。 bìng Zhōngguó jiān róng Zhái It united the Middle Kingdom, and attached to the empire the tribes of the north and west.
三字经: 138 传建文, 方四祀。 zhuàn jiàn wén fāng sì sì He transmitted the throne to Chien Wên only four years,
三字经: 139 迁北京, 永乐嗣。 qiān Běijing yǒng lè sì when the capital was transferred to Peking, and Yung Lo succeeded the latter.
三字经: 141 辽于金, 皆称帝。 liáo yú jīn jiē chèn dì The Liao Tartars and the Chin Tartars all took the Imperial title.
三字经: 143 莅中国, 兼戎翟。 lì Zhōngguó jiān róng Zhái They governed the Middle Kingdom, and also the wild tribes of the north and west;
三字经: 144 九十年, 国祚废。 jiǔshí nián guó zuò fèi after ninety years their mandate was exhausted.
三字经: 147 逮成祖, 迁燕京。 dǎi chéng zǔ qiān yàn jīng At length, under the Emperor Ch'êng Tsu, a move was made to Swallow City (Peking).
三字经: 150 至李闯, 神器终。 zhì lǐ chuǎng shén qì zhōng Then came Li Ch'uang, and the Imperial regalia were destroyed.
三字经: 153 廿二史, 全在兹。 niàn èr shǐ quán zài zī The Twenty-two Dynastic Histories are all embraced in the above.
三字经: 159 昔仲尼, 师项橐。 xī zhòng ní shī xiàng tuó Of old, Confucius took Hsiang T'o for his teacher.
三字经: 160 古圣贤, 尚勤学。 gǔ shèngxián shàng qín xué The inspired men and sages of old studied diligently nevertheless.
三字经: 162 彼既仕, 学且勤。 bǐ jì shì xué qiě qín He, when already an official, studied, and moreover with diligence.
三字经: 163 披蒲编, 削竹简。 pī pú biān xiāo zhújiàn One opened out rushes and plaited them together; another scraped tablets of bamboo.
三字经: 164 彼无书, 且知勉。 bǐ wú shū qiě zhī miǎn These men had no books, but they knew how to make an effort.
三字经: 165 头悬梁, 锥刺股。 tóu xuán liáng zhuī cì gǔ One tied his head to the beam above him; another pricked his thigh with an awl.
三字经: 166 彼不教, 自勤苦。 bǐ bù jiāo zì qín kǔ They were not taught, but toiled hard of their own accord.
三字经: 168 家虽贫, 学不缀。 jiā suī pín xué bù zhuì Although their families were poor, these men studied unceasingly.
三字经: 169 如负薪, 如挂角。 rú fù xīn rú guà jiǎo Again, there was one who carried fuel, and another who used horns as pegs.
三字经: 174 尔小生, 宜早思。 ěr xiǎo shēng yí zǎo sī You little boys should take thought betimes.
三字经: 175 若梁灏, 八十二。 ruò liáng hào bāshí èr Then there was Liang Hao, who at the age of eighty-two,
三字经: 178 尔小生, 宜立志。 ěr xiǎo shēng yí lìzhì You little boys should make up your minds to work.
三字经: 182 尔幼学, 当效之。 ěr yòu xué dàng xiào zhī You young learners ought to imitate them.
三字经: 183 蔡文姬, 能辨琴。 Cài wén jī néng biàn qín Ts'ai Wên-chi was able to judge from the sound of a psaltery.
三字经: 189 彼虽幼, 身己仕。 bǐ suī yòu shēn jǐ shì He, although a child, was already in an official post.
三字经: 190 尔幼学, 勉而致。 ěr yòu xué miǎn ér zhì You young learners strive to bring about a like result.
三字经: 194 蚕吐丝, 蜂酿蜜。 cán tù sī fēng niàng mì The silkworm produces silk, the bee makes honey.
三字经: 197 上致君, 下泽民。 shàng zhì jūn xià zé mín influencing the sovereign above; benefiting the people below.
三字经: 198 扬名声, 显父母。 yángmíng shēng xiǎn fùmǔ Make a name for yourselves, and glorify your father and mother,
三字经: 199 光于前, 裕于后。 guāng yú qián yù yú hòu shed lustre on your ancestors, enrich your posterity.
三字经: 201 我教子, 惟一经。 wǒ jiāo zǐ wéiyī jīng I teach you children, only this book.
三字经: 203 戒之哉, 宜勉力。 jiè zhī zāi yí miǎn lì Oh, be on your guard, and put forth your strength.

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