0 New HSK word(s):
0 Old HSK word(s):
0 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

akcizo akcizo akcizo akcizo akcizo akcizo akcizo akcizo
anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio anunciacio
apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio
ci CI CI ci ci CI ci ci
cikuto Cicuta cicuta cicuta cicuta ciguë cicuta cicuta
ĉifi ĉifi ĉifi ĉifi CIFI CIFI CIFI CIFI
ĉikani ĉikani ĉikani ĉikani Cikáni Cikáni ĉikani Cikáni
decigramo decigramo decigramo decigramo decigramo decigramo decigramo decigramo
decimetro decimetro decimetro decimetro decimetro decimetro decimetro Decimetro
farmacio farmacio farmacio farmacio farmacio farmacio farmacio farmacio
grimaci grimaci grimaci grimaci grimaci grimaci grimaci grimaci
grinci grinci grinci grinci grinci grinci grinci grinci
inaŭguracio inaŭguracio inaŭguracio inaŭguracio Inauguració Inauguració Inauguració inaŭguracio
kodicilo kodicilo kodicilo kodicilo kodicilo kodicilo kodicilo kodicilo
kondolenci kondolenci kondolenci kondolenci kondolenci kondolenci kondolenci kondolenci
kontribucio kontribucio kontribucio kontribucio kontribucio kontribucio kontribucio kontribucio
opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii
racionalisma racionalisma racionalisma racionalisma racionalisma racionalisma racionalisma racionalisma
solecismo solecismo solecismo solecismo solecismo solecismo solecismo solecismo
speculacii speculacii speculacii speculacii speculacii speculacii speculacii speculacii
ŝmaci ŝmaci ŝmaci ŝmaci ŝmaci ŝmaci ŝmaci ŝmaci
vakcinio vakcinio vakcinio vakcinio vakcinio vakcinio vakcinio vakcinio
velocipedo velocipedo velocipedo velocipedo velocipedo velocipedo velocípedo velocipedo
vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio

Grade E word(s):

三字经: 005 昔孟母, 择邻处。 xī mèng mǔ zé lín chǔ Of old, the mother of Mencius chose a neighbourhood;
三字经: 021 首孝弟, 次见闻。 shǒu xiào dì cì jiànwén Begin with filial piety and fraternal love, and then see and hear .
三字经: 030 此四时, 运不穷。 cǐ sì shí yùn bù qióng These four seasons revolve without ceasing.
三字经: 032 此四方, 应乎中。 cǐ sìfāng yīng hū zhòng These four points respond to the requirements of the centre.
三字经: 034 此五行, 本乎数。 cǐ wǔ xíng běn hū shǔ These five elements have their origin in number.
三字经: 036 此五常, 不容紊。 cǐ wǔ cháng bù róng wěn These five virtues admit of no compromise.
三字经: 038 此六谷, 人所食。 cǐ liù gǔ rén suǒ shí These six grains are those which men eat.
三字经: 040 此六畜, 人所饲。 cǐ liù chù rén suǒ sì These six animals are those which men keep.
三字经: 041 惟牛犬, 功最著。 wéi niú quǎn gōng zuì zhe Especially of the ox and dog is the merit most conspicuous;
三字经: 057 此十义, 人所同。 cǐ shí yì rén suǒ tóng These ten obligations are common to all men.
三字经: 058 凡训蒙, 须讲究。 fán xùn méng xū jiǎngjiū In the education of the young, there should be explanation and elucidation,
三字经: 063 群弟子, 记善言。 qún dìzǐ jì shàn yán In this, the various disciples have recorded the wise sayings of Confucius.
三字经: 064 孟子者, 七篇止。 mèng zǐ zhě qī piān zhǐ The works of Mencius are comprised in seven sections.
三字经: 075 有周易, 三易详。 yǒu zhōu yì sān yì xiáng and there is the system of Changes of the Chou Dynasty; such are the three systems which elucidate the Changes.
三字经: 079 著六官, 存治体。 zhe liù guān cún zhì tǐ in which he set forth the duties of the six classes of officials, and thus gave a settled form to the government.
三字经: 107 逞干戈, 尚游说。 chěng gāngē shàng yóu shuō the arbitrament of spear and shields prevailed; and peripatetic politicians were held in high esteem.
三字经: 147 逮成祖, 迁燕京。 dǎi chéng zǔ qiān yàn jīng At length, under the Emperor Ch'êng Tsu, a move was made to Swallow City (Peking).
三字经: 154 载治乱, 知兴衰。 zài zhì luàn zhī xīng shuāi They contain examples of good and bad government, whence may be learnt the principles of prosperity and decay.
三字经: 156 通古今, 若亲目。 tōng gǔ jīn ruò qīn mù whereby you will understand ancient and modern events, as though having seen them with your own eyes.
三字经: 157 口而诵, 心而惟。 kǒu ér sòng xīn ér wéi Recite them with the mouth, and ponder over them in your hearts.
三字经: 159 昔仲尼, 师项橐。 xī zhòng ní shī xiàng tuó Of old, Confucius took Hsiang T'o for his teacher.
三字经: 161 赵中令, 读鲁论。 zhào zhòng lǐng dú lǔ lùn Chao, President of the Council, studied the Lu text of the "Lun Yü".
三字经: 162 彼既仕, 学且勤。 bǐ jì shì xué qiě qín He, when already an official, studied, and moreover with diligence.
三字经: 165 头悬梁, 锥刺股。 tóu xuán liáng zhuī cì gǔ One tied his head to the beam above him; another pricked his thigh with an awl.
三字经: 189 彼虽幼, 身己仕。 bǐ suī yòu shēn jǐ shì He, although a child, was already in an official post.
三字经: 197 上致君, 下泽民。 shàng zhì jūn xià zé mín influencing the sovereign above; benefiting the people below.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

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