B 小說 + * * xiao3shuo1 novel/ fiction Roman, Novelle + +

Erzählung (S) [zhong1 pian1 xiao3 shuo1]
Belletristik, Annahme (S)Fiktion (S) [xu1 gou4 xiao3 shuo1] 虚构小说
Bildungsroman (S, Lit) [jiao4 yu4 xiao3 shuo1] 教育小说
Buddenbrook (S) [bu4 deng1 bo2 luo4 ke4 jia1 zu2 tuo1 ma3 si1 man4 de5 xiao3 shuo1] 布登勃洛克家族托马斯曼的小说
einen Roman herausgeben [chu1 ban3 xiao3 shuo1] 出版小说
Fantasy [qi2 huan4 xiao3 shuo1] 奇幻小说
Flash Fiction [wei1 xing2 xiao3 shuo1] 微型小说
Flash Fiction (Lit) [wei2 xing2 xiao3 shuo1] 微型小说
Fortsetzungsroman (S) [lian2 zai4 xiao3 shuo1] 连载小说
Geschichtenerzähler (S)Romancier (S, Lit)Romanschriftsteller (S)Unterhaltungsschriftsteller (S) [xiao3 shuo1 jia1] 小说家
Horrorliteratur [kong3 bu4 xiao3 shuo1] 恐怖小说
Krimi, Kriminalroman (S) [tui1 li3 xiao3 shuo1] 推理小说
Krimi, Kriminalroman (S)Schelmenroman (S) [zhen1 tan4 xiao3 shuo1] 侦探小说
Kurzgeschichte, Erzählung (S) [duan3 pian1 xiao3 shuo1] 短篇小说
Liebes- und Familienroman [ai4 qing2 xiao3 shuo1] 爱情小说
Nouveau Roman (Lit) [xin1 xiao3 shuo1] 新小说
Popliteratur [tong1 su2 xiao3 shuo5] 通俗小说
Pornograf (S)Pornograph (S) [se4 qing2 xiao3 shuo1 zuo4 jia1] 色情小说作家
Pulp Fiction (S) [di1 su2 xiao3 shuo1] 低俗小说
Roman [chang2 pian1 xiao3 shuo1] 长篇小说
Roman [xiao3 shuo1] 小说
Romanmanuskript (S) [chang2 pian1 xiao3 shuo1 shou3 gao3] 长篇小说手稿
Romanze (S) [huan4 xiang3 xiao3 shuo1] 幻想小说
Schauerroman (S) [ge1 te4 xiao3 shuo1] 哥特小说
Schelmenroman (S) [jing3 fei3 xiao3 shuo1] 警匪小说
Science Fiction Roman (S) [ke1 huan4 xiao3 shuo1] 科幻小说
scientifique romance (S) [ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3 xiao3 shuo1] 科学幻想小说
Sexroman, Schundroman (S, Lit) [huang2 se4 xiao3 shuo1] 黄色小说
Trivialroman (S, Lit) [qing1 xiao3 shuo1] 轻小说
Welt der Drachenlanze (Eig, Lit) [long2 qiang1 xi4 lie4 xiao3 shuo1] 龙枪系列小说
Wuxia [wu3 xia2 xiao3 shuo1] 武侠小说

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

小說' + 小说* * + novel/ fiction CL:本
小說家' + 小说家* * + School /
小說家' + 小说家* * + novelis /

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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