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充實' + 充实* * + rich/ full substantia
列治文' + 列治文* * + Richmond (place name or surname)/
家累千金,坐不垂堂' + 家累千金,坐不垂堂* * + rich person does not sit under the eaves (idiom); prudent not to place oneself in /
富' + * * + rich/ abundant wealthy
富人' + 富人* * + rich man/
富商' + 富商* * + rich merchant/
富國' + 富国* * + rich country/ make the country wealthy (political slogan)
富孀' + 富孀* * + rich widow/
富富有餘' + 富富有余* * + richly provided for/ having enough and to spare
富強' + 富强* * + rich and powerful/
富戶' + 富户* * + rich family/ large landlord
富有' + 富有* * + rich/ full of
富貴' + 富贵* * + riches and honor/
富貴病' + 富贵病* * + rich person's ailment (needing expensive treatment and long recuperation)/
富足' + 富足* * + rich/ plentiful
富農' + 富农* * + rich peasant/ social class of people farming their own land, intermediate between land-owner class 地主
尼克松' + 尼克松* * + Richard Nixon (1913-1994), US politician, President 1969-1974/ surname Nixon
強盛' + 强盛* * + rich and powerful/
恩膏' + 恩膏* * + rich favor/
春秋繁露' + 春秋繁露* * + Rich dew of spring and autumn, ideological tract by Han dynasty political philosop/
有錢有勢' + 有钱有势* * + rich and powerful (idiom)/
沃' + * * + fertile rich/ to irrigate to wash (o
沃衍' + 沃衍* * + rich and fertile (soil)/
淵富' + 渊富* * + rich and variegated/
濃郁' + 浓郁* * + rich/ strong heavy (fra
理查' + 理查* * + Richard (name)/
理查德' + 理查德* * + Richard (name)/
理查森' + 理查森* * + Richardson (name)/
盛饌' + 盛馔* * + rich fare/ splendid food
穿金戴銀' + 穿金戴银* * + richly bedecked/ dripping with gold and silver (idiom)
芮氏' + 芮氏* * + Richter Richter (name)/
芮氏規模' + 芮氏规模* * + Richter scale/
菲' + * * + luxuria rich with fragrance/ phenanthrene C14H10
豐富多彩' + 丰富多彩* * + richly colorful/
豐盛' + 丰盛* * + rich/ sumptuous
豐饒' + 丰饶* * + rich and fertile/
豪富' + 豪富* * + rich and powerful/ rich and influential person big shot
豪門' + 豪门* * + rich and powerful (families)/ aristocratic big shots
財主' + 财主* * + rich man/ moneybags
財大氣粗' + 财大气粗* * + rich and imposing/ rich and overbearing
里克特' + 里克特* * + Richter (name)/ Charles Francis Richter (1900-1985), US physicist and seismologist, after whom the Richter scale is named
里士滿' + 里士满* * + Richmond (name)/
里奇蒙' + 里奇蒙* * + Richmond (place name or surname)/
里氏' + 里氏* * + Richter (scale)/
里氏震級' + 里氏震级* * + Richter magnitude scale/
門閥' + 门阀* * + rich and powerful family/
闊' + * * + rich/ wide broad
饒' + * * + rich/ abundant exuberant
首富' + 首富* * + richest individual/ top millionaire
香醇' + 香醇* * + rich and mellow (flavor or aroma)/
香馥馥' + 香馥馥* * + richly scented/ strongly perfumed
鼎族' + 鼎族* * + rich patriarchal family/ aristocracy

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[wealth] riches

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

giàu + + rich

+ + + + + + + +