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人窮志短' + 人穷志短* * + poor and with low expectations/ poverty stunts ambition
升斗小民' + 升斗小民* * + poor people (idiom)/ lit. people surviving on 升斗
受窮' + 受穷* * + poor/
寒' + * * + cold poor/ to tremble
寒門' + 寒门* * + poor and humble family/ my family (humble)
寠' + * * + poor/ rustic
差事' + 差事* * + poor/ not up to standard
差評' + 差评* * + poor evaluation/ adverse criticism
沒水平' + 没水平* * + disgrac poor quality/ sub-standard
清寒' + 清寒* * + poor/ underprivileged (of weathe
清苦' + 清苦* * + destitu poor and simple/ spartan austere
短空' + 短空* * + poor prospects in the short term (finance)/
稀鬆' + 稀松* * + poor/ sloppy unconcerne
窮光蛋' + 穷光蛋* * + poor wretch/ pauper destitute
窮國' + 穷国* * + poor country/
窮家薄業' + 穷家薄业* * + poor and with few means of subsistance (idiom)/ destitute
窮棒子' + 穷棒子* * + poor but spirited person/ destitute the poor (
窮當益堅' + 穷当益坚* * + poor but ambitious (idiom); hard-pressed but determined/ the worse one's position, the harder one must fight back
窶' + * * + poor/ rustic
笨嘴拙舌' + 笨嘴拙舌* * + clumsy poor speaker/
菲' + * * + poor/ humble unworthy
蓬蓽' + 蓬荜* * + poor person's house/ humble home
詞不達意' + 词不达意* * + words d poorly expressed/ senseless inarticula
貧' + * * + poor/ inadequate deficient
貧僧' + 贫僧* * + poor monk (humble term used by monk of himself)/
貧困地區' + 贫困地区* * + poor region/ impoverished area
貧女詩' + 贫女诗* * + Poor Woman, long poem by Tang dynasty poet Qin Taoyu 秦韜玉|秦韬玉/
貧寒' + 贫寒* * + poor/ poverty-stricken impoverish
貧弱' + 贫弱* * + poor and feeble/
貧民' + 贫民* * + poor people/
貧油' + 贫油* * + poor in oil/
貧窮' + 贫穷* * + poor/ impoverished
貧賤' + 贫贱* * + poor and lowly/
貧農' + 贫农* * + poor peasant/
貧道' + 贫道* * + poor Taoist/
貧雇農' + 贫雇农* * + poor peasants (in Marxism)/
黨參' + 党参* * + poor man's ginseng (Codonopsis pilosula)/ codonopsis root (used in TCM)

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

nghèo + + poor

malriĉa + + indigent + + miserable poor needy

+ + + + + + + +