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一團火' + 一团火* * + fireball/ ball of fire
交火' + 交火* * + firefight/ shooting
冰火' + 冰火* * + fire and ice/ combination of sharply contrasting or incompatible elements
凡世通' + 凡世通* * + Firestone (Tire and Rubber Company)/
地爐' + 地炉* * + fire pit/
峰火臺' + 峰火台* * + fire beacon tower (used in frontier regions in former times to relay information a/
戰火紛飛' + 战火纷飞* * + fire of war everywhere (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war/
拔罐法' + 拔罐法* * + fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup app/ ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)
撲救' + 扑救* * + firefighting/ to extinguish a fire and save life and property to dive (o
救火' + 救火* * + fire fighting/
柴' + * * + firewood/ lean (of meat) thin (of a
柴火' + 柴火* * + firewood/
柴草' + 柴草* * + firewood/
柴薪' + 柴薪* * + firewood/
槍械' + 枪械* * + firearm/
槍砲' + 枪炮* * + firearm/
樵' + * * + firewood/ gather wood
水火無情' + 水火无情* * + Fire and water have no mercy (idiom). forces of nature beyond human control/ implacable fate
流螢' + 流萤* * + firefly/
消火栓' + 消火栓* * + fire hydrant/
消防' + 消防* * + firefig fire control/
消防員' + 消防员* * + firefighter/ fireman
消防局' + 消防局* * + fire department/
消防栓' + 消防栓* * + fire hydrant/
消防署' + 消防署* * + fire station/
消防車' + 消防车* * + fire engine/ fire truck
消防隊' + 消防队* * + fire brigade/ fire department
消防隊員' + 消防队员* * + fireman/
滅火器' + 灭火器* * + fire extinguisher/
火' + * * + fire/ urgent ammunition
火兒' + 火儿* * + fire/ fury angry
火力' + 火力* * + fire/ firepower
火力發電廠' + 火力发电厂* * + fired power plant (i.e. fired by coal, oil or gas)/
火器' + 火器* * + firearm/ CL:架
火控' + 火控* * + fire control (gunnery)/
火災' + 火灾* * + fire (that burns buildings etc)/
火燭' + 火烛* * + fire and candles/ household things that burn
火牆' + 火墙* * + firewall/
火狐' + 火狐* * + Firefox (web browser)/
火筷子' + 火筷子* * + fire tongs/ hair curling tongs
火線' + 火线* * + FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer interface)/
火蜥蜴' + 火蜥蜴* * + fire lizard/ fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David)
火警' + 火警* * + fire alarm/
火鉗' + 火钳* * + fire tongs/
炴' + * * + firelight/ blaze
烽火' + 烽火* * + fire beacon (to give alarm)/
烽煙' + 烽烟* * + fire beacon (used as alarm signal over long distance)/
烽煙遍地' + 烽烟遍地* * + fire beacons on all sides (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war/
烽燧' + 烽燧* * + fire beacon tower (used in frontier regions in former times to relay information a/
焰火' + 焰火* * + fireworks/
煙花' + 烟花* * + fireworks/ prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater)
煙花廠' + 烟花厂* * + firework factory/
煚' + * * + fire/
燃燒彈' + 燃烧弹* * + fire bomb/ incendiary device
燒夷彈' + 烧夷弹* * + fire bomb/ incendiary device
燧' + * * + fire/ speculum to obtain
燨' + * * + fire/
爆竹' + 爆竹* * + firecracker/
爐邊' + 炉边* * + fireside/
狼煙' + 狼烟* * + fire beacon/ to burn wolf dung to give alarm
狼煙四起' + 狼烟四起* * + fire beacons on all sides (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war/
獜' + * * + firefly/
紅火蟻' + 红火蚁* * + fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an introduced species in China/
耐火土' + 耐火土* * + fire-proof stone/ flame resistant material
花火' + 花火* * + firework/
花炮' + 花炮* * + firecracker/
螢火蟲' + 萤火虫* * + firefly/ glowworm lightning
蠑螈' + 蝾螈* * + fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David)/
開門砲' + 开门炮* * + firecrackers to open the door on the New Year/
防火梯' + 防火梯* * + fire escape/
防火牆' + 防火墙* * + firewall/ CL:堵
阻燃' + 阻燃* * + fire resistant/
鞭炮' + 鞭炮* * + firecrackers/ string of small firecrackers CL:枚
鳯' + * * + male ph firebird/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[ash] residue from a fire
[fireplace] fire
[firefighter] fireman
[rifle] firearm
[dismiss] fire, give notice, give the axe, sack
[shoot] fire a shot

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

lửa + + fire

eksigi + + to discharge + + dismiss fire sack
maldungi + + to discharge + + dismiss fire lay off

+ + + + + + + +