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一東一西' + 一东一西* * + far apart/
別筵' + 别筵* * + farewell banquet/
前瞻性' + 前瞻性* * + farsightedness/ perspicacity prescience
務農' + 务农* * + farming/ to work the land
嘏' + * * + far/ grand
天涯比鄰' + 天涯比邻* * + far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away/ absence makes the heart grow fonder
天涯若比鄰' + 天涯若比邻* * + far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away/ absence makes the heart grow fonder
屁' + * * + fart/ flatulence nonsense
散伙飯' + 散伙饭* * + farewell dinner party/
杳靄' + 杳霭* * + far and deep/
歡送會' + 欢送会* * + farewell party/
法拉' + 法拉* * + farad, SI unit of electrical capacitance (loanword)/
法拉第' + 法拉第* * + Faraday (name)/ Michael Faraday (1791-1867), British experimental physicist prominent in the development of electricity
法爾卡什' + 法尔卡什* * + Farkas (Hungarian name)/
法羅群島' + 法罗群岛* * + Faroe Islands/
法魯克' + 法鲁克* * + Farouk of Egypt (1920-1965), king of Egypt, reigned from 1936-1952/
活茬' + 活茬* * + farm work/
深遠' + 深远* * + far-reaching/ profound and long-lasting
渺運' + 渺运* * + faraway/ distant remote
牽強' + 牵强* * + far-fetched/ implausible (chain of reasoning)
田土' + 田土* * + farmland/
田舍' + 田舍* * + farmhouse/
盤程' + 盘程* * + travel fare/ traveling allowance
票價' + 票价* * + ticket fare/ admission fee
綿邈' + 绵邈* * + far back in time/ faraway remote
緬邈' + 缅邈* * + far/ remote
耕作' + 耕作* * + farming/
胸有丘壑' + 胸有丘壑* * + far-sighted/ astute
莊' + * * + farmstead/ village manor
莊客' + 庄客* * + farm hand/
莊家' + 庄家* * + farmhouse/ banker (gambling)
計價器' + 计价器* * + fare meter/ taximeter
訣' + * * + farewell/ secrets (of an art)
賮' + * * + farewell presents/
趣劇' + 趣剧* * + farce/
路費' + 路费* * + fare/
車錢' + 车钱* * + fare/ transport costs
農事' + 农事* * + farming task/
農人' + 农人* * + farmer/
農具' + 农具* * + farm implements/ farm tools
農地' + 农地* * + farmland/
農場' + 农场* * + farm/
農家庭院' + 农家庭院* * + farmyard/
農房' + 农房* * + farm house/
農會' + 农会* * + farmer's cooperative/ abbr. for 農民協會|农民协会
農活' + 农活* * + farm work/
農田' + 农田* * + farmland/ cultivated land
農耕' + 农耕* * + farming/ agriculture
農舍' + 农舍* * + farmhouse/
農莊' + 农庄* * + farm/ ranch
農諺' + 农谚* * + farmers' saying/
農貿市場' + 农贸市场* * + farmer's market/
送別' + 送别* * + farewell/
逖' + * * + far/
運價' + 运价* * + fare/ transport cost
遙遙無期' + 遥遥无期* * + far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever/
遠大' + 远大* * + far-reaching/ broad ambitious
遠志' + 远志* * + far-reaching ambition/ lofty ideal milkwort (
遠方' + 远方* * + far away/ a distant location
遠未解決' + 远未解决* * + far from solved/
遠東' + 远东* * + Far East (loanword)/
遠端' + 远端* * + far end/ remote end remote
遠視' + 远视* * + farsighted/ hyperopia or hypermetropia (farsightedness)
遠近' + 远近* * + far and near/ distance
遠非如此' + 远非如此* * + far from it being so (idiom)/
邈冥冥' + 邈冥冥* * + far off/ distant
邊遠' + 边远* * + far from the center/ remote outlying
鄉僻' + 乡僻* * + far from town/ out-of-the-way place
飼養場' + 饲养场* * + farm/ feed lot dry lot
餞' + * * + farewell dinner/ preserves
鬧劇' + 闹剧* * + farce/ CL:場|场

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[agriculture] farming, husbandry
[benefit] welfare
[card] menu, bill of fare, carte du jour, carte
[conductor] person who collects fares
[dairy] dairy farm
[ranch] cattle ranch, cattle farm
[stock] livestock, farm animal
[war] warfare, armed conflict
[welfare] social welfare, government-sponsored program
[produce] grow, raise, farm, cultivate

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

xa + + far

fore + + afar + + afield far far away

+ + + + + + + +