Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

不善' + 不善* * + bad/ ill not good a
不成體統' + 不成体统* * + not acc bad form/ unacceptable behavior
不祥之兆' + 不祥之兆* * + bad omen/
不良' + 不良* * + bad/ harmful unhealthy
像章' + 像章* * + badge/ insignia lapel badg
八德' + 八德* * + Bade or Pate city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县/
八道江' + 八道江* * + Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/
八道江區' + 八道江区* * + Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/
八達嶺' + 八达岭* * + Badaling, a particular section of the Great Wall that is a favorite tourist destin/
劣幣驅逐良幣' + 劣币驱逐良币* * + bad money drives out good money (economics)/
劣跡' + 劣迹* * + bad record (esp. of a public official)/ unsavory track record
厄運' + 厄运* * + bad luck/ misfortune adversity
反角' + 反角* * + bad guy (in a story)/ villain
口臭' + 口臭* * + bad breath/ halitosis
呆帳' + 呆帐* * + bad debt/
呆賬' + 呆账* * + bad debt/
壞' + * * + bad/ spoiled broken
壞事' + 坏事* * + bad thing/ misdeed to ruin th
壞人' + 坏人* * + bad person/ villain
壞份子' + 坏分子* * + bad element/ bad egg
壞家伙' + 坏家伙* * + bad guy/ scoundrel dirty bast
壞種' + 坏种* * + bad kind/ scoundrel
壞脾氣' + 坏脾气* * + bad temper/
壞賬' + 坏账* * + bad debt/
壞運' + 坏运* * + bad luck/ misfortune
孽報' + 孽报* * + bad karma/
寙' + * * + bad/ useless weak
差勁' + 差劲* * + bad/ no good below aver
巴東' + 巴东* * + Badong county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州/
巴登' + 巴登* * + Baden (region in Germany)/
巴登·符騰堡州' + 巴登·符腾堡州* * + Baden-Württemberg, southwest German state, capital Stuttgart 斯圖加特|斯图加特/
徽章' + 徽章* * + badge/ emblem insignia
惡俗' + 恶俗* * + bad habit/ evil custom vulgarity
惡口' + 恶口* * + bad language/ foul mouth
惡名' + 恶名* * + bad name/ evil reputation
惡心' + 恶心* * + bad habit/ vicious habit vice
惡癖' + 恶癖* * + bad habit/
惡習' + 恶习* * + bad habit/ vice
拜登' + 拜登* * + Baden or Biden (name)/ Joe Biden (1942-), US democrat politician, senator for Delaware from 1972, several times chair of Senate foreign relations committe
損友' + 损友* * + bad friend/
時乖命蹇' + 时乖命蹇* * + bad times, adverse fate (idiom)/
晦氣' + 晦气* * + bad luck/ unlucky calamitous
染風習俗' + 染风习俗* * + bad habits/ to get into bad habits through long custom
歹' + * * + bad/ wicked evil
歹人' + 歹人* * + bad person/ evildoer robber
殘缺' + 残缺* * + badly damaged/ shattered
沒分寸' + 没分寸* * + inappro bad-mannered/
狗獾' + 狗獾* * + badger/ CL:隻|只
猹' + * * + Badger-like wild animal/
獾' + * * + badger/
玍' + * * + bad temper/ naughty
背字' + 背字* * + bad luck/
逆運' + 逆运* * + bad luck/ unlucky fate

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[fault] responsibility for a bad situation
[spoil] rot, go bad, become unfit for consumption

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

tệ + + bad

+ + + + + + + +