Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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cinnabar, vermilion / surname
red, vermillion / blush, flush

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

朱' + * * + surname Zhu/
朱' + * * + vermilion/
朱䴉' + 朱鹮* * + (Chinese bird species) crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)/
朱儁' + 朱俊* * + Zhu Jun (-195), politician and general at the end of later Han/
朱允炆' + 朱允炆* * + Zhu Yuanwen, personal name of second Ming Emperor Jianwen 建文/
朱元璋' + 朱元璋* * + Zhu Yua /
朱利亞尼' + 朱利亚尼* * + Giulian Rudolph W (Rudy) Giuliani (1944-), US Republican politician, Mayor of New York Cit/
朱利婭' + 朱利娅* * + Julia (name)/
朱利安' + 朱利安* * + Julian or Julien (name)/
朱厚照' + 朱厚照* * + Zhu Houzhao, personal name of tenth Ming emperor 正德/
朱古力' + 朱古力* * + chocola CL:塊|块/
朱子' + 朱子* * + Master /
朱孝天' + 朱孝天* * + Ken Zhu (1979-), Taiwanese singer/ actor
朱容基' + 朱容基* * + common erroneous form of 朱鎔基|朱镕基, Zhu Ronji (1928-), PRC politician, premier 1998-/
朱庇特' + 朱庇特* * + Jupiter (Roman god)/
朱廣滬' + 朱广沪* * + Zhu Guanghu (1949-), PRC soccer coach/
朱德' + 朱德* * + Zhu De (1886-1976), communist leader and founder of the People's Liberation Army/
朱棣' + 朱棣* * + Zhu Di, personal name of third Ming Emperor Yongle 永樂|永乐/
朱溫' + 朱温* * + Zhu Wen /
朱熔基' + 朱熔基* * + common /
朱熹' + 朱熹* * + Zhu Xi or Chu Hsi (1130-1200), also known as Master Zhu 朱子, Song dynasty Confucian/
朱由校' + 朱由校* * + personal name of fifteenth Ming emperor Tianqi 明天啟|明天启/
朱瞻基' + 朱瞻基* * + Zhu Zha /
朱砂' + 朱砂* * + cinnaba mercuric sulfide HgS/ also written 硃砂|朱砂
朱祁鈺' + 朱祁钰* * + Zhu Qiy /
朱祁鎮' + 朱祁镇* * + Zhu Qiz /
朱立倫' + 朱立伦* * + Eric Ch /
朱粉' + 朱粉* * + red lead oxide Pb3O4/ rouge and white lead cosmetics
朱紅' + 朱红* * + vermilion/
朱紅燈' + 朱红灯* * + Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion/
朱背啄花鳥' + 朱背啄花鸟* * + (Chinese bird species) scarlet-backed flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum)/
朱自清' + 朱自清* * + Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), poet and essayist/
朱莉婭' + 朱莉娅* * + Julia (name)/
朱諾' + 朱诺* * + Juneau, capital of Alaska/ Juno, Roman goddess of marriage
朱迪亞' + 朱迪亚* * + Judea/
朱鎔基' + 朱镕基* * + Zhu Ronji (1928-), PRC politician, premier 1998-2003/
朱雀' + 朱雀* * + Vermilion Bird (the seven mansions of the south sky)/
朱雲折檻' + 朱云折槛* * + Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing (idiom); to challenge and admonish boldly/
朱高熾' + 朱高炽* * + Zhu Gaochi, personal name of fourth Ming emperor Hongxi 洪熙/
朱鵐' + 朱鹀* * + (Chines /
朱鷺' + 朱鹭* * + ibis/ Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) same as 朱鹮
朱鸝' + 朱鹂* * + (Chinese bird species) maroon oriole (Oriolus traillii)/
朱麗亞' + 朱丽亚* * + Julia (name)/
朱麗葉' + 朱丽叶* * + Juliet or Juliette (name)/
硃' + * * + cinnabar/ see 硃砂|朱砂
硃砂' + 朱砂* * + cinnaba mercuric sulfide HgS/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1794 沙发 朱红色 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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