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(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

didelfo didelfo didelfo didelfo didelfo didelfo didelfo didelfo
fo สำหรับ FO fo fo fo fo fo
grafologo grafólogo grafólogo grafólogo grafólogo grafólogo grafólogo Grafologo
grafologio grafologio grafologio grafologio grafologio grafologio grafologio grafologio
kosmografo kosmografo kosmografo kosmografo kosmografo kosmografo kosmografo kosmografo
logogrifo logogrifo logogrifo logogrifo logogrifo logogrifo logogrifo logogrifo
paleografo paleógrafo paleógrafo paleógrafo paleógrafo paleógrafo paleógrafo paleógrafo
parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo parafo
refo refo REFO refo refo refo refo refo
serafo serafo serafo serafo serafo Serafo Serafo Serafo
sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono
skrofolo skrofolo skrofolo skrofolo skrofolo skrofolo skrofolo skrofolo
trefo trefo trefo trefo TREFO trefo Trefo trefo

Grade E word(s):

三字经: 003 苟不教, 性乃迁。 gǒu bù jiāo xìng nǎi qiān If foolishly there is no teaching, the nature will deteriorate.
三字经: 019 融四岁, 能让梨。 róng sì suì néng ràng lí Jung, at four years of age, could yield the (bigger) pears.
三字经: 025 三才者, 天地人。 sān cái zhě tiāndì rén The Three Forces are Heaven, Earth, and Man.
三字经: 030 此四时, 运不穷。 cǐ sì shí yùn bù qióng These four seasons revolve without ceasing.
三字经: 032 此四方, 应乎中。 cǐ sìfāng yīng hū zhòng These four points respond to the requirements of the centre.
三字经: 039 马牛羊, 鸡犬豕。 mǎ niú yáng jī quǎn shǐ The horse, the ox, the sheep, the fowl, the dog, the pig.
三字经: 043 昧天良, 屠市肆。 mèi tiānliáng tú shì sì It is to obscure your natural goodness of disposition, to kill them and expose them for sale.
三字经: 061 小学终, 至四书。 xiǎoxué zhōng zhì sì shū The "Little Learning" finished, they proceed to the "Four Books".
三字经: 070 孝经通, 四书熟。 xiào jīng tōng sì shū shú When the "Classic of Filial Piety" is mastered, and the "Four Books" are known by heart.
三字经: 079 著六官, 存治体。 zhe liù guān cún zhì tǐ in which he set forth the duties of the six classes of officials, and thus gave a settled form to the government.
三字经: 083 号四诗, 当讽咏。 hào sì shī dàng fěng yǒng These are the four sections of the Book of Poetry, which should be hummed over and over.
三字经: 101 四百载, 迁夏社。 sì bǎi zài qiān xià shè After four hundred years, the Imperial sacrifice passed from the House of Hsia.
三字经: 103 六百载, 至纣亡。 liù bǎi zài zhì zhòu wáng The line lasted for six hundred years, ending with Chou Hsin.
三字经: 105 八百载, 最长久。 bā bǎi zài zuì chángjiǔ His own line lasted for eight hundred years; -- the longest dynasty of all.
三字经: 111 传二世, 楚汉争。 zhuàn èr shì chǔ hàn zhēng The throne was transmitted to Erh Shih, upon which followed the struggle between the Ch'u and the Han States.
三字经: 114 光武兴, 为东汉。 guāng wǔ xīng wèi dōnghàn Then Kuang Wu arose, and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty.
三字经: 115 四百年, 终于献。 sì bǎinián zhōngyú xiàn It lasted four hundred years, and ended with the Emperor Hsien.
三字经: 116 魏蜀吴, 争汉鼎。 wèi shǔ wú zhēng hàn dǐng Wei, Shu, and Wu, fought for the sovereignty of the Hans.
三字经: 118 宋齐继, 梁陈承。 sòng qí jì liáng chén chéng Then followed the Sung and the Ch'i dynasties, and after them the Liang and Ch'ên dynasties
三字经: 125 除隋乱, 创国基。 chú suí luàn chuāng guó jī He put an end to the disorder of the House of Sui, and established the foundations of his line.
三字经: 129 称五代, 皆有由。 chèn wǔ dài jiē yǒu yóu are called the Five Dynasties, and there was a reason for the establishment of each.
三字经: 137 明太祖, 久亲师。 míng tài zǔ jiǔ qīn shī The founder of the Ming dynasty was for a long time engaged in warfare.
三字经: 138 传建文, 方四祀。 zhuàn jiàn wén fāng sì sì He transmitted the throne to Chien Wên only four years,
三字经: 149 权奄肆, 寇如林。 quán yǎn sì kòu rú lín The hold on the people was relaxed, and rebels sprang up thick as forests.
三字经: 151 清太祖, 应景命。 qīng tài zǔ yīng jǐng mìng The founder of the Ch'ing or Pure dynasty responded to the glorious summons;
三字经: 152 靖四方, 克大定。 jìng sìfāng kè dà dìng he tranquillised the four quarters (N.S.E. and W.), and achieved the final settlement of the empire.
三字经: 159 昔仲尼, 师项橐。 xī zhòng ní shī xiàng tuó Of old, Confucius took Hsiang T'o for his teacher.
三字经: 164 彼无书, 且知勉。 bǐ wú shū qiě zhī miǎn These men had no books, but they knew how to make an effort.
三字经: 170 身虽劳, 犹苦卓。 shēn suī láo yóu kǔ zhuó Although they toiled with their bodies, they were nevertheless remarkable for their application.
三字经: 193 苟不学, 曷为人。 gǒu bù xué hé wéirén If foolishly you do not study, how can you become men?
三字经: 198 扬名声, 显父母。 yángmíng shēng xiǎn fùmǔ Make a name for yourselves, and glorify your father and mother,
三字经: 203 戒之哉, 宜勉力。 jiè zhī zāi yí miǎn lì Oh, be on your guard, and put forth your strength.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

FO + +



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

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