1 New HSK word(s): 5 浇 to pour liquid/ to irrigate (using waterwheel)/ to water/ to cast (molten metal)/ to mold
1 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N
1 OLD_HSK German word(s): Rad
130 synsets(s): awheel + freewheeling + freewheeling + pinwheel-shaped + wheel-like + wheeled + wheelless + three-wheel + three-wheeled + four-wheel + four-wheeled + two-wheel + two-wheeled + freewheel + wheel + wheel + wheelbarrow + wheel + wheel around + cartwheel + wheel + wheel around + keep one's shoulder to the wheel + freewheel + wheeling + cartwheel + wheel bug + wheel horse + wheeler + balance wheel + wheelbarrow + pinion and crown wheel + wheel + bicycle wheel + buffing wheel + cartwheel + car wheel + catherine wheel + pinwheel + daisy print wheel + daisy wheel + daisywheel printer + driving wheel + escape wheel + Ferris wheel + fifth wheel + fifth wheel + fluid flywheel + flywheel + four-wheel drive + four-wheel drive + four-wheeler + freewheel + gear wheel + geared wheel + cogwheel + grinding wheel + emery wheel + handwheel + handwheel + idle wheel + lantern wheel + millwheel + mill wheel + motorized wheelchair + nosewheel + paddle-wheeler + paddlewheel + paddle wheel + wheelhouse + pinwheel + pinwheel wind collector + pinwheel + planet wheel + potter's wheel + wheel + ratchet wheel + toothed wheel + roulette wheel + wheel + side-wheeler + spinning wheel + wheel spoke + sprocket wheel + spur wheel + steering wheel + wheel + sternwheeler + treadwheel + tread-wheel + wagon wheel + waterwheel + water wheel + waterwheel + water wheel + wheel + wheel + wheel and axle + wheelchair + wheeled vehicle + wheel lock + wheelwork + worm wheel + wheelbase + fifth wheel + wheel + prayer wheel + color wheel + pinwheel roll + Wheeling + Wheeler Peak + big wheel + wheeler + freewheeler + wheeler dealer + wheeler + wheelwright + wheeler + Henry Wheeler Shaw + Wheeler + Sir Mortimer Wheeler + Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler + pinwheel flower + fire wheel + fire-wheel + wheel tree + firewheel tree + waterwheel plant + pinwheel + cartwheel +
1 OLD_HSK English word(s): wheel
1 OLD_HSK French word(s):
1 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
1 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
1 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
1 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** LUN2 Rad
* ** ZI3 Kind/Nomensuffix


รถเข็นล้อเดียว 小车 wheelbarrow
เก้าอี้เข็น 轮椅 wheelchair
ล้อ 轮子 wheel
ล้อหมุน 纺车 spinning wheel das Spinnrad, "er le rouet la rueca
รถเข็นล้อเดียว 独轮车 wheelbarrow die Schubkarre, n la brouette la carretilla
ล้อ 方向盘 wheel das Steuerrad, "er le gouvernail la rueda
ชิงช้าสวรรค์ 摩天轮 ferris wheel das Riesenrad, "er la grande roue la noria
ล้อเฟือง 齿轮 cogwheel das Zahnrad, "er la roue dentée la rueda dentada
กังหันน้ำ 水轮 water wheel das Wasserrad, "er la roue à eau la rueda de agua
รถเข็น 轮椅 wheelchair der Rollstuhl, "e le fauteuil roulant la silla de ruedas
ล้อ 车轮 wheel das Rad, "er la roue la rueda

Grade E word(s):

1389 carkhā चर्खा spinning wheel n.
千字文: 恬笔伦纸 钧巧任钓 Tian gave us brush, Lun, paper fine; Jun compass, wheels, Ren, hook and line.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [wheel] frame with spokes

01887020-v wheel +
01935476-v wheel +
02046075-v wheel +
02046441-v wheel +
02834778-n wheel +
04039041-n wheel +
04113406-n wheel +
04313503-n wheel +
04574999-n wheel +
04575723-n wheel +
05195920-n wheel +

wheel + +

wheel wheel



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

1389 路上 留下 车轮
2950 汽车 辐条 撞坏

Semantische Felder:

8.11 Fahrrad
8.44 Im Bogen