1 New HSK word(s): 3 南 south
8 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *N * 西*N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N
8 OLD_HSK German word(s): Süden, südlich Süden, südliche Seite Südwesten Süden, südlicher Teil Süden, südliches Gebiet Südseite Südost zeigen, hinweisen,andeuten, über jd tuscheln
193 synsets(s): southwestern + southeastern + south + southbound + southward + south-central + southerly + southern + southerly + southern + southernmost + southmost + southeast + southeastern + southeasterly + southeasterly + southeast + southeastward + southwest + southwestern + southwesterly + southwesterly + southwest + southwestward + southern + south-central + southern + south-polar + South American + South African + South Korean + south + to the south + in the south + southeast + south-east + southwest + south-west + south-southeast + south-southwest + southerly + southerly + southward + southwards + southeastward + southeastwardly + southwestward + southwestwardly + South American bullfrog + southwestern toad + southern spadefoot + South American poison toad + South American sea lion + southern cabbage butterfly + southern bog lemming + southeastern pocket gopher + southern flying squirrel + southern porgy + southern scup + southern flounder + south-seeking pole + southernness + southernism + Southern Tai + Southwestern + South African Dutch + South Dravidian + South-Central Dravidian + southernism + Southern Baptist Convention + South America + Association of Southeast Asian Nations + South Frigid Zone + southeast + south + southwest + southland + Southeast + southeastern United States + Southwest + southwestern United States + south side + southern hemisphere + South Pole + south celestial pole + South Temperate Zone + north-south direction + South West Africa + South American country + South American nation + Southeast Asia + New South Wales + South Australia + South Yorkshire + South Korea + capital of South Korea + South Island + South Africa + Republic of South Africa + capital of South Africa + South + South + Deep South + Old South + Pittsburgh of the South + Empire State of the South + South Bend + South of Houston + South Carolina + South Carolina + capital of South Carolina + South Dakota + capital of South Dakota + South Vietnam + Southern Rhodesia + South America + South Atlantic + South China Sea + Southern Cross + South Pacific + South Platte + South Platte River + South Sea + South Sea Islands + Southern Triangle + South Korean + South American Indian + South African + South American + South Carolinian + South Dakotan + southpaw + southpaw + Southern Baptist + Southerner + Southey + Robert Southey + southern lights + southwester + southeaster + El Nino southern oscillation + South Equatorial Current + south wind + souther + southerly + southwestern white pine + southern yellow pine + southern white cedar + southern red cedar + southern cypress + South-African yellowwood + southern magnolia + southern spatterdock + southernwood + southern aster + southern harebell + southern beech + southern red oak + southern live oak + southern blue flag + Southern crab apple + Southern dewberry + southern arrow wood + southern buckthorn + South American staghorn + southern maidenhair + southwestern lip fern + southern beech fern + South African monetary unit + South Korean monetary unit + South Korean won + east by south + east southeast + southeast by east + southeast + southeastward + southeast by south + south southeast + south by east + south + due south + southward + south by west + south southwest + southwest by south + southwest + southwestward + southwest by west + west southwest + west by south + southeast + south + southwest +
8 OLD_HSK English word(s): south south southwest south south south southeast point-south-needle/ compass/ sth. that gives guidance
8 OLD_HSK French word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ใต้
8 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHI3 zeigen/Finger
* ** DIAN3 DUO4 ZHAN1 Punkt/bißchen/anzünden


เกาหลีใต้ 韩国 South Korea
โซล (ชื่อเดิมเมืองหลวงของเกาหลีใต้) 汉城 Seoul (old name for capital of South Korea)
โซล (ชื่อใหม่สำหรับเมืองหลวงของเกาหลีใต้) 首尔 Seoul (new name for capital of South Korea)
ทางทิศใต้ 南方 south
ทางทิศใต้ 南边 south side
ทางทิศใต้ 南部 south
ตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ 西南 southwest
ทิศใต้ south
อเมริกาใต้ 南美洲 South America
พื้นที่ทางตอนใต้ของถึงล่างของแม่น้ำ Yangze 江南 areas south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River
มหาวิทยาลัยตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ 东南大学 Southeast University
สถาบันเกษตรตะวันตกเฉียงใต้ 西南农业学院 Southwest Agriculture Institute
ส่วนภาคใต้, ภาคใต้ 南边 south, southern part
เอเชียใต้ 南亚 South Asia
ภาคใต้, ภาคใต้ของประเทศ 南方 south, the southern part of the country, the South
ตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ 东南 southeast
ทางทิศใต้ 南面 south
การชี้ 指点 point-south-needle; compass; sth. that gives guidance
sudo ภาคใต้ South Süden Sud Sur Sud

Grade E word(s):

3021 madhēsa मधेस the Tarai (the southern flat land along the Indian border) n.
千字文: 俶载南亩 我艺黍稷 I start the year down in the southern field; there I cultivate the season's yield.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [south] Confederacy, Confederate States
(n.) [south] due south, S

01602330-a south +
00243938-r south +
08561583-n south +
09050244-n South +
09050730-n South +
13833375-n south +
13835899-n south +

south + +




1 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
90 巴西位于南美洲。 ประเทศบราซิลอยู่ในทวีปอเมริกาใต้ Brasilia sijaitsee Etelä-Amerikassa.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

268 南边 饭店
1515 西藏 位于 中国 西南方
2052 贯穿 城市 南北
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都
2974 他们 参加 探险队 南极
3192 冬天 大雁 迁徙 南方

Semantische Felder:

1.13 Himmelsrichtungen
1.13 Himmelsrichtungen
8.23 Lenken, Weg, Richtung