6 New HSK word(s): 1 家 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 3 黄 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through 5 哲学 philosophy/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 简历 Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ résumé (resume)/ biographical notes 6 盆地 basin (low-lying geographical feature)/ depression 6 尖端 sharp pointed end/ the tip/ the cusp/ tip-top/ most advanced and sophisticated/ highest peak/ the best
6 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *n;VS * *N * *VS * *VS * *
6 OLD_HSK German word(s): Philosophie Bild Blei (Pb) vulgär, niedrig, spießbürgerlich unterschiedlich, eigenartig Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie
1012 synsets(s): amphiprotic + acidophilic + acidophilous + aerophilic + aerophilous + amphibious + amphibiotic + amphiprostylar + amphiprostyle + amphistylar + amphistylar + anemophilous + entomophilous + anthophilous + phytophilous + philanthropic + sapphire + hydrophilic + oleophilic + lipophilic + telegraphic + atrophied + hypertrophied + unsophisticated + myrmecophilous + ectomorphic + endomorphic + mesomorphic + philosophical + philosophic + orphic + photographic + graphic + amphitropous + mephitic + lyophilized + lyophilised + mephistophelian + mephistophelean + catastrophic + homophile + sapphic + sophisticated + anthropomorphic + sophisticated + philistine + seraphic + geographic + geographical + gynandromorphic + philharmonic + metamorphic + epimorphic + hemimetamorphic + nonmetamorphic + Delphic + graphic + polymorphic + Sapphic + pornographic + unsophisticated + sophisticated + unsophisticated + graphic + graphical + holographic + adrenocorticotrophic + actinomorphic + zygomorphic + uphill + sophistic + sophistical + idiographic + agraphic + allelomorphic + allographic + allomorphic + amphitheatric + amphitheatrical + anaglyphic + anaglyphical + anamorphic + anamorphic + anemographic + Anglophilic + antistrophic + apostrophic + autobiographical + autobiographic + autobiographical + autobiographic + autographic + autoradiographic + autotrophic + heterotrophic + barographic + bibliographic + bibliographical + bibliophilic + biogeographic + biogeographical + bolographic + cardiographic + cartographic + cartographical + cryptographic + cryptographical + dimorphic + eutrophic + electrocardiographic + electroencephalographic + graphic + graphical + graphic + hieroglyphic + hieroglyphical + hieroglyphic + hieroglyphical + hydrographic + hydrographical + ideographic + logographic + Orphic + pemphigous + pictographic + planographic + pleomorphic + polarographic + semiautobiographical + spectrographic + sphingine + stenographic + stenographical + technophilic + isomorphic + amphibious + amphibian + radiographic + photographic + haemophilic + hemophilic + polymorphic + polymorphic + philosophic + philosophical + seraphic + seraphical + demographic + calligraphic + calligraphical + lexicographic + lexicographical + orthographic + telegraphic + typographic + typographical + gymnosophical + choreographic + trophic + metamorphic + chromatographic + chromatographical + roentgenographic + sophistic + holographic + holographical + holographic + philanthropic + philatelic + philatelical + aerophilatelic + basophilic + atrophic + eosinophilic + topographical + topographic + philological + sapphirine + geographic + geographical + biographic + biographical + Delphic + Delphian + ethnographic + ethnographical + Philippine + gonadotrophic + lithographic + philharmonic + Philistine + pyrographic + syphilitic + theosophical + xerographic + philhellenic + philhellene + Graecophile + Graecophilic + pornographically + photographically + graphically + ideographically + philosophically + graphically + catastrophically + chromatographically + hieroglyphically + geographically + cryptographically + graphically + philanthropically + philatelically + spectrographically + telegraphically + topographically + typographically + uphill + uphill + philosophically + trephine + lyophilize + lyophilise + sophisticate + sophisticate + philosophize + philosophise + anthropomorphize + anthropomorphise + sophisticate + apostrophize + apostrophise + philander + sophisticate + philander + amphibious landing + geographic expedition + dolphin kick + spectrographic analysis + trephination + paraphilia + pedophilia + paedophilia + zoophilia + zoophilism + sophistication + sapphism + amphibious demonstration + amphibious operation + amphibious assault + philately + aerophilately + ophiolatry + philanthropy + philanthropic gift + Philippi + battle of Philippi + Philippine Sea + battle of the Philippine Sea + amphidiploid + halophile + halophil + thermoacidophile + acidophil + acidophile + phototrophic bacteria + Salmonella typhimurium + Salmonella typhi + Legionella pneumophilia + acidophilus + Lactobacillus acidophilus + myrmecophile + Berycomorphi + order Berycomorphi + Zeomorphi + order Zeomorphi + Amphioxidae + family Amphioxidae + genus Amphioxus + amphioxus + Archaeopteryx lithographica + Ploceus philippinus + Poephila + genus Poephila + Poephila castanotis + Thamnophilus + genus Thamnophilus + Turdus philomelos + amphibia + class Amphibia + amphibian family + amphibian genus + amphibian + Amphiumidae + family Amphiumidae + genus Amphiuma + amphiuma + Ascaphidae + family Ascaphidae + Scaphiopus + genus Scaphiopus + Scaphiopus hammondii + Scaphiopus multiplicatus + Scaphiopus bombifrons + Gymnophiona + order Gymnophiona + Amphisbaenidae + family Amphisbaenidae + Amphisbaena + genus Amphisbaena + Amphisbaenia + genus Amphisbaenia + Ophisaurus + genus Ophisaurus + Ophidia + suborder Ophidia + ophidian + Carphophis + genus Carphophis + Carphophis amoenus + Diadophis + genus Diadophis + Chlorophis + genus Chlorophis + Masticophis + genus Masticophis + Masticophis flagellum + Masticophis lateralis + Masticophis bilineatus + Pituophis + genus Pituophis + Pituophis melanoleucus + Thamnophis + genus Thamnophis + Thamnophis sirtalis + Thamnophis sauritus + Thamnophis proximus + Potamophis + genus Potamophis + Potamophis striatula + Calliophis + genus Calliophis + Callophis + genus Callophis + Ophiophagus + genus Ophiophagus + Ophiophagus hannah + Acanthophis + genus Acanthophis + Acanthophis antarcticus + Hydrophidae + family Hydrophidae + garden symphilid + symphilid + Geophilomorpha + order Geophilomorpha + Geophilidae + family Geophilidae + Geophilus + genus Geophilus + Raphidae + family Raphidae + Nymphicus + genus Nymphicus + Nymphicus hollandicus + Campephilus + genus Campephilus + Campephilus principalis + Didelphidae + family Didelphidae + Didelphis + genus Didelphis + Didelphis virginiana + Didelphis marsupialis + Sarcophilus + genus Sarcophilus + Sarcophilus hariisi + Amphineura + subclass Amphineura + Anomia ephippium + Amphipoda + order Amphipoda + amphipod + Ephippiorhynchus + genus Ephippiorhynchus + Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis + Psophiidae + family Psophiidae + Psophia + genus Psophia + Psophia crepitans + Philomachus + genus Philomachus + Philomachus pugnax + Philohela + genus Philohela + Philohela minor + Pagophila + genus Pagophila + Pagophila eburnea + Ziphiidae + family Ziphiidae + Delphinidae + family Delphinidae + dolphin + Delphinus + genus Delphinus + common dolphin + Delphinus delphis + bottlenose dolphin + bottle-nosed dolphin + Atlantic bottlenose dolphin + Pacific bottlenose dolphin + river dolphin + Delphinapterus + genus Delphinapterus + Delphinapterus leucas + Arctocephalus philippi + Pagophilus + genus Pagophilus + Pagophilus groenlandicus + Cynopterus sphinx + Rhinolophidae + family Rhinolophidae + Gasterophilidae + family Gasterophilidae + Gasterophilus + genus Gasterophilus + Gasterophilus intestinalis + Drosophilidae + family Drosophilidae + genus Drosophila + drosophila + Drosophila melanogaster + Philophylla + genus Philophylla + Mycetophilidae + Amphibolips + genus Amphibolips + Phillidae + family Phillidae + citrophilous mealybug + citrophilus mealybug + Aphidoidea + superfamily Aphidoidea + aphid + Aphididae + family Aphididae + Aphis + genus Aphis + apple aphid + green apple aphid + Aphis pomi + bean aphid + Aphis fabae + green peach aphid + pale chrysanthemum aphid + woolly aphid + woolly apple aphid + Prociphilus + genus Prociphilus + woolly alder aphid + Prociphilus tessellatus + balsam woolly aphid + spruce gall aphid + pine leaf aphid + Philaenus + genus Philaenus + Philaenus spumarius + aphid lion + aphis lion + Raphidiidae + family Raphidiidae + Alsophila + genus Alsophila + Alsophila pometaria + Sphingidae + family Sphingidae + sphingid + sphinx moth + Ophiuroidea + class Ophiuroidea + Ophiurida + subclass Ophiurida + Arvicola amphibius + Dipodomys phillipsii + Spermophilus + genus Spermophilus + spermophile + Hippopotamus amphibius + Raphicerus + genus Raphicerus + Raphicerus campestris + Mephitinae + subfamily Mephitinae + Mephitis + genus Mephitis + Mephitis mephitis + Mephitis macroura + Mandrillus sphinx + Myctophidae + family Myctophidae + Lophiidae + family Lophiidae + Lophius + genus Lophius + Lophius Americanus + Hemiramphidae + family Hemiramphidae + Ophiodontidae + family Ophiodontidae + Ophiodon + genus Ophiodon + Ophiodon elongatus + Percomorphi + order Percomorphi + Ophidiidae + family Ophidiidae + Centropristis philadelphica + dolphinfish + dolphin + Ephippidae + family Ephippidae + Amphiprion + genus Amphiprion + Amphiprion percula + Percophidae + family Percophidae + Xiphiidae + family Xiphiidae + Xiphias + genus Xiphias + Xiphias gladius + amphibian + amphibious aircraft + amphibian + amphibious vehicle + amphitheater + amphitheatre + amphitheater + amphitheatre + anamorphism + antisyphilitic + apomorphine + photographic camera + Rocephin + Amphitheatrum Flavium + computer graphics + orthomorphic projection + dolphin striker + photographic emulsion + photographic film + graphic + computer graphic + graphic art + graphics + Hagia Sophia + Santa Sophia + diacetylmorphine + dolophine hydrochloride + morphine + morphia + nalorphine + phial + Phillips screw + Phillips screwdriver + photographic equipment + photographic paper + photographic material + photographic print + photographic plate + sphinx + Delphic oracle + oracle of Delphi + trephine + xerographic printer + xerographic copier + homomorphism + isomorphism + sophistication + basophilia + sapphire + philharmonic pitch + photographic density + crotaphion + adrenocorticotrophic hormone + adrenocorticotrophin + corticotrophin + gonadotrophin + gonadotrophic hormone + somatotrophin + somatotrophic hormone + basophil + basophile + neutrophil + neutrophile + eosinophil + eosinophile + sphincter + anatomical sphincter + sphincter muscle + cardiac sphincter + physiological sphincter + anal sphincter + sphincter ani + musculus sphincter ani + musculus sphincter ani externus + musculus sphincter ani internus + urethral sphincter + musculus sphincter urethrae + bladder sphincter + musculus sphincter vesicae + musculus sphincter ductus choledochi + musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici + pupillary sphincter + musculus sphincter pupillae + pyloric sphincter + musculus sphincter pylori + phiz + sophistication + mephitis + zoomorphism + heterophil test + anthropomorphism + sophism + sophistry + sophistication + philosophy + philosophical system + philosophy + theosophism + empiricist philosophy + existential philosophy + existentialist philosophy + sophistication + demographic + phi coefficient + phi correlation + dermatoglyphics + topographic anatomy + natural philosophy + geographics + philosophy + moral philosophy + legal philosophy + philosophical doctrine + philosophical theory + philology + transcendental philosophy + hieroglyphic + Sapphic ode + hieroglyphic + Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians + Epistle to the Philippians + Philippians + Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Philemon + Epistle to Philemon + Philemon + graphical user interface + amphibology + amphiboly + amphigory + planographic printing + Doctor of Philosophy + DPhil + philosophizing + typographical error + telegraphic signal + radiotelegraphic signal + graphic symbol + phi + Philippine + graphics + graphic design + graphical record + amphibrach + philippic + amphimixis + algophilia + mysophilia + Anglophilia + philhellenism + philogyny + philia + technophilia + Philadelphia pepper pot + dolphinfish + acidophilus milk + philter + philtre + love-philter + love-philtre + philosophy department + department of philosophy + philharmonic + amphictyony + philanthropic foundation + geographical zone + geographical area + geographic area + geographical region + geographic region + biogeographical region + geographic point + geographical point + topographic point + Philippopolis + Delphi + Philistia + Memphis + Philippi + Philippines + Philippine Islands + Philippines + Republic of the Philippines + capital of the Philippines + Philadelphia + Memphis + necrophilia + necrophilism + Delphinus + Ophiuchus + uphill + amphisbaena + Sphinx + Iphigenia + Philip Marlowe + Mephistopheles + aerophile + anglophile + anglophil + cosmographist + bibliophile + calligraphist + sophist + dauphin + deipnosophist + demographist + enophile + oenophile + existentialist philosopher + existential philosopher + Francophile + Francophil + graphic designer + gymnosophist + hagiographist + hemophiliac + haemophiliac + hemophile + haemophile + homophile + paleographist + pedophile + paedophile + philanthropist + philatelist + philhellene + philhellenist + Graecophile + Philippian + Philistine + philistine + philologist + philologue + philomath + philosopher + philosopher + philosophizer + philosophiser + graphic artist + Sophist + sophisticate + sphinx + syphilitic + technophile + telegraphist + theosophist + philanderer + Philip Anderson + Philip Warren Anderson + Phil Anderson + Phineas Taylor Barnum + Phiz + Philip Dormer Stanhope + Clement Philibert Leo Delibes + Philibert Delorme + Philibert de l'Orme + Richard Phillips Feynman + Sir Anthony Philip Hopkins + Michael Philip Jagger + Philipp Lenard + Sophia Loren + Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier + John Philip Marquand + Philipp Melanchthon + Philipp Schwarzerd + Philip Michael Ondaatje + Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus + Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim + Phidias + Philemon + Philemon + Philip + Prince Philip + Philip II + Philip II of Spain + Philip II + Philip II of Macedon + Philip II + Philip Augustus + Philip V + Philip VI + Philip of Valois + Phintias + Alice-Josephine Pons + Jean-Philippe Rameau + Philip Roth + Philip Milton Roth + Clara Josephine Schumann + Sir Philip Sidney + John Philip Sousa + Frank Philip Stella + Gloria May Josephine Svensson + Georg Philipp Telemann + Sophie Tucker + Phillis Wheatley + pleomorphism + polymorphism + dimorphism + polymorphism + pleomorphism + dimorphism + polymorphism + single nucleotide polymorphism + Microstrobos niphophilus + amphitropous ovule + Delphinium ajacis + genus Delphinium + delphinium + genus Philodendron + philodendron + Gypsophila + genus Gypsophila + Gypsophila paniculata + Alternanthera philoxeroides + samphire + genus Heliophila + heliophila + Rorippa amphibia + Nasturtium amphibium + Argyroxiphium + genus Argyroxiphium + Argyroxiphium sandwicense + Philadelphia fleabane + Erigeron philadelphicus + Seriphidium + genus Seriphidium + Seriphidium canum + Seriphidium maritimum + Seriphidium tridentatum + Silphium + genus Silphium + Silphium laciniatum + Malaxis ophioglossoides + Paphiopedilum + genus Paphiopedilum + Lobelia siphilitica + Chimaphila + genus Chimaphila + Chimaphila umbellata + Chimaphila corymbosa + Phillyrea + genus Phillyrea + Iris xiphioides + xiphium iris + Iris xiphium + Lilium philadelphicum + Tecophilaeacea + family Tecophilaeacea + Amphicarpaea + genus Amphicarpaea + Amphicarpa + genus Amphicarpa + Amphicarpaea bracteata + Amphicarpa bracteata + Baphia + genus Baphia + Baphia nitida + Raphia + genus Raphia + Philippine mahogany + Philippine cedar + Philippine mahogany + Rhus typhina + sapphire berry + Sedum telephium + Philadelphaceae + subfamily Philadelphaceae + genus Philadelphus + philadelphus + Philadelphus coronarius + genus Nemophila + nemophila + Nemophila menziesii + Nemophila maculata + Nemophila aurita + Blephilia + genus Blephilia + Blephilia hirsuta + Blephilia celiata + Physalis philadelphica + Euphorbia antisyphilitica + Ophioglossales + order Ophioglossales + Ophioglossaceae + family Ophioglossaceae + Ophioglossum + genus Ophioglossum + Ophioglossum pendulum + xerophile + xerophilous plant + autotrophic organism + Selaginella eremophila + sapphire + anamorphism + anamorphism + diastrophism + eutrophication + lyophilization + lyophilisation + katamorphism + metamorphism + amphimixis + geographical mile + Philippine monetary unit + Philippine peso + enantiomorphism + dermatoglyphic + philistinism + dysaphia + catastrophic illness + ulatrophia + agraphia + logagraphia + dysgraphia + amyotrophia + amyotrophic lateral sclerosis + hypertrophic cardiomyopathy + syphilis + primary syphilis + secondary syphilis + tertiary syphilis + neurosyphilis + pseudohypertrophic dystrophy + myotonia atrophica + hemophilia + haemophilia + hemophilia A + haemophilia A + classical hemophilia + classical haemophilia + hemophilia B + haemophilia B + angiohemophilia + vascular hemophilia + atrophic arthritis + eczema hypertrophicum + pemphigus + pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma + pleomorphic rhabdosarcoma + hypertrophic rosacea + phimosis + ophidism + eosinophilia + amphidiploidy + philosopher's stone + philosophers' stone + amphibole + amphibole group + amphibolite + cadmium sulphide + hemimorphite + pyromorphite + metamorphic rock + human chorionic gonadotrophin + graphite + endorphin + beta endorphin + phosphine + dolphin oil + raphia + sapphirine + water sapphire + sapphire + heterophil antibody + heterophile antibody + mephitis + star sapphire + sulphide + graphic tellurium + antihemophilic factor + antihaemophilic factor + antihemophilic globulin + antihaemophilic globulin + thyrotrophin + thyrotrophic hormone + siderophilin + phillipsite + philosopher's wool + philosophers' wool + zinc sulphide +
6 OLD_HSK English word(s): philosophy appearance/ image/ vivid/ expressive/ graphic (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils philistine/ tacky individual/ idiographic collecting stamps philately
6 OLD_HSK French word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
6 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JI2 KAI3 SI4 YI3 sammeln
* ** CHUI2 YOU2 Post

ปรัชญา 哲学 philosophy
ปรัชญา 哲理 philosophy
แสตมป์สะสม, การสะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 stamp collecting, philately
ลักษณะ; ภาพ; สดใส; ความหมาย; กราฟิก 形象 appearance; image; vivid; expressive; graphic
ของปัจเจกบุคคล 各别 individual; idiographic
การสะสมแสตมป์สะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 collecting stamps philately
ไม่มีรสนิยมที่ดี 庸俗 philistine; tacky
โลมา 海豚 dolphin der Delfin, e le dauphin el delfín
amfibioj ครึ่งบกครึ่งน้ำ 两栖动物 amphibians Amphibien amphibiens anfibios anfibi
amfiteatro อัฒจันทร์ 竞技场 amphitheater Amphitheater amphithéâtre anfiteatro anfiteatro
delfeno ปลาโลมา 海豚 dolphin Delphin dauphin delfín delfino
filantropo คนใจบุญ 慈善家 philanthropist Philanthrop philanthrope filántropo filantropo
filantropio การทำบุญ 慈善事业 philanthropy Philanthropie philanthropie filantropía filantropia
filologo นักภาษา 语言学家 philologist Philologe philologue filólogo filologo
filologio ภาษาศาสตร์ 语文学 Philology Philologie Philologie Filología Filologia
filozofo นักปรัชญา 哲学家 Philosopher Philosoph Philosophe Filósofo Filosofo
filozofio ปรัชญา 哲学 philosophy Philosophie philosophie filosofía filosofia
grafito กราไฟท์ 石墨 graphite Graphit graphite grafito grafite
morfino ธาตุมอร์ฟีน 吗啡 Morphine Morphium Morphine Morfina Morfina
safiro ไพลิน 蓝宝石 sapphire Saphir saphir zafiro zaffiro
sfinkso บุคคลลึกลับ 人头狮身 sphinx Sphinx sphinx esfinge sfinge
sifiliso โรคซิฟิลิส 梅毒 Syphilis Syphilis Syphilis Sífilis Sifilide
sofismo การหลอกหลวง 诡辩 sophism Sophismus sophisme sofismo sofisma

Grade E word(s):

2626 phijinu फिजिनु to spread phikri v.i.
2628 philipinsa फिलिपिन्स Philippinen n.
2946 bhāṣāvijñāna भाषाविज्ञान linguistics, philosophy bhat n.
2993 bhaugōlika भौगोलिक geographic, geographical bhaugolik adj.
2994 bhaugōlika mahatva भौगोलिक महत्व geographical importance n.
Plants: Raphia farinifera (Gaertner) N. Hylander (Arecaceae) Bastpalme; Raffia Palm; Thika-Nuss

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [graphic] explicit, descriptive
(a.) [graphic] pictorial, lifelike, vivid
(a.) [philosophical]
(a.) [sophisticated]
(n.) [dolphin]
(n.) [graphics]
(n.) [philosopher]
(n.) [philosophy] investigation of existence, knowledge, ethics
(n.) [philosophy] doctrine, school of thought, set of beliefs

06836275-n phi +

phi + +

phi phi



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2006 出色 哲学家
2274 历史 传记

Semantische Felder: