4 New HSK word(s): 2 次 next in sequence/ second/ the second (day; time etc)/ secondary/ vice-/ sub-/ infra-/ inferior quality/ substandard/ order/ sequence/ hypo- (chemistry)/ classifier for enumerated events: time 6 虚伪 false/ hypocritical/ artificial/ sham 6 弦 bow string/ string of musical instrument/ watchspring/ chord (segment of curve)/ hypotenuse/ CL:根[gen1] 6 假设 suppose that.../ hypothesis/ conjecture
2 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *VA
2 OLD_HSK German word(s): falsch,heuchlerisch,scheinheilig für jn,etwas bürgen
176 synsets(s): hypoactive + hypothetical + hypothetic + hypotonic + hypochondriac + hypochondriacal + hypotensive + hypognathous + hypocritical + hypotonic + hypodermal + hypodermic + hypoglycemic + hypoglycaemic + hypovolemic + hypovolaemic + hypothalamic + cortico-hypothalamic + hypothermic + hypophyseal + hypophysial + hypophysectomized + hypophysectomised + hypothalamically + hypothetically + hypocritically + hypophysectomize + hypophysectomise + hypothesize + hypothesise + hypothecate + hypostatize + hypostatise + hypothecate + hypophysectomy + hypopnea + hypostatization + hypostatisation + hypoblast + Mobula hypostoma + Hypopachus + genus Hypopachus + hypodermis + Actitis hypoleucos + Pteropus hypomelanus + Hypodermatidae + family Hypodermatidae + Hypoderma + genus Hypoderma + Lycaena hypophlaeas + hypodermic needle + hypodermic syringe + hypodermic + hypo + hypocrisy + hypogastric artery + hypogastric vein + hypochondrium + hypothalamic releasing hormone + hypothalamic releasing factor + hypoglossal + hypoglossal nerve + nervus hypoglosus + hypophysis + hypophyseal stalk + adenohypophysis + neurohypophysis + hypothalamus + hypogastric plexus + plexus hypogastricus + Avogadro's hypothesis + nebular hypothesis + planetesimal hypothesis + hypothesis + hypothetical + hypostasis + hyponym + hypocorism + hypothetical imperative + hypocrisy + hypothesis + hypozeugma + hypozeuxis + hypothesis + hypothetical creature + hypostasis + hypostasis of Christ + hypochondriac + hypocrite + hypotensive + hypophysial dwarf + hypoplastic dwarf + Arachis hypogaea + Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus + Amaranthus hypochondriacus + Hypochaeris + genus Hypochaeris + Hypochoeris + genus Hypochoeris + Hypochaeris radicata + Hypopitys + genus Hypopitys + Monotropa hypopithys + Hypoxidaceae + family Hypoxidaceae + Hypoxis + genus Hypoxis + Hypoxis hirsuta + Hypocreales + order Hypocreales + Hypocreaceae + family Hypocreaceae + hypobasidium + hypostasis + hypostasis + hyponymy + hypotenuse + hypocycloid + hypoxia + anemic hypoxia + hypoxic hypoxia + ischemic hypoxia + stagnant hypoxia + hypocapnia + hypothermia + hypocellularity + hypovolemic shock + hypogonadism + male hypogonadism + hypoparathyroidism + orthostatic hypotension + postural hypotension + hypotension + hypoadrenalism + hypoadrenocorticism + hypothyroidism + hypogammaglobulinemia + hypobetalipoproteinemia + hypochromic anemia + hypochromic anaemia + hypoplastic anemia + hypoplastic anaemia + hypothrombinemia + hypovolemia + hypovolaemia + hypovitaminosis + hypospadias + hypocalcemia + hypocalcaemia + hypokalemia + hypolipoproteinemia + hypoproteinemia + hyponatremia + hypopigmentation + hypoglycemia + hypoglycaemia + hypoplasia + hypochondria + hypochondriasis + hyposmia + hypoesthesia + hypotonia + hypotonus + hypotonicity + hypotonicity + hypochlorite + hyponitrous acid + hypophosphoric acid + hypophosphorous acid + calcium hypochlorite + hypo + hypochlorous acid + hypo-eutectoid steel + hypoglycemic agent + hypoglycaemic agent + sodium hypochlorite +
2 OLD_HSK English word(s): hypocritical assure/ hypothecate
2 OLD_HSK French word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DAN1 schultern
* ** BAO3 beschützen

มั่นใจ 担保 assure; hypothecate
ปากว่าตาขยิบ 虚伪 hypocritical
hipotezo สมมติฐาน 假设 Hypothesis Hypothese Hypothèse Hipótesis Ipotesi

Grade E word(s):

Plants: Arachis hypogaea L. (Fabaceae) Erdnuß; Peanut; Ground Nut

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [hypothesis] guess, conjecture, surmise, speculation
(v.) [hypothesize] speculate, theorize, conjecture

03555662-n hypo +
14913860-n hypo +

hypo + +

hypo hypo



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

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