10 New HSK word(s): 4 肯定 to be sure/ to be certain/ sure/ certain/ definite/ to confirm/ to affirm/ affirmative 4 断 to break/ to snap/ to cut off/ to give up or abstain from sth/ to judge/ (usu. used in the negative) absolutely; definitely;decidedly 5 具体 concrete/ definite/ specific 5 某 some/ a certain/ sb or sth indefinite/ such-and-such 5 确定 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box) 5 明确 clear-cut/ definite/ explicit/ to clarify/ to specify/ to make definite 6 确切 definite/ exact/ precise 6 确信 to be convinced/ to be sure/ to firmly believe/ to be positive that/ definite news 6 斩钉截铁 to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/ resolute and decisive/ unhesitating/ definitely/ without any doubt 6 明明 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly/ definitely
7 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *Adv * *VS * *Adv * *VS * *VS * *VA
7 OLD_HSK German word(s): gewiß,sicherlich 1. entscheiden, beschließen, bestimmen 2. an jn die Todesstrafe vollstrecken 3. brechen (Deich) 4. bestimmt, durchaus endlos, grenzenlos 1. sicher, bestimmt, unbedingt 2. müssen begrenzt, beschränkt richtig, es stimmt festgelegter Termin, für die Dauer von, befristet bis
35 synsets(s): infinite + infinite + definite + indefinite + definite + indefinite + finite + infinite + finite + infinite + non-finite + infinitesimal + definitely + indefinitely + infinitely + finitely + infinitely + infinite + definiteness + indefiniteness + infiniteness + finiteness + infinitesimal + law of definite proportions + infinitesimal calculus + indefinite integral + definite integral + definite article + indefinite article + definite quantity + indefinite quantity + large indefinite quantity + large indefinite amount + small indefinite quantity + small indefinite amount +
7 OLD_HSK English word(s): fixed/ definite/ given/ necessarily definitely infinite/ limitless/ boundless certainly/ surely/ definitely/ necessarily have-limit/ limited/ finite/ not many in number exact/ definite (to be completed) by a definite date
7 OLD_HSK French word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): แน่นอน
7 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** WEI4 wegen/handeln
* ** JI1 QI1 QI2 Zeitraum/Frist

อนันต์; ไม่รู้จบ; ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด 无穷 infinite; endless; boundless
เล็กน้อย; บาง; ไม่กี่ (measure word for an indefinite quantity); some; a few
เพื่อตรวจสอบว่าเพื่อจะมั่นใจ, แน่ใจ, บางอย่างแน่นอน 肯定 to be sure, to be certain, sure, certain, definite
เพื่อให้การวินิจฉัยที่ชัดเจน 确诊 to make a definite diagnosis
มั่นเหมาะ definitely
อนันต์; ไม่ จำกัด ; ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด 无限 infinite; limitless; boundless
จะ certainly; surely; definitely; necessarily
จำกัด 有限 have-limit; limited; finite; not many in number
แน่นอน 确切 exact; definite
(ว่าจะแล้วเสร็จ) ในวันที่แน่นอน 为期 (to be completed) by a definite date

Grade E word(s):

195 ananta अनन्त infinite, endless adj.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [definite] precise, explicit
(a.) [infinite] having no limits or boundaries in time or space

01006566-a finite +
01008439-a finite +

finite + +

finite finite


4 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1624 他一定会来。 เขาต้องมาแน่ Hän tulee varmasti.
1627 他一定会打电话来。 เขาโทร.มาแน่ Hän soittaa varmasti.
1630 这瓶葡萄酒一定是陈酒。 ไวน์มันเก่าแน่ๆ Viini on varmasti vanhaa.
1636 老板一定有女朋友。 หัวหน้ามีแฟนแล้วแน่ ๆ Pomolla on varmasti tyttöystävä.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

286 今晚 必定 下雨

Semantische Felder: