2 New HSK word(s): 3 黄 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through 3 北方 north/ the northern part a country/ China north of the Yellow River
2 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *N
2 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. gelb, blond 2. abgekürzte Bezeichnung für den Huanghe-Fluß 1.gelb 2. obzön, pornographisch
237 synsets(s): yellow + yellow-bellied + brownish-yellow + yellow-brown + canary-yellow + creamy-yellow + crimson-yellow + deep-yellow + golden-yellow + sulfur-yellow + sulphur-yellow + yellow + yellowish + yellow-beige + yellowish-beige + yellow-green + yellow-orange + yellowish-orange + yellow-tinged + yellow-grey + yellow-gray + yellowish-grey + yellowish-gray + yellow-white + yellowish-white + yellow + yellow + yellow + yellowed + yellow-banded + yellow-marked + yellow-spotted + yellow-striped + yellow + yellow-tipped + yellow + onion yellow-dwarf virus + potato yellow-dwarf virus + yellow-green algae + yellowbird + yellowhammer + yellow bunting + yellow-breasted bunting + yellow warbler + yellowbird + yellow-breasted chat + yellowthroat + common yellowthroat + Maryland yellowthroat + yellow-bellied terrapin + yellow-shafted flicker + yellowhammer + yellow-bellied sapsucker + yellow-crowned night heron + yellowlegs + greater yellowlegs + lesser yellowlegs + yellow-fever mosquito + yellow jacket + yellow hornet + yellowbelly marmot + yellow-throated marten + yellow perch + yellow bass + yellow jack + yellowtail + yellowtail + yellowtail snapper + yellowfin croaker + yellow goatfish + yellowfin + yellowfin tuna + yellowfin mojarra + yellow gurnard + yellowtail flounder + yellow jacket + yellow jack + yellow + yellowness + canary yellow + brownish yellow + lemon yellow + orange yellow + pale yellow + greenish yellow + yellow green + yellowish green + yellowish pink + yellowish brown + yellow marrow + yellow bone marrow + yellow bile + yellow spot + yellow journalism + yellow-dog contract + yellow light + yellow pages + yellow squash + yellow bean + yellow turnip + Yellow Delicious + yellow granadilla + yellow mombin + yellowtail flounder + Yellowstone National Park + Yellowknife + Yellow River + Yellow Sea + Yellowstone + Yellowstone River + Yellow race + yellow man + yellow woman + yellow pine + yellow pine + western yellow pine + southern yellow pine + shortleaf yellow pine + yellow spruce + yellow cypress + yellow cedar + yellowwood + yellowwood tree + gymnospermous yellowwood + angiospermous yellowwood + yellowwood + cape yellowwood + African yellowwood + South-African yellowwood + common yellowwood + bastard yellowwood + yellow-leaf sickle pine + yellow poplar + yellow poplar + yellow parilla + yellow pond lily + yellow water lily + yellow root + yellow sweet clover + lesser yellow trefoil + yellow oleander + yellow sand verbena + yellow rocket + yellow watercress + great yellowcress + yellow horned poppy + yellow chamomile + yellow star-thistle + yellow spiny daisy + yellow paper daisy + yellow hawkweed + yellow ageratum + yellow salsify + yellow ironweed + yellow lady's slipper + yellow lady-slipper + large yellow lady's slipper + yellow pimpernel + yellow loosestrife + yellow bristlegrass + yellow bristle grass + yellow foxtail + yellow nutgrass + yellow squash + yellow chestnut oak + yellow oak + yellow birch + great yellow gentian + yellow cattley guava + yellow granadilla + downy yellow violet + yellow iris + yellow flag + yellow water flag + wild yellow lily + yellow colicroot + yellow asphodel + yellow globe lily + yellow mariposa tulip + yellow adder's tongue + yellow clintonia + yellow jasmine + yellow jessamine + Kentucky yellowwood + yellow vetchling + yellow lupine + yellow trefoil + yellow locust + yellow pea + yellow jacaranda + yellow dock + yellow-eyed grass family + yellow-eyed grass + tall yellow-eye + yellow avens + yellow avens + yellow bedstraw + yellow cleavers + yellow honeysuckle + yellow honeysuckle + yellow milkwort + yellow bachelor's button + yellow mombin + yellow mombin tree + yellow trumpet + yellow pitcher plant + yellow mountain saxifrage + yellow bells + California yellow bells + yellow giant hyssop + yellow bugle + yellow twining snapdragon + yellow foxglove + yellow henbane + yellow spot fungus + yellow berry + yellow jack + yellow fever + yellow-blue dichromacy + yellow-blue color blindness + yellow-blindness + tomato yellows + yellow dwarf + yellow dwarf of potato + potato yellow dwarf + onion yellow dwarf + yellow spot + yellow peril + yellow metal + alizarin yellow + chrome yellow + yellow ocher + yellow ochre + yellow prussiate of potash + cadmium yellow + cadmium yellow pale + yellowcake +
2 OLD_HSK English word(s): yellow/ sallow/ fall through yellow color
2 OLD_HSK French word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
2 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เหลือง
2 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): keltainen

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** HUANG2 gelb
* ** SE4 Farbe/Art/sexuell


สีเหลือง yellow
แม่น้ำเหลือง 黄河 the Yellow River
สีเหลืองทอง 金黄 golden yellow, golden
สีเหลือง 黄色 yellow color
flava สีเหลือง yellow gelb jaune amarillo giallo

Grade E word(s):

807 aisēlu ऐसेलु yellow raspberry n.
2388 pahēnlō पहेंलो yellow adj.
2612 pharsī फर्सी large yellow pumpkin n.
千字文: 日月盈昃 辰宿列张 The sky was black and earth yellow; space and time vast, limitless

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

00265314-a yellow +
00385756-a yellow +
01177556-a yellow +
01228370-a yellow +
01640729-a yellow +
02101942-a yellow +
00289840-v yellow +
04965661-n yellow +





2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
236 太阳是黄色的。 พระอาทิตย์สีเหลือง Aurinko on keltainen.
245 太阳是什么颜色的? 黄色。 พระอาทิตย์มีสีอะไร? สีเหลือง Minkä värinen aurinko on? Keltainen.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

280 喜欢 颜色
466 叶子 变黄
1970 黄色 帽子

Semantische Felder:

7.23 Gelb