7 New HSK word(s): 4 暂时 temporary/ provisional/ for the time being 4 行 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do 5 临时 at the instant sth happens/ temporary/ interim/ ad hoc 5 当代 the present age/ the contemporary era 6 姑且 temporarily/ the time being/ for the moment/ provisional/ tentatively 6 节奏 rhythm/ tempo/ musical pulse/ cadence/ beat 6 暂且 for now/ for the time being/ temporarily
7 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *Adv;n * *VS * *VS * *v;Adv * *N * *Adv
7 OLD_HSK German word(s): Gegenwart, moderne Zeit,heutzutage 1. eher, zuerst, erst, voraus 2. Vorfahr, Ahnherr, ältere Generationen vorläufig, in letzter Minute zeitweilig,vorübergehend, vorläufig 1. jetzt, gegenwärtig, präsent 2. verfügbar, vorrätig 3. zeigen, erscheinen Gegenwart, gegenwärtige Zeit 1. von kurzer Dauer, kurze Zeit, eine kleine Weile 2. zeitweilig, vorläufig, vorübergehend
94 synsets(s): spatiotemporal + spaciotemporal + contemporary + temporary + temporal + contemporary + temporary + pro tempore + temporal + extemporaneous + extemporary + extempore + contemporaneous + contemporaneous + contemporary + temporal + temporal + temporal + spatiotemporal + temporarily + temporally + pro tempore + ex tempore + contemporaneously + extemporaneously + extemporarily + extempore + temporize + temporise + contemporize + contemporise + extemporize + extemporise + extemporize + contemporize + contemporise + extemporization + extemporisation + temporary expedient + temporary removal + Rana temporaria + temporary hookup + temporal property + temporal arrangement + temporal order + contemporaneity + contemporaneousness + contemporaneity + contemporaneousness + temporariness + temporomandibular joint + articulatio temporomandibularis + temporal bone + os temporale + temporal canthus + temporal artery + anterior temporal artery + arteria temporalis anterior + intermediate temporal artery + arteria temporalis intermedia + posterior temporal artery + arteria temporalis posterior + temporal vein + vena temporalis + deep temporal vein + middle temporal vein + superficial temporal vein + temporal gyrus + temporal lobe + temporal ccortex + temporalis muscle + temporal muscle + temporalis + musculus temporalis + temporal role + temporal + temporary injunction + temporalty + Lords Temporal + contemporaries + contemporary + temporary + temporary worker + temporizer + temporiser + temporalty + temporality + temporal relation + temporary state + temporal lobe epilepsy + temporal arteritis + contemporary world + tempo + tempo +
7 OLD_HSK English word(s): modern times/ the contemporary age earlier/ before/ first/ temporarily temporary temporary/ transient appear/ reveal/ show/ impromptu/ extemporaneously present time/ contemporary age/ nowadays temporarily
7 OLD_HSK French word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
7 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZAN4 kurzzeitig

จังหวะ 节奏 rhythm; tempo
ชั่วคราว; เป็นเวลาสั้น ๆ 一时 temporarily; for a short time
ชั่วคราว 临时 temporary
ชั่วคราวชั่วครู่ 暂时 temporary; transient
ร่วมสมัย 当代 present time; contemporary age; nowadays
ปรากฏขึ้น; แสดง; ทันควัน; อย่างทำโดยฉับพลัน appear; reveal; show; impromptu; extemporaneously
เป็นการชั่วคราว temporarily
takto จังหวะ 拍子 Tempo Tempo Tempo Tempo Tempo

Grade E word(s):

2762 bāra बार fence, temporary wall n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [temporary] impermanent
(n.) [contemporary] coeval

15264363-n tempo +
15283097-n tempo +

Tempo + +

tempo tempo



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2141 爸爸 只是 暂时 离开
2523 计画 暂时 停滞 下来

Semantische Felder:

8.3 Fortbewegung