7 New HSK word(s): 4 加油站 gas station 5 汽油 gas/ gasoline/ CL:升[sheng1] 6 排放 emission/ discharge/ exhaust (gas etc) 6 诧异 flabbergasted/ astonished 6 赞叹 to sigh or gasp in admiration/ high praise 6 高潮 high tide/ high water/ upsurge/ climax/ orgasm/ chorus (part of a song) 6 天然气 natural gas
8 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *N * *N * * * *N * *N * *N * *N
8 OLD_HSK German word(s): Kohlegas Benzin Sauerstoff, Oxygen 1. ölen, schmieren 2. tanken 3. anfeuern, zurufen 4. mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten Erdgas 1. Luft 2.Gas 3. Atem 4. Geruch 5. Manier 6. Moral 7. ärgern 8. tyrannisieren Gas Abgas
371 synsets(s): gas-filled + gassy + gas-tight + gaseous + gasified + gassy + flabbergasted + megascopic + epigastric + epigastric + gastric + gastroduodenal + gastroesophageal + pneumogastric + pneumogastric + gastrointestinal + gastronomic + gastronomical + Monegasque + Madagascan + gasp + degas + gasify + flabbergast + gas + gasconade + gas + teargas + gash + gas up + orgasm + male orgasm + gassing + gash + gastroscopy + gastrectomy + gastroenterostomy + gastrostomy + gastromy + gastric lavage + gasp + gastronomy + arterial blood gases + nasogastric feeding + gastrogavage + Lule Burgas + battle of Lule Burgas + genus Sargassum + sargassum + sargasso + Sargassum bacciferum + Gasterosteidae + family Gasterosteidae + Gasterosteus + genus gasterosteus + Gasterosteus aculeatus + Gasterosteus pungitius + gastrula + Gastrophryne + genus Gastrophryne + Gastrophryne olivacea + Gastrophryne carolinensis + Gopherus agassizii + Argasidae + family Argasidae + argasid + Dacelo gigas + Gastropoda + class Gastropoda + Gasteropoda + class Gasteropoda + gastropod + Strombus gigas + neritid gastropod + Solenogastres + order Solenogastres + solenogaster + Tridacna gigas + Ostrea gigas + gastric mill + Hydrodamalis gigas + Gasterophilidae + family Gasterophilidae + Gasterophilus + genus Gasterophilus + Gasterophilus intestinalis + Drosophila melanogaster + Anagasta + genus Anagasta + Anagasta kuehniella + Microtus ochrogaster + Tragelaphus angasi + gaskin + Madagascar cat + Daubentonia madagascariensis + sargassum fish + gas pedal + gas + gas bomb + gash + gas-discharge lamp + gasbag + gas line + gas guzzler + gas shell + gas bracket + gas burner + gas jet + gas chamber + gas-cooled reactor + gas-discharge tube + gas engine + gas fitting + gas fixture + gas furnace + gas gun + gas heat + gas heater + gas holder + gasometer + gasket + gas lamp + gas line + gas main + gas maser + gasmask + gas helmet + gas meter + gasometer + gasoline engine + gasoline gauge + gasoline gage + gas gauge + gas gage + gasoline station + gas station + gas oven + gas oven + gas pump + gasoline pump + gas range + gas stove + gas cooker + gas ring + gas system + gas tank + gasoline tank + gas thermometer + gastroscope + gas turbine + gas-turbine ship + gas well + gasworks + head gasket + gasoline bomb + laughing gas + gaseousness + gastric smear + gastrointestinal system + epigastric artery + arteria epigastrica + gastric artery + arteria gastrica + right gastric artery + ateria gastrica dextra + left gastric artery + arteria gastrica sinistra + short gastric artery + arteria gastrica breves + hypogastric artery + epigastric vein + inferior epigastric vein + vena epigastrica inferior + superficial epigastric vein + vena epigastrica superficialis + superior epigastric veins + venae epigastricae superiores + gastric vein + vena gastrica + gastroomental vein + gastroepiploic vein + vena gastroomentalis + hypogastric vein + left gastric vein + vena gastrica sinistra + right gastric vein + vena gastrica-dextra + thoracoepigastric vein + vena thoracoepigastrica + epigastrium + gastric juice + gastric acid + gastrointestinal hormone + gastrin + gastrocolic omentum + pneumogastric + pneumogastric nerve + hypogastric plexus + plexus hypogastricus + epigastric fossa + gastrointestinal tract + esophagogastric junction + oesophagogastric junction + gastrocnemius + gastrocnemius muscle + gastroenterology + kinetic theory of gases + Angas + gasconade + gastronomy + smorgasbord + gas company + gas service + smorgasbord + gas line + gasfield + Antofagasta + Acragas + Nagasaki + Gascogne + Gascony + Madagascar + Madagascar + Republic of Madagascar + Malagasy Republic + capital of Madagascar + Las Vegas + gaseous nebula + Gasherbrum + interplanetary gas + gas giant + Pegasus + Sargasso Sea + Pegasus + Madagascan + gastronome + gasbag + gas fitter + gasman + gastroenterologist + Monegasque + Agassiz + Louis Agassiz + Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz + Gaspar + Degas + Edgar Degas + Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas + Gaskell + Elizabeth Gaskell + Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson Gaskell + Gorgas + William Crawford Gorgas + Gaston Lachaise + Ortega y Gasset + Jose Ortega y Gasset + Edith Giovanna Gassion + Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili + Vargas + Getulio Dornelles Vargas + Vargas Llosa + Mario Vargas Llosa + Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa + gaslight + gas pressure + megasporangium + megasporophyll + megaspore + Madagascar periwinkle + verdolagas + Ravenala madagascariensis + Madagascar plum + tagasaste + genus Gastrolobium + gastrolobium + Vangueria madagascariensis + gas plant + Agastache + genus Agastache + Agastache nepetoides + Agastache foeniculum + Agastache mexicana + Hymenogastrales + order Hymenogastrales + Gyromitra gigas + Gasteromycetes + class Gasteromycetes + Gastromycetes + class Gastromycetes + gasteromycete + gastromycete + Gastrocybe + genus Gastrocybe + Gastrocybe lateritia + Gastroboletus + genus Gastroboletus + Gastroboletus scabrosus + Gastroboletus turbinatus + Madagascar pepper + Madagascar jasmine + gasoline tax + gasification + gassing + gastric digestion + gastrulation + gas constant + universal gas constant + Madagascar franc + gasoline mileage + gas mileage + gas + achylia gastrica + anorgasmia + gas embolism + gastrointestinal disorder + gas embolism + gastroenteritis + gastric ulcer + bagassosis + bagascosis + gash + gas gangrene + gas phlegmon + gastralgia + gastroesophageal reflux + gastritis + acute gastritis + chronic gastritis + gas + gaseous state + CS gas + CN gas + noble gas + inert gas + coal gas + town gas + gasohol + gasoline + gasolene + gas + leaded gasoline + bagasse + gastric antacid + blow gas + blowing gas + carbonic acid gas + carbon monoxide gas + compressed gas + producer gas + air gas + greenhouse gas + gas + liquefied petroleum gas + bottled gas + water gas + ideal gas + perfect gas + marsh gas + mustard gas + natural gas + gas + nerve gas + VX gas + gas oil + poison gas + sewer gas + tear gas + teargas + unleaded gasoline + Margasivsa + last gasp +
8 OLD_HSK English word(s): coal gas gasoline/ gas oxygen-gas/ oxygen oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer naturally-formed-gas/ natural gas gas/ air/ breath/ weather/ smell/ spirits/ manner/ insult gas/ substance in the gaseous state exhaust gas
8 OLD_HSK French word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เติมน้ำมัน
8 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** FEI4 JIE4 beseitigen/unbrauchbar
* ** QI4 Luft/Gas


สถานที่เติมแก๊ส 加油站 gas station
หายใจ (ลึก); กางเกง; อ้าปากค้าง 喘气 breathe (deeply); pant; gasp
ก๊าซ 煤气 gas
measure word for gas, smell, strength, etc.
ก๊าซ 气体 gas
โรคกระเพาะ 胃炎 gastritis
ก๊าซถ่านหิน 煤气 coal gas
น้ำมันก๊าซ 汽油 gasoline; gas
ก๊าซ gas; air; breath; weather; smell; spirits; manner; insult
ก๊าซ 气体 gas; substance in the gaseous state
ก๊าซธรรมชาติ 天然气 naturally-formed-gas; natural gas
อ๊อกซิเจน 氧气 oxygen-gas; oxygen
ไอเสีย 废气 exhaust gas
ก๊าซ / น้ำมัน 汽油 gas / petrol das Benzin l'essence la gasolina
หน้ากากก๊าซ 防毒面具 gas mask die Gasmaske, n le masque à gaz la máscara de gas
เตาแก๊ส 煤气炉 gas stove der Gasherd, e la gazinière la cocina de gas
สถานีบริการน้ำมัน 加油站 gas station die Tankstelle, n la station service la estación de servicio
benzino น้ำมันเบนซิน 汽油 gasoline Benzin essence gasolina benzina
gaso ก๊าซ Gas Gas Gaz Gas Gas

Grade E word(s):

2590 prākr̥tika gyāsa प्राकृतिक ग्यास natural gas n.
Plants: Bactris gasipaes Kunth (Arecaceae) Pejibaye; Pejivalle; Peach-Palm; Pfirsichpalme

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [gas pedal] accelerator
(n.) [gas] state of matter distinguished from solid and liquid
(n.) [gas] gasoline, petrol
(v.) [gasp] pant, puff, heave

00883226-v gas +
01125373-v gas +
02670683-n gas +
14035695-n gas +
14481080-n gas +
14686913-n gas +
14877585-n gas +
14960090-n gas +

Gas + +

gas gas



5 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1285 他必须给车加油。 เขาต้องเติมน้ำมัน Hänen täytyy tankata.
327 你做饭是用电炉还是用煤气? คุณใช้ไฟฟ้าหรือแก๊สทำอาหาร? Keitätkö sähköllä vai kaasulla?
685 最近的加油站在哪里? ปั๊มถัดไปอยู่ที่ไหน ครับ or คะ? Missä on lähin huoltoasema?
689 我的车没有油了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มีน้ำมันเบนซินแล้ว ครับ or คะ Minulla ei ole enää bensiiniä.
690 您有备用油箱吗? คุณมีแกลอนน้ำมันไหม ครับ or คะ? Onko teillä varakanisteria?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

606 汽车 加油

Semantische Felder:

5.35 Kraft
19.22 Rohstoffe, Werkstoffe