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(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

三字经: 006 子不学, 断机杼。 zǐ bù xué duàn jī zhù and when her child would not learn, she broke the shuttle from the loom.
三字经: 014 人不学, 不知义。 rén bù xué bùzhī yì If a man does not learn, he cannot know his duty towards his neighbour.
三字经: 020 弟于长, 宜先知。 dì yú zhǎng yí xiānzhī To behave as a younger brother towards elders, is one of the first things to know.
三字经: 029 曰春夏, 曰秋冬。 yuē chūn xià yuē qiū dōng We speak of spring and summer, we speak of autumn and winter.
三字经: 031 曰南北, 曰西东。 yuē nánběi yuē xī dōng We speak of north and south, we speak of east and west.
三字经: 033 曰水火, 木金土。 yuē shuǐhuǒ mù jīn tǔ We speak of water, fire, wood, metal and earth.
三字经: 035 曰仁义, 礼智信。 yuē rén yì lǐ zhì xìn We speak of charity of heart and of duty towards one's neighbour, of propriety, of wisdom, and of truth.
三字经: 037 稻粱菽, 麦黍稷。 dào liáng mài shǔ jì Rice, spiked millet, pulse, wheat, glutinous millet and common millet.
三字经: 040 此六畜, 人所饲。 cǐ liù chù rén suǒ sì These six animals are those which men keep.
三字经: 043 昧天良, 屠市肆。 mèi tiānliáng tú shì sì It is to obscure your natural goodness of disposition, to kill them and expose them for sale.
三字经: 045 曰喜怒, 曰哀惧。 yuē xǐ nù yuē āi jù We speak of joy, of anger, we speak of pity, of fear,
三字经: 047 匏土革, 木石金。 páo tǔ gé mù shí jīn The gourd, earthenware, skin, wood, stone, metal,
三字经: 048 与丝竹, 乃八音。 yǔ sī zhú nǎi bā yīn silk, and bamboo, yield the eight musical sounds.
三字经: 052 乃九族, 而之伦。 nǎi jiǔ zú ér zhī lún These are the nine agnates, constituting the kinships of man.
三字经: 061 小学终, 至四书。 xiǎoxué zhōng zhì sì shū The "Little Learning" finished, they proceed to the "Four Books".
三字经: 064 孟子者, 七篇止。 mèng zǐ zhě qī piān zhǐ The works of Mencius are comprised in seven sections.
三字经: 070 孝经通, 四书熟。 xiào jīng tōng sì shū shú When the "Classic of Filial Piety" is mastered, and the "Four Books" are known by heart.
三字经: 071 如六经, 始可读。 rú liù jīng shǐ kě dú The next step is to the "Six Classics", which may now be studied.
三字经: 072 诗书易, 礼春秋。 shī shū yì lǐ chūnqiū The "Books of Poetry", of "History" and of "Changes", the "Rites of the Chou Dynasty", the "Book of Rites", and the "Spring and Autumn Annals",
三字经: 074 有连山, 有归藏。 yǒu lián shān yǒu guī zàng There is the "Lien shan" system, there is the "Kuei tsang",
三字经: 077 有誓命, 书之奥。 yǒu shì mìng shū zhī ào the Oaths, the Charges; these are the profundities of the Book of History.
三字经: 078 我周公, 作周礼。 wǒ zhōu gōng zuō zhōu lǐ Our Duke of Chou drew up the Ritual of the Chou Dynasty,
三字经: 080 大小戴, 注礼记。 dàxiǎo dài zhù lǐ jì The Elder and the Younger Tai wrote commentaries on the Book of Rites.
三字经: 082 曰国风, 曰雅颂。 yuē guó fēng yuē yǎ sòng We speak of the "Kuo feng", we speak of the "Ya" and of the "Sung".
三字经: 083 号四诗, 当讽咏。 hào sì shī dàng fěng yǒng These are the four sections of the Book of Poetry, which should be hummed over and over.
三字经: 086 三传者, 有公羊。 sān zhuàn zhě yǒu gōng yáng The three commentaries upon the above, include that of Kung-Yang,
三字经: 087 有左氏, 有彀梁。 yǒu zuǒ shì yǒu gòu liáng that of Tso, and that of Ku-Liang.
三字经: 089 撮其要, 记其事。 cuō qí yào jì qí shì Pick out the important points in each, and take a note of all facts.
三字经: 093 考世系, 知终始。 kǎo shìxì zhī zhōng shǐ and the genealogical connections should be examined, so that the end of one dynasty and the beginning of the next may be known.
三字经: 099 周文武, 称三王。 zhōu wén wǔ chèn sān wáng the Chou dynasty had Wên and Wu;-- these are called the Three Kings.
三字经: 100 夏传子, 家天下。 xià zhuàn zǐ jiā tiānxià Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son, making a family possession of the empire.
三字经: 104 周武王, 始诛纣。 zhōu wǔ wáng shǐ zhū zhòu King Wu of the Chou Dynasty finally slew Chou Hsin.
三字经: 106 周辙东, 王纲堕。 zhōu zhé dōng wáng gāng duò When the Chous made tracks eastwards, the feudal bond was slackened;
三字经: 112 高祖兴, 汉业建。 gāo zǔ xīng hàn yè jiàn Then Kao Tsu arose, and the House of Han was established.
三字经: 114 光武兴, 为东汉。 guāng wǔ xīng wèi dōnghàn Then Kuang Wu arose, and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty.
三字经: 117 号三国, 迄两晋。 hào sān guó qì liǎng jìn They were called the Three Kingdoms, and existed until the Two Chin Dynasties.
三字经: 119 为南朝, 都金陵。 wèi nán cháo dōu jīn líng These are the southern dynasties, with their capital at Nanking.
三字经: 121 宇文周, 兴高齐。 yǔ wén zhōu xīng gāo qí the Chou dynasty of the Yü-wen family, with the Ch'i dynasty of the Kao family.
三字经: 136 并中国, 兼戎翟。 bìng Zhōngguó jiān róng Zhái It united the Middle Kingdom, and attached to the empire the tribes of the north and west.
三字经: 139 迁北京, 永乐嗣。 qiān Běijing yǒng lè sì when the capital was transferred to Peking, and Yung Lo succeeded the latter.
三字经: 141 辽于金, 皆称帝。 liáo yú jīn jiē chèn dì The Liao Tartars and the Chin Tartars all took the Imperial title.
三字经: 143 莅中国, 兼戎翟。 lì Zhōngguó jiān róng Zhái They governed the Middle Kingdom, and also the wild tribes of the north and west;
三字经: 145 太祖兴, 国大明。 tài zǔ xīng guó dà míng Then T'ai Tsu arose, his dynasty being known as Ta Ming.
三字经: 146 号洪武, 都金陵。 hào hóng wǔ dōu jīn líng He took as his year-title Hung Wu, and fixed his capital at Chin-ling (Nanking).
三字经: 147 逮成祖, 迁燕京。 dǎi chéng zǔ qiān yàn jīng At length, under the Emperor Ch'êng Tsu, a move was made to Swallow City (Peking).
三字经: 149 权奄肆, 寇如林。 quán yǎn sì kòu rú lín The hold on the people was relaxed, and rebels sprang up thick as forests.
三字经: 152 靖四方, 克大定。 jìng sìfāng kè dà dìng he tranquillised the four quarters (N.S.E. and W.), and achieved the final settlement of the empire.
三字经: 155 读史书, 考实录。 dú shǐshū kǎo shí lù Ye who read history must study the State Annals,
三字经: 157 口而诵, 心而惟。 kǒu ér sòng xīn ér wéi Recite them with the mouth, and ponder over them in your hearts.
三字经: 159 昔仲尼, 师项橐。 xī zhòng ní shī xiàng tuó Of old, Confucius took Hsiang T'o for his teacher.
三字经: 164 彼无书, 且知勉。 bǐ wú shū qiě zhī miǎn These men had no books, but they knew how to make an effort.
三字经: 165 头悬梁, 锥刺股。 tóu xuán liáng zhuī cì gǔ One tied his head to the beam above him; another pricked his thigh with an awl.
三字经: 166 彼不教, 自勤苦。 bǐ bù jiāo zì qín kǔ They were not taught, but toiled hard of their own accord.
三字经: 170 身虽劳, 犹苦卓。 shēn suī láo yóu kǔ zhuó Although they toiled with their bodies, they were nevertheless remarkable for their application.
三字经: 172 始发愤, 读书籍。 shǐ fà fèn dúshū jí at last began to show his energy and devote himself to the study of books.
三字经: 174 尔小生, 宜早思。 ěr xiǎo shēng yí zǎo sī You little boys should take thought betimes.
三字经: 176 对大廷, 魁多士。 duì dà tíng kuí duō shì made his replies in the great hall, and came out first among many scholars.
三字经: 178 尔小生, 宜立志。 ěr xiǎo shēng yí lìzhì You little boys should make up your minds to work.
三字经: 180 泌七岁, 能赋棋。 mì qī suì néng fù qí Pi, at seven years of age, could make an epigram on "wei-ch'i".
三字经: 181 彼颖悟, 人称奇。 bǐ yǐngwù rén chèn qí These youths were quick of apprehension, and people declared them to be prodigies.
三字经: 185 彼女子, 且聪敏。 bǐ nǚzī qiě cōng mǐn They were only girls, yet they were quick and clever.
三字经: 188 举神童, 作正字。 jǔ shéntóng zuō zhèng zì was ranked as an "inspired child", and was appointed a Corrector of Texts.
三字经: 190 尔幼学, 勉而致。 ěr yòu xué miǎn ér zhì You young learners strive to bring about a like result.
三字经: 191 有为者, 亦若是。 yǒuwéi zhě yì ruòshì Those who work will also succeed as he did.
三字经: 192 犬守夜, 鸡司晨。 quǎn shǒuyè jī sī chén The dog keeps guard by night; the cock proclaims the dawn.
三字经: 194 蚕吐丝, 蜂酿蜜。 cán tù sī fēng niàng mì The silkworm produces silk, the bee makes honey.
三字经: 198 扬名声, 显父母。 yángmíng shēng xiǎn fùmǔ Make a name for yourselves, and glorify your father and mother,
三字经: 201 我教子, 惟一经。 wǒ jiāo zǐ wéiyī jīng I teach you children, only this book.

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