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(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

三字经: 011 子不学, 非所宜。 zǐ bù xué fēi suǒ yí If the child does not learn, this is not as it should be.
三字经: 110 嬴秦氏, 始兼并。 yíng qín shì shǐ jiānbìng Then the House of Ch'in, descended from the Ying clan, finally united all the States under one sway.
三字经: 111 传二世, 楚汉争。 zhuàn èr shì chǔ hàn zhēng The throne was transmitted to Erh Shih, upon which followed the struggle between the Ch'u and the Han States.
三字经: 112 高祖兴, 汉业建。 gāo zǔ xīng hàn yè jiàn Then Kao Tsu arose, and the House of Han was established.
三字经: 113 至孝平, 王莽篡。 zhì xiào píng wáng mǎng cuàn When we come to the reign of Hsiao P'ing, Wang Mang usurped the throne.
三字经: 114 光武兴, 为东汉。 guāng wǔ xīng wèi dōnghàn Then Kuang Wu arose, and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty.
三字经: 115 四百年, 终于献。 sì bǎinián zhōngyú xiàn It lasted four hundred years, and ended with the Emperor Hsien.
三字经: 116 魏蜀吴, 争汉鼎。 wèi shǔ wú zhēng hàn dǐng Wei, Shu, and Wu, fought for the sovereignty of the Hans.
三字经: 117 号三国, 迄两晋。 hào sān guó qì liǎng jìn They were called the Three Kingdoms, and existed until the Two Chin Dynasties.
三字经: 118 宋齐继, 梁陈承。 sòng qí jì liáng chén chéng Then followed the Sung and the Ch'i dynasties, and after them the Liang and Ch'ên dynasties
三字经: 119 为南朝, 都金陵。 wèi nán cháo dōu jīn líng These are the southern dynasties, with their capital at Nanking.

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