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shoe chiếc giày
shoe giày
shoe giầy
Shoelace Schnürsenkel < 4.33 Verbinden
the shoe pinches der Schuh drückt < 10.14 Unlust verursachen
Horseshoe Hufeisen < 13.11 Kurve
Football Shoes Fußballschuhe < 17.10 Fußball
Roll Shoe Rollschuh < 17.22 Freizeit- und Extremsport
Shoes Schuh < 19.7 Kleidung
Shoe Repair Schuhmacher < 20.1 Berufe
Shoeshine boy Schuhputzer < 20.1 Berufe
Shoe store Schuhgeschäft < 20.30 Handel
Shoe House Schuhhaus < 20.30 Handel
Greenshoe Greenshoe < 20.36 Wertpapier
Shoe factory Schuhfabrik < 20.46 Industrie
Shoe Manufacturer Schuhhersteller < 20.46 Industrie

OXF3000: giày shoe
shoe Clothes and fashion Footwear
shoe Personality and emotio Fear
shoe Retail Departments in stores