actually + used to add new (often different) information
basically + Used before you explain something simply
especially + More than usual; extremely
finally + After a long time or some difficulty
generally + Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people
naturally + Without the aid of someone or something
normally + In the manner that is usual or ordinary
personally + by a specific person, and not by anyone else
really + Very
totally + In a complete way; completely; absolutely
usually + Normally; regularly
automatically + in a way not requiring control by a person
dramatically + In a sudden or extreme manner
equally + In an equal, even, or identical manner
eventually + Finally
occasionally + not very often; sometimes; seldom
originally + At first; in the beginning
specifically + In a well defined or clear manner; in particular
typically + in a normal or usual way
ally + Someone who supports, helps, or defends you
gradually + Occurring in a slow manner over a period of time
initially + At first; originally
literally + In a way that expresses the exact or LITERAL meaning of something
potentially + that could happen or become reality
virtually + In an almost complete or entire manner