absolute + Complete and total
absolutely + completely; totally; very
also + In addition; too; in a similar way
person + man, woman or child
personal + done by or to a particular person; individual
personally + by a specific person, and not by anyone else
prison + place the court puts criminals as punishment; jail
prisoner + Someone kept in a prison as punishment for a crime
reason + explanation for why something occurred or was done
reasonable + Fair and sensible; appropriate
reasonably + In a fair and just manner
soft + Easy to press, bend or cut; not hard or firm
some + Used to refer to an unspecified amount or number
somebody + Person who is not known or named
somehow + In a way that is not known or certain
someone + person who is not known or named
something + thing that is not yet known or named
sometimes + only at certain times; occasionally
somewhere + at or to an unknown or unnamed place
son + male child; friendly way of addressing a boy
song + Some music with words in verse
soon + At a time not long from now
sorry + what you say to admit you were wrong
sort + group or class of similar things or people
sound + Waves traveling in air or water that can be heard
south + direction that is the opposite of north
associate + partner in professional work, e.g. in law
association + organization of people with the same interest
comparison + Looking for differences and similarities in two or more things
lesson + something done to learn or teach something; class
season + One of the four parts of the year determined mainly by the weather during that time
social + Involving activities among people especially free time activities
society + community of people living together
soil + mix of sand and other natural material on the surface of the earth that is used to grow plants
soldier + person who is in the military
solid + Firm or hard ; not a gas or liquid
somewhat + little, not very
soul + spiritual part of a person
southern + Having to do with a region in the south
disorder + state of confusion or a lack of organization
episode + show which is part of a larger story
isolate + To keep in a place or situation apart from others
personality + person_s unique character; the way that a person usually acts
personnel + group of people who work for a company
philosophy + study of ideas about the fundamental nature of life
resolution + formal statement of the desires or decisions of a group
resolve + To be determined to find an answer or to solve problems
resort + place that provides entertainment, meals, and rooms that one goes to for a vacation
resource + essential supply of something
solution + Something that ends a problem
solve + To find a way to deal with a problem
source + Produces or provides what is wanted or needed
sponsor + To help someone or something succeed by giving them money
software + market for software is expected to expand
So + For that reason