Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP folk
EVP folktale

GBENDE: 人们 folk Leute
CORE: folk + + + + + + +
NGLS: folk + of ordinary people; not sophisticated
WNS: (n.) [folk music] ethnic music
WNS: (n.) [folk] folks, common people
WNS: (n.) [folklore] unwritten literature or songs

ENDE: folk Leute
FN: folk n People

like: folk
(scratch the wind) coin rubbing (an old folk remedy) cạo gió
pastoral song, folk song dã ca
the wood-blocks of folk woodcuts mộc bản tranh dân gian
senior citizen, old folk or people, the elderly, the old người già
village song, folk song quan họ
mudguard; satirical folk song

The entertainment was provided by a folk band. entertainment
The Arts Centre is hosting a folk festival this summer. host
a folk/love/pop, etc. song song