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famine nạn đói

5000FR: famine famine
GBENDE: 饥荒 famine Hungersnot

ENDE: famine Hungersnot

like: famine
(1) foundation
(2) occasion, opportunity, circumstance
(3) odd
(4) regiment
(5) machine, mechanism, motor, engine
(6) airplane
(7) hunger, famine
(8) muscle
(9) outburst, crisis

unlucky year, famine year hung niên

I am appealing (= asking for money) on behalf of the famine victims. appeal
Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. charity
Reports conflicted on how much of the aid was reaching the famine victims. conflict
If the drought continues there's going to be a famine. be going to do sth
harrowing television pictures of the famine picture
famine relief relief
accident/earthquake/famine, etc. victims victim

famine une grande famine venait de dévaster la Chine