Beginner Level Advanced Level



1945 痢 bệnh lị . . .
dysentery lị

OXF3000N tích cực hăng hái nhanh nhẹn linh lợi actively
OXF3000N sự tích cực sự hoạt động sự hăng hái sự linh lợi activity
OXF3000N nước đồng minh liên minh liên kết kết thông gia ally
OXF3000N liên minh đồng minh thông gia allied
OXF3000N kết giao liên kết kết hợp cho cộng tác associate
OXF3000N liên kết với associated with
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự liên kết association
OXF3000N người cầm đầu người chỉ huy thủ lĩnh captain
OXF3000N trọng yếu chính yếu thủ lĩnh lãnh tụ người đứng đầu sếp chief
OXF3000N thư ký linh mục mục sư clerk
OXF3000N truyền truyền đạt giao thiệp liên lạc communicate
OXF3000N sự giao tiếp liên lạc sự truyền đạt truyền tin communication
OXF3000N liên quan dính líu tới sự liên quan sự dính líu tới concern
OXF3000N có liên quan có dính líu concerned
OXF3000N sự liên lạc sự giao thiệp tiếp xúc contact
OXF3000N liên tục liên tiếp continuous
OXF3000N liên tục liên tiếp continuously
OXF3000N số liệu dữ liệu data
OXF3000N liều mạng liều lĩnh tuyệt vọng desperate
OXF3000N liều lĩnh liều mạng desperately
OXF3000N sổ nhật ký lịch ghi nhớ diary
OXF3000N văn kiện tài liệu tư liệu document
OXF3000N thanh lịch tao nhã elegant
OXF3000N chờ đợi mong ngóng liệu trước expect
OXF3000N liên bang federal
OXF3000N lễ hội đại hội liên hoan festival
OXF3000N hồ sơ tài liệu file
OXF3000N chất đốt nhiên liệu fuel
OXF3000N Galông 1gl = 4 54 lít ở Anh 3 78 lít ở Mỹ gallon
OXF3000N thủ lĩnh chủ kẻ thống trị governor
OXF3000N lịch sử sử học history
OXF3000N lịch sử thuộc lịch sử historical
OXF3000N linh thiêng sùng đạo holy
OXF3000N sự lôi kéo sự liên can điều gợi ý implication
OXF3000N việc xảy ra việc có liên quan incident
OXF3000N tin tức tài liệu kiến thức information
OXF3000N sự dạy tài liệu cung cấp instruction
OXF3000N lít litre
OXF3000N liên minh liên hoàn league
OXF3000N nắp vung (xoong nồi..) mi mắt (eyelid) lid
OXF3000N mắt xích mối liên lạc liên kết kết nối link
OXF3000N nguyên vật liệu vật chất hữu hình material
OXF3000N mi-li-gam milligram
OXF3000N mi-li-met millimetre
OXF3000N giữ chiếm lĩnh chiếm giữ occupy
OXF3000N tiệc buổi liên hoan đảng party
OXF3000N Panh (đơn vị (đo lườngở Anh bằng 0 58 lít ở Mỹ bằng 0 473 lít) pint
OXF3000N Panh (đơn vị (đo lườngở Anh bằng 0 58 lít ở Mỹ bằng 0 473 lít) pint
OXF3000N lễ phép lịch sự polite
OXF3000N lễ phép lịch sự politely
OXF3000N linh mục thầy tu priest
OXF3000N panh (= 0 58 lít (E) 0 473 lít (A)) pint
OXF3000N panh (= 0 58 lít (E) 0 473 lít (A)) pint
OXF3000N nhận lĩnh thu receive
OXF3000N kể lại thuật lại liên hệ liên quan relate
OXF3000N có liên quan có quan hệ với ai cái gì related to
OXF3000N mối quan hệ sự liên quan liên lạc relation
OXF3000N mối quan hệ mối liên lạc relationship
OXF3000N có liên quan đến người có họ đại từ quan hệ relative
OXF3000N có liên quan có quan hệ relatively
OXF3000N thích hợp có liên quan relevant
OXF3000N sự liều mạo hiểm liều risk
OXF3000N bất lịch sự thô lỗ thô sơ đơn giản rude
OXF3000N bất lịch sự thô lỗ thô sơ đơn giản rudely
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc bản liệt kê lên thời khóa biểu lên kế hoạch schedule
OXF3000N khu vực lĩnh vực sector
OXF3000N xưng hô lịch sự Ngài Ông sir
OXF3000N mạnh ác liệt khéo léo nhanh trí smart
OXF3000N lính quân nhân soldier
OXF3000N tâm hồn tâm trí linh hồn soul
OXF3000N tinh thần tâm hồn linh hồn spirit
OXF3000N (thuộctinh thần linh hồn spiritual
OXF3000N chất liệu chất stuff
OXF3000N chất liệu bản chất substance
OXF3000N thình lình đột ngột sudden
OXF3000N thình lình đột ngột suddenly
OXF3000N va li suitcase
OXF3000N ném đi vứt đi liệng đi throw sth away
OXF3000N cuộc đi du lịch cuộc đi dạo chuyến du lịch đi du lịch tour
OXF3000N khách du lịch tourist
OXF3000N đi lại đi du lịch di chuyển sự đi những chuyến đi travel
OXF3000N liên hiệp sự đoàn kết sự hiệp nhất union
OXF3000N liên kết hợp nhất hợp lại kết thân unite
OXF3000N liên minh đoàn kết chung thống nhất united
OXF3000N sự án kinh doanh công việc kinh doanh liều mạo hiểm cả gan venture
OXF3000N sự ác liệt sự dữ dội bạo lực violence
OXF3000N mãnh liệt mạnh mẽ hung dữ violent
OXF3000N mãnh liệt dữ dội violently
OXF3000N không gian liên tới với Internet website

Are you polite? Bạn có lịch sự không? Adjectives 1
polite lịch sự Adjectives 1
calendar lịch Dates and Time
The politeness sự lịch sự Nominalization
I do not like your impoliteness. Tôi không thích sự bất lịch sự của bạn. Attributes
impolite bất lịch sự Attributes
impoliteness sự bất lịch sự  Attributes
My parents are travelling in Africa. Bố mẹ của tôi đang du lịch ở châu Phi. Travel
du lịch Travel
They like to travel by ship. Họ thích đi du lịch bằng tàu thuỷ. Travel
history lịch sử
The Vietnamese customers like politeness and patience. Các khách hàng người Việt Nam thích sự lịch sự và sự kiên nhẫn. People
Globalization helps travel to become simple. Sự toàn cầu hoá giúp du lịch trở nên đơn giản. Economics
Be polite, be efficient but always have a plan to kill anyone. Lịch sự, hiệu quả nhưng luôn có một kế hoạch để giết bất kỳ ai. Verbs 5
My travelling plan includes both Germany and England. Kế hoạch du lịch của tôi bao gồm cả nước Đức và nước Anh. Verbs 5
History is written by the winners. Lịch sử được viết bởi người chiến thắng. History
They postpone the travel because one person is sick. Họ hoãn chuyến du lịch vì một ngườibị bệnh. Classifier 3.1
They have to go to jail, because their comany evades tax. Họ phải bóc lịch vì công ty của họ trốn thuế. Informal Expressions
Do you want to go to jail? Bạn có muốn bóc lịch không? Informal Expressions
go to jail bóc lịch Informal Expressions

like: lị
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐmào de
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐmào de
unhöflich mất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐmào de
unhöflich bất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐmào de
ideal lí tưởng 理想的 lǐxiǎng de
plötzlich đột nhiên, bất thình lình, bất ngờ 突然的 tūrán de
elegant lịch thiệp, trang nhã 高雅的 gāoyǎ de
ideal lí tưởng 理想的 lǐ xiǎng de
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐ mào de
höflich lịch sự 礼貌的 lǐ mào de
unhöflich mất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐ mào de
unhöflich bất lịch sự 不礼貌的 bù lǐ mào de
sich melden liên lạc, đăng ký 通报 tōng bào
begreifen lĩnh hiộ, hiểu rõ 理解 lǐ jiě
gewaltig kịch liệt, bạo lực 暴力的 bào lì de
historisch lịch sử, tính chất lịch sử 历史的 lì shǐ de
flexibel linh hoạt 灵活的 líng huó de
leidenschaftlich mãnh liệt, đam mê, nhiệt tình 充满激情的 chōng mǎn jī qíng de
es betrifft mich nó liên quan đến tôi 这牵涉到我 zhè qiān shè dào wǒ
jemandem einen Blick zuwerfen liếc, nhìn ai đó 看了某人一眼 kàn le mǒurén yī yǎn
einen Betrieb lahmlegen làm tê liệt hoạt động 使一家企业瘫痪 shǐ yī jiā qǐyè tānhuàn
in dubiose Geschäfte verwickelt sein liên quan tới những vụ làm ăn mờ ám 陷入不正当交易 xiànrù bú zhèngdàng jiāoyì
unbestechlich liêm chính, thanh liêm 廉正的 liánzhèng de
Daten eingeben nhập dữ liệu 输入数据 shūrù shùjù
Dateien herunterladen tải dữ liệu 下载文件 xiàzǎi wénjiàn
verknüpfen liên kết 连接 liánjiē
einen Flug umbuchen thay đổi lịch bay, đổi chuyến bay 改签机票 gǎiqiān jīpiào
heilig thánh, thiêng liêng 圣洁的 shèngjié de
Australien Úc, Australia 澳大利亚 Àodàlìyà
Litauen litva 立陶宛 Lìtáowǎn
Philippinen Philippines 菲律宾 Fēilǜbīn
das Gepäck hành lí
der Koffer va li
der Kofferkuli xe đế va li, xe đẩy
die Reisetasche túi du lịch
der Tourist khách du lịch
die Reise chuyến du lịch
der Reisescheck séc du lịch
höflich lịch sự
unhöflich mất lịch sự
das Reisebüro văn phòng du lịch
der Koffer va li
der Reiseführer hướng dẫn viên du lịch
ideal lí tưởng
plötzlich đột nhiên, bất thình lình, bất ngờ
elegant lịch thiệp, trang nhã
die Geschichte câu chuyện, mẩu chuyện, lịch sử
die Touristeninformation Điểm thông tin du lịch
höflich lịch sự
unhöflich bất lịch sự
die Gefängniszelle xà lim
der Liter lít
sich melden liên lạc, đăng ký
begreifen lĩnh hiộ, hiểu rõ
gewaltig kịch liệt, bạo lực
historisch lịch sử, tính chất lịch sử
der Kontakt liên lạc
flexibel linh hoạt
leidenschaftlich mãnh liệt, đam mê, nhiệt tình
der Verband liên đoàn
es betrifft mich nó liên quan đến tôi
der Reisepass hộ chiếu du lịch
die Konjunktion liên từ
die Kühnheit tính táo bạo, liều lĩnh
jemandem einen Blick zuwerfen liếc, nhìn ai đó
die Literaturliste danh sách tài liệu tham khảo
einen Betrieb lahmlegen làm tê liệt hoạt động
in dubiose Geschäfte verwickelt sein liên quan tới những vụ làm ăn mờ ám
der Anhang tài liệu bổ sung
unbestechlich liêm chính, thanh liêm
die Datei dữ liệu
die Datenbank ngân hàng dữ liệu
Daten eingeben nhập dữ liệu
Dateien herunterladen tải dữ liệu
der Anhang einer E-Mail dữ liệu đính kèm thư điện tử
verknüpfen liên kết
das Material chất liệu
das Fertiggericht đồ ăn liền, đồ ăn đã làm sẵn
einen Flug umbuchen thay đổi lịch bay, đổi chuyến bay
die Tanne cây linh sam
die Tulpe hoa tu-lip
der Olivenbaum cây ôliu
der Mähdrescher máy gặt đập, máy liên hợp
heilig thánh, thiêng liêng
Australien Úc, Australia
Litauen litva
Philippinen Philippines

Er hebt seinen Koffer, seine Reisetasche und seinen Rucksack auf einen Kofferkuli. Anh ấy nhấc va-li, túi du lịch và ba lô lên xe đẩy. (Lektion 3, Nr. 24)
Es sind viele Touristen im Terminal. Có nhiều khách du lịch ở phòng gửi hành lý. (Lektion 3, Nr. 25)
Tri hat keine Traveller Schecks. Tri không có séc du lịch. (Lektion 5, Nr. 42)
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, fragen Sie einfach einen unserer Trainer, er wird Ihnen jede Frage beantworten. Nếu quan tâm, xin liên hệ với huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi, anh ấy sẽ trả lời mọi câu hỏi của các bạn. (Lektion 13, Nr. 136)
Für den griechischen Salat: Olivenöl, Salat, Salatdressing, Essig, Käse. Cho món salat Hy Lạp: dầu ô-liu, rau salat, nước trộn salat, dấm, pho-mát. (Lektion 14, Nr. 143)
Der Ausflug Chuyến du lịch (Lektion 17, Nr. 178)
Entschuldigen Sie, wie komme ich am günstigsten nach Berlin? Xin lỗi, tôi đến Berlin thế nào thì rẻ nhất? (Lektion 20, Nr. 232)
Okay, hier ist der Flugplan. Der Flug ist nächste Woche. OK, đây là lịch bay. Chuyến bay vào tuần tới. (Lektion 20, Nr. 243)
Tri ist so aufgeregt, seinen Bruder in Berlin zu besuchen. Tri hồi hộp đi thăm anh trai mình ở Berlin. (Lektion 24, Nr. 292)
Sein Gepäck ist größer, als es im letzten Urlaub war: Er möchte mehr Sachen mitnehmen. Va-li của anh còn to hơn cả va-li trong kì nghỉ vừa qua. Anh ấy muốn mang nhiều đồ hơn. (Lektion 24, Nr. 294)
Oh mein Gott, mein Koffer wird überladen sein. Ôi trời ơi, va-li của anh sẽ đầy lắm đây. (Lektion 24, Nr. 307)
Es gibt einen sehr netten Juwelier in Berlin. Meine Oma arbeitet dort. Có một tiệm kim hoàn rất tốt ở Berlin. Bà em làm việc ở đó. (Lektion 25, Nr. 315)
Eine Woche später kommt Tri in Berlin an. Một tuần sau Tri đến Berlin. (Lektion 26, Nr. 325)
Verirrt in Berlin Bị lạc ở Berlin (Lektion 28, Nr. 354)
Es schien, dass er irgendwo außerhalb von Berlin festsaß. Có lẽ là nơi nào đó ngoài Berlin. (Lektion 28, Nr. 357)
Und dann war da dieser tapfere Feuerwehrmann. Và sau đó lính cứu hỏa đến. (Lektion 32, Nr. 430)
Nein, er ist dunkelhaarig, elegant und sehr hübsch. Không, anh ta tóc màu đen, rất lịch thiệp và đáng yêu. (Lektion 34, Nr. 469)
Hast du das Programm hier? Vậy em có lịch chương trình ở đây không? (Lektion 38, Nr. 550)
Trang und Tri haben den Entschluss gefasst, eine kurze Reise in die Berge zu unternehmen. Trang và Trí đã quyết định, làm một chuyến du lịch ngắn lên núi. (Lektion 50, Nr. 705)
Ich werde mich bei der Touristeninformation über mögliche Ausflugsziele in der Umgebung erkundigen. Anh sẽ hỏi thông tin tại điểm thông tin du lịch về những điểm dã ngoại có thể ở khu vực gần đó. (Lektion 50, Nr. 710)
Trang und Tri bereiten sich auf ihre Reise vor. Trang và trí chuẩn bị cho chuyến du lịch của họ. (Lektion 51, Nr. 714)
Anschließend haben sie ihre Koffer ausgepackt und gemütlich zu Abend gegessen. Sau đó họ dỡ va li của họ và có ăn một bữa tối ấm cúng. (Lektion 52, Nr. 728)
Wir aber waren mit dem Rad unterwegs. Nhưng chúng con du lịch bằng xe đạp. (Lektion 55, Nr. 786)
Trang ist von Tris Reisebericht fasziniert. Trang say mê với cuốn nhật kí du lịch của Trí. (Lektion 57, Nr. 803)
Sie möchte seine Urlaubsfotos sehen. Cô muốn xem những bức ảnh du lịch của anh. (Lektion 57, Nr. 804)
Verbrauch: sechs Liter; Alter: sieben Jahre; Lượng tiêu thụ: sáu Lít; Tuổi dùng: Bảy năm; (Lektion 69, Nr. 988)
Es meldet sich eine junge Frau, die sein Auto kaufen möchte. Một người phụ nữ trẻ liên lạc muốn mua xe. (Lektion 70, Nr. 997)
Es gibt Comics, Krimis, Bilderbücher, Märchenbücher und historische Romane. Có truyện tranh, truyện trinh thám, sách có ảnh, truyện cổ tích và tiểu thuyết lịch sử. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1013)
Und wovon handelte die Geschichte? Và nó liên quan đến lịch sử? (Lektion 71, Nr. 1016)
Er kämpfte damals in einer gewaltigen Schlacht gegen seine Rivalen, unheimliche Fabelwesen. Ngày xưa ông đã chiến đấu chống lại địch thủ trong một trận đánh kịch liệt qua những tình tiết ngụ ngôn huyền bí. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1018)
Selbst im Inneren des Landes wurden noch viele Dörfer überschwemmt. Ngay cả trong đất liền còn nhiều làng bị ngập lụt. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1033)
Erst war ich ziemlich nervös, aber dann habe ich mich getraut, dich zu fragen, ob du etwas trinken möchtest. Mới đầu anh hơi căng thẳng, nhưng sau đó lấy lại tự tin để hỏi em, liệu em có muốn uống gì đó không. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1060)
Bitte sagt uns bald Bescheid, ob Ihr mit uns feiert. Làm ơn hãy thông báo cho chúng tôi, liệu các bạn có tiệc tùng chung với chúng tôi hay không. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1075)
Zwillinge sind schnell und sehr flexibel. Song sinh thì nhanh nhẹ và linh hoạt. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1134)
Sie reisen gerne und sind praktisch veranlagt. Rất thích du lich và thiên về thực tiễn. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1135)
Der Skorpion ist eine leidenschaftliche Kämpfernatur und verfolgt sein Ziel bis zum Ende. Bọ cạp là một người có bản tính chiến đấu mãnh liệt và theo đuổi mục đích đến cuối cùng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1142)
Tri ist zwar nicht direkt betroffen, aber das Thema beschäftigt ihn. Trí tuy không trực tiếp liên quan đến, nhưng đề tài này cũng làm anh quan tâm đến. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1164)
Hast Du meinen Reisepass gesehen? Em có nhìn thấy hộ chiếu du lịch của anh không? (Lektion 84, Nr. 1196)
Bin ich mit der Niederlassung in Berlin verbunden? Có phải tôi đang được kết nối với chi nhánh tại Berlin không vậy? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1213)
Danke für Ihren Anruf. Cám ơn đã liên lạc. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1229)
Es geht um etwas Geschäftliches. Nó liên quan đến công việc kinh doanh / làm ăn. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1239)
Es geht um ein Problem mit Ihrem neuen Produkt. Nó liên quan đến một vấn đề với sản phẩm mới của quý vị. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1244)
Sie ist nur über ihr Handy zu erreichen. Cô ấy / Chị ấy hiện chỉ liên lạc được qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1262)
Wie kann ich Sie erreichen? Tôi có thể liên lạc với anh / chị bằng cách nào? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1268)
Bitte geben Sie mir Ihre Telefonnummer. Anh / Chị có thể để lại số điện thoại liên lạc được không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1270)
Der gewählte Gesprächspartner ist zur Zeit nicht erreichbar. Thuê bao quý khách vừa gọi hiện không liên lạc được. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1277)
Ich hätte gerne die Nummer der Firma Muster in Berlin, Deutschland. Tôi muốn có số điện thoại của công ty Muster ở Berlin, Đức. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1284)
Leider sind wir im Moment nicht erreichbar. Rất tiếc hiện tại chúng tôi không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1301)
Ich bin gerade nicht erreichbar. Hiện tại tôi không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1302)
Wir sind von Montag bis Freitag - von 8 bis 12 Uhr - erreichbar. Có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi từ thứ hai đến thứ sáu, từ 8 – 12h. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1306)
Bitte hinterlassen Sie Ihre Kontaktdaten. Làm ơn để lại thông tin liên lạc. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1309)
Ich schreibe Ihnen im Auftrag des Geschäftsführers. Thay mặt quản lí công ty tôi xin được trả lời anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1348)
Bitte leiten Sie diese Beschwerde an die zuständige Person weiter. Yêu cầu anh / chị chuyển khiếu nại trên tới người có trách nhiệm xử lí. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1350)
Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu cần biết thêm thông tin xin anh / chị vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi bất kì lúc nào. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1356)
Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an meine Kollegin. Nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi gì thêm nữa xin hãy liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1358)
Sie erreichen uns unter der Telefonnummer 10607033. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi qua số điện thoại: 10607033. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1360)
In der Zeit vom 23.12. bis zum 10.01. bin ich leider nicht erreichbar. Trong khoảng thời gian từ 23.12 đến 10. 01 tôi sẽ không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1388)
In dringenden Fällen, wenden Sie sich bitte an meinen Kollegen. Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp xin vui lòng liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1389)
Sie erreichen mich unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse: Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua địa chỉ Email này: (Lektion 92, Nr. 1393)
Kannst du das bitte an die Kollegin in Berlin faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi tài liệu này qua fax đến đồng nghiệp ở Berlin được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1413)
Haben Sie das Fax schon nach Lissabon geschickt? Anh / Chị đã gửi bản fax này sang Lissabon chưa? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1414)
Bitte informieren Sie uns bei einer Fehlübertragung unter der Telefonnummer 171155. Nếu có trục trặc gì xin vui lòng liên hệ qua số: 171155. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1422)
Ich bin Physiker. Tôi là nhà vật lí học. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1428)
Zuvor habe ich acht Jahre in Berlin gelebt. Trước đó tôi sống ở Berlin tám năm. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1431)
Ich bin zuständig für Marketing und PR. Tôi chịu trách nhiệm về lĩnh vực tiếp thị và quan hệ công chúng. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1438)
In welcher Branche arbeiten Sie? Anh / Chị làm việc trong lĩnh vực nào? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1458)
Letzte Woche war ich im Theater und habe Romeo und Julia gesehen. Tuần trước tôi đến rạp hát và xem vở kịch „Romeo và Juliet“. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1535)
Bitte vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit meiner Sekretärin. Anh / Chị vui lòng đặt lịch hẹn với thư kí của tôi. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1550)
Ich suche nach Literatur zum Thema Energiepolitik. Tôi đang tìm một số tài liệu viết về vấn đề „chính sách năng lượng“. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1617)
Ich schreibe an einem Artikel über Russlands Außenpolitik. Man hat Sie mir als Experten zu diesem Thema empfohlen. Tôi đang viết một bài báo về chính sách đối ngoại của nước Nga. Tôi đã được giới thiệu rằng ông / bà là chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1621)
Mehr Zahlen und Statistiken findest du in dieser Datenbank. Anh / Chị có thể tìm thấy thêm thông tin và các số liệu thống kê trong ngân hàng dữ liệu này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1624)
Der Zugang zu dieser Datenbank ist kostenlos. Ngân hàng dữ liệu này được sử dụng miễn phí. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1625)
Kann ich Einsicht in diese Akten nehmen? Tôi có thể xem qua dữ liệu này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1626)
Ich habe die Daten ausgewertet. Tôi đã đánh giá các dữ liệu. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1633)
Ich kann die Datei mit den Informationen nicht öffnen. Tôi không mở được dữ liệu có những thông tin đó. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1641)
Ich kann keine relevanten Informationen zu diesem Thema finden. Tôi không tìm được thông tin nào liên quan đến đề tài này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1642)
In meinem heutigen Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen die Probleme, die bei der Qualitätssicherung auftreten können, näher beschreiben. Trong bài phát biểu của tôi hôm nay, tôi muốn miêu tả kỹ hơn về những vấn đề có thể gặp phải trong quá trình quản lí chất lượng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1654)
Das gehört nicht zum Thema. Điều đó không liên quan đến đề tài / vấn đề này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1675)
Ich bin privat hier: Ich mache eine Reise. Tôi ở đây vì lý do cá nhân: tôi đi du lịch. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1695)
Können wir dieses Problem nicht anders lösen? Liệu chúng ta có giải pháp khác cho vấn đề này không? (Lektion 102, Nr. 1724)
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Personalmanagement vertiefen. Tôi muốn có kiến thức chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực quản lý nhân sự. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1733)
Das Praktikum ermöglicht Ihnen Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche unseres Unternehmens. Khóa thực tập tạo điều kiện cho anh / chị có cái nhìn tổng quát về tất cả các lĩnh vực của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1752)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Mein Praktikum war leider ein Misserfolg: Ich habe zwei Monate lang nur Kaffee gekocht und Akten kopiert. Khóa thực tập của tôi đáng tiếc đã không thành công: Trong suốt hai tháng tôi chỉ pha cà phê và copy tài liệu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1761)
Sie haben Ihre Promotion im Fach Bioinformatik erfolgreich abgeschlossen? Anh / Chị đã tốt nghiệp thành công tiến sĩ về lĩnh vực tin sinh học phải không? (Lektion 104, Nr. 1776)
Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört die Konzeption, Durchführung und Auswertung von Analysen im Bereich Finanzierung. Công việc của anh / chị bao gồm làm dự thảo, thực hiện và đánh giá các phân tích trong lĩnh vực tài chính. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1781)
Mit Ihrem Team sind Sie für das Marketing in unserem Unternehmen zuständig. Cùng với nhóm của mình anh / chị chịu trách nhiệm về lĩnh vực marketing trong công ty. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1785)
Sie verfügen über vielfältige Berufserfahrungen in der Branche. Anh / Chị có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh lực này. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1788)
Für Ihre Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne und jederzeit telefonisch zur Verfügung. Anh / chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1826)
Meinen Lebenslauf schicke ich Ihnen mit diesem Schreiben. Tôi gửi kèm theo thư này bản lý lịch tự thuật. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1829)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1830)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und meine übersetzten und beglaubigten Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản dịch có công chứng các chứng chỉ. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1831)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf. Kèm theo đây bản lý lịch cá nhân của tôi. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1835)
Mein Lebenslauf ist ohne Lücken. Bản lý lịch cá nhân của tôi đầy đủ. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1836)
Ich habe zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing und PR. Tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp trong lĩnh vực marketing và đối ngoại. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1855)
Schon in der Schule habe ich mich für Physik interessiert und da war es für mich logisch dies auch zu studieren. Ngay từ khi học phổ thông tôi đã quan tâm đến vật lí và học vật lí ở đại học là điều dĩ nhiên đối với tôi. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1876)
Von anderen Bewerbern unterscheidet mich, dass ich sowohl alle Qualifikationen mitbringe als auch schon mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in dieser Branche habe. Tôi khác biệt so với các người xin việc khác ở kinh nghiệm chuyên môn cũng như kinh nghiệm thực tiễn lâu năm trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1920)
Ich habe nach meinem Vorstellungsgespräch noch nichts von Ihnen gehört und wollte mich jetzt erkunden, ob noch Fragen offen geblieben sind. Sau cuộc phỏng vấn tôi chưa nhận được hồi âm của ông / bà và vì vậy tôi muốn hỏi, liệu còn có câu hỏi nào vẫn chưa được trả lời không? (Lektion 109, Nr. 1973)
Kannst du bitte diese Unterlagen alphabetisch sortieren? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp tài liệu theo thứ tự chữ cái được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2020)
Ich suche den Ordner mit den Quittungen, aber ich kann ihn nicht finden. Tôi tìm cặp tài liệu có hóa đơn, nhưng không thấy nó ở đâu. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2025)
Die Daten sind auf meiner externen Festplatte gespeichert. Dữ liệu được ghi vào ổ cứng ngoài. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2043)
Wo ist die Datenbank mit den Kundenkontakten abgespeichert? Ngân hàng dữ liệu địa chỉ khách hàng được ghi ở đâu? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2047)
Bitte klicken Sie hier. Xin hãy click vào đây. / Xin hãy bấm vào đây. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2048)
Bitte starten Sie nun die Datei "start.html". Xin hãy bắt đầu với dữ liệu „start.html“ (Lektion 112, Nr. 2049)
Bitte kopiere diese Tabelle in das neue Dokument. Xin hãy copy bảng này vào tài liệu mới. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2055)
Legen Sie nun ein neues Dokument an. Xin hãy tạo ra một tài liệu mới. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2056)
Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Netzwerkadministrator. Xin hãy liên lạc với người quản trị mạng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2080)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
Am Tisch neben der Tür finden Sie den Ausdruck der Zusammenfassung meiner Präsentation. Das Dokument können Sie sich gerne mitnehmen. Trên bàn bên cạnh cửa, quý vị sẽ nhìn thấy bản in tóm tắt bài diễn thuyết của tôi. Tài liệu này quý vị có thể lấy theo ý muốn. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2119)
Diese Informationen dürfen nicht in die falschen Hände geraten. Những thông tin này không được phép lọt vào tay những người không liên quan. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2204)
Ich bin dafür nicht zuständig. Tôi không chịu trách nhiệm trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2286)
Bitte wenden Sie sich an unsere telefonische Beratung. Quý khách làm ơn hãy liên hệ qua điện thoại với tư vấn khách hàng (Lektion 119, Nr. 2291)
Dürfen wir Ihnen Informationsmaterial zuschicken? Chúng tôi có thể gửi đến cho quý khách các tài liệu thông tin được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2335)
Ich werde mich bei Ihnen melden. Tôi sẽ liên lạc với quý vị. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2346)
Diese Tagung lädt Experten aus dem Bereich Metallverarbeitung ein, ihr Wissen auszutauschen. Hội nghị này sẽ mời các chuyên gia từ lĩnh vực xử lý kim loại đến để trao đổi kiến thức. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2361)
Sie erreichen mich über mein Handy. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2383)
Mein Kollege ist in dieser Woche unterwegs. Sie erreichen ihn nur per E-Mail. Đồng nghiệp của tôi tuần này đi vắng. Anh/Chị/Quý vị chỉ có thể liên lạc với anh ấy qua email. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2384)
Bitte öffnen Sie Ihren Koffer. Xin ông / bà /anh / chị hãy mở vali ra. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2392)
Können Sie diese Unterlagen bitte an meine Firma in Deutschland faxen? Anh / Chị có thể fax tài liệu này sang công ty của tôi ở Đức được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2393)
Wir werden unseren Anwalt einschalten. Chúng tôi sẽ liên lạc với luật sư của chúng tôi. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2543)

96 Is Lisa from Toronto? Lisa là người Toronto à?
Lila hasn't got a job.'> 491 Lila hasn't got a job.'> Lila doesn't have a job. > Lila hasn't got a job. Lila hasn't got a job.'> ☊ Lila không có việc làm.
590 Cecilia's grandfather died when he was ninety (90) years old. Ông của Cecilia chết lúc ông ấy chín mươi tuổi.
622 Did Eveline come to the party? — No, she didn't. Eveline có đến dự tiệc không? - Không cô ấy đã không đến.
676 In two-thousand-one we were living in Japan. Năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một chúng tôi sống ở Nhật Bản.
679 The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Mặt trời đang toả nắng và bầy chim đang hót líu lo.
722 Khalid broke his arm last week. Khalid đã bị gãy tay tuần trước.
752 Emilia has short hair now, but it used to be very long. Emilia bây giờ đang để tóc ngắn,nhưng nó đã từng rất dài.
780 Has she ever been to Australia? — Yes, once. Cô ấy đã từng đến Australia chưa? - Rồi, một lần.
814 I've traveled by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to take a trip by boat. Tôi từng đi máy bay, xe bus và tàu hoả. Một ngày nào đó tôi muốn đi du lịch bằng thuyền.
815 Caroline's on vacation in Brazil. She's there now. Caroline đi nghỉ ở Brazil. Cô ấy bây giờ đang ở đấy.
840 How long have you known Olivia? Cậu biết Olivia được bao lâu rồi?
854 (3) days. Maalik hiện đang ở ngay Seattle. Anh ấy đã ở đó ba hôm vừa qua.
872 (7:00). Lilianne đang ở văn phòng. Cô ấy đã ở đó từ lúc bảy giờ.
888 Natalie's been in Brazil for three (3) days. Natalie đã ở Brazil được ba ngày.
891 I've known Mengjuan since two thousand two (2002). Tôi đã biết Mộng Quyên từ năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một.
892 Remy and Pauline have been married for six (6) months. Remy và Pauline đã kết hôn được sáu tháng.
905 Is Oliver here? — No, he's gone home. He went home. Có Oliver ở đó không? - Không, anh ấy về nhà rồi. Anh ấy đã về
954 yet. Kiến Hào và Nhã Linh chưa nói với ai là họ đã cưới nhau.
962 I saw Malika yesterday. Tôi thấy Malika hôm qua.
991 Mira travels a lot. She's visited many countries. Mira đi du lịch rất nhiều. Cô ấy đã đến thăm được rất nhiều nước.
1107 Filippa hasn't beto South America. Filippa chưa đến Nam Phi bao giờ.
1132 Mitsuko has traveled a lot, but she doesn't speak any foreign languages. Mitsuko đi du lịch được nhiều nơi rồi nhưng cô ấy chẳng nói được ngoại ngữ nào cả.
1157 Giuliana has a car, but she doesn't drive it very often. Giuliana có xe hơi nhưng cô ấy không lái nó thường xuyên lắm.
1180 Linda's bicycle was stollast week. Xe đạp của Linda bị ăn trộm tuần trước.
1194 Many di erent languages are spokin the Philippines. Có nhiều ngôn ngữ được nói ở Philippines.
1202 Yuliana's going to the dentist on Friday. Yuliana sẽ đi khám nha sĩ vào Thứ sáu.
1216 Julius is playing tennis on Saturday. Julius sẽ chơi quần vợt vào ngày Thứ bảy.
1225 Listto this! Elisa's getting married next month! Nghe đây này! Elisa tháng sau sẽ cưới.
1252 Feliciana says she's feeling very tired. She's going to lie down for an hour. Feliciana nói cô ấy rất mệt. Cô ấy sẽ đi nằm một tiếng.
1255 Aliyah goes to work every day. She's always there from eight thirty (8:30) until four thirty (4:30). Aliyah ngày nào cũng đi làm. Cô ấy luôn ở đấy từ tám rưỡi đến bốn rưỡi.
1256 It's elevo'clock (11:00) now. Aliyah's at work. Bây giờ là mười một giờ. Aliyah đang làm việc.
1257 At elev[o'clock] (11:00) yesterday, she was at work. Lúc mười một giờ hôm qua, Aliyah đang làm việc.
1258 At elev[o'clock] (11:00) tomorrow, she'll be at work. Lúc mười một giờ ngày mai, Aliyah đang làm việc.
1275 Last week she was in Lima. Tuần trước cô ấy ở Lima.
1308 My suitcase is very heavy. - I'll carry it for you. Valise của tôi rất nặng. - Tôi sẽ vác hộ cậu.
1406 Have you semy suitcase? I can't nd it. Cậu có thấy valise của tôi đâu không? Tôi không tìm thấy nó đâu.
1454 Yeonhwa doesn't study enough. She should study harder. Liên Hoa học chưa đủ. Cô ấy nên học chăm chỉ hơn.
1457 Should I invite Sara to dinner? Liệu tôi có nên mời Sara ăn tối không?
1458 Should we make something special for dinner? Liệu chúng ta có nên làm cái gì đặc biệt cho bữa tối không?
1601 do it myself. Tôi giúp cậu xách valise được không? - Không cần, cảm ơn. Tôi muốn tự xách hơn.
1697 manager soon. Quản lí của công đi sắp đi, thế nên sẽ sớm có một quản lí mới.
1714 are a lot. Hai mươi năm trước không có nhiều khách du lịch ở đây. Bây giờ có rất nhiều.
1724 Is it true that you're moving to Berlin? Có đúng là cậu sẽ chuyển đến Berlin không?
1763 I don't like hot weather, but Lila does. Tôi không thích trời nóng nhưng Lila thì có.
1780 I don't like hot weather, but Cecilia does. Tôi không thích trời nóng nhưng Cecilia thì thích.
1799 Have you ever beto Peru? — No, but Eveline has. She went there on vacation last year. Cậu đã đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, nhưng Eveline đến rồi. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ ở đó năm ngoái.
1820 Emilia isn't at work today. — She isn't? Is she sick? Emilia không đi làm hôm nay. - Không à? Cô ấy có bị ốm không?
1849 I saw Khalid last week. — You did? How is he? Tuần trước tôi gặp Khalid. - Thế à? Anh ấy thế nào?
1864 Claude went to college, didn't he? — Yes, he studied psychology. Claude có đi học đại học đúng không? - Đúng, anh ấy học tâm lí học.
1888 Olivia got her passport stolen. Olivia đã bị trộm hộ chiếu.
1892 call me whshe got back. Olivia đã nói cô ấy sẽ đi vắng vài ngày và sẽ gọi cho tôi khi nào cô ấy về.
1899 Maalik said he had wokup feeling sick, so he hadn't gone to work. Maalik nói anh ấy lúc thức dậy thấy không khoẻ nên anh ấy đã không đi làm.
1907 Lilianne was nervous about the situation, so I told her to relax and take it easy. Liliane lo lắng về tình hình nên tôi bảo cô ấy thư giãn và nghĩ thoáng hơn.
1923 Oliver? Tôi có thể tìm thấy Oliver ở đâu? > Cậu có thẻ cho tôi biết tôi có thể tìm thấy Oliver ở đâu không?
1936 Natalie doesn't have a car, and neither does Oliver. Natalie không có xe hơi và Oliver cũng thế.
1939 Is Pauline married? — I don't think she is. Pauline kết hôn chưa? - Tôi nghĩ là chưa.
1979 We decided not to go out because of the weather. Chúng tôi quyết đinh không đi ra ngoài vì lí do thời tiết.
2030 Chandra joined the company nine (9) years ago and became assistant manager after two (2) years. Chandra gia nhập công ti chín năm trước và đã trở thành trợ lí giám đốc của công ti sau hai năm.
2092 Malika's husband is often away. She doesn't mind. She's used to him being away. Chồng của Malika thường xuyên đi vắng. Cô ấy không bận tâm. Cô ấy đã quen với việc anh ấy đi vắng.
2146 I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me. Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi.
2166 I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager. Tôi là khách thứ hai phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng.
2228 I had some interesting experiences while I was traveling. Tôi đã có vài trải nghiệm thú vị khi tôi đi du lịch.
2235 They spend a lot of money on travel. Họ tốn nhiều tiền đi du lịch.
2238 We had a lot of bags and suitcases. > We had a lot of baggage. Chúng tôi có nhiều túi và valise. > Chúng tôi có nhiều hành lí.
2257 The tour guide gave us some information about the city. Hướng dẫn viên du lịch đã cho chúng tôi vài thông tin về thành
2285 History is the study of the past. Lịch sử là môn học về quá khứ.
2288 long. Paolo và Giuliana đã cưới nhau nhưng hôn nhân không kéo dài lâu lắm.
2310 The Philippines is a group of islands near Taiwan. Philippines là một quần đảo gần Đài Loan.
2314 The Great Wall of China is in China. Vạn Lí Trường Thành nằm ở Trung Quốc.
2315 UCLA is in L.A. Đại học California Los Angeles nằm ở bang Los Angeles.
2317 The Acropolis is in Athens. Đồi Acropolis nằm ở Athènes.
2318 The Kremlin is in Moscow. Điện Kremlin nằm ở Moskva.
2326 Problems concerning health are health problems. Các vấn đề liên quan đến sức khoẻ là các vấn đề sức khoẻ.
2331 A scandal involving an oil company is an oil company scandal. Một vụ bê bối liên quan đến một công ti dầu là một vụ bê bối công ti dầu.
2339 Tourism is the main industry in the region. > The region's main industry is tourism. Du lịch là ngành công nghiệp chính của vùng. > Ngành công nghiệp chính của vùng là du lịch.
They don't like one another.'> 2351 They don't like one another.'> Kasumi and Linda don't like each other. > They don't like one another. They don't like one another.'> ☊ Kasumi và Linda không ưa nhau. > Họ không ưa nhau.
2412 here. Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây. > Không có nhiều khác du lịch ở đây.
2432 Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish. Some of them were French. Không phải tất cả khách du lịch trong đoàn đều là người Tây Ban Nha. Một vài trong số họ là người Pháp.
2444 She said she would contact me, but she neither wrote nor called. Cô ấy nói cô ấy sẽ liên hệ với tôi nhưng cô ấy không viết thư hay gọi điện gì cả.
The dress that she bought doesn't t her very well.'> 2490 The dress that she bought doesn't t her very well.'> The dress that Yuliana bought doesn't t her very well. > The dress that she bought doesn't t her very well. The dress that she bought doesn't t her very well.'> ☊ Bộ áo váy mà Yuliana mua không vừa với cô ấy lắm. > Bộ áo váy Yuliana mua không vừa với cô ấy lắm.
2505 EN Julius is someone you can rely on. Julius là một người cậu có thể tin tưởng.
2520 The reason I'm calling you is to ask your advice. Lí do tôi đang gọi cho cậu là muốn xin cậu lời khuyên.
2524 Valerio, who speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide. Valerio, người nói được tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý, làm nghề hướng dẫn viên du lịch.
2529 Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police o cer. Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát.
2539 her. Di Quyên không có điện thoại gây khó khăn cho việc liên lạc với cô ấy.
2551 reasonable. Hầu hết gợi ý được đưa ra tại buổi họp không hợp lí lắm.
2576 Elisa has a lot of responsibility in her job, but she isn't very well paid. Elisa có nhiều trách nhiệm trong công việc nhưng cô ấy không được trả lương tốt.
2609 When you're traveling, the less luggage you have the better. Khi cậu đi xa, cậu có càng ít hành lí càng tốt.
2632 Gerardo and Feliciana have both applied for the job. Gerardo và Feliciana đều đã nộp đơn xin việc.
2663 I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me. Tôi sẽ đưa cậu số điện thoại để có lúc cậu cần liên lạc với tôi.
2676 and his cellphone doesn't work there. Tôi không thể liên lạc với David khi anh ấy đang đi công tác ở Nhật Bản và điện thoại di động của anh ấy không hoạt động ở đó.
2760 easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone. Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động.
2773 There's no need FOR impolite behavior. Không cần phải cư xử bất lịch sự.
2788 murder. Cảnh sát muốn hỏi một người bị tình nghi liên quan đến vụ giết người.
2789 The police believe there's a connection between the two (2) murders, based on DNA evidence. Cảnh sát tin rằng có sự liên hệ giữa hai vụ giết người dựa trên bằng chứng ADN.
2792 Always be polite and nice to strangers. They might be the boss at your next job. Hãy luôn luôn lịch sự và tử tế với những người lạ. Họ có thể là ông chủ của cậu trong công việc tiếp theo.
2803 Everybody was shocked by the news on September eleventh (11th), two thousand one (2001). Mọi người đều choáng vì tin ngày mười một tháng chín năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một.
2830 When we got to the Ei el Tower, it was crowded with tourists. Khi chúng tôi tới Tháp Ei el, ở đó chật cứng khách du lịch.
2831 Italy is famous for its art, cuisine, architecture, history, and fashion. It's rich in culture. Nước Ý nổi tiếng vì nghệ thuật, ẩm thực, kiến trúc, lịch sử và thời trang. Nó giàu về văn hoá.
2947 The re ghters were able to put the re out before the house burned down. Lính cứu hoả đã có thể dập tắt ngọn lửa trước khi ngôn nhà bị cháy trụi.
2948 However, the re ghters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the re. Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy.
2997 My rst job was at a travel agency, and I didn't like it much. But now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. Công việc đầu tiên của tôi là ở một đại lí du lịch và tôi không thích nó lắm. Nhưng giờ nhìn lại vào kinh nghiệm, tôi thực sự đã học từ đấy nhiều thứ.

access to sth: The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. access
Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip. accident
The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers. on account of sb/sth
accurate information/data accurate
I have recently acquired a taste for olives. acquire
soldiers killed in action action
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. addition
major advances in the field of physics advance
her adventures travelling in Africa adventure
advise doing sth: I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. advise
You can book at your local travel agency. agency
The agreement (= the document recording the agreement) was signed during a meeting at the UN. agreement
'What have you done?' Ellie cried in alarm. alarm
She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. alarmed
We don't know whether he's alive or dead. alive
The prince allied himself with the Scots. ally
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
This painting is very good—Ellie always was very good at art (= so it is not very surprising). always
It's amazing the difference a few polite words make. amazing
The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. amount
analyse sth: The job involves gathering and analysing data. analyse
ancient history/civilization ancient
The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story. angle
annoy sb: His constant joking was beginning to annoy her. annoy
We can try that—but whether it'll work is another matter. another
the areas of training and development area
They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). arm
She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics. arm
arrest sb: A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. arrest
ask if, whether, etc...: I'll ask if it's all right to park here. ask
ask whether, what, etc...: I asked whether they could change my ticket. ask
ask sb whether, what, etc...: She asked me if I would give her English lessons. ask
I was asked if/whether I could drive. ask
Anyone willing to assist can contact this number. assist
Assistant Attorney General William Weld assistant
He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies. associate
Most people immediately associate addictions with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. associate
the risks associated with taking drugs associated
Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially. associated
He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education. associated
his alleged association with terrorist groups association
They have maintained a close association with a college in the US. association
The book was published in association with (= together with) English Heritage. association
Incense always had associations with religion for him. association
a proven association between passive smoking and cancer association
You can reach me at 637-2335, extension 354. at
A nurse attended to his needs constantly. attend to sb/sth
Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction. attraction
Aunt Alice aunt
We acted under the authority of the UN. authority
Will she be available this afternoon? available
Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved. aware
The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages. back
a United Nations-backed peace plan back
the historical background to the war background
She strode past him without a backward glance. backward
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. balance
The town is an ideal base for touring the area. base
She used her family's history as a base for her novel. base
The report is based on figures from six different European cities. based
begin at...: The path begins at Livingston village. begin
She glanced behind her. behind
'Does he still work there?' 'I believe so/not.' believe
Ring the bell to see if they're in. bell
Are you sure these documents belong together? belong
The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned. benefit
The beaches are beautiful, but, best of all, there are very few tourists. best
'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) bet
a link between unemployment and crime between
It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences. give birth (to sb/sth)
I'm not interested in apportioning blame for the accident (= deciding how much each person involved was responsible for it). blame
bother sb that...: Does it bother you that she earns more than you? bother
The ship was broken up for scrap metal. break sth up
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
broadly similar/comparable/equivalent/consistent broadly
tall/old/historic buildings building
building materials/costs/regulations building
Which fuel burns most efficiently? burn
business contacts/affairs/interests business
I will contact you by letter. by
to travel by boat/bus/car/plane by
to travel by day/night by
a fuel tank with a capacity of 50 litres capacity
a tour of six European capital cities capital
capture sb: Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers. capture
data capture capture
Don't worry about the travel arrangements. They're all being taken care of. take care of sb/sth/yourself
Celia takes care of the marketing side of things. take care of sb/sth/yourself
a career soldier/diplomat (= a professional one) career
He was carrying a suitcase. carry
catch yourself doing sth: She caught herself wondering whether she had made a mistake. catch
change sth: Where can I change my traveller's cheques? change
Clint Eastwood's character is the most sympathetic in the movie. character
charge sth up: The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. charge
The exhibition charts the history of the palace. chart
I'll just have a quick check to see if the letter's arrived yet. check
Detective Chief Inspector Williams chief
Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel. choice
choose whether, wat, etc...: You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not. choose
British citizens living in other parts of the European Union citizen
Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization). claim
a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians claim
I have a history class at 9 o'clock. class
English classics such as 'Alice in Wonderland' classic
Electric buses are a clean, environmentally friendly way to travel. clean
clear what, how, whether, etc...: I'm still not clear what the job involves. clear
We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. clear
The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. click
click (on sth): I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. click
The college has close links with many other institutions. close
We keep in close touch with the police. close
They went to Italy on a coach tour. coach
Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin. coach
the coldest May on record cold
Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures. collapse
collect sth: to collect data/evidence/information collect
The first stage in research is data collection. collection
She's away at college in California. college
He handed me the document without comment. comment
1% commission is charged for cashing traveller's cheques. commission
You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize (= this would be the polite behaviour that people would expect). common
We only communicate by email. communicate
We are in regular communication by email. communication
communication systems/links/technology communication
Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days. communication
She enjoys her own company (= being by herself) when she is travelling. company
There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. competition
The issue is complicated by the fact that a vital document is missing. complicate
concern sb that...: It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. concern
The story concerns the prince's efforts to rescue Pamina. concern
The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-American relations during the Cold War. concern
This chapter concerns itself with the historical background. concern
The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it). concern
Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable. concern
The individuals concerned have some explaining to do. concern
Please pay attention because this information concerns all of you. concern
He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. concerning
All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special children's court. concerning
a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis conduct
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
market prices and other connected matters connected
jobs connected with the environment connected
The fall in retail sales is directly connected with the decline in employment. connected
connection (between A and B): Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease. connection
His resignation must have some connection with the recent scandal. connection
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager. in connection with sb/sth
conscious of sth: She's very conscious of the problems involved. conscious
a consideration of the legal issues involved consideration
constant interruptions constant
Babies need constant attention. constant
This entrance is in constant use. constant
Heat the sauce, stirring constantly. constantly
We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas. constantly
the construction of a new database construction
social/personal contacts contact
I've made some useful contacts in journalism. contact
She has several contacts in New York. contact
We have good contacts with the local community. contact
In her job she often comes into contact with (= meets) lawyers. contact
His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. contact
I don't have much contact with my uncle. contact
There is little contact between the two organizations. contact
Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? contact
She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son. contact
I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in Paris. contact
The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). contact
Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. contact
I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). contact
I've been trying to contact you all day. contact
Witnesses to the accident are asked to contact the police. contact
The bottle contains (= can hold) two litres. contain
Such databases are being used in a wide range of contexts. context
Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months. continuous
Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health. continuous
She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five. continuous
The rain has been continuous since this morning. continuous
a continuous line of traffic continuous
Rain was falling outside in a continuous silver curtain. continuous
For four days the town suffered continuous attacks. continuous
He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990. continuously
the continuously changing situation continuously
Heat the mixture until thickened, stirring continuously. continuously
Firefighters are still trying to control the blaze. control
the United Nations convention on the rights of the child convention
I tried to make conversation (= to speak in order to appear polite). conversation
to cough nervously/politely/discreetly cough
Could we stop by next week? could
The lectures covered a lot of ground (= a lot of material, subjects, etc.). cover
A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. crash
the connection between drugs and organized crime crime
crime figures/statistics crime
a critical moment in our country's history critical
We have a very crowded schedule. crowded
They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press. crush
Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history. culture
Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? cure
She cut the dress out of some old material. cut sth out
He cut himself off from all human contact. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material. cut
This data was collected from 69 countries. data
the analysis/interpretation of the data data
raw data (= that has not been analysed) data
demographical/historical/personal data data
These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up. data
data retrieval (= ways of storing or finding information on a computer) data
Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station. date
debate whether, what, etc...: The committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16. debate
The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year. decline
soldiers who died in defence of their country defence
Is it definite that he's leaving? definite
Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not. definitely
deliver (sth) to sb/sth: Leaflets have been delivered to every household. deliver
deliver (to sb/sth): We promise to deliver within 48 hours. deliver
depend sb/sth doing sth: Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday? depend on/upon sb/sth
Does the quality of teaching depend on class size? depend on/upon sth
depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. depend on/upon sth
Somalia is mostly desert. desert
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
fierce/grim/dogged determination determination
The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. determined
develop (from sth) (into sth): The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort. develop
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
This information has a direct bearing on (= it is closely connected with) the case. direct
They see a direct link between the money supply and prices. direct
Was that remark directed at me? direct
All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams. direction
She glanced in his direction. direction
The issues raised in the report relate directly to the ongoing work of the charity. directly
The two incidents are not directly linked. directly
Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view. disappear
discover sth: I've just discovered hang-gliding! discover
Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries. discovery
Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas. dishonest
These statistics display a definite trend. display
Alice stood staring into the distance. in/into the distance
Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child? divide
Are they going to get divorced? divorced
'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do with that letter you sent me.' be/have to do with sb/sth
legal documents document
travel documents document
Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court. document
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
Save the document before closing. document
doubt whether, if, etc...: I doubt whether/if the new one will be any better. doubt
a costume/historical, etc. drama drama
classical/Elizabethan/modern, etc. drama drama
dream sth: Did it really happen or did I just dream it? dream
Her constant nagging drove him away. drive sb away
the history of life on earth earth
economic history economic
to fly economy (class) (= by the cheapest class of air travel) economy
There should be closer links between education and industry. education
fuel-efficient cars (= that do not use much fuel) efficient
Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg. egg
She was tall and elegant. elegant
an elegant dress elegant
an elegant room/restaurant elegant
email sb sth: I'll email her the documents. email
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. employ
enable sth to do sth: Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. enable
an energy crisis (= for example when fuel is not freely available) energy
to enter the Church (= become a priest) enter
The job involves a lot of entertaining. entertain
Local entertainments are listed in the newspaper. entertainment
entitle sb to do sth: This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class. entitle
countries seeking entry into the European Union entry
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents (= it dealt with other things, but this was the most important). essentially
Everywhere we went was full of tourists. everywhere
evidence (of sth): There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. evidence
evil spirits evil
Tours are arranged all year round (January excepted). except
an exchange of fire (= between enemy soldiers) exchange
Juliet and David exchanged glances (= they looked at each other). exchange
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
expert (at/in sth): They are all expert in this field. expert
an extra pint of milk extra
The risks involved are extremely high. extremely
the failure of the United Nations to maintain food supplies failure
fair on sb (to do sth): It's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable. fair
the fall of Berlin fall
We've got as far as collecting our data but we haven't analysed it yet. far
a fat volume on American history fat
Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. feature
Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes. feature
a federal republic federal
a federal law federal
state and federal income taxes federal
the Cannes film festival festival
She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died. fever
There seem to be fewer tourists around this year. few
a baseball/rugby/football, etc. field field
a sports field field
For Liverpool fans, it was a night to remember both on and off the field (= the match was good and so were the celebrations afterwards). field
famous in the field of music field
I enjoy meeting people in other fields of business. field
All of them are experts in their chosen field. field
This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research. field
'How big was the bomb, if it did all that damage?' 'I don't know. Not my field' (= that is not one of the subjects I know about). field
soldiers trained to fight fight
Figures for April show a slight improvement on previous months figure
a horror/documentary/feature film film
an international film festival film
film sth: It took them six weeks to film the documentary. film
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
'Bob wants to know if he can come too.''That's fine by me.' fine
Hold the material between finger and thumb. finger
fire on sb/sth: Soldiers fired on the crowd. fire
Bake the cakes until they are firm to the touch. firm
The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader. first of all
The hotel flies the European Union flag. flag
Heat the olive oil over a moderate flame (= on a gas cooker/stove). flame
Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion. flavour
data flow flow
Constant streams of traffic flowed past. flow
In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union. focus
soldiers fighting for their country for
She forced herself to be polite to them. force
forgive me: Forgive me, but I don't see that any of this concerns me. forgive
Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. form
form sth from/of sth: The chain is formed from 136 links. form
the countries of the former Soviet Union former
free from artificial colours and flavourings free
documents from the sixteenth century from
I prefer to travel in the front of the car (= next to the driver). front
solid fuel (= wood, coal, etc.) fuel
nuclear fuels fuel
a car with high fuel consumption fuel
Domestic fuel bills are set to rise again in the autumn. fuel
The country applied for full membership of the European Union. full
Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas. full
The cat carefully licked its fur. fur
elegant ladies in furs fur
Saturday's League game against Swansea game
a dress that is generously cut (= uses plenty of material) generously
You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes. get into sth
My clothes won't all go in that one suitcase. go
to go on a journey/a tour/a trip/a cruise go
Could we go through (= practise) Act 2 once more? go through sth
Liverpool won by three goals to one. goal
Was his advice ever any good? be no good, not be any/much good
coalition/communist/democratic/totalitarian, etc. government government
central/federal government government
All the materials used were of the highest grade. grade
He has been described as the world's greatest violinist. great
ground forces (= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea) ground
Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground (= completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left). ground
The prisoners were guarded by soldiers. guard
Liz was not on the guest list. guest
a tour guide guide
travel guides guide
Had they left before you got there? have
a heavy schedule heavy
She was struggling with a heavy suitcase. heavy
The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height. height
Say hello to Liz for me. hello
help (sb) in doing sth: I need contacts that could help in finding a job. help
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. hesitate
a high potassium content high
an interstate highway highway
the historical background to the war historical
You must place these events in their historical context. historical
an essay on the historical development of the novel historical
Women are not allowed to enter the monastery for historical reasons. historical
historical documents/records/research historical
The building is of historical importance. historical
a historical novel historical
a turning point in human history history
one of the worst disasters in recent history history
a people with no sense of history history
Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. history
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
These events changed the course of history. history
the history of Ireland/democracy/popular music history
The local history of the area is fascinating. history
The school traces its history back to 1865. history
a history teacher history
a degree in History history
social/economic/political history history
ancient/medieval/modern history history
She's studying art history. history
She's writing a new history of Europe. history
She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters. history
a patient's medical history history
hold sb: Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid. hold
This barrel holds 25 litres. hold
Islam's holiest shrine holy
While travelling she missed the comforts of home. home
Clients can now contact us by email out of hours (= when the office is closed). hour
household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) household
huge amounts of data huge
The sums of money involved are potentially huge. huge
Contact with other people is a basic human need. human
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
Alice was in a tearing hurry as usual. in a hurry
The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel. idea
Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. identify
First of all we must identify the problem areas. identify
identify sth: Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. identify
She glares at me if I go near her desk. if
the environmental impact of tourism impact
import sth: The country has to import most of its raw materials. import
A new tax was imposed on fuel. impose
We've certainly improved on last year's figures. improve on/upon sth
Tourism is a major source of income for the area. income
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database. index
indicate whether, when, etc...: Has she indicated yet whether she would like to be involved? indicate
indirect costs (= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example training, heating, rent, etc.) indirect
the catering/tourist, etc. industry industry
background information information
He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. information
a United Nations peace initiative initiative
Too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative. initiative
In the first instance, notify the police and then contact your insurance company. in the first instance
life/car/travel/household, etc. insurance insurance
He works in insurance. insurance
He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa. intention
These documents are of great historical interest. interest
interested (in sth/sb): I'm very interested in history. interested
interested (in doing sth): Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below. interested
She was watching with a politely interested expression on her face. interested
interpret sth: The data can be interpreted in many different ways. interpret
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
investigate sth: Police are investigating possible links between the murders. investigate
involve sth: Any investment involves an element of risk. involve
Many of the crimes involved drugs. involve
involve doing sth: The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. involve
involve sb/sth doing sth: The job involves me travelling all over the country. involve
The job involves my travelling all over the country. involve
There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. involve
involve sb (in sth/in doing sth): We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. involve
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first. involved
We'll make our decision and contact the people involved. involved
They're not romantically involved. involved
involved with sb/sth: You're too emotionally involved with the situation. involved
The union plans to raise the issue of overtime. issue
The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. join
The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness. journey
a federal judge judge
'Is Mr Burns available?' 'Just a second, please, I'll check.' just a minute/moment/second
The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. keep sth up
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
I nearly killed myself carrying that suitcase all the way here. kill
a killing schedule killing
They're two of a kind—both workaholics! of a kind
know to do sth: Does he know to come here (= that he should come here) first? know
I don't know if I can come, but I'll let you know tomorrow. let sb know
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
The price will include the labour and materials. labour
the latest unemployment figures latest
a federal/state law law
a political/spiritual, etc. leader leader
The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described. not least
His simple, elegant paintings reflect his principle that less is more. less is more
Will they let the hostages go? let sb go
a public/reference/university, etc. library library
Jill wants to travel and see life for herself. life
Her daily life involved meeting lots of people. life
He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire. life
He lifted the suitcase down from the rack. lift
lift sb/sth (up) (+ adv./prep.): He stood there with his arms lifted above his head. lift
As a boxer, he was always light on his feet (= quick and elegant in the way he moved). light
The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. limit sth to sb/sth
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. link
evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer link
link (with sth): to establish trade links with Asia link
link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link
a link road link
a video link link
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page. link
link A to B: The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer. link
link A with B: The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe. link
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
link A to/with B: Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer. link
link A and B: The two factors are directly linked. link
We were asked to list our ten favourite songs. list
Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically. list
3 litres of water litre
a litre bottle of wine litre
a car with a 3.5 litre engine litre
a little group of tourists little
a busload of tourists load
This suitcase doesn't lock. lock
Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. logic
The two problems are only loosely related. loosely
He's a lost soul (= a person who does not seem to know what to do, and seems unhappy). lost
The cello is lower than the violin. low
They were low on fuel. low
She has a magic touch with the children and they do everything she asks. magic
mail sb sth: Can you mail me that document you mentioned? mail
The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted. make
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
Haemophilia is a condition that affects mostly males. male
Can you manage that suitcase? manage
a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently manage
The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible. management
His manner was polite but cool. manner
(+ adv./prep.): Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings. march
The surfaces are made from a material that doesn't mark. mark
She works in sales and marketing. marketing
They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday. match
The two sets of figures don't match. match
a piece of material material
'What material is this dress made of?' 'Cotton.' material
building materials (= bricks, sand, glass, etc.) material
teaching materials material
The company produces its own training material. material
The teacher saw her as good university material (= good enough to go to university). material
She's collecting material for her latest novel. material
I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter. be another/a different matter
matter (to sb) who, what, etc...: Does it really matter who did it? matter
Is there any means of contacting him? means
the metric system of measurement measurement
her medical condition/history/records medical
alternative medicine medicine
a meeting of the United Nations Security Council meeting
method (of sth): a reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis method
a pint/litre of milk milk
The driver was well above the limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood milligram
'Drugs' are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse. mind
mind doing sth: Did she mind not getting the job? mind
The face is the mirror of the soul. mirror
That's all, thank you, Miss Lipman. miss
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. missing
a pair of wool mix socks (= made of wool and other materials) mix
Modern European history modern
Do we still have Monday's paper? Monday
There's money to be made from tourism. make money
He was in no mood for being polite to visitors. mood
The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly. mood
a crescent moon moon
He's performed well since his move from Manchester United to Liverpool. move
The documentary opens tomorrow in movie theaters nationwide. movie theater
What is/was the name, please? (= a polite way of asking sb's name) name
If necessary, you can contact me at home. necessary
We will contact you again if the need arises. need
It was a new era in the history of our country. new
a rattling noise noise
I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. not
We only exchange notes and traveller's cheques. note
That has nothing to do with what we're discussing. be/have nothing to do with sb/sth
detective/historical/romantic novels novel
Sheer weight of numbers (= the large number of soldiers) secured them the victory. number
Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer. object
the city of Dublin of
the local tourist office office
according to official statistics/figures official
olive oil oil
to travel on the bus/tube/coach on
One place I'd really like to visit is Bali. one
The opposition is/are mounting a strong challenge to our business. opposition
Liverpool couldn't match the opposition in the final and lost 2-0. opposition
The names are listed in alphabetical order. order
All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue. in order that
Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly. organize
Only original documents (= not photocopies) will be accepted as proof of status. original
No, those are Ellie's kids. Ours are upstairs. ours
I called Liz but she was out. out
She has a lot of outside interests (= not connected with her work). outside
Would the owner of the black Mercedes parked in front of the gates please report to reception. owner
pack sth: I haven't packed my suitcase yet. pack
We package our products in recyclable materials. package
gloss/matt/acrylic paint paint
These documents are of particular interest. particular
Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved. partly
Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history. past
She bought a dress pattern and some material. pattern
A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting). peace
It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people. people
Which period of history would you most like to have lived in? period
permit sb/yourself sth: We were not permitted any contact with each other. permit
The Principal has little personal contact with the students. personal
a sonata for violin and piano piano
Alison Evans provided piano accompaniment. piano
He arranged the documents in neat piles. pile
pile B in(to) A: She piled everything into her suitcase. pile
Pin all the pieces of material together. pin
a pint of beer/milk pint
The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch. pitch
He can usually be contacted at his place of work. place
They place a high value on punctuality. place
a plain but elegant dress plain
She left by plane for Berlin. plane
I caught the next plane to Dublin. plane
The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett. play
play (sth): to play the piano/violin/flute, etc. play
We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa. pleasure
The plus side of working at home is that you can be more flexible. plus
The guide pointed out various historic monuments. point sb/sth out (to sb)
a policy document policy
polish (sth): Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather. polish
polish sth (up) (with sth): He polished his glasses with a handkerchief. polish
Please be polite to our guests. polite
We were all too polite to object. polite
I don't know how to make polite conversation. polite
The performance was greeted with polite applause. polite
The receptionist smiled politely. politely
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
The soldiers had to stand for hours without changing position. position
She was learning to change her hand from first to third position (= on the strings of a violin ). position
I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess. possess
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. possession
Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her? possible
The guards were ordered not to leave their posts. post
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
Fear is a powerful emotion. powerful
olives preserved in brine preserve
a parish priest priest
the ordination of women priests priest
The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety. primarily
The firm specializes in printing calendars. print
I'm printing a copy of the document for you. print
There's no history of heart problems (= disease connected with the heart) in our family. problem
We're not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale. proceed
Libya is a major oil producer. producer
the caring professions (= that involve looking after people) profession
Professor (Ann) Williams professor
a history project project
promote sth as sth: The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. promote
Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion. promotion
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
data protection laws protection
It was a proud day in the nation's history proud
He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. prove
publicity material publicity
In this area oxen are used to pull carts. pull
She put it very tactfully. put
As T.S. Eliot puts it... put
Firefighters soon put the fire out. put sth out
qualify sb (for sth): Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership. qualify
qualify sb (for sth): This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualify
qualify sb to do sth: The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. qualify
The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity. quantity
The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation. question
question whether, what, etc...: He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault. question
He fired three shots in quick succession. quick
Flying is quite the best way to travel. quite
the Caucasian/Mongolian, etc. race race
He was unable to contact Blake by radio. radio
to keep in radio contact radio
to travel by rail rail
a rail link/network rail
This material is available in a huge range of colours. range
The guard fired four shots in rapid succession. rapid
Crime figures are rising rapidly. rapidly
reading matter/material reading
Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world. real
You're out of touch with reality. reality
Will time travel ever become a reality? reality
He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition. recognition
It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose. recommend
a slight/significant/substantial/drastic reduction in costs reduction
There is a list of references at the end of each chapter. reference
We will take up references after the interview. reference
With reference to your letter of July 22... in/with reference to
This material absorbs the sound, and doesn't reflect it. reflect
I politely refused their invitation. refuse
regard sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): Her work is very highly regarded. regard
I have little information as regards her fitness for the post. as regards sb/sth
regard for sb/sth: to do sth with scant/little/no regard for sb/sth regard
regard to sb/sth: He was driving without regard to speed limits. regard
regard for sb/sth: I had great regard for his abilities. regard
Call me if you have any problems regarding your work. regarding
relate sth: I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. relate
relate A to B: In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. relate
relate sth: She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. relate
relate sth to sb: He related the facts of the case to journalists. relate
relate how, what, etc...: She related how he had run away from home as a boy. relate
relate that...: The story relates that an angel appeared and told him to sing. relate
We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case. relate to sth/sb
The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland. relate to sth/sb
Many adults can't relate to children. relate to sth/sb
Our product needs an image that people can relate to. relate to sth/sb
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. related
These problems are closely related. related
a related issue/question related
a stress-related illness related
Are you related to Margaret? related
We're distantly related. related
related languages related
The llama is related to the camel. related
The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved. relation
I have some comments to make in relation to (= concerning) this matter. relation
He's called Brady too, but we're no relation (= not related). relation
the position of the sun relative to the earth relative
release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. release
a relevant suggestion/question/point relevant
Do you have the relevant experience? relevant
Send me all the relevant information. relevant
relevant to sth/sb: These comments are not directly relevant to this inquiry. relevant
How relevant is religious education to most children? relevant
relief from sth: The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. relief
rely doing sth: The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low. rely on/upon sb/sth
Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. remove
repeat sth: I am not, repeat not, travelling in the same car as him! repeat
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
The victim had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest. repeatedly
The union represents over 200 000 teachers. represent
a representative of the UN representative
This material can be reproduced without payment. reproduce
medical/historical/scientific, etc. research research
I've done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there. research
the town's resident population (= not tourists or visitors) resident
The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges. resource
import/speed/travel, etc. restrictions restriction
to travel in the reverse direction reverse
His novels are a rich source of material for the movie industry. rich
the region's rich history and culture rich
Insulin is used to control the rise of glucose levels in the blood. rise
rising fuel bills rise
Patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment. risk
Any business venture contains an element of risk. risk
He risked his life to save her. risk
risk sth: There was no choice. If they stayed there, they risked death. risk
risk sth: He risked a glance at her furious face. risk
risk doing sth: We've been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions. risk
Protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks. rock
This is her third win in a row. in a row
Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row. in a row
The first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewer. rule
Could we run through your proposals once again? run through sth
We ran out of fuel. run out (of sth)
the running costs of a car (= for example of fuel, repairs, insurance) running
Relief supplies were rushed in. rush
the sales figures for May sale
Save data frequently. save
With the new boiler you can make big savings on fuel bills. saving
At the other end of the scale, life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat. scale
On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. scale
Firefighters were on the scene immediately. scene
We are trying desperately to keep to our schedule. schedule
a train schedule schedule
One of the scheduled events is a talk on alternative medicine. schedule
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
to travel by sea sea
the tourist season season
Please contact my secretary to make an appointment. secretary
'Is he going to get better?' 'I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.' see
selected poems of T.S. Eliot select
She has served as a Democratic senator for North Carolina since 2009. senator
Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate. separate
Last year's figures are shown separately. separately
separation (from sb/sth): the state's eventual separation from the federation separation
the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business) service
If you're looking for a photo of Alice you'll find several in here. several
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids. share
I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). share
a sailing/cargo/cruise ship ship
Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. ship
The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape. shoot
A present for me? You shouldn't have! (= used to thank sb politely) should
'Is this enough food for everyone?' 'I should think so.' should
Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him. shut
I can't shut my suitcase—it's too full. shut
We planted tulips along the side of the lawn. side
satellite links to the other side of the world side
The soldiers were given orders to shoot on sight (= as soon as they saw sb). sight
The two sets of figures are not significantly different. significantly
simple but elegant clothes simple
Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin. since
sing sb sth: Will you sing us a song? sing
All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately. site
to have dark/fair/olive, etc. skin skin
slice sth (+ adj.): The knife sliced his jacket. slice
slide sth + adv./prep.: She slid her hand along the rail. slide
slide (sth) + adj.: The automatic doors slid open. slide
slide sth + adv./prep.: The man slid the money quickly into his pocket. slide
slip sth + adv./prep.: Anna slipped her hand into his. slip
slip sb sth: They'd slipped the guards some money. slip
Collecting data is a painfully slow process. slow
Taste and smell are closely connected. smell
Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead. so
soldiers in uniform soldier
soldiers on duty soldier
The boiler uses solid fuel. solid
The baby is not yet on solids (= eating solid food). solid
He's something in (= has a job connected with) television. something
sorry (that)...: She was sorry that she'd lost contact with Mary. sorry
There were snacks—peanuts, olives, that sort of thing. sort
the dark side of the human soul soul
He believed his immortal soul was in peril. soul
The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls (= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven). soul
source material source
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak
a specialist in Japanese history specialist
travelling at the speed of light/sound speed
a spiritual experience spiritual
split (sth) open: The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere. split
split sth: Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants! split
split sth (into sth): She split the class into groups of four. split
split (into sth): The results split neatly into two groups. split
split sth (with sb): She split the money she won with her brother. split
split sth between sb/sth: His time is split between the London and Paris offices. split
split (within sth): a damaging split within the party leadership split
split (with sb/sth): the years following his bitter split with his wife split
a tourist spot spot
(+ adv./prep.): The fire rapidly spread to adjoining buildings. spread
European Union member states state
The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows). statement
She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years. stock
Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computer's memory. store
a story about time travel story
There are strains in the relationship between the two countries. strain
a constant stream of enquiries stream
stress-related illnesses stress
The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. strike
The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). strike
a strip of material strip
The college has strong links with local industry. strong
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
struggle (with sb/sth): Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police. struggle
a parody written in the style of Molière style
succeed as sth: He had hoped to succeed as a violinist. succeed
economic success success
One dose should be sufficient. sufficient
suggest how, what, etc...: Can you suggest how I might contact him? suggest
to pack/unpack a suitcase suitcase
Liverpool were clearly the superior team. superior
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials. supply
I'm not sure whether I should tell you this. sure
They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police. suspicious
That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch. switch
switch between A and B: Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen. switch
Firefighters tackled a blaze in a garage last night. tackle
Union representatives walked out of emergency talks aimed at reaching a pay settlement. talk
a fuel tank tank
The new sports complex is on target to open in June. target
taste (for sth): That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel. taste
I don't like the taste of olives. taste
teach sth: I'll be teaching history and sociology next term. teach
a history/science, etc. teacher teacher
He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto (= of ignoring it). tear sth up
a television documentary television
tell sb how, where, etc...: This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left. tell
This material has a tendency to shrink when washed. tendency
The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant. that
the Mona Lisa the
He taught himself to play the violin. the
Don and Julie paid for it themselves. themselves
I went to see if my old school was still there. there
'Where are John and Liz?' 'They went for a walk.' they
The rest, as they say, is history. they
Would Mark be able to help?It's just a thought. thought
crimes involving violence or the threat of violence threat
She tied a label on to the suitcase. tie
He left his dog tied up to a tree. tie sth up
We tied up alongside the quay. tie up, tie sth up
the violent times we live in (= the present period of history) time
Can she tell the time yet (= say what time it is by looking at a clock)? time
Will we be in time for the six o'clock train? in time (for sth/to do sth)
a bus/train timetable (= when they arrive and leave) timetable
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place. to
a monument to the soldiers who died in the war to
Let's drink to Julia and her new job. to
I tried to contact him but was unable to. unable
The coinage was reformed under Elizabeth I (= when she was queen). under
Not unexpectedly, most local business depends on tourism. unexpectedly
soldiers in uniform uniform
uniform lines of terraced houses (= they all looked the same) uniform
the former Soviet Union union
the European Union union
Northern Ireland's union with Britain union
unite (behind/against sb/sth): Will they unite behind the new leader? unite
In the unlikely event of a problem arising, please contact the hotel manager. unlikely
Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. urge
You should make use of your contacts. make use of sth/sb
They ventured nervously into the water. venture
She was paralysed from the waist down (= in the area below her waist). waist
Her comments were greeted with warm applause. warm
wave sth/sb + adv./prep.: 'He's over there,' said Ali, waving a hand towards some trees. wave
We should take more care of our historic buildings. we
wear sth + adj.: The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water. wear
Is she well enough to travel? well
I loved history when I was at school. when
I asked him whether he had done it all himself or whether someone had helped him. whether
I'll see whether she's at home (= or not at home). whether
The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools. win
wish sb/sth to do sth: He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go. wish
a man with a suitcase with
Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them. witness
I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party. wonder
The new legislation concerns health and safety at work. work
They had little contact with the outside world (= people and places that were not part of their normal life). world
travelling (all over) the world world
Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. worst
The new house really wasn't worth all the expense involved. worth
The job involves a lot of hard work but it's worth it. worth
write (about sth): I wanted to travel and then write about it. write
feminist/travel, etc. writing writing
We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands. wrong