Beginner Level Advanced Level



strident inh

OXF3000N tình cờ bất ngờ accidental
OXF3000N tình cờ ngẫu nhiên accidentally
OXF3000N tài khoản kế toán tính toán tính đến account
OXF3000N đúng đắn chính xác xác đáng accurate
OXF3000N đúng đắn chính xác accurately
OXF3000N tích cực hăng hái nhanh nhẹn linh lợi actively
OXF3000N sự tích cực sự hoạt động sự hăng hái sự linh lợi activity
OXF3000N tính cộng phép cộng addition
OXF3000N sửa lại cho đúng điều chỉnh adjust
OXF3000N tình cảm cảm xúc affection
OXF3000N sự đồng ý tán thành hiệp định hợp đồng agreement
OXF3000N sự nhắm (bắn) mục tiêu ý định nhắm tập trung hướng vào aim
OXF3000N nước đồng minh liên minh liên kết kết thông gia ally
OXF3000N liên minh đồng minh thông gia allied
OXF3000N cô đơn một mình alone
OXF3000N kinh ngạc sửng sốt làm hết sức ngạc nhiên amazing
OXF3000N kinh ngạc sửng sốt hết sức ngạc nhiên amazedly
OXF3000N chọc tức làm bực mình làm phiền quẫy nhiễu annoy
OXF3000N chọc tức làm bực mình làm phiền quẫy nhiễu annoying
OXF3000N bị khó chịu bực mình bị quấy rầy annoyed
OXF3000N nhìn bên ngoài hình như apparently
OXF3000N xuất hiện hiện ra trình diện appear
OXF3000N sự xuất hiện sự trình diện appearance
OXF3000N bổ nhiệm chỉ định chọn appoint
OXF3000N xuất hiện nảy ra nảy sinh ra arise
OXF3000N vũ khí binh giới binh khí arms
OXF3000N mang khoác lấy (cái vẻ tính chất…) assume
OXF3000N thính khan giả audience
OXF3000N adj. trung bình số trung bình mức trung bình average
OXF3000N xấu tính dễ nổi cáu bad-tempered
OXF3000N buồng tắm nhà vệ sinh bathroom
OXF3000N sinh vật học biology
OXF3000N sự ra đời sự sinh đẻ birth
OXF3000N sinh ra give birth
OXF3000N ngày sinh sinh nhật birthday
OXF3000N sinh đẻ born
OXF3000N làm phiền quấy rầy làm bực mình bother
OXF3000N nhất định chắc chắn bound
OXF3000N nuôi dưỡng chăm sóc giáo dục sinh đẻ breed
OXF3000N sự xây dựng công trình xây dựng tòa nhà building
OXF3000N việc buôn bán thương mại kinh doanh business
OXF3000N tính toán calculate
OXF3000N sự tính toán calculation
OXF3000N yên lặng êm ả bình tĩnh điềm tĩnh calmly
OXF3000N có thể nhà tù nhà giam bình ca đựng can
OXF3000N người ứng cử thí sinh người dự thi candidate
OXF3000N thủ đô tiền vốn chủ yếu chính yếu cơ bản capital
OXF3000N người cầm đầu người chỉ huy thủ lĩnh captain
OXF3000N chắc chắn nhất định certainly
OXF3000N thiếu chính xác không chắc chắn uncertain
OXF3000N dây xích xính lại trói lại chain
OXF3000N tính cách đặc tính nhân vật character
OXF3000N riêng riêng biệt đặc trưng đặc tính đặc điểm characteristic
OXF3000N trọng yếu chính yếu thủ lĩnh lãnh tụ người đứng đầu sếp chief
OXF3000N đường tròn hình tròn circle
OXF3000N hoàn cảnh trường hợp tình huống circumstance
OXF3000N đòi hỏi yêu sách sự đòi hỏi sự yêu sách sự thỉnh cầu claim
OXF3000N cổ điển kinh điển classic
OXF3000N thư ký linh mục mục sư clerk
OXF3000N lanh lợi thông minh. tài giỏi khéo léo clever
OXF3000N lời bình luận lời chú giải bình luận phê bình chú thích dẫn giải comment
OXF3000N thông thường bình thường commonly
OXF3000N máy tính computer
OXF3000N liên quan dính líu tới sự liên quan sự dính líu tới concern
OXF3000N có liên quan có dính líu concerned
OXF3000N điều kiện tình cảnh tình thế condition
OXF3000N tỉnh táo có ý thức biết rõ conscious
OXF3000N bất tỉnh không có ý thức không biết rõ unconscious
OXF3000N bất tỉnh không có ý thức không biết rõ unconscious
OXF3000N kiên định constantly
OXF3000N kiên định constantly
OXF3000N kiên định constantly
OXF3000N kiên định constantly
OXF3000N sự xây dựng công trình construction
OXF3000N hội nghị hiệp định quy ước convention
OXF3000N mát mẻ điềm tĩnh làm mát cool
OXF3000N đúng chính xác sửa sửa chữa correct
OXF3000N đúng chính xác correctly
OXF3000N đếm tính count
OXF3000N hạt tỉnh county
OXF3000N tiến trình quá trình diễn tiến sân chạy đua course
OXF3000N sinh vật loài vật creature
OXF3000N phê bình phê phán khó tính critical
OXF3000N sự phê bình sự phê phán lời phê bình lời phê phán criticism
OXF3000N phê bình phê phán chỉ trích criticize
OXF3000N vương miện vua ngai vàng đỉnh cao nhất crown
OXF3000N quyết định cốt yếu chủ yếu crucial
OXF3000N chu kỳ chu trình vòng quay vòng theo chu kỳ đi xe đạp cycle
OXF3000N điếc làm thinh làm ngơ deaf
OXF3000N thân thân yêu thân mến kính thưa thưa dear
OXF3000N tình trạng suy tàn suy sụp tình trạng đổ nát decay
OXF3000N quyết định giải quyết phân xử decide
OXF3000N sự quyết định sự giải quyết sự phân xử decision
OXF3000N định nghĩa define
OXF3000N xác định định rõ rõ ràng definite
OXF3000N sự định nghĩa lời định nghĩa definition
OXF3000N mức độ trình độ bằng cấp degree
OXF3000N thận trọng có tính toán chủ tâm có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberate
OXF3000N chứng minh giải thích bày tỏ biểu lộ demonstrate
OXF3000N chán nản thất vọng phiền muộn suy yếu đình trệ depressed
OXF3000N bàn (học sinh viết làm việc) desk
OXF3000N liều mạng liều lĩnh tuyệt vọng desperate
OXF3000N liều lĩnh liều mạng desperately
OXF3000N sự xác định sự định rõ sự quyết định determination
OXF3000N xác định định rõ quyết định determine
OXF3000N đã được xác định đã được xác định rõ determined
OXF3000N phát triển mở rộng trình bày bày tỏ develop
OXF3000N sự phát triển sự trình bày sự bày tỏ development
OXF3000N hiến cho dâng cho dành cho hết lòng nhiệt tình devoted
OXF3000N chết từ trần hy sinh die
OXF3000N làm ghê tởm làm kinh tởm làm phẫn nộ disgust
OXF3000N làm ghê tởm kinh tởm disgusting
OXF3000N làm mất yên tĩnh làm náo động quấy rầy disturb
OXF3000N sự tôn kính kính trọng bồn phận trách nhiệm duty
OXF3000N dễ dàng dễ tính ung dung easy
OXF3000N (thuộcKinh tế economic
OXF3000N sự tiết kiệm sự quản lý kinh tế economy
OXF3000N bầu quyết định elect
OXF3000N tình trạng khẩn cấp emergency
OXF3000N sự thất nghiệp nạn thất nghiệp unemployment
OXF3000N năng lượng nghị lực sinh lực energy
OXF3000N hứa hẹn cam kết đính ước engage
OXF3000N đã đính ước đã hứa hôn engaged
OXF3000N sự hăng hái sự nhiệt tình enthusiasm
OXF3000N hăng hái say mê nhiệt tình enthusiastic
OXF3000N chính xác đúng exact
OXF3000N chính xác đúng đắn exactly
OXF3000N thẩm tra khám xét hỏi han (thí sinh) examine
OXF3000N kinh nghiệm trải qua nếm mùi experience
OXF3000N có kinh nghiệm từng trải giàu kinh nghiệm experienced
OXF3000N gia đình thuộc gia đình family
OXF3000N tìm về đem về làm bực mình fetch
OXF3000N hình dáng nhân vật hình dung miêu tả figure
OXF3000N tài chính tài trợ cấp vốn finance
OXF3000N thuộc (tài chính) financial
OXF3000N hình thể hình dạng hình thức làm thành được tạo thành form
OXF3000N sự giàu có sự thịnh vượng fortune
OXF3000N tình bạn tình hữu nghị friendship
OXF3000N kinh khủng khủng khiếp frightening
OXF3000N sinh đẻ ra generate
OXF3000N sự sinh ra sự phát sinh ra thế hệ đời generation
OXF3000N kính thủy tinh cái cốc ly glass
OXF3000N kính đeo mắt glasses
OXF3000N sắp sửa có ý định be going to
OXF3000N chính phủ nội các sự cai trị government
OXF3000N thủ lĩnh chủ kẻ thống trị governor
OXF3000N thóc lúa hạt hột tính chất bản chất grain
OXF3000N đại sảnh tòa (thị chính) hội trường hall
OXF3000N sự nghe thính giác hearing
OXF3000N chiều cao độ cao đỉnh điểm cao height
OXF3000N linh thiêng sùng đạo holy
OXF3000N danh dự thanh danh lòng kính trọng honour
OXF3000N để tỏ lòng tôn kính trân trọng đối với in honour of
OXF3000N điều kinh khủng sự ghê rợn horror
OXF3000N chủ nhà chủ tiệc dẫn (c.trình) đăng cai tổ chức (hội nghị) host
OXF3000N hộ gia đình (thuộc) gia đình household
OXF3000N hài hước hóm hỉnh humorous
OXF3000N sự hài hước sự hóm hỉnh humour
OXF3000N cá tính nét nhận dạng tính đồng nhất giống hệt identity
OXF3000N minh họa làm rõ ý illustrate
OXF3000N ảnh hình ảnh image
OXF3000N tưởng tượng hình dung tưởng rằng cho rằng imagine
OXF3000N bao gồm tính cả include
OXF3000N chỉ cho biết biểu thị trình bày ngắn gọn indicate
OXF3000N không chính thức không nghi thức informal
OXF3000N cứ nhất định cứ khăng khăng insist on
OXF3000N sự hiểu biết trí thông minh intelligence
OXF3000N thông minh sáng trí intelligent
OXF3000N ý định có ý định intend
OXF3000N có ý định có dụng ý intended
OXF3000N ý định mục đích intention
OXF3000N phát minh sáng chế invent
OXF3000N sự phát minh sự sáng chế invention
OXF3000N sự phát ra sự phát sinh phát hành đưa ra issue
OXF3000N cuộc hành trình (đường bộ) quãng đường chặng đường đi journey
OXF3000N hợp lý được chứng minh là đúng justified
OXF3000N liên minh liên hoàn league
OXF3000N bài diễn thuyết bài thuyết trình bài nói chuyện lecture
OXF3000N trình độ cấp vị trí bằng ngang bằng level
OXF3000N sống sinh động lively
OXF3000N có tính chất địa phương cục bộ locally
OXF3000N xác định vị trí định vị locate
OXF3000N định vị located
OXF3000N vị trí sự định vị location
OXF3000N to inh ỏi ầm ĩ to lớn (nói) loud
OXF3000N ầm ĩ inh ỏi loudly
OXF3000N chính chủ yếu trọng yếu nhất main
OXF3000N chính chủ yếu phần lớn mainly
OXF3000N tính địch thù thi đấu matching
OXF3000N nguyên vật liệu vật chất hữu hình material
OXF3000N chất vật chất có ý nghĩa có tính chất quan trọng matter
OXF3000N trung bình trung vừa sự trung gian sự môi giới medium
OXF3000N cuộc mít tinh cuộc biểu tình meeting
OXF3000N về mặt tinh thần mentally
OXF3000N tình trạng bừa bộn tình trạng lộn xộn người nhếch nhác bẩn thỉu mess
OXF3000N tâm trí tinh thần trí tuệ chú ý để ý chăm sóc quan tâm mind
OXF3000N lớp trưởng màn hình máy tính nghe ghi phát thanh giám sát monitor
OXF3000N nhân lên làm tăng lên nhiều lần sinh sôi nảy nở multiply
OXF3000N phủ định negative
OXF3000N khí lực thần kinh can đảm nerve
OXF3000N thường bình thường tình trạng bình thường normal
OXF3000N thỉnh thoảng đôi khi occasionally
OXF3000N giữ chiếm lĩnh chiếm giữ occupy
OXF3000N xúc phạm làm bực mình làm khó chịu offend
OXF3000N (thuộcchính quyền văn phòng viên chức công chức official
OXF3000N một cách trịnh trọng một cách chính thứ officially
OXF3000N sự hoạt động quá trình hoạt động operation
OXF3000N tính đối kháng đối chọi opposing
OXF3000N vẽ phác tảo đường nét hình dáng nét ngoài outline
OXF3000N pro của chính mình tự mình nhận nhìn nhận own
OXF3000N tính kiên nhẫn nhẫn nại kiên trì sự chịu đựng patience
OXF3000N hòa bình sự hòa thuận peace
OXF3000N hòa bình thái bình yên tĩnh peaceful
OXF3000N lưỡi trai đỉnh chóp peak
OXF3000N người biểu diễn người trình diễn performer
OXF3000N lâu dài vĩnh cửu thường xuyên permanent
OXF3000N cách thường xuyên vĩnh cửu permanently
OXF3000N nhân cách tính cách nhân phẩm cá tính personality
OXF3000N đinh ghim ghim kẹp pin
OXF3000N màu hồng hoa cẩm chướng tình trạng tốt hoàn hảo pink
OXF3000N hành tinh planet
OXF3000N chính sách cách xử sự điều khoản hợp đồng policy
OXF3000N về chính trị về chính phủ có tính chính trị political
OXF3000N về mặt chính trị khôn ngoan thận trọng politically
OXF3000N nhà chính trị chính khách politician
OXF3000N họat động chính trị đời sống chính trị quan điểm chính trị politics
OXF3000N có tính đại chúng (thuộcnhân dân được nhiều người ưa chuộng popular
OXF3000N can bình lọ... pot
OXF3000N sự ca ngợi sự tán dương lòng tôn kính tôn thờ khen ngợi tán dương praise
OXF3000N rõ ràng chính xác tỉ mỉ kỹ tính precise
OXF3000N đúng chính xác cần thận precisely
OXF3000N bài thuyết trình sự trình diện sự giới thiệu presentation
OXF3000N hiệu trưởng chủ tịnh tổng thống president
OXF3000N khá vừa phải xinh xinh xắn pretty
OXF3000N sự kiêu hãnh sự hãnh diện tính kiêu căng tự phụ pride
OXF3000N linh mục thầy tu priest
OXF3000N nguyên thủy đầu tiên thời cổ đại nguyên sinh primary
OXF3000N quá trình sự tiến triển quy trình chế biến gia công xử lý process
OXF3000N chương trình lên chương trình program
OXF3000N chương trình programme
OXF3000N chứng tỏ chứng minh prove
OXF3000N học sinh pupil
OXF3000N nguyên chất tinh khiết trong lành pure
OXF3000N mục đích ý định purpose
OXF3000N cố tình cố ý có chủ tâm on purpose
OXF3000N lặng yên lặng yên tĩnh quiet
OXF3000N lặng yên lặng yên tĩnh quietly
OXF3000N dãy hàng loại phạm vi trình độ range
OXF3000N nhận lĩnh thu receive
OXF3000N tính đếm reckon
OXF3000N sự điều chỉnh điều lệ quy tắc regulation
OXF3000N sự nhận xét phê bình sự để ý chú ý nhận xét phê bình remark
OXF3000N sửa chữa chỉnh tu sự sửa chữa sự chỉnh tu repair
OXF3000N báo cáo tường trình bản báo cáo bản tường trình report
OXF3000N miêu tả hình dung đại diện thay mặt represent
OXF3000N lời thỉnh cầu lời đề nghị yêu cầu thỉnh cầu request
OXF3000N đòi hỏi yêu cầu quy định require
OXF3000N người sinh sống trú ngụ khách trọ có nhà ở cư trú thường trú resident
OXF3000N quyết định kiên quyết (làm gì) giải quyết (vấn đề khó khăn) resolve
OXF3000N sự kính trọng sự lễ phép tôn trọng kính trọng khâm phục respect
OXF3000N đường đi lộ trình tuyến đường route
OXF3000N làm kinh hãi sợ hãi dọa sự sợ hãi sự kinh hoàng scare
OXF3000N (thuộckhoa học có tính khoa học scientific
OXF3000N màn che màn ảnh màn hình phim ảnh nói chung screen
OXF3000N đinh vít đinh ốc bắt vít bắt ốc screw
OXF3000N khu vực lĩnh vực sector
OXF3000N chắc chắn đảm bảo bảo đảm giữ an ninh secure
OXF3000N sự an toàn sự an ninh security
OXF3000N bản thân mình self
OXF3000N nhiều tuổi hơn dành cho trẻ em trên 11t sinh viên năm cuối trường trung học cao đẳng senior
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexual
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexually
OXF3000N hình hình dạng hình thù shape
OXF3000N có hình dáng được chỉ rõ shaped
OXF3000N đóng khép đậy tính khép kín shut
OXF3000N sự im lặng sự yên tĩnh silence
OXF3000N im lặng yên tĩnh silent
OXF3000N đã được định cỡ sized
OXF3000N có kỹ năng có kỹ sảo khẻo tay có kinh nghiệm lành nghề skilled
OXF3000N có tính xã hội social
OXF3000N có tính xã hội socially
OXF3000N phần mềm (máy tính) software
OXF3000N lính quân nhân soldier
OXF3000N thỉnh thoảng đôi khi sometimes
OXF3000N tâm hồn tâm trí linh hồn soul
OXF3000N sự viết chính tả spelling
OXF3000N tinh thần tâm hồn linh hồn spirit
OXF3000N (thuộctinh thần linh hồn spiritual
OXF3000N máy ống bình phụt bơm phun bơm phun xịt spray
OXF3000N vuông vuông vắn dạng hình vuông hình vuông square
OXF3000N ổn định bình tĩnh vững vàng chuồng ngưa stable
OXF3000N ngôi sao dán sao trang trí hình sao đánh dấu sao star
OXF3000N nhà nước quốc gia chính quyền (thuộc) nhà nước phát biểu state
OXF3000N sự bày tỏ sự phát biểu sự tuyên bố sự trình bày statement
OXF3000N tình trạng địa vị thân phận status
OXF3000N vững chắc vững vàng kiến định steady
OXF3000N vững chắc vững vàng kiên định steadily
OXF3000N đâm thọc chọc cắm dính cái gậy qua củi cán stick
OXF3000N dính nhớt sticky
OXF3000N đánh đập bãi công đình công cuộc bãi công cuộc đình công strike
OXF3000N thình lình đột ngột sudden
OXF3000N thình lình đột ngột suddenly
OXF3000N nghi ngờ hoài nghi người khả nghi người bị tình nghi suspect
OXF3000N sưng phồng phình căng swollen
OXF3000N vô tuyến truyền hình television
OXF3000N tính chất tạm thời nhất thời temporarily
OXF3000N sự căng độ căng tình trạng căng tension
OXF3000N tính chất dày độ dày bề dày thickness
OXF3000N đầu mút đỉnh chóp bịt đầu lắp đầu vào tip
OXF3000N nhà vệ sinh sự trang điểm (rửa mặt ăn mặc chải tóc...) toilet
OXF3000N chóp đỉnh đứng đầu trên hết top
OXF3000N sự kinh doanh việc mua bán trading
OXF3000N hình tam giác triangle
OXF3000N sinh đôi tạo thành cặp cặp song sinh twin
OXF3000N tiêu biểu điển hình đặc trưng typical
OXF3000N điển hình tiêu biểu typically
OXF3000N không chắc chắn khôn biết rõ ràng uncertain
OXF3000N bất tỉnh ngất đi unconscious
OXF3000N bất tỉnh ngất đi unconscious
OXF3000N sự thất nghiệp tình trạng thất nghiệp unemployment
OXF3000N liên minh đoàn kết chung thống nhất united
OXF3000N tính đánh đổ làm đổ upsetting
OXF3000N giá trị ước tính định giá value
OXF3000N sự án kinh doanh công việc kinh doanh liều mạo hiểm cả gan venture
OXF3000N hữu hình thấy được visible
OXF3000N thức dậy tỉnh thức wake
OXF3000N tình trạng yếu đuối yếu ớt weakness
OXF3000N bình an vô sự không suy suyển không hư hỏng toàn bộ tất cả toàn thể whole
OXF3000N tính chất rộng bề rộng width
OXF3000N sẽ ý chí ý định will
OXF3000N ngạc nhiên lấy làm lạ kinh ngạc wonder
OXF3000N pro tự anh tự chị chính anh chính mày tự mày yourself

I want to invent a television. Tôi muốn phát minh một cái tivi. Verbs 2
invent phát minh Verbs 2
Who wants to invent? Ai muốn phát minh? Verbs 2
They invent a new computer. Họ phát minh một cái máy tính mới. Verbs 2
birthday Ngày sinh Dates and Time
student học sinh Jobs 1
a flexible career Một sự nghiệp linh hoạt Attributes
She is very flexible, because she is a secretary. Cô ấy rất linh hoạt vì cô ấy là một thư ký. Attributes
My father is a smart person. Bố của tôi là một người thông minh. Attributes
smart thông minh Attributes
She is a diligent student. Cô ấy là một học sinh chăm chỉ. Adjectives 1.5
Two students are sitting at the bus stop. Hai học sinh đang ngồi ở trạm xe buýt. Places
Who invented the phone? Ai đã phát minh điện thoại? Past
The students are writing notes. Những học sinh đang viết những ghi chú. Education
The students are researching about the animals. Những học sinh đang nghiên cứu về các động vật. Education
a researcher Một nghiên cứu sinh Education
Me elder brother is not a lazy researcher. Anh trai của tôi không phải là mộtnghiên cứu sinh lười biếng. Education
He cannot prove that is his wallet. Anh ấy không thể chứng minh đó là cái ví của mình. Verbs 4
prove chứng minh Verbs 4
planet hành tinh Nature
Look! There is an alien in my bag. Nhìn này! Có một người ngoài hành tinh trong túi của tôi. Nature
alien người ngoài hành tinh Nature
restroom Nhà vệ sinh Miscellaneous
These children do not keep hygiene. Những đứa trẻ này không giữ vệ sinh. Miscellaneous
personal hygiene Vệ sinh cá nhân Miscellaneous
hygiene vệ sinh. Miscellaneous
We always care about their security Chúng tôi luôn quan tâm về an ninh của họ. Politics
security an ninh Politics
She studies economics. Cô ấy học kinh tế. Politics
economics. kinh tế Politics
You need a smart strategy to study a language. Bạn cần một chiến lược thông minh để học một ngôn ngữ. Politics
economic crisis Khủng hoảng kinh tế Politics
economic kinh tế Politics
The American government has many economic development plans. Chính phủ Mỹ có nhiều kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế. Politics
The students are playing sports. Các học sinh đang chơi thể thao. Sports
With his experience we will not fail. Với kinh nghiệm của anh ấy, chúng tô isẽ không thất bại. Abstract Objects 2
experience kinh nghiệm Abstract Objects 2
Smart people usually study math well. Những người thông minh thường xuyên học môn toán tốt. Science
This book is about biology. Quyển sách này là về sinh học. Science
biology sinh học Science
How to dcrease the number of students? Làm thế nào để giảm số lượng học sinh? Science
Her business is not good. Việc kinh doanh của cô ấy không tốt. Economics
business Việc kinh doanh Economics
The teacher tells the students about the globalization. Giáo viên nói cho những học sinh về sự toàn cầu hoá. Economics
business contract hợp đồng kinh doanh Economics
The budget to develop the infrastructure is very low. Kinh phí để phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng là rất thấp. Economics
budget kinh phí Economics
Vietnam wants to become a member of the World Economics Organisation Việt Nam muốn trở thành một thành viên của tổ chức kinh tế thế giới. Economics
The Solar System has eight planets. Hệ Mặt Trời có tám hành tinh. Astronomy
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. Sao Mộc là hành tinh lớn nhất trong Hệ Mặt Trời. Astronomy
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter are terrestial planets. Sao Thuỷ, Sao Kim, Trái Đất và Sao Hoả là các hành tinh đất. Astronomy
terrestial planet hành tinh đất Astronomy
Our satellite is going to arrive in Uranus in three days. Vệ tinh của chúng tôi sẽ đến Sao Thiên Vương trong ba ngày. Astronomy
That is a Russian satellite. Đó là một vệ tinh của Nga. Astronomy
satellite ve tinh Astronomy
Pluto is nat a planet Sao Diêm Vương không phải là mộ thành tinh. Astronomy
They prepared maximum security at the airport. Họ đã chuẩn bị an ninh tối đa tại sân bay. Adjectives 3
The world economy is not stable. Kinh tế thế giới không ổn định. Adjectives 3
Am I pretty? Tôi có xinh không? Adjectives 3
pretty xinh Adjectives 3
The glorious day is not far. Ngày vinh quang không xa. Adjectives 3
glorious vinh quang Adjectives 3
The success today is a glory. Thành công hôm nay là một vinh quang. Adjectives 3
glory vinh quang Adjectives 3
The human race is killing this planet. Loài người đang giết hành tinh này. Verbs 5
civilizations Những nền văn minh History
They want to research about four ancient civilizations. Họ muốn nghiên cứu về bốn nền văn minh cổ. History
civilization nền văn minh History
The students are developing social skills. Những học sinh đang phát triển các kỹ năng xã hội. Abstract Objects 3
He would rather surrender than become a prisoner. Anh ấy thà đầu hàng còn hơn trở thành một tù binh. Military
prisoner tù binh Military
While the students are standing in the square, the tanks enter. After that Trong khi những học sinh đang đứngtrong quảng trường, những chiếc xetăng đi vào. Sau đó, không có gì Military
present trinh bay Military
Vietnamese is the soul of Vietnamese culture. Tiếng Việt là linh hồn của văn hoá Việt Nam. Paranormality
Do you believe in the human soul? Bạn có tin vào linh hồn con người không? Paranormality
soul linh hồn Paranormality
developped economies Những nền kinh tế phát triển Classifier 3.1
The stars shine sparkingly in the sky. Những ngôi sao toả sáng lung linh trên bầu trời. Reduplicative Words
sparkling lung linh Reduplicative Words
If you are not a screwball, prove it! Nếu bạn không phải là một người dở hơi, chứng minh đi! Informal Expressions
prove chứng minh Informal Expressions

like: inh
nett tốt, đẹp, xinh xắn, đáng yêu 友好的 yǒuhǎo de
ich wurde geboren tôi được sinh ra 我出生 wǒ chūshēng
entscheiden quyết định 决定 juédìng
furchtbar kinh khủng, khủng khiếp 可怕的 kěpà de
zahlen Đếm, tính 数数 shǔshù
manchmal thỉnh thoảng 有时 yǒushí
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
schwül đồng tính nam 闷热的 mènrè de
scheußlich kinh tởm 丑陋的 chǒulòu de
schrecklich kinh khủng 可怕的 kěpà dē
ruhig yên tĩnh 安静 ānjìng
ruhig yên tĩnh 安静 ānjìng
echt thực sự, xác thực, chân chính 真正的 zhēnzhèng de
exakt chính xác 准确的 zhǔnquè de
scheinen hình như 显示 xiǎnshì
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
gebraten của (phân từ), rán (bất định cách) (miền bắc việt nam), chiên (miền nam việt nam) jiān
gegrillt của (phân từ), nướng bằng than (bất định cách) 烧烤的 shāokǎo de
gekocht của (phân từ), nấu (bất định cách) 煮熟的 zhǔshú de
gebacken của (phân từ), nướng (bất định cách) kǎo de
amerikanisch thuộc Hoa Kì, mĩ (tính từ) 美国的 Měiguó dē
ruhig yên tĩnh 安静 ānjìng
ruhig yên tĩnh 安静 ānjìng
persönlich mang tính cá nhân 个人的 gèrén de
plötzlich đột nhiên, bất thình lình, bất ngờ 突然的 tūrán de
klug thông minh, khôn ngoan 聪明 cōngmíng
hübsch đáng yêu, xinh đẹp 漂亮的 piàoliàng de
rundlich đầy đặn, có hình tròn 丰满的 fēngmǎn de
Weihnachten giáng sinh 圣诞节 shèngdànjié
sich verloben đính hôn 订婚 dìnghūn
dramatisch căng thắng, thuộc về kịch, có tính kịch 戏剧性的 xìjùxìng de
sich rechtfertigen biện hộ, biện minh 为自己辩解 weì zì jǐ biàn jiě
berechtigt hợp lý, chính đáng 合理的 hé lǐ de
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ... kính thưa quí ông và quí bà,... 尊敬的女士们先生们 ,... zūn jìng de nǔe shì men xiān shēng men, .....
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, ... kính thưa,... 祝好 zhù hǎo
sich wundern über kinh ngạc 惊讶于 ... jīng yà yú .....
auf etwas gefasst sein chuẩn bị cho mọi tình huống 对某事做好准备 duì mǒu shì zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi
bewusstlos bất tỉnh 无知觉的 wú zhī jué de
fehlerfrei chính xác, không có lỗi 没有错误的 méi yǒu cuò wù de
abscheulich kinh, ghê 可恶的 kě wù de
sich beruhigen bình tĩnh 平静下来 píng jìng xià lái
verachten xem thường, khinh 藐视 miǎo shì
alleine một mình 独自的 dú zì de
an Liebeskummer leiden chịu đựng sự buồn khổ vì tình 忍受爱情的苦恼 rěn shòu ài qíng de kǔ nǎo
beweisen chứng minh 证明 zhèng míng
offiziell chính thức 官方的 guān fāng de
kriminell hình sự 犯罪的 fàn zuì de
bestimmt nhất định, chắc chắn 一定 yí dìng
rechnen tính 计算 jì suàn
verhandeln über Điều đình, thỏa thuận 协商关于 ... xié shāng guān yú .....
diktieren viết chính tả 给 ... 听写 gěi ..... tīng xiě
begreifen lĩnh hiộ, hiểu rõ 理解 lǐ jiě
historisch lịch sử, tính chất lịch sử 历史的 lì shǐ de
chronisch mãn tính 慢性的 màn xìng de
ökologisch sinh thái 生态的 shēng tài de
sich erfrischen làm tươi tỉnh lại 精神焕发 jīng shén huàn fā
kritisieren phê bình 批评 pī píng
aufmerksam nhiệt tình, quan tâm, ân cần 专心的 zhuān xīn de
humorvoll hóm hỉnh 有幽默感的 yǒu yōu mò gǎn de
kritisch phê bình, phê phán 批评的 pī píng de
persönlich mang tính cá nhân 个人的 gè rén de
erobern chinh phục 征服 zhēng fú
ewig vĩnh cửu 永远的 yǒng yuǎn de
erotisch gợi tình 色情的 sè qíng de
zufällig tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên 偶然间 ǒu rán jiān
in Erwägung ziehen chú ý đến, tính đến 考虑 kǎo lùe
zum Geburtstag gratulieren chúc mừng sinh nhật 祝贺生日 zhù hè shēng rì
Zwillinge song sinh 双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi
Ostern lễ phục sinh 复活节 fù huó jié
Unterhalt zahlen trả tiền sinh hoạt 付生活费 fù shēng huó fèi
amtlich chính thức 官方的 guān fāng de
Zwillinge song sinh 双子座 shuāng zǐ zuò
Waage thiên bình 天平座 tiān píng zuò
Wassermann bảo bình 水瓶座 shuǐ píng zuò
feststellen khẳng định 确定 què dìng
flexibel linh hoạt 灵活的 líng huó de
leidenschaftlich mãnh liệt, đam mê, nhiệt tình 充满激情的 chōng mǎn jī qíng de
streiken Đình công 罢工 bà gōng
zählen Đếm, tính shǔ
politisch chính trị 政治的 zhèng zhì de
männlich nam tính 男性的 nán xìng de
weiblich nữ tính 女性的 nǔe xìng de
jemanden verblüffen làm ai đó sửng sốt, làm ai đó kinh ngạc 使某人目瞪口呆 shǐ mǒurén mùdèng-kǒudāi
jemanden diskriminieren đối xử phân biệt, khinh biệt, miệt thị ai đó 歧视某人 qíshì mǒurén
abwertend có tính hạ thấp, xem thường 贬低的, 轻蔑的 biǎndī de, qīngmìe de
eine überzeugende Darstellung một cách trình bày thuyết phục 一个有说服力的陈述 yī gè yǒu shuìfúlì de chénshù
erstaunlich làm kinh ngạc, làm sửng sốt 惊人的 jīngrén de
sächlich giống trung, trung tính 中性的 zhōngxìng de
flirten tán tỉnh 调情 tiáoqíng
jemandem schmeicheln xu nịnh, tán tỉnh, lấy lòng ai đó 讨好某人, 拍某人的马屁 tǎohǎo mǒurén, pāi mǒurén de mǎpì
etwas widerstrebt jemandem điều gì đó không hợp với ai đó, điều gì đó trái với tính cách của ai đó 某事与某人相抵触 mǒushì yǔ mǒurén xiāng dǐchù
ein Referat halten thuyết trình 作一个报告 zuò yī gè bàogào
ehrenhaft đáng kính, đáng trọng 体面的 tǐmiàn de
zuweisen phân phối, chỉ định 分派, 分配 fēnpài, fēnpèi
bezwecken có ý định 以 ... 为目的 yǐ ... wéi mùdí
unbestechlich liêm chính, thanh liêm 廉正的 liánzhèng de
jemanden suspendieren đình chỉ ai đó 免去某人的职务 miǎnqù mǒurén de zhíwù
kalkulieren tính toán, ước tính 核算 hésuàn
lukrativ, profitabel có lợi, sinh lợi 有利可图的 yǒulì-kětú de
errechnen tính, tính toán 算出 suànchū
finanziell tài chính 金融的 jīnróng de
erfinden phát minh 发明 fāmíng
stabilisieren làm vững, làm ổn định 使 ... 坚固 shǐ ... jiāngù
kreisförmig tròn, có hình tròn 圆形的 yuánxíng de
undefiniert không được định nghĩa, không được xác định 未定义的 wèi dìngyì de
erfahren sein có kinh nghiệm 有经验 yǒu jīngyàn
bestürzt sein kinh hoàng 吃惊 chījīng
gegen etwas demonstrieren biểu tình chống lại gì đó 反对某事的示威游行 fǎnduì mǒushì de shìwēi yóuxíng
entstehen nảy sinh, hình thành 发生 fāshēng
unterernährt suy dinh dưỡng 营养不良的 yíngyǎng bùliáng de
versteckt sein giấu mình, ẩn nấp 藏匿 cángnì
Waage thiên bình chèng
sich etwas einbilden tưởng tượng, hình dung 编造某事 biānzào mǒushì
erschrocken giật mình, hoảng sợ 惊恐的 jīngkǒng de
drollig ngộ nghĩnh, đáng yêu 滑稽的 huájī de
anständig nghiêm chỉnh 体面的 tǐmiàn de
ehrenamtlich tình nguyện 名誉的, 义务的 míngyù de, yìwù de
aufkleben dán, dính 贴上 tiēshàng
eigenwillig, bizarr bướng bỉnh, khác thường 执拗的 zhìniù de
tätowieren xăm mình 纹身 wénshēn
angeboren bẩm sinh 先天的 xiāntiān de
sich bewusst sein tỉnh táo 有意识 yǒu yìshí
jemandem auflauern rình rập, nhìn trộm ai đó 伏击某人 fújī mǒurén
opfern hy sinh 牺牲 xīshēng
entsetzlich kinh khủng, khủng khiếp, kinh sợ, kinh hoàng 可怕的 kěpà de
sich ekeln kinh tởm 感到厌恶 gǎndào yànwù
widerwärtig ghê tởm, kinh tởm 讨厌的 tǎoyàn de
eine Familie gründen lập gia đình 建立一个家庭 jiànlì yī gè jiātíng
ein Kind gebären sinh con 生一个孩子 shēng yī gè háizi
vermehren sinh sôi 增多 zēngduō
fruchtbar có khả năng sinh sản 多产的 duōchǎn de
jemanden achten kính trọng ai đó 注意某人 zhùyì mǒurén
homosexuell đồng tính 同性恋的 tóngxìngliàn de
lesbisch đồng tính nữ 女同性恋的 nǚ tóngxìngliàn de
schwul đồng tính nam 男同性恋的 nán tóngxìngliàn de
besiedeln định cư 定居在 dìngjū zài
still yên ả, êm ả, yên tĩnh, yên ắng 寂静的 jìjìng de
ketzerisch dị giáo, không chính thống 异教的 yìjiào de
andächtig thành kính 虔诚的 qiánchéng de
nett tốt, đẹp, xinh xắn, đáng yêu
ich wurde geboren tôi được sinh ra
der Sonnenaufgang bình minh
die Toilette nhà vệ sinh
entscheiden quyết định
das Glas cốc thủy tinh
die Teekanne bình trà
der Student sinh viên
furchtbar kinh khủng, khủng khiếp
das Bauwerk công trình kiến trúc
das Satellitenfernsehen truyền hình cáp
manchmal thỉnh thoảng
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường
scheußlich kinh tởm
die Hauptstraße đường phố chính
der Hauptgang cống chính, lối đi chính
die Hauptsaison mùa chính
schrecklich kinh khủng
ruhig yên tĩnh
echt thực sự, xác thực, chân chính
die Erfahrung kinh nghiệm
exakt chính xác
scheinen hình như
die Modenschau buối trình diễn thời trang
die Brille cái kính
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường
gebraten của (phân từ), rán (bất định cách) (miền bắc việt nam), chiên (miền nam việt nam)
gegrillt của (phân từ), nướng bằng than (bất định cách)
gekocht của (phân từ), nấu (bất định cách)
gebacken của (phân từ), nướng (bất định cách)
die Sonnenbrille kính râm
amerikanisch thuộc Hoa Kì, mĩ (tính từ)
persönlich mang tính cá nhân
ruhig yên tĩnh
plötzlich đột nhiên, bất thình lình, bất ngờ
der Geburtstag ngày sinh nhật
klug thông minh, khôn ngoan
das Antibiotikum thuốc kháng sinh
die Vorstellung buối trình diễn
hübsch đáng yêu, xinh đẹp
rundlich đầy đặn, có hình tròn
die Fernsehserie phim truyền hình nhiều tập
die Spielshow trò chơi truyền hình
das Programm chương trình
Weihnachten giáng sinh
sich verloben đính hôn
dramatisch căng thắng, thuộc về kịch, có tính kịch
das Bauwerk công trình xây dựng
der Durchmesser Đường kính
der Nagel cây đinh
die Absicht ý định, mục tiêu
sich rechtfertigen biện hộ, biện minh
berechtigt hợp lý, chính đáng
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ... kính thưa quí ông và quí bà,...
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, ... kính thưa,...
die Ernährung thức ăn, dinh dưỡng
der Haupteingang lối vào chính
sich wundern über kinh ngạc
der Berggipfel Đỉnh núi
der Entschluss quyết định
das Toilettenpapier giấy vệ sinh
die Hauptstraße Đường phố chính
auf etwas gefasst sein chuẩn bị cho mọi tình huống
bewusstlos bất tỉnh
die Stille sự tĩnh lặng
die Rechtschreibung phép chính tả
fehlerfrei chính xác, không có lỗi
die Abbildung tranh minh họa
die Form hình dáng
der Bericht bài bình luận
abscheulich kinh, ghê
der Frieden hòa bình
sich beruhigen bình tĩnh
verachten xem thường, khinh
das Geschlecht giới tính
das Gefühl tình cảm, cảm giác
die Seele tinh thần
alleine một mình
an Liebeskummer leiden chịu đựng sự buồn khổ vì tình
der Kriminalfall trường hợp hình sự
beweisen chứng minh
offiziell chính thức
der Laptop máy tính xách tay
kriminell hình sự
die Nelke hoa đinh hương
der Nährstoff chất dinh dưỡng
das Gehör thính giác
der Nerv dây thần kinh
die Radarkontrolle máy định vị
die Fensterscheibe kính cửa
bestimmt nhất định, chắc chắn
der Behälter bình chứa
der Zustand tình trạng
rechnen tính
verhandeln über Điều đình, thỏa thuận
das Diktat chính tả
die Definition Định nghĩa
der Krimi truyện trinh thám
das Fabelwesen tình tiết ngụ ngôn
diktieren viết chính tả
begreifen lĩnh hiộ, hiểu rõ
historisch lịch sử, tính chất lịch sử
die Morgendämmerung bình minh
chronisch mãn tính
ökologisch sinh thái
die Kritik phê bình
der Kritiker nhà phê bình
der Humor tính hài hước
der Zuhörer thính giả
sich erfrischen làm tươi tỉnh lại
kritisieren phê bình
aufmerksam nhiệt tình, quan tâm, ân cần
humorvoll hóm hỉnh
kritisch phê bình, phê phán
der Sex tình dục
der Zufall tình cờ
erobern chinh phục
ewig vĩnh cửu
erotisch gợi tình
zufällig tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên
das Schaufenster cửa kính
in Erwägung ziehen chú ý đến, tính đến
zum Geburtstag gratulieren chúc mừng sinh nhật
die Geburt sinh đẻ
die Zwillinge sinh đôi
Ostern lễ phục sinh
Unterhalt zahlen trả tiền sinh hoạt
der Verlauf quá trình
die Freundschaft tình bạn
amtlich chính thức
Zwillinge song sinh
Waage thiên bình
Wassermann bảo bình
feststellen khẳng định
flexibel linh hoạt
leidenschaftlich mãnh liệt, đam mê, nhiệt tình
die Politik chính trị
der Politiker chính trị gia
die Regierung chính phủ
das Ministerium nội các chính phủ
der Personalausweis chứng minh nhân dân
die Demonstration biểu tình
der Bericht bản báo cáo, bài bình luận
streiken Đình công
zählen Đếm, tính
politisch chính trị
die Stimmung tinh thần
die Arbeitslosigkeit tình trạng thất nghiệp
männlich nam tính
weiblich nữ tính
die Fortbildung nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn
der Durchschnitt trung bình
das Rathaus tòa thị chính
jemanden verblüffen làm ai đó sửng sốt, làm ai đó kinh ngạc
jemanden diskriminieren đối xử phân biệt, khinh biệt, miệt thị ai đó
abwertend có tính hạ thấp, xem thường
eine überzeugende Darstellung một cách trình bày thuyết phục
erstaunlich làm kinh ngạc, làm sửng sốt
der Hauptsatz câu chính
das Adjektiv tính từ
sächlich giống trung, trung tính
flirten tán tỉnh
jemandem schmeicheln xu nịnh, tán tỉnh, lấy lòng ai đó
die Kühnheit tính táo bạo, liều lĩnh
der Liebesbrief thư tình
etwas widerstrebt jemandem điều gì đó không hợp với ai đó, điều gì đó trái với tính cách của ai đó
der Taschenrechner máy tính bỏ túi
ein Referat halten thuyết trình
der Meister thợ cả, người tinh thông, thầy
der Fortgeschrittene người đã có trình độ
der Kassierer người tính tiền
die Hebamme nữ hộ sinh, người đỡ đẻ
ehrenhaft đáng kính, đáng trọng
die Bestechlichkeit tính dễ bị mua chuộc, sự đút lót
der Kurierdienst ngành bưu chính
der Beschluss quyết định, phán quyết
zuweisen phân phối, chỉ định
das Anliegen, die Bitte lời cầu xin, sự thỉnh cầu
bezwecken có ý định
unbestechlich liêm chính, thanh liêm
jemanden suspendieren đình chỉ ai đó
kalkulieren tính toán, ước tính
lukrativ, profitabel có lợi, sinh lợi
die Bilanz bảng cân đối tài chính
der finanzielle Aufwand chi phí, kinh phí
errechnen tính, tính toán
finanziell tài chính
die Linse thấu kính
die Lupe kính lúp
der Würfel khối, hình lập phương
die Spindel cây, trục chính
erfinden phát minh
die Erfindung sự phát minh
stabilisieren làm vững, làm ổn định
kreisförmig tròn, có hình tròn
der Bildschirm màn hình
die (Computer-)Maus chuột (máy tính)
das (Computer-)Programm chương trình máy tính
das Computerspiel trò chơi trên máy tính
der Treiber chương trình điều khiển
das Netzwerk mạng máy tính
der Anhang einer E-Mail dữ liệu đính kèm thư điện tử
undefiniert không được định nghĩa, không được xác định
der Schraubenzieher cái vặn vít, cái vặn đinh ốc
das Dreieck hình tam giác
das Klebeband băng dính
der Aufkleber nhãn dính
die Geschicklichkeit kỹ năng, sự tinh xảo
der Bauherr chủ công trình
die Kerbe vết cắt hình chữ v
erfahren sein có kinh nghiệm
die Säure axít, tính axít
die Reinheit độ tinh khiết
die Kugel quả cầu, hình cầu
der Verrat sự phản bội, tính phản trắc
bestürzt sein kinh hoàng
die Berichterstattung bài tường thuật, bài bình luận
gegen etwas demonstrieren biểu tình chống lại gì đó
entstehen nảy sinh, hình thành
unterernährt suy dinh dưỡng
versteckt sein giấu mình, ẩn nấp
die Kanne cái ấm, bình
die Gewürznelke đinh hương
der Rückspiegel gương chiếu hậu, kính chiếu hậu
das Navigationsgerät máy định vị
der Kilometerzähler bảng táp lô, bảng tính kilomét
die Tanne cây linh sam
die Artenvielfalt sự đa dạng sinh học
das Abseits tình trạng việt vị
der Schiedsrichter trọng tài chính
mit einem Heißluftballon fliegen bay trên khinh khí cầu
der Pfadfinder hướng đạo sinh
sich etwas einbilden tưởng tượng, hình dung
erschrocken giật mình, hoảng sợ
drollig ngộ nghĩnh, đáng yêu
anständig nghiêm chỉnh
ehrenamtlich tình nguyện
das Muster mẫu hình
der Wasserkocher bình đun nước
aufkleben dán, dính
die aufgezeichnete Sendung chương trình đã thu sẵn
eigenwillig, bizarr bướng bỉnh, khác thường
der Herzstillstand chết lâm sàng, tình trạng tim ngừng đập
die Ohnmacht cơn ngất, sự bất tỉnh
die Chirurgie khoa phẫu thuật chỉnh hình
die Vene ven, tĩnh mạch
der Hoden tinh hoàn
die Kontaktlinsen (Plural) kính áp tròng
tätowieren xăm mình
angeboren bẩm sinh
die künstliche Befruchtung thụ tinh nhân tạo
sich bewusst sein tỉnh táo
jemandem auflauern rình rập, nhìn trộm ai đó
opfern hy sinh
entsetzlich kinh khủng, khủng khiếp, kinh sợ, kinh hoàng
die Lage veschlechtert sich tình hình xấu đi
sich ekeln kinh tởm
widerwärtig ghê tởm, kinh tởm
eine Familie gründen lập gia đình
ein Kind gebären sinh con
vermehren sinh sôi
fruchtbar có khả năng sinh sản
jemanden achten kính trọng ai đó
homosexuell đồng tính
lesbisch đồng tính nữ
schwul đồng tính nam
der Streit in der Familie vụ cãi vã trong gia đình
der Ehebruch ngoại tình
das Ökosystem hệ sinh thái
besiedeln định cư
still yên ả, êm ả, yên tĩnh, yên ắng
die Ruhe sự yên tĩnh, sự thanh bình
die Wiedergeburt sự tái sinh, luân hồi
die Auferstehung sự phục sinh
ketzerisch dị giáo, không chính thống
andächtig thành kính
der Pazifik Thái bình dương
der Widerstandskämpfer chiến binh chống đối
der Waffenstillstand sự ngừng bắn, sự đình chiến
die Hinrichtung việc tử hình
der Friedensprozess diễn biến hòa bình

Aus Vietnam. Ich wurde in Hànôi geboren. Từ Việt Nam. Anh sinh ra ở Hà Nội. (Lektion 1, Nr. 4)
Weißt du, wo die Toilette ist? Anh có biết nhà vệ sinh ở đâu không? (Lektion 2, Nr. 14)
Er entscheidet sich, ein wenig auszuruhen. Anh ấy quyết định nghỉ một lúc. (Lektion 6, Nr. 52)
Bitte ein Kännchen schwarzen Tee. Cho một bình trà đen. (Lektion 6, Nr. 56)
Sagen Sie, gibt es Fernsehen im Schlafzimmer? Vây có truyền hình trong phòng ngủ không? (Lektion 8, Nr. 74)
Ja, wir haben sogar Satellitenfernsehen. Dạ có, chúng tôi còn có cả truyền hình cáp. (Lektion 8, Nr. 75)
Es gibt ungefähr sechzig Programme. Có khoảng sáu mươi chương trình. (Lektion 8, Nr. 76)
Ich hoffe, dass es morgen genauso sein wird. Mình hy vọng ngày mai cũng vậy. (Lektion 10, Nr. 96)
Nach einer Weile stellt er fest, dass er sich verlaufen hat. Sau một hồi anh ta nhận ra mình đã bị lạc đường. (Lektion 11, Nr. 103)
Kein Problem, ich werde einen Blick auf meine Karte werfen. Không sao, mình sẽ xem bản đồ. (Lektion 11, Nr. 104)
Trang ist sehr hungrig. Sie entscheidet sich, ein Menü zu bestellen. Trang rất đói. Cô ấy quyết định gọi một suất ăn. (Lektion 12, Nr. 115)
Nach dem Salat bringt der Kellner das Hauptgericht. Sau món salat người bồi bàn bưng món chính ra. (Lektion 12, Nr. 118)
Er entscheidet sich, zu Hause einen Artikel über sein Sportzentrum zu schreiben. Anh ấy quyết định sẽ ở nhà đế viết một bài báo về trung tâm thể thao của mình. (Lektion 13, Nr. 127)
In unserem Sportzentrum bieten wir die ganze Woche über eine Reihe von Sportarten an. ở trung tâm thể thao của chúng tôi có hàng loạt các loại hình thể thao suốt tuần. (Lektion 13, Nr. 130)
Für das Hauptgericht: Kräuter, Lamm, Geflügel, Huhn, Rindfleisch, Steak, Gemüse, gebackene Bohnen. Cho món chính: rau thơm, thịt cừu, thịt gia cầm, thịt gà, thịt bò,beaf steak, rau xanh, đậu phộng rang. (Lektion 14, Nr. 145)
Für den Nachtisch: Schokolade, Plätzchen, Süßigkeiten, Kuchen, Schlagsahne, Eiscreme, Apfelkuchen. Cho món tráng miệng: sô-cô-la, bánh giáng sinh, kẹo, bánh ngọt, kem sữa, cà-rem, bánh táo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 146)
Dieser Abend ist für beide so nett gewesen, dass sie sich entscheiden, dieses Treffen jede Woche zu wiederholen. Buối tối hôm nay thật tuyệt vời đến nỗi họ quyết định gặp nhau hàng tuần. (Lektion 15, Nr. 161)
Tri wollte nie nach Hô Chí Minh, aber Trang ist dort aufgewachsen. Tri không bao giờ muốn đến thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, nhưng Trang đã lớn lên ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 179)
Tri denkt, dass Hô Chí Minh solch eine graue, schreckliche und langweilige Stadt ist. Tri cho rằng thành phố Hồ Chí Minh là một thành phố khủng khiếp và buồn tẻ. (Lektion 17, Nr. 180)
Ja, meine Tante hat sie aufgebaut. Dạ đúng, chính cô em đã xây nó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 185)
Gestern war ich mit Trang in Hô Chí Minh. Hôm qua, em cùng với Trang thăm thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. (Lektion 18, Nr. 201)
Sie wurde dort geboren. Cô ấy sinh ra ở đó. (Lektion 18, Nr. 202)
Lassen Sie mich den Tank sehen. Ich denke, Sie brauchen bleifreies Benzin. Đế tôi xem bình xăng. Chắc là anh cần loại xăng không chì. (Lektion 19, Nr. 218)
Er weiß nicht, wie lange er bei seinem Bruder bleiben möchte. Anh ấy không biết là mình sẽ ở chỗ anh trai bao lâu. (Lektion 20, Nr. 229)
Sie möchte dort ein Kleid anprobieren, das sie auf einer Modenschau gesehen hat. Cô ấy muốn mặc thử một cái váy, cái mà cô ấy đã nhìn thấy trong chương trình biếu diễn thời trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 254)
Sie entscheiden sich, zu Abend zu essen. Họ quyết định đi ăn tối. (Lektion 23, Nr. 276)
Oh, das ist schrecklich. Ôi, thật là kinh khủng. (Lektion 23, Nr. 283)
Tri ist so aufgeregt, seinen Bruder in Berlin zu besuchen. Tri hồi hộp đi thăm anh trai mình ở Berlin. (Lektion 24, Nr. 292)
Tri konnte nicht in seine Augen sehen. Tri không thế tin vào mắt mình. (Lektion 27, Nr. 343)
Ich hatte nur geträumt. Mình chỉ ngủ mê. (Lektion 27, Nr. 352)
Er verließ den Bus und versuchte herauszufinden, wo er war. Anh xuống xe và cố nhận ra mình đang ở đâu. (Lektion 28, Nr. 356)
Tri ging zur nächsten Straße und entschied sich, zur Wohnung seines Bruders zu trampen. Tri đi đến con đường kế tiếp và quyết định đi nhờ xe đến nhà anh trai. (Lektion 28, Nr. 358)
Tri hat vor einigen Wochen den Artikel für sein Sportzentrum geschrieben. Cách đây vài tuần Tri đã viết bài báo về trung tâm thế thao của mình. (Lektion 29, Nr. 382)
Tri entscheidet sich, ein Praktikum im Sportzentrum zu machen. Tri quyết định thực tập tại trung tâm thế thao. (Lektion 29, Nr. 385)
In jedem Raum ist ein Müllbehälter für Papier, einer für Plastik, einer für Glas und einer für den Rest. Trong mỗi phòng có một thùng dành cho giấy, một thùng dành cho bao nilon, một thùng dành cho chai thủy tinh và một thùng dành cho các loại rác còn lại. (Lektion 30, Nr. 391)
Das Geburtstagsgeschenk Quà sinh nhật (Lektion 31, Nr. 393)
An diesem Abend möchten Tri und Trang zu einer Geburtstagsfeier gehen. Tối nay Trí và Trang đi dự tiệc sinh nhật. (Lektion 31, Nr. 394)
Trang vergaß ihr Geburtstagsgeschenk in Tris Haus. Trang đã đế quên quà sinh nhật của cô ấy ở nhà Tri. (Lektion 31, Nr. 396)
Tri? Wenn du meine Nachricht hören kannst, bring bitte mein Geburtstagsgeschenk mit. Tri? Nếu anh nghe tin nhắn của em thì làm ơn mang theo quà sinh nhật của em theo nhé. (Lektion 31, Nr. 410)
Hallo Trang, kuck, was ich für dich habe! Du hast das Geburtstagsgeschenk vergessen. Chào Trang, xem anh có gì cho em này. Em đã đế quên quà sinh nhật. (Lektion 31, Nr. 415)
Vielen Dank. Du bist so clever. Cám ơn anh. Anh thật là thông minh. (Lektion 31, Nr. 416)
Tri und Trang liefen zur Geburtstagsparty. Tri và Trang đang đi dự bữa tiệc sinh nhật. (Lektion 32, Nr. 419)
Ein alter Mann saß ganz allein am Straßenrand. Một ông già ngồi một mình ở lề đường. (Lektion 32, Nr. 422)
Und dann war da dieser tapfere Feuerwehrmann. Và sau đó lính cứu hỏa đến. (Lektion 32, Nr. 430)
Er entscheidet sich, Trang in der Apotheke zu besuchen, um sich zu informieren. Anh ấy quyết định đến thăm Trang ở hiệu thưốc đế hỏi thông tin. (Lektion 33, Nr. 437)
Alle sanitären Artikel sind im ersten Fach, z. B. Tampons, Zahnpasta usw. Tất cả các đồ về vệ sinh ở ngăn đầu tiên, ví dụ như: bông, kem đánh răng v.v. (Lektion 33, Nr. 441)
Ich habe eine Idee, wir könnten ins Kino gehen. Anh có ý này, chúng mình đi xem phim đi. (Lektion 34, Nr. 458)
Gibt es noch Plätze für den Zeichentrickfilm? Vẫn còn chỗ cho phim hoạt hình chứ? (Lektion 34, Nr. 474)
Normalerweise geht sie zum Spielplatz mit ihnen, aber heute regnet es, also bleibt sie zu Hause. Bình thường thì cô ấy cùng lũ trẻ đến sân chơi, nhưng hôm nay trời mưa, nên cô ấy ở nhà. (Lektion 35, Nr. 485)
Nam spielt immer, dass ihre Tier-Spielzeuge zur Schule gehen müssen. Nam luôn chơi trò dạy học cho những con thú của mình. (Lektion 35, Nr. 491)
Die Schweine bringen Kühen und Hunden bei, wie man die Computer benutzt. Những chú heo dạy những chú bò và chó về cách sử dụng máy tính. (Lektion 35, Nr. 492)
Tri und Trang sitzen vor dem Computer und suchen Skier. Tri và Trang ngồi trước máy tính và tìm kiếm một bộ ván trượt tuyết. (Lektion 36, Nr. 497)
Nimm einfach eine Studentenfahrkarte. Sie kostet ein Euro siebzig. Anh hãy mua vé một chiều dành cho sinh viên. Nó giá một Euro bảy mươi xu. (Lektion 37, Nr. 533)
Nein, ich möchte eine Spielshow oder einen richtigen Film sehen. Thôi ,em chỉ muốn xem chương trình trò chơi giải trí hoặc một bộ phim thôi. (Lektion 38, Nr. 549)
Hast du das Programm hier? Vậy em có lịch chương trình ở đây không? (Lektion 38, Nr. 550)
Hier haben wir eine Seifenoper. Chúng ta có chương trình ca nhạc đây. (Lektion 38, Nr. 552)
Oh, die Seifenoper ist eine Wiederholung von gestern. ồ, chương trình ca nhạc này phát lại của ngày hôm qua. (Lektion 38, Nr. 553)
Er kann seinen Augen nicht trauen! Anh ấy không dám tin vào mắt mình nữa. (Lektion 39, Nr. 562)
Weihnachten Lễ Giáng Sinh (Lektion 40, Nr. 566)
Der Schnee erinnert Tri an Weihnachten. Tuyết làm Tri nhớ đến lễ Giáng sinh. (Lektion 40, Nr. 568)
Er hat seine Familie so lange nicht gesehen. Đã lâu anh ấy không gặp lại gia đình. (Lektion 40, Nr. 570)
Seine Tante backte immer diese schrecklichen Kekse. Dì của anh luôn làm những cái bánh quy kinh khủng. (Lektion 40, Nr. 571)
Die Tante war immer so stolz, weil sie normalerweise nie kocht, nur an Weihnachten. Cô luôn tự hào, vì bình thường cô không bao giờ nấu ăn, ngoại trừ vào dịp lễ giáng sinh thôi. (Lektion 40, Nr. 573)
Seine Großmutter singt zu seiner Melodie Weihnachtslieder. Bà anh ấy hát những bài về Giáng sinh theo điệu nhạc của ông. (Lektion 40, Nr. 575)
Manchmal spielt sein Vetter Flöte und Klavier. Thỉnh thoảng người anh họ của anh thối sáo và chơi đàn piano. (Lektion 40, Nr. 576)
Letztes Jahr versuchte sein Bruder, eine 'rockige Weihnacht' zu veranstalten. Năm ngoái anh trai anh ấy đã thử tố chức một lễ Giáng sinh theo phong cách rock. (Lektion 40, Nr. 577)
Tri vermisst seine Familie sehr. Tri rất nhớ gia đình. (Lektion 40, Nr. 579)
Weihnachten ist bald und dann wird er seine Mutter und seinen Vater wiedersehen. Lễ giáng sinh sắp đến và khi đó anh sẽ gặp lại bố mẹ. (Lektion 40, Nr. 581)
Trang sitzt im Zug. Sie fährt wegen Weihnachten nach Hause. Trang ngồi trên tàu. Cô ấy về nhà nhân dịp lễ Giáng sinh. (Lektion 41, Nr. 583)
Nein, ich werde meine Familie über Weihnachten besuchen. Không, em về thăm gia đình vào Giáng sinh. (Lektion 41, Nr. 586)
Das ist sehr nett! Sie können glücklich sein. Ich habe keine Familie mehr. Thật là tuyệt. Chắc cô hạnh phúc lắm. Tôi không còn gia đình nữa. (Lektion 41, Nr. 587)
Ich war etwa zwanzig Mal verlobt und war am Ende nur einmal verheiratet. Tôi đã đính hôn khoảng hai mươi lần nhưng cuối cùng chỉ có cưới một lần. (Lektion 41, Nr. 590)
Ich merkte, was wahre Liebe ist. Tôi thấy đó mới là tình yêu thực sự. (Lektion 41, Nr. 591)
Jetzt werde ich das beste aus dem Rest meines Lebens machen. Bây giờ tôi sẽ cố sống tốt quãng đời còn lại của mình. (Lektion 41, Nr. 596)
Wir sollten eins auf der Bergspitze finden. Chúng ta nên tìm một chỗ trên đỉnh núi. (Lektion 42, Nr. 609)
Zuerst musst du deinen Nachnamen, Vornamen und unsere Adresse eintragen. Trước tiên anh phải ghi họ của anh, tên và địa chỉ của chúng mình. (Lektion 44, Nr. 632)
Genau. Sonst muss ich zu hohe Zinsen bezahlen. Chính xác. Nếu không anh sẽ phải trả lãi xuất cao. (Lektion 44, Nr. 639)
Okay, dann hebe ich alle Nägel vom Boden auf, sammle sie in einer Schachtel und klebe ein Schild darauf. Tốt thôi, vậy anh nhặt những cái đinh dưới nền nhà lên, tập hợp chúng lại trong một cái hộp và dán tấm biển lên trên. (Lektion 46, Nr. 663)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich möchte Folgendes reklamieren: Kính thưa quí ông và quí bà, tôi muốn phàn nàn về sự việc sau đây: (Lektion 47, Nr. 669)
Ohne Fernbedienung aber kann ich keine Programme einstellen. Nhưng tôi không thể điều chỉnh các chương trình mà không có cái điều khiển từ xa. (Lektion 47, Nr. 672)
Ich beschwere mich normalerweise nicht gerne, aber in diesem Fall werde ich eine Ausnahme machen. Bình thường tôi không thích phàn nàn cho lắm, nhưng trường hợp này là một ngoại lệ. (Lektion 47, Nr. 674)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ihr Kunde. Kính thư, khách hàng của quí vị. (Lektion 47, Nr. 677)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Darüber habe ich mich auch schon gewundert. Anh đã rất kinh ngạc về điều đó. (Lektion 49, Nr. 697)
Trang und Tri haben den Entschluss gefasst, eine kurze Reise in die Berge zu unternehmen. Trang và Trí đã quyết định, làm một chuyến du lịch ngắn lên núi. (Lektion 50, Nr. 705)
Als sie in die Gegend der Hütte kommen, verlassen sie die Hauptstraße und fahren auf der Landstraße weiter. Khi họ tới địa hạt của nhà gỗ, họ rời đường phố chính và tiếp tục đi vào con đường làng. (Lektion 51, Nr. 718)
Und diese Stille. Ich liebe das. Và sự tĩnh lặng này. Em yêu điều này. (Lektion 54, Nr. 761)
Hattest du auch manchmal Heimweh? Anh có thỉnh thoảng nhớ nhà không? (Lektion 56, Nr. 800)
Trang hat einen Bericht über ein beeindruckendes Theaterstück gelesen. Trang đã đọc một bài bình luận về vở kịch rất ấn tượng. (Lektion 58, Nr. 816)
Ich möchte meinen Mann schließlich auch sehen! Rốt cuộc em cũng muốn nhìn thấy chồng mình chứ! (Lektion 60, Nr. 848)
Jeder hat seine Angewohnheiten. Ich werde versuchen, mich nicht mehr so aufzuregen. Mỗi người đều có thói quen của mình. Em sẽ cố gắng không nổi nóng như thế nữa. (Lektion 60, Nr. 856)
Liebeskummer Buồn khổ vì tình (Lektion 61, Nr. 857)
Ihre Schwester ist alleine in ihrer Wohnung und fühlt sich einsam. Chị ở một mình trong căn hộ của mình và cảm thấy thật cô đơn. (Lektion 61, Nr. 860)
Er muss sich bei ihr für sein Verhalten entschuldigen. Anh ta phải xin lỗi chị về thái độ của mình. (Lektion 61, Nr. 861)
Das tut ihrer Seele gar nicht gut. Điều đó không hề tốt cho tinh thần của chị. (Lektion 61, Nr. 863)
Sie leidet wirklich sehr unter ihrem Liebeskummer. Chị đã thực sự chịu đựng rất nhiều về sự buồn khổ vì tình. (Lektion 61, Nr. 868)
Alle Computer und Laptops wurden gestohlen. Tất cả máy tính và máy tính xách tay đều bị ăn cắp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 909)
Zwischen den Ställen und Gehegen haben Gärtner überall Beete mit Rosen und Nelken bepflanzt. Giữa chuồng cũi và vườn thú những người làm vườn trồng xung quanh với những luống hoa hồng và hoa đinh hương. (Lektion 65, Nr. 921)
Darauf ist ein Mensch abgebildet. Trên đó là hình vẽ của một người. (Lektion 66, Nr. 945)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Verkehrschaos Tình trạng hỗn loạn giao thông (Lektion 67, Nr. 951)
Unausgeschlafen und schlecht gelaunt steht Tri auf und macht sich auf den Weg zur Arbeit. Trí dậy với tình trạng thiếu ngủ và tâm trạng xấu, rồi anh chuẩn bị lên đường đi làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 952)
Nur durch Zufall erkennt er eine Radarkontrolle rechtzeitig und kann abbremsen. Chỉ là sự ngẫu nhiên anh nhận được tín hiệu của máy định vị kịp thời và có thể phanh lại. (Lektion 67, Nr. 958)
Endlich angekommen, schließt Tri das Fenster und geht in sein Büro. Cuối cùng cũng đến nơi, Trí đóng cửa sổ và đi vào phòng làm việc của mình. (Lektion 67, Nr. 959)
Während seiner Abwesenheit hat er Trang sein Auto zur Verfügung gestellt. Trong khi vắng mặt anh đã đưa xe ô tô của mình cho Trang sử dụng. (Lektion 68, Nr. 965)
Hat der Behälter für das Öl ein Loch? Hay bình chứa dầu bị thủng? (Lektion 68, Nr. 973)
Auch darüber, dass er abgeschleppt wurde, hat er sich sehr geärgert. Và cũng về việc xe bị kéo làm anh rất bực mình. (Lektion 69, Nr. 982)
Gebrauchtes Auto in bestem Zustand zu verkaufen. Bán xe cũ trong tình trạng tốt nhất. (Lektion 69, Nr. 987)
Leider habe ich keine Erfahrung im Handeln mit solchen Waren. Tiếc là tôi không có kinh nghiệm trong việc thương lượng hàng thế này. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1003)
Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich als Studentin nicht genug verdiene, um mir das leisten zu können. Tôi chỉ có thể nói, khẳ năng của tôi không nhiều vì là sinh viên tôi không kiếm được nhiều tiền. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1004)
Tri rechnet sich aus, dass er trotzdem noch ein gutes Geschäft gemacht hat. Trí tính toán, mặc dù anh đã lợi nhuận. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1008)
Es gibt Comics, Krimis, Bilderbücher, Märchenbücher und historische Romane. Có truyện tranh, truyện trinh thám, sách có ảnh, truyện cổ tích và tiểu thuyết lịch sử. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1013)
Er kämpfte damals in einer gewaltigen Schlacht gegen seine Rivalen, unheimliche Fabelwesen. Ngày xưa ông đã chiến đấu chống lại địch thủ trong một trận đánh kịch liệt qua những tình tiết ngụ ngôn huyền bí. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1018)
In der Morgendämmerung sitzen Trang und Tri am Frühstückstisch und lesen Zeitung. Vào lúc bình minh Trang và Trí ngồi bên bàn ăn sáng và đọc báo. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1025)
Bei ihrer Suche nach Überlebenden riskierten viele Helfer ihr Leben. Trong việc tìm kiếm những người còn sống sót rất nhiều người cứu trợ có nguy cơ nguy hiểm đến tính mạng. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1034)
Wissenschaftler sprechen von einer ökologischen Katastrophe. Những nhà khoa học nói về thảm họa sinh thái. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1035)
Die genaue Anzahl liegt noch nicht vor. Con số chính xác vẫn chưa được công bố. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1037)
Tri ist ein sehr fröhlicher und humorvoller Mensch. Trí là một người rất vui vẻ và hóm hỉnh. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1050)
Ich mochte deinen Humor von Anfang an. Em đã thích tính hài hước của anh ngay từ đầu. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1052)
Und du bist eine aufmerksame Zuhörerin. Còn em là một thính giả nhiệt tình. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1053)
Stimmt, wir haben gleich festgestellt, dass wir viele gemeinsame Interessen haben. Chính xác, chúng ta khẳng định ngay rằng chúng ta có chung nhiều sở thích. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1062)
Liebe Familie, wir möchten Euch herzlich zu unserer Hochzeit am Samstag, den 12. Mai, einladen. Chúng tôi thân mời gia đình bạn tới dự lễ thành hôn của chúng tôi vào thứ 7, ngày 12.05 tới. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1069)
Sieh mal hier im Schaufenster die schöne Wäsche! Die werde ich mal anprobieren! Anh nhìn quần áo đẹp trong cửa kính kìa! Em sẽ thử mặc nó! (Lektion 76, Nr. 1082)
Wer kommt aus deiner Familie? Ai trong gia đình anh sẽ tới dự? (Lektion 77, Nr. 1094)
Die Schwester meiner Mutter, meine Tante, bringt ihre Zwillinge, meine Cousinen, mit. Chị gái của mẹ anh, bà dì, dẫn theo hai anh em sinh đôi tới, họ là anh em con bác của anh. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1099)
Dann ist die Familie ja vollständig! Vậy là cả gia đình đã đầy đủ! (Lektion 77, Nr. 1104)
Sehr gut, das klingt nach einem gelungenen Abendprogramm! Rất tốt, điều này nghe có vẻ mang đến một chương trình đêm thành công! (Lektion 78, Nr. 1115)
Zwillinge sind schnell und sehr flexibel. Song sinh thì nhanh nhẹ và linh hoạt. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1134)
Die Waage ist diplomatisch, freundlich und friedlich. Thiên bình có tài ngoại giao, thân thiện và hòa đồng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1141)
Der Skorpion ist eine leidenschaftliche Kämpfernatur und verfolgt sein Ziel bis zum Ende. Bọ cạp là một người có bản tính chiến đấu mãnh liệt và theo đuổi mục đích đến cuối cùng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1142)
Der Wassermann ist tolerant, fortschrittlich und modern. Bảo bình thì khoan dung, luôn tiến về phía trước và hiện đại. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1145)
Fische sind sanft, bescheiden und introvertiert und haben einen Instinkt, auf den sie sich gut verlassen können. Song ngư nhẹ nhàng, khiêm tốn và kín đáo, còn có một bản năng làm cho người khác trông cậy vào mình. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1146)
Können Sie mir erklären, wie das ablaufen wird? Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi, quá trình của nó như thế nào không? (Lektion 81, Nr. 1151)
Schon Monate vor dem Tag der Wahl veröffentlichen die Parteien ihre Programme. Một vài tháng trước ngày bầu cử các đảng phái đưa ta chương trình của họ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1153)
Alle Medien berichten über die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen liberalen und konservativen Politikern. Tất cả phương tiện thông tin đều nói đến sự tranh luận giữa những nhà chính trị theo đảng tự do và những người theo đảng bảo thủ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1156)
Dort zeigt man seinen Personalausweis vor und füllt einen Stimmzettel aus. Ở đó người ta phải trình chứng minh nhân dân và điền vào lá phiếu (Lektion 81, Nr. 1159)
Die Stimmung in Tris Firma ist schlecht. Tinh thần trong công ty của Trí thật tồi tệ. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1161)
Du meldest uns bei einem Portal mit Stellenangeboten im Internet an. Anh đăng ký tại cửa chính với trang cung cấp việc làm trên mạng. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1176)
Es gibt ein Magazin, das Berufe vorstellt und Möglichkeiten zur Fortbildung aufzeigt. Có một tạp chí giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và có thể nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1181)
Aber sie bekommen im Durchschnitt 12 Prozent weniger bezahlt als ihre männlichen Kollegen. Nhưng trung bình họ nhận được lương ít hơn 12 phần trăm so với những đồng nghiệp nam. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1186)
Das mache ich, wenn ich das Schließfach in der Bank ausgeleert und mich im Rathaus abgemeldet habe. Anh sẽ làm việc đó, sau khi anh rút hết mọi thứ trong tủ an toàn ở nhà băng và đăng ký tạm vắng tại tòa thị chính xong. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1200)
Es geht um etwas Geschäftliches. Nó liên quan đến công việc kinh doanh / làm ăn. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1239)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính gửi ông bà, (Lektion 89, Nr. 1317)
Sehr geehrte Frau ..., Kính gửi bà .. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1318)
Sehr geehrter Herr ..., Kính gửi ông .. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1319)
Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, Kính gửi quý khách hàng (Lektion 89, Nr. 1320)
Sehr geehrte Kunden, Kính gửi các quý khách hàng (Lektion 89, Nr. 1321)
Mit besten Grüßen, Kính chào! (Lektion 89, Nr. 1340)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính thưa quý ông, quý bà (Lektion 91, Nr. 1362)
Sehr geehrte Frau ..., Kính chào bà .. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1363)
Sehr geehrter Herr ..., Kính chào ông .. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1364)
Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, Kính thưa quý khách hàng (Lektion 91, Nr. 1365)
Diese E-Mail ist eine interne Mitteilung. Sie darf nicht an Personen außerhalb des Unternehmens geschickt werden. Bức thư này mang tính nội bộ. Yêu cầu không tiết lộ cho người ngoài công ty. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1379)
Im Anhang dieser E-Mail finden Sie das Dokument, das Sie angefragt haben. Trong phần đính kèm của thư này anh / chị sẽ tìm thấy văn bản được yêu cầu. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1381)
Die Übertragung war leider unvollständig. Đường truyền fax không ổn định. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1417)
Ich habe die letzten drei Jahre für ein Unternehmen in Peking gearbeitet. Tôi đã làm việc cho một công ty tại Bắc Kinh trong ba năm vừa qua. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1432)
Ich schreibe gerade an meiner Doktorarbeit zum Thema Energiepolitik in Japan. Tôi đang viết luận văn tiến sĩ về đề tài: „Chính sách năng lượng ở Nhật Bản“ (Lektion 94, Nr. 1433)
Ich bin zuständig für Marketing und PR. Tôi chịu trách nhiệm về lĩnh vực tiếp thị và quan hệ công chúng. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1438)
In welcher Branche arbeiten Sie? Anh / Chị làm việc trong lĩnh vực nào? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1458)
Was für ein schreckliches Wetter heute! Thời tiết hôm nay thật là kinh khủng. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1503)
Wir haben wirklich Glück mit dem Wetter. Normalerweise ist es um diese Jahreszeit viel kälter. Chúng ta thật là có may mắn với thời tiết. Bình thường vào mùa này trời lạnh hơn nhiều. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1505)
Wie halten Sie sich fit? Anh / Chị làm thế nào để giữ cho mình luôn khỏe mạnh? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1515)
Ich gehe zwei Mal die Woche ins Fitnessstudio. Tôi đi tập thể hình hai lần một tuần. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1520)
Sind Sie verheiratet? Anh / Chị đã lập gia đình / kết hôn chưa? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1522)
Letzten Monat haben wir einen wundervollen Abend in der Oper verbracht: Auf dem Spielplan stand Nabucco von Guiseppe Verdi. Tháng trước chúng tôi đã có một buổi tối tuyệt vời tại nhà hát kịch Opera. Chương trình biểu diễn hôm đó là vở „Nabucco „ của Giuseppe Verdi. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1536)
Mir ist etwas dazwischengekommen. Tôi có việc nảy sinh. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1559)
Leider komme ich 30 Minuten später an als geplant. Rất xin lỗi tôi đến muộn hơn 30 phút so với dự định. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1562)
Das Angebot gilt nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Chương trình khuyến mại với số lượng nhất định. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1573)
Wir können die bestellte Ware voraussichtlich bis zum 15.06. liefern. Chúng tôi dự tính có thể chuyển hàng cho quý khách đến ngày 15.06. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1575)
Ich habe meinen Arbeitsaufwand berechnet und kann Ihnen folgendes Angebot machen: Sau khi tính toán mọi chi phí, tôi có các đơn chào hàng cho quý khách như sau: (Lektion 98, Nr. 1577)
Leider müssen Sie mit einer längeren Lieferzeit rechnen. Rất tiếc quý khách phải tính tới việc thời gian vận chuyển bị kéo dài thêm. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1594)
Leider kam Ihre Bestellung als unzustellbar an uns zurück. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre korrekte Lieferadresse mit. Rất tiếc hàng bị chuyển lại chỗ chúng tôi. Xin vui lòng thông báo cho chúng tôi địa chỉ giao hàng chính xác của quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1597)
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob diese Informationen richtig sind. Tôi không dám chắc những thông tin trên là chính xác. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1608)
Hier bin ich nicht sicher, ob deine Übersetzung korrekt ist. Tôi không chắc phần dịch này của anh / chị là chính xác. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1613)
Ich brauche mehr Informationen über die Finanzkrise in Frankreich. Tôi cần thêm thông tin về cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính tại Pháp. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1615)
Ich suche nach Literatur zum Thema Energiepolitik. Tôi đang tìm một số tài liệu viết về vấn đề „chính sách năng lượng“. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1617)
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie ich in diesem Fall entscheiden soll. Ist etwas Vergleichbares schon einmal vorgekommen? Tôi không biết nên quyết định thế nào trong trường hợp này. Đã có một trường hợp tương tự nào xảy ra chưa? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1618)
Ich schreibe an einem Artikel über Russlands Außenpolitik. Man hat Sie mir als Experten zu diesem Thema empfohlen. Tôi đang viết một bài báo về chính sách đối ngoại của nước Nga. Tôi đã được giới thiệu rằng ông / bà là chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1621)
Ich habe hier alles Wesentliche zu diesem Thema zusammengefasst. Tôi đã tóm lược những nội dung chính về vấn đề này ở đây. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1630)
Die Sachlage zu diesem Problem stellt sich wie folgt dar: Tình hình chung của vấn đề này là như sau: (Lektion 99, Nr. 1634)
Die Kollegin aus der Forschungsabteilung wird uns ihre Ergebnisse in einem Zwischenbericht vorstellen. Đồng nghiệp từ phòng nghiên cứu sẽ trình bày cho chúng ta kết quả nghiên cứu qua một báo cáo ngắn gọn. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1635)
Auf unserer Tagesordnung stehen heute vier wichtige Themen. Chương trình của buổi họp hôm nay bao gồm bốn nội dung quan trọng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1645)
Die Tagesordnung finden Sie auf dem Zettel vor Ihnen. Tờ giấy trước mặt quý vị ghi chương trình dự thảo cuộc họp hôm nay. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1646)
Heute wird es darum gehen, die Strategie für das kommende Geschäftsjahr festzulegen. Trong buổi họp hôm nay chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau ấn định chiến lược kinh doanh cho năm tới. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1647)
In meinem kurzen Referat möchte ich Ihnen einen Überblick über unsere aktuellen Projekte geben. Từ bản thuyết trình ngắn này, tôi muốn gửi đến quý vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những dự án hiện nay của chúng ta. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1653)
In meinem heutigen Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen die Probleme, die bei der Qualitätssicherung auftreten können, näher beschreiben. Trong bài phát biểu của tôi hôm nay, tôi muốn miêu tả kỹ hơn về những vấn đề có thể gặp phải trong quá trình quản lí chất lượng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1654)
Ich möchte Ihnen das Problem mit Hilfe dieser Grafik veranschaulichen. Xin mời quý vị cùng theo dõi biểu đồ sau để hình dung rõ hơn về vấn đề. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1655)
Mir ist nicht klar, worauf du hinaus willst. Tôi không rõ anh / chị định nói điều gì. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1667)
Neben meinem Studium möchte ich praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. Bên cạnh việc học đại học tôi cũng muốn thu thập thêm kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1731)
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Personalmanagement vertiefen. Tôi muốn có kiến thức chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực quản lý nhân sự. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1733)
Ich möchte Praxiserfahrung sammeln. Tôi muốn thu thập kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1734)
Ich möchte mich beruflich orientieren. Tôi muốn định hướng nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1736)
Wir erwarten, dass Sie über sehr gute PC-Kenntnisse verfügen. Chúng tôi mong đợi rằng anh / chị có kiến thức rất tốt về máy tính. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1746)
Das Praktikum ermöglicht Ihnen Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche unseres Unternehmens. Khóa thực tập tạo điều kiện cho anh / chị có cái nhìn tổng quát về tất cả các lĩnh vực của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1752)
Ich habe gelernt, wie man einen Vortrag sinnvoll strukturiert und interessant gestaltet. Tôi đã học được cách cấu trúc hợp lý và trình bày hấp dẫn một bài thuyết trình. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1757)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Das Praktikum war eine tolle Erfahrung. Khóa thực tập là một kinh nghiệm tuyệt vời. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1766)
Wir suchen erfahrene Mitarbeiter. Chúng tôi cần tìm một nhân viên có kinh nghiệm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1773)
Sie haben Ihre Promotion im Fach Bioinformatik erfolgreich abgeschlossen? Anh / Chị đã tốt nghiệp thành công tiến sĩ về lĩnh vực tin sinh học phải không? (Lektion 104, Nr. 1776)
Sie sollten ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaft vorweisen können. Anh / Chị cần phải chứng minh được việc tốt nghiệp đại học với chuyên ngành kinh tế. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1777)
Sie haben Ihr Studium erfolgreich abgeschlossen und schon einige Erfahrungen in der Praxis gesammelt. Anh / Chị đã tốt nghiệp đại học thành công và đã có một chút kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1778)
Mindestens drei Jahre Berufserfahrung sind von Vorteil. Ít nhất ba năm kinh nghiệm thực tế là một ưu điểm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1779)
Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört die Konzeption, Durchführung und Auswertung von Analysen im Bereich Finanzierung. Công việc của anh / chị bao gồm làm dự thảo, thực hiện và đánh giá các phân tích trong lĩnh vực tài chính. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1781)
Erfahrungen im Bereich Projektmanagement sind von Vorteil. Kinh ngiệm về quản lý dự án là một ưu điểm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1783)
Mit Ihrem Team sind Sie für das Marketing in unserem Unternehmen zuständig. Cùng với nhóm của mình anh / chị chịu trách nhiệm về lĩnh vực marketing trong công ty. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1785)
Wir suchen eine engagierte und kreative Persönlichkeit. Chúng tôi cần tìm một người có tính trách nhiệm và sáng tạo. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1786)
Sie verfügen über vielfältige Berufserfahrungen in der Branche. Anh / Chị có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh lực này. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1788)
Sie haben mehrjährige Erfahrungen in einem großen Unternehmen gesammelt. Anh / Chị đã thu thập được kinh nghiệm làm việc lâu năm trong một công ty lớn. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1790)
Sie denken und handeln unternehmerisch. Anh / Chị nghĩ và hành động có tính doanh nghiệp. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1791)
Bitte geben Sie in Ihrem Schreiben auch Ihre Gehaltsvorstellungen mit an. Xin hãy cho biết mức lương mong muốn của mình trong thư xin việc. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1794)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính gửi: Ông / Bà .... (Lektion 105, Nr. 1805)
Ich habe mein Studium mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen und schon über sieben Jahre Berufserfahrung. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi và đã có trên bảy năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1812)
Ich arbeite zielorientiert und verantwortungsbewusst. Tôi làm viêc có định hướng mục tiêu và có trách nhiệm. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1818)
Ich bin kreativ. Tôi có tính sáng tạo. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1821)
Ich bin verheiratet. Tôi đã lập gia đình. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1839)
Von 1998 bis 2001 habe ich eine Ausbildung zum Kaufmann gemacht. Từ 1998 đến 2001 tôi đã tham gia khóa học đào tạo kinh doanh. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1841)
Ich habe vier Jahre Wirtschaftswissenschaft studiert. Tôi đã học đại học chuyên ngành kinh tế bốn năm. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1846)
Bis jetzt war ich als Projektmanager für den internationalen Austausch in meiner Firma zuständig. Cho đến nay với tư cách giám đốc dự án tôi đã chịu trách nhiệm trong các chương trình trao đổi quốc tế của công ty. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1853)
Ich habe zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing und PR. Tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp trong lĩnh vực marketing và đối ngoại. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1855)
Haben Sie Auslandserfahrung? Anh / Chị có kinh nghiệm nước ngoài không? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1868)
Ich habe mich für das Studium an der Fachhochschule entschieden, weil mir eine praxisnahe Ausbildung wichtig ist. Tôi đã quyết định học cao đẳng, vì đối với tôi đào tạo thực tiễn rất quan trọng. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1874)
Welche Berufserfahrung haben Sie? Anh / Chị có những kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp gì? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1880)
Was war die schwierigste Entscheidung, die Sie bisher treffen mussten? Quyết định khó khăn nhất mà anh / chị từng gặp phải là gì? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1894)
Wie gut sind Ihre PC-Kenntnisse? Kiến thức về máy tính của anh / chị thế nào? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1909)
Ich bin es gewohnt mit verschiedenen Betriebssystemen zu arbeiten. Ich kann schnell umdenken. Tôi đã quen với các hệ thống chương trình khác nhau. Tôi có thể suy nghĩ nhanh. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1918)
Mit diesem Programm arbeite ich seit Jahren. Từ nhiều năm tôi làm việc với chương trình này. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1919)
Von anderen Bewerbern unterscheidet mich, dass ich sowohl alle Qualifikationen mitbringe als auch schon mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in dieser Branche habe. Tôi khác biệt so với các người xin việc khác ở kinh nghiệm chuyên môn cũng như kinh nghiệm thực tiễn lâu năm trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1920)
Sind Sie ein politischer Mensch? Anh / Chị là người có tính chính trị phải không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1923)
Zu meinen Stärken zähle ich, dass ich zuverlässig und ergebnisorientiert arbeite. Điểm mạnh của tôi là làm việc có trách nhiệm và có định hướng kết quả. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1936)
Ich denke und handle unternehmerisch. Tôi nghĩ và hành động có tính doanh nghiệp. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1937)
Ich interessiere mich für Politik und verfolge die Nachrichten täglich. Aber ich möchte mich nicht in einer Partei engagieren. Tôi quan tâm đến chính trị và theo dõi tin tức hàng ngày. Nhưng tôi không muốn tham gia vào đảng phái nào. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1940)
Warum sollten wir uns für Sie entscheiden? Vì sao chúng tôi nên quyết định nhận anh / chị? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1945)
Wie schätzen Sie die aktuelle Situation Ihres Unternehmens ein? Tình trạng hiện nay của công ty thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1961)
Könnten Sie mir bitte beschreiben, wie ein typischer Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aussieht? Ông / Bà có thể cho tôi biết, một ngày làm việc điển hình ở đây thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1963)
Ich möchte mich nach dem Stand des Bewerbungsverfahrens erkundigen. Tôi muốn hỏi về hiện trạng của quá trình tuyển dụng. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1975)
Leider haben wir uns für einen anderen Bewerber entschieden. Đáng tiếc chúng tôi đã quyết định chọn người khác. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1989)
Meine Firma stellt Computerprozessoren her. Công ty của tôi sản xuất bộ vi xử lý máy tính. (Lektion 110, Nr. 1999)
Ich arbeite für eine Nichtregierungsorganisation. Tôi làm việc cho một tổ chức phi chính phủ. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2004)
Wir sind ein Familienunternehmen. Chúng tôi là một doanh nghiệp gia đình. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2016)
Können Sie bitte meinen Rechner konfigurieren? Anh / Chị có thể cấu hình lại máy tính của tôi được không? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2037)
Mein Bildschirm ist zu klein. Ich brauche einen neuen – mit mindestens 26 Zoll. Màn hình của tôi quá nhỏ. Tôi cần một cái mới cỡ 26 inch. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2039)
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem neuen Flachbildschirm. Tôi rất hài lòng với màn hình phẳng mới này. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2040)
Um dieses Programm installieren zu können, müssen Sie zunächst unseren Lizenzbedingungen zustimmen. Để cài đặt chương trình này, anh / chị phải chấp thuận các điều kiện về bản quyền. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2041)
Wie sicher ist unser Netzwerk? Mạng (máy tính) của chúng ta có chắc chắn không? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2042)
Läuft die Beta-Version des neuen Programms mittlerweile stabil? Phiên bản Beta của chương trình mới chạy có ổn định không? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2044)
Bitte installieren Sie dieses Programm auf meinen Rechner. Xin hãy cài đặt chương trình này vào máy tính của tôi. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2051)
Bitte laden Sie ein Update des Programms herunter und installieren Sie es. Xin hãy tải chương trình mới xuống và cài đặt. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2053)
Mein PC ist defekt. Máy tính của tôi bị hỏng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2059)
Mein Rechner ist abgestürzt. Máy tính của tôi bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2060)
Das Programm ist abgestürzt. Chương trình bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2061)
Mein Bildschirm ist ausgefallen. Màn hình của tôi bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2065)
Mein Rechner kann keine Verbindung ins Internet aufbauen. Máy tính của tôi không thể nối vào Internet. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2067)
Mein Rechner hat einen Virus. Máy tính của tôi nhiễm virus. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2069)
Das ist eine Sicherheitslücke in dem Programm! Đây là lỗ hổng bảo mật trong chương trình. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2070)
Unsere Entwickler arbeiten an einer Lösung dieses Problems. Người lập trình của chúng tôi đang làm việc để giải quyết vấn đề này. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2071)
Ich habe meinen Computer auf Viren untersucht und mehrere gefunden. Was kann ich jetzt machen? Tôi đã kiểm tra máy tính và tìm thấy nhiều virus. Bây giờ tôi có thể làm gì? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2072)
Haben Sie den Computer eingeschaltet? Anh / Chị đã bật máy tính chưa? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2074)
Die Festplatte muss neu konfiguriert werden. Ổ cứng phải được cấu hình lại. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2077)
Bitte ändern Sie die Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihres Rechners. Xin hãy thay đổi việc thiết lập an toàn cho máy tính của anh / chị. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2078)
Du musst dieses Programm installieren. Anh / Chị phải cài đặt chương trình này. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2079)
Heute möchte ich Ihnen die Verkaufszahlen des letzten Quartals vorstellen. Hôm nay tôi muốn được trình bày với quý vị doanh số bán hàng của quý vừa rồi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2089)
Heute darf ich Ihnen unsere Marketingstrategie für das kommende Jahr vorstellen. Hôm nay tôi xin phép được trình bày với quý vị chiến lược Marketing trong năm tới của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2090)
Ich beginne nun mit meinem Vortrag – auch wenn noch nicht alle Kollegen da sind. Mặc dù không có mặt tất cả các đồng nghiệp ở đây, tôi vẫn xin phép được bắt đầu bài thuyết trình của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2094)
Mein Vortrag ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut: Bài thuyết trình của tôi được bố cục như sau: (Lektion 114, Nr. 2095)
Ehe ich Ihnen die Details vorstelle, möchte ich Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über die wesentlichen Punkte geben. Trước khi đi vào nội dung chi tiết, tôi muốn cung cấp cho quy vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những điểm chính. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2096)
Im Anschluss an meinen Vortrag, freue ich mich auf Ihre Fragen. Ngay sau bài thuyết trình của mình, tôi rất vui khi nhận được các câu hỏi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2099)
Bitte schauen Sie sich nun diese Grafik an hier: Deutlich können Sie erkennen, dass der Umsatz im Sommer eingebrochen ist. Bây giờ quý vị làm ơn hãy nhìn vào hình đồ thị này: quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ doanh thu đã sụt giảm trong mùa hè. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2102)
In diesem Diagramm habe ich den Anstieg der Kosten in einer Kurve veranschaulicht. Trong biểu đồ này tôi đã minh họa sự gia tăng kinh phí bằng một đường đồ thị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2103)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
In dieser Abbildung habe ich den Prozess systematisch dargestellt. Trong hình vẽ này tôi đã phác họa lại quy trình hoạt động một cách hệ thống. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2107)
Wie würden Sie das entscheiden? Quý vị sẽ quyết định thế nào trong việc này? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2109)
Auf diesen Punkt gehe ich später noch detailliert ein. Tôi sẽ trình bày rõ hơn về điểm này trong phần sau. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2111)
Bitte merken Sie sich Ihre Frage. Ich möchte sie gerne nach meiner Präsentation beantworten. Xin quý vị hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi của mình. Tôi sẽ trả lời sau bài giới thiệu của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2112)
Ich fand Ihre Präsentation sehr interessant. Tôi thấy bài thuyết trình của anh / chị / ông / bà rất thú vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2120)
Ich habe den roten Faden verloren. Tôi không nắm được ý chính (của bài diễn thuyết). (Lektion 114, Nr. 2123)
Das ist die Ursache des Problems. Đây chính là nguyên nhân của vấn đề. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2143)
Das ist ein Vorteil. Đó chính là một ưu thế / ưu điểm. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2145)
Das ist ein Nachteil. Đó chính là một nhược điểm / hạn chế. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2146)
Meine Aufgabe ist es einen Teil der Software zu programmieren. Nhiệm vụ của tôi là lập trình một phần của phần mềm. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2171)
Für dieses Projekt fehlen uns die finanziellen Mittel. Chúng ta thiếu nguồn tài chính cho dự án này. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2178)
Das können wir uns nicht leisten. Chúng ta không đủ khả năng tài chính. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2179)
Sie sind sehr motiviert. Anh / Chị rất nhiệt tình. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2225)
Das Projekt überschreitet die festgelegten Kosten. Dự án này vượt quá mức kinh phí dự định. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2234)
Dieses Produkt ist im Angebot: Es kostet jetzt nur noch die Hälfte. Sản phẩm này đang có khuyến mại, giá bán còn một nửa so với giá bán bình thường. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2250)
Das ist ein Sonderangebot. Đây là một chương trình khuyến mại đặc biệt. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2251)
Dieses Gerät ist besonders gründlich. Chiếc máy này đặc biệt chính xác. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2262)
Dieses Programm ist vollkommen überarbeitet. Chương trình này đã được sửa đổi lại hoàn toàn. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2267)
Das ist ein Original. Đây là sản phẩm chính gốc. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2268)
Ich bin dafür nicht zuständig. Tôi không chịu trách nhiệm trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2286)
Was kostet die Miete für einen komplett eingerichteten Messestand mit 15 qm²? Tiền thuê một gian trưng bày 15 mét vuông được trang trí hoàn chỉnh là bao nhiêu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2308)
Wo sind die Toiletten? Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2321)
Reichen Sie Ihre Rede bis zum 15.02. bei der Jury ein. Xin quý vị hãy gửi bài phát biểu của mình tới hội đồng giám khảo đến ngày 15.2. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2357)
Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Tagungen und Konferenzen. Kinh nghiệm lâu năm của chúng tôi trong việc lên kế hoạch, tổ chức và điều hành hội thảo, hội nghị sẽ đem lại cho quí vị nhiều lợi ích. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2359)
Diese Tagung lädt Experten aus dem Bereich Metallverarbeitung ein, ihr Wissen auszutauschen. Hội nghị này sẽ mời các chuyên gia từ lĩnh vực xử lý kim loại đến để trao đổi kiến thức. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2361)
Ich halte einen Vortrag auf dieser Konferenz. Tôi sẽ có một bài thuyết trình tại cuộc hội thảo này. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2365)
Ich werde die Ergebnisse meiner Forschungsarbeiten vorstellen. Tôi sẽ giới thiệu các kết quả từ công trình nghiên cứu của mình. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2366)
Das ist das Programm der Konferenz. Đây là bản chương trình của buổi hội nghị. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2368)
Das Programm umfasst 35 Vorträge zu wissenschaftlichen Themen. Chương trình gồm 35 bài thuyết trình về các chủ đề khoa học. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2369)
Ihren Pass, bitte. Xin ông / bà / anh / chị trình hộ chiếu. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2385)
Das sollten Sie unbedingt probieren! Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà nhất định phải ăn thử món này. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2435)
Normalerweise beschwere ich mich nicht, aber in diesem Fall muss ich. Bình thường tôi không bao giờ khiếu nại, nhưng trong trường hợp này tôi bắt buộc phải làm. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2465)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt und wurde beim Transport beschädigt. Sản phẩm được đóng không cẩn thận và bị hỏng trong quá trình vận chuyển. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2478)
Der Betrag der Bestellung wurde falsch berechnet. Tổng số tiền của đơn đặt hàng bị tính nhầm. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2484)
Sie haben zu viel berechnet. Quý vị đã tính lên quá nhiều. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2485)
Sie haben die falschen Waren berechnet. Quý vị đã tính sai hàng hóa. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2486)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính gửi ông/bà (Lektion 126, Nr. 2523)
Sehr geehrter Herr ... Kính gửi ông ... (Lektion 126, Nr. 2524)
Sehr geehrte Frau ... Kính gửi bà... (Lektion 126, Nr. 2525)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Trân trọng, / Kính thư, (Lektion 126, Nr. 2546)
Ich werde bei unserer Bank nachfragen, warum sich die Zahlung verzögert. Tôi sẽ hỏi lại ngân hàng, tại sao quá trình thanh toán bị chậm. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2552)

51 Are you a student? Cô đang là học sinh phải không?
350 They like horror movies. Họ thích lm kinh dị.
418 Zhirong's watching television. Chí Vinh đang xem vô tuyến.
420 But Zhirong has a guitar. Nhưng Chí Vinh có một cây đàn guitar.
422 Zhirong plays the guitar. Chí Vinh chơi guitar.
424 Is Zhirong playing the guitar? — No, he isn't. Chí Vinh có đang chơi guita không? Không.
425 Does he play the guitar? — Yes, he does. Chí Vinh có chơi guitar không? Có.
501 Ask if he has a smart phone. — No, he hasn't got a smart phone. Hỏi xem anh ấy có điện thoại thông minh không. - Không, anh ấy không có điện thoại thông minh.
676 In two-thousand-one we were living in Japan. Năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một chúng tôi sống ở Nhật Bản.
891 I've known Mengjuan since two thousand two (2002). Tôi đã biết Mộng Quyên từ năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một.
900 present. > I don't have a present for her yet. Ngày mai là sinh nhật Rashmi, mà tôi chưa mua quà cho cô ấy. Tôi chưa có quà cho cô ấy.
954 yet. Kiến Hào và Nhã Linh chưa nói với ai là họ đã cưới nhau.
1018 Whwas the telephone invented? Điện thoại được phát minh khi nào?
1022 I was born in Colombia in nineteeighty-nine (1989). Tôi sinh ra ở Colombia năm 1980.
1023 Where were you born? — In Taipei. Cậu sinh ra ở đâu? - Ở Đài Bắc.
1024 (1876). Điện thoại được Bell phát minh năm 1879.
1028 Glass is made from sand. Thuỷ tinh được làm từ cát.
1043 Where were you born? Cậu được sinh ra ở đâu?
1046 Whwas the bicycle invented? Xe đạp được phát minh khi nào?
1055 Arturo was born in Havana. Arturo sinh ra ở Havana.
1056 Anna was born in Rome. Anna sinh ra ở Roma.
1057 Her parents were born in Rio de Janeiro. Bố mẹ cô ấy sinh ra ở Rio de Janeiro.
1058 I was born in London. Tôi sinh ra ở London.
1059 My mother was born in Paris. Mẹ tôi sinh ra ở Paris.
1139 Where was your mother born? Mẹ cậu sinh ra ở đâu?
1251 present. Tuần sau là sinh nhật Violetta. Chúng tôi định tặng cô ấy một món quà.
1289 It's Qasim's birthday next Monday. He'll be twenty- ve (25). Thứ hai này là sinh nhật Qasim. Anh ấy sẽ tròn hai mươi lăm tuổi.
1292 I don't think Jiyeong will pass his driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Chí Vinh sẽ không qua được kì thi lái xe.
1386 I'm having a party next week, but Hyeonyeong and Maengsuk can't come. Tuần sau tôi có một bữa tiệc nhưng Hiền Vinh và Mạnh Thục không đến được.
1444 High school students who want to go to college must get good grades. Những học sinh phổ thông trung học muốn vào đại học phải có điểm số cao.
1447 We mustn't forget to send Rita a birthday card. Chúng ta không được quên gửi thiếp mừng sinh nhật cho Rita.
1509 At the end of the course all the students had to take a test. Cuối khoá học tất cả học sinh phải làm bài thi.
1585 Zhirong would prefer not to go out. Chí Vinh thấy không ra ngoài thì hơn.
1667 How many students are there in the class? — Twenty. Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi.
1672 There are eight (8) planets in the solar system. Có tám hành tinh trong hệ mặt trời.
1722 Last week I went back to the town where I was born. It's very di erent now. There have bea lot of changes. Tuần trước tôi trở về thị trấn nơi tôi sinh ra. Bây giờ nó đã khác rất nhiều. Đã có nhiều thay đổi.
1731 It's Kelly's birthday today. She's twenty-sev(27). Hôm nay là sinh nhật Kelly. Cô ấy hai mươi bảy tuổi.
1845 I was born in Italy. — You were? I didn't know that. Tôi sinh ra ở Ý. Thế à? Tôi không biết đấy.
1865 The movie wasn't very good, was it? — No, it was terrible. Bộ phim không hay lắm phải không? - Phải, chán kinh khủng.
1979 We decided not to go out because of the weather. Chúng tôi quyết đinh không đi ra ngoài vì lí do thời tiết.
1993 I was really astonished. I didn't know what to say. Tôi đã thực sự kinh ngạc. Tôi đã không biết phải nói gì.
2025 about foreign policy. Sau khi thảo luận về kinh tế, tổng thống tiếp tục nói về chính sách đối ngoại.
2051 The o ce I worked at was horrible. I hated working there. Văn phòng chỗ tôi làm việc rất kinh khủng. Tôi ghét làm việc ở đó.
2162 ve-one-two (512) from Beijing. Chuyến bay tiếp theo đến cổng bốn là chuyến 512 bay từ Bắc Kinh.
2164 Anastasia's a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam. Anatasia là một học sinh rất giỏi. Cô ấy chắc chắn sẽ qua kì thi.
2229 They o ered me the job because I had a lot of experience. Họ nhận tôi làm việc vì tôi có nhiều kinh nghiệm.
2244 He was an NYU student. Anh ấy từng là sinh viên trường Đại học New York.
2246 I don't think Marco will get the job, because he doesn't have enough experience. Tôi không nghĩ Marco sẽ được nhận vào việc bởi vì anh ấy không có đủ kinh nghiệm.
2277 Who's the youngest student in the class? Ai là học sinh ít tuổi nhất trong lớp?
2279 The economy was bad, so a lot of people were out of work. Kinh tế khi ấy tồi tệ nên nhiều người không có việc làm.
2293 The Chinese invented printing. Người Trung Quốc phát minh ra in ấn.
2375 Student drivers are not allowed to drive by themselves. Những người lái xe cho học sinh không được phép tự lái xe cho mình.
2377 the cost of living. Mọi thứ giờ đắt hơn. Có một sự tăng mạnh trong phí sinh hoạt.
2409 I don't know anything about economics. Tôi chẳng biết gì về kinh tế.
2462 It was a terrible re. The whole building got destroyed. Đấy là một đám cháy kinh khủng. Cả toà nhà bị phá huỷ.
2467 The students were each given a book. Các học sinh được đưa cho mỗi người một quyển sách.
2483 It seems that Earth is the only planet that can support life. Có vẻ như Trái Đất là hành tinh duy nhất có thể nuôi sự sống.
2554 didn't understand it. Giải thích của giáo viên rất khó hiểu. Hầu hết học sinh không hiểu nó.
2555 The kitchen hadn't been cleaned in ages. It was really disgusting. Bếp lâu lắm rồi chưa được dọn. Nó thực sự rất kinh.
2590 Is Raj going to apply for the job? Does he have enough experience? > Is he experienced enough for the job? Raj định nộp đơn xin việc đó phải không? Anh ấy có đủ kinh nghiệm không? > Anh ấy có đủ kinh nghiệm để làm việc đó không?
2680 Jiyeong works as the manager in his company. Chí Vinh làm chức giám đốc trong công ti của anh ấy.
2770 Some American companies give college graduates a check FOR ve thousand dollars ($5000) AS a signing bonus. Một số công ti của Mĩ cho sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học một tờ cheque năm nghìn dollar coi như tiền thưởng kí kết.
2803 Everybody was shocked by the news on September eleventh (11th), two thousand one (2001). Mọi người đều choáng vì tin ngày mười một tháng chín năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một.
2866 Some students were suspected of cheating on the exam. Một số học sinh bị kết tội gian lận trong kì thi.
2883 Do you blame the government for the economic crisis? > I think everybody wants to blame the government for the economic crisis. Cậu có đổ lỗi cho chính phủ về khủng hoảng kinh tế không? > Tôi nghĩ mọi người muốn đổ lỗi cho chính phủ về khủng hoảng kinh tế.
2886 EN I think the increase in suicides recently is to be blamed on the economy. Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng số vụ tự sát gần đây là lỗi tại kinh tế.
2896 It's terrible that some people are dying of hunger while others eat too much. Thật kinh khủng khi một số người đang chết vì đói trong khi những người khác ăn quá nhiều.
2921 Xavier went to college but dropped out after a couple semesters. He's what we call a college drop-out. Xavier đã đi học đại học nhưng đã thôi học sau vài học kì. Anh ấy là kiểu mà chúng ta gọi là sinh viên bỏ học.
2924 with murder. Cảnh sát thông minh hơn kẻ sát nhân; hắn đơn giản là không thể thoát khỏi tội giết người.
2930 Please buy more toilet paper before you use it all up. Làm ơn mua thêm giấy vệ sinh trước khi cậu dùng hết nó.
2942 Mahmud always dozes o in economics class. Mahmud luôn gà gật trong giờ học kinh tế.
2966 There are two (2) universities in the city, and students make up twenty percent (20%) of the population. Có hai trường đại học trong thành phố và sinh viên chiếm hai mươi phần trăm dân số.
2979 The two (2) brothers are identical twins, so everybody gets them mixed up. Hai anh em là cặp sinh đôi cùng trứng. Vậy nên mọi người thường lẫn lộn họ với nhau.
2982 Whoever used up all the milk and eggs should go out and buy some more. And get some toilet paper while you're at it. Bất cứ ai đã dùng hết sữa và trứng nên ra ngoài và mua thêm. Và hãy lấy một ít giấy vệ sinh khi đấy là bạn.
2997 My rst job was at a travel agency, and I didn't like it much. But now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot. Công việc đầu tiên của tôi là ở một đại lí du lịch và tôi không thích nó lắm. Nhưng giờ nhìn lại vào kinh nghiệm, tôi thực sự đã học từ đấy nhiều thứ.

accept sb as sth: He never really accepted her as his own child. accept
Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions. accept
accept sth as sth: Can we accept his account as the true version? accept
I am not prepared to accept that this decision is final. accept
You have to accept the consequences of your actions. accept
accept sth: They accepted the court's decision. accept
She's decided not to accept the job. accept
acceptable to sb: We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties. acceptable
access to sth: The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. access
Students must have access to good resources. access
You need a password to get access to the computer system. access
One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers. accident
I didn't think our meeting was accidental—he must have known I would be there. accidental
As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in the face. accidentally
The damage couldn't have been caused accidentally. accidentally
The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience. according to
The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers. on account of sb/sth
How do you account for the show's success? account for sth
an accurate description/account/calculation accurate
accurate information/data accurate
Accurate records must be kept. accurate
The police are trying to obtain a more accurate picture of crime levels. accurate
a highly accurate electronic compass accurate
accurate to within 3 mm accurate
My watch is not very accurate. accurate
Scientists have found a more accurate way of dating cave paintings. accurate
The article accurately reflects public opinion. accurately
You need to hit the ball accurately. accurately
The report accurately reflects the current state of the industry. accurately
The government was accused of incompetence. accuse
They were proud of their children's achievements. achievement
Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility? acknowledge
soldiers killed in action action
The time has come for action if these beautiful animals are to survive. action
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions. action
sexually active teenagers active
They were both politically active. active
economic activity activity
The streets were noisy and full of activity. activity
James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact (= really) he is five years older. actual
adapt sth: These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. adapt
The organisms were forced to adapt in order to survive. adapt
adapt yourself to sth: It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. adapt
Three of her novels have been adapted for television. adapt
an addition to the family (= another child) addition
last minute additions to the government's package of proposals addition
additional resources/funds/security additional
The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service. additional
people of no fixed address (= with no permanent home) address
There is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students. adequate
adjust sth: Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly. adjust
This button is for adjusting the volume. adjust
The brakes need to be adjusted. adjust
adjust sth to sth: Adjust your language to the age of your audience. adjust
They'll be fine—they just need time to adjust. adjust
adjust to sth: After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark. adjust
adjust to doing sth: It took her a while to adjust to living alone. adjust
It can be difficult to adjust to being a parent. adjust
adjust yourself to sth: You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life. adjust
My eyes were still trying to adjust themselves to the strong sunlight. adjust
admire sb/sth: I really admire your enthusiasm. admire
You have to admire the way he handled the situation. admire
He refused to admit his guilt. admit
admit to doing sth: She admits to being strict with her children. admit
admit sth: He admitted all his mistakes. admit
be admitted that...: It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly. admit
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. adopt
Why can't you two act like civilized adults? adult
The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed. adult
major advances in the field of physics advance
an advanced student of English advanced
She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. take advantage of sth/sb
He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give). take advantage of sth/sb
a sense/spirit of adventure adventure
the adverts on television advert
advertise sth (as sth): The cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'. advertise
radio/TV advertising advertising
She advises the government on environmental issues. advise
I looked after my father's financial affairs. affair
She wanted to put her affairs in order before she died. affair
She is having an affair with her boss. affair
They had a passionate affair for six months. affair
She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair. affair
world/international/business affairs affair
an expert on foreign affairs (= political events in other countries) affair
Your opinion will not affect my decision. affect
The condition affects one in five women. affect
Children need lots of love and affection. affection
He didn't show his wife any affection. affection
She was held in deep affection by all her students. affection
affection for sb/sth: Mr Darcy's affection for his sister affection
I have a great affection for New York. affection
afraid of doing sth: I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night. afraid
Tamsin was afraid of making a fool of herself. afraid
It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside. after
Are you for or against the death penalty? against
She was beginning to feel her age (= feel that she was getting old). age
ways of calculating the age of the earth age
the age of the computer age
volunteers aged between 25 and 40 aged
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agency
It was on TV not (so) long ago. ago
agree with sth: I agree with her analysis of the situation. agree
'It's terrible.' 'I couldn't agree more!' (= I completely agree) agree
an international peace agreement agreement
agreement with sb: They have a free trade agreement with Australia. agreement
economic/humanitarian/emergency aid aid
medical aid programmes aid
This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer. aid
Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe. aim
She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech. aim
aim at sth: The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment. aim
She decided to sound the alarm (= warn people that the situation was dangerous). alarm
She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. alarmed
He has lost all his money. all
All I want is peace and quiet. all
He lives all alone. all
Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915. allied
Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing. allied
allied forces/troops allied
allow sth to do sth: He allowed his mind to wander. allow
allow yourself to do sth: She won't allow herself to be dictated to. allow
I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a cigar. allow
our European/NATO allies ally
a loyal ally of the United States ally
a close ally and friend of the prime minister ally
His sister was his ally against their grandparents. ally
The prince allied himself with the Scots. ally
I don't like going out alone at night. alone
He lives alone. alone
Finally the two of us were alone together. alone
She was sitting all alone in the hall. alone
Tom is not alone in finding Rick hard to work with. alone
It's hard bringing up children alone. alone
The assassin said he had acted alone. alone
Carol felt all alone in the world. alone
She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. leave/let sb alone
I've told you before—leave my things alone! leave/let sth alone
You'll find his office just along the corridor. along
I was just walking along singing to myself. along
a lifeboat moored alongside the yacht alongside
She was not only intelligent but also very musical. also
I am not altogether happy (= I am very unhappy) about the decision. altogether
amaze sb: Just the size of the place amazed her. amaze
it amazes sb that.../to see, find, learn, etc.: It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time. amaze
an amazed silence amazed
amazed at sb/sth: I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature. amazed
political/literary/sporting ambitions ambition
She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition. ambition
I found the letter amongst his papers. among
Discuss it among yourselves (= with each other) first. among
amuse sb: My funny drawings amused the kids. amuse
amuse sb: She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins. amuse
amuse yourself: I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. amuse
He tried to analyse his feelings. analyse
The first step is to define and analyse the problem. analyse
At the meeting they presented a detailed analysis of twelve schools in a London borough. analysis
ancient history/civilization ancient
'We talked for hours.' 'And what did you decide?' and
His hair was sticking up at all angles. angle
Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square. angry
angry with/at sb about/for sth: I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. angry
angry at/about/over sth: He felt angry at the injustice of the situation. angry
We found ourselves ankle-deep in water (= the water came up to our ankles). ankle
announce sth: They haven't formally announced their engagement yet. announce
announce sth to sb: The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs. announce
I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily. annoyed
He was annoyed to find himself going red. annoyed
an average annual growth rate of 8% annual
We need another computer (= a new one). another
The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100. answer
anticlimax anti-
it is anticipated that...: It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3%. anticipate
If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. anxiety
anxious (for sb): Parents are naturally anxious for their children. anxious
anxious for sth: There are plenty of graduates anxious for work. anxious
anxious that...: She was anxious that he should meet her father. anxious
Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision. anxiously
Any teacher will tell you that students learn at different rates. any
Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? anywhere
Their birthdays are only three days apart. apart
She keeps herself apart from other people. apart
I can't tell the twins apart (= see the difference between them). apart
It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems. apart from
My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school. apparent
The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. appeal
appeal to sb to do sth: The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): Community leaders appealed for calm (= urged people to remain calm). appeal
appear to do sth: She appeared to be in her late thirties. appear
He gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself. appearance
When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well). appearance
apply sth: to apply economic sanctions/political pressure apply
appoint sb: They have appointed a new head teacher at my son's school. appoint
appoint sb to do sth: A lawyer was appointed to represent the child. appoint
appointment for sb to do sth: She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor. appointment
Her family doesn't appreciate her. appreciate
Few writers approach his richness of language. approach
The time is fast approaching when we shall have to make a decision. approach
She hadn't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened. approach
approach to sth: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. approach
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
appropriate for sth: Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party. appropriate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
She desperately wanted to win her father's approval. approval
The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval. approval
parliamentary/congressional/government approval approval
Senior management have given their seal of approval (= formal approval) to the plans. approval
an approximate number/total/cost approximate
Use these figures as an approximate guide in your calculations. approximate
The journey took approximately seven hours. approximately
She was born in April. April
the areas of training and development area
Finance is Mark's area. area
Move the cursor to a blank area of the computer screen. area
argue for/against sth/doing sth: They argued for the right to strike. argue
argue sth: She argued the case for bringing back the death penalty. argue
After some heated argument a decision was finally taken. argument
Her main argument was a moral one. argument
A new crisis has arisen. arise
We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. arise
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
Digital television has been around for some time now. around
I must arrange my financial affairs and make a will. arrange
She arranged the flowers in a vase. arrange
She's happy with her unusual living arrangements. arrangement
new security arrangements arrangement
We're expecting a new arrival (= a baby) in the family soon. arrival
the arrival of pay TV arrival
to arrive at an agreement/a decision/a conclusion arrive at sth
an art critic/historian/lover art
Can we call television art? art
Her performance displayed great art. art
an art teacher/student/college/class art
lottery funding for the arts art
toilet articles such as soap and shampoo article
The articles found in the car helped the police to identify the body. article
A job interview is a very artificial situation. artificial
the artificial barriers of race, class and gender artificial
Among the artistes appearing on our show tonight we have... artist
He was a true artiste: sensitive, dramatic and tragic. artist
an artistic temperament (= behaviour thought to be typical of artists, musicians, etc.) artistic
She comes from a very artistic family. artistic
You can use that glass as a vase. as
It's my birthday. As if you didn't know! as if/as though
ashamed of sth: She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party. ashamed
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
ask sb to do sth: All the students were asked to complete a questionnaire. ask
ask sb for sth: Why don't you ask him for his advice? ask
ask about sb/sth: He asked about her family. ask
ask sb sth: She asked the students their names. ask
She was still half asleep (= not fully awake) when she arrived at work. asleep
activities that will assist the decision-making process assist
technical/economic/military assistance assistance
financial assistance for people on low incomes assistance
My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. assistant
He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies. associate
He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education. associated
a proven association between passive smoking and cancer association
assume (that)...: It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. assume
Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. assume
She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time. assume
it is assumed (that)...: It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. assume
In this example we have assumed a unit price of $10. assume
assume sb/sth to be/have sth: I had assumed him to be a Belgian. assume
We woke at dawn. at
This was Murray at his best. at
The children grew up in an atmosphere of violence and insecurity. atmosphere
attach sth: I attach a copy of my notes for your information. attach
I attach a copy of the spreadsheet (= send it with an email). attach
attach sth to sth: Attach the coupon to the front of your letter. attach
Please complete the attached application form. attached
an attack of nerves attack
an acute attack of food poisoning attack
a scathing attack on the government's policies attack
The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils. attack
attack sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members. attack
attack sb/sth: At dawn the army attacked the town. attack
I have some urgent business to attend to. attend to sb/sth
A nurse attended to his needs constantly. attend to sb/sth
for the attention of... (= written on the envelope of an official letter to say who should deal with it) attention
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention. attention
the government's attitude towards single parents attitude
Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love. attraction
The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden. attraction
She is the star attraction of the show. attraction
Your new glasses are very attractive. attractive
That's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality. attractive
They are able to offer attractive career opportunities to graduates. attractive
The debate was televised in front of a live audience. audience
I have to report this to the authorities. authority
She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses. authority
The director was not available for comment. available
an average rate/cost/price average
Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum. average
at an average speed of 100 miles per hour average
40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people. average
children of above/below average intelligence average
£20 for dinner is about average. average
I was just an average sort of student. average
The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. average
Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys. average
If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average (= average mark/grade) up to a B+. average
Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year. average
400 people a year die of this disease on average. average
Class sizes in the school are below the national average. average
You should avoid mentioning his divorce. avoid
to be half/fully awake awake
to be wide awake (= fully awake) awake
I was still awake when he came to bed. awake
I was finding it hard to stay awake. awake
She was awake (= not unconscious) during the operation on her leg. awake
The girls awoke to the sound of rain rattling on the windows. awake
awake to do sth: He awoke to find her gone. awake
awake sb: Her voice awoke the sleeping child. awake
It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation. awake to sth
Christmas is still months away. away
I feel awful about forgetting her birthday. awful
the awful horrors of war awful
I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone. awkward
a newborn baby baby
The television guide is at the back of the paper. back
The programme of economic reform is backed (= given financial support) by foreign aid. back
a United Nations-backed peace plan back
The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. back sb/sth up
He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press. background
a person's family/social/cultural/educational/class background background
The job would suit someone with a business background. background
She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step. backward
In the movie they take a journey backwards through time. backwards
Weather like this is bad for business. bad
He now realized that it had been a bad decision on his part. bad
The engagement was a bad mistake. bad
If sometimes they're the wrong decisions, too bad. too bad
The economic crisis reflects badly on the government's policies. badly
She gets very bad-tempered when she's tired. bad-tempered
bake sth for sb: I'm baking a birthday cake for Alex. bake
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. balance
This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. balance
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. balance
balance out: The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out. balance
His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. balance
She tries to balance home life and career. balance
balance sth (on sth): The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books. balance
Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. ball
All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists. band
He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help. band
She used her family's history as a base for her novel. base
His arguments have a sound economic base. base
the base of a column/glass base
She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications. basis
on a regular/permanent/part-time/temporary basis basis
I have to go to the bathroom (= use the toilet). bathroom
a battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win) battle
the battle of the sexes battle
to fight an uphill battle against prejudice battle
the Bay of Bengal bay
Hudson Bay bay
a magnificent view across the bay bay
If you're looking for your file, it's on the table. be
The meetings are always in the main conference room. be
They're here till Christmas. be
He thinks it's clever to make fun of people. be
He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. beard
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
beat sb + adj.: They beat him unconscious (= hit him until he became unconscious). beat
The government's main aim is to beat inflation. beat
Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat (= the most difficult team to beat). beat
This is the master bedroom (= the main bedroom of the house). bedroom
He puts his work before everything (= regards it as more important than anything else). before
Before I made a decision, I thought carefully about it. before
It may be many years before the situation improves. before
begin sth at/with sth: He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. begin
begin sth as sth: He began his political career as a student (= when he was a student). begin
The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils. begin
The children always behave for their father. behave
behave yourself: I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away. behave
social/sexual/criminal behaviour behaviour
She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her. behind
behind (in sth): He was terribly behind in his work. behind
She acted in the belief that she was doing good. belief
religious/political beliefs belief
The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government. believe
believe sb/sth to be, have, etc. sth: The vases are believed to be worth over $20 000 each. believe
believe sth: I believed his lies for years. believe
He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs. believe
I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed in me. believe in sb
Do you believe in capital punishment? believe in sth
the bell of a trumpet (= the bell-shaped part at the end of it) bell
a bell-shaped flower bell
Have you ever belonged to a political party? belong to sth
Lions and tigers belong to the cat family. belong to sth
The knives were bent out of shape. bend
He bent the wire into the shape of a square. bend
bend sth: Glass and water both bend light. bend
The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned. benefit
I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week. for sb's benefit
Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes? benefit
She was one of the best tennis players of her generation. best
He is in a much better mood than usual. better
She's far better at science than her brother. better
It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems. better
Families will be better off under the new law. be better off
Her promotion means she's $100 a week better off. be better off
What's the betting that he gets his own way? what's the betting...?, the betting is that...
The betting is that he'll get his own way. what's the betting...?, the betting is that...
The situation is beyond our control. beyond
a big decision big
She took the stage for her big moment. big
It's the world's biggest computer company. big
She got on her bike and rode off. bike
a degree in biology biology
How far is human nature determined by biology? biology
the biology of marine animals biology
The baby weighed three kilos at birth. birth
a hospital/home birth birth
Please state your date and place of birth. birth
Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy. birth
a woman of noble birth birth
She died shortly after giving birth. give birth (to sb/sth)
Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl. give birth (to sb/sth)
It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences. give birth (to sb/sth)
bite sb/sth: She was bitten by the family dog. bite
He didn't eat a bite of his dinner (= he ate nothing). bite
He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). bite
She is very bitter about losing her job. bitter
I've learnt from bitter experience not to trust what he says. bitter
The government will have to take the blame for the riots. blame
I'm not interested in apportioning blame for the accident (= deciding how much each person involved was responsible for it). blame
Suddenly the screen went blank. blank
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
The recent bomb attacks are a serious blow for the peace process. blow
He removed the figure from the board. board
a meeting of representatives of the student body and teaching staff body
He has a large body, but thin legs. body
The family of the missing girl has been called in by the police to identify the body. body
a notebook book
It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. border
I was born in 1976. born
He was born in a small village in northern Spain. born
She was born with a weak heart. born
born into sth: She was born into a very musical family. born
born of/to sb: He was born of/to German parents. born
+ adj.: Her brother was born blind (= was blind when he was born). born
+ noun: John Wayne was born Marion Michael Morrison (= that was his name at birth). born
born (out) of sth: She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation. born
I like being my own boss (= working for myself and making my own decisions). boss
Hospital bosses protested at the decision. boss
it bothers sb to do sth: It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house. bother
You need brains as well as brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this job. brain
the branch of computer science known as 'artificial intelligence' branch
You pay less for the supermarket's own brand. brand
Champagne houses owe their success to brand image. brand
a brave decision brave
We broke our journey in Oxford (= stopped in Oxford on the way to the place we were going to). break
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
She's just broken up with her boyfriend. break up (with sb)
We had to stop for breath before we got to the top. breath
Her breathing became steady and she fell asleep. breathing
Many animals breed only at certain times of the year. breed
the brightest pupil in the class bright
Do you have any bright ideas (= clever ideas)? bright
The article brought her into conflict with the authorities. bring
bring sth to sb/sth: The team's new manager brings ten years' experience to the job. bring
We aim to bring down prices on all our computers. bring sth down
The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues. broad
In broad terms, the paper argues that each country should develop its own policy. broad
Computer viruses fall into three broad categories. broad
Most of the programmes are broadcast in English. broadcast
pieces of broken glass broken
a twin brother brother
a monthly/an annual/a family budget budget
She's built a new career for herself. build
This information will help us build a picture of his attacker. build
The music builds up to a rousing climax. build up (to sth)
the building trade building
building materials/costs/regulations building
burn yourself: I burned myself on the stove. burn
the main business of the meeting business
He has some unfinished business to deal with. business
I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible. business
business premises business
She works in the family business. business
They've got a small catering business. business
Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure? business
a business lunch business
He's away on business. business
Business was bad. business
Business was booming. business
Her job was to drum up (= increase) business. business
How's business? business
If we close down for repairs, we'll lose business. business
business contacts/affairs/interests business
a business investment business
She has set up in business as a hairdresser. business
When he left school, he went into business with his brother. business
She works in the computer business. business
They were both in the same line of business. business
a busy main road busy
It isn't that he lied exactly, but he did tend to exaggerate. but
Choose 'printer' from the menu and click with the right mouse button. button
They met by chance. by
The china was displayed in a glass cabinet. cabinet
a birthday cake cake
calculate sth: Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container. calculate
Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings. calculate
We haven't really calculated the cost of the vacation yet. calculate
calculate how much, what, etc.: You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take. calculate
it is calculated that...: It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year. calculate
calculate that...: Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area. calculate
calculate how much, what, etc.: It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life. calculate
Cathy did a rough calculation. calculation
By my calculation(s), we made a profit of £20 000 last year. calculation
Our guess was confirmed by calculation. calculation
to call a meeting/an election/a strike call
Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then? call
She's no right to call herself a feminist. call
call sb/sth + noun: They decided to call the baby Mark. call
to call off a deal/trip/strike call sth off
They have called off their engagement (= decided not to get married). call sth off
It is important to keep calm in an emergency. calm
Try to remain calm. calm
Her voice was surprisingly calm. calm
The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots. calm
a calm, cloudless day calm
'I'll call the doctor,' he said calmly. calmly
Look, calm down! We'll find her. calm down, calm sb/sth down
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. calm down, calm sb/sth down
the calm of a summer evening calm
The police appealed for calm. calm
Are you prepared to tell your story on camera? on camera
a campaign against ageism in the workplace campaign
He can be very tactless sometimes. can
to cancel a policy/subscription cancel
The party intends to field a candidate in the next general election. candidate
Candidates are allowed to use dictionaries in this examination. candidate
I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. capable
capture sb: Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers. capture
a birthday/get-well/good luck card card
The model of the building was made of card. card
a model made out of cardboard cardboard
He's old enough to take care of himself. take care of sb/sth/yourself
You should take better care of yourself. take care of sb/sth/yourself
He genuinely cares about his employees. care
She moved back home to care for her elderly parents. care for sb
a career in politics career
What made you decide on a career as a vet? career
She has been concentrating on her career. career
a career soldier/diplomat (= a professional one) career
She started her career as an English teacher. career
He is playing the best tennis of his career. career
Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them). careful
After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job. careful
She put the glass down carefully. carefully
Don't be so careless about/with spelling. careless
Someone had carelessly left a window open. carelessly
The veins carry blood to the heart. carry
After he left I just tried to carry on as normal (= do the things I usually do). carry on (with sth), carry sth on
The museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases. case
The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. case
It's a classic case (= a very typical case) of bad planning. case
If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff. case
Every application will be decided on a case-by-case basis (= each one will be considered separately). case
'I've made up my mind.' 'In that case, there's no point discussing it.' in that case
The whole cast performs/perform brilliantly. cast
the supporting cast (= not the main actors, but the others) cast
catch (in/on sth): Her dress caught on a nail. catch
catch sth (in/on sth): He caught his thumb in the door. catch
His arrival caught me by surprise. catch
catch yourself doing sth: She caught herself wondering whether she had made a mistake. catch
The dog caught the stick in its mouth. catch
Students over 25 fall into a different category. category
The results can be divided into three main categories. category
Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. cause
with/without good cause (= with/without a good reason) cause
Doctors say her condition is causing some concern. cause
cease sth: They voted to cease strike action immediately. cease
Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate. celebrate
birthday/wedding celebrations celebration
The service was a celebration of his life (= praised what he had done in his life). celebration
Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy. central
the central committee (= of a political party) central
the Centre for Policy Studies centre
Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages. centre
By the close of this century another two billion people will have been born. century
The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful. certain
They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met. certain
That's true, to a certain extent. certain
I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner. certain
She was certainly attractive but you couldn't call her beautiful. certainly
a birth/marriage/death certificate certificate
Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house. chain
The chairman of the company presented the annual report. chairman
There is no chance that he will change his mind. chance
chance of sth: Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival. chance
I met her by chance (= without planning to) at the airport. chance
She changed her name to his. change
Computers have changed the way people work. change
He puts his loose change in a money box for the children. change
a change of government change
There was no change in the patient's condition overnight. change
social/political/economic change change
The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students. channel
terrestrial/satellite channels channel
a major/minor character in the book character
cartoon characters character
character traits/defects character
The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character. character
the delicate character of the light in the evening character
The police pointed out the illegal character of the protest action. character
He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident. character
The modern hotels here have no real character. character
She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. characteristic
The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. characteristic
Personal characteristics, such as age and sex are taken into account. characteristic
criminal charges charge
They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court. charge
a charge of theft/rape/attempted murder charge
Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias. charge
He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on. charge
charge sth for sth: What did they charge for the repairs? charge
The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. charge
They're charging £3 for the catalogue. charge
charge sb for sth: We won't charge you for delivery. charge
charge sth at sth: Calls are charged at 36p per minute. charge
charge sb sth (for sth): He only charged me half price. charge
charge for sth: Do you think museums should charge for admission? charge
charge (sb) to do sth: The bank doesn't charge to stop a payment. charge
charge sth: Don't worry. I'll charge it (= pay by credit card). charge
Personal computers are cheap and getting cheaper. cheap
The printer isn't exactly cheap at £200. cheap
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
He cheated his way into the job. cheat
The drugs were found in their car during a routine check by police. check
a check for spelling mistakes check
You're not your usual cheerful self today. cheerful
She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all (= she wasn't afraid to do so). cheerfully
chemical reactions/processes chemical
the chief cause/problem/reason chief
one of the President's chief rivals chief
the chief financial officer of the company chief
an unborn child child
In this business, you have to learn to take criticism on the chin. take sth on the chin
All main courses are served with chips or baked potato. chip
women forced to make a choice between family and career choice
We aim to help students make more informed career choices. choice
This government is committed to extending parental choice in education. choice
After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. choice
Sandy had to tell his tale in halting Italian. Since Franco spoke no English, he had no choice in the matter. choice
I don't like his choice of friends (= the people he chooses as his friends). choice
You choose, I can't decide. choose
The country was chopped up into small administrative areas. chop
changing social and political circumstances circumstance
I know I can trust her in any circumstance. circumstance
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death. circumstance
The ship sank in mysterious circumstances. circumstance
Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. circumstance
family/domestic/personal circumstances circumstance
British citizens living in other parts of the European Union citizen
He claimed political asylum. claim
claim sth: Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. claim
You can make a claim on your insurance policy. claim
Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization). claim
a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians claim
Give him a clap! (= to praise sb at the end of a performance) clap
He always travels business class. class
As a jazz singer she's in a class of her own (= better than most others). class
differences of class, race or gender class
She displayed the classic symptoms of depression. classic
English classics such as 'Alice in Wonderland' classic
the use of computers in the classroom classroom
The entertainment was good clean fun for the whole family. clean
The sport has a very clean image. clean
clear glass clear
a sheet of clear cellophane clear
She gave me clear and precise directions. clear
This behaviour must stop—do I make myself clear (= express myself clearly so there is no doubt about what I mean)? clear
Clear up your own mess! clear up, clear sth up
the Town Clerk clerk
a clever child clever
Clever girl! clever
How clever of you to work it out! clever
He's too clever by half, if you ask me (= it annoys me or makes me suspicious). clever
She's clever at getting what she wants. clever
He's clever with his hands. clever
a clever little gadget clever
What a clever idea! clever
That (= what you just did) wasn't very clever, was it? (= it wasn't sensible) clever
Admitting her mistake may have been quite a clever move on her part. clever
The bolt clicked into place. click
click sth: He clicked his fingers at the waiter. click
the present political climate climate
We need to create a climate in which business can prosper. climate
From here the path climbs steeply to the summit. climb
We're a very close family. close
The groom and his close family took their places. close
She has kept in close contact with the victims' families. close
Their birthdays are very close together. close
He walked into the room, closely followed by the rest of the family. closely
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
closet gays closet
She had closeted herself away in her room. closet
a coach station (= where coaches start and end their journey) coach
In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear. code
a jar of coffee coffee
Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures. collapse
a state of mental/nervous collapse collapse
The peace talks were on the verge of collapse. collapse
the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues colleague
collect sth: We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes (= without intending to). collect
a college course/library/student college
a college campus/student college
He got interested in politics when he was in college. college
Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture. colour
a colouring book (= with pictures that you can add colour to) colour
the gossip/financial column column
to add up a column of figures column
This model combines a telephone and fax machine. combine
The trip will combine business with pleasure. combine
She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family. combine
His family comes first (= is the most important thing in his life). come
When will they come to a decision? come
His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard. come up to sth
The bill came to $30. come to sth
She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. come in
He comes from a family of actors. come from sth
He didn't appreciate the comedy of the situation. comedy
With DVD, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home. comfort
If it's any comfort to you, I'm in the same situation. comfort
They come from comfortable middle-class families. comfortable
He's more comfortable with computers than with people. comfortable
Please make yourself comfortable while I get some coffee. comfortable
The police arrived and took command of the situation. command
For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. command
There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces. command
What is the startup command for the program? command
The commission commanded that work on the building should cease. command
Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? comment
The director was not available for comment. comment
He handed me the document without comment. comment
What she said was fair comment (= a reasonable criticism). comment
I don't feel I can comment on their decision. comment
He refused to comment until after the trial. comment
We were just commenting on how well you look. comment
+ speech: 'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her. comment
1% commission is charged for cashing traveller's cheques. commission
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commission
commit sb/yourself to do sth: Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. commit
to commit murder/adultery commit
the government's commitment to public services commitment
Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments. commitment
The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. committee
a common spelling mistake common
basic features which are common to all human languages common
This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone). common
Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day. common
communicate sth (to sb): He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group. communicate
Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children. communicate
The novel is about a family who can't communicate with each other. communicate
community spirit community
She enjoys her own company (= being by herself) when she is travelling. company
the largest computer company in the world company
He runs his own TV production company. company
company policy company
compare A and B: It is interesting to compare their situation and ours. compare
The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis. compare
I enclose the two plans for comparison. comparison
comparison of A to B: a comparison of the brain to a computer (= showing what is similar) comparison
You can draw comparisons with the situation in Ireland (= say how the two situations are similar). comparison
There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. competition
a music/photo, etc. competition competition
Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. competitive
a formal complaint complaint
a complete guide to events in Oxford complete
the complete works of Tolstoy complete
Work on the office building will be complete at the end of the year. complete
a personal computer computer
Our sales information is processed by computer. computer
a computer program computer
computer software/hardware/graphics computer
a computer error computer
computer-aided design computer
concentrate sth (on sth/on doing sth): I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. concentrate
concepts such as 'civilization' and 'government' concept
concept (that...): the concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity concept
One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information. concern
What are your main concerns as a writer? concern
The government's primary concern is to reduce crime. concern
concern (about sth/sb): There is growing concern about violence on television. concern
conclude with sth: The programme concluded with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring'. conclude
She concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare. conclude
The pathway is formed from large pebbles set in concrete. concrete
a necessary condition for economic growth condition
A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry. condition
The offer is subject to certain conditions. condition
changing economic conditions condition
neglected children living under the most appalling conditions condition
a strike to improve pay and conditions condition
He is overweight and out of condition (= not physically fit). condition
The motorcyclist was in a critical condition in hospital last night. condition
She shouldn't be driving in her condition (= because she is pregnant). condition
to be in bad/good/excellent condition condition
a used car in perfect condition condition
The house is in a generally poor condition. condition
No one can predict with complete/total confidence what will happen in the financial markets. confidence
He expressed his confidence that they would win. confidence
While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities. confidence
a lack of confidence in the government confidence
She has every confidence in her students' abilities. confidence
Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities. confident
I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. confine
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
confirm sth: Rumours of job losses were later confirmed confirm
His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. confirm
Please write to confirm your reservation (= say that it is definite). confirm
confirm sth: After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed. confirm
The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts. conflict
She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career. conflict
John often comes into conflict with his boss. conflict
The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay. conflict
The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty. conflict
the economic problems confronting the country confront
The government found itself confronted by massive opposition. confront
People often confuse me and my twin sister. confuse
A confused situation followed the military coup. confused
a very confusing experience confusing
There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be. confusion
To avoid confusion, please write the children's names clearly on all their school clothes. confusion
First connect the printer to the computer. connect
I'm having problems with my Internet connection. connection
A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. conscious
to make a conscious decision conscious
This decision could have serious consequences for the industry. consequence
Have you considered the possible consequences? consequence
At a conservative estimate, he'll be earning £50 000. conservative
consider sth: She considered her options. consider
You wouldn't consider marrying a man for his money, then? consider
This award is considered (to be) a great honour. consider
consider sb/sth + adj.: consider sb/sth (to be) sth: Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired. consider
economic/commercial/environmental/practical considerations consideration
Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family. consideration
The candidates' experience and qualifications will be taken into consideration when the decision is made. take sth into consideration
Ross was his most constant and loyal friend. constant
consult sb about/on sth: I expect to be consulted about major issues. consult
In her job she often comes into contact with (= meets) lawyers. contact
She blushed at the sudden contact of his hand against her arm. contact
She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son. contact
Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies. contain
The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study. content
Her poetry has a good deal of political content. content
His decision can only be understood in context. context
He continued on his way. continue
She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found. continue
Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months. continuous
Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health. continuous
the continuously changing situation continuously
a contract worker (= one employed on a contract for a fixed period of time) contract
She is under contract to (= has a contract to work for) a major American computer firm. contract
The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not official until the contract is signed). contract
The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports. contrast
monthly contributions to the pension scheme contribution
the car's contribution to the greenhouse effect contribution
government controls on trade and industry control
A military junta took control of the country. control
She lost control of her car on the ice. control
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. control
There has been some violence after the match, but the police are now in control of the situation. be in control (of sth)
In spite of all her family problems, she's really in control. be in control (of sth)
control yourself: I was so furious I couldn't control myself and I hit him. control
control sth: He was finding it difficult to control his feelings. control
The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer. control
control sth: government attempts to control immigration control
Many biological processes are controlled by hormones. control
control what/how, etc...: Parents should control what their kids watch on television. control
Firefighters are still trying to control the blaze. control
Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy. convenient
He used his wife's birthday as a convenient excuse for not going to the meeting. convenient
She's very conventional in her views. conventional
The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election. conversation
convince sb/yourself (of sth): You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. convince
convince sb/yourself (that)...: I'd convinced myself (that) I was right. convince
The experience convinced him that Europe was on the brink of a revolution. convince
She was decidedly cool about the proposal. cool
They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception. cool
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm). cool
He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). cool
Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. cope
They copied the designs from those on Greek vases. copy
Everything in the computer's memory can be copied onto DVDs. copy
She copies everything her sister does. copy
Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. core
the four corners of a square corner
Do you have the correct time? correct
Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? correct
I think you've made the correct decision. correct
They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend. correctly
I spent all evening correcting essays. correct
A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000. cost
Opinion was divided on the potential costs and benefits of the scheme. cost
He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health. cost
cost sth to do sth: The hospital will cost an estimated £2 million to build. cost
You could always try his home number. could
Don't go over that line or your throw won't count. count
count sth: Applications received after 1 July will not be counted. count
Every point in this game counts. count
count for sth: The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him. count
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. a couple
Taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. take your courage in both hands
'Can I have one of those pens?' 'Of course—help yourself.' of course
the civil/criminal courts court
The case was settled out of court (= a decision was reached without a trial). court
The show barely covered its costs. cover
The survey covers all aspects of the business. cover
The walls were covered with pictures. covered
The cracks (= faults) in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show. crack
With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor. crash
The main purpose of industry is to create wealth. create
The government plans to create more jobs for young people. create
The company is trying to create a young energetic image. create
The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature. creature
respect for all living creatures creature
strange creatures from outer space creature
I can't take all the credit for the show's success—it was a team effort. credit
Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar. credit
All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels. credit card
In his mind he was about to commit the perfect crime. crime
criminal damage (= the crime of damaging sb's property deliberately) criminal
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
criminal law criminal
the criminal justice system criminal
a criminal lawyer criminal
to bring criminal charges against sb criminal
a political/financial crisis crisis
the government's latest economic crisis crisis
The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. crisis
The Labour Party was facing an identity crisis. crisis
We provide help to families in crisis situations. crisis
The main criterion is value for money. criterion
What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? criterion
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
One of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition. critical
Your decision is critical to our future. critical
a critical comment/report critical
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
criticism that...: My only criticism of the house is that it is on a main road. criticism
literary criticism criticism
criticize sb/sth: The decision was criticized by environmental groups. criticize
criticize sb/sth for sth: The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously. criticize
She sat with her legs crossed. cross
We have a very crowded schedule. crowded
a crucial factor/issue/decision crucial
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. crucial
He wasn't there at the crucial moment (= when he was needed most). crucial
a cruel punishment/joke cruel
Add two cloves of crushed garlic. crush
cry with sth: He felt like crying with rage. cry
That night she cried herself to sleep. cry
She cried out his name. cry out/cry out sth
economic, social and cultural factors cultural
The political cultures of the United States and Europe are very different. culture
Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history. culture
A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation. curb
curbs on government spending curb
Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. curiously
Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course. currently
the delicate curve of her ear curve
a pattern of straight lines and curves curve
The road curved around the bay. curve
the custom of giving presents at Christmas custom
cut sb sth: I cut them all a piece of birthday cake. cut
cut sth for sb: I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all. cut
cut sth: She cut her finger on a piece of glass. cut
cut yourself: He cut himself (= his face) shaving. cut
He's cut out a niche for himself (= found a suitable job) in journalism. cut sth out
They charge a daily rate. daily
serious/severe/extensive/permanent/minor damage damage
The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $6 million. damage
emotional damage resulting from divorce damage
This could cause serious damage to the country's economy. damage
The fire badly damaged the town hall. damage
The allegations are likely to damage his political career. damage
an evening of drama, music and dance dance
Doctors said she is now out of danger (= not likely to die). danger
danger that...: There is a danger that the political disorder of the past will return. danger
There was something, dare I say it, a little unusual about him. dare
There are no dark secrets in our family. dark
patterns of light and dark dark
data retrieval (= ways of storing or finding information on a computer) data
We need to fix a date for the next meeting. date
Please give your name, address and date of birth. date
name, address and birth date date
Our friendship dates back to the late 70s. date back (to...), date from...
the early days of computers day
Is the Western a dead art form? dead
a dead language (= one that is no longer spoken, for example Latin) dead
Many believe the peace plan is dead. dead
In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician. dead
The company deals in computer software. deal in sth
She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job. deal with sb
Dear Mrs Jones dear
a sudden/violent/peaceful, etc. death death
He was sentenced to death (= to be executed ). death
Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate/a matter for debate (= cannot be certain or decided yet). debate
debate (sth): Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. debate
It's hard to stay out of debt when you are a student. debt
The landlord had let the building fall into decay. decay
economic/moral/urban decay decay
It's up to you to decide. decide
I can't tell you what to do—you'll have to decide for yourself. decide
decide between A and B: It was difficult to decide between the two candidates. decide
decide against sth: They decided against taking legal action. decide
decide what, whether, etc...: I can't decide what to wear. decide
She couldn't decide whether he was telling the truth or not. decide
decide (that)...: She decided (that) she wanted to live in France. decide
decide to do sth: We've decided not to go away after all. decide
Why did you decide to look for a new job? decide
decide sth: We might be hiring more people but nothing has been decided yet. decide
it is decided (that)...: It was decided (that) the school should purchase new software. decide
We're still trying to decide on a venue. decide on/upon sth
I can't decide on who to invite. decide on/upon sth
to make a decision (= to decide) decision
to take a decision (= to decide) decision
We need a decision on this by next week. decision
Who took the decision to go ahead with the project? decision
He is really bad at making decisions. decision
We finally reached a decision (= decided after some difficulty). decision
We must come to a decision about what to do next by tomorrow. decision
a big (= an important) decision decision
The final decision is yours. decision
It's a difficult decision for any doctor. decision
The editor's decision is final. decision
Mary is the decision-maker in the house. decision
The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company. decision
declare sth: The government has declared a state of emergency. declare
The government has declared war on (= officially stated its intention to stop) illiteracy. declare
declare that...: The court declared that strike action was illegal. declare
declare yourself + adj./noun: She declared herself extremely hurt by his lack of support. declare
urban/economic decline decline
Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. decorate
Christmas decorations decoration
the elaborate decoration on the carved wooden door decoration
decrease (from sth) (to sth): The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year. decrease
a deep economic recession deep
The government was defeated by 200 votes to 83. defeat
soldiers who died in defence of their country defence
When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. defence
The harbour's sea defences are in poor condition. defence
He defended his decision to punish the boy. defend
defend sb/yourself/sth from/against sb/sth: Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics. defend
The male ape defends his females from other males. defend
define sth: The term 'mental illness' is difficult to define. define
define sth as sth: Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law. define
define sth: We need to define the task ahead very clearly. define
The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete. define
define what, how, etc...: It is difficult to define what makes him so popular. define
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? definite
a definite offer of a job definite
I'm not sure—I can find out for definite if you like. definite
That's definite then, is it? definite
The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet (= it may change). definitely
clear simple definitions definition
Neighbours by definition live close by (= this is what being a neighbour means). definition
What's your definition of happiness? definition
There is no agreed definition of what a comprehensive school should be. definition
Her job demands a high degree of skill. degree
I agree with you to a certain degree. degree
She has a degree in Biochemistry from Queen's University. degree
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government. deliberate
She's been deliberately ignoring him all day. deliberately
delicate china teacups delicate
The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body. delicate
the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest delicate
Babies have very delicate skin. delicate
a delicate child/constitution delicate
His health had always been delicate. delicate
the delicate mechanisms of a clock delicate
I admired your delicate handling of the situation. delicate
The delicate surgical operation took five hours. delicate
a delicate fragrance/flavour delicate
a river scene painted in delicate watercolours delicate
a feeling of sheer/pure delight delight
She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering. deliver
He delivered his lines confidently. deliver
deliver (sth) to sb/sth: Leaflets have been delivered to every household. deliver
She shouldn't always give in to his demands. demand
demonstrate that...: These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. demonstrate
demonstrate sth (to sb): Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing. demonstrate
demonstrate how, what, etc...: His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. demonstrate
demonstrate sb/sth to be sth: The theories were demonstrated to be false. demonstrate
it is demonstrated that...: It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective. demonstrate
demonstrate sth (to sb): Her job involves demonstrating new educational software. demonstrate
demonstrate (to sb) how, what, etc...: Let me demonstrate to you how it works. demonstrate
demonstrate (against sth): students demonstrating against the war demonstrate
demonstrate (in favour/support of sth): They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education. demonstrate
deny doing sth: He denies attempting to murder his wife. deny
depend sb/sth to do sth: He knew he could depend upon her to deal with the situation. depend on/upon sb/sth
You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. depend on/upon sb/sth
Starting salary varies from £26 000 to £30 500, depending on experience. depending on
a depressing sight/thought/experience depressing
the depth of her love depth
The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'. derive from sth, be derived from sth
The current political situation in Vietnam is described in chapter 8. describe
She was deserted by her husband. desert
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
floral/abstract/geometric designs design
computer-aided design design
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
special new design features design
design sth to do sth: The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. design
We need to design a new syllabus for the third year. design
He designed and built his own house. design
She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself. desperate
His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. desperate
The children are in desperate need of love and attention. desperate
He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm. desperately
Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later. detail
Please supply the following details: name, age and sex. detail
determination to do sth: I admire her determination to get it right. determination
determine sth: An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident. determine
determine what, whether, etc...: We set out to determine exactly what happened that night. determine
it is determined that...: It was determined that she had died of natural causes. determine
He's developed a real flair for management. develop
A crisis was rapidly developing in the Gulf. develop
The child is developing normally. develop
develop (from sth) (into sth): The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort. develop
a commercial/business/housing development development
the development of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy development
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
She devoted herself to her career. devote yourself to sb/sth
They are devoted to their children. devoted
die for sth: He died for his beliefs. die
diet drinks (= with fewer calories than normal) diet
I decided to go on a diet (= to lose weight) before my holiday. diet
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
There's not much difference in price between the two computers. difference
The programme was about customs in different parts of the country. different
The male bird has a differently shaped head. differently
to be in a difficult position/situation difficult
I had no difficulty (in) making myself understood. difficulty
Christmas dinner dinner
You'll have to get used to his direct manner. direct
a direct hit (= a hit that is accurate and does not touch sth else first) direct
We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work. direct
direct sth to/towards sth/sb: There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to. direct
direct sth against sth/sb: Most of his anger was directed against himself. direct
All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams. direction
Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box. direction
We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction. direction
physically/mentally disabled disabled
He was born disabled. disabled
What's the main disadvantage? disadvantage
I hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage. disadvantage
The advantages of the scheme far outweighed the disadvantages. disadvantage
Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. disadvantage
disagree (with sb) (about/on/over sth): He disagreed with his parents on most things. disagree
disagree that...: Few would disagree that students learn best when they are interested in the topic. disagree
I disagree with violent protests. disagree with sth/with doing sth
disagreement (about/on/over/as to sth): Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show. disagreement
Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans. disappoint
I was very disappointed with myself. disappointed
The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved. disappointing
Book early for the show to avoid disappointment. disappointment
He found it difficult to hide his disappointment when she didn't arrive. disappointment
She sounded disapproving as we discussed my plans. disapproving
financial disaster disaster
The discovery of the disease among sheep spells financial disaster for farmers. disaster
The play's first night was a total disaster. disaster
Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school. discipline
discount sth: We cannot discount the possibility of further strikes. discount
discover why, how, etc...: We never did discover why she gave up her job. discover
discovery (of sth): the discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century discovery
Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries. discovery
After considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer. discussion
A lively discussion followed about whether he should be allowed to join the club. discussion
protection against sexually transmitted diseases disease
disgust (at/with sth): She expressed her disgust at the programme by writing a letter of complaint. disgust
The idea fills me with disgust. disgust
disgusted (at/by sb/sth): I was disgusted at/by the sight. disgusted
What a disgusting smell! disgusting
I think it's disgusting that they're closing the local hospital. disgusting
a glass dish dish
This makes an excellent hot main dish. dish
Red blood cells are roughly the shape of a disk. disk
dislike doing sth: I dislike being away from my family. dislike
He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss. dislike
dismiss sth: Dismissing her fears, she climbed higher. dismiss
dismiss sb/sth from sth: He dismissed her from his mind. dismiss
She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. dismiss
These statistics display a definite trend. display
The screen will display the username in the top right-hand corner. display
a beautiful floral display outside the Town Hall display
a window display display
a firework display display
a breathtaking display of aerobatics display
to put sth on temporary/permanent display on display
Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job. distance
distinguish A from B: It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other. distinguish
the City of London's financial district district
The issue has divided the government. divide
He divides his energies between politics and business. divide
Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child? divide
division of sth between A and B: the division of labour between the sexes division
Divorce proceedings (= the legal process of divorce) started today. divorce
Many divorced men remarry and have second families. divorced
How is the business doing? do
Both mother and baby are doing well (= after the birth of the baby). do
There's nothing we can do about it (= we can't change the situation). do
What have you been doing with yourselves (= how have you been passing the time)? do sth with sb/sth
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
domestic affairs/politics domestic
the growing problem of domestic violence (= violence between members of the same family) domestic
As a child he was dominated by his father. dominate
I've had my doubts about his work since he joined the firm. have your doubts (about sth)
The business was on a downward path, finally closing in 2008. downward
It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards. downwards
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
a drama critic drama
a drama student drama
a dramatic victory dramatic
a local dramatic society dramatic
Students will study various plays and dramatic texts. dramatic
a dramatic monologue dramatic
He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture. dramatic
Don't be so dramatic! dramatic
draw sth: to draw a picture/diagram/graph draw
Don't think about it. You'll only give yourself bad dreams. dream
She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality. dream
dream of/about sth: She dreams of running her own business. dream
The children spend hours dressing and undressing their dolls. dress
fully dressed dressed
smartly dressed dressed
He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. dressed
drink yourself + adj.: He had drunk himself unconscious on vodka. drink
You're driving yourself too hard. drive
drive sth: He drives a taxi (= that is his job). drive
a student driver driver
He has dropped out of active politics. drop out (of sth)
prescribed drugs drug
a regular drum beat drum
As she got older, offers of modelling work began to dry up. dry up
My essay's due next Friday (= it has to be given to the teacher by then). due
The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. due
Please remain seated during the performance. during
I broke the vase while I was dusting. dust
I spend a lot of my time on administrative duties. duty
Your duties will include setting up a new computer system. duty
We each have our own car. each
The ruling overturned the court's earlier decision. early
I woke up early this morning. early
As a teacher, she had earned the respect of her students. earn
the planet Earth earth
The ease with which she learns languages is astonishing. ease
This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. ease
It would ease my mind (= make me less worried) to know that she was settled. ease
I was born in the East, but now live in San Francisco. east
It can't be easy for her, on her own with the children. easy
It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position. easy
I don't feel easy about letting the kids go out alone. easy
social, economic and political issues economic
economic growth/cooperation/development/reform economic
the government's economic policy economic
economic history economic
the current economic climate economic
The economy is in recession. economy
the world economy economy
a market economy (= one in which the price is fixed according to both cost and demand) economy
Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s. economy
We need to make substantial economies. economy
It's a false economy to buy cheap clothes (= it seems cheaper but it is not really since they do not last very long). economy
She writes with a great economy of words (= using only the necessary words). economy
Buy the large economy pack (= the one that gives you better value for money). economy
to fly economy (class) (= by the cheapest class of air travel) economy
an economy fare (= the cheapest) economy
Don't put that glass so near the edge of the table. edge
the sports/financial/fashion, etc. editor editor
an educated and articulate person educated
the educated elite educated
students in full-time education education
She completed her formal education in 1995. education
an alcohol education programme (= to warn of the dangers of alcohol) education
She's an education major. education
dramatic/long-term effects effect
You dealt with the situation very effectively. effectively
The truth of this statement has been effectively demonstrated in Chapter 1. effectively
The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. effort
It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort. effort
With (an) effort (= with difficulty) she managed to stop herself laughing. effort
a determined/real/special effort effort
a chocolate egg (= made from chocolate in the shape of an egg) egg
The male sperm fertilizes the female egg. egg
the newly elected government elect
an electronic calculator electronic
Cost was a key element in our decision. element
He either forgot or else decided not to come. or else
embarrassed about sth: She's embarrassed about her height. embarrassed
an embarrassing mistake/question/situation embarrassing
The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government. embarrassing
This EU ruling puts Britain in a very embarrassing position. embarrassing
No new evidence emerged during the investigation. emerge
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. emergency
The government had to take emergency action. emergency
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). emergency
He lost control of his emotions. emotion
The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought. emotion
Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the family. emotional
abortion and other emotional issues emotional
They have suffered physically and emotionally. emotionally
Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image. emphasis
'I can assure you,' she added with emphasis, 'the figures are correct.' emphasis
emphasize that...: She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work. emphasize
a business empire empire
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. employ
He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government. employ
government employees employee
Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment. employment
The government is aiming at full employment. employment
an empty box/glass empty
empty sth: He emptied the ashtrays, washed the glasses and went to bed. empty
He emptied his glass and asked for a refill. empty
a new programme to enable older people to study at college enable
I've had a number of close encounters (= situations that could have been dangerous) with bad drivers. encounter
It was his first sexual encounter (= first experience of sex). encounter
encourage sth (in sb/sth): They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children. encourage
the end of all his dreams end
This latest attack could spell the end of the peace process. end
We had to hear about the whole journey from beginning to end. end
end doing sth: I ended up doing all the work myself. end up
He ended his days in poverty. end your days/life (in sth)
the anniversary of the ending of the Pacific War ending
a masculine/feminine ending ending
It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies. enemy
The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. enemy
nervous energy (= energy produced by feeling nervous) energy
The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources. energy
engaged (in sth): They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. engaged
engaged (on sth): He is now engaged on his second novel. engaged
When did you get engaged? engaged
an engaged couple engaged
engaged to sb: She's engaged to Peter. engaged
They are engaged to be married (= to each other). engaged
I phoned earlier but you were engaged (= using your phone). engaged
'He's a politician, remember.' 'Enough said.' enough said
She's old enough to decide for herself. enough
enquiries from prospective students enquiry
enter sb/sth for sth: How many students have been entered for the exam? enter
to enter politics enter
to enter the Church (= become a priest) enter
radio, television and other forms of entertainment entertainment
It was typical family entertainment. entertainment
The show was good entertainment value. entertainment
enthusiasm (for sth): I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea. enthusiasm
He had a real enthusiasm for the work. enthusiasm
enthusiasm (for doing sth): She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching. enthusiasm
The news was greeted with a lack of enthusiasm by those at the meeting. enthusiasm
'I don't mind,' she said, without much enthusiasm. enthusiasm
an enthusiastic supporter enthusiastic
an enthusiastic welcome enthusiastic
enthusiastic about sb/sth: You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea. enthusiastic
enthusiastic about doing sth: She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain. enthusiastic
I'll meet you at the main entrance. entrance
The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a weekend for two in Venice. entry
countries seeking entry into the European Union entry
the political environment environment
equal rights/pay equal
The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone). equal
the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) equal
He is a player without equal. be without equal, have no equal
As a family holiday destination, the seaside has no equal. be without equal, have no equal
This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled. equal
Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians. equal
With his last jump he equalled the world record. equal
This job could be done equally well by a computer. equally
We try to treat every member of staff equally. equally
They share the housework equally. equally
The new regulation was seen as equivalent to censorship. equivalent
escape (into sth): As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. escape
escape sth: She was lucky to escape punishment. escape
an escape from a prisoner of war camp escape
He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain. escape
Even in small companies, computers are an essential tool. essential
essential for sth: Experience is essential for this job. essential
it is essential that...: It is essential that you have some experience. essential
The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road. essential
It was this campaign that established the paper's reputation. establish
establish that...: They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall. establish
establish where, what, etc...: We need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting. establish
I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. estimate
a ballpark estimate (= an approximate estimate) estimate
official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade estimate
At least 5 000 people were killed, and that's a conservative estimate (= the real figure will be higher). estimate
We got estimates from three firms and accepted the lowest. estimate
estimate sth (at sth): The satellite will cost an estimated £400 million. estimate
Police estimate the crowd at 30 000. estimate
estimate sth to do sth: The deal is estimated to be worth around $1.5 million. estimate
estimate (that)...: We estimated (that) it would cost about €5 000. estimate
it is estimated (that)...: It is estimated (that) the project will last four years. estimate
estimate how many, large, etc...: It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. estimate
The price is given in dollars or euros. euro
She's even more intelligent than her sister. even
Even then she would not admit her mistake. even now/then
There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay. even so
The election was the main event of 2008. event
In the light of later events the decision was proved right. event
The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future. event
In the normal course of events (= if things had happened as expected) she would have gone with him. event
'Have you ever thought of changing your job?' 'No, never/No I haven't.' ever
She knows every student in the school. every
Every now and then he regretted his decision. every
The teacher commented on everyone's work. everyone
She seemed to have everything—looks, money, intelligence. everything
Everything in the capital is now quiet. everything
My family means everything to me. everything
The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement. evidence
evil spirits evil
the eternal struggle between good and evil evil
She gave an exact description of the attacker. exact
an exact copy/replica of the painting exact
We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. exact
What were his exact words? exact
She's in her mid-thirties—thirty-six to be exact. exact
The colours were an exact match. exact
The two men were exact contemporaries at university. exact
I know exactly how she felt. exactly
It happened almost exactly a year ago. exactly
It's exactly nine o'clock. exactly
You haven't changed at all—you still look exactly the same. exactly
It was a warm day, if not exactly hot. exactly
Where exactly did you stay in France? exactly
Exactly what are you trying to tell me? exactly
'You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer?' 'Exactly.' exactly
It's not exactly beautiful, is it? (= it's ugly) not exactly
'So he told you you'd got the job?' 'Not exactly, but he said they were impressed with me.' not exactly
I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent (= tries to sound more Irish than he really is). exaggerate
A lot of students suffer from exam nerves. exam
On closer examination it was found that the signature was not genuine. examination
The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up. examination
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. example
I shall take four different examples from contemporary literature to illustrate my point. example
This is a good example of the artist's early work. example
Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation. example
It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre. example
He sets an example to the other students. example
It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics. for example
All students without exception must take the English examination. without exception
an exchange of fire (= between enemy soldiers) exchange
I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange? exchange
to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement excitement
one of the most exciting developments in biology in recent years exciting
excuse (for doing sth): His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary. excuse
advertising/business/sales, etc. executives executive
a chief/senior/top executive in a computer firm executive
She has an executive position in a finance company. executive
executive decisions/duties/jobs/positions executive
an executive lounge (= at an airport) executive
When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent. exercise
Does life exist on other planets? exist
I was unaware of his existence until today. existence
The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped apartment. existence
The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence (= in order to continue to live). existence
The heroine made her exit to great applause. exit
Student numbers are expanding rapidly. expand
The new system expanded the role of family doctors. expand
an expanding economy (= with more businesses starting and growing) expand
expand sth: We've expanded the business by opening two more stores. expand
expect (that)...: Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down. expect
Against all expectations, she was enjoying herself. expectation
living/household/medical/legal, etc. expenses expense
financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency expense
Making the wrong decision could prove expensive. expensive
to have over ten years' teaching experience experience
Do you have any previous experience of this type of work? experience
a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress experience
My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage. experience
She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience. experience
He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project. experience
We all learn by experience. experience
Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. experience
It is important to try and learn from experience. experience
In my experience, very few people really understand the problem. experience
She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily. experience
The book is based on personal experience. experience
direct/first-hand experience of poverty experience
an enjoyable/exciting/unusual/unforgettable, etc. experience experience
experience (of sth): It was her first experience of living alone. experience
Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience (= unusual for us). experience
I had a bad experience with fireworks once. experience
He seems to have had some sort of religious experience. experience
The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. experience
an experienced teacher experienced
experienced in sth/in doing sth: He's very experienced in looking after animals. experienced
She's very young and not very experienced. experienced
an experienced traveller (= sb who has travelled a lot) experienced
proved by experiment experiment
a computer/medical expert expert
expert (at/in/on doing sth): He's an expert at getting his own way. expert
expert (at/in sth): They are all expert in this field. expert
The government now has to explain its decision to the public. explain
I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you. explain yourself
Could you explain yourself a little more—I didn't understand. explain yourself
explanation (for sth): I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence. explanation
the country's major exports export
to expose yourself to ridicule expose
Do not expose babies to strong sunlight. expose
You could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone. expose
expose sth to sb: He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. expose
express yourself: Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves. express
express yourself + adv./prep.: Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well. express
She expresses herself most fully in her paintings. express
an expression of amazement/disbelief/horror expression
The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. expression
Only in his dreams does he give expression to his fears. expression
Their frustration needs some form of expression. expression
The show has been extended for another six weeks. extend
The pub had an extension (= was allowed to stay open longer) on Christmas Eve. extension
She was given an extension to finish writing her thesis. extension
a gradual extension of the powers of central government extension
My home life was becoming no more than an extension of my job. extension
She has extensive experience in computers. extensive
I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. extent
To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. to... extent
The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years. to... extent
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
The monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras (= unexpected costs). extra
While I was saving I had no money for little extras or luxuries. extra
to charge/pay/cost extra extra
We don't charge extra for the activities—everything is included in the admission fee. extra
The president took the extraordinary step of apologizing publicly for his behaviour! extraordinary
I'm having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her. extreme
Her eyes widened in horror. eye
You can't just close your eyes to his violence. shut/close your eyes to sth
They seem intent on shutting their eyes to the problems of pollution. shut/close your eyes to sth
a well-known face on our television screens face
She was at an early age brought face to face with the horrors of war. face to face with sth
face sth: the problems faced by one-parent families face
The company is facing a financial crisis. face
be faced with sth: She's faced with a difficult decision. face
You have to face up to your responsibilities. face up to sth
How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising? fact
The report is based on hard facts (= information that can be proved to be true). fact
If you're going to make accusations, you'd better get your facts right (= make sure your information is correct). fact
It's about time you learnt to face (the) facts (= accepted the truth about the situation). fact
economic factors factor
the key/crucial/deciding factor factor
fail in sth: He felt he would be failing in his duty if he did not report it. fail
Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution. failure
the problems of economic failure and increasing unemployment failure
A team learns from experience, both successes and failures. failure
My birthday's still a fair way off (= it's still a long time until my birthday). fair
fair on sb (to do sth): It's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable. fair
'You should really have asked me first.' 'Right, okay, fair comment.' fair
a fairly typical reaction fairly
We've lost faith in the government's promises. faith
She promised faithfully not to tell anyone my secret. faithfully
The book fell open at a page of illustrations. fall
falling birth rates fall
a false argument/assumption/belief FALSE
to lull sb into a false sense of security (= make sb feel safe when they are really in danger) FALSE
Buying a cheap computer is a false economy (= will not actually save you money). FALSE
Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false. FALSE
Are you familiar with the computer software they use? familiar
the other members of my family family
Almost every family in the country owns a television. family
All my family enjoy skiing. family
one-parent/single-parent families family
a family of four family
families with young children family
He's a friend of the family (= he is known and liked by the parents and the children). family
All our family came to Grandad's eightieth birthday party. family
The support of family and friends is vital. family
We've only told the immediate family (= the closest relations). family
I always think of you as one of the family. family
She's family (= she is a relation). family
Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years. family
This painting has been in our family for generations. family
They have a large family. family
I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family. family
Do they plan to start a family (= have children)? family
to bring up/raise a family family
Lions belong to the cat family. family
the Germanic family of languages family
family life family
your family background family
family ties/connections family
It's a family tradition. family
a family business family
the family car family
a family show family
family entertainment family
Half an hour later Duncan was no farther in his quest. far
He's fallen far behind in his work. far
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
Amy is the smartest by far. by far
What do you think of the show so far? so far, thus far
Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death. so far, thus far
She is on the far right of the party (= holds extreme right-wing political views). far
As a family we grew farther and farther apart. farther
the farthest point of the journey farthest
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
fasten sth up: He fastened up his coat and hurried out. fasten
He's proud of his children and blind to their faults. fault
fault (for doing sth): It's your own fault for being careless. fault
Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own. fault
He believes that the product's poor image is partly the fault of the press. fault
The programme has lost favour with viewers recently. favour
The government looks with favour upon (= approves of) the report's recommendations. favour
Do yourself a favour (= help yourself) and wear a helmet on the bike. favour
He argued in favour of a strike. in favour (of sb/sth)
I'm all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work. in favour (of sb/sth)
The programme has become a firm favourite with young people. favourite
She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favourite. favourite
An interesting feature of the city is the old market. feature
Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. feature
Which features do you look for when choosing a car? feature
The software has no particular distinguishing features. feature
his strong handsome features feature
feature sb/sth as sb/sth: The film features Cary Grant as a professor. feature
feature sb/sth: The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. feature
Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account? fee
They have a large family to feed. feed
He felt in his pockets for some money. feel
We all felt the force of her arguments. feel
feel it to be sth: She felt it to be her duty to tell the police. feel
feel it + noun: She felt it her duty to tell the police. feel
This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake. feel
How does it feel to be alone all day? feel
I can't feel his pulse. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself doing sth: He felt a hand touching his shoulder. feel
She could feel herself blushing. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself do sth: I felt something crawl up my arm. feel
I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you). feel
He hates talking about his feelings. feeling
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings (= offend you). feeling
I kept off the subject of divorce so as to spare her feelings. feeling
The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision. feeling
She had mixed feelings about giving up her job. feeling
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
'I'm going to miss you.' 'The feeling's mutual (= I feel exactly the same).' feeling
a female student/employee/artist female
female reproductive organs female
female characteristics female
Very few students learn Latin now. few
I've seen most of his movies. Only a few are as good as his first one. few
Fewer than 20 students passed all the exams. few
a baseball/rugby/football, etc. field field
a sports field field
Players are only reselected if they retain their form on the field (= when they are playing a match). field
famous in the field of music field
I enjoy meeting people in other fields of business. field
All of them are experts in their chosen field. field
This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research. field
'How big was the bomb, if it did all that damage?' 'I don't know. Not my field' (= that is not one of the subjects I know about). field
It's her fifth birthday. fifth
Her mother had just given birth to another child, her fifth. fifth
Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory. fight
She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children. fight
soldiers trained to fight fight
a political figure figure
one of the most popular figures in athletics figure
I saw a shadowy figure approaching. figure
The question of the peace settlement is likely to figure prominently in the talks. figure
We couldn't figure her out. figure sb/sth out
figure how, what, etc...: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? figure sb/sth out
fill sth: Please fill this glass for me. fill
to fill up the tank with oil fill up (with sth), fill sth up (with sth)
She put a new film in her camera. film
a horror/documentary/feature film film
a film crew/critic/director/producer film
television news film of the riots film
The show was filmed on location in New York. film
film sb/sth doing sth: Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video. film
The judge's decision is final. final
I'm not coming, and that's final! (= I will not change my mind) final
Finance for education comes from taxpayers. finance
The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance. finance
the Minister of Finance finance
the finance director/department finance
a diploma in banking and finance finance
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
government/public/personal finances finance
It's about time you sorted out your finances. finance
Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. finance
The firm's finances are basically sound. finance
The building project will be financed by the government. finance
financial services financial
to give financial advice financial
to be in financial difficulties financial
an independent financial adviser financial
Tokyo and New York are major financial centres. financial
a particularly fine example of Saxon architecture fine
He tried to appeal to their finer feelings (= feelings of duty, love, etc.). fine
fine sb sth (for sth/for doing sth): The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations. fine
a finely tuned engine finely
finish doing sth: Be quiet! He hasn't finished speaking. finish
They finished off the show with one of their most famous songs. finish sth off
If the newspapers find out, he's finished in politics. finished
He ordered his men to hold their fire (= not to shoot). fire
fire on sb/sth: Soldiers fired on the crowd. fire
a firm agreement/date/decision/offer/promise firm
students in their first year at college first
She resolved to do it at the first (= earliest) opportunity. first
Your first duty is to your family. first
First I had to decide what to wear. first
I was the first in my family to go to college. first
The chef's fish dishes are his speciality. fish
Fish forms the main part of their diet. fish
fit into sth: His pictures don't fit into any category. fit
The punishment ought to fit the crime. fit
fit sth to sth: We should fit the punishment to the crime. fit
He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in with the other people. fit in (with sb/sth)
The government aims to make British industry leaner and fitter (= employing fewer people and with lower costs). fit
I've fixed the problem. fix
They fixed the rent at £100 a week. fix
Their prices are fixed until the end of the year (= will not change before then). fix
fixed prices fixed
a fixed rate of interest fixed
people living on fixed incomes fixed
The money has been invested for a fixed period. fixed
My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become. fixed
The hotel flies the European Union flag. flag
All the flags were at half mast (= in honour of a famous person who has died). flag
flash at sb: Why is that driver flashing at us? flash
The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level). flat
a wine with a delicate fruit flavour flavour
a hot-air balloon flight flight
The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood). flood
a steady flow of traffic through the city flow
The whole family has the flu. flu
Several people were hit by flying glass. fly
focus (on/upon sb/sth): The discussion focused on three main problems. focus
It was the main focus of attention at the meeting. focus
In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union. focus
The children's faces are badly out of focus (= not clearly shown) in the photograph. focus
The main course was followed by fresh fruit. follow
follow sth up with sth: They follow up their March show with four UK dates next month. follow
She followed her mother into the medical profession. follow
He took charge of the family business following his father's death. following
The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bed where your feet normally are when you are lying in it). foot
soldiers fighting for their country for
The town is famous for its cathedral. for
She gave me a watch for my birthday. for
She knew she was destined for a great future. for
a member of the security forces force
rebel/government forces force
a peace-keeping force force
economic/market forces force
Television has become a major force in American political life. force
They realized the force of her argument. force
The new regulations are now in force. in force
When do the new regulations come into force? come/enter into force
force sb/yourself to do sth: The President was forced to resign. force
She forced herself to be polite to them. force
force yourself: 'I shouldn't really have any more.' 'Go on—force yourself!' force
force sth: Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position. force
forecast sth: Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy. forecast
a foreign accent/language/student foreign
foreign affairs/news/policy/trade foreign
a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in newspapers or on television) foreign
Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever. forever
forget sth/sb: I forgot my purse (= I did not remember to bring it). forget
Who could forget his speech at last year's party? forget
forget where, how, etc...: I've forgotten where they live exactly. forget
forgive sb/yourself (for sth/for doing sth): I'll never forgive her for what she did. forgive
I'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else. forgive
forgive my ...: Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do? forgive
her slender form form
The human form has changed little over the last 30 000 years. form
The disease can take several different forms. form
Help in the form of money will be very welcome. form
Help arrived in the form of two police officers. form
The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops. form
Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. form
We need to come to some form of agreement. form
I'm opposed to censorship in any shape or form. form
forms of transport/government/energy form
all the millions of different life forms on the planet today form
They hope to form the new government. form
a newly-formed political party form
form sth from/of sth: The chain is formed from 136 links. form
The table was formed of two large slabs of stone. form
First get students to form groups of four. form
form (up) (into sth): Queues were already forming outside the theatre. form
The teams formed up into lines. form
Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form. form
Storm clouds are forming on the horizon. form
form sth: These hills were formed by glaciation. form
A plan formed in my head. form
form sth: I formed many close friendships at college. form
formal evening dress formal
The dinner was a formal affair. formal
He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. formal
She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. formal
formal legal processes formal
to make a formal apology/complaint/request formal
Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. formal
It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. formal
He has no formal teaching qualifications. formal
Young children are beginning their formal education sometimes as early as four years old. formal
'How do you do?' she said formally. formally
The accounts were formally approved by the board. formally
Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. formally
This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory. former
He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former. former
This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle. formula
They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. formula
She inherited a share of the family fortune. fortune
You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals. fortune
Looking forward, we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. forward
It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks. forward
Her family founded the college in 1895. found
The town was founded by English settlers in 1790. found
Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage. foundation
What do you like to do in your free time (= when you are not working)? free
He held out his free hand and I took it. free
She finally managed to pull herself free. free
Students have a free choice of courses in their final year. free
A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for. free
She struggled to free herself. free
By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed. free
The starting point for emancipation was the freeing of children of slaves born after a certain date. free
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail. freedom
For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. freely
She has always given freely of her time. freely
We met in a local bar much frequented by students. frequent
The government is said to be taking a fresh look at the matter. fresh
a childhood/family/lifelong friend friend
a close/lasting/lifelong friendship friendship
friendships formed while she was at college friendship
friendship with sb: He seemed to have already struck up (= begun) a friendship with Jo. friendship
friendship between A and B: It's the story of an extraordinary friendship between a boy and a seal. friendship
Your friendship is very important to me. friendship
a conference to promote international friendship friendship
frightened of doing sth: I'm frightened of walking home alone in the dark. frightened
a frightening experience/prospect/thought frightening
From a financial point of view the project was a disaster. from
The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers. from
She spends all day sitting in front of (= working at) her computer. in front of
Let's go through to the front room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests). front
Many people don't use their computers to their full potential. full
Students should take full advantage of the university's facilities. full
The country applied for full membership of the European Union. full
animals pumped full of antibiotics full
I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun. fun
The whole family can join in the fun at Water World. fun
bodily functions (= for example eating, sex, using the toilet) function
This design aims for harmony of form and function. function
government funds fund
a government-funded programme fund
The police decided to investigate further. further
We have decided to take no further action. further
Recent events throw doubt on the president's political future. future
future developments in computer software future
He met his future wife at law school. future
to gain confidence/strength/experience gain
gain sth (by/from sth): There is nothing to be gained from delaying the decision. gain
gain (by/from sth): Who stands to gain from this decision? gain
These policies have resulted in great gains in public health. gain
She knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it. gamble
It was the biggest gamble of his political career. gamble
We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available). gap
to fill up the gas tank gas
I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week. gasoline
The whole family gathered together at Ray's home. gather
gather sth together/up: I waited while he gathered up his papers. gather
This opinion is common among the general population (= ordinary people). general
This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. in general
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. generation
My family have lived in this house for generations. generation
a first-/second-generation American (= a person whose family has lived in America for one/two generations) generation
She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates. generation
a quiet and gentle man gentle
Is the painting a genuine Picasso? genuine
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article. genuine
Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum. genuine
He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. genuine
human/physical/economic/social geography geography
get sb/sth + adv./prep.: The general had to get his troops across the river. get
They plan to get married in the summer. get
I wouldn't go there alone; you might get (= be) mugged. get
get sb/yourself sth: Get John a drink. get
What (= What presents) did you get for your birthday? get
I get the impression that he is bored with his job. get
get sb/yourself sth: Did you get your mother a present? get
Why don't you get yourself a car? get
$100 will get you the basic model. get
You can get the basic model for $100. get
Be quiet and get on with your work. get on with sth
I got into conversation with an Italian student. get into sth
Don't let yourself get into bad habits. get into sth
Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000. get away with sth
She's got her old job back. get sth back
A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause. get round/around sth
The family made a gift of his paintings to the gallery. gift
give sth to sb: We discussed what punishment should be given to the boys. give
The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. give
give sb sth: What are you giving your father for his birthday? give
give sth to sb: He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues. give
The operation gave him back the use of his legs. give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
He gave away most of his money to charity. give sth away
I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life! glad
a pair of glasses glass
dark glasses glass
I wear glasses for driving. glass
She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. glass
a sheet/pane of glass glass
frosted/toughened glass glass
a glass bottle/dish/roof glass
I cut myself on a piece of broken glass. glass
The vegetables are grown under glass (= in a greenhouse ). glass
He sticks to her like glue (= never leaves her). glue
Her eyes were glued to the screen (= she did not stop watching it). be glued to sth
This dictionary goes on the top shelf. go
to go on a journey/a tour/a trip/a cruise go
I have to go to Rome on business. go
Are you going home for Christmas? go
He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through. go through sth
Once you have made this decision, there will be no going back (= you will not be able to change your mind). go back (to sth)
Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers. go back (to sth)
I'm going away on business. go away
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans go ahead (with sth)
go doing sth: She's decided to go back to teaching. go back to sth
She decided not to go through with (= not to have) the operation. go through with sth
You need to set yourself some long-term goals. goal
Good, I think we've come to a decision. good
He comes from a good family. good
I have good reason to be suspicious. good
The piano was in good condition. good
to lead/form a government government
the last Conservative government government
the government of the day government
Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision. government
She has resigned from the Government. government
The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. government
government policies/officials/ministers government
a government department/agency/grant government
government expenditure/intervention government
coalition/communist/democratic/totalitarian, etc. government government
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
central/federal government government
strong government government
The Democrats are now in government in the US. government
a provincial governor governor
I can't decide. I'll have to ask the governor (= the man in charge, who employs sb). governor
70% of pupils got Grade C or above. grade
grade sb/sth + noun: The best students are graded A. grade
Women have gradually become more involved in the decision-making process. gradually
His grammar is appalling. grammar
These lands had been granted to the family in perpetuity. grant
student grants (= to pay for their education) grant
grateful (that...): He was grateful that she didn't tell his parents about the incident. grateful
She seemed in great spirits (= very cheerful). great
green politics green
ground forces (= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea) ground
Students stood around in groups waiting for their results. group
The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups. group
She asked her students to get into groups of four. group
to grow old/bored/calm grow
I've decided to let my hair grow. grow
grow sth: I've decided to grow my hair. grow
grow in sth: The family has grown in size recently. grow
a concern with personal (= mental and emotional) growth and development growth
policies aimed at sustaining economic growth growth
They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. guarantee
border guard s guard
a sentry on guard (= at his or her post, on duty) guard
political leaders guarded by the police guard
The prisoners were guarded by soldiers. guard
guess sth: Can you guess his age? guess
a Guide to Family Health guide
He was always guided by his religious beliefs. guide
John had a guilty look on his face. guilty
I'm a creature of habit (= I have a fixed and regular way of doing things). habit
The glass was half full. half
to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) hand sth in (to sb)
He finally handed over his responsibility for the company last year. hand over (to sb), hand sth over (to sb)
handle sth/sb: A new man was appointed to handle the crisis. handle
She's very good at handling her patients. handle
I've got to go. I can't handle it any more (= deal with a difficult situation). handle
handle yourself: You have to know how to handle yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave). handle
The handle's broken off this jug. handle
She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam. hang
I think we can manage quite happily on our own. happily
I'm not happy with his work this term. happy
She was happy enough with her performance. happy
I'm not too happy about her living alone. happy
It must be hard for her, bringing up four children on her own. hard
We thought long and hard before deciding to move house. hard
It wouldn't do you any harm to smarten yourself up. it wouldn't do sb any harm (to do sth)
Pollution can harm marine life. harm
hate to do sth: He hated to be away from his family. hate
hate sb/sth doing sth: He hates anyone parking in his space. hate
hate sb/yourself: The two boys hated each other. hate
a strange relationship built on love and hate hate
The debate simply revived old hatreds. hatred
have sb/sth doing sth: He had his audience listening attentively. have
His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student. have
I was having difficulty in staying awake. have
I've finished my work. have
the heads of government/state head
the head boy/girl (= a student who is chosen to represent the school) head
I can't work it out in my head—I need a calculator. head
She always has her head in a book (= is always reading). head
Can you forecast where the economy is heading? head
He was nursed back to health by his wife. health
As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. health
health and safety regulations (= laws that protect the health of people at work) health
hear sb/sth/yourself do sth: Be quiet—I can't hear myself think! (= it is so noisy that I can't think clearly) hear
He's hearing-impaired (= not able to hear well). hearing
a heavily pregnant woman (= one whose baby is nearly ready to be born) heavily
They are both heavily involved in politics. heavily
a heavy schedule heavy
He was tall and strong, with heavy features. heavy
The penalty for speeding can be a heavy fine. heavy
a stiletto heel heel
He is at the height of his career. height
She is still at the height of her powers. height
We looked out over the city from the heights of Edinburgh Castle. height
The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height. height
to be of medium/average height height
You can adjust the height of the chair. height
help yourself: If you want another drink, just help yourself. help
help yourself/sb to sth: Can I help you to some more salad? help
help sb (to) do sth: The college's aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations. help
This charity aims to help people (to) help themselves. help
She burst out laughing—she couldn't help herself (= couldn't stop herself). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
to seek financial/legal/medical, etc. help help
a help key/screen (= a function on a computer that provides information on how to use the computer) help
She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends. help
They have at last decided to enlist the help of experts. help
helpful (for sb) (to do sth): It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself. helpful
You may find it helpful to read this before making any decisions. helpful
Please give her my regards. her
Meg loves her job. her
The countdown to Christmas starts here. here
She hurt herself. herself
Jane herself was at the meeting. herself
hide yourself (+ adv.prep.): She hides herself away in her office all day. hide
I have never tried to hide the truth about my past. hide
His brusque manner hides a shy and sensitive nature. hide
A high degree of accuracy is needed. high
We had high hopes for the business (= we believed it would be successful). high
the grasslands of the high prairies high
The report highlights the major problems facing society today. highlight
highly successful/skilled/intelligent highly
highly competitive/critical/sensitive highly
It's him. him
He introduced himself. himself
Peter ought to be ashamed of himself. himself
James has sold his car. his
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
These events changed the course of history. history
social/economic/political history history
There is a history of heart disease in my family. history
Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. hit
She played all her old hits. hit
The duo were a real hit in last year's show. hit
records held on computer hold
My application was held up by the postal strike. hold sb/sth up
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
We are determined that nothing should hold back the peace talks. hold sb/sth back
He held on to the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
Make sure you've got a steady hold on the camera. hold
the school/summer/Christmas, etc. holidays holiday
a holiday job (= done by students during the school holidays) holiday
a family holiday holiday
the Holy Bible/Scriptures holy
the family home home
Oh no, I left my purse at home. at home
Sit down and make yourself at home. at home
I still haven't done my geography homework. homework
Let's be honest, she's only interested in Mike because of his money. honest
to win the highest honour honour
upholding the honour of your country honour
The family honour is at stake. honour
Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour. honour
It was a great honour to be invited here today. honour
They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. honour
a picture/curtain/coat hook hook
The situation is not good but we live in hope that it will improve. hope
He shifted his position from the horizontal. horizontal
People watched in horror as the plane crashed to the ground. horror
The thought of being left alone filled her with horror. horror
To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry (= it upset him very much). horror
horror of sth: a horror of deep water horror
horror of doing sth: Most people have a horror of speaking in public. horror
The full horror of the accident was beginning to become clear. horror
In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack. horror
the horrors of war horror
In this section you'll find horror and science fiction. horror
a horror film/movie horror
a TV game show host host
I couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). hot
a long hot journey hot
a friendly, family-run hotel hotel
This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). hour
Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house! house
Most households now own at least one car. household
low-income/one-parent, etc. households household
the head of the household household
household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) household
the council's housing policy housing
We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors. however
human anatomy/activity/behaviour/experience human
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
She ignored his feeble attempt at humour. humour
They failed to see the humour of the situation. humour
She has her very own brand of humour. humour
One hundred (of the children) have already been placed with foster families. hundred
This vase is worth several hundred dollars. hundred
her hundredth birthday hundredth
I have a hungry family to feed. hungry
The child is simply hungry for affection. hungry
Lions sometimes hunt alone. hunt
He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard. hurry
Did you hurt yourself? hurt
I didn't want to hurt his feelings. hurt
She waited, husbanding her strength for her next visitors. husband
The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. idea
idea (for sth): He already had an idea for his next novel. idea
Her family expected her to go to college, but she had other ideas. idea
the search for ideal love ideal
political ideals ideal
She found it hard to live up to his high ideals. ideal
It's my ideal of what a family home should be. ideal
identify sb/sth as sb/sth: The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. identify
identify sb/sth: She was able to identify her attacker. identify
First of all we must identify the problem areas. identify
identify sth: Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. identify
As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company. identify
identify what, which, etc...: They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. identify
I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters. identify with sb
The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. identity
The thief used a false identity. identity
She went through an identity crisis in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). identity
She suffered no ill effects from the experience. ill
illegal immigrants/aliens illegal
illustrate sth: an illustrated textbook illustrate
illustrate sth with sth: His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition. illustrate
illustrate sth: To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story. illustrate
Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2. illustrate
illustrate how, what, etc...: Here's an example to illustrate what I mean. illustrate
His public image is very different from the real person. image
The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image. image
Image is very important in the music world. image
stereotyped images of women in children's books image
images of the past image
I had a mental image of what she would look like. image
Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls. image
a wooden image of the Hindu god Ganesh image
In the Bible it states that humans were created in the image of God. image
He stared at his own image reflected in the water. image
Slowly, an image began to appear on the screen. image
poetic images of the countryside image
The new policies appear to have caught the imagination of the public (= they find them interesting and exciting). imagination
Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died. immediate
The report assesses the impact of AIDS on the gay community. impact
imply sth: I disliked the implied criticism in his voice. imply
He was very aware of his own importance (= of his status). importance
an important decision/factor important
This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. impose
She didn't want to impose her values on her family. impose
It's impossible to prove. impossible
impress sb with sth/sb: He impressed her with his sincerity. impress
impressed by/with sb/sth: We were all impressed by her enthusiasm. impressed
impression (that...): I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about the situation. impression
a significant/substantial/dramatic improvement improvement
a slight/steady improvement improvement
I recognize his father in him (= his character is similar to his father's). in
He was sitting alone in the darkness. in
I must put my affairs in order. in
She's in computers. in
in business in
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
Some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay. inability
One particular incident sticks in my mind. incident
The demonstration passed off without incident. incident
Tourism is a major source of income for the area. income
higher/middle/lower income groups income
a woman's financial independence independence
Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers. independent
It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. independent
independent television/schools independent
The police force should be independent of direct government control. independent
the cost-of-living index index
indicate that...: She indicated that I was to sit down. indicate
indicate sth (to sb): He indicated his willingness to cooperate. indicate
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
indicate sth: Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. indicate
indication (that...): There are clear indications that the economy is improving. indication
The minister refused to comment on individual cases. individual
donations from private individuals (= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) individual
It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. inevitable
an infected PC infected
What exactly is the influence of television on children? influence
The government refuses to be influenced by public opinion. influence
I don't want to influence you. It must be your own decision. influence
He went to inform them of his decision. inform
Inform me at once if there are any changes in her condition. inform
A notice informed the guests that formal dress was required. inform
an informal arrangement/meeting/visit informal
Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department. informal
The aim of the trip was to make informal contact with potential customers. informal
an informal expression informal
He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. information
a United Nations peace initiative initiative
a government initiative to combat unemployment initiative
She did it on her own initiative (= without anyone telling her to do it). initiative
She injured herself during training. injure
Don't do that. You'll do yourself an injury (= hurt yourself). injury
The pesticide is lethal to all insect life. insect
insert sth: Position the cursor where you want to insert a word. insert
insert sth into sth: Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will. insert
insist on sth: He insisted on his innocence. insist
to institute criminal proceedings against sb institute
The new management intends to institute a number of changes. institute
an educational/financial, etc. institution institution
surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments instrument
You insult my intelligence! (= you are treating me as if I am stupid) insult
insult to sb/sth: His comments were seen as an insult to the president. insult
The questions were an insult to our intelligence (= too easy). insult
life/car/travel/household, etc. insurance insurance
He works in insurance. insurance
a person of high/average/low intelligence intelligence
intelligence reports intelligence
the US Central Intelligence Agency intelligence
intelligence sources (= people who give this information) intelligence
the head of military intelligence intelligence
a highly intelligent child intelligent
to ask an intelligent question intelligent
a search for intelligent life on other planets intelligent
We finished later than we had intended. intend
intend to do sth: I fully intended (= definitely intended) to pay for the damage. intend
intend sb/sth to do sth: The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character. intend
intend doing sth: I don't intend staying long. intend
intend sth: The company intends a slow-down in expansion. intend
intend sb sth: He intended her no harm (= it was not his plan to harm her). intend
it is intended that...: It is intended that production will start next month. intend
intend that...: We intend that production will start next month. intend
intend sth (by sth): What exactly did you intend by that remark? intend
intend sth (as sth): He intended it as a joke. intend
the intended purpose intended
the intended audience intended
The bullet missed its intended target. intended
intended as sth: The notes are intended as an introduction to the course. intended
intended to be/do sth: This list is not intended to be a complete catalogue. intended
intention (of doing sth): I have no intention of going to the wedding. intention
He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa. intention
I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her. intention
intention (to do sth): He has announced his intention to retire. intention
intention (that...): It was not my intention that she should suffer. intention
She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out. intention
I did it with the best (of) intentions (= meaning to help), but I only succeeded in annoying them. intention
Her main interests are music and tennis. interest
He was a man of wide interests outside his work. interest
Could I interest you in this model, Sir? interest sb in sth
the internal workings of government internal
The students were asked to interpret the poem. interpret
It is not possible for everyone to put their own interpretation on the law. interpretation
We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin. interrupt
The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career. interruption
a television/radio/newspaper interview interview
Yesterday, in an interview on German television, the minister denied the reports. interview
interview sb: The Prime Minister declined to be interviewed. interview
Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island. introduce
introduce sb to sth: The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course. introduce
The next programme will be introduced by Mary David. introduce
May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight... introduce
Who invented the steam engine? invent
I wish mobile phones had never been invented! invent
What excuse did he invent this time? invent
Many children invent an imaginary friend. invent
Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time. invention
Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press. invention
invest sth (in sth): He invested his life savings in his daughter's business. invest
invest (in/on sth): The government has invested heavily in public transport. invest
a criminal/murder/police investigation investigation
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
to be/become/get involved in politics involved
We'll make our decision and contact the people involved. involved
He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children). involved
They're not romantically involved. involved
involved with sb/sth: You're too emotionally involved with the situation. involved
an iron and steel works iron
She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. irritated
No place on the planet can remain an island of affluence in a sea of suffering. island
Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big issue for me. issue
The union plans to raise the issue of overtime. issue
issue sb with sth: New members will be issued with a temporary identity card. issue
It's Jim who's the clever one. it
What's the next item on the agenda? item
The computer was my largest single item of expenditure. item
Does the computer turn itself off? itself
There's no need for the team to feel proud of itself. itself
His brother's just lost his job. job
a temporary/permanent job job
He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). job
She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly). job
join sth: Over 200 members of staff joined the strike. join
The event was organized jointly by students and staff. jointly
I wish he wouldn't tell dirty jokes (= about sex). joke
They went on a long train journey across India. journey
Did you have a good journey? journey
on the outward/return journey journey
We broke our journey (= stopped for a short time) in Madrid. journey
I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey (= you cannot do what you have come to do). journey
Bye! Safe journey! (= used when sb is beginning a journey) journey
The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness. journey
They journeyed for seven long months. journey
To his great joy, she accepted. joy
the panel of judges at the flower show judge
The judges' decision is final. judge
judge how, what, etc...: It's difficult to judge how long the journey will take. judge
He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement. judgement
He refused to make a judgement about the situation. judgement
Who am I to pass judgement on her behaviour? (= to criticize it) judgement
She has coached many of our leading juniors. junior
It's just on six (= exactly six o'clock). just
She's just as smart as her sister. just
It was just an ordinary day. just
just (for sth): I decided to learn Japanese just for fun. just
Business is good just now. just now
They are demanding equal rights and justice. justice
He demanded, not without justice, that he should be allowed to express his views. justice
the criminal justice system justice
They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice. justice
His fears proved justified. justified
justify (sb/sth) doing sth: How can they justify paying such huge salaries? justify
justify sth: Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her. justify
The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament. justify
You don't need to justify yourself to me. justify
a keen sportsman keen
He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family. keep
He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic. keep
You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going. keep going
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
We'll have a duplicate key cut (= made). key
the key issue/factor/point key
He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills. kill
Don't kill yourself trying to get the work done by tomorrow. It can wait. kill
I nearly killed myself carrying that suitcase all the way here. kill
As well as his salary, he gets benefits in kind. in kind
It would be kinder if we didn't mention his wife. kind
knock against/on sth: Her hand knocked against the glass. knock
I knocked the nail into the wall. knock
He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. knock sb down/over
know how, what, etc...: Do you know how to use spreadsheets? know
know sb/sth for sth: She is best known for her work on the human brain. know
Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). know
The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). know
I don't know that I can finish it by next week. know
I know exactly how you feel. know
'What a ridiculous situation!' 'I know.' I know
I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house. knowledge
They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project. knowledge
The workers voted to withdraw their labour (= to stop work as a means of protest). labour
There was no lack of volunteers. lack
She showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the idea of becoming a mother. lack
The book is completely lacking in originality. lacking
The troops landed at dawn. land
the bleak/rugged/dramatic, etc. landscape of the area landscape
We can expect changes in the political landscape. landscape
an artist famous for his landscapes landscape
a programming language language
Why study Latin? It's a dead language (= no longer spoken by anyone). language
Is English an official language in your country? language
a large area/family/house/car/appetite large
A large proportion of old people live alone. large
If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem slight. large
Interest will be charged for late payment. late
The birthday card arrived three days late. late
Much later on, she realized what he had meant. later on
He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better. latter
The show was hilarious—I couldn't stop laughing. laugh
She is not afraid to laugh at herself (= is not too serious about herself). laugh at sb/sth
a short/nervous/hearty laugh laugh
The new model will be launched in July. launch
The lifeboat was launched immediately. launch
to launch a communications satellite launch
The official launch date is in May. launch
the law of gravity law
law (on sth): The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene. law
strict gun laws law
to pass a law (= officially make it part of the system of laws) law
Kate's word was law in the Brown household. law
The government struggled to maintain law and order. law and order
to lead a quiet life/a life of luxury/a miserable existence lead
The situation is far worse than we had been led to believe. lead
I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue. lead
He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival. lead
a political/spiritual, etc. leader leader
She's a born leader. leader
She was offered the leading role in the new TV series. leading
A man was leaning out of the window. lean
learn (that)...: He'll just have to learn (that) he can't always have his own way. learn
They seldom complained—officially at least. at least
'Where shall we eat?' 'I'll leave it entirely (up) to you (= you can decide).' leave
leave sth (to sb): She left £1 million to her daughter. leave
leave sb with sth: She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job. leave
leave of sth: They are fighting to save what is left of their business. leave
to deliver/give a lecture to first-year students lecture
It's an important case both legally and politically. legally
Did you see the length of his hair? length
All new students are given lessons in/on how to use the library. lesson
Other countries can teach us a lesson or two on industrial policy. lesson
They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents. let
I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in. let
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me. level
a decision taken at board level level
a computer game with 15 levels level
He studied French to degree level. level
James lost his licence for six months (= had his licence taken away by the police as a punishment). licence
I can't get the lid off this jar. lid
He is young and has little experience of life. life
Jill wants to travel and see life for herself. life
She enjoyed political life. life
family/married life life
She lived a quiet life in the countryside. life
Many of these children have led very sheltered lives (= they have not had many different experiences). life
He doesn't like to talk about his private life. life
articles about the love lives of the stars life
He became very weak towards the end of his life. life
He will spend the rest of his life (= until he dies) in a wheelchair. life
He met a lot of interesting people during his life as a student. life
In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months. life
Is there intelligent life on other planets? life
He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire. life
John lifted his eyes (= looked up) from his book. lift
This programme looks at the lighter side of politics. light
some light housework light
As a boxer, he was always light on his feet (= quick and elegant in the way he moved). light
He's very like his father. like
Students were angry at being treated like children. like
It didn't turn out like I intended. like
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
Families are limited to four free tickets each. limit
I've limited myself to 1 000 calories a day to try and lose weight. limit
This animal's intelligence is very limited. limited
This novel is the latest in a long line of thrillers that he has written. line
That was the first in a whole line of mistakes and bad decisions. line
A line formed at each teller window. line
lines of longitude and latitude line
We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion. line
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
link A to B: The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer. link
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
Here's a little something (= a small present) for your birthday. little
Students have little or no choice in the matter. little
She said little or nothing (= hardly anything) about her experience. little
live sth: She lived a very peaceful life. live
the number of live births (= babies born alive) live
an intelligent and lively young woman lively
He showed a lively interest in politics. lively
all living things living
living organisms living
A lorry shed its load (= accidentally dropped its load) on the motorway. load
It took three years to repay my student loan (= money lent to a student). loan
decisions made at local rather than national level local
The mechanic located the fault immediately. locate
Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors. locate
They located their headquarters in Swindon. locate
The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station. located
What is the exact location of the ship? location
She locked her passport and money in the safe. lock
I fail to see the logic behind his argument. logic
The two parts of the plan were governed by the same logic. logic
Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. logic
Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind. logical
She lives alone and often feels lonely. lonely
Nurses have to work long hours (= for more hours in the day than is usual). long
We were married for ten long years. long
a long journey/walk/drive/flight long
So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there. as/so long as
We're looking for someone with experience for this post. look
Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. look out for sb/sth
Looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand. look at sth
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
They looked on his behaviour with contempt. look on sb/sth with sth
Looks can be deceptive. look
I don't like the look of that guy (= I don't trust him, judging by his appearance). look
She has her father's good looks. look
He lost his looks (= became less attractive) in later life. look
We got a number of curious looks from passers-by. look
She usually wears her hair loose. loose
Economic growth can be loosely defined as an increase in GDP. loosely
lose sth: The business is losing money. lose
He lost his nerve at the last minute. lose
Some families lost everything (= all they owned) in the flood. lose
The company has lost a lot of business to its competitors. lose
The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business. lost
She's trying to recapture her lost youth. lost
He's a lost soul (= a person who does not seem to know what to do, and seems unhappy). lost
Take care, my love. love
He was the love of my life (= the person I loved most). love
I like most sports but tennis is my first love. love
a love of learning love
He's in love with his work. love
I fell in love with the house. love
a love song/story love
It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). love
They're madly in love. love
Their love grew with the years. love
a mother's love for her children love
love of your country love
love sth: I really love summer evenings. love
love sb/sth to do sth: He loved her to sing to him. love
love sb/sth to do sth: I'd love her to come and live with us. love
love sth: 'Cigarette?' 'I'd love one, but I've just given up.' love
You've got yourself into a lovely mess, haven't you? lovely
She has a very low opinion of her own abilities. low
low forms of life (= creatures with a very simple structure) low
jobs with low status low
students with low marks/grades in their exams low
low-income families low
a low-powered PC low
She has always remained loyal to her political principles. loyal
I could hardly believe my luck when he said yes. luck
We wish her luck in her new career. luck
I put the loss of the money down to pure bad luck. luck
You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged. lucky
She counted herself lucky that she still had a job. lucky
The new machines (= computers) will be shipped next month. machine
Inventors are not mad scientists. mad
mad with sth: to be mad with anger/excitement/grief/love mad
Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women. magic
Our year in Italy was pure/sheer magic. magic
We do our business by mail. mail
mail sb/sth: The company intends to mail 50 000 households in the area. mail
mail sth (to sb/sth): The virus mails itself forward to everyone in your address book. mail
Be careful crossing the main road. main
the main course (= of a meal) main
We have our main meal at lunchtime. main
Reception is in the main building. main
Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems. main
The main thing is to stay calm. main
a leaking gas main main
The service here is, in the main, reliable. in the main
In the main, the money raised goes to children's charities. in the main
Her income was barely enough to maintain one child, let alone three. maintain
a major road major
The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. majority
a majority decision (= one that is decided by what most people want) majority
The government does not have an overall majority (= more members than all the other parties added together). majority
make sb: He never cleans his room and his mother never tries to make him. make
Can you make yourself understood in Russian? make
She couldn't make herself heard above the noise of the traffic. make
She made it her business to find out who was responsible. make
These regulations were made to protect children. make
Women make up 56% of the student numbers. make sth up
Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience. make up for sth
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
the male menopause (= emotional and physical problems that affect some men at about the age of 50) male
Haemophilia is a condition that affects mostly males. male
Don't tell me how to manage my affairs. manage
a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently manage
I don't know how she manages on her own with four kids. manage
manage sth: In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. manage
I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow. manage
The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible. management
a management decision/job management
Most managements are keen to avoid strikes. management
She answered in a businesslike manner. manner
The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable. manner
a car/computer manufacturer manufacturer
New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers. many
There were as many as 200 people at the lecture. as many as...
Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. map sth on/onto sth
He has his career path clearly mapped out. map sth out
(+ adv./prep.): Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings. march
protest marches march
I got full marks (= the highest mark possible) in the spelling test. mark
I put a mark in the margin to remind me to check the figure. mark
She works in sales and marketing. marketing
a married man/woman married
Her married name (= the family name of her husband) is Jones. married
He never married. marry
I guess I'm not the marrying kind (= the kind of person who wants to get married). marry
He has a Master's in Business Administration. master
None of these glasses match (= they are all different). match
The suspects' stories just don't match up. match up (with sth)
I was with a mate. mate
building materials (= bricks, sand, glass, etc.) material
The company produces its own training material. material
the school mathematics curriculum mathematics
He worked out the very difficult mathematics in great detail. mathematics
to study the properties of matter matter
The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency. matter
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
She may need your help with some business matters. matter
I always consulted him on matters of policy. matter
It was no easy matter getting him to change his mind. matter
And that is the crux of the matter (= the most important thing about the situation). matter
I decided to take matters into my own hands (= deal with the situation myself). matter
Matters came to a head (= the situation became very difficult) with his resignation. matter
matter (to sb): The children matter more to her than anything else in the world. matter
a maximum security prison maximum
He may have (= perhaps he has) missed his train. may
There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids. may
He may be a good father but he's a terrible husband. may
Lunch is his main meal of the day. meal
Your friendship means a great deal to me. mean
mean (that)...: We'll have to be careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves. mean
You're meant to (= you are supposed to) pay before you go in. mean
mean (that)...: I never meant (that) you should come alone. mean
See what I mean (= I was right and this proves it, doesn't it)? She never agrees to anything I suggest. mean
mean sth to sb: Does the name 'Jos Vos' mean anything to you (= do you know who he is)? mean
With Anna he learned the meaning of love. meaning
Television is an effective means of communication. means
Bob spent fifteen months alone on his yacht. Ann, meanwhile, took care of the children on her own. meanwhile
Regular tests are used to measure students' progress. measure
The main bedroom measures 12ft by 15ft. measure
safety/security/austerity measures measure
The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. measure
Accurate measurement is very important in science. measurement
The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84. measurement
The media was/were accused of influencing the final decision. media
He became a media star for his part in the protests. media
her medical condition/history/records medical
a medical student/school medical
a medical certificate (= a statement by a doctor that gives details of your state of health) medical
traditional/conventional/orthodox medicine medicine
a medium-size car/business/town medium
There are three sizes—small, medium and large. medium
a medium steak (= one cooked quite well but not too much) medium
the medium of radio/television medium
Television is the modern medium of communication. medium
meet sb: The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks. meet
a member of staff/society/the family member
Have you got enough memory available to run the program? memory
There hasn't been peace in the country in/within my memory. memory
He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. in memory of sb, to the memory of sb
the mental process of remembering mental
Do you have a mental picture of what it will look like? mental
I made a mental note to talk to her about it. mental
He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics. mental
The experience caused her huge amounts of mental suffering. mental
She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. mental
The analysis of dreams can reveal details of a person's mental state. mental
The baby is very mentally alert. mentally
I felt extremely fit, both physically and mentally. mentally
You've got the job. The interview will be a mere formality. mere
The economy is in a mess. mess
The whole situation is a mess. mess
a televised message from the President to the American people message
The clear message coming from the government is that they are getting tough on crime. message
method (for sth/for doing sth): the best method for arriving at an accurate prediction of the costs method
His picture was right/bang (= exactly) in the middle of the front page. middle
a mild punishment/criticism mild
military training/intelligence military
a military coup military
He made his millions (= all his money) on currency deals. million
Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby. mind
He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day. mind
insights into the criminal mind mind
They're both beautiful—I can't make up my mind. make up your mind, make your mind up
Have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon? make up your mind, make your mind up
You'll never persuade him to stay—his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go). make up your mind, make your mind up
mind sb doing sth: Are you married, if you don't mind me asking? mind
This isn't where I intended to take you—but never mind, it's just as good. never mind
I wouldn't mind having his money! I wouldn't mind sth/doing sth
The class needs a minimum of six students to continue. minimum
Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days. minority
For a minority, the decision was a disappointment. minority
Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. minute
He looked at himself in the mirror. mirror
The face is the mirror of the soul. mirror
You're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part) of what I'm saying. miss
He was reported missing, presumed dead. missing
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. missing
Her essay is full of spelling mistakes. mistake
mix A with B: I don't like to mix business with pleasure (= combine social events with doing business). mix
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
The play was given a mixed reception by the critics (= some liked it, some did not). mixed
We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror. mixture
a fashion model model
The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed. model
The latest models will be on display at the motor show. model
a working model (= one in which the parts move) of a fire engine model
a model aeroplane model
The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex. model
Stress is a major problem of modern life. modern
a modern computer system modern
Where can I change my money into dollars? money
He lost all his money. money
The family made their money in the 18th century. money
The details of today's flights are displayed on the monitor. monitor
a PC with a 17-inch colour monitor monitor
Each student's progress is closely monitored. monitor
a month-long strike month
By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and outlines. moon
Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions. moral
She spends more and more time alone in her room. more and more
She was far more intelligent than her sister. more
a course for more advanced students more
Signing the forms is little more than (= only) a formality. more
She was more than a little shaken (= extremely shaken) by the experience. more
I was becoming more and more irritated by his behaviour. more and more
As most of you know, I've decided to resign. most
She's the mother of twins. mother
the mother chimpanzee caring for her young mother
Newton's laws of motion motion
He mounted his horse and rode away. mount
Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law. mount
to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition mount
There is still snow on the mountain tops. mountain
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program. mouse
The creature was foaming at the mouth. mouth
We don't like it here so we've decided to move. move
(+ adv./prep.): The government has not moved on this issue. move
You can't move for books in her room. move
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
The management have made no move to settle the strike. move
the women's/peace movement movement
to make a horror movie movie
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course. as much as sb can do
Happy Birthday, Mum. mum
She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband. murder
He denies murdering his wife's lover. murder
the music business/industry music
the musical director of the show musical
I wrote a message to myself. myself
I found myself unable to speak. myself
I haven't been feeling myself recently (= I have not felt well). myself
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
There was a mystery guest on the programme. mystery
a mystery tour (= when you do not know where you are going) mystery
The dark glasses give her an air of mystery. mystery
the diesel engine, named after its inventor Rudolf Diesel name
The manager has named his side for the semi-final. name
national and regional politics national
the natural processes of language learning natural
He thought social inequality was all part of the natural order of things. natural
The topic arose naturally in the conversation. naturally
It's difficult to define the exact nature of the problem. nature
It's not in his nature to be unkind. nature
We appealed to his better nature (= his kindness). nature
My birthday is very near Christmas. near
He had a neat methodical mind. neat
What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours. need
to satisfy/meet/identify a need need
need (for sth): There is an urgent need for qualified teachers. need
financial needs need
a programme to suit your individual needs need
Her pregnancy test was negative. negative
a negative form/sentence negative
a poor/quiet/residential neighbourhood neighbourhood
Neither answer is correct. neither
the optic nerve nerve
He's off work with a trapped nerve in his neck. nerve
nerve cells nerve
nerve endings nerve
Every nerve in her body was tense. nerve
Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance. nerve
I need something to calm/steady my nerves. nerve
Everyone's nerves were on edge (= everyone felt tense ). nerve
He lives on his nerves (= is always worried). nerve
By the end of the meal her nerves were completely frayed. nerve
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
By the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck. nervous
He's not the nervous type. nervous
a nervous condition/disorder/disease nervous
She was in a state of nervous exhaustion. nervous
a network of veins network
the four big US television networks network
I never knew (= didn't know until now) you had a twin sister. never
'I told my boss exactly what I thought of her.' 'You never did!' (= 'Surely you didn't!') never
The latest model has over 100 new features. new
I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. next
Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. next
No student is to leave the room. no
She's no fool (= she's intelligent). no
a noisy protest (= when people shout) noisy
He seems none the worse for the experience. none
The idea is an economic nonsense. nonsense
quite/perfectly (= completely) normal normal
Her temperature is normal. normal
It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. normal
Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse. normal
Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'. normal
He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. normal
In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town. normal
We are open during normal office hours. normal
People who commit such crimes aren't normal. normal
above/below normal normal
Things soon returned to normal. normal
Her heart is beating normally. normally
Just try to behave normally. normally
The estimated value is north of $5.4 billion. north
He broke his nose in the fight. nose
She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustrations. not only... (but) also...
She made a mental note (= decided that she must remember) to ask Alan about it. note
Nothing else matters to him apart from his job. nothing
These protests have really made the government sit up and take notice (= realize the importance of the situation). notice
She wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed. notice
noticeable that...: It was noticeable that none of the family were present. noticeable
detective/historical/romantic novels novel
a novel feature novel
A peace settlement is nowhere in sight (= is not likely in the near future). nowhere to be found/seen, nowhere in sight
Sheer weight of numbers (= the large number of soldiers) secured them the victory. number
The course will have to be repeated owing to pressure of numbers (= too many students). number
staff/student numbers number
He dialled the number, then changed his mind and hung up. number
student nurses nurse
He had always obeyed his parents without question. obey
Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves. object
object to doing sth/to sb doing sth: I really object to being charged for parking. object
the main/primary/principal objective objective
You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself. objective
The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. objective
The suspect is being kept under observation (= watched closely by the police). observation
The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious. obvious
'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!' (= I can see by the way you are dressed) obviously
He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement. occasion
I'll speak to him about it if the occasion arises (= if I get a chance). occasion
He has been known on occasion to lose his temper. on occasion(s)
We occasionally meet for a drink after work. occasionally
Only occasionally was there any doubt that they would succeed. occasionally
The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. occupied
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
How much memory does the program occupy? occupy
Administrative work occupies half of my time. occupy
Protesting students occupied the TV station. occupy
occupy sb/sth/yourself: a game that will occupy the kids for hours occupy
occupy sb/sth/yourself with sb/sth: She occupied herself with routine office tasks. occupy
When exactly did the incident occur? occur
occur that...: It didn't occur to him that his wife was having an affair. occur to sb
the Antarctic/Arctic/Atlantic/Indian/Pacific Ocean ocean
the love of a mother for her child of
the year of his birth of
Families will be better off under the new law (= will have more money). be well/better/badly, etc. off
They were still 100 metres off the summit. off
There's a bathroom off the main bedroom. off
a criminal/serious/minor/sexual, etc. offence offence
a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death) offence
Neil did not mean to offend anybody with his joke . offend
A TV interviewer must be careful not to offend. offend
The new law makes it a criminal offense to drink alcohol in public places. offense
The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive. offensive
offensive to sb: His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers. offensive
They decided to offer the job to Jo. offer
offer sb sth: They decided to offer Jo the job. offer
The hotel offers excellent facilities for families. offer
He did not offer any explanation for his behaviour. offer
They've decided to accept our original offer. offer
The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. office
The present government took office in 2009. office
officers of state (= ministers in the government) officer
official responsibilities official
the Prime Minister's official residence official
This was her first official engagement. official
He made an official visit to Tokyo in March. official
an official announcement/decision/statement official
according to official statistics/figures official
the official biography of the President official
An official inquiry has been launched into the cause of the accident. official
The country's official language is Spanish. official
I intend to lodge an official complaint (= to complain to sb in authority). official
The news is not yet official. official
I only knew the official version of events. official
The official story has always been that they are just good friends. official
an official function/reception official
The official opening is planned for October. official
a bank/company/court/government official official
Palace officials are refusing to comment on the royal divorce. official
The library will be officially opened by the local MP. officially
We haven't yet been told officially about the closure. officially
The college is not an officially recognized English language school. officially
Many of those living on the streets are not officially homeless. officially
I'm not officially supposed to be here. officially
Officially, he resigned because of bad health. officially
Whatever you decide, it's okay by me. OK
on your birthday on
The doctor put me on antibiotics. on
to live on a pension/a student grant on
You can't feed a family on £50 a week. on
The programme's on Channel 4. on
He's hard on his kids. on
to be on business/holiday/vacation on
I didn't have my glasses on. on
All at once she lost her temper. all at once
The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes. one
We think of you as one of the family. one
One should never criticize if one is not sure of one's facts. one
She's only 21 and she runs her own business. only
open government open
their open display of affection open
He has laid himself wide open to political attack. open
Kasparov had left his bishop open (= not protected, in a game of chess ). open
the official opening of the new hospital opening
Can you talk openly about sex with your parents? openly
operate (on sb) (for sth): We will have to operate on his eyes. operate
to operate for suspected acute appendicitis operate
The regulation operates in favour of married couples. operate
a security operation operation
The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. operation
the UN peacekeeping operations operation
operation (on sb/sth) (to do sth): an operation on her lung to remove a tumour operation
He has very strong political opinions. opinion
legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) opinion
I'd like a second opinion (= advice from another person) before I make a decision. opinion
a political opponent opponent
Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men). opportunity
They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity (= as soon as possible). opportunity
oppose sb/sth: This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty. oppose
students at opposite ends of the ability range opposite
The opposition is/are mounting a strong challenge to our business. opposition
We found ourselves in opposition to several colleagues on this issue. in opposition to sb/sth
Protest marches were held in opposition to the proposed law. in opposition to sb/sth
option (of doing sth): Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year. option
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
The course offers options in design and computing. option
There are people without homes, jobs or family. or
a side order (= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish) order
The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting). order
It was time she put her life in order. order
In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed. in order to do sth
order sb/yourself sth: He ordered himself a double whisky. order
order sth: The government has ordered an investigation into the accident. order
an ordinary sort of day ordinary
in the ordinary course of events ordinary
ordinary people like you and me ordinary
This was no ordinary meeting. ordinary
The meal was very ordinary. ordinary
the sexual/reproductive organs organ
to work for a business/political/voluntary organization organization
She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization. organization
Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly. organize
You should try and organize your time better. organize
organized religion (= traditional religion followed by large numbers of people who obey a fixed set of rules) organized
This particular custom has its origins in Wales. origin
a person's country of origin (= where they were born) origin
The room still has many of its original features. original
The original intention was to record about 80 speakers, divided equally between males and females. original
Only original documents (= not photocopies) will be accepted as proof of status. original
Send out the photocopies and keep the original. original
Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. originally
Our main export is rice. our
We'd like to see it for ourselves. ourselves
We want this government out. out
He drank his beer out of the bottle. out
a romance straight out of a fairy tale out
Nobody spoke out in his defence. out
I was slightly out in my calculations. out
The estimate was out by more than $100. out
I'm not really the outdoor type (= I prefer indoor activities). outdoor
They both have a love of the outdoors. outdoors
to explore the outer (= most extreme) limits of human experience outer
The book describes in outline the main findings of the research. outline
an outside toilet outside
We plan to use an outside firm of consultants. outside
the outstanding features of the landscape outstanding
Try not to knock that vase over. over
He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. (all) over again
He wore an overcoat over his suit. over
She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. over
They held a large umbrella over her. over
He built up the business over a period of ten years. over
owe sth to sb: I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family. owe
For reasons of his own (= particular reasons that perhaps only he knew about), he refused to join the club. own
The accident happened through no fault of her own. own
He wants to come into the business on his own terms. own
She makes all her own clothes. own
She lives on her own. (all) on your own
He did it on his own. (all) on your own
The painting has been returned to its rightful owner. owner
to set off at a steady/gentle/leisurely pace pace
We encourage all students to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slow as they can). pace
Competitors must stand at a distance of 20 paces from each other. pace
pack sb sth: I've packed you some food for the journey. pack
the sports/financial pages of the newspaper page
patients suffering from acute back pain pain
a painful experience/memory painful
Applying for jobs can be a long and painful process. painful
A friend painted the children for me (= painted a picture of the children). paint
Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class. pair
Get the students to do the exercise as pair work (= two students work together). pair
a pair of glasses/binoculars/scissors, etc. pair
The vase is one of a matching pair. pair
Students worked in pairs on the project. in pairs
the royal/presidential palace palace
the cold pale light of dawn pale
One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. panel
We have two politicians on tonight's panel. panel
She wrote her name and address on a slip (= a small piece) of paper. paper
Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). paper
a business/science park park
to take part in a discussion/demonstration/fight/celebration take part (in sth)
partnership with sb/sth: He developed his own program in partnership with an American expert. partnership
Marriage should be an equal partnership. partnership
the party leader/manifesto/policy party
a birthday/dinner/garden, etc. party party
pass (to sb): Why do they keep passing back to the goalie? pass
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
A dark narrow passage led to the main hall. passage
He makes only a passing reference to the theory in his book (= it is not the main subject of his book). passing
From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time. past
past and present students of the college past
We don't know anything about his past. past
He's past his prime. past
I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles. patience
changing patterns of behaviour pattern
a pattern of diamonds and squares pattern
David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question. pause
The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity. pay
There will be a penalty for late payment of bills. payment
war and peace peace
The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. peace
A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting). peace
After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace. peace
the Peace of Utrecht, 1713 (= the agreement ending the war) peace
The two communities live together in peace. peace
The countries have been at peace for more than a century. peace
the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.) peace
She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening. peace
I would work better if I had some peace and quiet. peace
He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed). peace
He never felt really at peace with himself. peace
They were charged with disturbing the peace (= behaving in a noisy and violent way). peace
They simply can't seem to live in peace with each other. peace
She felt at peace with the world. peace
a peaceful protest/demonstration/solution peaceful
They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. peaceful
people of different religions living in peaceful coexistence peaceful
a peaceful atmosphere peaceful
peaceful sleep peaceful
It's so peaceful out here in the country. peaceful
He had a peaceful life. peaceful
a peaceful society peaceful
The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful. peaceful
Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. peak
She's at the peak of her career. peak
the peaks and troughs of married life peak
a mountain peak peak
snow-capped/jagged peaks peak
The climbers made camp halfway up the peak. peak
It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people. people
Everyone blamed me as per usual. as per normal/usual
Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food. per cent
It's perfectly normal to feel like this. perfectly
A computer can perform many tasks at once. perform
The play was first performed in 2007. perform
The performance starts at seven. performance
a performance of Ravel's String Quartet performance
She gave the greatest performance of her career. performance
an Oscar-winning performance from Kate Winslet performance
the country's economic performance performance
It was an impressive performance by the French team. performance
Profits continue to grow, with strong performances in South America and the Far East. performance
'You could do it yourself.' 'Yeah, perhaps.' perhaps
Which period of history would you most like to have lived in? period
a permanent job permanent
They are now living together on a permanent basis. permanent
a permanent fixture (= a person or an object that is always in a particular place) permanent
The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection. permanent
The stroke left his right side permanently damaged. permanently
She had decided to settle permanently in France. permanently
This door is kept permanently locked. permanently
No official permission has been given for the event to take place. permission
permit sb/yourself sth: We were not permitted any contact with each other. permit
Jim permitted himself a wry smile. permit
She would not permit herself to look at them. permit
He had to pick up his welfare cheque in person. in person
personal cleanliness/hygiene personal
She's always worrying about her personal appearance. personal
This insurance policy covers you against personal injury or death. personal
The Principal has little personal contact with the students. personal
The novel is written from personal experience. personal
His wife has a strong personality. personality
The children all have very different personalities. personality
He maintained order by sheer force of personality. personality
People's clothes are often an expression of their personality. personality
She was very beautiful but seemed to lack personality. personality
a TV/sports personality personality
Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally? personally
persuade sb into sth/into doing sth: I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. persuade
persuade sb/yourself that...: It will be difficult to persuade them that there's no other choice. persuade
She had persuaded herself that life was not worth living. persuade
persuade sb: No one was persuaded by his arguments. persuade
a family/domestic pet pet
a critical/decisive phase phase
They like to do business by phone/over the phone. phone
aerial/satellite photographs photograph
Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself. photograph
photograph sb/sth doing sth: They were photographed playing with their children. photograph
the director of photography (= the person who is in charge of the actual filming of a film/movie, programme, etc.) photography
She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'. phrase
physical love physical
the physical properties (= the colour, weight, shape, etc.) of copper physical
She was intimidated by his physical presence. physical
physical appearance physical
The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health. physical
The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or physical condition. physical
mentally and physically handicapped physically
She picked the best cake for herself. pick
The survivors were rescued after their sounds were picked up by a television crew's microphone. pick sb/sth up
The writer paints a gloomy picture of the economy. picture
The TV report painted a much rosier picture of the employment situation than research shows to be the case. picture
harrowing television pictures of the famine picture
satellite pictures picture
The picture isn't very clear tonight. picture
The picture shows the couple together on their yacht. picture
Have you got any pictures of your trip? picture
The children were drawing pictures of their pets. picture
She wanted a famous artist to paint her picture (= a picture of herself). picture
a book with lots of pictures in it picture
There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road. piece
The vase lay in pieces on the floor. piece
a 500-piece jigsaw piece
He's worried the business will fall to pieces without him. fall to pieces
She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk. pile
He piled his plate with as much food as he could. pile
pile B on(to) A: He piled as much food as he could onto his plate. pile
She always wears her hair pinned back. pin
I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own. place
She's been offered a place at Bath to study Business. place
This is one of the few places in his work where he mentions his childhood. place
He can usually be contacted at his place of work. place
He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices. take sb's/sth's place, take the place of sb/sth
a politician with a reputation for plain speaking plain
Plans for our extension have been submitted for approval. plan
plan (for sth): Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace. plan
plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. plan
a development/business/peace, etc. plan plan
plan how, what, etc...: I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day. plan
the planets of our solar system planet
the planet Earth/Venus/Mars planet
the battle to save the planet planet
financial planning planning
It was pleasant to be alone again. pleasant
Quiet please! please
Please don't leave me here alone. please
pleasure (in sth/in doing sth): He takes no pleasure in his work. pleasure
Are you in Paris on business or pleasure? pleasure
'Thanks for doing that.' 'It's a pleasure.' pleasure
a conventional plot about love and marriage plot
The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government. plot
plot to do sth: They were plotting to overthrow the government. plot
On the plus side, all the staff are enthusiastic. plus
The plus side of working at home is that you can be more flexible. plus
At this point I don't care what you decide to do. point
Read the manual to learn the program's finer points (= small details). point
One of the hotel's plus points (= good features) is that it is very central. point
Here are the main points of the news. point
He's just saying that to prove a point (= to show his idea is right). point
The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction. point
A hundred camera lenses were being pointed at her. point
point sth: She pointed her finger in my direction. point
She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
He pointed out the dangers of driving alone. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle. poisonous
The profession is policed by its own regulatory body. police
The government has called on newspapers to police themselves. police
the present government's policy on education policy
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting. policy
We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality. policy
US foreign/domestic policy policy
They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. policy
a policy document policy
Check the terms of the policy before you sign. policy
polish sth (up) (with sth): He polished his glasses with a handkerchief. polish
a monarch without political power political
He was a political prisoner (= one who was put in prison because he was thought to be harmful to the state). political
a political debate/party/leader political
What are your political sympathies? political
a politically sensitive issue politically
politically motivated crimes politically
It makes sense politically as well as economically. politically
party politics politics
local politics politics
He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.) politics
a major figure in British politics politics
I don't want to get involved in office politics. politics
the internal politics of the legal profession politics
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
His politics are extreme. politics
soil poor in nutrients poor
We aim to help the poorest families. poor
popular (with sb): These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters. popular
The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer. popular
They posed briefly for photographs before driving off. pose
This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position. position
The company's financial position is not certain. position
The soldiers had to stand for hours without changing position. position
From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour. position
a positive pregnancy test positive
This is proof positive that he stole the money. positive
His family have been a very positive influence on him. positive
positive (about sth): She tried to be more positive about her new job. positive
Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible (= if you can). possible
Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. possible
Please suggest possible ways in which you would improve the existing program. possible
They tried everything they possibly could to improve the situation. possibly
The guards were ordered not to leave their posts. post
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
an academic/government post post
She was offered a key post in the new government. post
Where's the main post office? post office
First we need to identify actual and potential problems. potential
a potentially dangerous situation potentially
Total losses were estimated at over three million pounds. pound
economic power power
an allied/enemy power power
The powers of the police must be clearly defined. power
Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on 300 protesters. power
He had to use all his powers of persuasion. power
a powerful telescope powerful
I traded my computer in for a more powerful model. powerful
a powerful image/drug/speech powerful
Television may have a powerful influence on children. powerful
Let's be practical and work out the cost first. practical
to have gained practical experience of the work practical
From a practical point of view, it isn't a good place to live. practical
With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing. practically
child care policy and practice practice
She's determined to put her new ideas into practice. practice
practise for sth: She's practising for her piano exam. practise
practise (sth) on sb/sth: He usually wants to practise his English on me. practise
to practise self-restraint/safe sex practise
His latest movie has won high praise from the critics. praise
praise sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: He praised his team for their performance. praise
praise sb/sth as sth: Critics praised the work as highly original. praise
precise details/instructions/measurements precise
Can you give a more precise definition of the word? precise
I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident. precise
We were just talking about her when, at that precise moment, she walked in. precise
Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness. precise
a skilled and precise worker precise
small, precise movements precise
She's rather prim and precise. precise
They look precisely the same to me. precisely
That's precisely what I meant. precisely
It's not clear precisely how the accident happened. precisely
The meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely. precisely
to describe sth precisely precisely
She pronounced the word very slowly and precisely. precisely
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
The children are precisely the ones who will suffer if they get divorced. precisely
She was chosen in preference to her sister. in preference to sb/sth
a heavily pregnant woman (= one whose baby is nearly ready to be born) pregnant
business/commercial/industrial premises premises
The college prepares students for a career in business. prepare
prepare yourself (for sth): The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration. prepare
I had been preparing myself for this moment. prepare
Her condition is not improving as we hoped. You must prepare yourselves for the worst. prepare
Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect. presence
The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child. presence
in the present situation present
You can't use it in its present condition. present
birthday/Christmas/wedding, etc. presents present
What can I get him for a birthday present? present
present sth: The company has decided it must present a more modern image. present
It is essential that we present a united front (= show that we all agree). present
present yourself + adv./prep.: You need to present yourself better. present
present sth/sb/yourself as sth: He likes to present himself as a radical politician. present
The press presents this as a kind of victory. present
The article presents these proposals as misguided. present
present sth (to sb): The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June. present
present sth (for sth): Eight options were presented for consideration. present
Are you presenting a paper at the conference? present
He presents a convincing case. present
present sth: The local MP will start the race and present the prizes. present
present sth to sb: The sword was presented by the family to the museum. present
The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court. presentation
The presentation of prizes began after the speeches. presentation
The Mayor will make the presentation (= hand over the gift) herself. presentation
Members will be admitted on presentation of a membership card. presentation
a presentation copy (= a free book given by the author or publisher ) presentation
Improving the product's presentation (= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.) should increase sales. presentation
I admire the clear, logical presentation of her arguments. presentation
The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products. presentation
He was anxious to preserve his reputation. preserve
Efforts to preserve the peace have failed. preserve
preserve sth + adj.: This vase has been preserved intact. preserve
Do you have any comment, Mr President? president
to be made president of the students' union president
the popular/tabloid press (= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people) press
The story was reported in the press and on television. press
press sth/sb/yourself against sth: She pressed her face against the window. press
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. pressure
pretend (to sb) (that...): He pretended to his family that everything was fine. pretend
She pretended (that) she was his niece. pretend
a pretty face pretty
a pretty little girl pretty
The government took steps to prevent a scandal. prevent
No previous experience is necessary for this job. previous
She is his daughter from a previous marriage. previous
to charge a high/reasonable/low price for sth price
Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)? price
It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years. price
Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children's happiness. price
Losing his job was a real blow to his pride. pride
The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride. pride
pride (in sth): I take (a) pride in my work. pride
I looked with pride at what I had achieved. pride
a parish priest priest
the ordination of women priests priest
The problem is not primarily a financial one. primarily
The person primarily responsible is the project manager. primarily
The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English. primary
Our primary concern must be the children. primary
primary causes primary
She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle. principle
I'm having the pictures developed and printed. print
The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family. print
Financial security was high on his list of priorities. priority
You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). priority
Priority cases, such as homeless families, get dealt with first. priority
a maximum-security prison prison
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen. prisoner
They are demanding the release of all political prisoners. prisoner
She is afraid to go out and has become a virtual prisoner in her own home. prisoner
He was a prisoner of his own ignorance. prisoner
a politician's private life private
a programme to return many of the state companies to private ownership private
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail. privately
She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize. prize
health/family, etc. problems problem
financial/practical/technical problems problem
Most students face the problem of funding themselves while they are studying. problem
The problem first arose in 2008. problem
Unemployment is a very real problem for graduates now. problem
There's no history of heart problems (= disease connected with the heart) in our family. problem
to follow normal/standard/accepted procedure procedure
Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure. procedure
a consultation process process
to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system process
I'm afraid getting things changed will be a slow process. process
mental processes process
Coming off the drug was a long and painful (= difficult) process for him. process
Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. process
We're in the process of selling our house. process
I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process (= while I was doing it). process
the ageing process process
It's a normal part of the learning process. process
manufacturing processes process
a new process for rustproofing car bodies process
The new model will be in production by the end of the year. production
a production process production
She was at the very top of her profession. profession
professional qualifications/skills professional
You need a professional to sort out your finances. professional
Load the program into the computer. program
an intense training program program
the university's graduate programs program
a TV program program
In this class, students will learn how to program. program
program sth (to do sth): The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted. program
an exciting musical programme programme
a week-long programme of lectures programme
What's the programme for (= what are we going to do) tomorrow? programme
a theatre programme programme
a news programme programme
Did you see that programme on India last night? programme
What time is that programme on? programme
Which programme do you want to watch? programme
to launch a research programme programme
a training programme for new staff programme
a programme of economic reform programme
Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language. programme
The final section of road is programmed for completion next month. programme
slow/steady/rapid/good progress progress
economic/scientific/technical progress progress
The course allows students to progress at their own speed. progress
Images are projected onto the retina of the eye. project
promise sth: The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster. promise
promise sth to sb: He promised the money to his grandchildren. promise
promise sb sth: He promised his grandchildren the money. promise
promise yourself sth: I've promised myself some fun when the exams are over. promise
promise (to do sth): She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly. promise
promise (of sth): The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. promise
policies to promote economic growth promote
prompt sth: The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security. prompt
proof of sth: Can you provide any proof of identity? proof
proof that...: There is no proof that the knife belonged to her. proof
This building is government property. property
You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion. proportion
to submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal proposal
propose sth: The government proposed changes to the voting system. propose
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): There is no immediate prospect of peace. prospect
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
prospect for sth: Long-term prospects for the economy have improved. prospect
protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. protect
Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. protect
protest (about/against/at sth): Students took to the streets to protest against the decision. protest
The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. protest
There's no use protesting, I won't change my mind. protest
protest sth: They fully intend to protest the decision. protest
proud that...: She was proud that her daughter had so much talent. proud
The car had been his proudest possession. proud
She proudly displayed her prize. proudly
He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. prove
It was proving extremely difficult to establish the truth. prove
His lack of experience may prove a problem in a crisis. prove
prove sth: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. prove
'I know you're lying.' 'Prove it!' prove
He felt he needed to prove his point (= show other people that he was right). prove
Are you just doing this to prove a point? prove
I certainly don't have anything to prove—my record speaks for itself. prove
prove sth to sb: Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. prove
prove (that)...: This proves (that) I was right. prove
prove sb/sth/yourself + adj./noun: She was determined to prove everyone wrong. prove
prove sb/sth/yourself to be/have sth: You've just proved yourself to be a liar. prove
prove what, how, etc...: This just proves what I have been saying for some time. prove
it is proved that...: Can it be proved that he did commit these offences? prove
Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day. provided
a public figure (= a person who is well known because they are often on the television, radio, etc.) public
Details of the government report have not yet been made public. public
He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). public
the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) public
The rail industry is no longer in public ownership (= controlled by the government). public
Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest (= useful to ordinary people)? public
The government had to bow to public pressure. public
He later publicly apologized for his comments. publicly
Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. publish
pull sth/yourself + adj.: John pulled himself free and ran off. pull
In this area oxen are used to pull carts. pull
Stop crying and pull yourself together! pull yourself together
He felt the pull of paternal love. pull
He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose. punch
punishment (for sth): What is the punishment for murder? punishment
There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones. punishment
He was sent to his room as a punishment. punishment
How many pupils does the school have? pupil
She now teaches only private pupils. pupil
major purchases, such as a new car purchase
If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. purchase
beaches of pure white sand pure
a pure voice pure
a bottle of pure water pure
pure gold/silk, etc. pure
Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. pure
I saw the letter purely by chance. purely
Our campaign's main purpose is to raise money. purpose
These gifts count as income for tax purposes. purpose
Volunteer work gives her life (a sense of) purpose. purpose
We intend to pursue this policy with determination. pursue
We have decided not to pursue the matter. pursue
The music teacher really pushes her pupils. push
push sth: He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike. push
The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms. push ahead/forward (with sth)
He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started. push
Put yourself in my position. What would you have done? put
Don't go putting yourself at risk. put
He put his fist through a glass door. put
Her family put her into a nursing home. put
Firefighters soon put the fire out. put sth out
She's very clever but her manner does tend to put people off. put sb off
to put together a model plane/an essay/a meal put sth together
academic/educational/professional/vocational qualifications qualification
a nursing/teaching, etc. qualification qualification
He left school with no formal qualifications. qualification
In this job, experience counts for more than paper qualifications. qualification
Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job. qualification
a qualified accountant/teacher, etc. qualified
I don't know much about it, so I don't feel qualified to comment. qualified
The police found a quantity of drugs at his home. quantity
The programme lasted an hour and a quarter. quarter
The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation. question
The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered. question
The government doesn't have the answers to these difficult questions. question
Let's look at the question of security. question
Which route is better remains an open question (= it is not decided). question
It's just a question of deciding what you really want. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
The students were questioned on the books they had been studying. question
Once again, his quick wits (= quick thinking) got him out of an awkward situation. quick
We need to make a quick decision. quick
her quiet voice quiet
Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone? quiet
He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset. quiet
a quiet street quiet
They lead a quiet life. quiet
Business is usually quieter at this time of year. quiet
They had a quiet wedding. quiet
The hotel is in a quiet location near the sea. quiet
to have a quiet drink quiet
I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. quiet
I've decided to resign but I'd rather you kept quiet about it. keep quiet about sth, keep sth quiet
quit as sth: He has decided to quit as manager of the team. quit
quit sth: He quit the show last year because of bad health. quit
Quite apart from all the work, he had financial problems. quite
'You've no intention of coming back?' 'I'm quite sorry, but no, I have not.' quite
quote (sb) (as doing sth): The President was quoted in the press as saying that he disagreed with the decision. quote
Don't quote me on this (= this is not an official statement), but I think he is going to resign. quote
She said, and I quote, 'Life is meaningless without love.' quote
legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex race
She raced her car through the narrow streets of the town. race
race to do sth: Television companies are racing to be the first to screen his life story. race
a racing stable racing
The interview was broadcast on radio and television. radio
a radio programme/station radio
a model railway railway
I was born and raised a city boy. raise
She raised her eyes from her work. raise
Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range. range
This was outside the range of his experience. range
She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. rank
The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment). rank
rank (sb/sth) + adj.: Last year, he was ranked second in his age group. rank
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world. rank
a rapidly growing economy rapidly
It was a rare (= very great) honour to be made a fellow of the college. rare
a rarely-performed play rarely
Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. rate
rate sb/sth (as) sth: rate sb/sth + noun: The show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences. rate
+ adj.: I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration. rate
a top-rated programme rate
He looks rather like his father. rather
to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise reach
Politicians again failed to reach an agreement. reach
a skilled driver with quick reactions reaction
The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades. reaction
The decision provoked an angry reaction from local residents. reaction
read to sb/yourself: He liked reading to his grandchildren. read
read sth to sb/yourself: Go on—read it to us. read
The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions. reader
a reading list (= a list of books, etc. that students are expected to read for a particular subject) reading
The article is not exactly light reading (= it is not easy to read). reading
reading glasses (= worn when reading) reading
Volunteers were ready and waiting to pack the food in boxes. ready
I had no real interest in politics. real
pictures of animals, both real and mythological real
Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world. real
This decision reflects the realities of the political situation. reality
We try to help all students realize their full potential (= be as successful as they are able to be). realize
Only later did she realize her mistake. realize
The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized. realize
There are toilets at both front and rear of the plane. rear
reason (for sth): She gave no reasons for her decision. reason
For reasons of security the door is always kept locked. reason
He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. reason
people who, for whatever reason, are unable to support themselves reason
'Why did she do that?' 'She must have her reasons ' (= secret reasons which she does not want to tell). reason
He was excused by reason of (= because of) his age. reason
The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder. reasonable
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct. reasonable
She seems reasonably happy in her new job. reasonably
We tried to discuss the matter calmly and reasonably. reasonably
recall sth: She could not recall his name. recall
(+ adv./prep.): If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton. recall
recall what, when, etc...: Can you recall exactly what happened? recall
receive sth + adv./prep.: The play was well received by the critics. receive
The proposals have been favourably received by most political commentators. receive
reckon to be/have sth: Children are reckoned to be more sophisticated nowadays. reckon
They hadn't reckoned on a rebellion. reckon on sth
reckon doing sth: We'd reckoned on having good weather. reckon on sth
the automatic recognition of handwriting and printed text by computer recognition
to seek international/official/formal recognition as a sovereign state recognition
The government granted full diplomatic recognition to the republics. recognition
She gained only minimal recognition for her work. recognition
recognize how, what, etc...: Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was. recognize
recommend sb/sth (to sb) (for/as sth): I recommend the book to all my students. recommend
recommend how, what, etc...: Can you recommend how much we should charge? recommend
The report criticizes the government's record on housing. record
record (sth): Did you remember to record that programme for me? record
record how, what, etc...: His job is to record how politicians vote on major issues. record
record that...: She recorded in her diary that they crossed the Equator on 15 June. record
during the recording of the show recording
the recording of financial transactions recording
He is unlikely to ever recover his legal costs. recover
The economy is at last beginning to recover. recover
He's still recovering from his operation. recover
She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans. reference
She could see herself reflected in his eyes. reflect
Before I decide, I need time to reflect. reflect
reflect on/upon sth: She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision. reflect
proposals to reform the social security system reform
a reforming administration reform
a government committed to reform reform
economic/electoral/constitutional, etc. reform reform
refuse sth: The bank refused his demand for a full refund. refuse
The authorities refused permission for the new housing development. refuse
regard sb/sth/yourself as sth: Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral. regard
He regards himself as a patriot. regard
regard for sb/sth: I had great regard for his abilities. regard
register sth: to register a birth/marriage/death register
register sb + adj.: register (sb) as sth: She is officially registered (as) disabled. register
a parish register (= of births, marriages and deaths) register
The decision could be one he lives to regret. regret
She expressed her regret at the decision. regret
He gave up teaching in 2009, much to the regret of his students. regret
He's just a regular guy who loves his dog. regular
a face with regular features regular
a regular geometric pattern regular
On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties. regular
Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families. regular
too many rules and regulations regulation
fire/safety/building, etc. regulations regulation
to comply with the regulations regulation
Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled. regulation
the strict regulations governing the sale of weapons regulation
to reject an argument/a claim/a decision/an offer/a suggestion reject
relate sth: She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. relate
The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland. relate to sth/sb
Our product needs an image that people can relate to. relate to sth/sb
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. related
teacher-pupil relations relation
to have sexual relations (= to have sex) relation
Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship. relationship
relationship (between A and B): the relationship between mental and physical health relationship
relationship (to sth): This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation. relationship
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power. relax
a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere relaxed
release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. release
The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages. release
Do you have the relevant experience? relevant
relief from sth: The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. relief
Volunteers provide regular help to give relief to carers. relief
The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion. religion
As babies, we rely entirely on others for food. rely on/upon sb/sth
rely to do sth: These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. rely on/upon sb/sth
Despite threats of strike action, the management remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached. remain
She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog. remains
a casual remark that led to a major discovery remark
+ speech: 'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually. remark
remark that...: Critics remarked that the play was not original. remark
Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families. removal
She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. remove
The elections removed the government from power. remove
In the long run, it works out more expensive to rent a television than to buy one. rent
rent sth (out) (to sb): He rents rooms in his house to students. rent
to repair a car/roof/road/television repair
The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself. repair
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
to repeat a mistake/a process/an exercise repeat
The programmes will be repeated next year. repeat
She kept repeating his name softly over and over again. repeat
repeat yourself: Do say if I'm repeating myself (= if I have already said this). repeat
The new design will eventually replace all existing models. replace
Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. replace
You'll be expected to replace any broken glasses. replace
reply that...: The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment. reply
report sb (to sb) (for sth/for doing sth): She threatened to report him to the authorities for hunting without a licence. report
report sb/sth + adj.: She has reported her daughter missing. report
report that...: The TV news reported that several people had been arrested. report
report (on sth) (to sb): The committee will report on its research next month. report
report sb/sth as sth/as doing sth: The house was reported as being in excellent condition. report
be reported to be/have sth: The house was reported to be in excellent condition. report
report (that)...: Employers reported that graduates were deficient in writing and problem-solving skills. report
The results are represented in fig.3 below. represent
The artist uses doves to represent peace. represent
This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy. represent
He got rid of anyone who represented a challenge to his authority. represent
The peace plan represents (= is the result of) weeks of negotiation. represent
The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries. represent
Ms Dale is representing the defendant (= is his/her lawyer) in the case. represent
our elected representatives in government representative
The singer is regarded as a representative of the youth of her generation. representative
The paper-thin models in magazines are not representative of most women. representative
All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery. reproduce
Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. reproduce
She left her address with a request that any mail should be sent on to her. request
a radio request programme (= a programme of music, songs, etc. that people have asked for) request
request that...: She requested that no one be told of her decision until the next meeting. request
She requested that no one should be told of her decision. request
This condition requires urgent treatment. require
require that...: The situation required that he be present. require
The situation required that he should be present. require
Several students failed to reach the required standard. require
require sth of sb: What exactly is required of a receptionist (= what are they expected to do)? require
You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. rescue
a research project/grant/student research
I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job. reservation
reserve sth: I'd prefer to reserve (my) judgement (= not make a decision) until I know all the facts. reserve
She steadfastly resisted all attempts to help her. resist
resist doing sth: He couldn't resist showing off his new car. resist
resistance to sb/sth: The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police. resistance
Attempts are being made to resolve the problem of security in schools. resolve
Be patient and the situation may resolve itself. resolve
Strike action should be regarded as a last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed. resort
In the last resort (= in the end) everyone must decide for themselves. resort
We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software. resource
He has no respect for her feelings. respect
They instilled in their children a respect for Welsh tradition and culture. respect
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
I did it on my own responsibility (= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it had gone wrong). responsibility
responsibility (to/towards sb): She feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees. responsibility
He is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions. responsible
responsible (for sb/sth): Even where parents no longer live together, they each continue to be responsible for their children. responsible
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
We hope to restore the garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). restore
This cream claims to restore your skin to its youthful condition. restore
We restrict the number of students per class to 10. restrict
The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. restriction
a coach who knows how to get results from his players result
result sb/sth doing sth: These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. result in sth
He struggled to retain control of the situation. retain
This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory. retain
Train services have returned to normal after the strike. return
They appealed for a return to work (= after a strike). return
on the return flight/journey/trip return
reveal yourself: She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself. reveal
She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed. reverse
to reverse a procedure/process/trend reverse
The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. reverse
The Court of Appeal reversed the decision. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended. reverse
the government's review of its education policy review
a book review review
He submitted his latest novel for review. review
The government will review the situation later in the year. review
We will be reviewing all the topics covered this semester. review
I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now. revise
The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report. revise
I'll prepare a revised estimate for you. revise
I spent the weekend revising for my exam. revise
revise sth: I'm revising Geography today. revise
Their educational policies are due for revision. revision
a financial reward reward
After a steep climb you will be rewarded by magnificent views from the summit. reward
music with a fast/slow/steady rhythm rhythm
a dancer with a natural sense of rhythm (= the ability to move in time to a fixed beat) rhythm
the richest countries/economies/nations rich
a train ride through beautiful countryside ride
Steve gave me a ride on his motorbike. ride
She's an experienced rider. rider
Things aren't right between her parents. right
He's not quite right in the head (= not mentally normal). right
Have you got the right money (= the exact amount) for the bus fare? right
She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). right
The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party. right
There is no right of appeal against the decision. right
They had fought hard for equal rights. right
It was difficult to establish the rights and wrongs (= the true facts) of the matter. right
He was proud of his beautiful house, and rightly so. rightly
Her spirits rose (= she felt happier) at the news. rise
a rising young politician rise
a calculated risk (= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) risk
The group was considered to be a risk to national security. risk
We don't want to run the risk of losing their business. run the risk (of sth/of doing sth), run risks
She was risking her own and her children's health. risk
He risked all his money on a game of cards. risk
It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it. risk
The Japanese are our biggest economic rivals. rival
a main/major/minor road road
He had been robbed of his dignity. rob sb/sth of sth
Protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks. rock
a cave with striking rock formations (= shapes made naturally from rock) rock
Wallpaper is sold in rolls. roll
I always roll my own (= make my own cigarettes). roll
roll onto sth: He rolled onto his back. roll
She rolled her car in a 100 mph crash. roll
romantic images of deserted beaches romantic
Do you have room for a computer on your desk? room
I don't want to watch television. I'll be in the other room (= a different room). room
Money, or love of money, is said to be the root of all evil. root
What lies at the root of his troubles is a sense of insecurity. root
We tied his hands together with rope. rope
a rough calculation/estimate of the cost rough
These glasses suit people with round faces. round
Make it a round figure—say forty dollars. round
Well, in round figures (= not giving the exact figures) we've spent twenty thousand so far. round
the royal family royal
the royal household royal
by royal appointment (= a sign used by companies that supply goods to the royal family) royal
rub sth: She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. rub
rub sth/yourself with sth: Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting. rub
That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job. ruin
The terrorist attack had left the city in a state of ruin ruin
The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin. ruin
majority rule (= government by the political party that most people have voted for) rule
It's against all rules and regulations. rule
Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible. rule
Normal competition rules apply. rule
The family ruled London's gangland in the sixties. rule
I decided to make a run for it (= to escape by running). run
a rural economy rural
the Christmas rush rush
a sad state of affairs sad
safe (to do sth): It's safe to assume (that) there will always be a demand for new software. safe
The show was well performed, but so safe and predictable. safe
She didn't feel safe on her own. safe
He was kept in custody for his own safety. safety
sail sth: She sails her own yacht. sail
a two-hour sail across the bay sail
All main courses come with salad or vegetables. salad
a side salad (= a small bowl of salad served with the main course of a meal) salad
regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages sale
He used the very same (= exactly the same) words. same
'Happy Christmas!' 'And the same to you!' (the) same to you
The interviews were given to a random sample of students. sample
She looked back on her career with great satisfaction. satisfaction
He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller. satisfaction
satisfy sb/yourself (that)...: Once I had satisfied myself (that) it was the right decision, we went ahead. satisfy
to save a penalty save
save sth on sth: The government is trying to save £1 million on defence. save
save sth (for sth/sb): He's saving his strength for the last part of the race. save
say where, why, etc...: The book doesn't say where he was born. say
Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? say
say to sb/yourself + speech: I said to myself (= thought), 'That can't be right!' say
sb/sth is said to be/have sth: He is said to have been a brilliant scholar. say
a scale model/drawing scale
Is this diagram to scale (= are all its parts the same size and shape in relation to each other as they are in the thing represented)? scale
to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced) scale
it scares sb to do sth: It scared me to think I was alone in the building. scare
scared (of doing sth): She is scared of going out alone. scared
love/sex scenes scene
Firefighters were on the scene immediately. scene
Italy was the scene of many demonstrations at that time. scene
We are trying desperately to keep to our schedule. schedule
a train schedule schedule
a training scheme scheme
scheme (for doing sth): a local scheme for recycling newspapers scheme
Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. scheme
the business/medical/law school school
a drama/language/riding, etc. school school
science students/teachers/courses science
the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory scientist
scratch sb/sth/yourself on sth: She scratched herself on a nail. scratch
scratch sth/yourself: John yawned and scratched his chin. scratch
The nurse put a screen around the bed. screen
an eight-screen cinema screen
The movie will be coming to your screens shortly. screen
He has adapted the play for the screen. screen
Some actors never watch themselves on screen. screen
a screen actor screen
a computer screen screen
a monitor with a 21 inch screen screen
They were staring at the television screen. screen
Move your cursor to the top of the screen. screen
the screen display screen
Can you do a printout of this screen for me (= of all the information on it)? screen
screw sth + adv./prep.: She screwed the cap back on the jar. screw
It was a calm sea. sea
Troops sealed off the site following a bomb alert. seal sth off
search (for sth/sb): She searched in vain for her passport. search
The female changes colour during the breeding season. season
the holiday season (= the time of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year) season
the festive season (= Christmas and New Year) season
The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. seat
The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity. second
Experience is what matters—age is of secondary importance. secondary
secondary to sth: Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming. secondary
a secondary colour (= made from mixing two primary colours) secondary
the secondary curriculum secondary
secret (from sb): He tried to keep it secret from his family. secret
He made no secret of his ambition (= he didn't try to hide it). secret
official/State secrets secret
dark secrets from his past secret
The library has a large biology section. section
The aerial doesn't look very secure to me. secure
Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion. secure
the security of a loving family life security
She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). security
national security (= the defence of a country) security
airport security security
They carried out security checks at the airport. security
The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). security
the security forces/services (= the police, army, etc.) security
a high/maximum security prison (= for dangerous criminals) security
a security alert security
The criminals were caught (= filmed) on a security video. security
Security was/were called to the incident. security
financial security security
Which type of investment offers the greatest security? security
'Can I go to the party?' 'We'll see (= I'll decide later). see
see sb/sth doing sth: I can't see her changing her mind. see
Try to see things from her point of view. see
Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion). see
The way I see it, you have three main problems. see
be seen to do sth: The government not only has to do something, it must be seen to be doing something (= people must be aware that it is doing sth). see
Did you see that programme on Brazil last night? see
He intends to seek custody of the children. seek
seek sth from sb: She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. seek
This model is available at selected stores only. select
the selection process selection
You'll soon be feeling your old self again (= feeling well or happy again). self
He's not his usual happy self this morning. self
his private/professional self (= how he behaves at home/work) self
You really have to sell yourself at a job interview. sell
sell (sth) (at sth): They sold the business at a profit/loss (= they gained/lost money when they sold it). sell
This week's performances are completely sold out. sell out, be sold out
send sth: My parents send their love. send
send sb sth: Have you sent your mother a postcard yet? send
I have ten years' experience at senior management level. senior
The meeting should be chaired by the most senior person present. senior
The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people. sense
In some senses (= in one or more ways) the criticisms were justified. sense
She has lost all sense of direction in her life. sense
Health care is a politically sensitive issue. sensitive
to be under sentence of death sentence
The judge passed sentence (= said what the punishment would be). sentence
The prisoner has served (= completed) his sentence and will be released tomorrow. sentence
The war separated many families. separate
Last year's figures are shown separately. separately
That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda. separately
serious (about sb/sth): He's really serious about Penny and wants to get engaged. serious
We need to get down to the serious business of working out costs. serious
They pose a serious threat to security. serious
They are seriously concerned about security. seriously
They treat their mother like a servant. servant
serve sb (as sth): He served the family faithfully for many years (= as a servant). serve
serve sb/sth with sth: The town is well served with buses and major road links. serve
Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business. serve
His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession. serve
After retiring, she became involved in voluntary service in the local community. service
Our main concern is to provide quality customer service. service
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
financial services service
the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business) service
a photo/recording/training, etc. session session
set sth for sb/yourself: She's set a difficult task for herself. set
set sb/yourself sth: She's set herself a difficult task. set
set sb/yourself to do sth: I've set myself to finish the job by the end of the month. set
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. set sth up
They set out on the last stage of their journey. set out
a complete set of her novels set
She settled in Vienna after her father's death. settle
This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century. settle
settle sth: It's all settled—we're leaving on the nine o'clock plane. settle
Good, that's settled, then. settle
He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home. settle
She settled down in an armchair to watch television. settle down
When are you going to get married and settle down? settle down
It's time I settled down. settle down
Now, come on, settle down! settle down, settle sb down
I'm sure things will settle down soon. settle down, settle sb down
Several more people than usual came to the meeting. several
a severe punishment/sentence severe
a severe shortage of qualified staff severe
Strikes are causing severe disruption to all train services. severe
sew sth: She sews all her own clothes. sew
How can you tell what sex a fish is? sex
a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby sex
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below. sex
sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) sex
Testosterone is the male sex hormone. sex
the battle of the sexes (= the competitive relationship that exists between men and women) sex
It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16. sex
gay sex sex
the sex act sex
a sex attack sex
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
sex education in schools sex
These drugs may affect your sex drive (= your interest in sex and the ability to have it). sex
sexual behaviour sexual
They were not having a sexual relationship at the time. sexual
Her interest in him is purely sexual. sexual
sexual orientation (= whether you are heterosexual or homosexual ) sexual
a sexual partner (= a person who you have sex with) sexual
sexually abused children sexually
She finds him sexually attractive. sexually
sexually explicit sexually
Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys. sexually
The disease is a threat to anyone who is sexually active. sexually
She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family. shame
a rectangular shape shape
The pool was in the shape of a heart. shape
The island was originally circular in shape. shape
Squares, circles and triangles are types of shape. shape
Candles come in all shapes and sizes. shape
You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins. shape
The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. shape
Ghostly shapes moved around in the dark. shape
I could just make out a dark shape in the distance. shape
What sort of shape was the car in after the accident? shape
He's in good shape for a man of his age. shape
I like to keep in shape (= keep fit). shape
He's not in any shape (= not well enough) to be working. shape
shape A into B: Shape the dough into a ball. shape
shape sth: This tool is used for shaping wood. shape
His ideas had been shaped by his experiences during the war. shape
She had a leading role in shaping party policy. shape
a huge balloon shaped like a giant cow shaped
almond-shaped eyes shaped
an L-shaped room shaped
share sth (with sb): Both drivers shared the blame for the accident. share
share sth with sb: People often share their political views with their parents. share
share in sth: I didn't really share in her love of animals. share
share (sth with sb): Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? share
Bob told Jess he wanted to share his life with her. share
Rita shared her money out among her six grandchildren. share
Sue shares a house with three other students. share
a girl of sharp intelligence sharp
She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics. sharp
We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock (= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time). sharp
Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children. sharply
She moved sharply across the room to block his exit. sharply
a sheet of glass/steel sheet
Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences). shelter
Her sympathies gradually shifted to the side of the protesters. shift
I shifted uneasily under his gaze. shift
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. shift
The dark polished wood shone like glass. shine
The company ships its goods all over the world. ship
ship sth: The company continues to ship more computer systems than its rivals. ship
He was the type of person who would give you the shirt off his back. the shirt off sb's back
He's still in a state of shock. shock
These movies deliberately set out to shock. shock
He took his shoes and socks off. shoe
They go shooting in Scotland. shoot
He shot himself during a fit of depression. shoot
The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape. shoot
She was determined to go out and shop till she dropped. shop
The man fired several shots from his pistol. shot
The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters. show
show sth: The movie is being shown now. show
She plans to show her paintings early next year. show
The map shows the principal towns and rivers. show
show yourself + adj.: She had shown herself unable to deal with money. show
show yourself to be/have sth: He has shown himself to be ready to make compromises. show
show sth to sb: She showed the technique to her students. show
show sb sth: She showed her students the technique. show
show sth: You have to show your ticket as you go in. show
Have you shown your work to anyone? show
The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show. show
show sth: a report showing the company's current situation show
show (sb) how, what, etc...: This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements. show
We were shown around the school by one of the students. show sb around/round (sth)
a dress that shows off her figure show sth off
an agricultural show show
The latest computers will be on show at the exhibition. show
A local artist is holding a show of her recent work. show
to put on/stage a show show
She's the star of the show! show
to host a show show
a TV/radio show show
a quiz show show
sunglasses that shut out 99% of the sun's harmful rays shut sb/sth out (of sth)
The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. shut sth down
a quiet, shy man shy
It's good you can see the funny side of the situation. side
a shape with five sides side
He was lying on his side. side
Now lay the jar on its side. side
satellite links to the other side of the world side
A bicycle came into sight on the main road. sight
He had placed himself directly in my line of sight. sight
The soldiers were given orders to shoot on sight (= as soon as they saw sb). sight
It was love at first sight (= we fell in love the first time we saw each other). at first sight
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
sign yourself + noun: He signed himself 'Jimmy'. sign
All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). signal
The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working. signal
TV signals signal
The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world. signal
There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. significant
It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death. significant
Your decision will significantly affect your future. significantly
a two-minute silence in honour of those who had died silence
They've had to sell the family silver to pay the bills. silver
He was dancing around and singing at the top of his voice (= very loudly). sing
The apartments are ideal for single people living alone. single
a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) single
to be in a difficult situation situation
You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. situation
We have all been in similar embarrassing situations. situation
the present economic/financial/political, etc. situation situation
He could see no way out of the situation. situation
In your situation, I would look for another job. situation
What we have here is a crisis situation. situation
I'm in a no-win situation (= whatever I do will be bad for me). situation
The business over the lawsuit had really knocked her for six. hit/knock sb for six
Try this one for size (= to see if it is the correct size). size
The glass can be cut to size (= cut to the exact measurements) for you. size
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. size
We were shocked at the size of his debts. size
skilled in/at sth/doing sth: She is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers. skilled
A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder. slice
Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation. slice
I woke up with a slight headache. slight
He never had the slightest intention of agreeing to it. slight
The picture was at a slight angle. slight
She slipped out of the house before the others were awake. slip
I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech. slip
slip sb sth: They'd slipped the guards some money. slip
The child slipped from his grasp and ran off. slip
The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth. slow
Collecting data is a painfully slow process. slow
Average earnings are rising at their slowest rate for 20 years. slow
The government is planning to give more help to small businesses. small
She noticed several small errors in his work. small
As a small boy he had spent most of his time with his grandparents. small
A much smaller number of students passed than I had expected. small
'I don't agree,' he said in a small (= quiet) voice. small
She's smarter than her brother. smart
That was a smart career move. smart
OK, I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did (= it was a stupid thing to do). smart
You look very smart in that suit. smart
I have to be smart for work. smart
They were wearing their smartest clothes. smart
The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces. smash
I could smell alcohol on his breath. smell
I had to smile at (= was amused by) his optimism. smile
She swung herself over the gate in one smooth movement. smooth
They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power. smooth
The water was as smooth as glass. smooth
The snow didn't settle (= stay on the ground). snow
I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time. so
Programs are expensive, and even more so if you have to keep altering them. so
a call for social and economic change social
The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. socially
a socially disadvantaged family (= one that is poor and from a low social class) socially
policies that will benefit society as a whole society
soldiers in uniform soldier
soldiers on duty soldier
His partner left and he had to soldier on alone. soldier on
The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all. solid
to solve an equation/a puzzle/a riddle solve
Some people never seem to put on weight while others are always on a diet. some
All these students are good, but some work harder than others. some
He's something in (= has a job connected with) television. something
She found herself something of a (= to some degree a) celebrity. something
The programme's something to do with (= in some way about) the environment. something
The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. somewhat
a folk/love/pop, etc. song song
It soon became clear that the programme was a failure. soon
Sooner or later you will have to make a decision. sooner or later
sorry (that)...: She was sorry that she'd lost her temper. sorry
He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her. be/feel sorry for sb
sort sth into sth: The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order. sort
Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper. sort
the dark side of the human soul soul
He believed his immortal soul was in peril. soul
The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls (= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven). soul
renewable energy sources source
What is their main source of income? source
He refused to name his sources. source
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
Historians use a wide range of primary and secondary sources for their research. source
the US space programme space
How much disk space will it take up? (= on a computer) space
I've lost my key and I haven't got a spare. spare
Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research. speak
She still speaks about him with great affection. speak
The brochure speaks of beautiful secluded grounds. speak
He was the only one to speak out against the decision. speak out (against sth)
Our special guest on next week's show will be... special
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
children's television programmes aimed at a specific age group specific
He made the announcement in a speech on television. speech
Increasing your walking speed will help to exercise your heart. speed
the processing speed of the computer speed
This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed. speed
a spelling mistake spelling
the differences between British and American spelling spelling
My spelling is terrible. spelling
spend (sth doing sth): The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems. spend
spend sth doing sth: I spend too much time watching television. spend
spend itself: The storm had finally spent itself. spend
a spice jar spice
She stared in horror at the hairy black spider. spider
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin (= make you feel very confused). spin
He is dead, but his spirit lives on. spirit
There's not much community spirit around here. spirit
Show a little fighting spirit. spirit
Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit. spirit
They took away his freedom and broke his spirit. spirit
the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties spirit
to be in high/low spirits spirit
You must try and keep your spirits up (= stay cheerful). spirit
My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again. spirit
a spiritual experience spiritual
spiritual development spiritual
a lack of spiritual values in the modern world spiritual
We're concerned about your spiritual welfare. spiritual
a spiritual leader spiritual
In spite of his age, he still leads an active life. in spite of sth
English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese. in spite of sth
The committee split over government subsidies. split
split (between A and B): There have been reports of a split between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. split
a quiet/secluded/lonely, etc. spot spot
He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him. spot
Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. spread
He was born in the spring of 1944. spring
a square room square
The hotel is just off the main square. square
First break the chocolate into squares. square
stable prices stable
a stable relationship stable
This ladder doesn't seem very stable. stable
The patient's condition is stable (= it is not getting worse). stable
The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now. stable
Mentally, she is not very stable. stable
The horse was led back to its stable. stable
The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage. stage
The project has the government's stamp of approval. stamp
Sam stamped his foot in anger. stamp
She had learnt to stand up for herself. stand up for sb/sth
A number of Britain's beaches fail to meet European standards on cleanliness. standard
Televisions are a standard feature in most hotel rooms. standard
The best models receive star treatment. star
She was the star of many popular television series. star
The star of the show was a young Italian singer. star
She starred opposite Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby'. star
No one has yet been chosen for the starring role (= the main part). star
He fixed the interviewer with a penetrating stare. stare
start sth (up): They decided to start a catering business. start
We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee. start
to start out in business start out
They worked hard to give their children a good start in life. start
people who are financially dependent on the state state
European Union member states state
He was in a state of permanent depression. state
A report condemned the state of prisoners' cells. state
anxieties about the state of the country's economy state
The building is in a bad state of repair (= needs to be repaired). state
She was in a state of shock. state
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
state sth: He has already stated his intention to run for election. state
The play makes a strong political statement. statement
a formal/ a public/a written/an official statement statement
A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. statement
The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change this afternoon. statement
The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements. statement
a local radio/TV station station
He tuned to another station. station
the main station station
low status jobs status
Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. status
The job brings with it status and a high income. status
the high status accorded to science in our culture status
Stay tuned (= used to ask people to continue listening to or watching a particular programme on the radio or television). stay
She did not want to stay in nursing all her life. stay
I wish you'd stay out of my business! stay out of sth
five years of steady economic growth steady
The castle receives a steady stream of visitors. steady
His breathing was steady. steady
a steady job/income steady
They set off at a steady pace. steady
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
He held the boat steady as she got in. steady
Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand. steady
She's not very steady on her feet these days. steady
The situation got steadily worse. steadily
a steep decline in the birth rate steep
This was a big step up (= to a better position) in his career. step
This drawer keeps sticking. stick
Can you stick this on the noticeboard? stick
We used glue to stick the broken pieces together. stick
The glue's useless—the pieces just won't stick. stick
He promised to help us and he stuck to his word (= he did as he had promised). stick to sth
The old lady leant on her stick as she talked. stick
sticky fingers covered in jam sticky
Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough. sticky
He smiled at her, trying to take the sting out of his words (= trying to make the situation less painful or difficult). sting
That particular model is not currently in stock. stock
a country's housing stock (= all the houses available for living in) stock
Pictures of the burnt corpses turned my stomach. turn your stomach
She criticizes everyone and the trouble is, she doesn't know when to stop. stop
Babies do not grow at a steady rate but in stops and starts. stop
Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computer's memory. store
A political storm is brewing over the Prime Minister's comments. storm
adventure/detective/love, etc. stories story
I can't decide until I've heard both sides of the story. story
Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories. story
I can't shoot straight (= accurately). straight
These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. strain
Strange to say, I don't really enjoy television. strange
She felt strange sitting at her father's desk. feel strange
The house was strangely quiet. strangely
the government's economic strategy strategy
I've had a steady stream of visitors. stream
The agency provided me with a steady stream of work. stream
It was time to take the political struggle onto the streets (= by protesting in large groups in the streets of a city). street
Beth is streets ahead of all the other students in her year. streets ahead (of sb/sth)
Street sport is informal and based on whatever people want to play. street
The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths. strength
The new weapon's strength lies in its accuracy. strength
Political power depends upon economic strength. strength
The rally was intended to be a show of strength by the socialists. strength
During this ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith. strength
It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again. strength
He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance. strength
emotional/mental stress stress
strict rules/regulations/discipline strict
The industry is strictly regulated. strictly
Striking workers picketed the factory. strike
it strikes sb how, what, etc...: It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. strike
They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. strike
the train drivers' strike strike
a strike by teachers strike
an unofficial/a one-day strike strike
Air traffic controllers are threatening to come out on/go on strike. strike
Half the workforce are now (out) on strike. strike
The train drivers have voted to take strike action. strike
The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). strike
a striking feature striking
In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming. striking
The molecules join together to form long strings. string
He's a beautiful dog. Can I stroke him? stroke
a face with strong features (= large and noticeable) strong
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration. strong
You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London. strong
strong support for the government strong
a strong leader/government strong
changes in the social and economic structure of society structure
struggle (with sb/sth): Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police. struggle
struggle (with sb) (to do sth): He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company. struggle
She will not give up her children without a struggle. struggle
a medical/science, etc. student student
a graduate/postgraduate/research student student
an overseas student student
a student teacher/nurse student
a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies) student
student fees (= to pay for the cost of teaching) student
She's a student at Sussex University. student
a dramatic increase in student numbers student
He's a third-year student at the College of Art. student
I did some acting in my student days. student
a 15-year-old high school student student
a television studio studio
a studio audience (= one in a studio, that can be seen or heard as a programme is broadcast) studio
business/media/American studies study
Physiology is the study of how living things work. study
Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life. study
study sth: We will study the report carefully before making a decision. study
What's all that sticky stuff on the carpet? stuff
a fine example of Gothic style style
Biology is my favourite subject. subject
We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing. subject
a sticky substance substance
a substitute family substitute
The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience. substitute
succeed in sth: She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. succeed
economic success success
He's proud of his daughter's successes. success
He was determined to make a success of the business. success
Such advice as he was given (= it was not very much) has proved almost worthless. such
suffer for sth: He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it. suffer
The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. suffer
His school work is suffering because of family problems. suffer
sufficient to do sth: These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban. sufficient
a business suit suit
suit sb/sth: Choose a computer to suit your particular needs. suit
suitable for sth/sb: This programme is not suitable for children. suitable
To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the problem... sum up, sum sth up
a two-page summary of a government report summary
a summary financial statement summary
We did our best to keep out of the sun. sun
superior intelligence superior
This model is technically superior to its competitors. superior
superior status superior
supply sth to sb/sth: Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. supply
supply sb/sth with sth: Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms. supply
supply sb/sth: Local schools supply many of the volunteers. supply
The witness's story was not supported by the evidence. support
Mark has two children to support from his first marriage. support
He turned to crime to support his drug habit. support
She supported herself through college by working as a waitress in a local bar. support
support sb/sth in sth: The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage. support
She supported her husband through many difficult times. support
Her family and friends have given her lots of support. support
Local businesses have provided financial support. support
a strong/loyal/staunch supporter supporter
suppose sb/sth + noun: I had supposed his wife a younger woman. suppose
There is no reason to suppose she's lying. suppose
suppose sth: The theory supposes the existence of life on other planets. suppose
I haven't seen it myself, but it's supposed to be a great movie. be supposed to do/be sth
We could not be sure of financial support. sure
Our staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your visit. make sure (of sth/that...)
The decision has been greeted with surprise. surprise
You'd be surprised how many people voted for him. surprised
We had a surprising amount in common. surprising
As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness. surround
From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside. surrounding
He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out. survey
She was the last surviving member of the family. survive
He is the prime suspect in the case. suspect
I have a horrible suspicion that we've come to the wrong station. suspicion
They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police. suspicious
Didn't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour? suspicious
She died in suspicious circumstances. suspicious
I was suspicious of his motives. suspicious
swear sth: He swore revenge on the man who had killed his father. swear
swear (on sth): Witnesses were required to swear on the Bible. swear
I woke up in a sweat. sweat
Swimming is a good form of exercise. swimming
swing sth: He sat on the stool, swinging his legs. swing
swing yourself + adv./prep.: He swung himself out of the car. swing
switch (over) (from sth) (to sth): We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing. switch
switch between A and B: Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen. switch
We only switched on halfway through the programme. switch off/on, switch sth off/on
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. symbol
The seamen went on strike in sympathy with (= to show their support for) the dockers. sympathy
system of sth: a system of government system
a security system system
the male reproductive system system
a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a book, usually at the front of the book) table
The government is determined to tackle inflation. tackle
Firefighters tackled a blaze in a garage last night. tackle
take sth: The journey to the airport takes about half an hour. take
The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. take
No decision will be taken on the matter until next week. take
He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions. take
take sth to do sth: What did you take his comments to mean? take
He took the criticism surprisingly well. take
She took it in the spirit in which it was intended. take
to take a photograph/picture/snapshot of sb/sth take
The new sports centre will take the pressure off the old one. take
The machine takes its name from its inventor. take
Shall I take a gift to my host family? take
take sb sth: Shall I take my host family a gift? take
Her energy and talent took her to the top of her profession. take
The new loan takes the total debt to $100 000. take
The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues. take over (from sb), take sth over (from sb)
I've decided to take a few days off next week. take sth off
He took in every detail of her appearance. take sth in
Reporters took down every word of his speech. take sth down
This situation can't go on. We need to talk. talk
talk sth: to talk business talk
talk yourself + adj.: We talked ourselves hoarse, catching up on all the news. talk
arms/pay/peace, etc. talks talk
Union representatives walked out of emergency talks aimed at reaching a pay settlement. talk
I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. talk
a hot water tank tank
a fuel tank tank
He was busy tapping away at his computer. tap
adhesive/sticky tape tape
business goals and targets target
The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September. target
a target area/audience/group (= the particular area, audience, etc. that a product, programme, etc. is aimed at) target
It's a prime target (= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks. target
The children became the target for their father's aggressive outbursts. target
Detectives are now faced with the task of identifying the body. task
I've lost my sense of taste. taste
Any interest payments are taxed as part of your income. tax
teach sth to sb: He teaches English to advanced students. teach
teach (sb) that...: My parents taught me that honesty was always the best policy. teach
teach sb sth: Our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons. teach
He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake. tear
He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto (= of ignoring it). tear sth up
Teachers learn various techniques for dealing with problem students. technique
a plasma screen television television
We don't do much in the evenings except watch television. television
satellite/terrestrial/cable/digital television television
the television news television
a television documentary television
a television company/presenter television
I'd like to work in television (= for a television company). television
What's on television tonight? on (the) television
Is there anything good on the telly tonight? on (the) television
It was on TV yesterday. on (the) television
I recognize you. Aren't you on television? on (the) television
tell A from B: Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? tell
tell (that)...: I could tell (that) he was angry from his expression. tell
tell sb/yourself to do sth: He was told to sit down and wait. tell
I kept telling myself to keep calm. tell
tell sb/yourself (that)...: They've told us (that) they're not coming. tell
tell sb where, what, etc...: Tell me where you live. tell
Does he have a temperature (= is it higher than normal, because of illness)? temperature
She's running a temperature (= it is higher than normal). temperature
There is a tendency for this disease to run in families. tendency
international/racial/political tensions tension
Family tensions and conflicts may lead to violence. tension
nervous tension tension
'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language. term
Many students now have paid employment during term. term
a long term of imprisonment term
a terrible experience terrible
I'll have to stay with her—she's in a terrible state. terrible
I'm not terribly interested in politics. terribly
test sth for sth: The water is regularly tested for purity. test
test sb/sth: to test sb's eyesight/hearing test
Two athletes tested positive for steroids. test
test sb (on sth): Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7, 11 and 14. test
test (sth): We test your English before deciding which class to put you in. test
a computer that can process text text
Highlight the area of text on screen and press the 'delete' key. text
The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support. thank you
That's exactly what I think. that
The dolphin is an intelligent animal. the
North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival. theme
They've bought themselves a new car. themselves
I saw them at Christmas but haven't heard a thing since then. then
Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then. then
She left in 1984 and from then on he lived alone. then
There remains the problem of finance. there
He found the whole thing (= the situation) very boring. thing
The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm. thing
Think things over before you decide. thing
As things stand at present, he seems certain to win. thing
Why do you make things so difficult for yourself? thing
Try to think yourself into the role. think
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
think sth: You're very quiet. What are you thinking? think
think doing sth: She's thinking of changing her job. think about/of sb/sth
Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one? this
There was a court case resulting from this incident. this
He was determined to be thorough in his research. thorough
thought of (sb/sth) doing sth: I don't like the thought of you walking home alone. thought
thought of sth: The very thought of it makes me feel sick. thought
the delicate threads of a spider's web thread
threaten sth: The threatened strike has been called off. threaten
Pollution is threatening marine life. threaten
I'd never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you. through
They export their products to markets throughout the world. throughout
Jenny threw herself onto the bed. throw
free tickets to the show ticket
He left his dog tied up to a tree. tie sth up
family ties tie
economic ties tie
emotional ties tie
Both sides agreed to strengthen political ties. tie
We need tighter security at the airport. tight
The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move. tight
The journey time is two hours. time
the politician who promised 'peace in our time' time
This is hardly the time to discuss politics. time
A computer screen shows arrival and departure times. time
The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time). time
The promotion came at just the right time for me. time
a bus/train timetable (= when they arrive and leave) timetable
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
tip (on/for doing sth): handy tips for buying a computer tip
Pace yourself or you'll tire yourself out in the first half of the race. tire sb/yourself out
His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'. title
She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' (= the role of Carmen in that opera ). title
The present duke inherited the title from his father. title
The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'. title
I watched the programme from beginning to end. to
She is devoted to her family. to
Attach this rope to the front of the car. to
It was a threat to world peace. to
a monument to the soldiers who died in the war to
Today is her tenth birthday. today
He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. together
All together now: 'Happy birthday to you...' together
Have you flushed the toilet? toilet
I need to go to the toilet (= use the toilet). toilet
a toilet seat toilet
toilet facilities toilet
Do you need the toilet? toilet
Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet. toilet
Who's in the toilet? toilet
public toilets toilet
Could you tell me where the ladies' toilet is, please? toilet
She set the tone for the meeting with a firm statement of company policy. tone
The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case. tone
Is it too much to ask for a little quiet? too
She's none too (= not very) clever. too
The computer is now an invaluable tool for the family doctor. tool
the effectiveness of interest rates as an economic tool tool
to tune a guitar tune
The radio was tuned (in) to the BBC World Service. tune
His speech was tuned to what the audience wanted to hear. tune
When she started talking about her job, he just tuned out. tune out, tune sb/sth out
The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall. tune up, tune sth up
He decided to turn professional. turn
He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). turn
She turned the chair on its side to repair it. turn
In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student. turn (from sth) into sth
a TV series/show/programme TV
satellite/cable/digital TV TV
She's a highly paid TV presenter. TV
She's expecting twins. twin
a twin brother/sister twin
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
Twist the wire to form a circle. twist
the twists and turns of his political career twist
There are three main types of contract(s). type
What do you charge for this type of work? type
It is the first car of its type to have this design feature. type
a typical Italian cafe typical
This is a typical example of Roman pottery. typical
typical of sb/sth: This meal is typical of local cookery. typical
typical for sb/sth: The weather at the moment is not typical for July. typical
A typical working day for me begins at 7.30. typical
On a typical day, we receive about 50 letters. typical
Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?' typical
It was typical of her to forget. typical
He spoke with typical enthusiasm. typical
She's late again—typical! typical
typically American hospitality typically
He was typically modest about his achievements. typically
The ultimate decision lies with the parents. ultimate
Ultimately, you'll have to make the decision yourself. ultimately
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. unacceptable
a man of uncertain temper uncertain
She was knocked unconscious. unconscious
They found him lying unconscious on the floor. unconscious
She is unconscious of the effect she has on people. unconscious
He was quite unconscious of the danger. unconscious
Is the television still under guarantee? under
He seems bad-tempered, but he's very soft-hearted underneath. underneath
understand (that...): I quite understand that you need some time alone. understand
understand sb doing sth: I quite understand you needing some time alone. understand
understand that...: He was the first to understand that we live in a knowledge economy. understand
Most of the students have a sound understanding of English grammar. understanding
My understanding of the situation is... understanding
underwater creatures underwater
a programme to get the long-term unemployed back to work the unemployed
unfair dismissal (= a situation in which sb is illegally dismissed from their job) unfair
She described the decision as 'unfortunate'. unfortunate
Many people are deeply unhappy about the way the government has handled this matter. unhappy
soldiers in uniform uniform
the European Union union
a summit to discuss economic and monetary union union
Northern Ireland's union with Britain union
sexual union union
The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds. unique
a maternity unit unit
The cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed. unit
The basic unit of society is the family. unit
Nationalist parties united to oppose the government's plans. unite
unite (sb/sth) (with sb/sth): She unites keen business skills with a charming personality. unite
We should present a united front (= an appearance of being in agreement with each other). united
Music is quite unlike any other art form. unlike
Start number 13 proved unlucky for the Swiss skier. unlucky
The fees they charge are not unreasonable. unreasonable
She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation. unsteady
Until now I have always lived alone. until
It's unusual for the trees to flower so early. unusual
It's not unusual for young doctors to work a 70-hour week (= it happens often). unusual
The decision was based upon two considerations. upon
upset sb/yourself: This decision is likely to upset a lot of people. upset
it upsets sb to do sth: It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house. upset
urban development (= the process of building towns and cities or making them larger) urban
urban renewal/regeneration (= the process of improving the buildings, etc. in the poor parts of a town or city) urban
The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution. urge
sexual urges urge
Don't just sit watching television—make yourself useful! useful
computer software users user
He came home later than usual. usual
She sat in her usual seat at the back. usual
He didn't sound like his usual happy self. usual
They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. usual
Despite her problems, she carried on working as usual. as usual
How long does the journey usually take? usually
the Christmas/Easter/summer vacation vacation
This advice was to prove valuable. valuable
food with a high nutritional value value
Tents come in various shapes and sizes. various
The students' work varies considerably in quality. vary
The quality of the students' work varies considerably. vary
His business empire was vast. vast
They ventured nervously into the water. venture
He's never ventured abroad in his life. venture
the film version of 'War and Peace' version
a home video (= not a professional one) video
The view from the top of the tower was spectacular. view
The book gives readers an inside view of political life. view
to have strong political views view
This evidence supports the view that there is too much violence on television. view
The eclipse should only be viewed through a special lens. view
violence (against sb): He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police. violence
domestic violence (= between family members) violence
Is there too much sex and violence on TV? violence
Students were involved in violent clashes with the police. violent
Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax. virtually
The virus in the software was programmed to corrupt the hard disk. virus
to have good/perfect/poor/blurred/normal vision vision
The word conjures up visions of home and family. vision
He's a competent politician, but he lacks vision. vision
government inspectors visiting schools visit
Is this a social visit, or is it business? visit
vital (to sth): Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise. vital
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital
The word 'failure' is not in his vocabulary (= for him, failure does not exist). vocabulary
Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process. voice
to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice voice
The chairperson has the casting/deciding vote. vote
The vote was unanimous. vote
the student vote vote
The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze (= a situation in which wages are not increased for a time). wage
You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes). wait
The children can't wait for Christmas to come. I, they, etc. can't wait/can hardly wait
wake to do sth: He woke up to find himself alone in the house. wake
They hinted that they would walk out of the peace talks. walk out (of sth)
wander sth: The child was found wandering the streets alone. wander
She's always wanted a large family. want
Social and political problems led to the outbreak (= the beginning) of war. war
The government does not want to go to war (= start a war) unless all other alternatives have failed. war
The government has declared war on drug dealers. war
Her comments were greeted with warm applause. warm
warm sth/sb/yourself (up): I'll warm up some milk. warm
warn (sb) that...: She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job. warn
warn (sb) against/about sth: The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. warn
a government health warning warning
The union failed to heed warnings that strike action would lead to the closure of the factory. warning
wash yourself: She was no longer able to wash herself. wash
We got straight down to business without wasting time on small talk. waste
household/industrial waste waste
waste disposal (= the process of getting rid of waste) waste
watch sb/sth: to watch television/a football game watch
watch sth/yourself: Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation) watch
She kept looking anxiously at her watch. watch
In the lagoon the water was calm. water
There has been a new wave of bombings since the peace talks broke down. wave
Guilt and horror flooded her in waves. wave
They decided to split the money four ways (= between four different people). way
Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way. way
Don't worry, if she seems quiet—it's just her way. way
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way. in the/sb's way
The economy is very weak. weak
Can you spot the weakness in her argument? weakness
His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 million. wealth
He wore glasses. wear
You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard. wear yourself/sb out
She looked beautiful on her wedding day. wedding
All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married). wedding
It's my birthday a week on Tuesday. a week next/on/this Monday, etc., a week tomorrow, etc.
The average male tiger weighs around 200 kg. weigh
She weighed the stone in her hand (= estimated how heavy it was by holding it). weigh
They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm). welcome
I warmly welcome this decision. welcome
The winners were given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived home. welcome
Good evening everybody. Welcome to the show! welcome
He's well able to take care of himself. well
I was born in Japan, but I've lived in the West for some years now. west
I spent what little time I had with my family. what
Whatever decision he made I would support it. whatever
You have our support, whatever you decide. whatever
Where (= at what point) did I go wrong in my calculations? where
Just where (= to what situation or final argument) is all this leading us? where
He seemed undecided whether to go or stay. whether
Whether or not we're successful, we can be sure that we did our best. whether
The twins are so alike I can't tell which is which. which is which
the whistle of a boiling kettle whistle
The kettle began to whistle. whistle
The horse was almost pure white in colour. white
white middle-class families white
She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city. white
the pure white of the newly painted walls white
Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September. who
The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole. whole
a manager with wide experience of industry wide
Will you be quiet! will
This jar will hold a kilo. will
She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours. will
Her decision to continue shows great strength of will. will
She always wants to impose her will on other people (= to get what she wants). will
Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs. willing
willing helpers/volunteers willing
win yourself/sb sth: You've won yourself a trip to New York. win
wind sth (up): He had forgotten to wind his watch. wind
a window display window
Johnson rode his 48th winner of the year. winner
I'm older and wiser after ten years in the business. wise
a wise decision wise
wish sb/sth/yourself + adv./prep.: She wished herself a million miles away. wish
wish to do sth: This course is designed for people wishing to update their computer skills. wish
wish sb sth: I wished her a happy birthday. wish
wish (to do sth): She expressed a wish to be alone. wish
His dearest wish (= what he wants most of all) is to see his grandchildren again. wish
Give my good wishes to the family. wish
Be careful with the glasses. with
With these students it's pronunciation that's the problem. with
She won't be able to help us with all the family commitments she has. with
Government troops were forced to withdraw. withdraw
withdraw sth: Workers have threatened to withdraw their labour (= go on strike). withdraw
He withdrew his support for our campaign. withdraw
He finds it hard to live within his income (= without spending more than he earns). within
Despite her grief, she found a hidden strength within herself. within
She spoke without much enthusiasm. without
Can you see without your glasses? without
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
The novel is based on an event that he himself had witnessed. witness
We had witnessed one of the most outstanding theatrical performances of the decade. witness
pure new wool wool
I give you my word of honour (= my sincere promise) ... word
I can't prove it—you'll have to take my word for it (= believe me). word
I don't believe a word of his story (= I don't believe any of it). word
I can't remember her exact words. word
work for sth: She dedicated her life to working for peace. work
the collected/complete works of Tolstoy work
She earned her grades through sheer hard work. work
It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate. work
full-time/part-time/unpaid/voluntary work work
The accountant described his work to the sales staff. work
Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose. worker
They had little contact with the outside world (= people and places that were not part of their normal life). world
campaigning for world peace world
He's always worrying about his weight. worry
worry sb/yourself + adj. (about sb/sth): He's worried himself sick (= become extremely anxious) about his daughter. worry
family/financial worries worry
Students should discuss any problems or worries they have with their course tutors. worry
Never mind—it could be worse (= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been). worse
She'd lost her job. Even worse, she'd lost her house and her children, too. worse
She worships her children. worship
He worshipped her from afar (= he loved her but did not tell her his feelings). worship
He was voted the worst dressed celebrity. worst
Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. worst
I wish you'd be quiet for a minute. would
Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes? would
She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks. wound
wounded soldiers wounded
He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents. wrap
The doctor wrote her a prescription for more antibiotics. write
write that...: In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved. write
write sth: to write a novel/a song/an essay/a computer program, etc. write
write sth about/on sth: He hopes to write a book about his experiences one day. write
No decision has been made at the time of writing. write
He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing. writing
His experiences in India influenced his later writings. writing
It was his bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (= so that he got involved in trouble without intending to). wrong
That picture is the wrong way round. wrong
She would prove him wrong (= prove that he was wrong) whatever happened. wrong
He assumed, wrongly, that she did not care. wrongly
It's exactly a year since I started working here. year
Yesterday's students are today's employees. yesterday
We have yet to decide what action to take (= We have not decided what action to take). yet
I don't think that hairstyle is you (= it doesn't suit your appearance or personality). you
young babies young
They have a young family. young
Have you hurt yourself? yourself
You can try it out for yourselves. yourself
You yourself are one of the chief offenders. yourself
She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience. youth
a war/security/demilitarized, etc. zone zone
postal charges to countries in zone 2 zone