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beat phễn

EVP beat
EVP beat
EVP unbeatable

OXF3000ZH: 打败 beat
3000TH: ที่ตีไข่ theeF dteeM khaiL egg beater (ordinary)
5000FR: battre to beat, hit
5000FR: abattre to pull down, kill, beat
5000FR: vaincre to beat, defeat, overcome, conquer
5000FR: taper to beat, slam, bang, type
5000FR: triompher to triumph, beat
OXF3000: đánh đập beat
OXF3000N tiếng đập sự đập đánh đập đấm beat
GBENDE: 敲击 beat Schlag
CORE: beat + + + + + + +
NGLS: beat + To win against another person or team; defeat
WNS: (n.) [beat] pulse, pulsation, heartbeat
WNS: (v.) [beat] vanquish, come out better in a competition or race
WNS: (v.) [beat] hit repeatedly
WNS: (v.) [beat] pound, thump, move rhythmically
WNS: (v.) [beat] be superior to

ENDE: beat Schlag
FN: beat a Biological_urge
FN: beat n Temporal_pattern
FN: beat v Cause_harm
FN: beat v Beat_opponent

like: beat
to conduct (an orchestra, a choir), beat time, be in tune with bắt nhịp
(navy) beat to windward, against the wind, off the wind chạy vát
to cut the top off (a tree), (fig) beat to the punch chặt ngọn
get out of here!, beat it !, scram !, get out of my sight ! cút đi
to beat time on a tomtom cầm chầu
to put down, beat down, press, emphasize dằn
to beat about the bush in order to conceal something giấu quanh
find a way, beat a retreat kiếm đường
it’s best not to beat around the bush, best to get to the point nói gần nói xa không qua nói thật
to beat about the bush nói quanh
to burn with anger and desire to beat (someone) nóng mắt muốn đánh
my heart beat wildly tim mình đập thình thịch
to thrash around, beat around túi bụi
to thrash all around, beat around wildly túi bụi vào chung quanh.
to beat one’s breast while boasting something vỗ ngực
to beat to death đánh cho chết
when one wants to beat a dog, one must đánh chó ngó chúa
to beat somebody to death, strike somebody dead đánh chết
to fight, hit each other, beat each other đánh nhau
to beat time đánh nhịp
spool; to beat a drum đánh trống
whip eggs, beat (up) eggs đánh trứng
to beat everybody đánh tuốt
to beat one’s wife đánh vợ
to beat to death đả tử
beat one’s breast, beat one’s chest đấm ngực
dam; to hit, beat (also said of heart) đập
to beat to death, strike dead đập chết
(of birds) beat its wings đập cánh
to beat wildly (heart) đập thình thình
to beat wildly, madly đập thình thịch
to beat down, smash down đập xuống

2973 A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He's been in the hospital ever since. Một người bạn của tôi đã bị tấn công và đánh đập vài ngày trước. Anh ấy đã nằm bệnh viện từ đó đến giờ.

The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. appeal
Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. be
beat sth (up): Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency. beat
beat A and B together: Beat the flour and milk together. beat
She's alive—her heart is still beating. beat
We heard the drums beating. beat
The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. beat
Hailstones beat against the window. beat
beat sth: Someone was beating a drum. beat
beat sth + adv./prep.: She was beating dust out of the carpet (= removing dust from the carpet by beating it). beat
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
beat sb + adv./prep.: An elderly man was found beaten to death. beat
The prisoners were beaten into submission (= they were beaten until they did what was wanted). beat
beat sb + adj.: They beat him unconscious (= hit him until he became unconscious). beat
Nothing beats home cooking. beat
You can't beat Italian shoes. beat
They want to beat the speed record (= go faster than anyone before). beat
beat sb: a problem that beats even the experts beat
beat sb why, how, etc...: It beats me (= I don't know) why he did it. beat
What beats me is how it was done so quickly (= I don't understand how). beat
The government's main aim is to beat inflation. beat
He beat me at chess. beat
Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat (= the most difficult team to beat). beat
He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. beat sb up
This type of music has a strong beat to it. beat
The piece has four beats to the bar. beat
Pause for two beats and then repeat the chorus. beat
several loud beats on the drum beat
His heart missed a beat when he saw her. beat
the steady beat of the drums beat
a regular drum beat drum
Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg. egg
Her heart beat faster. fast
The patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds. heart
Add the eggs to the mixture and beat well. mixture
Her heart is beating normally. normally
The team's opponents are unbeaten so far this season. opponent
With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. possible
The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt. publicity
a rapid pulse/heartbeat rapid
a regular pulse/heartbeat regular
a dancer with a natural sense of rhythm (= the ability to move in time to a fixed beat) rhythm
sing sth: Now I'd like to sing a song by the Beatles. sing
That's three times she's beaten me—I must be slipping! slip
the story of the Beatles story
His heart was beating wildly. wildly
You think you've beaten me but that's where you're wrong. wrong

battre ne nous battons pas l’un contre l’autre
abattre le jeune homme a été abattu par la police
vaincre nous sommes nés pour vaincre
taper tapez Control-U pour vider le champ Répertoire
triompher la démocratie finit toujours par triompher